IN Nizhny Novgorod region A 27-year-old woman killed her children: a 4-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son, and then burned them.

On April 26, 2018, in the evening, after extinguishing a fire in an abandoned building of a former vegetable warehouse located in the Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, two dead children were found. It was established that the children were killed.

Investigators of the Semenovsky MSO Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under paragraph “a, c” part 2 art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

From the remains of the children found in the burnt building, it was impossible to determine either their gender or age. To establish the identities of the dead, investigators had to carry out painstaking work and turn to citizens for help. Those who drove past the abandoned warehouse on the road were asked to provide dashcam footage. And it brought results.

A resident of the Nizhny Novgorod region provided great assistance to law enforcement agencies, providing information that helped to quickly locate the woman suspected of murdering children and detain her. SK investigators thank the man, who became an indirect eyewitness to the incident, for his active civic position.

According to investigators, on April 25, 2018, in the morning, near a house on Busygina Avenue, Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, the suspect, while in the back seat of a Kia car rented from one of the companies, strangled her 4-year-old daughter and 2-year-old daughter with her hands. little son.

On the same day, she tried to get rid of the bodies of the dead children: having bought lighter fluid at a gas station in Nizhny Novgorod, she drove a car, in which the bodies of the children were inside, to the Semyonovsky district and set the children on fire in a forest belt near the village of Shaldezh. Fearing that hunters might see her, she put out the fire with water, put the bodies of her children back into the car and arrived in Nizhny Novgorod.

The next day, April 26, 2018, she took the dead daughter and son in the same car to the Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, where she set fire to the bodies in an abandoned building and fled the scene.

The suspect confessed to the crime. She told Investigative Committee investigators that she committed the crime because she allegedly could not provide a decent material life for her children. She is unemployed and divorced.

At the same time, investigators from the Investigative Committee established that the woman spent more than 40 thousand rubles monthly on renting a vehicle, and shortly before taking the lives of her children, she purchased a vacation package abroad.

As noted, until recently, a young resident of Nizhny Novgorod did not give anyone any reason to think that she was going to brutally deal with her own children.
It is already known that she was engaged in a network business, lived for some time in Moscow, where she has a brother, but incurred debts there, after which the bailiffs opened enforcement proceedings against her. First of all, a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination will be ordered, which should answer the question of the woman’s sanity. In addition, investigators will check information that the murderer professed radical religious views.

At the same time, Elena Karimova had large unclosed loans at least until 2016. Life learned about this from judicial sources and from the bailiff database. In 2016, a writ of execution was issued against a woman to forcibly collect a debt to the bank because she was behind on payments.

As it turned out, she lives in two cities - Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. She works in an online cosmetics store, which she reports on her Instagram page. Moreover, the girl turned out to be a fairly popular Instagram blogger: more than 21 thousand people subscribed to her. According to some reports, her husband, with whom she had two children, is married for the second time. Wherein ex-wife brought him to trial for failure to pay alimony to the first family.

“She is my soul, my dearest person, my most long-awaited daughter. The one for whom I am always on my feet. The one I live for. She is my copy, as harmful as I am. My air, my sweetest, smartest girl,” the suspect writes under a photo of her daughter on April 21.

We continue our series of publications about women convicted of serious crimes against their loved ones. Today “Respubliki” will talk about a meeting with Olga Denskevich, who was imprisoned for the murder of her two-year-old daughter. The story of the torture and brutal murder of a little girl received the widest resonance and led to very Negative consequences for the careers of many officials. 9 years have passed since then. During this time, did Olga realize the gravity of what she had done and did her worldview change?

Family reunification

Little Dasha was Olga's third daughter. In relation to the older girls, the woman was deprived of parental rights, and she left the younger one in the maternity hospital. The girl spent two years in an orphanage and reached the age when her future fate was being decided. In accordance with the legal procedure, the legal adviser of the child's home prepared statement of claim to the court to deprive Olga Denskevich of parental rights. Olga also collected documents - with a request to return the child to her. Perhaps this happened due to an attack mother's love or pragmatism: receiving child benefits is much more pleasant than paying the state money for its maintenance. It is not known what motives the court was guided by, but the baby was given to her mother - despite the fact that Olga was characterized extremely negatively, was registered with a narcologist, and was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for prostitution.

Collage by Yulia KOSTIKOVA

The prosecutor's office protested this court decision, but while the protest was being considered, Dashenka arrived at the house where her mother lived with her next partner and her one-year-old brother Egorka.

Mindful of the family's dysfunction, teachers and employees of the IDN tried to control Olga. Her house was often visited, and her roommates were often found drunk. The girls began to notice bruises on her body, which for the time being Olga managed to explain as childhood pranks or convulsive seizures in the baby. However, when the traces of the beatings became impossible to hide, the woman began to simply hide the girl, assuring that she had sent her to the village to her sister. Nevertheless, a petition was drawn up in which the authorities asked to take the children away from Olga in connection with the establishment of a threat to their life and health. The request was granted the very next day. But Dasha didn’t live to see him...

Little martyr

When they came for the children, teachers and police officers found the baby’s cold body on the floor under the window, on an old mattress. The height of the two and a half year old girl was only 86 centimeters. And on this tiny body, forensic experts counted more than 100 marks from blows - this is without “stale”, already fading bruises and a healing fracture of the occipital bone. Incised wounds were found on the girl’s crown and right cheek; Her upper jaw was broken and several upper teeth were knocked out.

The death of the little martyr occurred “from a combined blunt trauma to the head, torso and limbs, accompanied by multiple wounds, bruises, abrasions, fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton, and hemorrhages under the membranes of the brain.” The situation was complicated by the development of traumatic shock and hypothermia. That night the air temperature outside dropped to +7... +12 degrees, and Dasha was lying in an unheated room in only panties...

The girl had a congenital disease of the central nervous system, which caused some developmental delay. She had not yet asked to use the potty, and her entire vocabulary consisted of the strange word “sibal”, which, willy-nilly, evokes associations with obscene language. However, such “deviations” could be the result of the fact that no one had ever really dealt with Dasha. In addition, the baby suffered from convulsive syndrome: periodically she had seizures similar to epileptic ones. All this, according to witnesses, caused Olga and her partner irritation and anger.

For each of her “offences,” Dashenka was mercilessly beaten. Bruises and abrasions did not go away from the tiny body. A strong palm, a belt, an electrical cord - from the court materials it followed that Olga, often drunk, was not careful in choosing the means of execution. Her roommate could also spank the girl and kick her.

When her mother thought that Dashenka’s sofa was soaked in urine, the girl was “moved” to the floor, onto an old mattress.


It turned out to be fatal for the baby once again when she soiled her panties. According to court documents, the woman threw her daughter into the bathtub and told her to wash herself. It is clear that the girl was still too young to put herself in order on her own; In addition, Dashenka was afraid of water. With a roar, she began to climb up, raised her leg to get out... The mother stopped this attempt decisively and harshly, hitting the child’s head several times on the edge of the bathtub. The baby was bleeding from her broken nose and lips. Alas, this did not sober up Olga, she continued to beat the unfortunate child, so much so that she even horrified her roommate...

Leaving the beaten child on the mattress, the adults went about their business and returned almost two days later.

For systematic torture, as well as for the brutal murder of the baby, who, due to her age, could neither defend herself, nor run away, nor in any other way escape, Olga was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Her partner was also found guilty of torturing the girl. As for that ill-fated day, the investigation and the court considered that he did not beat Dasha, however, he did not prevent the massacre of the girl, and did not call doctors for the child who needed urgent help.

Who is guilty?

Like many friends in misfortune, Olga is serving her sentence in correctional colony No. 4 in Gomel. Waiting for her in the office reserved for our meeting, I try to imagine what a mother accused of killing her own child might look like and how she would behave.

As soon as she enters the office, a tall, strong woman takes the initiative into her own hands:

Can I ask you a question? What is the purpose of this conversation?

After listening to the explanations, Olga nods and begins her story:

I did not commit the crime for which I am serving a sentence. This crime was committed by my partner. But since I am a mother, I should have foreseen this. Therefore, I am serving my sentence, I do not complain about fate, I regret and repent of many things.

Having given out this tirade, she strays into a more familiar tone:

If I had a different brain, there would be someone to consult with... My parents died...

With sister? With a friend?

I tried never to wash dirty linen in public, that’s not my character. And there were no soul friends - so, come in and sit. I asked my sister for help, but they didn’t hear me. Well, they didn’t want to hear... Like, she found the man herself, figure it out yourself.

Where did you find it?

Oh, I don’t even want to remember. I didn't know that a person could change so quickly. I lived with someone else, from him I had two children, this girl who died, and a younger son. It didn't work out for us. He drank, I didn’t like it. He has constant company, and I have small children. I would like to report it to the police, but they will say that the family is dysfunctional. I kicked him out, but he still didn’t let me live. He would fly in, knock down the door, curse at me... And I thought: in order to protect myself, I need to find a man. Well, so that he would be afraid. It was his cousin. He stood up for me before. This relative was a good person for several months, and then he stopped working, began drinking and causing trouble.

The most happy mom

Olga confusingly explains what forced her to leave her newborn daughter in the maternity hospital and how she managed to return the child:

We had a big fight with our previous partner; I, pregnant with her, broke my leg and didn’t have the opportunity to watch her. He stabbed me in November and gave birth in December. I took my 6 and 7 year old daughters and went home. Social educators came to me and climbed into the refrigerator: what do you live on, what do you feed your children? And I was fired from work allegedly for absenteeism in November. I didn’t miss work, it’s just that the first working day after sick leave was on Saturday, so I didn’t go. And I was told to write of my own free will or be fired under the article. I came to my place, gave birth to a girl in December and left the baby in the house. I couldn't take care of her with a broken leg. Then she was transferred to Borisov. Then they call: your girl has been adopted. I was shocked! This husband returned to me, I told him about this misfortune. And a year later, a subpoena arrives. We went and explained that we weren’t refusing, we wanted to pick it up. I cried, I was pregnant with a boy. I collected all the documents. I gave birth to a boy in January. And on January 21, I was called to a commission, they gave this girl away - and I am the happiest mother in this life!

One gets the impression that Olga avoids calling her deceased daughter by name.

Having omitted information about how a pregnant woman could return to work from sick leave a month before giving birth, Olga launches into a further bitter story about life with a dissolute and unemployed scandalous partner. She mentions four children, without saying a word that the older girls had already been taken away from her by that time:

Years torn out! Life turned into hell, everything became unbearable. I called my sister: what should I do? Ta: kick him out! But I can’t, he doesn’t leave. He seemed to treat his son normally. Well... I come up, and the baby is trying to cover himself with his arms. It turns out that he beat him when he was one year old. But I'm blind! I'm depressed! – for greater persuasiveness, Olga opens her eyes wide, and I painfully try to understand who she reminds me of now. Then it dawned on me: in a pink scarf, with bangs and big blue eyes- she is exactly like the aged, well-worn Alenka from the chocolate wrapper...

No one needs a child

In the morning, while the children were sleeping, we went to the store - Olga finally begins to tell the story about the day when her daughter was brutally beaten. - We come home and my baby has crap herself. And she’s also so... psychotic. She has attention deficit disorder. If you don’t pay attention, I’ll throw a tantrum. I was constantly arguing with my little one. She needed everything to be hers alone. How can we stop her from being greedy? I bought her more candy. This child has suffered so much! I look at her and cry. It's a pity that my heart hurts. And when she starts to freak out, the childish habit of sitting and swaying like that remains, - Olga rocks back and forth in her chair, showing exactly how her daughter did it. “I don’t know where it came from, maybe because she wasn’t held in the arms in the orphanage.” And this one (meaning the roommate) was annoying. He was always yelling: Dasha, sit down! Dasha, sit down! And I told him: shut up! He'll slap her on the ass! And I hit him on the head!

According to Olga, the day before they had an ugly row again, her roommate even cut her hands with a knife, after which she took the kids and ran to her sister, where the older children were allegedly.

He arrived there the next day. My sister called the police. And I have bandaged hands, my muzzle is blue. He takes his son and leaves. But I can’t fight him, I was scared of him to the point of nervousness! The police catch him on the road and give me the child. But the girl stayed at home. He calls: I will kill Dasha...

That is, how did this girl stay at home? – I interrupt, not believing my ears. – You left her with a drunken aggressive man and ran away?

Well, yes! She stayed because she was already asleep then! – Olga again makes big, extremely sincere eyes. “Egorka wasn’t sleeping, so I took him away... Well, then I returned with a calm soul.” In the morning we went to the store, I bought everything for the kids, “ink” for my roommate, and prepared some food. Dasha crapped herself and didn’t go to the potty. Well, that was her thing, out of spite! – Is it just me or is there irritation in the woman’s voice even after so many years? “I washed her as best I could, with my hands cut.” She spanked me a couple of times. That's all! And in the evening I left and never came home again. The children stayed at home. I should have come home in the morning, but I went for a walk...

Without a helping hand

The woman looks away for a second, but then warmly assures:

I really adore my children! I never talk about them to anyone. These are my angels! I love them with all my heart. And then they tell me that I killed! I remember exactly that I washed her, and then she played all day. She wanted jam and dropped the jar in the kitchen. I closed the kitchen. In the evening I put both of them to bed, and with this goat we went to a cafe... When I read the description of the blows, my hair stood on end. It was necessary to play football with it. If I had come home, none of this would have happened.

But the court did not find your partner guilty of murder...

Certainly! – Olga says sarcastically. - I knew that I had not committed a crime, I really hoped for an examination, for an investigation. If only someone would lend a helping hand... Scandals, unimaginable beatings, name-calling...

But you yourself said that you didn’t want to wash your dirty laundry in public. Did you file a petition to invite witnesses who would confirm that you could not kill the child because you were with them?

I didn’t say anything, calm down... I didn’t say anything, I hoped for justice. It's my fault that I didn't come home. I killed my child with my arrogance. Why did I need this cafe, these friends? I would sit at home, sniffle in two holes...

Now Olga knows little about her beloved children. She says that the eldest girl already works in one of the stores in Minsk. The youngest lives with foster parents and received a degree in landscaping. But she knows nothing at all about her son Yegorka:

It seems that he is in Zhodino, in a boarding school... My daughter went there, but they didn’t let her in - there were no documents confirming the relationship. They gave me a phone number, I called once, some evil woman answered the phone...

Olga is sure that her middle daughter is very offended by her:

She gets angry when I call her. Apparently he wants to reproach, but doesn’t dare. She does not love me. Well... I caused them so much trauma. I didn’t think how they would live without me. Maybe we should have fought? There were no witnesses, the neighbor got the days wrong, and said something. Everything is very twisted there...

Listening to Olga’s confused monologue, I try to separate the wheat from the chaff, and the truth from the lies. However, a lie ceases to be such for a person who himself believes in what he really wants to believe. Apparently, Olga completely erased from her memory the constant drinking bouts in which she herself took part. active participation, and “Rollton” - practically the only food for their children, and “work” on the highway. Now she acts as a victim of circumstances, a woman who has had very bad luck with men.

I repented for everything, I got it in full! - she continues. - I'm a loser. I always walk and look at my feet, but I need to look further, forward...

  • What's happened

    On the morning of February 29, a fire started in one of the residential buildings on People's Militia Street. When the fire was extinguished, firefighters found the headless body of a child approximately 3-4 years old in the apartment. Later, at about 11:25, a woman appeared near the Oktyabrskoe Pole metro station with a bloody child’s head in her hands and began shouting “Allahu Akbar” and threatening to blow herself up. The woman also shouted that she was a terrorist and “hates democracy.”

    According to eyewitnesses, the police did not immediately arrest the woman. Video footage from the scene shows that the police did nothing for some time. In one video, a man in what appears to be a police uniform runs past the woman without attempting to detain her.

    Chairman of the Security Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Anton Tsvetkov, speaking on the radio “Moscow Speaks”, tried to justify the actions of the police by saying that they acted according to an algorithm: “If, for example, a woman who is in a certain place threatens to blow herself up, then they should “First of all, cordon off this place, ensure the evacuation of citizens and take all appropriate measures, not only to preserve the life and health of citizens, but also for the life and health of personnel.”

    When the police finally captured the woman, she did not have explosives with her. She herself was allegedly under the influence of drugs or in a state of psychosis and at first could not give clear evidence. On the fact of the brutal murder of a child, a criminal case was opened under Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder of a minor). It turned out that the detainee named Gulchehra Bobokulova worked as a nanny. She came from Uzbekistan and was in Moscow legally, but she did not have a work patent. Bobokulova has been on the migration register since the end of January, when she returned to Moscow from vacation. Before that, she worked for the same family, according to different versions, from one to three years, and the parents of the deceased girl had no complaints about her work. Previously, Bobokulova worked as a nanny for other people, and the parents of the deceased Nastya hired her on a recommendation.

    Due to a medical error, Nastya suffered from damage to the central nervous system from birth and was developmentally delayed. At the time of the tragedy, the parents were saving money to take the girl to Germany for expensive treatment.

    “I saw this nanny once,” their neighbor Natalya told Snob. “She was decently dressed, smiled at me, and said hello. Judging by appearance, then I would never have thought that she was capable of this. The family is also quite decent, it was always quiet, I didn’t see any strangers, I never heard screams or any kind of showdown from this apartment. I don’t know what illness Nastya had, they say the girl was disabled, but I just saw that they were carrying her in their arms. I never saw the nanny go out with the girl, but she worked in the family for a long time, about a year and a half. I don’t even know what could have pushed this woman to do such an act.”

    According to investigators, on Monday morning, when the whole family went to work and the eldest child went to school, Gulchehra strangled the girl she was looking after and cut off her head. Then she set fire to the apartment and went to the metro, putting the child's head in a backpack. The suspect herself confessed on the same day - during interrogation she said that she committed the murder because of her husband’s infidelity. But she could not clearly answer the question of how exactly these events are related to each other. She was ordered to undergo a forensic psychiatric examination - according to law enforcement agencies, after a trip home to Uzbekistan, Gulchehra could have developed a mental disorder. According to MK journalists, the woman had been registered at a psychoneurological dispensary for 15 years and suffered from schizophrenia.

    On February 29, federal channels did not tell TV viewers about what happened in their newscasts - the story about the murder in the north-west of Moscow was shown only on REN TV. TV channel employees said that their superiors received a recommendation not to show stories about this tragedy - according to them, the authorities decided not to draw attention to national question. The Kremlin denied this information. “It was the channels themselves who didn’t show crazy people. But we support them,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

    Yakov Kostyukovsky, criminologist:

    Of course, what happened was an absolutely abnormal situation, and the police were not entirely prepared for it. Now is a very turbulent time, everyone is afraid of terrorism, and this woman could really turn out to be a suicide bomber and blow herself up. The police who could not detain her for a long time can be humanly understood. But, on the other hand, that’s why they are law enforcement officers, to be prepared for emergency situations, they were actually on duty at that moment. With the coverage of this story in the media, everything also turned out very strange - some remained silent at all, but when there is out-of-the-ordinary news, it should be adequately covered. Of course, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that central television channels do not tell us about many things for various reasons, not to mention distortion of facts. But this story needed to be told - maybe it should have been done without video or darkened something on the screen, but not silent. When we have real terrorist attacks, for some reason a lot of information immediately appears about this, some of which is not true. This is despite the fact that terrorist attacks are staged in order to be talked about, and if they stop doing this, then there will simply be no point in terrorism. But in this case, on the contrary, many are interested in obtaining information - for example, parents who use the services of hired workers. This may be important to them.

    Sergey Enikolopov, head of the department of medical psychology of the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

    In this situation there is even nothing to comment on; this woman is most likely sick. You're asking if it's normal that she walked there near the metro for a long time and no one reacted immediately? How should people have reacted? One is afraid, the other can at most call the police. You should treat social networks and eyewitnesses more calmly. Eyewitnesses can lie, and at the same time completely sincerely believe that they are right. People on social networks were not there and did not see whether this woman walked there for an hour or five minutes, screamed or not. This is the main feature of our society - it has stopped trusting reality and reads what is written on social networks. I would be equally skeptical about any official statements, but still, social networks are a mass of frightened people who continue to be frightened. The behavior of this woman is pathological, the behavior of social networks is pathological, but the reaction of the majority of people who were at the scene of the event is normal in this situation, because it is normal to be afraid to approach a woman with a child’s severed head.

    Mikhail Reshetnikov, rector of the East European Institute of Psychoanalysis:

    The reaction of passersby in this situation indicates that people are now afraid of terrorist attacks. After all, this woman could be waving her severed head, or she could be waving anything else. She could have been strapped with an explosive device. Everyone knows that suicide bombers are most often under the influence of drugs, so people and police were simply afraid to approach her. But I don’t think that for the entire 20 minutes that this woman was there, no one actually did anything or called anyone. Surely someone called the police, they just can’t immediately come and decide what needs to be done.

    TV series, noise, education. Why nannies attack children

    April 2007. A resident of Mytishchi near Moscow left her one-year-old child in the care of her acquaintances - a 60-year-old man and his granddaughter - and went to work. Soon she was detained for drug trafficking and sent to prison, but the child remained with friends - the 12-year-old granddaughter of the owner of the house took care of his upbringing. One day, the child's crying prevented her from watching the series, and she beat him and hit him several times against the headboard. When the baby became quiet, the girl decided that he had fallen asleep and put him in his crib. An hour later, she tried to “wake him up” - when she didn’t succeed, she called her grandfather. He called an ambulance, but the doctors could not do anything - the child was dead.

    March 2009. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, a 17-year-old young man volunteered to babysit his friend’s child while she had to go away. The girl behaved restlessly, and the young man “punched the child multiple times in the head and body area.” As a result, the child died on the spot.

    January 2012. In the Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterina Razumova, who killed a three-month-old girl, was sentenced to 12 years in prison. A friend asked Ekaterina to look after her children, and she went on a visit and disappeared for two days. As a result, Razumova and her partner went on a drinking binge. When the girl woke up in the middle of the night and started crying, Ekaterina grabbed her and hit her against the bedside table so that she would not interfere with her sleep. In the morning, the woman and her partner took the girl’s body to a landfill, and the police found it there.

    February 2013. In Krasnoyarsk, a nanny was sentenced to correctional labor for beating and kicking a child in her care. Before this, she had already managed to raise two children in the same family, and her parents trusted her. When they had their third child, they invited a woman to look after him. One day, the eldest son told his parents that the nanny was being very rude to the baby, and they installed a hidden camera in the apartment - it turned out that the teacher was constantly beating the child. As she herself explained, in this way she wanted to save him from excessive capriciousness.

    October 2014. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, a nanny beat a three-month-old girl to death. The child's parents went to visit neighbors and left their 48-year-old friend to look after their daughter. After some time, their friend passed by the apartment and heard a child crying. When he went inside, he saw the nanny beating the child. He immediately ran after the girl’s parents - when they returned, they found the nanny doing the same thing. Grabbing a stool and a knife, the parents rushed to protect the girl. As a result, the nanny was taken to the hospital with injuries, and the girl died in intensive care.

    That same month, in the village of Kratovo near Moscow, two one-year-old babies were found in one of the private houses, dying of hunger and thirst. It turned out that on weekdays the mother of twins Artem and Maxim left them in the care of their 49-year-old neighbor Evgenia. Literally a day after the boys’ mother left to work, the owner of a private house where the family lived in a rented room found the children unconscious - they were exhausted and had already begun to have convulsions. A little more and this story, like most similar cases, would have ended in tragedy. But, fortunately, the children were saved: it was reported that after some time they began to recover.

    No need to skimp on nannies

    Irina Gurenkova, director of the recruitment agency “Assistant”:

    This tragedy does not mean at all that we now need to play it safe and urgently fire all nannies from Uzbekistan: there are many wonderful people among them who do excellent work. The same thing can happen with a Russian nanny. You just need to take a more responsible approach to your own children and those who work with them.

    When you are looking for someone to care for your child, you need to hire someone with experience and references. If there is neither one nor the other, you need to look at the documents very carefully, talk, and find out. Ask where and how the person worked. Frank inadequacy will catch your eye in any case. It doesn’t matter what questions you ask, the main thing is how the person reacts to the conversation, to stressful situations.

    A typical mistake when choosing nannies is to look for them for yourself, and not for the child. They are looking for a nanny who looks decent, knows how to talk, and can present herself. Sometimes they also choose by zodiac sign, height, weight and a bunch of other parameters, except for the only thing: how she will behave with the child. Such parents choose managers rather than nannies.

    They often take anyone just to pay less. I understand that money is short, but it's yours own child, why save here? This girl, who was detained near the Oktyabrsky Field, was paid 30 thousand for a child with a severe neurological disease. As they say, “I want a canary for three kopecks, one that will sing and one that won’t eat.” This is a job for which you need to hire people who know how to do it and pay them adequate money. And then the risks are significantly reduced.

    At our agency, there are several levels of selection: questionnaire, blacklist, interview and, finally, trial days. According to statistics, even if a person has passed all the stages and goes on a trial day, in almost 40 percent of cases he drops out at this stage. After all, during the interview only the grossest nuances are cut off, and some small life habits are very difficult to track. If you do hire a nanny, then it’s worth installing video surveillance - it’s not at all expensive. Please watch carefully what is happening, control it at least at first. I know stories where a person was taken from the street without even looking at his passport, immediately left with the child and left.

    Reaction to murder

    , lawyer:

    , writer:

    But we don’t like to admit our powerlessness. We don't like to admit to ourselves that we are frightened by the world around us. We build screens of indifference and denial. This is our defensive reaction: nothing happened that is worth overreacting to. But it happened. This afternoon near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. The head of a four-year-old child rolling on the asphalt.

    Yes, when we let this story pass through us, we begin to resist it. We need reasons to accept within ourselves that we live in a world where a woman stands outside the subway with the severed head of a child. Where miners die a painful death. Where planes explode. Where they shoot in a cafe. And so on. There are many things that contrast with our everyday idea of ​​the carelessness of life. We want to find a reason to return to this world of indifference and denial. And we find her. Always and in everything. It will be “bloody Islam”. It will be “bloody Putin.” This will be the “dominance of migrants.” For any choice. Further aggression, nationalism, and radicalism will result from this. Comments will appear generalizing today's suspect to any woman in a black hijab and so on. It's easier for us. We need it. Explain your shock to yourself. Protect yourself from it through general conclusions, comments, judgments.

    and on the old map of history - a new pigment:

    Moscow, 2016, year of the fire monkey.

It became one of the loudest topics on Monday. Let us remind you that near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, police detained a 38-year-old woman who was walking down the street with the severed head of a child in her hand. A 4-year-old girl, a native of Uzbekistan, Gulchekhra Bobokulova, was killed in an apartment on People’s Militia Street, where she worked as a nanny for a long time. To cover her tracks, the woman set fire to a three-room apartment. The child's body was found while clearing the rubble...

Dead 4-year-old Valya (name has been changed) was youngest child in the family of Vladimir and Ekaterina Maksimov (surname changed). It is known that the baby suffered from several serious illnesses from birth, and her parents had to work hard to treat her...

Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents managed to find out how a nanny from Uzbekistan appeared in the Maximovs’ house and what strange things they began to notice about her recently. We spoke with one of the family's close friends.

Katya and Volodya are both from the city of Livny, in the Oryol region,” says the man. “They moved to Moscow ten years ago, but they come to their small homeland regularly; they both have a lot of relatives here. Katya also gave birth to Valenka in Livny. But something went wrong. The girl was born with problems of the central nervous system. Epilepsy and several other related diagnoses. The baby did not speak and could not walk. The guys believed that this happened due to a mistake by the doctors. But you know, Katya is a real fighter. All these years, she and Volodya did everything to help their daughter survive. Two years ago in Livny there were donation boxes in many places - the Maximovs all over the world were collecting money to send Valya to a good clinic in China. We tried to find the best doctors. And the girl slowly began to straighten out. She was even beginning to be able to stand on her feet, albeit with outside help. No expense was spared. Although all this is not cheap. For example, a pair of special medical shoes cost 25 thousand rubles.

- What do the Maximovs do?

Volodya is a programmer, works, so to speak, in a large official structure. He makes very good money. Therefore, the family could afford to rent a three-room apartment in a good area of ​​Moscow. And Katya recently worked as an accountant. They are a wonderful, exemplary family. In addition to Valya, they also have an eldest son, he is now studying at the Nakhimov School. And Volodya also has a 16-year-old son from his first marriage.

- When did they get this nanny - Gulchekhra Bobokulova?

One and a half to two years ago. As far as I know, someone I knew recommended her. The woman came to Moscow to earn money. She has children at home in Samarkand. But she is not married. She was given one of the rooms in the apartment and given a salary of 30 thousand rubles a month. She sent money to her relatives. Since Vali constantly needed care, the woman watched her all day long while her parents were at work. Katya and Volodya had never had any complaints about her before. Over time, they began to truly trust her. You could say she became a member of the family. More than once they took her with them to Livny when they visited relatives.

- Have the Maximovs noticed any strange things about her lately?

Some time ago, Gulchekhra met a Tajik man in Moscow. They started a certain relationship. In January, the woman went to visit him in Tajikistan. And there I unexpectedly found out that he was actually married. This was a strong blow for her. She came to Moscow not herself. They said that she had become somewhat detached, silent, and pious. I started hanging out on the Internet all the time. He reads something on social networks, writes. Everything was not written in Russian, so Volodya and Katya did not understand. There was also a prayer rug in the apartment. Gulchekhra often retired to her room to pray. It took a lot of time. And we had a serious conversation with her not long ago. Like, maybe you're tired? If you want, we will find someone else... But Gulchekhra said: no need!

- And that's the end of it?

No. She continued to be on social networks. One day Volodya even turned off the Internet in the house. And when they came home they saw that Gulchekhra had somehow managed to start it up again and was again sitting on the computer, not watching Valya. The guys decided among themselves that she would still have to look for a replacement. Perhaps in a week or two another nanny would appear in the house. Who would have thought that everything would turn out like this!

- Didn’t they have any quarrels before the tragedy?

I know that the day before the Maximovs with their children and Gulchehra went to Livny - for forty days since the death of Katya’s father. But I haven’t heard about any quarrels.

Sources in the investigation reported that Gulchekhra Bobokulova confessed to everything during interrogation. Late in the evening she was taken to the burned apartment for an investigative experiment. In the coming days, the woman will be sent for a psychiatric examination.


Psychiatrist's version of the killer nanny: She could have mixed alcohol with drugs

We asked the famous psychiatrist and criminologist Mikhail Vinogradov to comment on what could have caused such insane cruelty.

Here we should talk about what this nanny was sick with,” said psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov on Radio KP. - About nine, I emphasize, mental disorders and diseases can give rise to such a sudden outbreak of severe aggression towards a child


Five tips on how to choose a good nanny

The horrific murder of a child by a nanny shocked Moscow. The nurse worked for the family for a year and a half and the parents did not even suspect what kind of monster was next to their child. There were small oddities in her behavior, but they did not pay attention to them. After a nervous breakdown over her husband's infidelity, aggravated by a mixture of drugs and alcohol, a woman beheaded a four-year-old girl.

Could the terrible tragedy have been prevented? And was it possible to understand that something was wrong with the nanny? We asked experts about this and they gave five simple tips

The parents of the beheaded baby visited Livny with the killer nanny last summer

Residents of the small Oryol town of Livny are shocked: a 4-year-old baby killed in Moscow turned out to be the same girl for whose treatment in Germany two years ago they raised money ()

The nanny killed the child and set the apartment on fire. Plumes of black smoke poured from the 10th floor of a building on People's Militia Street at about 9 a.m. Neighbors called the firefighters. Rescuers managed to pull four people out of the fire