The times when at balls the orchestra played something melodic and couples circled around the hall, smiling discreetly at each other, have sunk into eternity with the death of the old king. His only daughter, Alexia, ascended the throne, and in the very first month she mercilessly trampled on old-fashioned foundations.

And I’ve been celebrating the victory for almost a year now...

There was real madness in the huge, darkened hall. The music was blaring, couples were languidly clinging to each other, some were not shy about kissing in front of everyone. Her Majesty climbed onto the stage and danced something fiery, both favorites did not lag behind her.

Many families chose to leave the capital, which, according to rumors, had turned into a cesspool. But personally, deprived of the guardianship of vigilant relatives, I felt at home at court. I have no doubt that other girls would feel it too, but who would let them?

“Mili, you’re so beautiful,” meanwhile, my gentleman became more and more insistent.

The music was thundering, injecting adrenaline into the blood, but we were marking time, as if we were trying to dance a slow dance. And little by little, step by step, we moved towards a cozy dark alcove...

Cool fingers stroked the back of my head and slid down my bare back, spreading waves of pleasant shivers throughout my body. For a moment I closed my eyes with pleasure, and then shook my mane of black hair and smiled.

– Not now, my sweetie. Otherwise it will turn out like last time...

I myself am not against extra entertainment, but the gentle psyche of the future Duke should be protected. This is all my gift! Mixed. Necromancy, inherited from my father, and the power of light - on my mother’s side. With such data it is difficult not to get into trouble.

We kissed in the garden of my town house. It was deep night, the stars were twinkling, the fountain was babbling romantically. At some point, Rerun wanted more. He pulled the dress off my shoulders, and I... okay, I admit, I was scared! And the damned abilities worked.

By the way, they always worked strangely. And if I didn’t do it on purpose... That time it turned out scary, but also funny too. A few steps away from us, the ground glowed white, as if the moon had been buried there, trembled, and Tiffy emerged from the depths. As a child, he was my favorite puppy, but he also looked cute as a wight. In general, they always came out neat and affectionate, probably because of the magic of light.

First of all, the little animal ran to be petted. But the future Duke looked at the phosphorescent eye sockets in the darkness - and how he howled! And my wights are always loyal. Tiffy thought that I was being offended, and... in general, Rerun was hurt, I was ashamed, and the maids who jumped out at the noise were funny for another two weeks.

I’m still surprised how he didn’t break off the relationship after such an embarrassment...

And now again.

“You are my bride, Mili,” the guy reminded, peering into my face with loving eyes.

“It hasn’t been announced yet,” I deftly twisted out of his hands. “My guardian doesn’t know at all.” And it’s high time to decide something about magic. Let's not rush things!

“I’ll go check on the fireworks,” I found a reason to leave and, squeezing through the crowd of dancers, rushed to the exit.

No, Rerun is cheerful and matches my status. Not a prude. But the bride!.. Brr.

It's a bit early.

I went out onto the porch and leaned my back against the closed door for a minute. The cold autumn air hit his hot face. Perhaps it’s worth talking to Rerun about the fact that even after the wedding I’m not going to give up social life. In general, I’m not going to deny myself anything!

A carriage rumbled along the alley and stopped in front of the entrance.

A minute later, a man in a strict black suit walked towards the palace. I internally grimaced: it’s old-fashioned, they haven’t worn these here for a long time.

– Sorry, handsome, but this is a closed party! – I went down two steps and stood in a spectacular pose. - Shoot! You'll come tomorrow.

The security and park ranger looked at us with interest. However, they were staring at me more than watching the scandal that was brewing. But in vain. Because before I even had time to look back, events took a completely unexpected turn.

– Milian?! – the late guest said dumbfounded.

I leaned forward a little, pushed away the pleasant haze caused by the champagne from my consciousness, and... almost rolled off the high porch.

– Lord Precinval?! – the surprise was mutual.

Demons of the other world! Where is my stepfather here from?!

Meanwhile, the man slowly but surely became more furious.

– What form are you in? What kind of rag are you wearing? Dressed up provocatively! What are you even doing here at three o’clock in the morning, I’d like to know?!

– I’m having a blast! “I told him a little nervously, just not knowing what else to say.

This was our code word. Well, I forgot who it doesn’t happen to! But the watchman didn’t forget! He crushed the fragile amulet in his hand, a hiss filled the air, and a moment later the sky above our heads exploded with fire. If you look closely, you could make out a half-naked female figure in a provocative pose. And the caption: “Lexi, do them all!”

The guardian turned pale and clenched his jaw so that his teeth creaked.

“Today is the queen’s twentieth birthday,” I explained, just in case. – And tomorrow an embassy from Viveria arrives, they will negotiate a marriage with one of their princes. Of course she will refuse!

But this bore was not at all interested in local life.

– Your trick? – he clarified gloomily, pointing to the blazing sky.

- Surprise!

– I hope you won’t be executed for it?

– What are you talking about, Lexi and I are best friends!

– Hurry home! - Lord Precinval growled.

Tough fingers grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me towards the carriage.

Demons kill him, but he was an ideal guardian! He was thirteen years younger than my mother, and when she died, he calmly went abroad. Wasn't interested in my life at all! And now, happiness has fallen upon you...

Because of the unscheduled fireworks, people clung to the windows and now watched not only the action in the sky, but also my shame. I am independent! Grown up! Well, at least I’m used to thinking of myself as such. And everyone got used to it. But then this lord appears... and my world began to crack.

While they were dragging me off the porch and dragging me to the sad carriage, I just had time to become imbued with sincere hostility towards my guardian.

– Hey, got your hands off her! – a dissatisfied voice rushed along the driveway.

Now something will happen... She resisted in vain, she should have run to the carriage, at least she would have avoided a scandal.

No one else looked at the lights in the sky.

They didn’t let me go, but they loosened their grip. Lord Precinval and I, in a single interested impulse, turned to the porch.

- I'm sorry? – the guardian raised his eyebrow arrogantly.

I was completely depressed. Rerun, of course, is a charmer and the ducal heir, but now he looked more like a waiter shirking from work: he didn’t wear a doublet, his shirt was unbuttoned on his chest, and he was unsteady. He also got hold of a blade somewhere.

I felt so ashamed...

– Don’t ask! – the duke’s son also tried to portray arrogance. It didn't matter. - This girl is mine! Leave her alone.

I'm standing. I'm keeping quiet. And I quietly dream that the gift will at least once serve me well and help me fall through the ground. Well, at least get carried away somewhere far away! Yes, apparently, it’s not fate...

– Yours? – the lord still remained coldly calm.

- My! – and bristled with the blade.

Come on, magic! Where are you?

- Let me introduce myself - how could he pretend to be indifferent, I know, I can see in his eyes that he is furious?! “Lord Marcus Precinval, Her Majesty's Sub-Consul at Islay and sole guardian of this dear lady. However, today she doesn’t look like a sweetheart, much less a lady.

The blush was so hot that it almost hurt my cheeks.

Is it necessary in front of everyone?!

“Ah...” Rerun couldn’t find the words right away, but for some reason he hid the blade behind his back.


The times when at balls the orchestra played something melodic and couples circled around the hall, smiling discreetly at each other, have sunk into eternity with the death of the old king. His only daughter, Alexia, ascended the throne, and in the very first month she mercilessly trampled on old-fashioned foundations.

And I’ve been celebrating the victory for almost a year now...

There was real madness in the huge, darkened hall. The music was blaring, couples were languidly clinging to each other, some were not shy about kissing in front of everyone. Her Majesty climbed onto the stage and danced something fiery, both favorites did not lag behind her.

Many families chose to leave the capital, which, according to rumors, had turned into a cesspool. But personally, deprived of the guardianship of vigilant relatives, I felt at home at court. I have no doubt that other girls would feel it too, but who would let them?

Mili, you are so beautiful,” meanwhile, my gentleman became more and more insistent.

The music was thundering, injecting adrenaline into the blood, but we were marking time, as if we were trying to dance a slow dance. And little by little, step by step, we moved towards a cozy dark alcove...

Cool fingers stroked the back of my head and slid down my bare back, spreading waves of pleasant shivers throughout my body. For a moment I closed my eyes with pleasure, and then shook my mane of black hair and smiled.

Not now, my sweet. Otherwise it will turn out like last time...

I myself am not against extra entertainment, but the gentle psyche of the future Duke should be protected. This is all my gift! Mixed. Necromancy, inherited from my father, and the power of light - on my mother's side. With such data it is difficult not to get into trouble.

We kissed in the garden of my town house. It was deep night, the stars were twinkling, the fountain was babbling romantically. At some point, Rerun wanted more. He pulled the dress off my shoulders, and I... okay, I admit, I was scared! And the damned abilities worked.

By the way, they always worked strangely. And if I didn’t do it on purpose... That time it turned out scary, but also funny too. A few steps away from us, the ground glowed white, as if the moon had been buried there, trembled, and Tiffy emerged from the depths. As a child, he was my favorite puppy, but he also looked cute as a wight. In general, they always came out neat and affectionate, probably because of the magic of light.

First of all, the little animal ran to be petted. But the future Duke looked at the phosphorescent eye sockets in the darkness - and how he howled! And my wights are always loyal. Tiffy thought that I was being offended, and... in general, Rerun was hurt, I was ashamed, and the maids who jumped out at the noise were funny for another two weeks.

I’m still surprised how he didn’t break off the relationship after such an embarrassment...

And now again.

“You are my bride, Mili,” the guy reminded, peering into my face with loving eyes.

It hasn’t been announced yet,” I deftly twisted out of his hands. - My guardian has no idea at all. And it’s high time to decide something about magic. Let's not rush things!

I’ll go check on the fireworks,” I found a reason to leave and, squeezing through the crowd of dancers, rushed to the exit.

No, Rerun is cheerful and matches my status. Not a prude. But the bride!.. Brr.

It's a bit early.

I went out onto the porch and leaned my back against the closed door for a minute. The cold autumn air hit his hot face. Perhaps it’s worth talking to Rerun about the fact that even after the wedding I’m not going to give up social life. In general, I’m not going to deny myself anything!

A carriage rumbled along the alley and stopped in front of the entrance.

A minute later, a man in a strict black suit walked towards the palace. I internally grimaced: it’s old-fashioned, they haven’t worn these here for a long time.

Sorry, handsome, but this is a private party! - I went down two steps and stood in a spectacular pose. - Shoot! You'll come tomorrow.

The security and park ranger looked at us with interest. However, they were staring at me more than watching the scandal that was brewing. But in vain. Because before I even had time to look back, events took a completely unexpected turn.

Milian?! - the late guest said dumbfounded.

I leaned forward a little, pushed away the pleasant haze caused by the champagne from my consciousness, and... almost rolled off the high porch.

Lord Precinval?! - the surprise was mutual.

Demons of the other world! Where is my stepfather here from?!

Meanwhile, the man slowly but surely became more furious.

What shape are you in? What kind of rag are you wearing? Dressed up provocatively! What are you even doing here at three o’clock in the morning, I’d like to know?!

I'm having a blast! - I told him a little nervously, just not knowing what else to say.

This was our code word. Well, I forgot who it doesn’t happen to! But the watchman didn’t forget! He crushed the fragile amulet in his hand, a hiss filled the air, and a moment later the sky above our heads exploded with fire. If you look closely, you could make out a half-naked female figure in a provocative pose. And the caption: “Lexi, do them all!”

The guardian turned pale and clenched his jaw so that his teeth creaked.

Today is the queen’s twentieth birthday,” I explained, just in case. - And tomorrow an embassy from Viveria arrives, they will negotiate a marriage with one of their princes. Of course she will refuse!

But this bore was not at all interested in local life.

Your trick? - he clarified gloomily, pointing to the blazing sky.


I hope you won't be executed for it?

What are you talking about, Lexi and I are best friends!

I didn’t have the strength to make a scandal, and I didn’t seem to be with anyone, so I silently climbed into the allocated clothes, poured tea into myself, didn’t even feel the taste, and then collapsed on the sofa. I didn’t take a blanket or a pillow.

I passed out as soon as I closed my eyes.

Milian, it seems, just lay down, and someone’s hand was already grabbing her shoulder.

Not yet fully awake, I sat up and suppressed a yawn.

She blinked. Trin appeared before the blurred gaze.

“Get up,” he said softly. - Let's go to the rector.

Now, I’ll just wash my face.

Walking to the bathroom, I splashed water on my face and gazed intently at my pale reflection. Even a terrible dress could not spoil the delicate aristocratic features. A single strand of light in her black hair betrayed her magical origins. But in dark eyes After my stepfather's betrayal, a burning resentment settled in.

I had to spend another minute trying to get the rags sticking out in all directions in order.

I'm ready, let's go.

This time Trin did not take my hand, but he still behaved kindly. And even though I didn’t care about this Academy named after some aunt with a fluffy animal and all the local inhabitants, the presence of at least one person who treats me warmly was a great encouragement.

The rector's office was located on the first floor in the central part of the mansion. In fact, the entire first floor was occupied by the administration, as well as the dining room and common rooms. On the second and third, as my companion explained, there were educational premises, and in the right and left wings, all three floors were occupied by living rooms. I wasn’t interested, but Trin said it, and for some reason I remembered it.

He knocked and, when a melodic “yes” was heard from inside, he opened the door for me. He stayed outside himself.

Milian, I demand an explanation! - Marcus barked as soon as I crossed the threshold. - Do you even understand how you scared everyone?! Yes, I almost went crazy! Here the people were alarmed, they put the battle mages from the neighboring Academy on their ears...

Without really listening to his screams, I walked to the only free chair and sat down.

“I’m alive, I’m safe, and they didn’t do anything to me,” she said indifferently. - Thank you for asking, Lord Precinval.

Miles... - he paused and looked at me strangely.

However, I didn’t expect anything else from you.

While a short, ringing silence hung over the office, I just had time to look around. Antique massive furniture, a dark burgundy carpet underfoot and the same curtains, on the wall, opposite a large desk, a huge portrait of that same person with a small animal that looked like a fur ball. Other walls were decorated with smaller portraits. What is noteworthy is that all of them depicted ladies.

The owner of the office was also a woman. Thin, about forty years old. She wore her copper-red hair in an old-fashioned high hairstyle and put on a boring, extremely closed dress, long and with a collar that covered the neck to the middle. And yet, her face seemed pleasant, her lips smiled slightly, causing dimples to appear on her cheeks, and... her eyes smiled too. In this way she reminded me of my mother.

Wait a minute. What is she, a rector?!

You don’t think that I will believe... - Precinval began again.

“I don’t care,” she answered honestly.

Mili, have a conscience! - the guardian continued to growl. - Or at least remember some decency. I'm rude to you in private, but in front of strangers please show at least the semblance of respect!

By the way, besides the rector, there were three more outsiders: two women, a very young one and an older one, and Old man with a well-groomed beard. But they didn’t interest me at that moment.

It is impossible to manifest what is not there! - she said defiantly. - And, excuse me, I’m not used to being a hypocrite.

“You’ll be left without things and pocket money,” my tormentor said unexpectedly evenly.

The threat worked. It felt like I was on fire from inside.

Mommy, how could you put such a pig on your only daughter?!

But some rebellious breeze extinguished the flame and, instead of humbly bowing his head, made him hiss angrily and defend his innocence.

They kidnapped me, scared me to death, and were going to extort a ransom. Sorry I ran away and saved you a lot of money! And for the fact that I stayed alive and didn’t let you get to my mother’s state, I’m also sorry... - It was hard to talk further, tears for some reason burned my eyes.

Katerina Polyanskaya


The times when at balls the orchestra played something melodic and couples circled around the hall, smiling discreetly at each other, have sunk into eternity with the death of the old king. His only daughter, Alexia, ascended the throne, and in the very first month she mercilessly trampled on old-fashioned foundations.

And I’ve been celebrating the victory for almost a year now...

There was real madness in the huge, darkened hall. The music was blaring, couples were languidly clinging to each other, some were not shy about kissing in front of everyone. Her Majesty climbed onto the stage and danced something fiery, both favorites did not lag behind her.

Many families chose to leave the capital, which, according to rumors, had turned into a cesspool. But personally, deprived of the guardianship of vigilant relatives, I felt at home at court. I have no doubt that other girls would feel it too, but who would let them?

Mili, you are so beautiful,” meanwhile, my gentleman became more and more insistent.

The music was thundering, injecting adrenaline into the blood, but we were marking time, as if we were trying to dance a slow dance. And little by little, step by step, we moved towards a cozy dark alcove...

Cool fingers stroked the back of my head and slid down my bare back, spreading waves of pleasant shivers throughout my body. For a moment I closed my eyes with pleasure, and then shook my mane of black hair and smiled.

Not now, my sweet. Otherwise it will turn out like last time...

I myself am not against extra entertainment, but the gentle psyche of the future Duke should be protected. This is all my gift! Mixed. Necromancy, inherited from my father, and the power of light - on my mother's side. With such data it is difficult not to get into trouble.

We kissed in the garden of my town house. It was deep night, the stars were twinkling, the fountain was babbling romantically. At some point, Rerun wanted more. He pulled the dress off my shoulders, and I... okay, I admit, I was scared! And the damned abilities worked.

By the way, they always worked strangely. And if I didn’t do it on purpose... That time it turned out scary, but also funny too. A few steps away from us, the ground glowed white, as if the moon had been buried there, trembled, and Tiffy emerged from the depths. As a child, he was my favorite puppy, but he also looked cute as a wight. In general, they always came out neat and affectionate, probably because of the magic of light.

First of all, the little animal ran to be petted. But the future Duke looked at the phosphorescent eye sockets in the darkness - and how he howled! And my wights are always loyal. Tiffy thought that I was being offended, and... in general, Rerun was hurt, I was ashamed, and the maids who jumped out at the noise were funny for another two weeks.

I’m still surprised how he didn’t break off the relationship after such an embarrassment...

And now again.

“You are my bride, Mili,” the guy reminded, peering into my face with loving eyes.

It hasn’t been announced yet,” I deftly twisted out of his hands. - My guardian has no idea at all. And it’s high time to decide something about magic. Let's not rush things!

I’ll go check on the fireworks,” I found a reason to leave and, squeezing through the crowd of dancers, rushed to the exit.

No, Rerun is cheerful and matches my status. Not a prude. But the bride!.. Brr.

It's a bit early.

I went out onto the porch and leaned my back against the closed door for a minute. The cold autumn air hit his hot face. Perhaps it’s worth talking to Rerun about the fact that even after the wedding I’m not going to give up social life. In general, I’m not going to deny myself anything!

A carriage rumbled along the alley and stopped in front of the entrance.

A minute later, a man in a strict black suit walked towards the palace. I internally grimaced: it’s old-fashioned, they haven’t worn these here for a long time.

Sorry, handsome, but this is a private party! - I went down two steps and stood in a spectacular pose. - Shoot! You'll come tomorrow.

The security and park ranger looked at us with interest. However, they were staring at me more than watching the scandal that was brewing. But in vain. Because before I even had time to look back, events took a completely unexpected turn.

Milian?! - the late guest said dumbfounded.

I leaned forward a little, pushed away the pleasant haze caused by the champagne from my consciousness, and... almost rolled off the high porch.

Lord Precinval?! - the surprise was mutual.

Demons of the other world! Where is my stepfather here from?!

Meanwhile, the man slowly but surely became more furious.

What shape are you in? What kind of rag are you wearing? Dressed up provocatively! What are you even doing here at three o’clock in the morning, I’d like to know?!

I'm having a blast! - I told him a little nervously, just not knowing what else to say.

This was our code word. Well, I forgot who it doesn’t happen to! But the watchman didn’t forget! He crushed the fragile amulet in his hand, a hiss filled the air, and a moment later the sky above our heads exploded with fire. If you look closely, you could make out a half-naked female figure in a provocative pose. And the caption: “Lexi, do them all!”

The guardian turned pale and clenched his jaw so that his teeth creaked.

Today is the queen’s twentieth birthday,” I explained, just in case. - And tomorrow an embassy from Viveria arrives, they will negotiate a marriage with one of their princes. Of course she will refuse!

But this bore was not at all interested in local life.

Your trick? - he clarified gloomily, pointing to the blazing sky.


I hope you won't be executed for it?

What are you talking about, Lexi and I are best friends!

Go home quickly! - Lord Precinval growled.

Tough fingers grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me towards the carriage.

Demons kill him, but he was an ideal guardian! He was thirteen years younger than my mother, and when she died, he calmly went abroad. Wasn't interested in my life at all! And now, happiness has fallen upon you...

Because of the unscheduled fireworks, people clung to the windows and now watched not only the action in the sky, but also my shame. I am independent! Grown up! Well, at least I’m used to thinking of myself as such. And everyone got used to it. But then this lord appears... and my world began to crack.

While they were dragging me off the porch and dragging me to the sad carriage, I just had time to become imbued with sincere hostility towards my guardian.

Hey, got your hands off her! - a dissatisfied voice rushed along the driveway.

Now something will happen... She resisted in vain, she should have run to the carriage, at least she would have avoided a scandal.

No one else looked at the lights in the sky.

They didn’t let me go, but they loosened their grip. Lord Precinval and I, in a single interested impulse, turned to the porch.

I'm sorry? - The guardian raised his eyebrow arrogantly.

I was completely depressed. Rerun, of course, is a charmer and the ducal heir, but now he looked more like a waiter shirking from work: he didn’t wear a doublet, his shirt was unbuttoned on his chest, and he was unsteady. He also got hold of a blade somewhere.

I felt so ashamed...

Don't ask! - The duke's son also tried to portray arrogance. It didn't matter. - This girl is mine! Leave her alone.

I'm standing. I'm keeping quiet. And I quietly dream that the gift will at least once serve me well and help me fall through the ground. Well, at least get carried away somewhere far away! Yes, apparently, it’s not fate...

Yours? - the lord still remained coldly calm.

My! - and bristled with the blade.

Come on, magic! Where are you?

Let me introduce myself - how could he pretend to be indifferent, I know, I can see in his eyes that he is furious?! - Lord Marcus Precinval, Her Majesty's Sub-Consul at Islay and sole guardian of this dear lady. However, today she doesn’t look like a sweetheart, much less a lady.

The blush was so hot that it almost hurt my cheeks.

Is it necessary in front of everyone?!

And... - Rerun couldn’t find the words right away, but for some reason he hid the blade behind his back.

And as her only guardian,” Lord Precinval continued calmly, “I can assure you that she will never be yours.” Neither yours nor any of those who have been seen at least once in such a gathering.

Having said this, he made a gallant bow to the window in which the amazed Lexi stood, and then commanded me:

To the carriage. Run!

“And you said he wouldn’t mind,” my... well, probably not my fiance anymore, whined in our backs.

And then the magic that I desperately called upon for the last few minutes finally worked.

For the third day I suffered under house arrest. But this is not the worst thing! Who would have thought that a gift of light would be so painful?! For those around you. If Lord Precinval had not put up shields, one of the castle walls would have lay in ruins. And so far nothing: my guardian and I have severe energy exhaustion and Rerun has a broken nose.

Milian Blooders suddenly discovered a rare and magical gift. So now the young beauty has become a true witch! The only thing missing is a broom to complete the set. And now the girl enters a prestigious educational institution and goes through the enrollment stage. And ahead are lessons, lectures, practices, exams with tests... The idyll is collapsing. The fact is that Maria Bladers did not give a subscription to such “tricks”! But the Russian writer Katerina Polyanskaya, in her book “Mean Girl at the Academy,” decided to give her just such a villainous fate.
The novel “Mean Girl at the Academy” is part of the “Magic Academy” book series. So, if you like to read about adventures, wizards, parallel worlds, then you should definitely start reading the book “Mean Girl at the Academy” as soon as possible.
If only the “troubles” of a young witch girl were limited to studying. It turns out that Milian Bladers is the best friend of not just a beautiful and smart girl, but a young princess - a rebel who always wanted to give a damn about all the established rules. Yes, the queen is a society lady and very beautiful girl, but such an “ulcer”. And this fatal beauty is ready to do anything to flutter out of the gloomy castle premises with a bang and break all the most ridiculous castle rules. The rector of the academy seems like such an indestructible person, but take a closer look! And this guy (man!) has his own shortcomings and great weaknesses. So the damned academy of magic will have to “hold on”, because Milian Bladers is ready to ruin and break it! Mili would not be herself if she had not achieved her initial goal.

Katerina Polyanskaya has already written many wonderful books. This is a wonderful author in every way. But, probably, her novel “Mean Girl at the Academy” is the best of all that this Russian writer has written to date. Reading about the adventures of Mili and the queen, who lead a riotous lifestyle, is very exciting. Katerina Polyanskaya wants to convey to her readers the idea that you need to enjoy life, enjoy every minute you live. And this is exactly the goal she puts in when she writes the lines of her book “Mean Girl at the Academy.” In fact, its main character, Milian Bladers, is a very gifted girl. In the novel you will read about “love triangles”, problems in relationships with stepfathers, difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. Katerina Polyanskaya is very relevant and vital. You will enjoy reading her Mean Girl book. This is a modern novel about the life of young people in the twenty-first century. May your reading be enjoyable!

On our literary website you can download the book “Mean Girl at the Academy” (Fragment) by Katerina Polyanskaya in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.