Once upon a time washing machine and the computer seemed to people the perfection of technology, but now we are accustomed to these devices, but we look with surprise at gadgets for pregnant women. However, soon they will become a part of our lives. Of course, you can do without gadgets, but why, if you can make your life easier or more comfortable. In addition, excitement, worries, fears and worries are a completely natural state for expectant mothers, especially if they are expecting their first child. During this period, various devices can help, which we will talk about today.

Musical bandage

Pregnant women usually wear a bandage to support the abdomen from 4-5 months, and no one could even imagine that a music player could be built into it, into which any music, lullabies or a recording of the mother’s voice can be downloaded via USB. The uniqueness of the player is that it plays music in the form of vibrations rather than sounds - especially for the baby, who finds it easier to perceive incoming information in this form. At the same time, the woman can walk or go about her business - the bandage does not interfere with her. In some models, massagers are attached to the batteries, which gently massage the lower back - for a pregnant woman this is a real salvation, especially in the evenings, because the load on the back increases towards the end of pregnancy.

Fetal Doppler

A fetal doppler is a small ultrasound device that future mom can hear the fetal heartbeat even when early stages pregnancy - up to 10 weeks. The device is especially effective if a woman does not have fat deposits on her stomach. In home use, Dopplers are used not for medical, but for psychological purposes - so that the woman calms down, stops worrying about the baby and establishes an emotional connection with him.

Counting baby's movements

A device called Kick Track helps count your baby's movements. As soon as the woman feels them, she presses the button, and then the device generates a report for the doctor from antenatal clinic. This is a very useful device that will help doctors assess the condition of the fetus and take timely measures if it turns out that the baby is not moving very actively.

Reverse clock

The Baby Boom wristwatch not only counts hours and minutes, but also always shows the week and day of pregnancy, counting down the time. The date of birth is also constantly displayed on the screen - probably so that the woman does not forget about this wonderful event.

It's amazing how many pleasant things make our lives easier and more comfortable! But if you come to give birth in Miami, you will find out what real comfort is. Here, in the land of eternal summer, in paradise for pregnant women, you can finally relax and realize how wonderful this time is that you are living with your baby... Good luck to you!

1. Electronic stethoscope

A great gift idea for your closest relatives: recording the heartbeat of your future baby! Today it is very easy to do this, because already from the end of the second trimester (18-20 weeks) of pregnancy, you can track your baby’s heartbeat without leaving home. The safety of modern ultrasound and digital stethoscopes (BabyBoss, Bebesounds, Graco) has been confirmed by WHO specialists, and these are such sensitive devices that in addition to the heartbeat, through special headphones you will hear the baby turning over in amniotic fluid, sucks thumb and even hiccups! An interesting feature of modern gadgets is that you can record the sound of your own heart in the form in which your child hears it.

2. IP video baby monitor

The baby monitor is rapidly losing its position in the popularity ratings, and its alternative – the video baby monitor – is already being crowded out by an improved version. This baby tracking object is called an IP video baby monitor, and it will be an ideal solution for parents who went to work, entrusting the baby to the care of a nanny, took a few days off on vacation, or just went shopping. With the help of IP technologies, you can monitor your child not only from a building on the next street, but from virtually anywhere in the world. At the same time, the IP video baby monitor will remotely notify you about what is happening in the baby’s crib or playpen. With the help of an IP video baby monitor, you can hear, see and even talk to him, and if necessary, even record everything that happens. All that is needed for the IP video baby monitor to work is to have a laptop or smartphone as a parent unit, where the image and sound, as well as the Internet, will be transmitted. The camera of such a baby monitor is equipped with an automatic rotation mechanism (up, down, right and left), which ensures maximum visibility, and it transmits video in the highest quality. Some models are equipped with memory card slots, which allows you to save videos and photos directly to the gadget’s memory, and some IP video baby monitors can be used simultaneously as a night light.

3. Outdoor pumping kit

The modern mother no longer faces the choice of whether to breastfeed her child or lead an active lifestyle. When you need to go away - to work or just to meet with friends - a breast pump comes to the rescue. But there are situations when it is not possible to sit comfortably, take off your robe and devote all your energy and time to “collecting” milk. It is for such cases that the Simple Wishes company, with the help of real nursing mothers with many children, has developed a special top for pumping. A special cut with slits at nipple level and dense elastic material (83% cotton and 17% spandex) securely holds the breast pump to the breast, literally freeing the woman’s hands. While the process is going on, you can drink a cup of tea, read a magazine, put on eyelashes, or do business: check your phone mail, make a couple of phone calls, and, if necessary, even hold an Internet conference (modern automatic breast pumps work so quietly that they are practically invisible in the background normal office noise). The bra top comes in two colors and can be worn either as a strappy or as a bustier. The insert at the back allows you to adjust it depending on your needs, which helps maintain the shape of your breasts. The top also comes with special bottles that help minimize the risk of milk spillage.

4. Rocker for baby stroller

Motion sickness has a truly magical effect on infants. It seems that as long as the cradle rocked, he would sleep sweetly. But in order to rock a baby in a stroller or bouncer you need at least one hand! Compact and lightweight development from Lolaloo will save you from the need to be tied to a stroller: use Velcro to attach it to the handle and it will rock your baby. Thanks to the built-in battery (charger included), the rocker is absolutely mobile: you can easily take it with you on a visit or to the playground. You can easily adjust the settings - the speed and strength of amplitude movements - at your discretion.

5. Self-heating bottle

The development of Danish specialists - the iimamo Go feeding bottle - especially appealed to dads. Still would! Maximum efficiency with a minimum of effort: in 4 minutes, the bottle independently, without the use of auxiliary devices, heats 170 ml of milk or water for infant formula to the recommended temperature for feeding the baby of 37 degrees. The heating element (cartridges are replaceable) is made of plastic, so the bottle is very light and will not weigh on your pocket. There are no special secrets: insert the cartridge into the bottom of the bottle (the heat generated by the heating cartridge is absolutely safe for the baby), turn the special lid, wait 4-5 minutes and shake. Dinner is served!

6. iThermometer

All children, without exception, get sick. Experienced parents know that measuring the temperature of a crying baby with a regular mercury thermometer can be very problematic. Medisana has developed a unique Thermodock device that allows you to find out the baby’s body temperature in a couple of seconds, without even touching it! Everything is extremely simple: insert the “thermometer” into the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, bring the gadget at a distance of 5 cm, click on the display - a special signal will notify you when the temperature measurement is completed, and the result will appear on the screen. It is very convenient to use the device: the measurement results are stored in the device’s memory and can be sent by e-mail to the attending physician, and the dynamics of temperature changes, if necessary, can be viewed on special graphs. A program that ensures the operation of the thermometer, available for download in the App Store absolutely free.

10 chosen

Being pregnant is wonderful! And being pregnant in our age of high technology and all sorts of interesting inventions is doubly wonderful. After all, if previously you had to put up with inconvenience somewhere or give up some interesting things because you couldn’t really use them with your stomach, now you can find a device that helps you arrange everything in the best possible way. I offer you some of the most interesting things that will help brighten up the life of any expectant mother.

And the first point I’ll probably mention is the special pregnancy pillow, which allows you to sit on the bed in the most comfortable way. It is long, so long that you can settle into it, like in a cocoon, and have sweet dreams throughout the night. And when the baby is born, it will continue to serve you faithfully as a nursing pillow.

Many future mothers avoid riding in a car due to the fact that safety belt puts a lot of pressure on my stomach. However, today this is not a problem either. Many companies offer a special pad that holds the belt under the stomach and does not interfere with enjoying the ride. Some experts, however, believe that these pads are not needed at all if they are fastened correctly safety belt. That's right - this means that the upper strap should go under the chest, and the lower strap should go as low as possible under the stomach. But if there is an opportunity to make your trip even safer, and to be even more confident behind the wheel, then why not use this modern tool?

How difficult it can sometimes be to wait for a visit to the doctor to listen to the heart of an unborn baby and make sure that everything is okay with him! You can, of course, ask for help, for example, from your husband, who, putting his ear to your stomach, will try to hear the baby’s pulse. Although, the probability of success here is not very high. You won't be able to get by with a regular stethoscope either. Personally, I was never able to hear anything through it even in the last stages, and in order to hear something through an obstetric stethoscope, someone else’s help is again required. And this is where technology is ready to help us. Fetal monitors or home dopplers no longer uncommon. The device contains a sensor that is placed on the abdomen and a receiver, on the LCD monitor of which you will see the number of heartbeats of your unborn child. There are even models that can record your heartbeat and then play it back.

Personally, I am an impatient, curious and impressionable person - throughout my pregnancy I thought that maybe someday there would be portable ultrasound machines to no, no, and even look at the little one. So what would you think? Already the company General Electric ready to present a test batch of mini-monitors for ultrasound examination fetus The company hopes that their product will help expectant mothers in developing countries monitor their baby's health more closely. The price is promised to be low, but has not yet been announced.

Morning sickness familiar to a considerable number of pregnant women. And there are so many tips on how to defeat it that sometimes one contradicts the other. And yet, there is a device that promises to relieve morning sickness. This is a tape that is attached to the wrist and affects acupuncture points.

We don’t even notice how many technical little things make our life easier and more convenient. Engineers also made sure that the very important 9 months in our lives were more enjoyable by creating cute gadgets for pregnant women.

Determining the day of ovulation

Photo by mydigitallife

Photo on main Shutterstock

Pregnancy begins with conception. Our body lives according to its own biological rhythms, in which there are favorable periods for procreation. Catching and using them is the task of those who are consciously planning a pregnancy, and those who have not yet succeeded. The Duofertility device allows you to determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of 99% (as the creators claim). The device works like this: a small sensor mounted under the armpit measures the temperature every 4 seconds around the clock. The information is transferred to a reading device, into which additional data must also be entered - sleep time, possible illness, sleep quality, and so on. By connecting the device to a computer, you can view statistics, a conception forecast for the next 6 days, and get a doctor’s consultation. The developers are so confident in their device that they promise to return the money if the buyer fails to get pregnant within a year. Duofertility has a promotional website in Russian, where women are invited to take part in a free preliminary testing of the gadget.

Pregnancy test

Photo gadgetmiss.com

Technology can also help determine pregnancy: for example, a USB test. The determination principle is the same as in conventional test strips: the indicator treated with an absorbent must be dipped into urine. And insert it into a USB device that determines the level of the hormone. The result appears on the display: a crossed out face (there is no pregnancy), one happy face (there is a pregnancy) or several children's faces (it looks like they are twins). The gadget also shows hormone levels in numbers that allow you to determine the duration of pregnancy with an accuracy of up to a week. The USB test costs $18 at Think Geek (pack includes 20 test strips)

Tracking your heartbeat

Photo bma-mosos.nl

The Monica AN24 device allows you to remotely monitor the heartbeat of the mother and child, and observe uterine activity. It consists of 5 sensors that are attached to the stomach, and a reading device that weighs 100 grams and runs on batteries. It can stream data via Bluetooth or USB to any compatible mobile device. Simply put, the doctor will immediately know about any alarming changes and will have time to take the necessary measures. The device has already passed clinical testing and is now at the implementation stage.

Counting movements

Photo babykick.com

Unlike the previous gadget, a special device called KickTrak is intended for household use. Every time the mother feels the baby move, she presses the button. Thus, the device determines the intensity of the movement of the future newborn - and if it has slowed down or is absent, it signals this. The developers are confident that in this way they prevent all complications that may arise due to oxygen starvation of the fetus. KickTrak is designed for the last 99 days of pregnancy: the device counts down to your happy day.

We're counting down the days

Photo laks.com

You can also countdown using the Baby Boom electronic watch. Regular plastic wrist watch have little improvement - except traditional dates and time they show the day and week of pregnancy. Very convenient, right? Even experienced expectant mothers often get confused when calculating weeks. And at the bottom of the screen next to the cake the expected due date is displayed.

We talk and support

Photo: yankodesign.com

On later During pregnancy, almost everyone wears a support belt - it protects against stretch marks and helps you move. And even in the later stages, it is recommended to talk to the stomach in order to calm the raging “football player” and in order to establish contact with the baby even before birth. The developers decided to combine two useful functions and build a player into the belt-bandage. You can record your parents' voices using the built-in microphone, or music via a USB port. The sound is transmitted by vibration to the surface of the abdomen, so you can safely walk with the belt on, or turn it on at night. By the way, the built-in batteries power not only the “sound” function - they are connected to the motors of the massaging elements in the lumbar part of the belt. So this gadget even catches three birds with one stone!

Good afternoon Today's article is a review of unusual devices to help mom.

Useful things for newborns to help mothers (unusual devices)

  1. Side bed. She places herself close to the parents’ bed and the child, one might say, sleeps nearby, but at the same time in his own crib. An alternative is a regular crib with a removable side wall.
  2. Diaper recycling bin. The used diaper is placed in a special bag, the bucket is closed with a lid that rotates and at the same time the diaper is sealed in the trash bag. Thus, the smell from the diaper does not spread.
  3. Silicone breast pads. They come to the aid of women who are unable to breastfeed a child, or whose nipples are injured (cracks have appeared).
  4. Breast pads. On one side they have a sticky layer that sticks to the bra. The milk released from the breast is instantly absorbed and there are no marks on clothes.
  5. Bathing mattress. This mattress can also be placed in the sink, the baby feels comfortable while bathing.
  6. Silicone spoon syringe for baby feeding. Ideal for starting complementary feeding (“”). By pressing on it, the required amount of puree comes into the spoon (“”).
  7. Hammock for a child on a trip. Attached to the seat in front, the child is located practically on the mother’s lap and you can have fun with him on the road.
  8. Sippy cup for taking medications. This is a very serious deception of a child, but if you urgently need to take medicine, and the baby refuses, the way out of the situation is simply original.
  9. Bra Reminder. During breastfeeding Mothers sometimes forget which breast they fed last time, and it is advisable to give breasts one at a time (either left or right). This reminder comes in very handy.
  10. Personal ultrasound machine, which connects to a smartphone. With its help, you can independently monitor the baby’s condition, having previously mastered its use.
  11. Bathing accessories baby: bath mat
    float cap
    ladle with soft rubber spout
  12. Self-closing pacifier. During a fall, it closes instantly and remains clean.
  13. Bicycle with sidecar. Mega-thing of our time! She simply cannot be underestimated.
  14. Radio and video baby monitor. You can go about your business without worry and watch your baby in another room. With such a device, mothers can calmly shower while the baby is sleeping, and if they imagine that the baby is crying, they don’t have to jump out of the bathroom and run to check, just look at the screen.
  15. Bath divider. Significant water savings and at the same time support for the child.
  16. Sling and ergo-backpack. Using a sling or ergo-backpack, the mother’s hands are freed, and the baby is happy to be in the mother’s arms.
  17. Body extender. If the bodysuit has become small, an extension will solve this problem and extend the life of the bodysuit.
  18. Pacifier thermometer
  19. Bottle adapter. Suitable for any bottle, giving your child something to drink will not be a problem. The main thing is to have water with you.
  20. Door fixture to avoid getting your fingers pinched. You can sew this device yourself. It prevents the door from closing completely and the likelihood of pinching a finger is significantly reduced.
  21. Swimming canopy. Many babies cry when water gets on their face or eyes. This visor prevents water from getting on the face, so the baby perceives washing his hair adequately.
  22. Faucet extension for children. With the help of such a device, children can easily reach the stream of water with their hands.
  23. Car seat cushion. To prevent a child's head from swaying from side to side while sleeping in the car, such a pillow is a way out of the situation. It secures the head tightly and nothing disturbs the child during sleep.
  24. Terry bathing apron child. With such an apron, not only mom, but also dad will bathe the baby.
  25. Infrared thermometer («»)
  26. Velcro diaper. It is also called cocoon or sleeping bag for a newborn. During sleep, the child's legs move freely and the arms are fixed. If the baby is still afraid of his hands and flinches in his sleep, or even wakes up, then such a thing is a way out of the situation.
  27. Bathing chair. Convenient for use when the baby is just starting to sit, but it is much more difficult for him to maintain balance in the water.
  28. Thermometer attachment for faucet. You will always know what temperature the water comes from the tap.
  29. Nibbler. It comes with both rag and silicone attachments. Ideal for first feeding with fruits and vegetables. You can put a piece of banana or apple in it and not be afraid that the child will bite off a large piece and choke.
  30. Maternity pillow. It is used for sleep and rest, and subsequently for feeding the baby.
  31. Furniture corner attachments. They are silicone or rubberized. As soon as children begin to walk, there is a high probability of falling on an unfortunate corner. To minimize child injuries, these pads are glued to the sharp corners of furniture.
  32. Holders for cabinets and plugs for sockets. To prevent your baby from opening cabinets where he doesn’t want to climb, attach holders to the doors and cabinets.
    The plugs for sockets must be strong and tight so that small nimble hands cannot pull them out. Ideally, the plug is removed from the socket only with the help of another similar plug by interlocking them with each other.
  33. Chaise lounge. It will help the mother entertain the baby while preparing dinner or cleaning. The baby plays with hanging toys or swings.
  34. . It changes color if the food in it is hot (above 43°C).
  35. Stroller rocker. This device rocks the stroller on its own. Oh, wonderful technology!
  36. White noise generator. («»)
  37. Foldable bathtub («»).
  38. Children's reins. Many parents consider this invention absurd, and for some mothers and fathers the idea is even nothing. After all, when the baby begins to walk, the parents are in a half-bent state most of the day, many have back pain, but the reins support the baby in an upright state and the back will thank you.
  39. Soft helmet to protect the head. While crawling, the child constantly bumps into sharp edges of furniture, doors and everything that gets in his way. This helmet will protect your head from abrasions and bruises.
    Craft moms offer many ideas for making a helmet with similar functionality with their own hands, for example, from dishwashing sponges
  40. Aspirator(nozzle suction). An alternative is a rubber bulb.

This was a review of useful things for newborns to help mom. Do you agree that many things are very convenient and make life easier for all family members? If any of the listed useful things for newborns were or are in your everyday life, please write your opinion, it’s very interesting to read!

All the best!