. Green wedding
Wedding day. This is the very first anniversary. It is the wedding day itself and the starting point for new anniversaries. The green wedding is celebrated during the first year after the conclusion of the marital union every month on the wedding day. Usually only flowers are given as a gift, especially paying attention to how long they will last. The symbol of this anniversary is the myrtle leaves in the wedding wreath, which the bride weaves for herself on her wedding day.

. 1 year -
First anniversary of family life. On this day, the young wife puts on a chintz dress and the spouses give each other chintz handkerchiefs. Also on this day they drink one bottle of champagne, left specially from the wedding.

. 2 year -
The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often a baby appears in the family around the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder friend to a friend to build a friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, so it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of the marriage. Guests give homemade cards, origami, books with tips or recipes, beautiful pictures, photo albums for memory, etc.

. 3 years -
The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin. Try to give products from genuine leather that would serve young people for a long time: bags, wallets, folders, belts, gloves. Relatives can give the married couple useful and symbolic gifts: two pairs of leather slippers as a symbol of home comfort; the skin of some animal or its imitation as a symbol of wealth.

. 4 years -
On the festive table, linen tablecloths and beautiful candles should be a mandatory attribute. The custom of giving a small bouquet of blooming flax or a dried sheaf on this day has survived to this day. On their fourth wedding anniversary, spouses can give each other clothes made from linen: a suit, a shirt, a skirt. Friends and relatives can donate everything related to linen: bed linen, towels, bed sheets, linen tablecloths and a set of napkins. It is also good to give paired candles, which are lit and placed in the spouses’ room so that they burn as long as possible.

. 5 years -
The tree symbolizes strength family relations, this is no longer chintz, not paper, and not even leather. On this day, guests bring wooden dishes, spoons, mugs, cutting boards, photo frames, paintings carved from wood, boxes, small pieces of furniture, etc. to the spouses. By presenting spouses with objects made of wood, guests thus wish their marriage strength and reliability, warmth and comfort. The spouse himself must do some wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as proof of her feminine compliance.

. 6 years -
Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very fragile metal that can crack from any blow. The relationship between young people, despite a considerable period of time, must be maintained, just like the fire of the family hearth. Guests can donate cast iron pots, frying pans, interior items (boxes, vases, candlesticks, photo frames), beautiful wrought iron furniture (tables, chairs). The wife must bake some family specialty in a cast-iron dish to prove her worth as the mistress of the house.

. 6.5 years -
This anniversary reminds us that marriage, like galvanized cookware, needs to be polished over time. The crises are already behind us, so the main task of the family becomes home improvement. Guests give the newlyweds sets of dishes, pots, and some useful kitchen sets.

. 7 years -
The first noble and confident anniversary. The seven-year anniversary of married life is characterized by two materials - copper. Copper is a soft, ductile, malleable metal, an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, second only to silver in this regard. Spouses exchange copper coins to make happiness ringing. Any souvenirs, interior or household items, jewelry, clothing are suitable. Following the custom, you can give the spouses copper rings, copper horseshoes that can be hung over the door, and copper coins that are showered on the husband and wife “for good luck.”

. 8 years - Tin wedding
The strength of the family increases over the years, so the symbol becomes tin - a strong but flexible structure. On this anniversary, it is customary to give: tin products, such as trays, baking trays, baking dishes, as well as kitchen utensils and household electrical appliances. You can also give gifts related to tin cans, barrels, and canned food. This could be a week's supply of beer or stew.
A less common name for this anniversary is a bed wedding. On an anniversary, it is customary to buy a new bed as a symbol of renewal. hearth and home.

. 9 years - Faience wedding
Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She's stronger than ever. The best gift for spouses on this day is earthenware. Traditionally, on this holiday, spouses break their old earthenware. At the same time, with each broken object, past quarrels, discords and troubles are broken. It is believed that this ancient ritual helps to renew a marriage and make it stronger. The process of breaking dishes is very interesting and fun, so you can also involve your friends and guests in this action.

. 10 years - Pink wedding
This is the first significant wedding anniversary - 10 years. According to tradition, on the day of a pink wedding it is customary to give bouquets of roses. It is customary to serve fried poultry with pink sauce at the festive table, and the newlyweds should spend their wedding night, which is not their first, on a bed strewn with pink petals.

. 11 years - Steel wedding
The countdown to the new decade of family life shows that relationships have hardened, become stronger and stronger. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools. Also on this holiday, the wife and husband give each other bouquets of 11 flowers, which should decorate the house for 11 days.

. 12.5 years - Nickel wedding
In some ways, this anniversary is reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the meaning of the celebration is to renew marital relations and remind them to maintain the shine of family relationships. Celebrated by a narrow family circle. Can be given as gifts jewelry. According to a custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the anniversary nickel wedding, spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them, and visit the church in which the wedding took place.

. 13 years - Lace wedding or Lily of the valley wedding
Life goes on as usual and weaves its own laces. On this day, spouses are given lace napkins, tablecloths, and openwork items knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love. The festive table should be decorated with a lace tablecloth.

. 14 years - Agate wedding
Every year, relationships acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more new colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms. It is customary for spouses to give items made of agate: for a wife it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man it can be agate cufflinks or a tie pin. Since an agate wedding involves a large number of jewelry, guests can give a box or chests for storing jewelry.

. 15 years - Glass wedding or Crystal wedding
This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. Traditionally, crystal and glassware should prevail on the festive table of crystal anniversaries. It is necessary to drink to the health and happiness of the spouses only from crystal. On their 15th anniversary, spouses exchange items made of crystal or glass with each other. Such gifts can include tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, vases, and salad bowls. Small figurines depicting human figures, animals, flowers or other objects will look very original.

. 18 years - Turquoise wedding
The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in the second decade of its existence. On this anniversary, people give turquoise jewelry or things inlaid with turquoise.

. 19 years - Krypton wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 20 years - Porcelain wedding
Porcelain is a valuable material, but very fragile. Therefore, the twenty-year wedding anniversary is a reminder that marriage should be treated with care. The main tradition that is followed when celebrating a porcelain wedding is setting the table with porcelain dishes, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) family wealth. It is customary for guests to serve treats only on new porcelain. Porcelain products are usually presented to spouses as gifts: dishes, vases, figurines.

. 21 years old - Opal wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 22 years - Bronze wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 23 years - Beryl wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 24 years - Satin wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 25 years - Silver wedding
Having lived together for a quarter of a century is already a lot! Silver like noble metal is a symbol of a beautiful and strong family union. It is customary to celebrate a silver wedding with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them along with their wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. Guests bring gifts related specifically to silver. This can be jewelry (chains, rings, earrings, bracelets), interior items (trays, vases), cutlery. These items are beautiful and durable, just like the life of the couple.

. 26 years - Jade wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 27 years - Mahogany wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 29 years - Velvet wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 30 years - Pearl wedding
Pearls are a symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never tarnish. And 30 years are like 30 pearls strung on a thread of time. On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of the tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles; the husband seems to be asking for forgiveness for his unfortunate words and actions. And, of course, when celebrating your 30th anniversary, you can invite all your friends and relatives and have a grand feast. Anniversaries are usually given a variety of pearl jewelry. However, gifts that are in one way or another connected with the personalities of the spouses are also quite suitable: their family portrait, a photo album with their unusual photographs, and so on. Always respected and expensive gifts, for example, a new TV, or some antique interior items. On this day you should not skimp, because 30 years is a very significant date.

. 31 years old - Dark wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 34 years - Amber wedding
Amber is a magical stone; it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family becomes exemplary for this anniversary. Almost perfect. Anniversary gifts can be jewelry or products made from amber.

. 35 years - Linen wedding or Coral wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, representing peace, prosperity and homeliness. This anniversary is a glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to maintain the warmth of the hearth all these years. Linen tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, towels and sheets are presented as gifts. And also, since the anniversary has another name, they give products made from corals, for example, coral beads. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can say a lot about the power of passion and love between spouses.

. 37 years - Muslin wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 37.5 years - Aluminum wedding
This half anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family I am always ready to celebrate the holidays in a large and friendly company. It is customary to give household products made of aluminum and other metals, as well as souvenirs.

. 38 years - Mercury wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 39 years - Crepe wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 40 years - Ruby wedding
Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses has become blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a wonderful gift for your wife will be a ruby ​​ring from loving husband. The color red should predominate in the design of the room where the anniversary will take place. Naturally, the main gifts for a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, keychains are magnificent, especially if the rubies imitate flowers and bunches of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate boxes, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that a ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

. 42 years - Mother of Pearl wedding (practically not celebrated)
43 years - Flannel wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 44 years old - Topaz wedding(practically not celebrated)

. 45 years - Sapphire wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is the fidelity stone - sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves heavy thoughts, but also refreshes feelings and gives strength to fight adversity and illness. On this day, spouses are given jewelry with sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, this will not be superfluous for people of advanced age. The main tradition followed on this anniversary is decorating wedding rings with sapphire. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated with friends who have been with their spouses all these years.

. 46 years - Lavender wedding
Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. Usually they give a bouquet of lavender, whose delicate and strong scent will last for a very, very long time.

. 47 years - Cashmere wedding, or Wool wedding
Give your spouses clothes made of wool or cashmere, cozy, warm and reliable, like their love.

. 48 years - Amethyst wedding
A husband gives his wife amethyst jewelry as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which over 48 years of marriage should have been finally determined.

. 49 years old - Cedar wedding
This tree is as strong, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give fans made of wood, as well as various carved boxes.

. 50 years - Golden wedding
Perhaps the most significant date of married life. We already have half a century of marriage behind us. A huge period of time, one might say a whole life. And gold is the most suitable material to commemorate this anniversary. Relatives and friends are invited, always children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings to replace those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are passed on as family value unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second wedding ceremony and celebrate it solemnly and magnificently. The evening can end with the throwing of the bride's bouquet. If a young woman catches him, she will soon get married, and if she is married, she will live in marriage as long as the anniversary spouses.

. 55 years - Emerald wedding
May the brightness of feelings not be lost over the years! A bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still have strong emotions for each other. On this anniversary, it is customary to give emerald jewelry to spouses. When planning a holiday, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the heroes of the occasion, because people at such a respectable age have a very hard time enduring such noisy and crowded celebrations. It is much better if the holiday is eventful according to the program, but takes place in a close circle with your closest and dearest. It will be very good if this holiday becomes a real surprise for the heroes of the day. After all, after a golden—half-century—wedding, such anniversaries are not often celebrated.

. 60 years - Diamond wedding or Diamond wedding
Diamond is the symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give spouses jewelry with diamonds. The form of the holiday is something between a solemn celebration of anniversaries and a fun concert for them. The celebrants themselves do not take part in organizing the holiday; everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren. The biggest gift for the celebrants will be the very holding of their wedding: since their relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means they are loved and respected. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they don’t want or can’t, then have a party with them.

. 65 years - Iron wedding
This anniversary is a rather rare event, which testifies to the strength of family ties that over such a period of time have become as hard as iron. Usually on this day openwork iron stands or iron souvenirs are given as gifts.

. 67.5 years - Stone wedding
The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But love that has lived for so many years cannot be destroyed by anything.

. 70th Anniversary - Wedding of Grace
On this day the whole family gets together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the spouses understand that such faithful and long-lasting love was sent from heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.

. 75 years - Crown Wedding or Second Diamond Wedding
This anniversary crowns a long and happy life two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide circle of relatives, children and grandchildren.

. 80 years - Oak wedding
Yours family life as strong as oak branches and lives as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, spouses are given oak rosaries.

. 90 years - Granite wedding
Granite is the basis of the hardness of our planet. Love is the basis of family strength. Unfortunately, not many people manage to live to this age. This is the only reason why it is necessary to arrange a celebration of their almost century-old love for our beloved heroes of the day! When a couple has been living together for ninety years, the best gift for them will be the attention of loved ones. Let the spouses feel like the kings of the ball on this day, take care of them, prepare their favorite dishes and let a happy smile never leave their faces all day long!

. 100 years - Red Wedding
To date, only one case of celebrating this anniversary is known. The long-living Agayevs from Azerbaijan have lived together for a century. They gave the name to this anniversary. At the time of the 100-year celebration, the husband was 126 years old, and the wife was 116. They lived together for a whole century.
The Red Wedding is a beautiful feeling beautiful life. Probably, celebrating such a round wedding date, the spouses truly understand that they did not live their lives in vain, that they did everything right and were not mistaken in choosing each other. Their children and their children's children should be proud of them.
This incredible date makes you really think that the choice of your life partner determines your destiny for the rest of your life. This is a whole life dedicated to one person. This is even more than life, this is an entire eternity!

Good luck to you, spouses.
The main wealth in life is love!


What to gift:

Calico wedding - first marriage anniversary

A year after marriage, the young couple celebrate their first joint anniversary- wedding anniversary. This important date for the family is called a “calico wedding,” and it has quite a lot of traditions. You should know what you need to give each other, with whom to celebrate your first wedding anniversary, where to celebrate the festive event.

A lot depends on how the first anniversary goes, so it is important to observe all the customs and have a fun celebration with your loved ones. Such a holiday should be remembered for many years.

Explanation of the name “calico wedding”

To the question why the first wedding anniversary is called calico, there is a simple answer - it symbolizes the degree of strength of the marriage. Chintz is a very thin material that can tear without the slightest effort. However, it has many bright colors, and the cost per meter is low. This is the meaning of the name “calico wedding” - the relationship after 1 year from the wedding day is still fragile, fragile, and can collapse due to troubles and quarrels.

The love between young spouses does not subside after 1 year of marriage; it is as bright and varied as the colors of chintz. Even frequent quarrels are not worth attention, quickly forgotten after hugs and kisses. In addition, it is believed that this is the time for young people to have a child. Often, thin diapers for newborns, baby vests, scarves, and bed linen are sewn from chintz; this is another hint at the name of the anniversary.

Previously, guests gave spouses pieces of chintz fabric for baby diapers, and wide strips of chintz for sheets and duvet covers for the family bed. They wished the future or born baby health, strength, long life, so that he would quickly jump out of calico swaddling clothes. Young spouses, on the contrary, were advised not to get out of bed for a longer time, washing the clothes on it with active actions until it became gauze. It is because of such hints that a chintz wedding is also called a gauze wedding.

Traditions associated with the first marriage anniversary

The first anniversary of marriage is rich interesting traditions and customs that will be remembered for many years. A year after the wedding, the spouses must take several actions to contribute to the longevity of the marriage bond and strengthen family life. You should not neglect the signs on your first common anniversary, because each year of marriage involves observing its own customs and rules.

A chintz wedding has long had the following traditions:

  • on the first anniversary of marriage, spouses are obliged to invite all friends, relatives present at the wedding, and witnesses to the wedding;
  • On this day, a husband and wife open one of two bottles of champagne that have been stored at home since the date wedding celebration, the second had to be uncorked after the birth of the first child;
  • the husband should give his beloved wife a cotton elegant dress, and the wife is obliged to prepare a new chintz shirt for her husband as a gift;
  • the room for meeting guests should be decorated with chintz curtains, a bright tablecloth made of this symbolic material should be laid on the table, napkins and towels should be prepared;
  • guests should give the newlyweds things made of chintz for their anniversary, accompanying the presentation of the gift with wishes and instructions to live in happiness for many years.

Most main tradition It is considered tying knots on scarves. In the morning, spouses are obliged to give each other, in addition to their outfits, a new cotton scarf for the first anniversary of their marriage. Moreover, you need to not just exchange scarves, but tie knots on them. You need to take the handkerchief by the opposite ends, holding it diagonally, tie a knot on the side of the husband and wife, wishing each other many years of marriage and love.

The charmed handkerchiefs should be kept throughout your life together, so that after many years you can take them out, remember this ritual and enjoy the happy years of marriage.

Tips for guests on what to give for a chintz wedding anniversary

A chintz wedding involves a noisy celebration and inviting friends to the anniversary of marriage. No matter how many other anniversaries there may be over many years, this is the very first, which is why it is so important for spouses. Guests must decide in advance how to congratulate the newlyweds and what to give for their anniversary.

The very name “chintz wedding” dictates to the guests the requirements for souvenirs and gifts - they must be made of chintz. There are many options for gifts for the anniversary of married life. As many guests as there are, so many different packages or boxes with chintz items should be received by the spouses at the holiday, because any store will offer a lot of options to choose from.

Here are some ideas for gift ideas for your first marriage anniversary:

  • cotton bed linen, bright beautiful pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover;
  • sets of thin diapers, if the family already has a baby;
  • tablecloths, chintz napkins, colored curtains for the kitchen;
  • an apron with oven mitts for the wife, towels;
  • scarves, handkerchiefs with bright designs;
  • toys with soft fillings, panels.

A friend, sister or mother can give a young wife a cotton robe for the house, a dress, a sundress, a shirt, packing the gift in a bag tied with ribbons and a bow. In turn, the mother-in-law or sister can give the husband a shirt or bright rompers for his son. Spouses will also enjoy funny toys made with their own hands from colored scraps.

For the first anniversary of married life, you can give a pair of identical soft toys made yourself or bought in a store. These can be two hares, a bear cub, a hedgehog, funny people, soft hearts made of fabric. Many years later, the spouses will take them off the shelf and remember the bright moments of the first year of marriage.

If you have the ability and talent, you are encouraged to donate handmade crafts made from chintz material. It can be:

  • fashionable apron with lace inserts;
  • fabric-covered sofa cushions;
  • a napkin or tablecloth embroidered with bright threads;
  • letters from fabric, for example, can be cut out using a stencil and sewn into soft three-dimensional letters for the words “wedding”, “1 year anniversary”, “anniversary”.

You can give anything you choose, the main thing is that the gift pleases the spouses and even after many years of marriage reminds them of the first anniversary of their life together.

Ideas for celebrating your first marriage anniversary

There are many options for celebrating your first wedding anniversary. It all depends on how many guests will come to the celebration and where the holiday will be celebrated. If the main question for guests is what to give to the newlyweds, then the spouses begin to think about how to celebrate the date.

Here are some interesting tips for a fun party:

  • if the anniversary falls in the summer, you can gather friends and celebrate the anniversary in nature - all you need is treats, drinks and a good mood;
  • you can celebrate at home, in the country, by the river, in a cafe or restaurant - it all depends on desire and possibilities married couple;
  • if you want to spend a holiday together, you need to prepare dinner in advance, decorate the room, table, choose music at home or book a table in a restaurant;
  • in the design of a room or hall it is better to use White color, decorating walls, windows, tables with stripes of chintz;
  • in the warm season, you can ask all guests to come to the anniversary in cotton clothes, just like spouses should dress;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a fun photo session with all the guests, using fabrics and toys for decoration;
  • In order not to get bored, you should think through the scenario in advance, select competitions and tasks;
  • You can end the holiday with fireworks, shots from firecrackers, lanterns launched into the sky, or bundles of balloons.

Competitions for guests at the chintz wedding anniversary

In order not to get bored at the festive table, you can play with your guests funny Games or competitions. Here are a couple of examples to get you in a fun mood.

Compliment competition

All guests should be divided into 2 teams - a husband and wife support group. Spouses should be at the head of the teams, let them stand opposite each other. Guests should take turns giving compliments and tender words. sweet words, praising spouses from someone else's team. Whose team, husband or wife, turns out to be more talkative, will win.

Button competition

The housewife should prepare in advance 2 pieces of calico, 2 needles and threads, scissors, and various buttons. Guests are divided into identical teams. For a period of time, for example 10 minutes, team members must take turns sewing a button onto the fabric each, while giving each husband and wife a compliment. Whoever turns out to be more original and faster will receive a prize - a potholder, handkerchief or napkin from the spouses.

Can you remember fun competitions from the wedding and repeat them with the guests, choose your favorite music, hire a toastmaster and a photographer - let the memories of the anniversary chintz wedding will remain in memory and in photographs even after 30-40 years. The more interesting the anniversary, the stronger the relationship between the spouses will be in the future.

What else can we do to make each other happy?

Anniversaries go far into the period roman empire, when husbands crowned their wives with silver crowns on the 25th anniversary, or vicennalia, and a gold crown on the 50th anniversary.

Later, with the development of commerce, it was invented more anniversaries, andeach one came with a gift.

Today at different countries gifts may vary, but most of them have dates on which it is customary to give certain gifts. For example, on the 5th anniversary it is customary to give wooden gifts, on the 25th - a silver gift, etc.

In some eastern countries such as China and Japan, anniversaries were celebrated according to the teachings of numerology, in which successful and unsuccessful anniversaries and anniversaries were noted.

If you believe this teaching, dates that are multiples of four should be celebrated noisily and with guests. And anniversaries, which are dedicated to 11, 22 and 33 years of marriage, should be celebrated in private.

It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of wedding anniversaries and many have two or more names.

As a rule, three wedding anniversaries are most celebrated: silver (25 years), gold (50 years) and diamond (60 years).

What wedding

Green wedding - from the date of marriage to 1 year

The very first day of the wedding, as well as the whole year after it, is called the “green wedding”. This date is so called because green color symbolizes youth, freshness and purity of a young couple.

The whole year can be celebrated several times, for example, by month celebrating " wedding anniversary".The tradition of celebrating a green wedding may have already lost its relevance.

However, the symbols of a green wedding are the leaves in the wedding wreath and in the bride’s bouquet, as well as the flower in the groom’s boutonniere.

Read also: DIY wedding

Calico wedding - 1 year

A calico wedding is one year of marriage.It is worth noting that this anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding.

The anniversary received this name because the marriage is not yet strong enough and looks like gauze or chintz.

Paper wedding - 2 years

When two people have been married for 2 years, they can celebrate a paper wedding. And this anniversary is called a paper anniversary because the period is short, a lot can change in a marriage that is not yet strong, and if the spouses do not support each other, their union will break apart like a piece of paper.

Leather wedding - 3 years

The couple have already taken a few small steps, and their relationship has become stronger. The name of the anniversary is quite logical, because... Leather is a material that is clearly stronger than paper, but there is still room for improvement and making the relationship even stronger.

Linen wedding - 4 years

This anniversary is also called rope wedding. It is worth noting that in the classical sense this is not an anniversary, but it may well have the status of an anniversary.

The relationship between husband and wife by this time had strengthened and became like intertwined ropes or flax fibers that are not so easy to break.

Wooden wedding - 5 years

The fifth wedding anniversary is already a small anniversary for husband and wife. This is the very first important anniversary worth celebrating.

Previous anniversaries were only small steps along the road to living together, but a wooden wedding is serious proof of strong family ties, which is what the name actually suggests.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years

Six years of marriage means that the time has come to strengthen the home. A year after wooden wedding this anniversary indicates that everything is not always smooth in marriage, and it is worth learning to overcome crises.

That is why it is called cast iron. It is worth noting that cast iron is not the most durable material. Being fragile, it can crack when you don't expect it.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years

Married life afterward has short periods of time, which are called in their own way. At this stage the anniversary is called zinc.

Copper wedding - 7 years

It is not for nothing that copper was chosen as a symbol of this anniversary. This metal is strong and also quite valuable.

The name of the anniversary suggests that 7 years of marriage not only strengthens the relationship between husband and wife, but also makes the union more valuable.

Tin wedding - 8 years

Tin became a symbol of this wedding, since during this period the life of the spouses, as a rule, is finally settled, or, at least, everything goes towards this.

The husband and wife are completely accustomed to each other, they are raising children together and are ready to move on.

Faience wedding - 9 years

Earthenware is quite a fragile material - so why is it a symbol of this anniversary? This is because after 9 years it is believed that the spouses may experience certain critical moments.

At these moments you need to be reasonable and try to overcome difficulties. A marriage can easily crack, like earthenware.In addition, there is an opinion that by the age of 9 years of marriage, spouses already live in abundance.

Tin wedding - 10 years

Ten years is a long time. By this time, the spouses become flexible in their relationship, just like tin.

This means that they can adjust to each other, giving in when necessary. It is worth noting that this anniversary is also called a pink wedding.

Read also:The most unusual weddings in the world

Steel wedding - 11 years

By the age of 11, the relationship had finally settled and became as solid as steel. Steel is not only durable, but also a beautiful mirror metal.

In marriage, by this time, everything is usually the same: the relationship is strong and mirror-clear. Usually by this time the family has 2 children and a roof over their head, or even better, their own home.

Nickel (silk) wedding - 12 years

They say that the name of the nickel wedding reminds the couple of how important it is to maintain radiance and purity in the family. Nickel is a hint that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care.

Lace wedding - 13 years

Lace means that by the 13th year of marriage, it is worth appreciating marriage, as it is delicate, like lace. It is worth noting that a lace wedding has a second name - lily of the valley, which means that for this anniversary, as a rule, not only lace is given, but also white flowers.

Agate wedding - 14 years

If the marriage crosses the line at 14 years old, he is no longer afraid of anything. Agate symbolizes well-being, health, and prosperity.If the spouses have lived together for 14 years, then their marriage is prosperous and strong, and all obstacles are knee-deep.

Crystal wedding - 15 years

After 15 years of marriage, the crystal wedding occurs. It is worth noting that crystal is a symbol of this anniversary, as it is a very strong material.Moreover, the crystal is ringing and clear, and these features are inherent in a marriage that crossed the line at 15 years old and became strong and time-tested.

Topaz wedding - 16 years

This stage is a kind of anniversary of life together. The husband and wife are one, and despite such a period, they still have a romantic relationship and passion.Topaz is semiprecious stone, which is a symbol of the transition from soft to durable.

Pink wedding - 17 years

In their long history of marriage, the couple will celebrate two Pink Weddings. First, tin, which occurs after 10 years of marriage, then Pink wedding, which the couple celebrates, according to tradition, after 17 years of marriage.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years

By the age of 18, all crisis situations in a marriage, large and small (if, of course, they took place), end and dawn begins. The children have become quite old, which means that problems in the family have decreased. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory.

Pomegranate wedding - 19 years

This wedding is named after the stone, which is a symbol of fertility and abundance. By the age of 19, spouses should have a complete set of marriages: children and a house.But still, the husband and wife continue to maintain a romantic attitude in the relationship.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years

Why porcelain? This material is thin, light and elegant. N Besides all this, porcelain is a rather fragile material.This means that even after such a considerable period as 20 years, spouses should take their union seriously.

Read also:The most beautiful places for a wedding

Opal wedding - 21 years

It will be interesting to note that popular belief states that opal is a stone that evokes repulsive feelings towards the one who gave it. Despite this, opal products are the gifts that spouses give each other.

Bronze wedding - 22 years

The name of this anniversary means that by this time family relationships have become stronger, and a new stage of development has begun. They say that by this time the spouses easily adapt to each other, while they remain one.

Beryl wedding - 23 years

Some believe that beryl is a stone of peace of mind, and it also serves as the guardian of the hearth. In addition, this stone symbolizes love, prosperity and prosperity.It is worth noting that it can be found painted in different colors and shades.It is believed that the threshold of 23 years is a turning point in family life.

Satin wedding - 24 years

Satin is a fabric that stands out for its fineness and smoothness. From the title you can understand that family relationships become subtle and smooth after so many years.

By this time, the main difficulties of family life are over, the children have become adults, life is settled and all that remains is to enjoy what you have achieved, while not forgetting and maintaining warm feelings in the relationship.

Silver wedding - 25 years

After 25 years of marriage, the silver wedding begins. Silver is a precious metal, and a quarter of a century of marriage cannot but be considered something precious for spouses.They will definitely never part, their relationships and feelings have already been tempered over the years.Husband and wife not only love, but also value and respect each other.

Jade wedding - 26 years

A year has passed since the bright event - the silver wedding. After such an anniversary, the Jade Wedding is celebrated, the symbol of which is the jade stone, known for its strength, and it is extremely difficult to break it, both physically and chemically.

Mahogany wedding - 27 years

Mahogany in this case is a symbol of nobility, wisdom, endurance, as well as the strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, or rather in the circle of children and grandchildren.If desired, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

Nickel wedding - 28 years

According to legend, the name of this wedding should remind the spouses that even after so many years of marriage, the marriage should continue to be filled with radiance.

Velvet wedding - 29 years

According to folk traditions, the 29th year of marriage is called the velvet wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, as it is worth remembering tenderness and gentleness in relationships.It is recommended to celebrate this anniversary in a restaurant.The wife, as a rule, wears a velor dress, and the husband can simply wear a velvet bow tie.

Pearl wedding - 30 years

Pearls symbolize chastity, love, purity and fertility. By this time, according to tradition, the couple can already boast of grandchildren.To celebrate this anniversary, the couple invites all guests: friends, children and grandchildren.

Dark (sunny) wedding - 31 years

The name of this anniversary is a symbol of warmth and light. By this time, both of these traits are present in the relationship, and this is not surprising.

Stone (strawberry) wedding - 33 years

You can understand everything by the name - by the age of 33, the relationship had become as strong as a rock. It is worth noting that this anniversary also has a second name - strawberry wedding.Perhaps this is due to the fact that the spouses are intertwined with each other like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding - 34 years

This anniversary received such a warm name because amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, must go a long way, changing from a viscous volcanic resin into a valuable mineral.

Linen (coral) wedding - 35 years

This anniversary also has a second name - coral wedding. Linen is a symbol of strength, but coral is a living organism that can grow quite quickly and form coral reefs.

The name “coral wedding” suggests that after 35 years of marriage, the couple can already enjoy a huge family with many grandchildren.

36 years - what a wedding

This anniversary does not have a name, but it is celebrated nonetheless. Usually they invite a narrow circle of friends and do not organize festivities like on a special occasion.You can also celebrate this date with each other.

Muslin wedding - 37 years

Muslin is a fairly expensive fabric. To produce it, in ancient times, people spent a lot of time, and they also had to demonstrate a lot of patience.

Mercury wedding - 38 years

Mercury is a liquid metal that can change its shape. In marriage, spouses who have lived together for 38 years can look at their relationship in a new way.It's never too late to start living for each other.

Like all intermediate anniversaries, this one is celebrated in a very narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding - 39 years

Although it is not yet an anniversary, a crepe wedding is an important anniversary in the family. The name anniversary comes from a durable material whose threads are tightly woven together.

The relationship between spouses can be compared to in one piece, which is very difficult to break.

Ruby wedding - 40 years

The symbol of this anniversary is ruby ​​- a stone that symbolizes love and the fire of burning feelings, proven over the years.

Mother of pearl wedding - 42 years

According to folk traditions, mother of pearl has magical properties. It is said to have the ability to strengthen marital relationships and also provide happiness in the home.Tradition also says that on this anniversary, the husband gives his wife a necklace consisting of 42 pearls.

Flannel wedding - 43 years

Flannel is a fabric that is popularly used because it is soft and warm, capable of keeping you warm in any weather. According to tradition, on this anniversary, husband and wife give each other various flannel products - pajamas, shirts, dressing gowns, etc.

Topaz wedding - 44 years

Topaz is beautiful stone who boasts a rich color scheme. Although it is transparent, it is quite strong.By this time, the relationship between the spouses is considered to be quite strong and transparent, with no resentment or quarrels.

Sapphire wedding - 45 years

By the age of 45, the couple had long proven their love and devotion to each other. Sapphire symbolizes love, which protects from evil. This means that spouses must take care of each other and protect each other.It is also worth noting that sapphire is a stone of renewal and kindness.They say it helps refresh relationships.

Lavender wedding - 46 years

By this time, there is no such passion as before, but there is no fuss either. With all this, in marriage there is calm, respect and tenderness.This anniversary is not celebrated magnificently - most often children and grandchildren are invited.But the table is set, according to tradition, with a blue tablecloth and blue dishes are placed.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years

Cashmere is a warm and pleasant material. It is famous for not causing allergies. The name of the anniversary means that the spouses have not annoyed each other for a long time.After so many years of marriage, they are simply enjoying a quiet life.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years

Amethyst is a symbol of purity of relationships. Such relationships are essential to a lasting marriage.For so many years together, the spouses learned to support each other, they became one.

Cedar wedding - 49 years

There is a year left until the Golden Jubilee, but for now - the Cedar Wedding. After 49 years of marriage, the spouses can easily show everyone their ability to adapt to each other, as well as solve complex problems together.Noble cedar is famous for the fact that it is incredibly hardy and can live for hundreds of years.

Golden wedding - 50 years

Fifty years is no joke. It is not for nothing that the symbol of such an anniversary is gold - one of the most expensive metals in the world. This valuable metal symbolizes the path that the spouses have traveled, spending a lot of effort along the way.

The marriage, which lasted 50 years, was difficult in places, but its participants were able to prove to each other their love, respect, support, trust, and devotion.

Emerald wedding - 55 years

After more than half a century of marriage, the spouses are no longer young, which means that the children should host the celebration. Children give emerald jewelry to their parents as gifts.

Diamond wedding - 60 years

The diamond wedding also has a second name - diamond. Diamond is the most valuable and expensive stone.The name of the anniversary means that a marriage that lasts 60 years is quite rare, and if the spouses have lived together for that long, then there is something to value the marriage for.

Iron wedding - 65 years

Many anniversaries have already been celebrated, children are not young either, grandchildren may also have children, your home is filled with joy, especially when family members visit you. Iron in this case is a symbol of strong relationships that have been built and strengthened over the years.

Wedding of grace - 70 years

A blessed wedding is a rather rare occurrence. And yet it exists and proves that eternal love exists, and people can live together for such a long time in marriage.Usually this anniversary is celebrated among children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It is they, and not the heroes of the day, who organize the event.

Crown wedding - 75 years

Such a marriage seems impossible. But if the spouses were able to live in marriage for 75 years, then they should be awarded medals, since such a long period is a real achievement.The couple who celebrated their crown wedding already know that they made the right choice.

Oak wedding - 80 years

This date is incredibly big for a person and no less rare. The oak is a symbol of this anniversary, as it is large and strong, capable of standing for centuries. Oak does not care about hurricanes and storms.It is also a symbol of eternity.This anniversary is mainly celebrated by centenarians (people who have already turned 100 years old).

Granite wedding - 90 years

Those who celebrate a Granite wedding have very good health, otherwise it would be impossible to celebrate 90 years of marriage. Granite is a hard and durable material that can withstand the tests of the elements and time.

Red (platinum) wedding - 100 years

This may be the most unlikely wedding anniversary ever. Despite this, it exists, which means there were, are, and maybe there will be people who will be able to celebrate such a rare anniversary.

All family members give the spouses gifts and red flowers, and cook festive table. At the same time, the most important thing is attention and happiness that there are such parents.

It is worth noting that at least one (already famous in the world) couple can boast of a red wedding - the Agayevs from Azerbaijan.

It was they who gave the name to this wedding. In 2012, 126-year-old Niftula and his wife, 116-year-old Balabeim, celebrated exactly 100 years of marriage.

The couple was congratulated from all over the world.According to the Agayevs, the secret of such a long love is one thing - no matter what you do, you should always do it with love.

A wedding is the most exciting event of our lives, it is magical and unforgettable, beautiful and incredibly romantic... It cannot be otherwise, because there are two loving hearts these days will unite into one whole, and all the upcoming moments of happiness, joyful moments, hopes and worries will be shared by the newlyweds. Weddings are almost always celebrated magnificently, and this celebration is a tradition for almost all peoples of the world. Champagne, the abduction and ransom of the bride, cheerful cries of “Bitter!” - each of us is familiar with this and has long become attributes of any new wedding.

But not everyone knows that weddings are not only new. Family Day can be celebrated every year, and a husband and wife, who even have a lot of marital experience behind them, on this significant day again become newlyweds, inspired by their love. Each such wedding has its own traditions of celebration and its own name; their essence is focused on the number of years that the spouses have lived together. Of course, these anniversaries are celebrated if the husband and wife were able to create a fairly strong family union and build harmonious relationships. And if the life together is bad, then in 5 years what kind of wedding can be celebrated with great pleasure and fun? Such a celebration will come out very strained and dull and will bring nothing but regrets about the mistake made then.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries

But... Let's not talk about sad things. It’s better to talk about what kind of wedding anniversaries happen in happy family unions. Such important anniversaries are celebrated from 1 to 100 years of marriage. Wedding anniversaries are celebrated very magnificently and solemnly after thirty years of marriage, since for those who have lived so many years side by side, one of the most significant moments in life is the first wedding.

Wedding anniversaries have different names. Silver and pearl, gold, copper and glass, leather and wood, chintz and paper wedding, – there are so many names! Each such name for a wedding anniversary symbolizes something, and each of them means a lot... For example, a glass wedding is celebrated after fifteen years of marriage, it got its name as a warning that glass can be unusually beautiful, but its easy to break. Therefore, in order to save the family, spouses need to become very restrained and attentive to each other.

And here silver wedding celebrated after twenty-five years of living together - this is already love and devotion that have been tested by time. After all, silver is a precious, strong metal that has incredible life-giving powers.
A very prosaic name for the wedding anniversary, which is celebrated after thirty-five years of marriage, is “linen wedding.” But this name is also quite justified. Over the years, the family has already become one common organism, which is woven like a canvas from many threads - these are spouses, children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren.

Wedding anniversaries celebrated after this date have no less meaningful names. Noble and red, stone and iron, ruby ​​and diamond... Each of these weddings means a certain stage of married life, and each of them, for time-tested love, is a special hymn.

Congratulations for a wedding anniversary are very diverse, but, above all, they are focused on the type of wedding anniversary. For example, at a chintz wedding, which is celebrated every year from the day the family was created, the celebrants of the day are presented with things made of chintz and linen as gifts. On a paper wedding anniversary, after two years of married life, the spouses are given souvenirs made of glass and paper. For a copper wedding, which is celebrated after seven years of marriage, gifts made of copper are given, since the family is considered durable, like copper.

A silver wedding means gifts made of silver, and for a pearl wedding, after thirty years of living together, jewelry made of pearls. For a golden wedding anniversary, of course, they give gold. And for a diamond one... It is advisable, of course, to give diamonds, but many of the guests cannot afford such a gift. Therefore, the diamond, golden jubilee and the anniversaries that are celebrated after them do not need any special symbolism of gifts. And to give to the already aged, but, as before, happy newlyweds, you need something that can bring them joy.

You can give cards for all wedding anniversaries. It’s good that today there are a lot of them on sale, and you can always choose a fairly original postcard that will best suit the special moment. Of course, the inscriptions in these holiday cards should be approachable and cheerful, very friendly and certainly focused on the specifics of the wedding anniversary. And then such a postcard will become a bright, memorable gift for the spouses, which they keep all their lives.

In other words, in order to congratulate the heroes of the day with dignity, it is not enough to know what wedding anniversary they will celebrate. In order not to miss and not to give, for example, linen towels for a glass wedding anniversary, it is necessary, when choosing a gift, to find out what exactly is presented for such an anniversary. Our tip will serve as a source of such useful information, which you can get acquainted with, and then, fully armed, boldly go to such a romantic, such an unforgettable holiday.

What names do weddings have by year?

  • Wedding 0 years – Green wedding
  • Wedding 1 year – Calico wedding
  • Wedding 2 years – Paper wedding
  • Wedding 3 years – Leather wedding
  • Wedding 4 years – Linen (wax) wedding
  • 5th Anniversary Wedding – Wooden Wedding
  • Wedding 6 years – Cast iron (rowan, cypress) wedding
  • 7th Anniversary Wedding – Copper Wedding
  • Wedding 8 years – Tin (poppy) wedding
  • Wedding 9 years – Faience wedding
  • 10th anniversary wedding – Pink (amber, pewter) wedding
  • Wedding 11 years – Steel wedding
  • Wedding 12 years – Nickel (silk) wedding
  • Wedding 13 years – Lace (wool) wedding
  • Wedding 14 years – Agate wedding
  • Wedding 15 years – Glass (crystal) wedding
  • 16th Anniversary Wedding – Not celebrated
  • Wedding 17 years – Tin wedding
  • Wedding 18 years – Turquoise wedding
  • Wedding 19 years – Krypton wedding
  • Wedding 20 years – Porcelain wedding
  • 21st Anniversary Wedding – Opal Wedding
  • Wedding 22 years – Bronze wedding
  • Wedding 23 years – Beryl wedding
  • Wedding 24 years – Satin wedding
  • Wedding 25 years – Silver wedding
  • Wedding 26 years – Jade wedding
  • Wedding 27 years – Mahogany wedding
  • Wedding 28 years – Not celebrated
  • Wedding 29 years – Velvet wedding
  • Wedding 30 years – Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 31 years – Dark wedding
  • Wedding 32 and 33 years – Not celebrated
  • Wedding 34 years – Amber wedding
  • Wedding 35 years – Linen (coral) wedding
  • Wedding 36 years – Not celebrated
  • Wedding 37 years – Muslin wedding
  • Wedding 38 years – Mercury wedding
  • Wedding 39 years – Crepe wedding
  • Wedding 40 years – Ruby wedding
  • Wedding 41 years – Not celebrated
  • Wedding 42 years – Mother of pearl wedding
  • Wedding 43 years – Flannel wedding
  • Wedding 44 years – Topaz wedding
  • Wedding 45 years – Sapphire (scarlet) wedding
  • Wedding 46 years – Lavender wedding
  • Wedding 47 years – Cashmere wedding
  • Wedding 48 years – Amethyst wedding
  • Wedding 49 years – Cedar wedding
  • 50th Anniversary Wedding – Golden Wedding
  • Wedding 55 years – Emerald wedding
  • 60th Anniversary Wedding – Diamond (Platinum) Wedding
  • Wedding 65 years – Iron wedding
  • 70th Anniversary Wedding – Blessed Wedding
  • Wedding 75 years – Crown (last, alabaster) wedding
  • 80th Anniversary Wedding – Oak Wedding
  • 100th Anniversary Wedding – Red Wedding

1 year of marriage (calico wedding) is the first small anniversary for a married couple. The newlyweds are still getting used to each other and living together. During this period it is very important positive emotions and demonstration of deep feelings. To make the first anniversary memorable for a long time, it is important to know what kind of wedding it is, what to give as a gift and how to celebrate properly.

What wedding

1 year of marriage is called a calico wedding. According to ancient tradition, on the first anniversary it was customary to give cloth for diapers. At this time, the first-born child usually appeared in the family, so such a gift was relevant. According to another version, the anniversary got its name due to the fact that the newlyweds had not yet had time to buy bed linen, towels and other fabric products. Some compare chintz to the feelings in the first year of marriage. The fabric is bright and colorful, but at the same time fragile.


It is customary to celebrate the first wedding anniversary in a grand manner, but not in a restaurant or cafe. A dacha or country house is better suited for this purpose. A rich table is a sign that a comfortable life awaits the newlyweds, so it is not customary to skimp on treats. During the holiday, everyone congratulates the spouses and makes toasts to their health and well-being.

Previously, for a chintz wedding, the newlyweds themselves embroidered a chintz tablecloth, expressing their love for each other, but now this tradition is not so popular. Use as much fabric as possible to decorate the room. Tie a knot from a cotton scarf and hang it in a visible place. This is a symbol of a strong marriage. Do not forget that the wife must wear a chintz dress to the celebration. You need to wear it from morning to evening and take it off only before going to bed. It is believed that then the spouse will have a happy family life. The husband puts on a thin shirt cotton fabric with a bright pattern.

On their wedding day, many newlyweds are given 2 bottles of champagne tied together. It is customary to open one of them on the first anniversary of marriage, and the second on the birthday of the first child. The drink is drunk with guests to the pleasant wishes and toasts of those present. There should be a lot of guests at the celebration. Invite everyone you love and with whom you have a warm relationship. The more guests there are, the longer the newlyweds will live in happiness and harmony.

What to give your spouse

Just a few decades ago, at a chintz wedding, husbands received underwear made of thin fabric as a gift. Nowadays it is also common to give intimate gifts. A robe is considered a very popular gift. You can also order a T-shirt or shirt with an original design or phrase that only spouses can understand.

If the holiday falls during the cold season, give your husband a warm scarf or blanket. remember, that best gift- This is a handmade item. Sew your spouse an original case for a phone or tablet. Remember that many men love cars and everything connected with them. If your husband has a car, try making interior cushions.

What to give to your wife

A chintz dress is considered a mandatory gift for a chintz wedding to a wife from her husband. The same gifts can be presented by relatives or girlfriends of newlyweds, but not by men. Don't skimp and don't stop at one gift. Pamper your loved one with an elegant robe or a beautiful underwear. Binding to chintz is optional these days, so consider silk or cambric options.

When choosing a gift for your first wedding anniversary, consider your wife's preferences. Some young women will consider a cookbook from a famous chef a great gift, others will be indignant. The traditional gift from a man is Jewelry. If you decide to present a ring, it should be thin, elegant and without a stone. In addition, collect a bouquet of flowers and a fruit basket for your beloved.

Present each other with cotton scarves, say vows during the celebration and tie one knot at a time

Majority beautiful ladies love to eat sweets. Prepare an assortment of chocolates or any other dessert for your wife and pack it in a box decorated with ribbons. If you know exactly your partner’s tastes in perfumes, order perfume or soap for her self made. This will demonstrate your attention and care.

Young women are usually more prone to romance, so you can make a collage of photos together, edit a video, or write a song. Feel free to involve your friends in the creative process, this will make the gift even more meaningful. Present each other with cotton scarves, say vows during the celebration and tie one knot at a time. It symbolizes 1 year of marriage. Store the scarves and tie a new knot for each anniversary.

Gifts from guests

Close relatives traditionally give clothes for the newlyweds and children, bed linen, tablecloths, and curtains for a chintz wedding. You should not give large bulky bouquets; it is better to opt for elegant compositions of wildflowers. Distant relatives usually give textiles for the kitchen: aprons, potholders. Songs, poems and toasts are expected from friends and acquaintances, but it wouldn’t hurt to take some of the traditional gifts.

Now the concept of a chintz wedding has been slightly interpreted, so you can give everything that a young family needs: household appliances, dishes, decorative items, furniture. If you are a creative person, come up with something original. For example, paint a picture using chintz. This gift will be both traditional and exclusive.