On April 1, 2013, information appeared on the Internet that comedian Pavel Volya and athlete Laysan Utyasheva became husband and wife.

Initially, this news was taken as an April Fool's joke; few people believed that Pasha and Laysan could unexpectedly be connected by love. But it turned out that they not only got married. After some time, it became known that Laysan was pregnant. When she was asked how the lovers managed to hide their relationship for so long, the gymnast replied that they did not try to hide from the public at all.

“And we didn’t hide anything. For two years we went to the theaters, cinemas, shopping, walked around Red Square together. But the paparazzi - lo and behold! - never caught us. And the people who asked to take pictures with Pashka, then with me, they never posted these pictures on the Internet. Surprisingly... We ourselves did not comment on anything, because Pasha, in principle, does not like to talk about himself, and recently neither have I. Now I value my personal life so much that I am afraid of stories about it scare away your happiness." - says Laysan.

Now young parents don’t have much time for romance, so a few days ago, when they went to St. Petersburg, where Pavel gave the “Big Stand-Up” show at the Ice Palace, the couple decided, while they had the opportunity, to definitely go to the Hermitage.

In the evening, unexpectedly for Laysan, Pavel asked her to go up on stage and in front of everyone, giving her a bouquet, confessed his love to her. How romantic it is! Below I have posted several videos on this topic.

By the way, there were several times when Pavel Volya spoke words of love to Laysan from the stage. They threw a bouquet

By the way, I posted my favorite declaration of Pavel Volya’s love for Laysan separately. I barely found the video, because there Pasha talks about Laysan, although not from such a big stage as in St. Petersburg, but no less charmingly and tenderly.

In the meantime, I suggest you watch the entire video from St. Petersburg, and if you wish, you can watch my favorite one by clicking here...

November 27, 2017

The star spouses celebrated a wooden wedding. Utyasheva and Volya have been happily married for five years.

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/pavelvolyaofficial/

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are rightfully considered one of the strongest and most harmonious couples in domestic show business. Before getting married, the lovers were friends for many years. The future husband and wife were united by a tragedy in the family of the gymnast: Zulfiya Utyasheva. In 2012, Laysan became the legal wife of Pavel Volya; at that time, the athlete was already expecting her son, Robert, together with the comedian. Several good news were immediately confirmed by the honored gymnastics coach and mentor of Utyasheva, Irina Viner.

“There was no wedding at all - neither white dress, nor a limousine with dolls. In memory of my mother, we decided to hold a very modest wedding ceremony. We just went to the registry office in ordinary clothes and signed. And in the evening we celebrated the event at home, in a narrow family circle: Pasha’s parents, his sister, my grandparents came from Bashkiria,” the gymnast said about her wedding in one of the interviews. November 27 marked exactly five years since that joyful moment. In honor of this event, Volya published a touching message to his wife on his Instagram page.

“We were just walking around Moscow. We looked at everything and talked about everything. There was a lot of laughing and hugging. They kissed on all corners, to the envy or even irritation of others. They talked a lot about us in this world. And about the peace within us. We went to cafes and restaurants, and in the evening we even went to the cinema. We just went where our feet and our feelings led us. Our love. And we've been doing this for five years now. And even more. And five years have already passed since we crossed the threshold of the registry office. And those were wonderful years. The best. Thank you my dear. There is still a lot of time ahead. I'm proud to be next to you. What you saw, saw and chose me. That I am the father of our children. And I'm grateful to have you next to me. That we are together. What is it WE! I’m also glad that we celebrated our first “wooden” anniversary with a walk around Moscow. It was simple and extraordinary. It's so great and important to walk and talk. I love you very much. Thank you for five years. And especially for this day. Take a walk. Speak. Love,” Pavel touchingly congratulated his wife on their wedding anniversary.

Note that the couple has two children: son Robert and daughter Sofia. Star parents fundamentally do not show the faces of their heirs to the public. According to Utyasheva and Volya, children should grow up and decide for themselves what information about themselves to make public.

They are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and strong couples in domestic show business. They got married in September 2012. On May 14, 2013, Utyasheva gave birth to her first child, Robert, in a Miami clinic, and on May 6, 2015, her daughter Sofia was born in the same clinic. The couple carefully hides any information about their children and does not show their faces. “I strictly delineate the line and do not cross it: I do not speculate on the topic of personal life - I just confirm the facts. Bringing it to public view is not my story,” Laysan Utyasheva explained the reason for her secrecy in an interview with “Around TV”.

Today Pavel Volya shared a joint photo with his wife on his Instagram microblog. The showman congratulated his wife on her wooden wedding. Apparently, the couple decided to celebrate the event a little belatedly. Succumbing to feelings, Pavel Volya wrote on the microblog touching confession in love with his wife and thanked Laysan for choosing him. The stars decided to dedicate this day to each other and simply walked around Moscow, kissed, sat in a cafe, and spent the evening in a cinema.

“We were just walking around Moscow. We looked at everything and talked about everything. There was a lot of laughing and hugging. They kissed on all corners, to the envy or even irritation of others. They talked a lot about us in this world. And about the peace within us. We went to cafes and restaurants, and in the evening we even went to the cinema. We just went where our feet and our feelings led us. Our love. And we've been doing this for five years now. And even more. And five years have already passed since we crossed the threshold of the registry office. And those were wonderful years. The best. Thank you my dear. There is still a lot of time ahead. I'm proud to be next to you. What you saw, saw and chose me. That I am the father of our children. And I'm grateful to have you next to me. That we are together. What is it WE! I’m also glad that we celebrated our first “wooden” anniversary with a walk around Moscow. It was simple and extraordinary. It's so cool and important to walk and talk. I love you very much. Thank you for five years. And especially for this day. Take a walk. Speak. Love,” said Pavel Volya.

Pavel Volya and his wife Laysan Utyasheva celebrated a wooden wedding

The star couple hides the details of their personal life. True, recently Pavel Volya, in a conversation with journalists, unexpectedly opened up and talked about the intimate component of his marriage. According to the 39-year-old artist, after the birth of children, making love with his wife became a thing of the past. It turned out that spouses who have lived together for more than five years simply do not find time for sex. “When you have two children, you don't have time for sex. All my time is spent on the children. Do you know what foreplay looks like when you have two children? Just a nod towards the bedroom. Prelude with sound - you nod and say: “Follow me!” - Volya said. The showman noted that his and his wife’s life changed dramatically after the birth of their son Robert and daughter Sophia. They have become more domestic and try to devote all their free time to their children.

Let us remind you that recently the couple together with their children - 4-year-old Robert and 2 year old Sofia- flew to a ski resort in Austria. The Comedy Club resident consulted in advance with subscribers of his microblog on Instagram about choosing a sports direction for the heirs. “What should I put my children on - skis or snowboards? Which is better? Your versions and advice in the comments, please,” asked Pavel. Most followers suggested skis, the artist and his wife listened to public opinion. Pavel Volya shared the results of Robert’s first days of training on social networks.

Pavel Volya with his son Robert

The athlete and simply beautiful Laysan is 31 years old! The husband was the first to congratulate the birthday girl. Read, but be careful! “Mi-mi-miness” is off the charts.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the brutal and sharp-tongued Pavel Volya is capable of such tenderness. But it turns out that just as much as he is a skeptic at Comedy, he is just as attentive and loving at home.

Pavel has already arranged for his wife more than once gentle surprises. But his new congratulations on the occasion of his beloved’s birthday are simply a tear-jerker!

Photo @pavelvolyaofficial

“My dear Lyasya. My little girl, today is your birthday. The numbers on the cake will tell you that you have become an adult, but don’t believe them. Yes, you became a queen, a diva, a woman, a mother, but you remained a girl,” Volya began his congratulations. “I see it every time you laugh, every time a dimple appears on your cheek.” You are strong, smart, brave. The most best mom in the world, the kindest and most caring, the best wife, companion, friend and helper. We and our children are the coolest and funniest gang in the world. Thank you for this. Thank you for a lot. For all! For everything I am ready to shout to the whole world about. For everything that is just between us. Always be happy, smile, laugh carefree, loudly and cheerfully. I love your laughter so much! This The best music for me. Don’t think about anything: everything worked out for you, everything works out for you, everything will always work out for you. After all, you are so pretty, diligent, with two bows on your head. Look at this photo, my dear. You are the same as me today! Always be like this, don't grow up. And I will make sure that no one disturbs our sandbox. I love you very much! The rest is at the meeting. Happy birthday, girl!

Utyasheva was probably touched by the congratulations. And how could it be otherwise? But unlike her husband, she did not open up, but wrote rather general words of gratitude...

“Thanks to my family, my @pavelvolyaofficial, all my friends and colleagues! To everyone, everyone, for such kind and sincere congratulations! You make me happy! “I love you,” replied the mother of two children.

It is curious that this is not the first time Pavel has publicly admitted his feelings. And the last time he was moved was when Laysan gave him his daughter Sofia.

“The coolest thing that happened to me this year (2015 - Ed.), friends: Laysan and I had a daughter! To say that I haven't changed is probably a lie. Last year I talked about my son and how cool it is to be a father. Then I was a father, and now I’m a daddy, daddy,” the comedian shared his joy. - Only with my second child did I feel responsible. I no longer do crazy, thoughtless things. I may be skinny, but I'm a hot guy! I'll be honest: I used to have no brakes. He fought with everyone: because of sidelong glances, bad words. I won't do that now. No fighting, I have a lot of responsibility! I’m jealous of my daughter towards the boys on the playground.”

Or remember at least Pasha’s very first declaration of love from the stage. The show was going on, suddenly the lights in the hall went out. Pavel went backstage... And the audience was already nervous - was this the end! But no, Pavel began to broadcast from behind the scenes:

“Your ears can hear my voice and your eyes can see my words. And believe me, it doesn't matter where I am. My voice will still sound in your head. Darling, someday we will become old. And in our house, decrepit Volya will emerge from the bedroom. And he will talk some unrelated crap about old age, autumn, refrigeration... Where are my orders? And you? You will always be beautiful. Old but beautiful. You will sit in a chair wearing your favorite downy purple scarf. Why purple? Because I already bought it for you. At the Voronezh airport... I was drunk. Okay, one day we'll both be older. And the font will become larger. Even more... Imagine, we will sit in the living room. And our son will come to us, and with him our grandchildren. Ratibor, Hidalgo, Valera. Who knows what names our Robert has in his head. Since you and I had Robert in our heads. We will live by the sea. Can you hear this sound? I recorded the toilet on a voice recorder. There was no sea nearby. But the most important thing is that I will love you always and everywhere. Today and tomorrow. Near and far. Right and left. Low and high. Everywhere and always."