Wishes for mom do not require originality, new words, fresh thoughts. Words for mother are kept in the memory of centuries. They have long been found in eternal concepts: love and gratitude. All you have to do is express these words in your own voice, which your mother will not confuse with any other.

In verse

  • Mom, I wish you long life!
  • Live longer in this world,
  • Remember that for me you are the dearest,
  • Very sweet and dear!
  • Take care of yourself and never get sick,
  • May illnesses go away from you forever,
  • Be healthy, I pray to God for you,
  • And may your path be bright!
  • Mom, dearest,
  • I wish you to live in love!
  • So that was my favorite,
  • And you bloomed like a violet.
  • So that you love yourself,
  • And the darkness will leave the heart,
  • Happiness to you, dear
  • I wish with all my heart!
  • I wish my mother eternal youth,
  • May you always be carefree,
  • She was as beautiful as the moon
  • And like an aspen, she is slim.
  • So that you don't get better,
  • To remain thin,
  • She shone with tender beauty,
  • And the heart was serene.
  • Happy spring greetings to you,
  • Drive away gray shadows from life,
  • Smile and don't be sad
  • Always bloom for our joy!
  • I wish my mother's heart to beat
  • Healthy and vigorous,
  • Greetings from the wind take
  • Fresh and free.
  • I also wish obedient grandchildren,
  • Good and caring,
  • So that they love you
  • And they had fun with pranks,
  • So that you play with them joyfully,
  • And so that my soul is sweet,
  • For songs to be sung,
  • And so that I want to live!
  • Mommy, goodness and warmth to you!
  • You are my dearest person!
  • So that always I was young,
  • And she remained like that forever.
  • Be smiling and inviting
  • Let your voice be ringing!
  • Your hands will be tender,
  • So that you don't know boredom anymore.
  • Spring in your soul, mommy,
  • May daddy love you
  • May your garden be fruitful
  • And fortunately every bridge leads.
  • May all your wishes come true,
  • Let there be no pain, no suffering in your heart,
  • Only let joy settle in him,
  • And your home glows with happiness.
  • I wish my mother a generous table,
  • And a delicious breakfast, not poor,
  • So that the closet cracks with clothes,
  • And daddy will miss you.
  • Let there be a pig in the barn,
  • Don't let your back hurt,
  • Legs and arms don't hurt,
  • Like many years ago.
  • Be cheerful and sweet
  • Clear-eyed, swift-winged.
  • Don't yawn in your life,
  • Never be discouraged.
  • On mom's table
  • Let there be bread
  • May God protect
  • Mommy from troubles.
  • Let an angel sit next to you,
  • He'll pat you on the head,
  • Calms and comforts
  • And the devil will take sorrow.
  • Let him drag you into the dense forest,
  • And bury it in the dark thicket!
  • And so that mom has eyes
  • They were like Goldilocks!

In prose

My dear! I don’t know what to say more than that you are my mother! So I’ll go straight to the wishes! I wish you to greet your dad from work with a smile. Receive flowers from him every day. Rock a new grandson once every nine months. And, as always, forgive us for our mistakes!

Mommy! Let your children be smart and beautiful, successful and lucky! Let your borscht never turn sour and your milk never run away! Taxi drivers will be kind, seats in vehicles are free, bank transfers will be without delays and doubled. The neighbors at the entrance are talkative and grumpy. Friends are loyal and cheerful! Live to be a hundred years old and start counting again. Don’t be sick, don’t be sad, don’t stay up late watching TV. Put on the kettle, wait for guests and bake pies!

Mother! When we walk down the street together, people around us think that we are sisters and young guys come up to meet us. I wish you to always look young and gorgeous. Let the passing years add only life wisdom to you (and not wrinkles), so that you can always help me with advice in a difficult situation.

You can easily and without hesitation wish anything to a close friend, your boyfriend, your acquaintances... But how can you find out why today you smile somehow sadly, listen to me and nod absentmindedly. What are you thinking about, mom? Even if I ask, you will tell me tenderly: “Everything is okay, my dear!” and you will sigh imperceptibly. All your dreams have long since come true, and if you have them, they only concern children. What do you want, mom? I wish you, my love, that whatever you want comes true at that very moment!

My beloved “old lady”! You live your peaceful life, which is only overshadowed by our rare meetings. Mother! Don't try to understand me, don't. This will only give you an extra headache. I don’t often understand myself! Just know that I am somewhere, breathing, existing and thinking about you. Don't take my long silence personally. You are always in my heart. Just expect that at any moment there will be a knock on the door and your prodigal son will finally return home!

The first thing I saw in my life was your kind, loving face and sparkling eyes. I've heard your voice before. You sang me bedtime songs and told me fairy tales even before you met me in this world! Our connection was not interrupted for a minute. If something hurts, you immediately call and ask about my health. If I have personal problems, you will definitely dial my number and quietly say: “Daughter, are you okay?” I can't sleep for a long time! And no matter how many times I have to be born again, I want only you to be my mother!

I congratulate you on Mother's Day
And I wish you a long century,
Health, happiness and love,
To live without grief and melancholy.

I'm on Mother's Day today,
I bring a bouquet for you,
I wish you, mommy
Be healthy for a hundred years.

I hasten to congratulate you on Mother's Day.
All the best to you, spiritual strength.
Be happy, everyone will envy you.
May the good God protect you!

I wish my mother happiness and smiles,
And there are many bright days in life,
I wish you well, peace and health,
Love, warmth and affection from children.

On Mother's Day, Mom,
I'll hug you
" Thank you for life" -
I'll whisper quietly,
And I will pray
Heaven is tireless
To extend the years
They are for you, mom.

All the love that there is in the world,
All the riches, too many to count,
I want to give it to my dear mother,
To the best mother, my dear.

I heartily congratulate you, Mommy,
Know that there is no better mother in the whole world!
I will love you with all my heart forever,
After all, you are my angel who brings only light!

I want you to smile
And not only today - always,
To wake up from sleep in the morning
And I was in a good mood all day!

My dear mother, my beloved,
Today this holiday is just for you.
I wish you a lot of happiness and goodness,
And faith, and hope, and peace forever.

I congratulate you on Mother's Day,
I wish health to all mothers,
Patience and joyful days,
Let life be more fun!

I wish you to love sincerely,
And be the best mother,
Be wise, kind and attentive,
And be happy. Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Health, happiness,
Let the children always make you happy!
So that the day starts with a smile
And trouble did not come to your house.

Happy Mother's Day! Huge patience,
And deep wisdom in education.
There is a lot of love and understanding for you in your family.
And sincere attention from the children.

Happy Mother's Day! Always be strong
And be such that everyone can say:
She lives successfully and beautifully,
She is just a wonderful mother!

On Mother's Day it is customary to wish a lot,
And I wish you not to lose heart.
Health for the body, warmth for the soul,
And carefree dreams at night, in silence.

Mom is the first, most important word,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
Happiness, warmth, kindness, and so on
Your life was long and bright.

Mom, happy holiday to you!
I will paint the world in colors,
Be happy and loved
Not just a day, but forever.

A bright day for all people
Mother's day is my favorite,
May the angel protect her
Every day is invisible.

Beloved, kind, bright mother.
You are a very important lady to me.
Always stay like this
I beg you, don't change.

Thank you for life and warmth,
I will give you a sea of ​​joyful moments.
I love you, I also want to say:
You are the best mother in the whole world!

Today holiday date, mommy, happy holiday!
Do you remember your baby once gave you a secret gift?
For any holiday he created - he sculpted and embroidered various sculptures,
And he drew, wrote funny poems, and hugged her tightly by the neck.

The baby has grown up - your child does not write funny poems,
And on holiday, my dear one doesn’t secretly sculpt gifts for mommy.
But just like back in my childhood, I want to congratulate you and say:
“Be the queen of the kingdom, I love you, I want to hug you!”

Mommy, happy holiday! Sveta, good
I wish from the bottom of my heart, lovingly!
Know that the time has come -
Take more care of yourself! And I wish

Live without hassle! Warmth and peace
Lots of joy and bright hopes!
It’s not hard to be proud of a mom like that!
Any holiday is just a milestone for victories!

Congratulations, mommy, with great joy,
I love you very much with all my heart and soul!
Live comfortably, long, so that your days are happy
And they passed peacefully and happily.

So that there are no obstacles in achieving your goals,
So that peace and harmony flourish in the house.
So that the sun always shines above your head,
I wish you only the best, mommy, on your holiday!

Today you are especially beautiful
The sparkle in your eyes brings you success.
But it’s always clear to me, dear mother,
That you are the best in the world!

I wish you well on this day,
You stay sweet and simple
I kiss you now, hug you.
And I am so proud of such a mother!

Let the wheel of life spin us dashingly,
And sometimes there is not enough time,
But a good angel, bright, gentle, quiet
She shelters me from the evil wind.
Be happy, my angel, my mommy!
Keep your warmth as before!
Let none evil thoughts don't care
And the heart warms with love and hope!

I will gently touch your palms,
I’ll inhale their scent and escape to childhood.
I always remember you with a smile,
My beautiful one, I love you so much!

My bright world, teacher, mother,
I am always in a hurry for your birthday.
I don’t know a dearer person
May fate protect you.

Wishes for mom in prose

Mommy, on this day we can say out loud what we often only repeat mentally. Know, mom, you are the most wonderful, kind, strict, the best. Smile, we rejoice when we see your smile. Let your maternal heart not suffer, we really want to see you happy. Wishing you feminine happiness, your loving grandchildren, and we are grateful to you for everything, Mommy. Good health, mommy, bright everyday impressions. Happy holiday, mom.

Mommy! Happy holiday! I wish you health and longevity, joy and warmth, good luck and goodness! Let the morning please you with bright sunrays, the day with pleasant events, and the evening with warm, sincere conversations. Rest more, take care of yourself, don’t worry about anything! Let the clear and bright days next to your children and grandchildren in love and care never end!

Dear mom! Your merits and efforts are invaluable, you are the most dear person to my heart! Please accept my congratulations and wishes for a huge happy future, prosperity and good health for many, many decades! Always remain beautiful, spring-like, light, optimistic and cheerful!

Mom, let every day present you with something extraordinarily pleasant and sometimes even surprising: unexpected successes, meetings with loved ones, wonderful news, magical surprises. And may a wonderful mood always invigorate you!

There are feelings that cannot be expressed in words, written on a piece of paper or sung in a song. This is all the boundless love for mom! You have always been and will be my salvation from mental bad weather. May all my grievances and troubles that you took upon yourself turn into great happiness, great success for you, good health and a wonderful mood! Be happy on any calendar day!

To my beloved mother on her birthday
We wish you to live without grief,
Not knowing illness and anxiety.
May the Gods cherish you
And they fill you only with happiness
Your path is truly brilliant!
You are a unique nature -
Kind, beautiful and not stupid,
And also the best hostess,
You still sing like a flock of singers,
In short, you are a great lady!
We love you very much, mom!

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Wishes for mom

I wish you every new day
Greet with a bright smile!
Let them go into the shadows forever
Illness, sadness, sweats.
I want happiness here and there
You were rewarded
I love you very much, mom,
Thank you for being there!

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Mother's Day Wishes

Mom, my dear!
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, goodness.
And, of course, health
Let it come to you.

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Mother's Day Wishes

My dear mom! There are not enough words in all the dictionaries in the world for me to express how much I love you! I wish you to always remain as kind and charming, never need anything and never lose heart! Let illness and sorrow pass you by! You are the dearest and most beloved person on earth for me! I love you very much!

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Get well wishes for mom

A mess at work! The boss is running up the walls and yelling at everyone like crazy! At home, my husband's pogrom in the kitchen is a disaster! Unfed children look with predatory eyes at the cat, and she looks at them. And in general, the whole world is threatening to leave its orbit and drown from global warming! Because mom is sick and has a fever. Get well soon MOMMY. Save us all!))

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Birthday wish

Your birthday is the best of days.
Mother! In this happy moment, accept the wishes of the children
Always be so beautiful, warm your heart with a smile
And so that you never know sorrow and grief in this world.

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Mother's Day Wishes

Thank you, dear, for eating with us,
That we see and hear you every hour,
For your kind soul and warm word,
For not seeing anything bad in life,
Thank you our dear man!
We wish you good health for the rest of your life!

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Happy Birthday to Mom

Mommy! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, love, good luck... Thank you for the affection and warmth that you give me!

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Wishes for mom

My dear mom! I want to wish you health, warmth, Have a good mood, respect from relatives and colleagues, mutual understanding with relatives, with all relatives…. And I want to thank you very much for what you do for me.
I love you! Your daughter.

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Mother's Day Wishes

Dear Mom!
On this day, accept sincere, warm words from us: we say thank you for your caring hands, which always caress and...deliciously feed you; for your bright smile, which illuminates the path like a ray of sunshine. Thank you for your kind heart, which forgives all insults, all misunderstandings in which we are the main characters. Thank you, dear, that we have you like this.
We wish you a long and happy life.
We love you very much!

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Wishes for mothers

My beloved mother, let the main emotions in your life not be anxiety and worry, but joy, happiness, and the firm confidence that you can be proud of me.

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Mother's Day Wishes

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Sms - wishes for Mother's Day

Mommy! I wish you great health, less everyday worries and more sunny and joyful days. We are happy when we see your smile.

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Happy Birthday Wishes for Mom

Dear mother, my dear,
I hasten to congratulate you...
It's so good that I have you
In the whole wide world there is no one dearer than you!

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Wishes for Mother's Day

Dear mom! On this day, I want to hug you tightly and kiss you on both cheeks, tell you how wonderful you are and how good it is that you exist, ready to help and give wise, practical advice! Presenting you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, I regret that I cannot wrap a whole flower meadow in rustling paper and tie it with a colorful ribbon! Today, your cake that you are baking is, of course, the best, especially tasty and sweet! Mom, today you are like a good queen and a fairy fairy, giving us your smiles and kind words. Nothing can replace the warmth of home, the comfort of a mother’s embrace. I would like to wish you to always remain so cheerful and happy, surrounded by a family filled with just pride in their children, confident that Friendly family together and that there are still many such wonderful days ahead!

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Wishes to godmother

Second mother, you are mine,
You baptized me as a child.
I come to you for Christmas
And I value our friendship.
May the angel that God has given us
Keeps you away from any drama.

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Wishes for a young mother

The young mother must be wished good health and good luck in all her endeavors. Now she has a lot to do and will need luck in everything. May every day be full of joy and pleasure from communicating with your child. Let the child grow quickly, be healthy and cheerful, with an excellent appetite for semolina porridge and everything healthy. Let rather a baby learns new things and doesn’t play pranks, listens and goes to bed early. A young mother will be pleased to hear wishes for her and the baby together, for example, a wish to quickly read the fairy tales that the young mother loved as a child, a wish to always be friendly and happy.

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Wishes from the mother of the groom at the Wedding

What a nice and handsome guy you raised, mom! I would like to wish you a lot of happiness, health and good luck. You are a wonderful culprit for the fact that two young people are together, because you raised a good, smart and honest man! Now starting his own family. I definitely need to raise a glass to you, mom, and also wish you to always remain as happy and beautiful as on your son’s wedding day!

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Birthday wishes for mom

Dear mother, today is your birthday and before moving on to the wishes, I would like to say a huge thank you to you for existing! The only and loving one, the most dear in the world! May every day be bright for you, may there always be a reason to smile, rejoice, and also be proud of how good the children have grown up! Let health never fail, and beauty never fade! And also, let all your wishes come true and new ones be added to make them come true too!

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Wish for mommy

To Mommy, the one and only, I wish to always be surrounded by loved ones, dear people and rejoice in the success of your child, which, of course, is due to the merit of the mother, who raised her with love and sincere concern for the future of the child. May dear mother always be beautiful and all wishes come true more than expected. Let every day be full of new impressions and brilliantly solved household chores, let mommy always know that people dear to her are nearby and will get together more than once.

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Birthday wishes for mom

For your mom's birthday, to wish this? Of course, everything that is usually desired - love, happiness, health, good luck and true friends, so that the house is full and all close people are together, friendly with each other. And let your mother in the future be as cheerful and elegant, beautiful and blooming as on this significant day. May her favorite business always turn out successfully, like any undertaking, and may the children continue to delight their mother and may her mother celebrate more than one birthday as wonderfully as this one.

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Wishes for mom and first grader

A mother with a first-grader can wish for more free time, so that she can spend it having fun with her son, rejoice at what a nice boy he is growing up, and even help the boy with his homework, because it’s not easy for first-graders to have years of studying ahead and have so much to do! You can wish mother and first-grader good luck for two more, sunny, warm days to walk in the park and ride the carousel and eat ice cream.

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Wishes for mom on her daughter's birthday

My daughter is growing up, reminding us of you,
Proud figure, beauty from God.
Let your daughter never forget,
You are your own care and kindness.
She has someone to look up to now,
Mom is both beautiful and smart.
We will never tire of admiring you,
Let's drink a glass of wine to the bottom for you!

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Wishes for mother and child in verse

How nice it is to admire you,
Mother tenderly kisses the child.
And the child is ruffling her curls,
If he tugs, he will stroke it lovingly.
There is so much perfection in these eyes,
There is so much tenderness in these lips.
I know mother's affection,
Nobody can replace you in any way.

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Wishes to mom and dad

You are my parents, beloved, dear!
I don't even want to think
That you will turn gray.
Whatever you want, grumble,
Forgetting about laughter and joy.
You will buy medicines
And drink this crap.
No! This is definitely not about you,
There can be no doubt.
You are young, there is enthusiasm in your eyes,
And does age really matter?

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Happy birthday to mom

Mommy! I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary. You have always been and remain the main person in my life! You will be the fastest to come to the rescue! You are the best person to calm and cheer! You cook tastier than most! You worry about my successes and failures in a way that no one else is capable of worrying about. You love me more than anyone, and I love you like no one else loves. Thank you for being there!

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Happy Anniversary Congratulations for Mom

Mommy, as I get older, I understand more and more how difficult it is to raise a person. I understand how much you invested in me, how hard you tried to make me happy. And, you know, you succeeded. I am happy that I have such a beautiful, attentive, warm, beloved Mom!

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Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Mom

Mommy, congratulations on your anniversary. Today you are 20 years old) I wish you to continue to remain so cheerful, beautiful and young! And we (I) will try (I) do everything possible, just so that your eyes glow with happiness!

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Wishes to parents

My beloved mommy and daddy! I congratulate you on this significant date for all of us, and I wish you never to get sick and for many, many years to look at each other with such eyes that I believe real love exists

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Happy Birthday Wishes to Mom and Daughter

Your daughter has grown up before your eyes,
Mom does not take her eyes off her daughter.
Well, what a smart girl, the pride of the whole family,
Your merit here, we were able to give everything to her.
Kindergarten, school, various clubs,
And you were on time everywhere.
But time has passed, your daughter has grown up with you,
Now is the time to think about yourself now.

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Dear mommy! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you health, happiness and joy, may love always live in your heart! I love you very much, and I want you to always be in a great mood, so that in your beautiful eyes joy shone more often, and a smile played on the lips! May your soul be light and calm, and may your life have more pleasant events, interesting meetings and happy moments. And one more thing – I thank fate that I have such a good mother. Thank you for everything, and God bless you with health and long life happy life! And I will try to do everything to ensure that there is more joy and warmth in her.

Cool poems for mom's birthday from children

On my dear mother's birthday
We wish you love
You are loved by all of us
We are your bloods!
You raised us, dear,
You didn't sleep at night,
You are a saint for all of us,
At least she was strict at times!
You gave us all life,
I gave what I could
Dressed and fed
Protected from misfortunes.
We want to say thank you
For care and love,
What a lot of mistakes
You forgive us again and again!
Be happy, mom
Live for many, many years
Stay kind yourself
For us, no one is better than you!

Beautiful poems for an elderly mother's birthday

We congratulate our beloved mother
On her birthday from a pure soul
And with tender love we wish from the heart
May every day bring happiness quickly!
Even if we are adults, we are always children
And we draw our strength from our mother,
Let the eternal sun shine on her,
We are warmed by the rays of maternal love!
May her health always be strong
Let there be no grief at all!
Celebrate more such holidays
Beautiful and strong, to the joy of all of us!

Happy birthday, beloved mother.
Always be beautiful, young
The kindest and most affectionate one,
Be my guiding light.
You once gave me life,
And I will give you love.
Stay sincere, dear.
I love you, mom, very much.

Don't be upset that the years fly by,
It can be very difficult in this life.
But you are always beautiful, young,
With you next to me, mom, it’s so safe!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Let there be a sparkle in your heart forever,
Which warms us in the darkness
And does not allow grief to enter the door.
We kiss your golden hands,
We cherish your love sacredly.
Beloved, dear, dear,
We say “Thank you” to you for everything!

Of course, I'm not an angel at all,
And sometimes I can be stubborn...
But I know - in solving problems -
The most difficult ones - my mother will help me!
He will regret, he will hear, he will understand,
He will caress, feed, and console.
Will gather my thoughts into a heap
She will support you morally and in every way.
Stay, mommy, always
Kind, gentle, caring herself.
I always, despite the years,
I will be a child, and you will be my mother!!!

Dear, beloved, dear,
My affectionate mother,
I sincerely congratulate you today
Happy wonderful date to you!
I wish you a river of happiness,
Lake of love and sea of ​​dreams,
To wind fears and bad weather
He took me away from the road of life.
May your eyes always shine
Blossom to the surprise of everyone,
May the Lord protect you
From everyday adversity and problems.

Happy birthday, dear mother,
Congratulations, loving you with all my heart!
Time rushes by invisibly, stubbornly,
But it doesn't change you!
Always be cheerful and beautiful,
So that the stream of spiritual strength does not dry up!
I want to see you happy
Be healthy, God bless you!
There is no more beautiful word in the world
And there's no one on the planet
More wonderful than you, darling,
Our priceless, dear!
Be happy, mom, loved,
We are protected by fate and luck!
Hope for the best in life
Laugh more often and more joyfully!

Big birthday greetings to mom in your own words

Dear mother! Your gentle and affectionate hands first carried us, then taught us to write, then supported us and showed us the right path. Sometimes we didn’t listen to you and did everything our own way, you were upset and helped us in any situation. Mom, you are always in our soul, wherever we are. Today is your birthday, and we see that you are a little sad, but it’s in vain. A birthday is a great occasion to say thank you many, many times, hug you and say: “You are the best mother in the world!” Be happy and always remain as young and beautiful, and we will only try to make you happy! Happy Birthday Mommy!

Tender beautiful poems for mom's birthday

WITH wonderful holiday I congratulate you!
And on this day, like in previous years,
I wish you all the best and brightest,
everything that you yourself desire.
I just want things to change in life,
illness - instead of health, and happiness - instead of evil.
Well, may they remain in your destiny forever,
not a sea of ​​tears, but an ocean of goodness.
And let him sing to you tirelessly
so loud and drawn out is the nightingale.
To you, so dear, unique,
my only mommy!

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