May prosperity, faith and luck accompany you on your journey, because for a man it means a lot to find his calling. I wish you to overcome all the obstacles easily and simply! There is love in our hearts, growth in our careers, and a lot to accomplish in life!

A man is God's gift for the weaker sex: a man is a protector, a man is a support! Congratulations, my beloved men!

Guys, I want to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Let your career ambitions come true at once! Let a minimum of crimes happen in the country, and only straight lines lead you to your destiny!

You won’t abandon them in trouble, you won’t betray them in grief, but for your children, you will give up your life. Although the holiday in February is for all men, you alone are worthy of my love!

Today is a men's holiday, there is no reason for disputes, no matter how strong the virgins are, there are no more reliable men!

For a stable world and peace, we bring you with respect on this truly masculine holiday - our congratulations!

Defending the Motherland is the privilege and responsibility of real men! Happy holiday, dear men!

A man is God's gift for the weaker sex: a man is a protector, a man is a support!

Yes, happy holiday to all of you, friends, and no matter how hard NATO tries: we will never see machine guns in the hands of our loved ones...

On the twenty-third of February we congratulate the man for good reason: a man’s shoulder is so reliable... I congratulate them all warmly!

What does a man need to be happy? Good woman nearby, a very reliable car, sometimes - admiring glances. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men!

Glorious day of the calendar - the twenty-third of February! We congratulate all the men, and wish them all courage!

Without a man, even in a mansion it is lonely to live: one single representative of the strong half of humanity costs more than a million dollars. And women, in turn, also need men: so that they have someone to protect. So let every man find a woman to whom he will be dearer than all the blessings of this world. Happy February 23rd!

Every man, even if not a warrior, deserves congratulations today! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Men, happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you - may the skills and abilities acquired in the army never be useful to you in life!

February 23rd - I’m waiting at home, my love! When you come, we’ll set the table and drink a glass! I will give you a gift, and you will give me a kiss: be healthy, my dear boy, I am always proud of you!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, all men expect gifts from their mothers and girlfriends - surprise a man, bring home flowers on February 23 - this is the only day when he will not feel a pang of jealousy!

February 23- This is the most important men's holiday. On this day we give nice words to absolutely all men: both those who have already proven their courage in practice and those who have yet to do so, and those who, for certain reasons, will never join the army. Congratulate your beloved man with statuses from February 23 on VKontakte, for classmates! Surprise your loved one with your status or congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on VKontakte. Congratulate your family and friends using your status in Odnoklassniki From February 23rd. VKontakte statuses From February 23, status greetings on VKontakte, in Odnoklassniki Happy Defender's Day - you can find this and more in the collection of VKontakte statuses on the White Lady website. On this day, share your fighting mood with your friends and comrades by setting the in social networks statuses for February 23. These are statuses that embody truly masculine essence and comradely solidarity. And let all the girls in the world wait on this day, and let your friends - real men just like you, congratulate each other on the most “powerful” holiday in the world. And if, in addition, your biography included such a fact as serving in the army, then February 23 is doubly your holiday.

A Wolf in love is no longer a Predator; a Wolf in love is already a Protector.

February 23rd is the best day of the calendar! The men, in the heat of excitement, ferment until March 8th. And then, like our grandfathers, they go into battle until the day of victory. But there, between us, New Year not far away!

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course is on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

I would like to congratulate the men!
I don’t care about status or rank...
I want to congratulate the real ones,
About your victories that don’t scream...
Who respects their mothers,
He does not leave pregnant wives.
Who walks the road without meandering,
Creating and not destroying!
The one who is proud of his gender,
And he doesn’t skimp on gentleness in words.
These are the men I congratulate,
And I raise my glass to them!

Happy holidays to all real men. And I ask the boys not to appear... This is not your day, but the day of real men.

- Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, son! - Well, mom, dad, what are you really... Maybe I’ll do it again!

The wife comes home with a bottle of cognac, hides it in the closet and tells her husband: “It will last until February 23!” The husband pulls down his pants and says: “He will hang until March 8!”

Men! Before February 23rd, buy yourself foam, a razor, a mug and socks! Confuse your beloved...

If you are a real man and Defender's Day is your holiday! Then be sure to cover someone with your body today!

February 23 is the red day of the calendar!
Celebrating this holiday, the wife pleases her husband:
She pampers, coddles, pesters, and serves the glass herself.
He remembers, with joy in his chest, March 8 is ahead...

It is “Defender of the Fatherland Day” that makes it possible to most clearly draw up a list of those who should be congratulated on the “Eighth of March”.

For the health of the wounded, for the freedom of prisoners, for beautiful girls and for us, the military!

A box of beer, a sea of ​​vodka, here's a snack for a real man on Defender's Day!

Congratulations on the 23rd!
As a defender I wish:
A tank that looks like a Suzuki
With on-board computer and hatch.
Packed ration with black caviar
And the Versace-modest overcoat,
And a dugout in Miami.
Frontline 100 grams with friends,
The caress of a fighting girlfriend
And so that there is no war!

Only on the eve of February 23rd can you see a smiling girl on the bus with a newly purchased drill!

Here are the girls on February 23rd taking pictures in military uniform caps. So the time has come for most of today's guys to take pictures on March 8th in a dress and with flowers.

Why do prices for shaving foam and underwear remain unchanged by February 23, but flowers double in price by March 8?

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, guys! And my neighbor from the 4th floor... Looks too much like a man!...

Student, study better. Otherwise, Defender of the Fatherland Day will become your professional holiday!

Soon there will be a holiday for men -
They are waiting for gifts as one!
The main thing is love and affection!
In the morning - coffee... At night - a fairy tale...
Light dinner by candlelight
And the fire of love in the eyes.
Let them feel and know -
Miracle, it happens once a year!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day!
February 24th is Midfielder Day!
February 25 – The Goalkeeper was sent for beer...

A man's modest dream for Defender of the Fatherland Day:
– I want Pamela Anderson to call me this morning, and I’ll be asleep and hang up...

Cannons and machine guns are firing,
Rockets with bombs are flying,
And there are brave pilots in the sky
They skillfully knock each other down.

The flames are burning, mines are exploding,
Mountains of corpses lie everywhere,
And tanks are a deadly wedge
Peaceful fences are being crushed.

And the commander took the eraser,
He bent over the military map.
This is what I understand - a holiday,
Not like there, March 8th!

You are a real warrior, I know it! You were able to conquer me without a cannon, a saber or a horse!

Paradox! Only a few serve, but everyone drinks and waits for gifts.

Drunk husband came home from work
Instead of trousers, he is wearing tights,
All in lipstick and perfume,
In women's pink panties!
But don't you dare swear,
Kiss him quickly
My husband is already tired
Celebrated a glorious holiday!
They had a corporate party
Female friendly team
Congratulated them “Oh! LA-LA!”

Sapper of our souls! The signaler of our thoughts! To the artilleryman of our borders! The scout of our thoughts! This holiday is dedicated to the Marshal of our desires! With which we hasten to congratulate you!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex: a man is a protector, a man is a support!

Family situation: the son asks his father for 300 rubles, then the daughter comes up and demands 500. And I need 1000, the wife screams. Father surprised:
- Are you all in agreement?
- No, did you forget, tomorrow was February 23...

Our dear men!
Recruits and front-line soldiers,
Those who serve and who have served,
Everyone who protected us from the storm.
You keep our peace and tranquility,
The sky is clear overhead.
Brothers, dads, sons, husbands!
Happiness and health to you, friends!

Dear, in honor of February 23, I am ready to do anything for you. Even for 2 outfits out of turn. I'll go buy it now.

There's a reason to celebrate
Congratulations men!

The army is a madhouse in which the square is rolled over and the round is dragged...

Every man, even if he has not served, deserves gifts and congratulations today!

For a stable and peaceful world,
We bring it with respect,
On a truly masculine holiday for you,
Our congratulations!

Our country has celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day every year since 1922. Previously, in the USSR, this holiday was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. In the post-Soviet countries they still celebrate it to this day. However, it is now called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Usually, on this day, all men are brightly congratulated with entertaining show programs, concerts and feasts at corporate events and in the family circle. In modern society, where almost every person has an account on social networks, interesting wise sayings, poems and aphorisms by February 23 have gained extreme popularity. Thanks to such works, the owner of a page on a social network will be able to simultaneously congratulate all his male friends on the upcoming celebration.

Using phrases and sayings of famous people, quotes by February 23, you can make your page on Twitter, Odnoklassniki or VK attractive to a huge number of users. An aphorism, translated from Greek, means “definition”; it is a very short, complete thought, executed in the form of a text. There are many aphorisms on various topics. Our information portal is an ordered catalog of holiday greetings, toasts, quotes, wishes and aphorisms.

There is a wide range of systematized sections that correspond to the theme of the celebration. Each section contains the newest, original, modern works. Specifically, this section contains beautiful, smart and incredibly interesting aphorisms for February 23rd. Such text thoughts will provide great opportunities for discussions and communication on the Internet, as well as opportunities for new acquaintances on social networks. Get acquainted with the assortment of our aphorisms on the theme of February 23 and download the most interesting works for yourself.

All young guys are divided into 2 categories: those who celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 and those who celebrate Student Day on January 25.

Happy Defender's Day to me and everything that surrounds me!

Guys, tomorrow is February 23rd, let's celebrate it with dignity, and not with salads and a razor!

Statuses about February 23 - quotes, phrases, aphorisms: Best gift for a woman on February 23 – a protector in the person of a man!

There are men whom you want to congratulate on February 23, and there are those who need to be congratulated only on April 1.

You are my General, you can command me all day today, and in the evening you can defeat me and take me prisoner! Happy February 23, beloved!

I wish to all men that you never have to use military knowledge, so that the sky above your country will always be peaceful!

There are especially persistent real men who, bypassing March 8, begin celebrating on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and end on Victory Day!

No matter how much you hint at a brand new motorcycle helmet, you will still receive a desicc as a gift.

Okay, let's combine the period from February 23 to March 8 into a 2-week alcohol-dance-sexual fiesta!

If we correctly understand the gifts for February 23, then most of us men need to shave better, wash more often and perfume ourselves more strongly!

This year, February 23rd falls on Thursday. So going to work on 20 makes no sense at all!

If you serve in the ranks, if you have been in battle, congratulations on the 23rd, I firmly shake your hand!

Dear men! I wish you more hot spots...on the body of your beloved woman!

Men, on this holiday I wish you more stars... on a bottle of cognac!

Dear men! I congratulate you all. And those who are now serving in the army, and those who have already served, and those who have yet to serve... well, I will also congratulate those who are leaving the army - shame on you!

Statuses about February 23 - quotes, phrases, aphorisms: Every man today is happy to accept awards from everyone around him!

Men must win not only in hot spots, but also on the love front. Happy February 23rd to you.

Girls, don’t forget that a gift given on February 23 pays off triple on March 8!

On February 23, I will free my husband from all his affairs: I will drink beer on the couch in my underpants, I will watch TV all day and eat chips, and in the evening I will go with his friends to a strip club and get drunk myself!

February 23 is Military Day! Day of Defenders of the Awesome Country! Congratulations, guys, heartily! And may your happiness be endless!

On February 23, all real men walk around cheerful and congratulated. And the artificial ones are sad and ashamed.

Darling serves at the border, I fly to him like a bird! I’ll kiss you and congratulate you and send you off to serve again!

There are defenders, and there are defenders... do not be confused when congratulating!

Every year on February 23, girls gave keychains to boys in our school, and boys gave little ones to girls on March 8 Stuffed Toys. And your class teachers were you distinguished by originality of thinking?

Girls, don’t be shy, ask us men what we would like to receive as a gift on February 23, otherwise the bathroom cabinets are already bursting with your gifts!

Men always decide everything! Even with gifts on February 23, everything is strict, otherwise no gifts on March 8!

Congratulations - Congratulations - Congratulations - Congratulations on the 23rd, on the 23rd, on the 23rd of February! The best, the strongest, the most gentle, the smartest, the most - the most - the most, the most prince I have!

May all your congratulations be yours on this long-awaited holiday! Men - you are irreplaceable, our protection and support!