By the third anniversary, the characters had already grown in, responsibilities in the family had been distributed and life had been established. The couple lives and acts as a single organism; the spouses literally “feel each other through their skin.” Perhaps that is why the third year of the family union was given the name “leather” wedding.

It is believed that during this period family life an emotional upsurge occurs, the so-called second “honeymoon,” and therefore the union becomes even stronger, like skin.

But it is necessary to continue to take care of each other, because even the skin can tear. To preserve feelings, relationships in the family should be “lubricated” with understanding, “imbued” with love and not deprived of your attention.

Now we can give an exact answer to the question “A leather wedding is how many years?” Three years from the date of marriage.

In some countries, wheat and crystal (glass, crystal) are considered symbols of the third anniversary. Therefore, a wedding can be called a wheat or glass wedding.

How to spend

According to tradition, spouses should spend this day together, dressed in leather clothes and accessories. You need to put everything aside and devote time to each other, having a romantic breakfast, lunch or dinner.

If you like the idea of ​​​​celebrating the wheat date, you can wear clothes in a muted yellow tone (the color of wheat) or an accessory made of straw, decorate the house with wheat ears and wicker decorative elements.

Those who want to celebrate the glass anniversary can wear any clothes and decorate the room with glass and crystal details.

However, you can arrange a celebration by inviting guests. There are many options. For example, hold a celebration in a restaurant. Or you can come up with something unusual yourself, for example, an outing into nature, where you can have a great break from everyday life, relax and simply recharge with energy and positive emotions. Alternatively, you can rent a house in the suburbs somewhere in the village, where hay will serve as a romantic bed instead of a bed, and instead of a rather boring roof over your head there will be a starry sky. The holiday can be spent with a feast, dancing and music with some ethnic instruments, for example, a sopilka.

If you decide to celebrate a leather wedding with a little exotic touch, you can go on a trip and choose a hotel with an outdoor pool so that you can have a wedding near it. romantic dinner overlooking the sunset.

Any of the celebration options should be captured in a photo by ordering a memorable photo session.


There are several traditions associated with celebrating the third wedding anniversary:

  • spouses must wear leather clothes, shoes, or at least accessories (belt, gloves, hairband, bow tie);
  • In order for the marriage to be strong on the day of the holiday, you need to get rid of debts, old things and cracked dishes. The dishes are broken in public, perhaps together with guests, to ward off evil spirits from the family’s abode;
  • it is important to work on the mental aspect: forget about all past grievances;
  • in order for happiness to always be present in the house, a loaf of bread must be placed on the table, and the first piece of it must be eaten by the head of the house;
  • In order for passion to always remain in your feelings, you need to eat one ripe fruit in the morning, and in the evening you should put red wine and meat dishes on the table;
  • to attract good luck and protect against the evil eye, the wife baked cookies in the form of animal figures and treated them to guests;
  • guests should come to the house with ruddy apples - symbols of fertility.

What to give each other

Well, now we know what kind of wedding is celebrated at 3 years old, it’s time to figure out what to give for such a date. Let's start with the gifts that the couple gives each other.

The most pleasant element of the holiday will be ceremonial gifts. They should be discreet, symbolic, but at the same time memorable.

It is desirable that they contain the symbol of the anniversary - leather. Gift options:

  • a diary or notebook with a leather cover;
  • an elegant notebook - useful in every home for recording recipes, important numbers or addresses;
  • slippers;
  • a watch with a leather strap will especially please your spouse;
  • a woman will like a gift in the form of an elegant bag;
  • tablet, camera or phone, dressed in a leather case.

Since the wedding is leather, you can please your body by going together for a massage, sauna or spa treatments. If the family has a car, then leather seat covers are suitable as a gift to the owner of the car. The third anniversary is an excellent reason to change furniture. If possible, you can buy a leather set.

You can make a present with your own hands. You can get ideas for it from the video:

Since a wedding is also called a glass wedding, spouses can exchange figurines or rings made of crystal or Murano glass. Or you can give each other straw hats - a useful accessory that will save you from the scorching rays of the sun on vacation.

Remember that the gift must be beautifully packaged, and the congratulations must be pleasant and unexpected.

Gifts for friends

Those invited to the celebration also have many options for gifts for spouses made from materials that are symbols of the wedding:

  • covers for portable equipment or multifunctional knives;
  • small bags;
  • gloves;
  • belts and belts;
  • purses and wallets;
  • key holders;
  • genealogy album;
  • products self made– photo albums, boxes, alarm clocks, business card holders, notepads, toys, hair jewelry, designer jewelry for women, etc.;
  • wall panel;
  • glass vase or dishes;
  • photo in crystal or engraving of a photograph in glass;
  • glass jar with wishes for spouses;
  • straw boxes, mirrors with wicker frames, straw decorative elements.

To surprise the heroes of the occasion, you can choose the following gifts:

  • a delicious and colorful cake for the 3rd wedding anniversary will be a present for both the spouses and their guests;
  • a bouquet of leather flowers will serve as an unusual decorative element;
  • video greeting or radio order;
  • a card with a poem for the couple;
  • congratulations posted on a banner on the streets of the city.

According to tradition, the process of presenting gifts is accompanied by sprinkling the spouses with rye grains so that their life will be prosperous and successful.

You need to make symbolic gifts not only for a wedding anniversary, but also for no reason. Surprise each other every day, arrange surprises and say nice words.

Three years of married life are usually called a leather anniversary. The number three has a stronger foundation than previous dates.3 summer age family symbolizes its flexibility, elasticity and strength of family ties.

3 years married life together It is not by chance that it is called a “leather wedding”, because leather is a durable, reliable, super-elastic material, leather can warm you up in cold weather and protect you from the wind.

We can safely say that 3 years for a young family is a reliable start to a long journey, because calico sorrows and paper passions are left behind. Over the course of three years, the couple learned to understand each other’s character, learned to be flexible and loyal to the habits and shortcomings of their other half.

Another interpretation of the 3-year wedding anniversary is that the spouses have learned to feel each other with their own skin, they recognize each other by smell and touch.

The number three is the holy trinity, the child of God. The troika is endowed with optimism and inspiration; it is the third stage of marital relations that leads them to the highest pedestal, where husband and wife will learn the art of self-sacrifice and forgiveness in the name of love.

Three years after the wedding, the young spouses pass a kind of test of the strength of the relationship, because it is very difficult to tear the skin, it is always in fashion, it is beautiful and elegant, just like the celebrants of the celebration.

Gifts are a troublesome business, but always pleasant. When planning to purchase a gift for a leather wedding, you need to use as much imagination as possible. It is advisable to think in advance about a gift option that will appeal to the heroes of the occasion.

You can buy one gift for two, if we are talking about something monumental, or give spouses an individual gift. The modern industry provides a huge number of leather gift options that can and should be given to a 3-year-old wedding anniversary, called a leather wedding.

Marriage gifts for each other for leather anniversary

A wedding anniversary is a coveted date in married life, and therefore it is customary to mark it with pleasant and useful gifts. For a leather wedding, husband and wife can give each other personal items. Those that relatives or friends cannot give.

So, here's what you can give spouses to each other:

  • Leather gloves. Even the second and third pair will certainly not be superfluous. Of course, for an anniversary gift you need to choose gloves from the most better skin, intricate in design. They should call positive emotions just one touch. When handing over gloves you can say the following:

“When I'm not with you, let them warm your hands, just like I would do. After all, part of my soul and the warmth of my heart are invested in these gloves. When putting them on, remember that my hand is always in your palm”;

Gifts for a leather wedding from friends and relatives

It is customary for friends and relatives to give spouses gifts that are devoid of personal attributes. Great gifts would be shared items or items, as well as individual gifts. Let's consider several of the most popular options that they can safely give for a 3-year wedding anniversary:

  • Travel suitcase from genuine leather with combination lock. This gift is appropriate for a family that loves to travel. When presenting such a gift, you can mention that it symbolizes the baggage of experience and knowledge and wish to increase the contents of the suitcase and keep it strictly locked;
  • Leather chair. Such a gift of course good idea, but when choosing it, think about whether it will suit the interior design of the owners, or whether it will become a black sheep. After all, such a gift always needs a pair.

Instead of a classic chair, you can give a leather computer chair.

Today, every family has a computer and a good multifunctional chair will become a useful gift for “leather” anniversaries.

Wish you comfort and relaxation during the hours of your stay in this chair, say that as long as the earth rotates, this chair will rotate, because its reliability has been tested over the years of your friendship;

Leather wedding - original congratulations

In addition to themed gifts for a 3 year wedding anniversary, you need original congratulations. They can sound in poetic form or in prose.

In any case, congratulatory words should come from the heart. Banal and worn-out phrases are not appropriate for congratulatory speeches.

Try to be unique and creative, try to play up the congratulatory speech with some kind of plot.

Here it is appropriate to use sparkling humor or borrow a congratulatory style from a wise parable. Such a congratulation will certainly be liked and remembered for a long time by the heroes of the occasion, and this is the main goal of the congratulator. You can write a congratulation yourself, or you can use ready-made prompts.

Congratulations to the wife from the husband and vice versa


Three years seems like a lot
When my destiny is dear,
Merged with yours,
My man is irreplaceable.

Hearts' spiritual plexus,
Three-year family birth.
During this time everything happened,
We had enough strength for everything.

The family did not break, it grew stronger.
Three years is just the beginning...
For the joy of the day, for the light of the fathers,
For our leather anniversary.

Thank you, my beloved.
I love you, my wife, I love you!

To my husband

You are my betrothed, my husband,
Beloved husband, reliable friend.
And in the whole world there are no relatives,
Today is the third anniversary.

In it is the joy of the day and the light of the sun,
To live with you for two hundred years,
I wish you love and fidelity,
I congratulate us today.

Let leather be our date,
She will be happy and rich.
And the scent of your soft skin,
There is nothing more precious to me in the whole world.

Congratulations from parents to children on their 3rd wedding anniversary

Family, today is your birthday,
Please accept our advice and congratulations.
The people have an ancient sign,
Since the couple lived three summers,

Since chintz and paper survived,
They gained reliability and courage.
There is no more expensive relationship in three years,
They are like tough skin.

They have the flexibility and complaisance of a spouse.
What warms you up in the cold and blizzards.
They have the strength of a husband - you can’t tear your skin!
And this is what we want to wish you,

On this three-year anniversary of yours,
To you good days and sweet nights,
Live together, Children, prosper,
And create happiness year after year.

*** *** *** *** ***

Family-child, born only in marriage,
That it was sent by God and created by you.
In the first year, like chintz, it is not durable,
And in the second year, like paper,

Sometimes marriage breaks down and burns out.
The family only gains its strength,
When the third year of life begins.
And it will become strong, like skin.

And it will help you survive all the difficulties.
Here is parental advice from us to YOU,
Live, Children, together for a hundred years.
Hand in hand, look eye to eye,
Keep love and raise children!

Cool congratulations to friends in verse for 3 years of family life

On your third anniversary,
Congratulations from friends.
After all, a family is almost a child,
Growing up from diapers.

It contains either bitterness or success,
It alternates between crying and loud laughter.
Which of you, tell me, knows
What does each year mean?

The first year is the most difficult,
You were careful with him.
Calico baby diaper,
They were not strong and thin.

The second year burns and bursts,
It will be called paper.
Thank God we survived
They lived to be three years old.

The skin is durable, however!
Congratulations to you, Friends, on your 3-year marriage!

Celebrating a skin wedding: traditions and signs

Celebrate 3 years of marriage, usually without any special frills. Only family and friends are invited to the celebration. It is absolutely appropriate to spend this day at home.

The young hostess shows her guests her cooking skills, and the husband shows how homely he is. It will be good if close friends prepare suitable thematic competitions. It is appropriate to put hearty, national dishes on the festive table:

  • jellied meat, aspic;
  • cutlets;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • chopped salads and greens;
  • vegetable and meat cuts;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • fish dishes.

An excellent solution would be to spend this day in nature, if weather conditions permit.

According to folk signs, on the eve of a leather wedding you need:

  • clean the house and put all leather items and items in a visible place;
  • throwing away everything unnecessary is a sign that there is no return to past difficulties and troubles in your family;
  • decorate your home with bright flowers and fragrant herbs.

At the very beginning of the holiday, the heroes of the occasion must feed each other a red apple (red color is a symbol of wealth and love) and tie a leather cord on each other’s wrist, personifying their current status.

Then married couple must smash into pieces all the dishes that are unfit for further use. During the feast, folk songs are sung, jokes and funny stories are told, and games are played.

And a few more gift ideas for a leather wedding in the next video.

Wedding anniversaries can be called completely independent holidays, which are celebrated by most married couples as a sign that, despite any storms and unrest, the spouses continue to be together and love each other.

The third year of the wedding is called leather. Following chintz and paper (the first and second anniversaries), leather, as a fairly durable material, symbolizes the life of the spouses, as the beginning of a marriage that has every chance of lasting forever.

It is customary for spouses to give various gifts on this day, made entirely or partially from leather.

Three wedding years: what it means and how it is celebrated

Over the three years they have lived together, the couple have already become so close that they began to feel each other’s “skin.” They have already learned to adapt and take into account mutual interests.

According to tradition, before a leather wedding, a couple must forgive all people who have offended them, pay off all debts and put their house in order, throwing out the old, cracked, torn and no longer needed.

Why is a wedding called a leather wedding?

The anniversary received this name because of the properties of the skin, which are compared to the relationship of a married couple.
Leather is both pliable and resistant material. However, if you handle it carelessly, it can easily break.

So, a married couple, who in three years managed to face difficulties, passed all sorts of tests on the ability to correctly respond and survive the challenges thrown by fate to strengthen family ties.

From a psychological point of view, three years is a rather difficult period of living together, when a couple is immersed in real family life with all its serious problems.
And this is another reason to celebrate such a significant day so well that all difficulties become a thing of the past and do not interfere with living in the future.

How to celebrate this anniversary

It is customary to celebrate the third year of a wedding in a narrow circle of the closest people. Among the prepared dishes there must be meat. As for alcohol, red wine is best.

If your wedding anniversary falls during the warm season, then organizing a picnic in nature would be an excellent alternative to home gatherings.

What to wear for the holiday

Ideally, spouses should be dressed in leather.

But in extreme cases, they can wear leather accessories: belt, bracelet, pendant, handbag, leather jewelry.

Russian traditions

Shortly before the celebration, the wife bakes cookies from figurines of pets. According to legends, they will bring wealth to the house.

On this day, spouses break dishes - the noise will drive away all evil spirits nearby from the house.

At the beginning of the feast, a rye loaf is placed on the table and the first dish on the holiday menu is bread soup.

And at the end of the celebration, the young spouses are showered with rye grains.

What to gift

Gifts are always a pleasant and important component of any holiday. When choosing a gift, of course, you need to remember in connection with what event it is presented.

Based on the name of the anniversary, it is clear that gifts made from leather are given at this wedding. But what exactly they will be depends on the amount that can be spent on their acquisition.

Below are some ideas suitable for third wedding anniversary gifts. Prices are from online stores.

To my husband

This time you won’t have to rack your brains over what to give your husband.

Classic gifts for him:

  • leather wallet - 4600 rubles;
  • leather belt. Large assortment for 1190 rubles;
  • watch with a leather strap – 10,000 – 23,000 rubles;
  • leather gloves - 1750–7000 rubles.

And if you include your husband’s favorite activities among the gifts, then this list can be significantly expanded.

So, for example, if he is an avid fisherman or hunter, then the following will be perfect for him:

  • Decoy with leather case - 16,000–21,000 rubles;
  • Backpack - 1000–4000 rubles;
  • Fishing box - 1000–1500 rubles.

And if you are a boxing fan: leather punching bag - 1430 rubles.


What is the first gift given to women? Well, of course, flowers! On this day, people give wild flowers to their significant other. If we talk about the main gift, then when a husband knows his wife’s tastes, he can choose leather clothes for her.

For example:

  • leather raincoat - 6,000–39,000 rubles;
  • leather gloves - 1500–12000 rubles;
  • leather bag - 4,000–24,000 rubles;
  • leather cosmetic bag - 1100–1980 rubles;
  • leather shoes - 3,000–80,000 rubles.

But it’s quite difficult to please in clothes. It will help you get out of this situation gift Certificate for a certain amount in leather goods.

Leather jewelry is perfect for:

  • leather bracelet - 700 rubles;
  • watch with a leather bracelet - 6,500–16,000 rubles.

Leather things, although pleasant, are far from the only gifts that loving husbands can give.

If a wife receives a trip to a sea cruise as a gift, she will be happy without a leather gift.

Some spouses will prefer to go shopping for gifts together. Maybe there will be no surprise here, but both will choose the thing that they really want to have.

From guests to married couples

Guests also have a large selection of gifts for spouses. The range of leather gifts is huge, and can range from small to large sizes.

On this day, it is appropriate to give both items with leather inserts and items made of pure leather, depending on the financial capabilities of the guests.

Here is just a small list of possible gifts for a leather wedding of friends:

  • diary with leather cover - 600–4900 rubles;
  • photo album with leather cover - 4,000–12,500 rubles;
  • camera in a leather case - 16,000–90,000 rubles;
  • tablet with leather case - 6,000–37,000 rubles.

If parents can afford it, they give old tradition leather furniture.

It could be:

  • colorful leather sofa - 70,000–245,000 rubles;
  • leather chairs - 13,000–291,000 rubles;
  • leather corner sofa - 57,000–391,000 rubles;
  • leather bed - 10,000–171,000 rubles.

But at the same time, such a luxurious gift is completely optional, and on the part of the parents, the main thing is not gifts, but their presence nearby and their love.

Knowing that there is some thing necessary in everyday life, it would also be appropriate to give it to a married couple if desired.

A gift certificate to a household appliance store will most likely come in handy and will be received with a bang, since the family has recently started living together, and most likely life has not yet been fully adjusted.

How to give a gift

No less important is the gift itself and how it will be presented. Sincere wishes addressed to the newlyweds, spoken with all my heart, will definitely be fulfilled! Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about what guests will say when presenting gifts and in what form.

You can congratulate in prose, or in poetry. (). If the congratulations are written with your own hand, they will become an even greater magical addition to the gift.

Having lived together for three years, the married couple is already beginning to form a strong family.

Such a symbolic holiday as a leather wedding should under no circumstances be forgotten. Young spouses learn to celebrate their memorable dates together, and friends and relatives demonstrate their respect for their family hearth, and the donated items will delight the newlyweds, reminding them of the significant day.

Gifts, like congratulations, are not an easy duty that must be fulfilled by giving something to someone. Carrying a positive attitude from the giver, they have energy that can improve the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, when congratulating and presenting gifts, wish not only in words, but also in your soul, goodness and love in their home.

Some people believe that love lasts three years, others call three years a turning point in family life. Some people think that three years is too short a time to talk about anything. And someone is now happily preparing a party to celebrate the birth of their family, which has just turned three years old. These people are happy, look into the future with optimism, because they family life is just beginning. If you are wondering: 3 years, what kind of wedding, what to give for your anniversary, then you have come to the right place. Let's look at these issues in detail and Let's try to find the perfect gift.

Let's imagine the picture: distant relatives or not very close friends call you and invite you to a party. wedding celebration - three years. And a thought immediately arises in your head: what kind of wedding is this if you’ve been married for 3 years? Surprisingly, but this date is called a leather wedding. Yes, that's it! And this name arose very simply - it is believed that by this time the husband and wife should literally feel each other with their skin. Understand perfectly, subtly capture moods, sometimes adapt to your partner. The skin itself is very soft, elastic, strong, and the relationship between spouses should be the same - not strained, flexible, reliable.

If you decide help little kids arrange a gift, but you don’t know what to give your parents for 3 years of marriage, then you can ask your child to draw a picture from the “happy family” series. Or dip his arms and legs in paint and make a collage of his prints. You can help your child make a composition from plasticine or dough. You can also create photo collage of joint photographs of spouses and their children.

If you are newlyweds and want to please your parents at the celebration and give them a gift as a sign of your anniversary, then it could be a beautiful romantic dance in their honor for 3 years; what’s a wedding without dance? Or also a photo collage of your photos together. Or a video story about how your family began and what importance parents play in it. There are many options, proceed from the tastes and preferences of the people you want to surprise.

If you are thinking about what to give to your friends for their 3rd birthday wedding, then feel free to take into account the fact that it's a leather wedding. No, you don’t have to give leather furniture or something like that, you can give some original stylish accessory made of leatherette, the same stylish jackets made of eco-leather. You can limit yourself to a banal, but no less useful gift, such as dishes, bed linen, a blanket, glasses. Believe me, there are never enough of these items in family life. If you know that the spouses are planning to travel soon, then you can give a stylish beautiful suitcase or two identical sports bags. Quite memorable and a touching gift can be photo book with eco-leather binding. You can also give the husband and wife two leather bracelets as a talisman.

What to give your husband from your wife: funny congratulations to your husband on his 3rd wedding anniversary

This question sounds more difficult, because you need to be right, congratulate in an original, interesting way, and most importantly, the gift should reflect the full depth of your feelings. What to give your husband from your wife: you can compose funny congratulations to your husband on your 3rd wedding anniversary yourself: remember all the most interesting moments of your life together, you can even make fun of some quarrels, which now make me smile. Let it be a few short poems with a humorous meaning, understandable only to the two of you. You can choose something more classic, something like:

Three years! Leather wedding6a,

We are making history now

My husband, I’m glad to congratulate you,

That this day is only for us.

We feel each other subtly

And our hearth grows stronger,

Love is strong, it is elastic,

Like a leather banner over a house.

I'm glad that I was once a husband

You became mine, dear!

Because it's not needed

Believe me, no one else.

Prince on a white Mercedes

Let it die around the corner!

I feel good where we are

Where are you and me together?

Well, men, you have to try very hard here. After all, for women, different dates in the history of relationships are very important. So, you are wondering: what to give your wife for 3 years of married life? ? At first ask yourself: what does she like?? Here's a test of your knowledge of the preferences of your beloved wife. In fact, anything can be a gift: Jewelry, expensive clutch or bag, new beautiful phone or tablet, travel, romantic weekend, beautiful coat or a dress, gloves, favorite perfume or eau de toilette of your choice in an exclusive glass jar. Main, don't give something trivial and what you need, like a frying pan, food processor or blender. Yes, of course, these are very necessary items for the housewife in the kitchen. But on this day, your woman wants to feel like a real woman and receive something very romantic and beautiful as a gift, remember this.

Three years is still a very young family. She is a little capricious, like all children, stubborn, playful, but at the same time she already understands what is bad and what is good. Therefore, funny congratulations for a 3-year wedding anniversary can be based on such interesting contrasts, comparing a family with a capricious child in the texts, give instructions in in a comic form . Promise to come to the house in a year and check whether all the instructions have been followed. Choose something like:

Three years have not flown by in vain,

You sang songs with a guitar.

We loved and respected each other

Sometimes they squealed like pigs with happiness.

May every new morning be for you,

It will be beautiful, pleasing to the eye.

Appreciate moments of solitude.

Down with all insults, down with doubts.

Please ask if possible for a three year old child to read a poem. Help him, give him a hint, he will look very cute and will move the newlyweds to tears. Don’t forget: 3 years is such a wedding, focus on the fact that Family relationships should be as flexible and strong as skin.

For 3 years of marriage, statuses with jokes for classmates and not only have long been invented by the newlyweds themselves, as well as by their friends, parents, and colleagues. Everyone has gone through this at some point and many have something to say: “Guys! Guard! I had to get married, I started having vision problems! I don’t see any money!”; “If you want to live long and be of sound mind, don’t contradict your wife”; “Darling, I would like a ring for our third, otherwise my finger is still freezing”; “Marriage is a transition from an 8-hour work day to a 24-hour day!”

The status can be born based on some of your personal stories. You can reveal to everyone the secret of what you call each other in everyday life. Maybe there are some nicknames, or you have some jokes between each other, traditions that only you two understand.

We looked at 3 years of what kind of wedding: what to give for the anniversary. How did you congratulate or how were you congratulated at the leather wedding? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

3 years of marriage after marriage.

The symbol of the anniversary is leather. It is believed that by the third year of marriage, the family “grows” with skin and becomes a single organism. This material shows that the relationship has become stronger since paper wedding and remained just as flexible. Another interpretation of the name is that the spouses have already learned to understand each other perfectly and literally “feel with their skin.”

Leather is a fairly dense material that does not tear easily. At the same time, if it is poorly treated, it loses color and shine, cracks and tears. Therefore, during this period, it is best for spouses to find the necessary balance in the relationship: make compromises, avoid disrespectful treatment of the other half, etc. This way they will be able to maintain the warmth between themselves that has arisen over these 3 years.

The third wedding anniversary in Rus' was traditionally celebrated in the fresh air and with meat dishes on the table. My wife was baking a “cow” - an oval loaf of fruit. Now a free format of the holiday is allowed. The best option is barbecue with red wine for witnesses and close friends. At the request of the spouses, parents are invited to this date.

Gifts for the third wedding anniversary

On this day, leather goods are given as gifts. A good alternative is things with leather inserts or details.

Gift options for a young family:

  • items for the home: rugs decorated with leather, wall clocks, boxes, chests, photo frames;
  • accessories: watch with a leather strap, wallet, belt, bag, clutch, purse, gloves, leather jewelry, passport cover, glasses case, phone or tablet case, diary, notepad, flask, keychain, etc.

Gift for husband/wife

On such a date, it’s not a pity to pamper your other half. Leather gifts are a wonderful opportunity to show how much you value your relationship. If funds allow, you can buy your wife or husband a leather raincoat, jacket or boots. For a more modest budget, any gift made of leather or similar material will do.

Gift from guests to spouses

On the third anniversary of married life, spouses can be given a leather pouffe, a photo album, or a suitcase for traveling together. For a more modest budget, soft suede slippers and a book with a hiding place will do. On this anniversary, it is also customary to give paired animal figurines to spouses with wishes of strong love.

It is not necessary to bind to the date symbol. You can also present household appliances or money that the family needs. The gift will become themed if you attach a small leather trinket to it (for example, two keychains or a medal “3 years of marriage”).

Congratulations, toasts

Behind festive table Congratulations in honor of the mini-anniversary must definitely be heard.

Options for a solemn speech:

Dear spouses!
Over these three years you got to know each other well and became strong family. Now you probably already have superpowers - you can read each other’s thoughts at a distance and literally “feel” your spouse with your skin. Preserve this subtlety of understanding throughout your life. Let happiness always shine in your home!
Dear spouses!
A three-year anniversary is already a long time. Now you have literally become one and cannot be separated. Let there never be quarrels between you, just as one hand never hits the other. Mutual understanding and love for you for many years to come!


During the celebration, guests can be entertained with competitions. In this case, it is advisable to take into account the symbol of the holiday.

Competition options:

1. “Native skin”
The wife must guess her husband by his belt. All men present take their belts out of their trousers and hold them at arm's length. The wife takes turns feeling the belts and guessing which one belongs to her other half.

2. "Button"
The leather-covered button is placed on forefinger first participant. He should be able to transfer it to the index finger of his neighbor at the table without the help of other fingers. The one who drops the button is out of the game. The winner can be given a small souvenir as a prize.

A leather wedding is the only day when spouses are “officially” allowed to break plates. It is believed that the smaller the fragments, the more happiness there will be in the house. Therefore, you can end the festive evening with “breaking the dishes.”