-How's it going?
-I don’t dare complain, what about yours?
-Also normal....

She sent him a letter. A letter in which she told everything completely, revealed the whole truth about herself as a person. It was a long letter, she wrote it for several days, periodically laughing at something or crying.
Standing in front of the mailbox, she saw a young couple. The girl was pregnant and she was clearly proud of her unborn child, the guy carefully led her by the hand. They walked past her, she caught part of their conversation, they were choosing a name for the baby and she smiled. moment her heart felt light, she was happy for them. Still very for a long time she looked after them...
It was difficult for her to decide to send a letter, because in it she took off the mask in which they were used to seeing her. She did not feel any better, on the contrary, a feeling of fear suddenly arose in her. She was afraid of remaining rejected.
She was alone and at the same time no time, s She lived with the hope of his return.
She lived in the past lately and believed in their future. She simply skillfully played her role, she was successful in this role, she got used to it. She lived and assured herself that she was strong and could do anything, but after all, everything will come... then the end comes, she tried with all her might to survive from this grief. For her it was grief, it was as if the air had been taken away from her.
She suddenly understood what it meant not to live, but to exist; now she did not live, but existed morally.
Everything was like in a black and white movie, the same movie with a bad ending. She suddenly began to realize that she had begun to grow cold and no longer noticed those small details that had recently pleased her, everything seemed so banal and meaningless. The heart began to become covered with ice, the cold enveloped the soul....

She no longer cried and the pain was no longer felt so much, everything just went on as it went, somehow without interest.
Time passed, she was also alone and he was far away, but he lived in her memory, in her thoughts, in her heart and soul.
She did not “kill” the memory of him and did not destroy his poems, it was important for her to preserve the memory of him. He played an incredibly important role in her life. He was not just a part of her life, but he was and is and will be her life. ...
At one point, he “floated” into her life again...
-What's up?
-Fine, what about yours?
-OK, thank you...

Their conversation continued, they chatted about everything, about upcoming holidays and gifts, about the weather and about world news.
They chatted so peacefully and calmly, as if nothing had happened between them... But he soon interrupted this calmness
-I received your letter
- Letters reach you quickly
- Yes, really, quickly...

He held her letter in his hands, a letter that burned his hands. Her words pierced his soul, she seemed to him still such a small child, but at that same moment she was a big child.
“She’s alone, she’s afraid of loneliness,” flashed through his thoughts and he felt even worse from this thought...

“Let’s start all over again,” he said a little timidly.
And she turned her gaze towards the window, where outside the window under moonlight The freshly fallen snow showed off.
“Shall we start everything from the beginning?” she repeated fearfully to herself.
She managed to remember all their funny and not so funny moments together.
“It will be difficult,” the mind sternly assured.
“But this is a second chance, which not everyone gets, you should take advantage of it,” my heart advised.
She hesitated.
-Start over, turn over the old leaf of life and start a new clean leaf? But you don’t know how to write on just blank paper, you only distort the paper. One letter turns out larger than the other, you lose a line, the mind cruelly assured.
“Don’t believe it, this happens to everyone.” Line this paper with your hopes and dreams, the heart tenderly advised.

“Are you sure you want this?” she asked timidly, afraid to hear a negative answer.
“Yes,” he answered briefly...
“Come on,” she said with a smile on her face and tears flowed down her cheeks. She couldn’t understand why she was crying.
-I have missed you! , she said timidly.
“Me too,” he replied...

One thing she clearly understood was that with this parting, quite a small part of her died. This parting changed her very much, so far it has not created problems, but it will come up someday...
They were together again and he again spoke words of love to her, again they built their future. But it was not the same as before. He was different and she became different. Everything was good and at the same time not very good...

Is something bothering you? he asked her affectionately
“No, I’m just tired,” she answered and smiled...

He looked at her, at her gentle smile and suddenly remembered the line from the letter “no troubles will break my smile...”, but she was right.....
“What is she thinking about?” he thought, hugging her tightly.
“What is he thinking about?” she thought, basking in his arms........

About Love

  • Listen, Angela. I've heard great news about your sister. They say that she got married last month. Is it true?
  • Yes, it is. Mary and Bob celebrated their wedding 2 weeks ago. It was such a wonderful day.
  • I still can’t believe that your sister has become a wife. Where did they meet each other?
  • They met in Spain, at the seaside, during their holidays. They both had so much in common, so they fell in love with each other immediately, at first sight.
  • I see. And relaxing on the beach, going on dates, walking in the moonlight, eating out in exotic restaurants near the sea… everything was so romantic, I guess.
  • Oh yes. Mary realized that Bob was the man whom she had searched for the whole life, so she couldn’t imagine her life without him anymore. But she was still afraid that it was just a holiday fling for Bob.
  • So how did they communicate when they parted and returned home?
  • Every day my sister woke up and fell asleep with a smile on her face because Bob kept on calling and writing endless letters all days long. He told her about his love and serious intentions.
  • Well, Mary deserves pure love. She has always been a kind, sincere and warm girl.
  • Thank you. My sister is so happy. Bob is a responsible family-man and I can see how much he adores and cherishes Mary. He is tender, caring and affectionate. I really enjoy watching them kiss and snuggle up to each other every here and there.
  • I’m glad to hear that they married for love, not for money. Love is a beautiful feeling and it makes people fly. Give the newlyweds my best wishes!
  • Listen, Angela. I found out great news about your sister. She is said to have gotten married last month. This is true?
  • Yes. Mary and Bob celebrated their wedding 2 weeks ago. It was a wonderful day.
  • I still can’t believe that your sister became a wife. Where did they meet?
  • They met in Spain, by the sea, while on vacation. They both have so much in common that they immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.
  • It's clear. And relaxing on the beach, dating, walks in the moonlight, dinners in exotic restaurants by the sea... all this is probably so romantic.
  • Oh yeah. Mary realized that Bob was the man she had been looking for all her life, so she could no longer imagine life without him. But she was afraid it was just a holiday romance for Bob.
  • And how did they communicate after they broke up and went home?
  • Every day my sister woke up and went to sleep with a smile on her face, because Bob continued to call her and write endless letters all day long. He told her about his love and serious intentions.
  • Well, Mary deserves pure love. She was always a kind, sincere and warm girl.
  • Thank you. Sister is so happy. Bob is a responsible family man and I can see how much he adores and cherishes Mary. He is gentle, caring and loving. I love watching them kiss and cuddle each other here and there.
  • I'm glad to hear that they married for love and not for convenience. Love is a wonderful feeling and it helps people fly. Give the newlyweds my best wishes!

A young couple has no money at all, and Christmas is approaching. Then Della sells her luxurious hair and buys it for her husband present – a watch chain. Seeing his beloved wife's hair cut, Jim pulls out his gift... hair combs. Bought, of course, with the same watch given as collateral. "The Gift of the Magi" by O'Henry. What is this story about? About the need to discuss buying gifts in advance? No, about the fact that they should be given to loved ones. Because it's a way to show your love.

O'Henry's words spoken a hundred years ago are echoed by modern family consultant Gary Chapman. thinks that readers will be interested to know how the American writer predicted the advice of the famous. And in what ways did he surpass him?

Call me your donut darling again!

Chapman's book in question is "5 love languages". The author calls the languages ​​of love ways to talk about it and see which ways are most pleasant to your partner. Firstly, gifts, we have already discussed this. Another way - tender words. We pass the microphone to another author. Story "Harbinger of Spring".

  • Spring. Everything around is hungry for love. And three loafers on a bench are thirsty for a drink. One has an advantage: his wife. And my wife has a dollar.
  • Peters goes to get it. But Clara does not want to part with the treasure. You cannot get a dollar through blackmail and deception.
  • Let's return for a moment to Mr. Chapman's advice: “Praise and gratitude will always help you express love. And it’s better to put them into simple, sincere words.”
  • And Peters, as if having heard this advice, speaks with an intonation that would not deceive even a seal: “Darling, why do we have to quarrel all the time? After all, you are my donut darling.” “Fat, red, crying Clara threw herself on Peters’ neck and covered him with tears.” And then she rushed to the pharmacy and bought... medicine, but not at all the one he expected. “It would be better if I strangled her right away,” Peters thought.

Here, as the reader noticed, our authors sharply diverge in positions. Chapman's book is aimed at the normal middle class. And the lumpen people O’Henry writes about... oh, they know very well the power of words of love and are also perfectly capable of using them for fraudulent purposes. Even if “Cupid marks them with a black cross in his book.”

Dialogue between centuries: touching unanimity

Sometimes authors have complete coincidences of ideological positions. For example, in the area of ​​what words can be words of love. Or that a person may not have any idea about something, but it just needs to be explained to him. Story "Cupid in portions".

  • Mamie works in catering. “She was about the height of an angel,” says the narrator. In general, you understand: there are no other girls like this. But she doesn’t pay any attention to visiting suitors.
  • Cause? Place of work: “What is a man to me? This is a grave for burying steak, pork chops, liver and ham and eggs! That's what he is, and nothing more." “What about the girls?” - the lover timidly tries to resist. It turns out that they don’t eat: “They sometimes chew on something.”
  • Everything is decided by a lucky chance: Mamie and her boyfriend get caught in a storm and spend a couple of days without food. And it turns out that Mamie simply didn’t know that men are always so hungry! Everything according to Chapman: the situation and its discussion are in the right direction.

And about how words from the statistical reference book of “necessary knowledge” can become words of love, and about why wet girl in the rain can make a stronger impression than her smartly dressed friends - our two wise men know everything. It’s good that the world has changed towards greater material well-being and Dr. Chapman often limits himself to advice to mow the lawn or go to a cafe together to establish peace in the family. But the stories about O’Henry’s dying, poor, hungry and still happy heroes still ache in my heart. “I told you about two stupid children from an eight-dollar room who sacrificed their treasures in the most unwise way. They are the Magi.”

And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

Night. And again there was no sleep. A week ago he told me: “Sorry, but nothing will work out for us. It’s not about you, it’s about me. Don’t be offended...”

I heard these words in different variations countless times. And sometimes they disappeared just like that, without words. And it was painful and offensive.

Again I was overcome by thoughts: “What, what am I doing wrong? Why am I so unlucky? Well, I’m not ugly, I’m not stupid, I’m not some kind of grump. But everything is not a joy, because there is no Love in my life. “Love is completely, completely absent from my life.”

It seems I was crying. And at some point I fell to my knees and, turning to the ceiling, passionately prayed: “Lord! Please! I want Love so much! I can’t live without love! Let Love come to me! Please, please! ".And God heard me.

“I’ve come,” said Lyubov. “Look at me.”

She was sitting in a chair by the window. She looked tired, and she looked like a housewife tortured by everyday life. Apparently, doubts were reflected on my face, because she grinned and said:

I change faces. I can be like this...

She instantly transformed into the image of the delightful, sparkling and inaccessible Snow Queen.

And so...

A gentle image of a young thin girl playing the violin.

And so...

This is what passionate, fiery, indomitable Carmen must have looked like.

In general, everyone has their own idea about me. - she summed up.

The Tortured Housewife was sitting in the chair again.

You called me. Why? - Love asked impatiently.

Well, why? - I was confused. - I want Love. I want you to be in my life. Always. Everyone has Love and I should have it.

“I don’t owe anyone anything,” Lyubov objected softly. “Where the word “should” sounds, I don’t live. I leave. Or I die.”

Aren't you immortal? - I was surprised.

I am often killed. But I am resurrected, like the Phoenix bird, and reborn in another place, in a different capacity. in a different image. So in a sense, yes, I am immortal.

But how can you kill Love? - I continued to ask.

They are killing me. With claims. Resentments. Lies. Betrayal. Jealousy. The desire to possess undividedly. And the word “should,” - Love answered sadly. - Over its history, humanity has come up with very, very many ways to kill Love.

“Yes, Love is often unhappy,” I said quietly.

No, my dear. Love is happiness. If Love is unhappy, then it’s not me, you just confused me with something.

But what can Love be confused with? - I was even more surprised.

With passion. with the desire to be needed by at least someone. With the desire to prove that you are no worse than others. with hidden self-interest. who knows what? People are such confusion... Most of them simply do not know what True Love is.

But wait... I've read so many books about love! Everyone knows what Love is... Romeo and Juliet... Othello and Desdemona.. Anna Karenina...

Baby, what are you saying? - Lyubov clasped her hands. - Do you really think that it’s me Lyubov, persecuting... crushing... soul... destroying???

But this is all because of Love?! Because of you? is not it so???

No,” Love answered sadly. “It’s because of fear. Fear of losing. Fear of being rejected or deceived. Fear of being alone. Fear of being judged. It’s Fear that kills Love. That’s it, girl.”

I was completely confused, my head was a complete mess. Everything that seemed solid and unshakable began to lose clear outlines, become fluid and ephemeral.

But then... what are you really like? - I asked.

“The best thing about me is said in the Holy Scripture,” Love answered and quoted with pleasure: “Love is long-suffering, merciful, Love does not envy, Love does not boast, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoices in untruth, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

He hopes everything, endures everything... - I mechanically repeated. - Yes, probably. Since you say... I agree to believe everything, endure everything. And I still hope! And you don’t come and don’t come! Why are you passing me by? ?

Because you’re afraid of me,” Lyubov explained wearily. “I come, I stand next to you, but you prefer not to see me. And you don’t accept me into your heart.”

Am I? Afraid?? Of love??? - I was indignant. - But this is not true!

You are afraid of pain. For you, Love is inevitable pain.

Isn't that right??? - I asked passionately.

Love was already beginning to irritate me with its paradoxes.

Not like that! - said Love angrily. - There is no pain in me. People invented it. I am beautiful. Light. Free. I am like a butterfly on the palm of your hand. Have you ever held a butterfly on your palm?

Well, yes, in childhood, I remembered. - I stood very quietly and admired. I almost couldn’t even breathe, but she crawled along my palm and fiddled with her wings, and it was so funny and ticklish...

What happens if you grab a butterfly by the wings? Or make a fist? - Love continued.

“She will die,” I said quietly.

And I die when they try to hold me. Hold me in their fist... And sometimes they dry me up and put me on a pin. Like a trophy... - Lyubov said sadly. - What are you doing to me, people? And with you...

There was a painful pause. We were both silent. Pictures from my own life flashed before me. How many times did I clench my fist! And grab my wings. And then I grieved over the cold corpse of Love, not understanding why she died.

Love nodded understandingly, as if she heard my thoughts.

Yes, you behaved like an unreasonable child. Seize, hold, not let go, take prisoner. This is so human!

I looked at Love with some new, completely different look. Here sits in a chair the Light-Winged Butterfly, which was turned into a Starved Housewife. I turned it!!! Myself, no one forced me. And again I demand something from her. Everything from her They demand, demand, demand something... And at the same time they clench their fists tighter and tear off their fragile multi-colored wings. Tears rose, rose and suddenly splashed out of my eyes, like spring rain.

Love, but what can I do for you? - I asked through tears.

Accept me as a gift. And don’t interfere with free flight. Just give me a place on your palm,” Lyubov asked. “I also miss people so much...

“Will you never leave again?” I asked.

And I never left, said Lyubov. “I’m always there. And always waiting...

I probably had good, bright dreams. Because I woke up smiling. And when I opened the curtains, I saw that it had rained lightly during the night. The puddles sparkled grandly, and the foliage was glossy and renewed. The world was renewed and very joyful. And on the other side of the glass sat a luxurious, incredibly beautiful butterfly.