For many women, turning 30 is an important psychological milestone, a kind of entry into adult life. At this age, you can already take stock of the first small results of your victories and achievements, and sometimes small failures. At 30 years old, a woman is already an established person who has a great understanding of life and is ready to solve any problems. But at the same time, she is still very young and her greatest successes are ahead. That’s why it’s so difficult to decide what to give a woman for her 30th birthday. But our advice will help you cope with this task.

Traditional gifts for a woman's 30th birthday

Familiar and expected traditional gifts are one of best options. Many girls like surprises and creative solutions, but if they receive one of the classic gifts as a gift, they will definitely not be upset. The best ideas for such gifts:

  • Jewelry. This is a win-win option, you just need to choose the right thing. If you are not in the closest relationship with the birthday girl, you need to choose something neutral, for example, a brooch or pendant, and relatives can give anything. The best gift from a loved one is a ring.
  • Flowers. Beautiful bouquet– a great addition to any gift. A rare indoor plant can become a worthy independent gift.
  • Perfume. This classic gift has recently lost its relevance due to the huge selection on the perfume market. The risk of error is too high, so buy perfume only if you are sure that the birthday girl will like it.
  • Hair care devices. Almost any woman will need a convenient and functional hair dryer, curling iron, electric curler or styler.
  • Casket. It can be made of wood, plastic, stone or any other materials, large or small - in any case, the birthday girl will find a use for it. The main thing is to choose something of high quality and beautiful.
  • Wine and sweets. If you are not going to a grand holiday, but to simple friendly gatherings, a bottle of good wine with suitable sweets will be the best gift option.
  • Appliances. They often say that this is not a gift and the birthday girl will not be pleased with it. And in vain. Many women appreciate useful household gifts that help simplify their lives and save money. In addition, there is a lot of equipment that will definitely come in handy, but a woman will not dare to buy it herself. For example, an ice cream maker or a cotton candy machine is an excellent present for a sweet tooth, and a robot vacuum cleaner will come in handy for a busy woman who doesn’t have enough time to clean.
  • Dishes. Most women like such gifts. Choose a beautiful set or a pair of teas, a set of unusual plates or stylish bowls, and you will definitely please the birthday girl.
  • A set of tea or coffee. Depending on what drink the birthday girl prefers, collect a small basket with rare and interesting varieties. You can complement the gift with an elegant cup or suitable sweets.

Another win-win gift option is a certificate. It will help out if you know very little about the tastes and interests of the birthday girl. In this case, you can give a certificate from a store or for individual tailoring of clothes or shoes, and a car enthusiast will need a certificate from a car wash or service.

To give your traditional gift originality and add a “zest” complement it unusual postcard with the author's congratulations.

TOP 10 gifts for a woman turning 30

  1. Jewelry
  2. Gadgets and modern electronics
  3. Picnic basket and/or unbreakable tableware set
  4. Plaid with sleeves and set for mulled wine
  5. Set of exotic fruits
  6. Certificate from a store or for individual tailoring of clothes or shoes
  7. Going to the SPA salon
  8. Attending a master class
  9. Glamorous car kit
  10. Appliances

Unusual gifts for a woman's 30th birthday

If you want not only to please the birthday girl, but to surprise and amaze her, then you should choose something original and unexpected. Best ideas:

  • Chocolate fountain. This is a great gift for a sweet tooth. And if the birthday girl has children, then they will be delighted too.
  • Set of exotic fruits. If the birthday girl has long dreamed of visiting distant countries and trying unusual fruits, such a gift will help her get a little closer to her dream.
  • Subscribe to the magazine. It could be a glossy fashion publication or something related to the birthday girl’s work or hobby.
  • Fondue set. Even if the recipient does not like to cook and does it rarely, such a gift will win her over. Now she will be able to surprise her friends with unusual dishes and organize themed parties.
  • Picnic basket and/or set of unbreakable tableware. Such a gift will turn any outdoor gathering into an elegant event.
  • Plaid with sleeves and set for mulled wine. This is an ideal combination for a gift if a woman has a birthday in the cold season.
  • Projector lamp. It will help create a truly fabulous atmosphere in the birthday girl’s bedroom.

And if you want to truly amaze the birthday girl, give her fresh impressions or a real adventure. The most popular ideas for such gifts:

  • Skydiving or something equally extreme, like paragliding. This is not a gift for everyone; if the birthday girl has heart problems or other serious illnesses, it will not suit her.
  • A trip to the SPA salon. Many women deny themselves such a pleasant and useful vacation due to lack of time or money. Give the gift of a day at the spa, and this birthday will definitely be remembered for a long time.
  • Professional photo shoot. It will allow you to plunge into the world of beauty, feel like a real star, look at yourself through the eyes of a professional and appreciate your strengths in a new way.
  • Tickets for an interesting event. If the birthday girl has long dreamed of going to a concert, theater premiere, sports competition, etc., give her this opportunity.
  • Ride on horseback or in a carriage. This is an ideal gift for a lady who dreams of feeling like Cinderella or a fearless Amazon.
  • Attending a master class. The theme should suit the tastes of the birthday girl - dancing, handicrafts, extreme driving, cooking and many other master classes are available in most cities.

When choosing an adventure gift, give preference to certificates with an unlimited validity period or coordinate the time of the event with the birthday girl in advance.

What to give to a woman who has everything for her 30th birthday?

It is very difficult to choose a good gift for a wealthy woman who has everything she needs. She probably has a normal life, and there are plenty of surprises in life. Our advice for this situation:

  • Glamorous car kit. Surely she has a car, and now everything in it will be luxurious.
  • Flip flop portrait. Even if a lady’s living room is already decorated with a dozen paintings, there is definitely no such portrait in the collection.
  • Scratch card for travelers. On it, the birthday girl will be able to mark places she has already visited.
  • Personalized calendar with her photo. Such a gift can only be given close person, who has access to the birthday girl’s photo albums.
  • Hollywood star or Oscar statuette with her name. This gift will once again emphasize how successful and respectable the birthday girl is.

What to give your beloved woman for her 30th birthday

If your loved one's birthday is approaching, you should prepare for it in advance. Find out how she would like to mark the occasion. She may need help organizing the party. If there are no plans, take the initiative into your own hands and arrange romantic date. Be sure to think about what gift the birthday girl would like to receive. One of the most popular options is decoration, but there are other ideas:

  • Fur product. 30 years is the age when teenage clothes and luxurious furs look great on a woman. If finances allow, you can buy a fur coat; if not, a vest, stole or, finally, mittens.
  • Gadgets and modern electronics. Most 30-year-old women respond positively to such a gift. You need to choose based on her interests - smartphone, tablet, parking sensors, camera, etc.
  • Beautiful lingerie. A beloved man can give such things, but just don’t go wrong with the size. In some cases, it is better to present a certificate or go to the store together. Also a good option is a luxurious peignoir, where there are fewer errors with the size.
  • Romantic trip. If you give your loved one a vacation together, she will definitely be happy. If your financial situation does not allow trips to expensive resorts and exotic islands, you can spend a couple of days in a country boarding house. The main thing is the romantic atmosphere and relaxation, and not the number of stars of the hotel.

Try to remember all the wishes of the birthday girl, her hobbies and interests. This will help you choose the most best gift. Also, think about your congratulations, prepare them in advance good words so as not to get confused at the last moment. All this will help make your congratulations unforgettable.

Choosing a gift for a birthday is no longer an easy task, and if we are talking about an anniversary, then everything becomes even more difficult. We will look at what you can do for a 30 year old girl, depending on who she is to you.

What to give your girlfriend or wife for her 30th birthday?

The greatest responsibility always falls on the shoulders of the spouse - it is important to choose a gift that would truly please and be remembered. In addition, many girls tend to perceive such dates tragically, and a good gift may well compensate for worries about the passing years.

So, what to give a girl for her 30th birthday?

  1. Gold decoration. Ring, earrings, necklace or bracelet - depending on the girl’s preferences and your financial capabilities. Exactly jewelry they are stored and worn for as long as possible, which means that marking round dates with them is very convenient and practical.
  2. Phone or other gadget. This is quite an expensive, but at the same time useful and functional gift. It is best to first consult with the girl about which model and in which color she prefers.
  3. 31 roses. If you haven't given a girl an armful of roses, such a gift will greatly impress her. The only thing is that in this case you should give something else, more durable.
  4. Certificate for a photo shoot in a studio with a professional. If the girl is slim, well-groomed and loves photos, this gift will be received with a bang. After all, pictures in which she is blooming, beautiful and cheerful will lift her spirits for many years.
  5. Journey. If you have the opportunity, give the girl a week or two warm country by the sea (it’s better, of course, to go together). After all, impressions are the most valuable thing that you can give to another.

Looking at the list of what to give a girl for her 30th birthday, you can either use ready idea, or come up with something of your own. Focus on what would really please the birthday girl, and then this holiday will be the best in her life!

Avoid giving home appliances such as cleaning tools as gifts, as this is offensive. A girl always dreams of being a woman in your eyes, and not just a housewife.

What to give your sister or friend for her 30th birthday?

Let's consider what you can give a girl for her 30th birthday if she is your sister or friend - in general, a close person. There are quite a lot of options here:

  • hair straightener or curling iron;
  • electric epilator;
  • yogurt maker;
  • spa certificate;
  • parachute jump with an instructor;
  • beautiful peignoir;
  • a set of jewelry or costume jewelry (if the girl wears it).

You can choose from gifts-impressions, and from useful devices for beauty and health, and if you know the tastes of a girl, then you can buy jewelry or accessories for her. Try to remember, it is quite possible that she has already mentioned something that she needs.

In addition, be guided by the situation: for example, if she recently moved, a set of dishes can please her much more than a beautiful trinket. Before choosing such a gift, find out what is missing in her home.

What to give a girl from work for her 30th birthday?

If you are congratulating a colleague or boss, the choice of gift should be special: we, as a rule, know little of such people, and there is a high risk of making a mistake. Therefore, it is best to choose a universal option.

An important event in the life of any person is an anniversary. What to give a woman for her 30th birthday? Everyone is looking for a special surprise, trying to surprise, guess and please the birthday girl, because such an event happens only once. It’s a wonderful time when a woman has already achieved success, knows what she wants, a lot of wonderful things have already happened and a lot of wonderful things are still ahead.

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✔Surprise for a woman who turns 35

Not far from 35 summer anniversary. What can you give a woman for her 35th birthday? What would a woman want, because they are all so different. But they have one thing in common - they all love surprises. Let's imagine a little how to please the birthday girl.

✔Beloved for 30, 35 years

Giving a surprise to your beloved wife is always a pleasure, because this gift is imbued with love and warmth. Men like to buy gifts for their wives, but they still ask the question: “What to give a woman for her 30th birthday?”, “What to give a woman for her 35th birthday?”
A man can present his wife with jewelry, rings, earrings, or make an original pendant to order. Your beloved will wear jewelry and every time she looks at it, she will remember you with warmth.
A fur coat would be a good gift. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you can come to the store with your wife, with an excuse to look (if she wants a fur coat), and after trying on the product, remember the style and size. Then, come and buy without it. With such a gift you will not only make her happy, but also show your care.
If your planned budget is even larger, then you can give a car as an anniversary gift. A personal car is a very convenient means of transportation for a businesswoman.

✔Romantic gift

Your beloved loves romance, you can arrange a romantic trip for her. Buy a tour to a heavenly, magical corner of the earth and order a photographer. Have dinner on a rock near a waterfall.
Cover the entire room with flowers and gel balloons, and hide a surprise inside.

✔Anniversary surprise

A more practical gift would be technology. By giving her a food processor, a dishwasher, a new vacuum cleaner, or a multicooker, you will significantly speed up household processes, thereby freeing up her time for a more enjoyable pastime. You can also order cleaning services for a house or apartment for a month, so your wife will be able to devote more time to herself, you and the children, she will be grateful to you.

✔Present to a colleague

What can you give a colleague for his 30th birthday? Employees usually don’t worry too much about gifts; they can collect money and present it in an envelope, buying candy and flowers. And the colleague will decide for herself what is best for her to buy for herself. If this option does not suit you, then a certificate for a beauty salon, fitness, massage, or swimming pool would be a wonderful gift. The girl-colleague will be pleased.

✔For friend and sister

What to give to a friend or sister for her 30th birthday? You can give a close friend, like your sister, anything for her 35th birthday, because you know her best and can easily select exactly what she needs. A new umbrella, perfume that she likes so much, a stylish and fashionable bag, shoes that she so wanted, all this will please her no less than other gifts.
Has your friend been dreaming of losing a few extra pounds for a long time? Give her a certificate for massages and body wraps. She will appreciate your support.

✔To my beloved mothers

What to give your mom for her birthday? Mothers always accept gifts with trepidation and love. self made from your children. After all, what can a baby give more and more than a drop of love, turning it into reality?
You can safely make postcards, paper crafts, and draw pictures. Older children can inexpensively make a gift themselves: a decorative box, a picture made of beads, bake a cake, buy a bouquet of their favorite flowers for their mother.

✔For a wealthy woman

A woman with high income can afford whatever she wants, whenever she wants, but no one can cancel gifts, and it needs to be used and not gather dust on a distant shelf. What to give to a woman who has everything for her 35th birthday? For such birthday girls, we recommend giving either an expensive accessory or a service.
An accessory for a businesswoman would be a stylish, expensive pen, or any other fancy piece of stationery.
For a wealthy housewife, a beautiful, original vase that will complement the interior will be a pleasant gift.
Any girl, even a wealthy one who can afford everything, will be pleased to receive a service for her birthday. Services can be both for the home and for her personally, for caring for her body and enjoying various procedures.
We can safely say that the TOP 10 gifts that can be given when a woman is 35:

  • Car;
  • Jewelry;
  • Apartment;
  • Bouquet of favorite flowers;
  • Paid housekeeping services;
  • Subscriptions and gift certificates;
  • Fashionable bag;
  • Dishwasher;
  • Original vase;
  • Expensive accessory.

✔Traditional gifts

There are traditional gift options that should be given on a 35th anniversary, regardless of social status. Such gifts will include:

  • Writing set on the desk;
  • High-quality blanket and terry towel;
  • Musical greetings (radio, live music, karaoke);
  • aquarium with fish;
  • leather, women's wallet;
  • interesting book;
  • portable biological fireplace;

✔Original present

Women are very sensitive and delicate in nature. No matter how they deny it, emotions are a very important part of their life. If you want to do original surprise, then it doesn’t matter what the birthday girl does, the most original present there will be one that will cause and give a flurry of emotions! Thirty, thirty-five summer girl, feel free to give certificates for the most extreme sports and the most pleasant and useful procedures. The birthday girl will have a lot of impressions for the rest of her life. Remember, thirty, thirty-five years is a wonderful age.
When choosing a gift, remember that the most important thing is to show attention and care. It’s doubly nice if it’s not just for one day. Always love your loved ones and family, make them happy, take care of them, show them their importance in your life. Help your colleagues, support them. Listen carefully to your sisters and friends, devote more time to them. Love your moms. When a relationship is built correctly, the best gift is you in their life.

You should prepare thoroughly for the celebration of the thirtieth birthday of your friend, relative or beloved woman. To do this, you can be creative in choosing a gift and its design, presentation, in order to create an atmosphere of celebration and magic.

Non-standard solution

Material values ​​as the main gift may please the birthday girl, but they will not replace the impressions and pleasant memories of the holiday. For example, you can call all the friends and relatives of the hero of the occasion, arrange themed party: , sushi, tea, beach, etc. The main thing is that she does not know about all the preparations, but is pleasantly surprised already at the place of celebration, when everything is ready.

What to give to a woman turning 30 who values ​​emotions and originality? She feels young, full of strength and at the same time is already moving into a more mature stage. Most likely, at this age a girl will value originality. For example, flash mob is a popular trend that has already covered all aspects of life, including entertainment. A surprise that represents the repetition of the same dance, song or thoughtful movements by several dozen people at once will be very creative.

The birthday girl will be delighted that at work, in a crowded place or indoors, many acquaintances or strangers will congratulate her, sing a song or dance around her. This will give her a feeling of drive and youth, because 30 years is a date that symbolizes a girl’s growing up, which many want to stop. A flash mob will provide such an opportunity, since it is more typical of youth circles.


You can also move the celebration to a non-standard setting - in nature, abroad, or in places where the hero of the day has never been, but dreamed of visiting these places. To do this, you need to know exactly her preferences or desires that evoke pleasant emotions.

  1. Skydiving, bungee jumping, quad biking, sports car riding. This is all that a person did not have time to do in his early youth - until the age of thirty, but he always dreamed about this. Adrenaline and emotions are guaranteed.
  2. Dinner on a skyscraper or large open terrace, renting an entire restaurant or cafe for several hours. All this will also be pleasant for the birthday girl, who at her age may already lack a share of romance and fairy tales, as was the case, for example, in her student days.
  3. Original gift for a 30-year-old woman it can be “alive”: a box with several exotic butterflies inside, when opened, will create an atmosphere of magic and the tropics. A dog, cat, chinchilla, decorative rabbit or other pet will appeal to any animal lover. As a rule, at the age of thirty there is a desire to have not only a family, but also your own pets in order to convey to them your warmth and care.
  4. Tourist trip for several days or weeks.

All of these options will give you new emotions, allow you to cope with your fears, complexes, or make an old dream come true.

Standard gifts in a new way

Almost all women love chocolate and flowers, but such a surprise is already considered ordinary. You can add a touch of novelty or luxury to it.

The hero of the day may like:

  1. Exclusive expensive chocolate in gift or branded packaging will appeal to every sweet lover. Figurines made from it have also become very popular and at the same time expensive, so you can present such a confectionery product.
  2. Bouquets of flowers can also now be chocolate, as they are created manually from scrap materials. You can create them yourself from candy and purchased stationery, foil, baskets and ribbons, or purchase them online.
  3. What to give to a woman who loves flowers for her 30th birthday? You can find rare varieties of orchids, ornamental trees that have an average or high price and also look very beautiful. This is the age when both little things and luxurious deeds are appreciated.
Expensive coffee or tea goes perfectly with chocolates and flowers.

You should pay more attention and time to searching for exclusive confectionery, flowers and other surprises, since a woman at this age will always be able to appreciate the effort and care spent.

Accessories and souvenirs

The right gift for a woman's 30th birthday can be personal and memorable. Sweets can be eaten immediately, flowers will bring joy to the eyes for several days, and a material gift will remain for a long time. This can be things, dishes, shoes and everything that is useful in everyday life, but at the same time looks presentable and luxurious. The hero of the day has already reached the age when her style becomes sophisticated and requires more expensive things and accessories.

Suitable gifts include the following:

  1. Bag, clutch, women's business briefcase.
  2. Shoes, the size of which is important not to miscalculate.
  3. Accessories: branded scarves, gloves, scarves, underwear, hats
  4. Wallets, business card holders, cosmetic bags.
  5. Personalized or expensive notebooks, notebooks, albums.

Souvenirs in the form of figurines, original chests, canvas paintings and tapestry are also memorabilia. You can order collages with photographs of the birthday girl and her entourage, dishes, a puzzle with a printed image, etc. There are no limits to your imagination if you find out what a woman loves or collects: books, porcelain dolls, cups, pens famous brands.

How to choose a gift for a woman’s 30th birthday so as not to go wrong? Trust your intuition and use your imagination, because among the many souvenirs, clothes, accessories and other products you can always find a worthwhile gift. Impression gifts can also be a worthy option for a pleasant surprise.

Thirty years is a kind of milestone in the fate of every woman.

He shares carefree youth and entry into adulthood.

By the age of thirty, youthful maximalism dissipates, women’s life guidelines change.

It’s not easy to choose a gift for a woman’s 30th birthday.

It must meet the preferences and values ​​of the birthday girl.

In contact with

A husband or lover knows his woman's desires best of all. Birthday is a great occasion to implement cherished dream beloved.

If you just started dating and don’t know what birthday gift to choose for a 30-year-old girl, you can ask the girl directly about it. There are men who prefer to guess wishes.

In this case, go shopping with the girl, take a closer look at what things she pays attention to. Based on this, choose a gift.

The following are suitable main ideas:

  1. decorations– a classic and expensive gift that every woman will love.

    An exquisite ring, a beautiful bracelet, chain or pendant will impress the birthday girl and leave many pleasant impressions.

    In addition, she will be able to show off the gift to all her friends and colleagues.

    You can engrave your loved one's name or initials if you are purchasing a ring or pendant.

  2. Gadgets– modern and practical gift for the 30th anniversary.

    Science does not stand still; every month companies release new electronic products.

    Give your loved one a new smartphone or tablet.

    Maybe she dreams of an e-reader or a voice recorder.

    Modern gadgets will help her always be in trend.

  3. Leather jacket or fur coat– fur will never go out of fashion. If your beloved has been dreaming of a winter update for a long time, then it’s time to please her with a new thing.

    Stores offer a wide range of fur coats from different furs, you can choose a gift based on your financial capabilities.

    If a woman is an animal defender, then you can give her a new thing made of faux fur.

    These coats also look beautiful and keep you warm in cold weather.

  4. Bouquet of exotic butterflies– this is an extravaganza of delight and bright emotions. The gift looks like a box.

    After the birthday girl opens the lid, dozens of colorful butterflies will fly out of the box.

    The gift is suitable for impressionable women.

    Practical birthday girls may not fully appreciate the idea, so be sure to focus on the interests of your beloved.

  5. Shared trip– a romantic trip, even for a weekend, will stir up old feelings (especially suitable for married couples with experience).

    If you've only recently been dating, this will be a great opportunity for you to get to know each other better.

    Choose a trip based on the woman’s capabilities and desires.

    This could be a weekend in Prague or Paris, a trip to the mountains, to the sea, or even just a trip to any major city.

  6. pet– a charming kitten or purebred puppy. Extravagant ladies will like a chinchilla, raccoon or chameleon.

    You can also give an aquarium with goldfish.

    In this case, it is worth considering that the birthday girl is not allergic to animals.

    Such a gift should be given in agreement with the woman.

  7. Joint portrait– select good photographs and order a portrait in any style.

    You can also make a collage from photos.

    The gift will perfectly characterize your intentions and emphasize your feelings for the woman you love.

    In addition, the portrait will decorate the girl’s home and she will be able to capture a happy moment for the rest of her life.

  8. Tourist equipment– a good gift if your beloved travels a lot and likes to conquer new horizons.

    Give her the necessary and missing equipment.

    This could be a tent, sleeping bag, backpack, thermos.

  9. Cosmetics and perfumes– these gifts can be given if you know exactly the tastes and preferences of your beloved.
  10. An offer of marriage– if you are still dating, but are ready to take a step into family life, then propose to your beloved on her birthday.

    This will be the most unforgettable gift.

    Don't forget about flowers, candles and, of course, a ring.

    The girl will appreciate such a serious and courageous act on her thirtieth birthday.

Mom and dad will always see their daughter as a little girl. For any birthday they will want to make the most pleasant and useful gift. The following are suitable gifts:

If you want to please a colleague or friend with a gift, then you don’t have to spend money on a gift. You can give a stylish and inexpensive gift, which will please the birthday girl:

Smart girls are not easy to please.

If you don’t know your taste preferences, it’s better to give a certificate to a bookstore.

The birthday girl will choose a gift for herself.

You can buy tickets to the theater, museum, or exhibition. Intellectual games and encyclopedias are suitable as gifts.

Girls who follow fashion trends will be pleased with accessories or clothing from famous brands.

These can be scarves, shawls, glasses, handbags, high-quality jewelry.

You can give an elite or organic cosmetics, a set of face brushes.

The girl will undoubtedly be grateful for such a gift.

For creative people

Gifts should correspond to the birthday girl’s hobbies. For music lovers, tickets to the Philharmonic or a set of CDs of your favorite artist, or a small musical instrument (Jew's harp) are suitable. You can give brushes, paints, and an easel to female artists.

Approach the choice of a gift without haste, having analyzed the woman’s taste and preferences. Give with pleasure. Don’t forget that in a gift, not only the price is important, but also attention to the birthday girl.