Botox has rightfully earned the trust of many women. It’s not for nothing that botulinum therapy is called “beauty injections.” This facial rejuvenation technique has been used relatively recently: in our country, Botox began to be used in the 90s of the last century. Botulinum therapy will help lift the corners of the eyes, the look will become more open and expressive. It perfectly corrects the oval of the face and does a great job even with deep wrinkles. The cosmetic procedure does not cause pain and does not take much time, which is very important in our age of disastrous busyness.

General information for people who doubt the possibilities of botulinum therapy

What is Botox for the face? This drug acts only on muscle fibers. It does not change the structure of subcutaneous tissue and does not worsen the condition of soft tissues.

The main active ingredient of the drug is botulinum toxin. It is a toxic substance, but in low concentrations it does not pose a danger to human health. Facial Botox is safe in a reasonable dosage: the effect of the drug is local, it affects only the muscles located at the injection site. Read more about whether Botox is harmful to the face.

The cost of the procedure depends on how many units of the drug are needed to combat age-related skin changes. At the first consultation, the cosmetologist will tell you the approximate price of “beauty injections”. How many units of Botox are needed on the forehead?

“The magic power” of botulinum therapy for the face

The areas of application of botulinum toxin are different; this cosmetic product is used for the following purposes:

  • Most often the drug is injected. It is excellent at removing deep horizontal creases.
  • With the help of botulinum therapy, crow's feet are also removed, and problems that cause a lot of distress to the fair sex are eliminated.

Botox is needed not only for these purposes: facial injections are also done to get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the lips. easily erases the mark of the past years. The corners of the lips rise, the person regains confidence in himself and his own attractiveness.

What anti-aging techniques can Botox be combined with?

Botulinum therapy is an effective technology. It copes excellently with facial wrinkles, but if the cause of the aesthetic problem lies in sagging facial tissues and other serious age-related changes, botulinum toxin may not have a noticeable effect. In such a situation, it is necessary to use additional alternative rejuvenation techniques that have a good effect on the volume and structure of soft tissues.

After botulinum therapy on the face, you can:

  • biorevitalization,
  • mesotherapy,
  • contour plastic surgery.

These technologies are best used in combination with botulinum therapy. They do not affect muscle mobility; their effect is slightly different: these techniques help renew facial skin.

An excellent result is obtained by combining botulinum therapy with rejuvenation technologies such as radiofrequency RF lifting and microcurrent therapy.

The face after Botox needs careful care: you can prepare masks that have a rejuvenating effect. They improve complexion, prevent the formation of new wrinkles, and even out skin texture.

Contraindications for Botox treatment

It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • cancer;
  • pathologies of the hematopoietic system;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammatory disease;
  • availability allergic reaction to its components.

How long does the drug last and how often can injections be given?

Many women are haunted by two questions: how often can Botox be done on the face? The positive effect of the “beauty injection” does not appear immediately. Several days should pass from the moment of botulinum therapy: during this time the muscles gradually relax. After all, botulinum toxin neutralizes the functioning of acetylcholine receptors, which are responsible for muscle contraction. The sensitivity of nerve endings under the influence of the drug gradually decreases. After 10 days, the effect of Botox is clearly visible.

After 2 months, the effect of the drug begins to weaken; after 4 months, Botox will be able to control the process of muscle contractions by only 20%. Therefore, after about six months, a woman, looking in the mirror, again notices signs of age-related skin changes. That’s when you need to rush to a beauty salon for a rejuvenating procedure.

In what cases does the effect of Botox not last?

In some cases, the drug is quickly eliminated from the body. Intense sports training can quickly neutralize the effects of Botox. Information about how many days after Botox you can’t exercise.

If the injections were performed by an incompetent specialist who failed to correctly calculate the dosage of the cosmetic product, the skin will return to its original appearance after a couple of months. In this case, you can do “beauty injections” again.

Is there a “addiction” to the drug?

There is an opinion that the muscles gradually get used to a certain position and gradually atrophy. Therefore, with repeated use of botulinum therapy, the positive effect of Botox remains for a long time.

The fact is that Botox limits muscle mobility, a person weanes himself from the bad habit of frowning. Botulinum toxin will no longer allow you to make a surprised face with a fancifully arched eyebrow. Therefore, a person does not form new wrinkles and skin tone noticeably increases.

The cost of the procedure depends on the number of units of the drug.

Some young people believe that Botox can be used to prevent wrinkles. This is an erroneous judgment. Botulinum therapy should not be carried out for prophylactic purposes: it is intended to combat age-related skin changes.

You can watch the entire procedure, as well as read the recommendations after Botox injections, in this video:

Botox treatment has many benefits, but before deciding on “beauty injections” you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. People who are actively involved in sports may be disappointed by the short-term effect of “beauty injections.” Sports training gives the figure a seductive roundness and beauty, but in everything you need to observe moderation. Intense physical exercise accelerates the removal of botulinum toxin from the body.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

The word “Botox” is now familiar to almost everyone who pays enough attention to their appearance; both women and men. It, probably, like aspirin, can already be written with lowercase letter, it is so commonly used.

Botox ® is a medicine produced by Allergan (USA).

Since 1989, it has been used in neurology to treat diseases accompanied by muscle spasms, for example, cerebral palsy (see: “Botox in medicine”).

Since 1994, it has been approved by the Ministry of Health for use in the Russian Federation.

The active ingredient in Botox is purified and weakened botulinum toxin.

Application area

In cosmetology, Botox and its analogue, Dysport, are used to eliminate facial wrinkles. Precisely facial ones, the occurrence of which is due to the motor activity of the facial muscles.

When these muscles tense, the skin folds. Over time, they stop straightening out completely and facial wrinkles form. Their most typical appearance is in the upper part of the face: on the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the corners of the eyes.

To smooth out wrinkles of other origins, there are other methods: contour plastic surgery, thread lifting with mesothreads, chemical peelings, etc.

How does Botox work?

Traditionally, Botox is injected intramuscularly into the facial muscles, where it temporarily blocks their susceptibility to nerve impulses. Due to this blockade, the muscle or part of it relaxes, stops contracting, and the wrinkles it forms are smoothed out.

The art of the doctor is not to completely immobilize the muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles with Botox, but only to relieve their increased tone without disturbing natural facial expressions.

Before and after

How to prepare?

  • Three days before Botox injections, it is recommended to stop taking antibiotics and medications that prevent blood clotting: Aspirin, Heparin, Phenindione, etc.
  • You need to stop drinking alcohol the day before.
  • On the day of the procedure, you should not engage in sports or heavy physical labor.

How do they do it?

During the consultation, the doctor assesses the severity and nature of wrinkles, the role of facial muscles in their formation, the condition of the tissues, determines the injection points of Botox, and its amount.

As before a regular injection, the skin is treated with a disinfectant. Then, using a syringe with a short and very thin (0.3 mm diameter) needle, the Botox solution is injected into those muscles whose activity needs to be reduced. It takes 3-5 minutes.

At the end of the session, the skin is treated with antiseptic and cooled. Data on the batch number of the drug and its expiration date are entered into the outpatient card.

The pain of Botox injections is low. They can be performed without anesthesia, but most cosmetologists prefer to administer local anesthesia with a special anesthetic cream. In the case of Botox injections without anesthesia, most of our patients compare the sensations from them to mosquito bites.

How many units do you need?

The amount of Botox in a bottle is measured not in grams, but in ED (action units). The price of the service is determined based on the volume of the drug used. Since price is an important factor, you can estimate in advance approximately how many units of Botox you will need to correct wrinkles:

  • horizontal forehead folds: 4-15 units.
  • eyebrow fold: 8-25 units.
  • "crow's feet": 8-16 units.
  • Botox lifting of the corners of the mouth: 4-6 units.
  • wrinkles upper lip: 2-4 units.

You will find out more accurate information during your consultation with a doctor.

When will the result be visible?

On average, facial muscles relax in 5-7 days. The maximum effect is usually achieved after two weeks.

But there are options determined by the individual characteristics of the body, when botulinum toxin begins to act on the second day, and in some cases it takes a month.

There are people who are insensitive to botulinum toxin. This immunity is rare, occurring in less than 1% of people. It can occur in people who have previously had botulism or who have been treated with large doses of Botox for medical reasons.

Duration of effect

After the first procedure, facial wrinkles are smoothed out for an average of 4-6 months. Then the neuromuscular connections blocked by Botox are restored, the muscle fibers begin to contract again, and wrinkles return. Therefore, to maintain a permanent absence of wrinkles, it is necessary to re-introduce it after about six months.

As a rule, after 3-5 sessions, the duration of wrinkle-free treatment increases to 10-12 months.

After the cessation of the effect of Botox, the motor activity of the facial muscles is restored. But during the time when the muscles were artificially relaxed, a person loses the habit of constantly frowning or squinting his eyes. Therefore, wrinkles caused by these habits may not return. Even if you do not repeat the Botox injection


You can return to “normal” life immediately after the procedure (that’s why Botox injections are often referred to as “lunch break cosmetology”). But after the administration of botulinum toxin, its distribution in tissues occurs within several hours. It takes more than a day for complete healing after injections. In order for these processes to take place optimally, some restrictions must be observed:

  • do not go to bed or lie down - 3-4 hours;
  • You should refrain from taking medications that affect blood clotting and drinking alcohol - 1 day;
  • Do not touch areas of the skin where injections were performed with your hands - 2 days;
  • do not tilt your head down for a long time: for example, washing floors - 2 days;
  • do not engage in sports or fitness - 2 days;
  • exclude overheating: do not go to the bathhouse, sauna, do not sunbathe, do not direct hot air from a hairdryer onto your face for 10 days.

At what age is Botox most effective?

The severity of the achieved result after using Botox depends not only on individual characteristics, but also on age:

  • up to 25 years - most people do not yet have indications for the use of Botox: the skin is quite elastic and facial wrinkles do not pose a serious problem;
  • 30-40 years - in most people, expression lines are already quite noticeable and the maximum effect can be expected from the use of Botox;
  • 50-60 years - the tone of muscle fibers is already weakening, the result of using Botox is less pronounced than at a younger age;
  • after 60 years, facial muscles largely lose their tone, its role in the formation of wrinkles is small, and accordingly the scope of Botox is very limited.


For contraindications to wrinkle correction with Botox, see.

Botox cosmetics

Possible complications

After the procedure, there may be slight swelling at the injection sites and pinpoint hemorrhages may persist for several days. They go away on their own and do not require treatment.

Sometimes “hypercorrection” occurs when, with an overdose of the drug, due to non-compliance with the restrictions that must be observed after botulinum therapy or due to increased individual sensitivity, the muscles relax more than planned. “Descent of tissues”, “mask-like face” or its asymmetry occurs.

Botox injections have been successfully used in aesthetic cosmetology for two decades, but many still avoid these procedures due to the fact that they do not know how Botox works, how long the effect of beauty injections lasts, and when this effect becomes noticeable. If the basic recommendations are taken into account and possible contraindications are taken into account, a patient who decides to fight wrinkles or hyperhidrosis needs to know that botulinum toxin injections are more effective and safe than surgical methods for solving such problems. And although the drug has a limited duration of action, the injections are not addictive and do not have a negative effect on the body. Therapy can be repeated as needed, without harm to health.

How do Botox injections work?

Most often, botulinum toxin injections are used to correct facial wrinkles and to treat hyperhidrosis, then pricking. And, although the basic mechanism of action of Botox is common, each procedure has its own subtleties. In order to understand how Botox works after injection, you do not need a medical education - everything is very simple.

Botulinum toxin works as follows:

  • a connection occurs between the motor nerve and botulism toxin;
  • the toxin molecule is absorbed by the nerve ending, after which acetylcholine, which is responsible for transmitting the nerve impulse to the muscle, ceases to be produced;
  • Without acetylcholine, the muscle relaxes and can no longer contract.

It is at this time that the patient cannot strain the muscles in the area where Botox was injected.

How long does it take for it to start working? The connection between Botox molecules and nerves occurs almost instantly. The effect of the injection does not appear immediately due to the fact that skin that has been deformed for some time is not able to smooth out immediately.

Unfortunately, the result of a beauty injection does not last forever; over time, the muscle can contract again, and this happens in this way:

  • after some time, young shoots appear at the blocked nerve ending;
  • new shoots of nerve endings create new connections between muscles and nerves;
  • proteins responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to the muscle begin to be synthesized, and the muscle can contract again.

The connection between Botox and nerves occurs almost instantly.

How many days after injection do the injections take effect?

As you know, facial wrinkles are formed due to frequent tension of the facial muscles, which deforms the skin and prevents it from smoothing out and restoring naturally. To “start” the regeneration process, the subcutaneous muscle must be relaxed and not allowed to tense for some time.

The best way to immobilize muscles is to inject botulinum toxin. The skin will regenerate for as long as Botox lasts, that is, within 5-7 months, when correcting facial wrinkles.

A qualified specialist injects the drug so precisely that it is not the entire muscle that is immobilized, but the part that forms the wrinkles. Such delicate medical work allows one to preserve the patient’s natural facial expressions.

When correcting the area around the mouth with Botox, the mesobotox technique is used, that is, the drug is injected not into the muscle, but into the skin. How long does it take to see the effect if you put it on? Given that the drug begins to act immediately, you can see its work within the first week, and the result will improve every day for 15-20 days.

How long does it take for Botox to start working in the treatment of hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is not a dangerous disease, but it is extremely unaesthetic. Wet armpits, palms and legs make the patient feel extremely uncomfortable, and the smell it emits can cause discomfort to others.

Increasingly, in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, injections of botulinum toxin are used, which destroys the connection between the sweat glands and the brain by blocking the nerve endings in those places where the patient experiences excessive sweating. One of the main advantages of this treatment is that many patients quickly notice when Botox begins to work after the injection. Usually this happens within 2-3 days.

When can I see the results or effects of injections?

One of the most frequently asked questions on websites dedicated to aesthetic medicine and botulinum toxin in particular is the question: “When are the results after Botox visible?” The appearance of the first effect when correcting wrinkles, for example, can be seen already 3-4 days after the injection.

The maximum effect is noticeable after one to two weeks after the injection. In many ways, the speed at which the effect appears depends on the individual susceptibility of the drug and on how strictly the patient adhered to the basic requirements after injections.

What can delay the effect or even ruin it:

  • physical impact on the points where the drug was administered;
  • active facial expressions;
  • washing hot water(taking a hot bath or shower);
  • taking a horizontal position and lowering the head during the first 5 hours after the injection;
  • sports and physical labor;
  • alcohol consumption.

All these actions promote blood flow in the places where the injections were made, and the drug travels along with the blood throughout the body, without having time to block the nerve endings in the desired muscles. When can you exercise after Botox? If the recommendations are ignored, even the most qualified specialist will not be able to say how many days after Botox begins to work.

The duration of action of botulinum toxin depends on many factors, such as

  • susceptibility to the drug,
  • depth of wrinkles,
  • use of antibiotics,
  • strict implementation of all specialist recommendations,
  • quality of the drug,
  • qualification of the specialist giving the injection, etc.

The most important thing is that Botox, which is essentially a poison, does not cause any harm to the body. Unlike surgery, injections give the muscles a chance to recover and continue to contract and relax as they did before the injections.

If for some reason side effects occur, a good specialist will select treatment with drugs that completely neutralize the effect of Botox in a short time.

To clearly understand the effect of Botox and know how the procedure is performed, watch this useful video:

When choosing a botulinum toxin injection to combat age-related changes, you need to remember that health is more important than beauty and you cannot skimp on it.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

What is commonly called Botox is a type A neurotoxin produced by the microorganism Clostridium botulinum. This is a protein toxin, which is familiar to many under the name botulism toxin.
How does it work?
The skin on the face is directly connected to the underlying muscles. Therefore, during facial expressions, wrinkles form on the forehead, bridge of the nose, and around the eyes. If facial muscles are blocked, the skin above them restores elasticity and wrinkles are smoothed out. The neurotoxin blocks the transmission of motor impulses from the nerve to the muscle fiber. After administration of the drug, a pronounced relaxation of the facial muscles occurs. But muscle atrophy is not observed, since their blood supply remains the same. Long-term relaxation of tense facial muscles, on the one hand, leads to smoothing of skin folds, on the other hand, allows a person to get used to controlling facial expressions.
Why do some cosmetologists use the term “Botox” and others “Dysport”?
They are simply different brand names for the same drug. Botox is produced by the American company Allergan, and Dysport is a brand of the French company Beafour-Ipsen-Speywood. The real difference between the two drugs lies only in the storage conditions and the number of active units in the bottle. Tolerability, effectiveness, duration of action, and the presence of adverse reactions are the same for both drugs. But the term “Botox” is still more popular in Russia. This is usually the name for any injections that block muscles, regardless of the manufacturer of the drug.
How long has Botox been around and where is it most popular?
It was first discovered in the 19th century as a substance that causes botulism. Subsequently, it was purified and began to be successfully used in medicine, and since 1980 - in cosmetology. In Russia, Botox began to be used to combat wrinkles in 1994. However, if in the United States it will soon be difficult to meet a woman who has not had Botox injections at least once (and most do them constantly), then in our country this procedure has not yet acquired such mass popularity. True, work is now actively underway to create a Russian analogue of Botox, which can reduce the cost of the procedure and will certainly increase its popularity. But Muslim women, it seems, will have to abandon this method of combating wrinkles. Malaysia's top religious body recently decided that believers should not receive Botox injections due to the fact that some of the substances used in its manufacture are derived from pork, which is considered unclean in Islam. However, the second reason for the ban is the presence in the Asian market large quantity counterfeit drug.
What should you not do before a Botox injection?
The day before the injection, you should not drink alcohol - it can increase the risk of bruising and hematomas. It is advisable to stop taking antibiotics and anticoagulants. In addition, cosmetologists recommend not tilting your head for long on the day of Botox injection. If the head is lowered for a long time, blood circulation in the facial area will increase and the drug may not be distributed correctly. For this reason, it is not recommended, for example, to attend massage sessions, during which you will have to lie face down, iron, vacuum and wash the floor (due to the need to keep your head tilted) and buy shoes (fitting is also usually associated with constant bending ).
How is the procedure done?
Usually the patient is seated in a chair in a semi-recumbent position. After disinfection of the skin, the drug is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly (depending on the injection zone) with a thin short needle. On average, the procedure lasts 3-5 minutes. After the injections, ice is placed on the skin for 10-15 minutes.
How painful is it?
Correction of facial wrinkles usually does not require anesthesia. Most patients compare this sensation to a mosquito bite. Although if you have a high sensitivity threshold, you can ask for local anesthesia: a special cream with an anesthetic is applied to the skin. Immediately after the injections, a feeling of slight discomfort (heaviness in the muscles) may appear, but it quickly passes.
What should you not do immediately after the procedure?
It is strictly forbidden to touch the injection sites or massage them. In addition, you should not lie down, play sports, or take antibiotics or analgesics for several hours after the injection. For 7–10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid alcohol consumption and overheating (hot baths, steam baths, saunas).
What can and should be done after the injection?
Botox injections are often called the “lunch break procedure,” so you can drive or go to work immediately after the procedure. However, to ensure that the result of the injections does not disappoint you, you need to be in an upright position for 4 hours after the procedure and constantly strain your facial muscles throughout the day.
How quickly do the effects of the procedure become noticeable?
The first result from the injection becomes noticeable after 5-7 days, when the muscles gradually begin to relax. On average, the maximum therapeutic effect appears on days 14-15. There are observations of both very rapid action - already on 2-3 days, and delayed action for 3-4 weeks.
In what cases is Botox most effective?
With the help of Botox, you can eliminate vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows (this is considered the most effective), horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, lowered raised eyebrows, eliminate oblique wrinkles on the side surfaces of the bridge of the nose, on the back of the nose (anger wrinkles) and “crow’s feet” at the outer corner of the eye . But it is unrealistic to smooth out wrinkles on the eyelids, smooth out nasolabial folds, eliminate vertical wrinkles above and below the lips, and smooth out vertical and horizontal neck wrinkles with Botox alone. This requires an integrated approach. In addition, in some cases, injections into the lower third of the face can lead to unpredictable consequences (possible prolapse of soft tissues).
Are there any contraindications to injections?
Contraindications to the administration of Botox are myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) and other neuromuscular transmission disorders, hemophilia (blood clotting disorders), pregnancy, lactation, taking aminoglycoside antibiotics, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, Relanium and baclofen, inflammatory processes on the skin, any general diseases in the acute stage, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, renal or liver failure. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure in the first days of the menstrual cycle, as well as for older people with significant prolapse of soft tissues.
Are there people for whom Botox does not work?
Insensitivity to the neurotoxin is very rare. It exists (according to various sources) in approximately 0.1-2% of people.
At what age can injections be given?
In principle, Botox is approved for use for cosmetic purposes between the ages of 18 and 65. It is most justified to do injections from the age of 30-33, when, due to a decrease in skin elasticity, facial wrinkles begin to appear intensely. But if more early age If you constantly wince, this can be done earlier for preventive purposes. After the age of 60, Botox should be used very carefully; in any case, it is necessary to begin rejuvenation with surgical lifting (neurotoxin helps get rid of facial wrinkles, but is not able to eliminate excess skin).
Can Botox become “addictive”?
Yes, but only in a positive sense. If the effect of the drug after the first injections lasts 4-6 months, then after several years of use the effect lasts up to 10-12 months, and in some cases longer. When you stop using Botox, the effect of the toxin gradually weakens and muscle movements return to normal. However, after repeated injections, the very habit of involuntarily frowning and squinting, which was one of the reasons for the formation of wrinkles, gradually disappears.
Which side effects possible?
Possible complications are not related to the drugs themselves; they can arise from the wrong choice of method and site of administration, inadequate dose, or failure to maintain sterility. Over time they all disappear. The most commonly reported side effects are: pain at the injection site (incidence 1.3%), headache (2%), hemorrhage at the injection site (6%), numbness at the injection site (less than 1%), allergies (less than 1 %), reversible drooping of the upper eyelid (0.14%), drooping eyebrows (less than 1%), double vision (2%) and swelling of the eyelids (0.14%). Even less common are respiratory infections, flu syndrome, and nausea. In addition, as a result of excessive (unprofessional) administration of the drug, the face may become “frozen” (mask-like), however, within 3-4 months these troubles disappear on their own.
How much do injections cost?
The most popular injections in the area between the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes cost an average of about 6,000 rubles in Moscow salons, and eliminating facial wrinkles on the forehead will cost about 7,000 rubles.
Can creams “with the Botox effect” be comparable in effect to injections?
Such relaxing creams, which in the last two years have appeared in many selective, pharmacy, professional and even mass brands, can reduce the number of fine wrinkles, but in terms of the depth of penetration into the facial muscles that create, for example, wrinkles between the eyebrows, they cannot compare with injections.
How can Botox help get rid of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)?
The neurotoxin blocks impulse transmission not only to the muscles, but also to the sweat glands, reducing sweating. After intradermal Botox injections, sweating stops within 2-3 days. The effect lasts 6-12 months. Thermoregulation, however, is not impaired, and the use of the drug even helps to improve the condition of the skin: it reaches a normal level of hydration. Since the injections are in the palm, armpits or the feet are quite painful, an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin before the injection. The cost of treating hyperhidrosis (armpits or palms) averages about 30,000 rubles.
What other diseases are Botox injections used for?
The main property of Botox is its ability to relax the muscle into which it is injected. Therefore, its injections are effective in cases where you need to get rid of muscle tension and spasms. Among the diseases that are treated with Botox are some forms of headaches and migraines, various forms of dystonia, children's cerebral paralysis, strabismus, consequences of stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and other diseases of the brain and spinal cord, painful muscle spasms in the neck, shoulder girdle and back (including post-traumatic and sports), various tics, stuttering, constipation, urination disorders and prostate adenoma. And more recently, it was discovered that Botox also speeds up the healing process of injuries and prevents the formation of scars.

Every woman, despite her beauty, always strives for perfection. Modern beauties make every effort to combat the aging process, which, unfortunately, is inevitable. The fashion and beauty industry offers the latest means to improve appearance - these are modern cosmetics, innovative methods for skin care, as well as aesthetic medicine.

What is botox and what is it for?

Botox is considered one of the most popular rejuvenation methods today, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively remove wrinkles on the face. Botulinum toxin injections are in demand among both women and men. The effectiveness of the procedure is explained by the fact that the drug has a local paralyzing effect on the nerve fibers that transmit impulses to the facial muscles. The muscles, in turn, do not receive the command to move and relax. The skin also goes into a state of “rest” and is smoothed out from wrinkles.

Botox is a protein-based neurotoxin A. The substance is produced by the microorganism Clostridium botulinum and is familiar to many as botulism toxin. It was discovered in the 9th century by American scientists who studied the causes of botulism, a dangerous infectious disease of the nervous system.

Through numerous experiments, it was found that the discovered toxin reduces the number of muscle spasms. The first trials of drugs containing Botox were carried out in 1978, a decade later they began to use them for the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. medicines with Botox. It was also noticed that in patients who received Botox injections, facial wrinkles disappeared. Since then, the drug has been actively used in cosmetology as an effective means for rejuvenation.

Harm of Botox - possible side effects

Patients often wonder whether Botox is harmful to health, because it is based on a toxin. Scientists have proven that this drug is safe in therapeutic doses and extremely rarely causes negative impact on the body. Negative consequences are most often caused by incorrect dosage and incorrect choice of injection site.

The procedure should only be carried out by a professional who can correctly calculate the dose and determine the points for administering the drug. For example, excess toxin can cause drooping eyelids, eyebrows and corners of the mouth. If you choose the wrong place to inject botulinum toxin, redness, hematomas and swelling may also appear. Of course, these consequences disappear over time, but the patient will have to come to terms with this appearance for at least two months. Sometimes a respiratory tract infection may also appear, which paralyzes facial expressions for several weeks.

There are a number of other side effects following Botox injections, including:

  • pain at the injection sites;
  • nausea and headaches;
  • flu symptoms;
  • penetration of the drug into nearby muscles;
  • Quincke's edema.

It is worth noting that such complications are possible in isolated cases; most often they arise due to the incompetence of the doctor, or as a result of individual intolerance to the drug. You should not skimp on the procedure; it should only be performed by a highly qualified doctor who has sufficient experience in performing such injections.

Consequences of injections - negative reviews

Along with numerous positive reviews, there are always negative consequences. For a more detailed study of the problem, below are reviews of negative results after Botox injections sent by our readers.

Regina. I injected Botox into my eyebrows and bridge of my nose, and after four months the results went away. This is why I decided to give up injections forever - carrying out the procedure three times a year is terrible!

Olga. A lot of trouble with these injections! I had the injections done by a professional, everything was fine at first except for the bags under the eyes, which disappeared on the third day (I wanted to remove the “crow’s feet” near the eyes). But three weeks later I unexpectedly ended up in the hospital with Quincke’s edema. The examination showed that this happened as a result of individual intolerance to the drug.

Lisa. After the procedure, the facial expression changed - a different look and facial expressions. Fortunately, everything returned to normal over time, but now I am categorically against such injections!

Vlada. I have never been allergic, but after Botox injections I was hospitalized with Quincke's edema. This is where the experiments with rejuvenation ended for me!

Lilya. Despite a lot of positive reviews, the procedure ended in tears for me. After the injection, the eyebrows and eyelids drooped in the forehead area. On the advice of a friend, I went to another clinic, fortunately, they helped me. It turns out that the doctor mistakenly injected the drug into the wrong place. I advise everyone to be very careful when choosing a specialist!

In order to avoid negative consequences and possible complications, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. It is forbidden to lie down for four hours after the procedure. It is necessary to maintain an upright position, since the muscles relax after administration of the drug and must take the correct position. You should also not lower your head.
  2. You should not exercise for 48 hours after the injection; even fitness yoga can harm your muscles, which should be at complete rest.
  3. It is not recommended to take painkillers.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to touch the injection site, massage it or use any cosmetical tools to prevent infection.
  5. All alcoholic drinks are also prohibited; you should give up alcohol for at least two weeks. It promotes vasodilation, which can cause the toxin to enter the blood and thus lead to serious complications for the body. Taking blood thinning medications has the same effect.
  6. It is necessary to forget about any thermal procedures for 10 days - hot baths, steam baths, saunas, solariums and even the use of a regular hair dryer can speed up the removal of the drug from the body.
  7. During the first 14 days, you should avoid large amounts of liquid, salty and smoked foods - swelling noticeably reduces the results after beauty injections.

Where can injections be made and what is the price for Botox?

For those who are planning rejuvenation using Botox injections, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with some of the features of the procedure. As a rule, injections are given in the area of ​​the lips and nasolabial folds, under the eyes, as well as in the area of ​​the forehead and eyebrows. Before injection, the doctor must calculate the amount of toxin, since each zone has its own specific standards, depending on the number of wrinkles and the general condition of the skin. For each patient, the number of Botox units is calculated individually. The average values ​​are given below.

Injection area Number of units Result Average cost, rub.
lips from 5 to 20 getting rid of wrinkles, lip augmentation, eliminating asymmetry. 800 – 8000
nasolabial folds from 10 to 20 removal of nasolabial folds 3000 – 8000
transition line between the nose and the upper lip from 2 to 4 lifts the tip of the nose 600 – 1600
forehead from 15 to 30 wrinkles are smoothed, eyebrow line is corrected about 5000
between the eyebrows from 10 to 20 Vertical wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows disappear for a long time 4000 – 4500
orbicularis oculi muscles from 6 to 15 eyebrows are raised, crow's feet and deep wrinkles go away 4500 – 6000

Injections in the area of ​​the lips and nasolabial folds are most often performed with hyaluronic acid. Botox is rarely used in its pure form, as it can cause drooping of the corners of the mouth. Botox and collagen injections are used to smooth out deep nasolabial wrinkles. Dysport, a drug from a French manufacturer, is also used in cosmetology. Its composition is similar to Botox, the only difference is that it contains less toxin.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intradermally to places with increased muscle tone. The injection points are determined only by the doctor. The first visible results are visible after three to four days, the maximum effect after injections appears after 14-21 days. The approximate cost of the procedure is calculated based on a price of 300-400 rubles. for one unit of substance. As for Dysport, it will cost twice as much.