Famous naturopath James Adamo believes that blood type determines a lot in a person’s life. And it is precisely this that you should focus on when choosing food and jewelry. If you want the stone to work for you, help you and become a talisman for you, and not just stylish decoration, use the blood type selection method.

James Adamo's research is most popular in the field of diets selected according to blood type - this method of losing weight and improving health has been tested by thousands of people. For jewelry blood group registration is still fashionable novelty, quickly gaining popularity.

First group (0)

The most ancient blood group, it is from it that the others descended. The first group is common, it is found in about a third of the world's population. Among specialists in the study of character traits in people with different blood groups, it is believed that this is a group of leaders. The main features of people with the first blood group are willpower, self-sufficiency, activity, desire to lead, craving for power. Even for the first group, the term “hunter” was introduced, since the diet is dominated by meat, digestive and the immune system very strong, metabolism efficient. But the weaknesses - difficult adaptation to new environmental conditions and changes in diet - are precisely what are designed to compensate for the jewelry worn by people with the first blood group. Stones in the warm part of the spectrum, from yellow-orange to red and purple, will have a beneficial effect on them. These are noble ruby ​​and semi-precious tourmaline, pink pearl, rhodonite, garnet, and coral. If the person you are choosing jewelry for is overly powerful and cruel, it is better to prefer delicate pearls and tourmaline, refusing rubies, which enhance these properties.

Second group (A)

Naturopaths call people with this blood type the “farmer” type in accordance with the historical processes of its origin. When the nomadic way of life characteristic of hunters moved to a more sedentary one, a new group blood. It is now present in approximately 37% of the world's population. The characteristic character traits identified by experts are obvious from the name: constancy, rationality, thoroughness, organization, good adaptation to changes in the environment and nutrition, a tendency to collective interaction. Since “farmers” have a sensitive nervous system and some inertia, it is useful for them to wear stones of blue and green tones to stimulate life processes and mental activity. For example: emerald, sapphire, jade, lapis lazuli, opal, topaz, onyx, turquoise, jasper, snake's eye.

Third group (B)

The third blood group arose as a result of the migration of races, and is therefore called the “wanderer” or “nomad” type. Such blood flows in the veins of approximately 20% of the Earth's population, and these people have flexible thinking, a penchant for creativity and creation, activity and a desire for new things. This is why recommendations in the field of choosing stones are so complex - “wanderers” should combine red or orange stones with blue and green ones, depending on their mood. It is also good to keep purple stones on hand, which cause good mood, awakening memories and aiding reflection. This is amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

Fourth group (AB)

The rarest blood type, which is found in less than 10% of the population - it arose later than all others, therefore, with all the flexibility of the immune and nervous system, with all the psychological balance, it is susceptible to various influences and diseases. Sometimes called the “mystery” type, people are dreamy, creative, and open-minded. Ideal stones are blue and green, as for the second group.

Important subtleties

Gold is considered beneficial if it is worn by an altruist, a person who is open to the world, kind and attentive to others. If gold jewelry is acquired dishonestly, it will bring great misfortune, beneficial features stones will not work. Silver stimulates the emotional world of a person.

It is believed that the lucky sets of the total number of stones in all the jewelry that you wear are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and you should avoid the number eight and the number 13. The purer the stone, the stronger its properties. Gifted stones are most powerful, not jewelry purchased for yourself. By the way, if you plan to give a faceted crystal or finished decoration, then before handing it over, be sure to wish the new owner happiness.

How to decide on the stone that is right for you. What you need to know to get not only beautiful decoration, but also an excellent protective talisman that will bring good luck. There are many methods and recommendations for selecting stones, but only the most famous and effective ones will be given here, which will help you deal with this difficult task.

Methods for selecting gemstones

1. Selection of stones by blood type

This method is suitable for those who know their blood type and want to get a stone that will have a positive effect on various processes in the body.

For people with blood type 1(0), stones of yellow-orange, red and purple shades are suitable. These include stones such as: garnet, ruby, tiger's eye, amber, coral.

For people with blood type 2 (A), stones of blue and green tones are suitable. These include stones such as: opal, emerald, sapphire, snake's eye, turquoise.

For people with blood type 3 (B), red and orange, blue and green, and purple stones are suitable. This includes stones such as aventurine, amethyst, and charoite.

For people with blood type 4 (AB), blue, green and purple stones are suitable. These include stones such as: emerald, turquoise, charoite.

2 Selection of stones by zodiac sign

This method may be suitable for those who know their zodiac sign and believe in horoscopes.


People born under the sign of Aries are energetic and enterprising. They have a lot of energy and life. They are bright and noticeable in the crowd. Stones such as ruby, garnet, diamond, amethyst, rock crystal, jasper, rhodonite are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Taurus are calm and reasonable. Don't panic. They are reliable and calmly go towards their goal. Stones such as emerald, sapphire, garnet, turquoise, rose quartz, carnelian are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Gemini are active and sociable. They have a lot of vitality and are smart. Their character is often changeable. Stones such as jade, tiger stone, citrine, rhodonite, agate, amethyst are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Cancer love constancy and family comfort. They are stubborn and respect traditions. Sometimes they can be reckless. Stones such as topaz, pearls, onyx, sapphire, jasper, moonstone are suitable for them.

A lion.

People born under the sign of Leo have a large number of vital energy. They are generous and generous. They love to occupy leadership positions and be the center of attention. Stones such as amber, topaz, agate, ruby, citrine, peridot, and rock crystal are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Virgo are very responsible and diligent. They are smart and practical. They love order. Stones such as aventurine, jade, carnelian, malachite, jasper are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Libra are smart and resourceful. Sometimes they may doubt the resolution of their affairs. They are sociable and calm. Stones such as lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire, citrine, tourmaline, jasper, quartz are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Scorpio are emotional and bright. They are beautiful and sexy. The set goals are always achieved. Stones such as garnet, opal, aquamarine, hematite, and carnelian are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Sagittarius are freedom-loving and open-minded. They love adventure and everything new. Stones such as amethyst, ruby, sapphire, turquoise, garnet, emerald are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Capricorn are thoughtful and serious. They have a heightened sense of responsibility. Stones such as obsidian, tourmaline, onyx, amber, lapis lazuli, malachite are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Aquarius are impulsive and creative. They are freedom-loving and get along well with people. They love everything new and unusual. Stones such as aquamarine, azurite, zircon, opal, chrysoprase, and amber are suitable for them.


People born under the sign of Pisces are mysterious and contradictory. They can be either sociable or reserved. They love secrets and mysticism. Stones such as yellow sapphire, aventurine, opal, aquamarine, and heliotrope are suitable for them.

3. Selection of a stone that matches your appearance and image

This is a very simple method that does not require any knowledge. You just need to choose jewelry to suit your look. This can be done by listening to your intuition.

All these methods are good in their own way, but there is one very important condition. The stone you wear should feel comfortable and cozy. If this is not the case, then this stone is not suitable.

Stones influence us not only by horoscope, but also by blood type. Each blood group has stones of certain colors. We invite you to use our recommendations and choose the stone that matches your blood group.

For people with 0 (I) group

Stones in the warm part of the spectrum - from yellow-orange to red and purple - have a very beneficial effect.

Yellow; Citrine. Amber. Topaz. Jasper. Chrysoprase. Eye of the Tiger.

Red and pink: Ruby. Rhodonite. Pomegranate. Coral. Tourmaline. Pink pearls.

People with group A (II)

To stimulate life processes and mental activity, exposure to blue and green stones is recommended.

Green: Emerald. Nephritis. Opal. Jasper. Agate. Snake eye.

Blue and blue: Sapphire. Lapis lazuli. Topaz. Opal. Sodalite. Turquoise.

Having group B (III)

Complex recommendations are offered: red and orange stones - to stimulate physiological and mental processes, blue and green - to calm the nervous system; purple stones evoke a mood conducive to reminiscence and reflection

Violet: Amethyst. Charoite. Aventurine.

People with group AB (IV) in terms of energy are very similar to those with group A (II), so the recommendations for them are similar.

Many people treat talismans as an old joke that they should laugh at and forget about just in case. However, verified information allows everyone to make their own choice. Having learned the truth about talisman stones + their proper use, you can help your mental and physical health. The names of stones have educational value and help to better understand their properties. Some got their names from the circumstances and situations in which they were discovered.

For example, aventurine (for Aquarius) is named after the accidental synthesis of pieces of molten glass and copper filings that got there through oversight.

The name amethyst (for Libra) in Greek means “not drunk” - due to the property of the stone to protect against intoxication. And it is also capable of inducing love for the giver, even if the person who accepted the gift was previously in love with another.

According to legend, onyx (for Capricorns) threatens lovers with separation. In ancient times, the Arabs called him “eljazo”, that is, sad. If a careless husband risked giving his wife a necklace of onyx beads, this ensured her the opportunity to take a leading position in the family. Onyx was also used for medicinal purposes - it strengthens memory, treats insomnia and improves hearing.

Stones that look like pieces of wood, and after being processed into the eyes of living creatures, are called “eyes” (cat, tiger, falcon) - mainly for Leos and Scorpios. For example, the tiger's eye perfectly warns of danger: as it approaches, it seems to become heavier. If these are beads, then at such a moment they begin to “strangle” the owners. People who feel the need to constantly fear something can use these eyes as their talismans, but out of necessity.

Hyacinth is credited with the property of preventing unwanted conception.

Topaz helps to anticipate the plans of a business partner or interlocutor and suggest the right decision in a timely manner. If worn in silver around the neck, it relieves asthma attacks, sharpens the sense of taste, and treats gout. If desired, you can always choose combinations of stones for all occasions. The main thing is not to overdo it. If a person decides to acquire a stone as a friend and guardian, it is useful to know that people have destructive power, which stones feel very well. Being torn out of their natural habitat, they are destroyed in a time period comparable to human life. Turquoise, pearls, amber and opal require the greatest care in handling.

Pearls fade over time and crack. Very few examples of it survive 150 years. With careless storage, this period is noticeably reduced. The ancient Greeks claimed that these were the hardened tears of sea nymphs. Pearls are moisture-loving and easily dehydrated in a dry atmosphere. It cannot tolerate high levels of hydrogen sulfide in the air. It is also not recommended to wear it the day after heavy alcohol consumption.

Turquoise is a little more stable, since when the color is fixed, it is specially impregnated with colorless polymers. The Indians always valued green turquoise and, for preservation, soaked it in bear fat. A rather rare stone - skopodite, which is able to warn its
the owner about careless handling of it: when struck, it emits a characteristic garlic odor. Direct sunlight changes the color of stones, and in some cases even discolors them. For example, among common stones, red garnets quickly fade in the light - they lose their brightness and shine.

Fundamentally happy talisman: turquoise is a symbol of well-being, happy love, even cloudless family life- derives its symbolism from the ancient Eastern belief that turquoise is the bones of people who died of love. Once upon a time, in the distant past, the teeth of prehistoric animals, saturated with copper and iron salts from being in the ground for a long time, were mistakenly mistaken for the turquoise mineral. It was believed that the more such teeth on a necklace a tribal leader had, the more powerful the influence of this messenger of the gods. In our time, a similar phenomenon occurs, although on a different level. Some people, particularly women, sometimes like to dress up like a Christmas tree - in something that sparkles brightly and attracts attention. We are, of course, not talking about them, but about love. More precisely, about talismans that enhance and develop this wonderful feeling. However, the world of stones is not limited to these qualities. Many other secrets are revealed to a person when true friendship with his chosen talismans. How this happens is a mystery for two.

To get into harmonious contact with your stones, you will have to work hard. According to the ancient rule, on a specially selected day you need to take the stone in your palm (or put a ring with it on your finger), looking at it carefully, concentrate, imagine yourself as if enveloped in an ethereal cloud and, with the power of your imagination, absorb its aura (spiritual shell ), filling the whole body with energy or concentrating this state in a diseased organ. If there really is a human biofield, as scientists and non-scientists have confirmed, then this ancient procedure best suits its properties. In any case, the psychological effect is guaranteed. Psychologists say that if a person believes in his talisman, he achieves his intended goal more easily and better resists everyday adversity.

It’s not enough to have your own talisman, you need to be able to tame it, find an approach to it and even make friends, become mutually useful to each other, and this is already a higher level than simply taking its energy, compensating for your missing qualities. For example, you may become hard or sensitive, or more internally independent, etc. However, each stone or metal has its own character and, therefore, its own limit of patience. For example, in order to wear gold without harm to health, any person must be an altruist - regardless of the zodiac sign. Based on your requests, I will describe some features of metals.

Gold - if stolen or obtained dishonestly - brings great misfortune. If acquired through blood (taken from a killed person or taken out of a grave), it acts like a mine; delayed action - attracts terrible troubles for many years, which tend to be inherited in subsequent generations.

Silver symbolizes the emotional world of a person. It is associated with prayer, which is why icon frames are often made of silver. This metal, when oxidized, darkens in different people at different rates. Occultists believe that this phenomenon occurs due to the ability of silver to record mental states and experiences, which occurs individually for each person.

Diamond - in India (and in Iran in some places) there is still a custom - on the day when a newborn is given a name, the father must sprinkle a pinch of diamond dust on his head. It is believed that this gives the child good health, longevity and well-being. If we talk about copper, we can immediately note that most works of art in ancient times were made from copper or its alloys.

Copper is able to identify and clarify feelings, making them permanent and durable. It smooths out conflicts and evens out even the most unstable relationships. The purest copper

obtained by electrochemical method under vacuum conditions (electrolysis). Its healing properties are much higher than those of unrefined copper alloys. It has long been known that wearing copper eliminates the consequences of injuries, resolves bruises, hematomas, and helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia. For vascular disorders, it is recommended and successfully used to wear copper bracelets, sometimes on the legs (in this case, the bracelet should be closed, i.e., with a clasp), as well as to compensate for the energy of the kidneys and venous capillaries. Copper helps with magnetic storms during periods of active solar radiation; relieves excitement - screens excess energy. People with character traits - inertia, a long sway in business - should not wear copper products (they may become completely lazy;).

Tin metal is associated with patriotism and strengthening social authority. In churches and Christian communities, many holy relics are kept in tin boxes. Guardian figurines were made from tin in Hellenic culture hearth and home. Zoroastrians in India and Iran still melt tin in a flat vessel with high walls (on strictly certain days). Peering at the patterns, they receive messages from the spirits of their ancestors.

Amethyst is especially useful for those who suffer from nightmares.

Smoky quartz is great for helping with depression and melancholy. Its second, more popular name is “rauch-topaz”. Recommended for sad Capricorns.

Peridot, also known as olivine, beneficially strengthens the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands. In the form of an amulet, it protects its owner's property from fire and theft.

Chrysoberyl is considered a talisman for players, which helps restrain gambling and impulses, protecting against loss and ruin. Therefore, chrysoberyl rings were often worn by merchants and bankers in the Middle Ages.

Ruby tends to enhance the owner’s natural cruelty and push him to harsh, rash actions. However, this noble stone helps timid and shy people.

There are a large number of rules for selecting, wearing and cutting stones. But there are main unshakable rules:

The total number of stones in the jewelry you wear should not be 2, 4, 8, 13. Lucky sets are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. The effectiveness of a stone does not increase with size (as many believe), but with its purity. Any defects: bubbles, cloudy areas, cracks - enhance the negative and neutralize the positive properties of the stone. Purchased stones truly begin to show their power only after a few years. Gifted or inherited stones are considered the best. Before giving talismans, metal jewelry or cut crystals, be sure to press the gift to your heart and wish goodness, harmony, and happiness. Even if the new owner of the talisman treats this indifferently, the stone itself will retain a long, grateful memory of this wish...

In recent years, “blood matching” techniques have become extremely popular, based on the idea that a person’s blood type can determine his behavioral, nutritional, love, and even energy moods. (for more details see Blood type is a mirror of a person).

The last point, perhaps, is connected with the choice of jewelry - according to fans of the blood group system, it is in this case that the stone or a precious metal will be able to strengthen your energy, become your protectors and talismans that bring good luck (see. Combination of stones in jewelry - basic rules).
Let's find out which gemstones are recommended to be worn in jewelry different blood groups.

Blood type I - Hunters

Approximately 30% of the world's population have the first blood group. People by nature are active, strong, and want to be leaders. However, they are too straightforward and difficult to adapt to change, and stones on the warm side of the spectrum, from yellow-orange to red and purple, will help them achieve their goal. This is noble ruby and semi-precious tourmaline, pink pearls, rhodonite, garnet, coral. However, if the person who will wear the jewelry is overly domineering, hot-tempered or cruel, it is better to prefer calm pearls and tourmaline to ruby, and choose silver instead of gold.

Blood type II - Farmers

The most common blood type, it is found in 40% of the world's population. These people are distinguished by a calm character, organization, are prone to collective interaction, and adapt well to new environment. Since “farmers” have a sensitive nervous system and some inertia, it is useful for them to wear blue and green stones. For example: emerald, sapphire, jade, lapis lazuli, opal, topaz, onyx, turquoise, jasper, snake's eye, and among metals - gold.

III blood group - Wanderers

This blood type is found in approximately 20% of the world's population. These are people with flexible thinking, prone to creativity, with a constant desire for something new. It is best for these people to combine stones:

red with blue, orange with green
People are creative, searching, and prone to mood swings, so stones of both groups are recommended for them, that is, red and yellow, like the first group, if the mood is at zero, or green and blue, like the second group, if they are excited. Plus, “wanderers” need purple stones, especially creative people and those who like to think, reflect, analyze - amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

This is the rarest blood type, found in 10% of people. These are open, creative people. The fourth blood group combines both the pros and cons of the previous groups. Ideologists of the system disagree on which stones are optimal for group 4, but since the group is actively developing and at the same time has a weak immune system, the majority recommendsstones of green and blue tones (emerald, malachite, labradorite) , as well as products with multi-colored stones

Many girls love jewelry with beautiful stones, but few know how to choose your own stone that suits your energy and even blood type.

Today we will tell you which stone or mineral corresponds to your blood type and will help not only protect you, but also strengthen your energy field.
Scientists have repeatedly stated that people with the same blood type have common character traits, behavior patterns, and even their fates are often similar.
There are 4 blood types in total and they correspond to certain gemstones and minerals.

1 blood group 0 (I)

Hunters, businessmen. This is the oldest blood group.

Undisputed leaders and self-confident people. They have stable willpower, strong character, and a craving for power. They are straightforward and have a hard time with changes. They constantly strive to conquer new heights and move forward. They are strong in spirit and resilient, they do not like to waste time on trifles.
For all their activity, they need to work on their arrogance, selfishness and self-confidence.
People with the first blood group are suitable for stones in the warm part of the spectrum from yellow to red (help fight stress, give harmony), as well as purple and violet colors (give relaxation and love):
golden aventurine, yellow onyx, chrysoprase, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, pink pearl, charoite, cat's eye, ruby, rhodonite, coral, ox's eye, topaz, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, tiger's eye , amethyst.
If a person is overly powerful, hot-tempered or cruel, it is better to choose silver instead of gold.

2 blood group A (II)


People with this blood type are patient, persistent, practical, hardworking, carefully think through their actions, and are efficient. They know how to adapt to the environment and find a common language with other people. They are friendly and prone to conflict-free relationships. Reliable, organized, love order. In love they are constant, caring and romantic.
Their shortcomings include excessive responsibility and scrupulousness - with this they can harm themselves.

They are prone to depression or, on the contrary, are too emotional.
For people with the second blood type, stones of green (protects from troubles, gives success in endeavors) and blue tones (attracts money, improves health) are suitable:
sapphire, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite, heavenly agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, emerald, jade, agate, green onyx, opal, topaz, onyx, jasper, cat's eye, tourmaline quartz.
Metal – gold.

3 blood group B (III)


Very curious people, gravitate towards new experiences. They are ready to spend hours doing interesting things, but it is extremely difficult for them to do something because they “have to”. They cannot stand routine; they constantly need to be fed with novelty. They know how to present themselves beautifully, look after themselves gallantly, and have a lot of charm. Too emotional. They have flexible thinking, a penchant for creativity and creation.
Negative character traits include the inability to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Subject to frequent mood swings.

Not too diligent and disciplined. It is difficult for them to forgive injustice and they may even break off relationships if they are hurt out of feelings. Overly independent.
For people with the third blood group, red and orange stones (to stimulate mental processes), blue and green (to calm the nervous system) are suitable:
golden aventurine, yellow onyx, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, charoite, cat's eye, coral, ox's eye, garnet, jasper, tiger's eye, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite , sky agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, green onyx, tourmaline quartz.
Plus, “wanderers” need purple stones, especially creative people and those who like to think, reflect, analyze - amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

4 blood group AB (IV)

Mixed type. This is the rarest blood group.

Such people are kind and attentive to others. Emotional, creative, sensitive. They have wonderful taste, altruistic, good-natured, selfless, and benevolent. Honest, fair, friendly, not vindictive.
Their disadvantage can be considered emotionality. Everyone takes things too personally, and they suffer too often as a result. They are impractical and often look “out of this world.”
They combine both the pros and cons of the previous groups. The group is actively developing, but at the same time has weak immunity, so they are recommended the same stones as those of the first blood group, as well as products with multi-colored stones.
Turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite, sky agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, green onyx, jasper, cat's eye, tourmaline quartz
Basically, we have the most common, this is the second blood group - people are farmers, who by nature are more patient than others, they are hardworking, smart and stubbornly go towards their goal, and stones and minerals in green and green will help them achieve everything they want. blue tones, such as sapphires, malachite, green onyx and others.

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