No foreigner will understand without explanation hidden essence expressions "beat the buck". However, it's no better. In pairs, internal phraseological units also appear, which have no meaning to outsiders.

The language of the “initiates” is a sure sign that people live on the same wavelength. According to the study Couples'Personal Idioms: Exploring Intimate Talk According to American Robert Hopper, a scientist in the field of speech communication, a secret language performs two functions: it strengthens bonds, romantic or platonic, and also gives rise to a common individuality. Professor Hopper points out a direct link between unique communication habits and intimacy in relationships. Psychologist Carol Bruess from Ohio University echoes him.

Professor Brousse studied the relationship between the use of idiosyncratic expressions and satisfaction with family life in 308 volunteers. Among the participants were both newlyweds and people who have been married for over 50 years. Study `Sweet Pea’ and `Pussy Cat’: An Examination of Idiom Use and Marital Satisfaction Over the Life Cycle confirmed the hypothesis that happy husbands and wives use more idioms.

2. They turn off censorship

Most people talk to strangers completely differently than they do with friends and, of course, with a partner. We control our speech and adjust our behavior in such a way as not to make a bad impression and to please the people around us.

Alone with his significant other, a person retreats from such behavior and switches to natural speech.

We stop caring what people think of us and stop holding ourselves back. This makes it more sincere and open.

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman of the University of California at Berkeley gives a familiar analogy. At first, most of us are cautious in how we treat our colleagues. We do not dare to make bold statements and double-check the facts in our heads so as not to blurt out something unnecessary. Over time, this barrier gradually disappears.

It remains a mystery why dog ​​lovers look like their pets. But we can say with confidence why close people acquire common facial features after many years.

The reason for the amazing effect is described in the study Long-Married Couples Do Look Alike, Study Finds psychologist Robert Zajonc from the University of Michigan. The scientist wondered why couples who initially do not have much similarity gradually become similar to each other?

In search of an answer, Professor Zajunk's team asked photographs of 20 married couples and randomly placed them in two piles: the first containing photographs of the newlyweds, and the second from a quarter of a century later. After which the observers looked for pairs among them. Finding newlyweds turned out to be problematic. But those who did it silver wedding, showed the same wrinkles and facial contour.

For many years, people have unconsciously imitated the facial expressions and emotions of their spouses. They used the same muscles so often that they became mirrors of each other.

4. Their speech starts to sound the same

Long-term relationships affect the syntactic structure of speech and its rhythm. This is partly the result of a psychological phenomenon called Emotional contagion emotional contagion. Two people begin to imitate someone else's speech when they spend enough time together.

We imitate everything: from the accent to the number and duration of pauses our partner makes between words and sentences.

Scientists analyzed the text messages of several dozen couples and came to an interesting conclusion: the likelihood of continuing a relationship three months after meeting was higher if young people coordinated their sound in terms of vocabulary and language structure.

5. They copy each other's body language

Scientists suggest that shared life experiences and shared knowledge are the fundamental reason why couples repeat each other's subtle movements. Memories form a special image, determine gestures, postures, words and phrases. For example, a group of scientists from the University of California noticed the same reaction in the eyes of partners when information that was familiar to them was heard in a spontaneous conversation.

Readers of my posts started making fun of me, sending malicious questions, happy that nothing happened to them after the date 12/21/12. For example, this is what they write. “Geddonius, what about the end of the world or the transition to the 5th dimension? Rush hour has passed, but the world remains as it was. Maybe it’s time to change the record: this one is already worn out, wheezing, noisy and the frequencies are not the same...”

And here is the reaction of a modern “brain guy” to the Creator’s Instructions, which we quoted in our posts: “Comrade. Creator! So we don’t need you, we will somehow cope with unrighteousness ourselves! And you, as if you were out of business, still remain, only you know how to shake the air with horror stories!”

In a word, people have become emboldened and are again showing pride, although others were hiding in bunkers on the eve of the arrival of the “fateful date” of 12/21/12, declared the last day in the calendar of the ancient Mayan people. Obviously, they were seriously afraid that the End of the World would fall on them. But Darkness has long dominated humanity, and Light must replace it with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This time, the advent of the Age of Aquarius coincides with the change of major Cosmic Cycles, which is why big changes are already taking place in our Galaxy in the Dense and Subtle Worlds. The Celestial Curators and the Creator himself announced through their channels that planet Earth is making a Quantum transition to the layer of Space of higher vibrations, called the Fourth Dimension, therefore earthly biological beings, including humans, must rapidly transform into densified astral entities without changing their external form. Astral people will continue to exist on the new Earth, in conditions of increased vibrations, as the Sixth Race of Co-Creators of the Higher Mind.
The quantum transition for the safety of the Earth, especially people, takes place in a gentle mode, i.e. not instantly, but over several years, so that spiritually enlightened people could transmute the biological body into the astral body of the Fourth Dimension, and then the Fifth Dimension.

The Creator in his first dictation after the “transition date” made the following clear.
“Yes, on 12.21.12 no natural disasters of a Planetary scale happened, because people, by their behavior, or rather, by the Spiritual Unanimity demonstrated at the Ecumenical Council, managed to prevent the end of the World and the Planet crossed the border of the Ages without human casualties!
But now, whether people want it or not, they (each person individually) will have to adapt to those vibrational conditions of the Sixth Race, which become the basis for the existence of people who have crossed the border of the Epochs and fallen into the Will of the Prime Creator, and now also of the Free
By the will of the Co-Creators at the Council, among those lucky ones who will form the basis of the Sixth Race.

I would like to warn you once again that not only the comprehension of God, but also the observance of the Canons of Eternity today becomes the condition without which all meaning of human existence is lost, for in conditions of high vibrations the connection of a person with
First Creator (only in Co-Attunement with God is it possible to perform the function of Co-Creators for the next 26,000 years).

Therefore, for people, after the successful holding of the Ecumenical Council, a period of Attunement opens among themselves and, believe me, a very difficult period of their own (internal) Attunement, which consists in the formation of their internal EGO, the work of which must be coordinated with God and the Canons of Eternity!

People have stepped over the “hothouse” conditions of SELF-improvement and now find themselves “face to face” with the high vibrations of the Great Cosmos, and their future is truly in their own hands, and how people behave after the Council will be their accession to the “throne”
Savior of humanity or leaving the stage of the Universal Program for the Transformation of Space!”

Although the Creator himself instructs earthlings that “in conditions of high vibrations, the connection of a person with the Prime Creator will be very keenly felt (only in Co-Attunement with God is it possible to perform the function of Co-Creators for the next 26,000 years)”, people of UNBELIEF, “brain-minded” atheists, refuse to support the Creator , they say, they will cope with all the problems themselves, confident that there will actually be no cosmic transformations, but that the prosperous life of “biological shells” with a twisted consciousness in the Third Dimension will continue, as before.

However, the past is now fading into oblivion. All our experiences of the past are incompatible with life in the New World, where there is no dense physical Space, where there are different times and conditions of existence, different abilities and possibilities for their use. People of UNBELIEF do not take this into account. They hold on to the old with a death grip, preventing themselves from moving into the New Future. However, whoever fails to part with the stereotypes and cliches of his past biological life will not be able to get into a new one. The quantum transition requires leaving one way of existence and coming to another. A person, remaining in his form, must change his consciousness, parting with the old: the old way of thinking, the old types of relationships, the experience of life that is incompatible with the new conditions. Those who are committed to change, those whose hearts are open and their consciousness expanded to perceive the new things that are coming, will pass the test of the Quantum Transition, and those who cannot, due to ignorance and pride, switch to the new things that are coming, will begin to experience difficulties and the severity of “breaking” their ingrained stereotypes and lifestyles under the influence of impending events.

Don't you believe in real change? But they will. In due course! Do not deny or rush the arrival of these events, which are still impossible to avoid. Better use the available time to prepare for the transition to the Astral.

After all, the Creator warned that He only needs 2% of the seven million living earthlings ready for the Ascension to form the basis of the Sixth Race of the new humanity, introducing large Monads into new bodies. They will be the very chosen ones, about whom the Bible announced long ago: “There will be many who are called, but few who are chosen!” And the biblical king Solomon warned his contemporaries: “Seek wisdom, develop your mind (consciousness) with all your skill and all your possessions.” Only this will save you on the Last Day."

Jesus Christ also instructed his disciples about the need to expand consciousness, for the increase in heavenly wealth, the essence of the potential of the divinity of the Monad, depends on this. He told a parable about the Master (Creator), who endowed his workers with heavenly wealth according to their minds and left for a long time, and upon returning demanded to show Him the accumulated wealth (the divinity potential of the Monad). The capable workers pleased the Master by being able to double the (heavenly) wealth given to them. The owner said to them: “For this reason I will put you over many!” The wicked worker was punished because he did not increase the wealth given to him (he presented the Monad to the Master without increasing the potential). Therefore, the Master ordered the servants: “Take from him what he has (the remainder of the Monad) and give it to the one who has more than others. For whoever has much, more will be added to him, but whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him.” This parable of Jesus Christ explains the current situation with the selection of candidates suitable for the Quantum Transition from 7 million earthlings. These are those who have developed their consciousness to the level of the Co-Creator of the Supreme Mind, accordingly increasing the potential of the divinity of their Monad. Since during the Ascension of the cluster of Monads (earthlings) to a higher layer of Space, the crushed Monads, which were previously fragmented to endow all multiplying inhabitants with particles of “I Am”, are the potential of divinity, must be enlarged by reducing the previous number of the cluster of Monads by merging small particles of “I Am” into large Monads, then the problem arises of separating selected earthlings with the proper potential of their Monads from other living inhabitants who have not been able to accumulate sufficient Monad potential over all their incarnations, as was noted in the above parable of Jesus Christ. Small Monads from people will be withdrawn and dissolved in the Monads of the chosen ones, the righteous, who will become carriers of large Monads and from them the Sixth Race of Co-Creators will be formed for the Fourth Dimension. And other carriers of the largest Monads, when small Monads dissolve in them, will immediately move into the Fifth Dimension. By the way, at the first stage of the Quantum transition, which will last until 2016, there will be an enlargement of the Monads and the Ascension of only selected Russians who have absorbed the Monads of rejected people of UNBELIEF, who voluntarily refused to cooperate with the Creator.

As shown above, a person's value to God is determined by his potential for divinity, or the size of the Monad. Alas! People of the “last days” are carriers of crushed monads, so they degrade, and the value of their lives decreases accordingly. Therefore, such people lose divine protection. This explains the daily death of many ordinary people from suicide, from the increasing frequency of man-made accidents and natural disasters, from explosions in the crowd of all kinds of suicide bombers, as well as from the bullets of various “Breiviks” infected with a mania for mass murder. Many people die from the callousness and indifference of officials - officials and doctors. The reproductive rate of men and women is falling sharply. Cases of killing of newborns by their parents have become more frequent. All this is a consequence of the beginning of the Quantum transition, designed to separate the biological mass of wicked earthlings, who wasted their divine particle “I am” on the creation and manifestation of daily thought forms of an idle life, from the spiritually enlightened righteous, who managed to raise their consciousness to the level of Co-Creators of the Supreme Mind. In other words, people who have fulfilled the Creator’s Program for the spiritual transformation of themselves amid the adversities of the Dense World.

O Muslims, isn't it time for us to think about the other world and learn to prioritize what we need and limit what is useless? After all, we will all certainly regret it later...

Really, what happened to people? Everyone has changed, they are in a hurry somewhere, they are busy with something, something is missing, there is no peace, and no matter who you ask, everyone is complaining. They complain about the lack of time, good work, high salaries, poor health, unfair managers, rude teachers, bad manners of children (strangers, not their own). And there are very few who complain that he remembers Allah little, visits the mosque, helps his neighbor, spends his nights in vigil, turns to the Creator not only when he feels bad and has problems, giving praise to Allah for everything that He has given him , showing submission to the Creator of all things. Yes, there are few who are satisfied with their lives, give praise to the Creator and devote all their free time to worship, spend their nights in vigil, reading the Koran, dhikr, get up for the night Tahajjud prayer and spend their property in the path of Allah.

But they tell, and even write in books, what Muslims were like before. As an example, here is a comparison.

Previously, Muslims led a simpler lifestyle and arranged their worldly life, knowing that they would have to part with it sooner or later. They listened to the following hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Abdullah ibn Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took me by the shoulder and said: “ Be in this world as a stranger or a traveler "". Ibn Umar said: " When the night comes, don't wait for the morning, and when the morning comes, don't wait for the night. Take from your health for your illness, from your life for your death. "(Al-Bukhari).

There was not so much worry, envy, or greed in their lives; they were content with little and in this little they also showed caution so that it would not mix with the dubious, not to mention the forbidden. Few people humiliated another for being poor, or honored another for being rich. There was no place for harassment, insults or reproaches. And if someone was reproached, it was only for committing sins, forgetting prayers, and not observing the norms of Islam. The measure of a person's correct life has always been Sharia. The word of the scholar-theologian, alima, was the basis for reproach or support. God-fearing people went to bed early, after night prayer, in order to get up before dawn for the desired worship, dhikr, reading the Koran, and tahajjud prayers. The Almighty said (meaning): “ They raise their sides from their beds [to perform prayers at night] and call on their Lord with fear [of the wrath of Allah] and hope [of His mercy] and spend [give alms] from what We have provided for them "(Surah As-Sajdah, verse 16).

Allah Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): “ Truly, the God-fearing will remain in the gardens of Eden and among the springs and will receive what the Lord has given them, for they previously [before entering heaven] did good [after all, in the earthly world they fulfilled in the best possible way everything that was commanded to them] . They slept only a small part [and devoted most of it to the worship of Allah]. And before dawn [at the end of the night] they, calling on Allah, asked Him for forgiveness of their sins "(Surah Az-Zariyat, verses 15-18).

The importance of worship at night is also spoken of in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ Every night, when its last third comes, the mercy of our Supreme Lord descends to the nearest sky and says : "Is there anyone who turns to Me with prayers? I will heed his prayer! Is there anyone who asks Me? I'll give him what he wants! Is there anyone who begs Me for forgiveness? I will forgive him his sins! "" (al-Bukhari, Muslim).

Times change

But time began to change quickly, an interest in the world around us and in its joys and amusements appeared, as everything became accessible. Especially together with scientific progress. People began to buy televisions, audio and video recorders, and one of the first things that flooded into people after Perestroika were TV series.

Everyone, regardless of gender and age, started watching useless TV series like “The Rich Also Cry” or “Simply Maria”, and during the viewing everything calmed down, everyone empathized with their characters. The next day, those who managed to watch retold it to those who did not have time. The more advanced began to open video rooms and play videos around the clock, action films during the day, and “up to eighteen” films in the evening.

People seemed stupefied. And all this together with the desire to dress in fashion and more imported. Then computers and computer rooms appeared. Computers began to decorate not only the office, but also the home environment. They began to be bought more for the sake of games - both for adults and for children. People slowly, one after another, began to fall into oblivion. Distraction from the other world has become commonplace. Other interests appeared and they spent more time playing computer games than doing anything useful.

Parents' attention is more inclined to the fact that the main thing is that the child is at home, even if he plays games on the computer or watches TV all day. Satellite television has become accessible, and instead of the usual two or three channels, thousands of others have come to suit every taste and interest. The education of youth and children has been completely taken over by the media. Following them came Mr. Internet. Why sir? Yes, because the Internet has become like a kitchen knife, with which you can cut bread and kill a person, since most sites began to carry negativity and kill a person’s morality, his time, views, life.

The Internet has misled many, led them astray from the true path, many have lost the meaning of life because of the Internet, many have found online love. People's hearts became attached to it as the Internet became like Satan's networks in human hands. People began to spend their nights communicating online, watching all sorts of unnecessary information, videos, not to mention their content, etc.

The Internet has become so accessible and takes up a person’s time and brains like none of the above types of electronic equipment. The main thing is that the Internet has become mobile. These are phones, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, communicators, netbooks, laptops, etc. Thus, people have the opportunity to view anything and everything on the Internet wherever mobile communications or Wi-Fi work.

Thus, the interests of people, especially young people, their worldview, goals, morality, psyche, communication, employment, study, respect, understanding have changed greatly. People's concepts, their tone and manner of communication changed. Along with the change in concepts, the vocabulary has also changed. Instead of phrases expressing respect, request and apology, came blat, swearing and “vpadlo”. As a result of all this, mutual understanding between children and parents came to naught. For children, parents are old people who do not understand anything in life. And for parents they are beloved children.

Social networks such as Odnoklassniki and the like have absorbed almost the entire audience without an age limit. And what? That's all! People began to buy their own fun, paying for it not only with money, but also with their own time. And instead of spending nights in worship on the prayer rug, most began to spend them at computer desks or televisions.

Time began to fly like lightning; before we knew it, the night had already passed, and if we tried to devote this time to worship, the night would seem so long that dawn would never come. Thus, many people fell from grace over time. O Muslims, isn't it time for us to think about the other world and learn to prioritize what we need and limit what is useless? After all, later we will all certainly regret wasted time, even if it is equal to one breath taken without remembering Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “ On the Day of Judgment, the servant of Allah will appear before his Lord and answer questions about his life spent on earth: how he disposed of it; what knowledge you acquired and how you used this knowledge; what wealth he owned, how he acquired it and on what needs he spent it; in what health did you keep your body and how did you use it? "(Tirmidhi).

It is also written that there is nothing that a person would regret so much on the Day of Judgment than time wasted in this world, without remembering Allah Almighty. May Allah give us the strength of reason to understand this truth! Amine!

In the movie Logan they imply that the X-Men are no more because something happened. While in the beginning, Professor-X asks Logan, “What were you doing? he was later seen to have remorse for doing something that could have led to the death of the X-Men.

What happened to the X-Men in Logan?

PS: I know how the story goes in the original comic - Old Man Logan. While they explain what exactly is going on, I'm curious to know what happened to the X-Men in the Logan movie world.



We don't know what exactly happens to the X-Men in Logan. The closest we are told is a radio broadcast that says that a year before the events of the film, 600 people were paralyzed in Westchester, and 6 mutants from a group known as "X" *Logan, turn off the radio" ... ,

We know that mutants have become a negative population that has no natural birth for 25 years. Since the idea of ​​the X-Men is to protect the interests and lives of a threatened minority, this is very difficult to do as the population dwindles. Fewer mutants means less need for the X-Men to exist. We also know that the X-Men have a sort of nostalgic celebrity status from previous decades in the film. Meanwhile, we can only assume that Xavier's school and his X-Men are outdated and probably no longer active. After the event in Westchester, Wolverine immediately took Charles and hid him for his (and everyone else's) benefit.

But all this tells us is that some mutants died, perhaps some of the X-Men. The rest may still be active, busy, or disbanded.

Keep in mind that Deadpool shows us that the Xavier School and the X-Men take place 13 years before Logan.. It also makes Negasonic Teenage Warhead one of the last mutants born before genetically engineered corn syrup. This also means that unnatural mutants could continue to be created using Francis' methods a la Deadpool.

Undoubtedly it was Charles Xavier

According to the recently released script for Logan, Charles remembers that he was the one who caused the incident in Westchester. He admits this to "Logan" in his dying moments:

It was, without a doubt, the most magnificent night of my entire life. ...but after...
When Logan takes another step towards Laura, Charles trembles. He doesn't look away from the window.
... I do not deserve this?
... I did something... unspeakable.
Logan turns.
I remembered what happened in Westchester. This wasn't the first time I've hurt people.
(pain fills his eyes)
Before today I did not know. You wouldn't tell me. We just kept running away from it. I'm done running.

Earlier in the film, it is confirmed that the "Westchester Incident" caused the deaths of 50 people (most likely mutants).

The sun breaks above the horizon. The radio chatters with the latest news about an event in the Casino - rumors of a gas leak or food poisoning.
...some noting a similarity to the incident last year in Westchester, New York that left 50 dead, and twice that many injured--
Logan turns off the radio and quickly looks behind him to see if Charles overheard. Charles was sleeping. Opens my eyes

You can hear the radio in the pickup truck comparing the hotel incident to the Westchester incident, combined with Logan's reaction to the story and him not wanting Charles to hear it, tells us that it really is Charles.


This may not be a correct quote. The quote on the radio is different from what the script says.


@IronSean A little, but that's ok because it's as close to "official" as we'll get, the meaning isn't lost.


Professor Xavier killed them during a takeover at the X-men mansion/school in Westchester, New York. In the film it is referred to as "Westchester Incident", and Professor X remembers this in the scene after the hotel is taken over, when he talks to X-24, thinking it's Logan:

I did something. Something incredible. I remembered what happened in Westchester. This isn't the first time I've hurt people. Until today I didn't know. You wouldn't tell me. So we just ran away from it. I think I finally understand you.

And the radio mentions this earlier in the film, describing it as an incident in which 500 people were injured and several people died, including the "X-members", and then were cut off.

Director James Mangold confirms this in an interview with Coming Soon:

KS: The major course change for everyone, but especially for Professor X, was that incident that we never see, where he accidentally killed a lot of people and a lot of mutants in Westchester who were having one of his attacks.

Mangold: yes.

Additionally, he states that it was originally written as the opening scene of the film, but he made the film about the death of the X-Men and not the story of Logan and Charles, so he left it aside.

Throughout human history Everyone was interested in the question of what would happen after death. What awaits us after our heart stops? This is a question that scientists recently received an answer to.

Of course, there have always been assumptions, but now it has become completely clear that people after death can hear and understand what is happening around them. Of course, this has nothing to do with paranormal phenomena, because a person, in fact, lives for some time. It has become a medical fact.

Heart and brain

It is important to understand that absolutely any death occurs under one of two conditions or in the presence of two conditions at once: either the heart stops working or the brain stops working. If the brain stops working as a result of serious damage, then death occurs immediately after the person’s “central processor” is turned off. If life is interrupted due to some kind of damage that causes the heart to stop, then everything is much more complicated.

At New York University, scientific experts have determined that after death a person can smell, hear people speak, and even see the world with his own eyes. This largely explains the phenomenon associated with seeing the world during clinical death. There have been incredibly many cases throughout the history of medicine when a person talked about his feelings while in this borderline state between life and death. The same thing happens after death, scientists say.

The heart and brain are two human organs that work throughout life. They are connected, but sensations are available after death precisely thanks to the brain, which still transmits information from the nerve endings to consciousness for some time.

Psychics' opinion

Bioenergy specialists and psychics began to assume a long time ago that a person does not die instantly as soon as his brain or heart stops working. No, it's much more complicated. This has been confirmed by scientific research.

The otherworldly world, according to psychics, depends on the present and visible world. When a person dies, it is said that he sees all his past lives, as well as his entire current life, at once. He experiences everything again in an infinitesimal fraction of a second, turning into nothingness and then being reborn again. Of course, if people could die and immediately return, then there would be no questions, but even experts in the field of esotericism cannot be 100 percent sure of their statements.

A person does not feel pain after death, does not feel joy or grief. He simply remains to live in the other world or moves to another level. No one knows whether the soul goes into another body, into the body of an animal or a person. Maybe it's just evaporating. Maybe she lives forever in a better place. Nobody knows this, which is why there are so many religions in the world. Everyone should listen to their heart, which tells them the right answer. The main thing is not to argue, because no one can know for sure what happens to the soul after death.

Soul as something physical

The human soul cannot be touched, but it is possible that scientists, oddly enough, have been able to prove its presence. The fact is that when a person dies, for some reason, he loses 21 grams of his weight. Always. Under any circumstances.

No one has been able to explain this phenomenon. People believe that this is the weight of our soul. This may indicate that a person sees the world after death, as scientists have proven, only because the brain does not die immediately. It doesn't really matter because the soul leaves the body, we remain unreasonable. This may be the reason why we cannot move our eyes or speak after cardiac arrest.

Death and life are interconnected; there is no death without life. You need to relate to the other world more simply. It is better not to try too hard to understand it, because no scientist can be one hundred percent accurate. The soul gives us character, temperament, the ability to think, love and hate. This is our wealth, which belongs only to us. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.11.2017 15:47

Since ancient times, people have wondered what awaits them after completing their earthly journey. Famous clairvoyant...