Detailed lessons for making trees from beads

Necessary materials

So, what do we need to make trees from beads: beads of various colors and quality, sequins, beads, wire of different thicknesses, rigid rods, floral tape, plaster for fixing the product, decorative stones, sand, etc. In fact, you shouldn't be so scared. Beading is not a one-day activity, so over time you will be able to acquire everything you need.
In this article, MirSovetov will tell you what techniques you can start with so that the difficulties caused by manufacturing do not discourage your appetite for creativity. Here we will look at two examples that will give impetus to your imagination, and also show the manufacturing process step by step.
So, to begin with, we only need beads, leaf-shaped sequins, and wire. At the final stage, you will only need to select a form for planting the resulting beaded tree.

thread for beads

Making the first tree - cherry blossoms

This tree is the best educational material for those who want to learn how to weave trees and flowers from beads. It is done quite simply, and the result is impressive.
First you need to cut a lot of pieces of wire. The length of each piece is about 25 cm:

Now we string 5 beads onto the wire and twist them into a loop at a distance of about 5-7 cm from the end of the wire. Having retreated 1-1.2 cm, we make another similar loop. And thus we make several loops (necessarily an odd number), leaving a free end of the wire 5-7 cm long:

Bend the wire on the central loop

Twist the ends of the wire together

One branch of future sakura is ready. Now we need to make about 100 such branches - it is with this quantity that the beaded tree will look quite magnificent.
When the branches are ready, we begin assembly. By twisting the branches together, it is necessary to form bundles of 10-12 branches.

By twisting the branches together, you need to form bunches of 10-12 branches

Next, we collect the resulting bundles near the solid base. The solid base is ideally a rigid rod - a special metal stick for producing stems in beadwork or used for making artificial flowers. In the absence of such a stick, MirSovetov advises using improvised means - you can take a wooden kebab skewer, you can use a pencil, in general, anything that comes to hand. By securing the resulting bundles of branches by winding, the very shape of the tree is formed.
To make a tree trunk look natural, two main methods are used - wrapping the trunk with floral tape (this is a slightly adhesive corrugated paper in the form of a tape) and winding the barrel with threads. Silk thread will look especially impressive on the trunk.
After this, it comes to planting the bead tree. Need to choose suitable form, way of decoration. Using plaster, the tree is fixed in shape, and then decorated with any materials you like. Gypsum can be replaced with other materials, for example, plasticine or a specific plastic that hardens over time.
So, the result of the last “gardening” work will be as follows:

IN in this case To make the sakura tree, a little green beads were used, which are found in greater concentration at the base of the branches. A glass square plate was used for planting, and artificial decorative stones were used for decoration. The trunk is wrapped in brown silk thread.

Making a red branch from sequins

Here we will consider another wonderful and very easy way making cute trees with your own hands.
This method will require leaf-shaped sequins.
Just like in the first method, first you need to cut wires 20-25 cm long. From these pieces we will create branches.
So, we string the sequin onto the wire and twist a leg about 1 cm high under it:

We string the sequin onto the wire and twist a leg about 1 cm high under it.

We twist the free ends of the wire together and again make the next two leaves:

We twist the free ends of the wire together and again make the next two leaves

We twist the free ends of the wire together until the end. One branch of the future tree is ready. In this work, you also need to make about 100 similar branches (the number varies based on the desired splendor of the tree). To make one tree branch you will need about 10-12 branches of the main branches:

To make one tree branch you will need about 10-12 branches of main branches

By twisting the twigs-blanks together, we get a tree branch:

By twisting the twigs-blanks together, we get a tree branch

Beaded orange tree

Beaded orange tree

Here the role of oranges is played by orange beads. A wicker basket was used for planting, and artificial decorative stones and beads - fallen oranges - were used for decoration.
A branch-blank for an orange tree made of beads is made according to the following scheme:

Branch-blank for an orange tree made of beads

"Eyed" tree made of beads

"Eyed" tree made of beads

On this beaded tree, the role of “fruits” is played by traditional Turkish “eyes”

On this beaded tree, the role of “fruits” is played by traditional Turkish “eyes”.

Beaded birch tree

Beaded birch tree

The difficulty in making a birch tree is in the trunk. Ideally, you can find white floral tape. But if difficulties arise with the tape, then you can get by with a medical adhesive plaster. Next, stripes are applied to the trunk using a black felt-tip pen.

Sakura from beads

Mix pink 45 grams and green beads 15 grams (in the photographs there are two shades of pink).

We cut the wire 70 cm for a small tree. We retreat 15 cm from the end and make a loop. We string beads onto the long end.

We make leaves with 4-5 beads every 0.5-0.7 cm.

We reach the loop, pour the remaining beads into a bowl.

Fold the branch in half and twist it

Fold the branch in half and twist it

Straighten the leaves.

For a small tree, 5 small branches are taken in a bunch, for a more magnificent one - 8.

We make 9 such bundles.

In the example, 6 small branches were collected, resulting in only 9 large ones, i.e. 54 small branches.

Then we twist 2 large ones - 3 pieces and one of the three large branches - the top.

Pot (box)

You can wrap it with white floral tape, wire turn to turn, or floss threads.

We plant in a pot in plasticine or silicone

Decorating the ground

We paint the trunk with brown paints, in the example we used ordinary children's paints. Be sure to straighten all the branches and the tree is ready! Tree "Weeping Willow"

The weeping willow is a delicate tree with a thin, slender trunk and long, delicate branches that reach to the ground. This is the tree I tried to make from beads.

It took about 100 gr. green beads and about 30 gr. light green, thin wire for branches, steel wire for the trunk, florist tape, flor sponge, pot, pebbles for decoration.

We make the upper small branches from light green beads, then I mixed the remaining light green with green beads and the lower, long branches were made only from green beads.

Step 1.1. We cut the thin wire into pieces from which we will form branches. We string 7 beads, moving them to the middle of the wire (Photo 1).

Step 1.2. Then we twist it several times (Photo 2).

Step 1.3. Now we make such a leaf on one side, then on the other and twist the wire again (Photo 3).

Step 1.4. Then twist it several times
(Photo 4).

Step 1.5. In this way we make the required number of leaves on the branch (Photo 5).

Step 1.6. So, we do everything: 14 branches of light green color, 17 leaves of 7 beads,
24 green branches with 17 leaves of 7 beads, 24 green branches with 25 leaves of 7 beads, 17 green branches with 33 leaves of 7 beads. The result was a bunch of branches like this (Photo 6).

Now we collect branches from 4-5 long branches, 5-6 medium, 3-4 small branches, screwing them onto thick wire rods. We wrap the branch with floral tape, pulling it tightly. (Photo 7) I got 5 of these branches.

Now we cut off several pieces of thick wire and form the trunk and roots (Photo 8).

Willow has a very even and smooth trunk, so we wrap all the unevenness of the wire with rags cut into thin strips (Photo 9).

We wrap the trunk with floral tape (Photo 10).

Now we strengthen the tree into a floral sponge (Photo 11).

We put the tree in a pot, cover it with stones, and secure everything with glue.

We straighten the branches, bending them in the right directions. Our tree is ready (Photo 12).


We make a loop out of five beads, twist it, then make another loop around it, immediately giving it the shape of a leaf. I made 170 of these blank branches with 3 leaves on each.
Then we twist them 2 branches together. And from them we already make blanks for the main branches - we collect 3-4-5 such branches in bunches. We wrap it with floral tape or thread.
From such bundles we make the main branches, wrapping them with floral tape or masking tape on a thick wire.

Fig. 5 - on it we have the main trunk, and the formed crown, we thicken the branch with a winding to the thickness we need, we make a bend. And we wrap the remaining branches. I have 4 side ones.

We give the trunk and branches the intended appearance, since after coating the trunk with plaster, there is no need to touch the tree until it dries completely, otherwise severe cracks will appear.
Before gypsuming, I wrap the trunk again so that nothing sticks out, and check that the branches are not staggering. We attach the tree to the stand. I use a glue gun for this. If you plant a tree on plaster in a plastic pot, remember that the plaster causes them to crack, and very often.
I dilute the gypsum with PVA glue, coat the trunk and branches with a thin layer of liquid mixture, using a thin synthetic brush (bought at a hardware store). When everything is dry, you need to apply bark, for this the mixture is made thicker. And with a wide brush (hard, synthetic) we coat the trunk, thick twigs. We make the roughness. I make the bark itself and the grooves using a small knife from an old manicure set. Here we need to catch the moment when the plaster begins to dry out a little, then we form it. When this layer dries, we remove all excess using a small file; if a dried piece of bark falls off, it can be attached with a damp brush.

Then we paint with acrylic paint (you can also use gouache, but add PVA to it), I usually use many shades... For example, thin branches are light, then darker, the trunk is greenish from moss...
Since the gypsum gave us roughness, we will use this when painting; we apply the last layer with a “dry brush,” that is, the brush should be hard, rough, and dry. We dipped it into the paint, holding it perpendicularly, trying to remove excess paint from the brush (I use an old cutting board for this). There should be very little paint left on the brush. We hold the brush perpendicular to the trunk and carefully pass the brush along the texture of the bark, barely touching it, trying not to get into the cracks of the bark. Let it dry again. Then we take another shade and repeat the painting procedure. The next layer can be lighter, or vice versa... The number of layers is not limited. On top you can paint it with mother of pearl (gold, copper) this will add a little shine. But all layers only with a DRY brush!
If you don’t like something, paint it dark again and experiment again.

I make a stand - pebbles, a glue gun, all small pebbles with glue on varnish (acrylic)

I coat the wood with varnish.


Material: Small beads in four colors - light green, light green, green and dark blue.
50 oval glass green olive beads.
For leaves: wire 0.35mm 50-60 m, brown or green.
For twigs: 9 pieces of 35 cm wire, 1 mm thick.
Brush for thickening, floral tape, silk threads for the trunk and branches, glue, pebbles, ceramic stand.

Making leaves:
7 leaves French weave with a central row on one wire. Each leaf consists of 4 rows. Place a lot of beads on a spool of wire (at least 60 centimeters). Leave 15 cm of bare wire (this is the center of the branch), separate 9 beads, and twist the 10th bead four times (this is approximately 4 mm and is the central row for a leaf of 4 rows). The 10th bead is the top of the leaf and there is no need to bend the central row at the end of the weaving - Fig. 1.
Then count out 9 more beads and twist the loop of 18 beads twice - Fig. 2.
Now, as with French weaving, lift the thread with beads up, twist it near a single 10th bead - Fig. 3 and lower it down, make a 1cm stem - Fig. 4.
We make the side leaves: count out 9 beads, leave about 12 more millimeters of bare wire - Fig. 5 and twist under the 10th bead four times - Fig. 6. Then we count out 9 more beads and twist 18 beads twice - Fig. 7, make the third row - Fig. 8, then the fourth row and handle - Fig. 9. We make the third leaf on the other side - Fig. 10, twist it in the center 1 cm - Fig. 11. Then we make the fourth leaf - Fig. 12, etc., for a total of 7 leaves - Fig. 13.
If you want to make a leaf with a large number of rows, then near the 10th bead you need to twist it more times so that there is a greater distance - Fig. 1. And in the second and subsequent leaves, leave not 12 mm of bare wire, but more - Fig. 5.
Make 36 such branches with 7 leaves each: 19 lettuce, 6 light green, 11 green. In all shades of green beads, dark blue is added in a ratio of one to eight to create specks.

Making olives:
We string a bead, an oval bead, a seed bead onto a spool of wire. We leave 15 cm of bare wire and with this end, passing the bead, we pass only into the bead and now we twist both ends of the wire under the second bead at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. Again we string the bead, the oval bead, the bead and again we pass only into the bead, leaving stalk 1.5 cm. On one wire we got two olives.
Make 16 double and 18 single olives from 50 beads.

From 9 pieces of wire 35 cm each, make 9 branches of 4 branches at intervals of 1-2 cm. Place olives at these intervals. Collect everything using floral tape, which is cut in half lengthwise to make a ribbon 0.5 cm wide. And at a distance of 13 cm from the top, wrap the branches with brown silk threads.
(Then, after final assembly and planting the tree in a ceramic vase, to form the crown, bend these wrapped parts of the branches using a thick knitting needle, twisting it onto it).
Make two large branches from 4 and 5 branches, adding pipe cleaners in the right places to thicken them. Wrap with floral tape and then with silk threads on top at a distance of 8-9 cm. Now connect these two branches into a common stem, also adding pipe cleaners in the right places. Bend it and wrap it with floral ribbon, and then silk threads on top. Place in a ceramic vase and secure with a glue gun or plaster and finish to your liking.

In the master class, I indicated a wire thickness of 0.35mm, since 0.3mm - the wire is weak for such a number of leaves on a branch, and 0.4mm - I think it will be difficult to twist the top bead. But if you still took a wire 0.3 mm thick, then the twig can be strengthened like this: when you have woven three leaves (Fig. 10, see master class), additionally take another piece of wire 25 cm long, fold it in half and put it between the leaves, now the center of the twig is between your leaves will be twisted from four wires (and not from two - as in Fig. 11). I will put this addition in the master class and also a photo of the wire spool on which I wove olives and autumn trees.

Tree of Wishes

You will need:
1. Wire

Trees made of beads are a separate direction of creativity; sometimes it is impossible to believe that this can be created from ordinary beads and wire. Today we understand the technology of making trees from beads.

Weaving a tree from beads is a labor-intensive process, because the master creates every twig and every leaf by hand. Gradually forming the crown of a tree from small parts, it turns out to be a whole tree. At the same time, today many different schemes have been developed that convey the features different types trees.

How to weave a tree from beads?

To weave a tree, you first need to master the basics of beading, namely the sequence of stringing glass beads onto wire and forming even loops.

To work you will need:

Beaded tree: instructions

Since each tree is individual and differs in texture, there cannot be a single instruction; each scheme is individual. And even when you start working, you will be convinced that your result will differ from the original picture.

Bead tree for beginners

For beginners, you should start working with the simplest tree according to the diagram - sakura. You will only need one color of beads in a soft pink shade.

  1. Cut approximately 1 meter of wire for the first branch.
  2. String 6-7 beads onto the wire and secure them by twisting the ends of the wire as shown in the picture to form a petal.
  3. Step back approximately 1-1.5 cm and repeat steps from step 2.
  4. Make 11 petals, fold the wire in half and weave the petals in pairs to form a twig.
  5. For a whole tree, weave about 90-120 similar branches; large branches will be obtained by weaving 3 ordinary ones.
  6. Gradually screw all the branches onto a thick rod to form a trunk; use tape to securely fasten it.
  7. To attach the tree to the base, use plaster or alabaster, sculpt the tree bark and roots onto the existing base, smoothly going into the ground. Be careful not to stain the tree crown.

Beaded tree, scheme for rowan

To assemble a bright autumn beauty, you will need not only beads, but also bright red beads that look like berries.

  1. Each rowan branch consists of 9 leaves and a bunch of berries. For the leaf, use the diagram below.
  2. Cut the wire about 70 cm long and place a green bead in the middle.
  3. For the next row, pass both ends of the wire through 2 beads and pull them up so that they are above the bead of the first row. And so on, according to the scheme, collect 9 petals.
  4. For the berries, cut a wire about 70 cm long, place a black bead in the middle, pass both ends of the wire through a large red bead, and then through brown beads. According to this scheme, collect 16 berries for one bunch.
  5. Form a branch from berries and petals. For a tree you will need about 70-100 branches.
  6. Form all the branches into a crown and twist them around the stem-trunk; use plaster to secure the tree to the base.

Incredibly beautiful winter rowan can be made using transparent beads to imitate snow.

Step-by-step autumn tree made of beads

To weave an autumn tree, you need to use beads in yellow, red, green tones. For example step by step diagram maple weaving.

  1. A maple leaf consists of 5 separate petals. Each petal is woven according to the following pattern (refer to the pictures below):
  • string 1 red bead onto the wire and place it in the center
  • pass the two ends of the wire through two red beads
  • pass the two ends of the wire through the red, yellow and red beads
  • pass two ends of the wire through a red, two yellow and again a red bead
  • pass two ends of the wire through 3 yellow beads
  • pass the two ends of the wire through 2 yellow beads
  • pass two ends of the wire through 1 green bead

  • When weaving the next petal in the fifth row, pass the wire through the fifth row of the first petal to keep them together. The petal should be finished as shown in the diagram, twisting the ends together.

  1. Assemble a leaf from 5 parts, in total you will need about 150 leaves
  2. Form branches from 3-5 leaves, twisting the ends and securing with floral tape
  3. Form a tree from the branches; the ends of the wire can be wrapped around heavy stone, which will be the basis
  4. Use plaster or alabaster to give the texture of wood to the trunk
  5. After drying, paint with acrylic paints

Tree made of beads and copper wire: step-by-step photos

The combination of delicate blue beads and rich copper color gives the feeling of an airy haze around the tree. In this example, the wire will remain uncovered, since such beauty cannot be hidden.

We offer instructions for creating such a tree with a photo:

  1. String 17 beads onto a piece of copper wire about 80 cm long.
  2. Form a loop in the middle of the wire, step back about 1 cm, string the beads again and form a loop on each side of the center.
  3. Twist to form a twig. Each branch should have seven petals.
  4. Twist about 150 branches in total.
  5. From 3 branches, assemble a large branch, you will get 50 branches in total.
  6. From large branches, assemble the entire trunk, forming separate large branches and smaller branches, increasing the volume towards the bottom. Wind the ends of the wire into a ring of small diameter.
  7. Dilute the plaster in a container, fill a third of the wood mold and place the ends of the wire there, pour in the remaining plaster and hold for 10-15 minutes until the mixture sets.
  8. You can sprinkle the remaining beads on top of the plaster.
  9. Arrange the branches as you wish.

Beaded money tree

It is believed that the money tree or crassula will bring prosperity to the house, but if you are not a fan of plants, then you can weave an artificial tree with your own hands. To work you will need:

  • beads of several green shades
  • wire
  • coins
  • gold paint
  • scotch

  1. Cut a wire about 70 cm long, string 7-8 beads of different colors onto it and form a loop, string another 7-8 beads without indentation, form a second loop, repeat 6-8 times, in the end you will get a dense bud.
  2. Twist about 60 buds for a small tree.
  3. Cut a wire about 50 cm long, form a small loop in the middle and twist the ends. Glue a coin to the loop; you will need 15 of these branches.
  4. Take 1 coin branch and 4 green ones, twist them together, repeat 2 more times and from the resulting 3 branches, assemble a large branch by wrapping the wire with paper adhesive tape. Paint the ribbon golden brown. Repeat with other branches.
  5. Wrap all branches to the stem-trunk, wrap with tape and cover the trunk with plaster. By using acrylic paint give natural color wood gypsum.

Yin-Yang tree made of beads

The Yin-Yang tree is a combination of two colors of beads, white and black, symbolizing the feminine and masculinity, as well as their interrelation and complementarity. Of course, you won’t find such trees in nature, but with the help of beads it’s easy to convey this idea.

You will need white and black beads, thin wire, a rod and a base.

  1. Cut the wire into pieces about 70 cm long.
  2. String 5 white beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, stepping back 1 cm on each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you have 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with white thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 white branches.
  3. String 5 black beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, stepping back 1 cm on each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you have 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with black thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 black branches.
  4. Gather branches of each color into a tree and twist their trunks together.
  5. Attach to the base using plaster, decorate the top of the base with a Japanese pattern, the Yin-Yang symbol.

Tree of love made of beads

According to the manufacturing technology, the tree of love is very similar to the Yin-Yang tree; two colors are also involved here, but not such contrasting combinations as black and white, but more delicate ones, for example, blue and pink, white and blue, etc.

Such a tree will be an excellent wedding gift, because it will symbolize the strength of the ties of the family that was born today.

  1. Cut the wire into pieces about 70-90 cm long.
  2. String 5 pink beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, stepping back 1-1.5 cm on each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you have 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with pink thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 pink branches.
  3. String 5 blue beads onto the wire and form a loop in the middle, stepping back 1 cm on each side, form 2 more loops and continue until you have 7 loops on the branch. Wrap the twig with blue thread or ribbon. Collect 50-60 blue branches.
  4. From small branches of each color, form larger ones.
  5. Collect branches of each color into a separate tree, weave the bases of the trunks together and lay out halves of a heart from branches of each color.
  6. Attach it to the base using plaster, paint the trunk pink and blue, and on the base you can draw the initials of the newlyweds and the wedding date.

Wisteria - bead crafts

Wisteria is one of the most beautifully flowering plants on earth; its bright colors and incredible color transitions can captivate anyone. In beads you can convey this beauty using different shades, and the weight of the resulting branches will give the necessary shape.

You will need:

  • beads in purple, soft pink, green and blue shades
  • wire
  • core and base
  1. Cut the wire into 100 pieces 1 meter long.
  2. On each piece of wire, fold the loops as shown in the diagram, smoothly changing the color from white to purple, twist the branches. Collect 70 white-purple twigs.
  3. Twist green loops for the foliage on the remaining pieces of wire.
  4. Gather all the branches, imitating the hanging crown of wisteria.
  5. Wrap the ends of the wire around a heavy base and fill with plaster.

Master class on pine beading, diagram

The most popular trees in Russia are spruce and pine; they can also be made from beads and even decorated for the New Year.

  • Cut the wire into 30 cm long pieces.
  • String 8 beads onto the wire, leaving the outermost bead, pass the second end of the wire through the remaining 7, so that you get a needle.

  • On the remaining end of the wire, string 8 beads again and repeat step 2. In total, you should get 5 needles on 1 wire, then twist the ends.

  • For a small pine tree you will need 150-200 of these blanks.

  • We twist small branches into larger ones, securing them with tape or tape.
  • We assemble a trunk from large branches, twist the ends of the wire into a skein and secure it at the base.
  • Spread the branches to make the pine fluffy.

Beautiful beaded tree

A beautiful tree can be made using several different techniques and by mixing materials, for example adding pebbles, gluing them to hinges, or using bright leaves.

Photo: Beaded tree

Here are a few more ideas for trees that can be made from beads.

The beading technique opens up enormous possibilities for you. From such tiny elements you can create serious masterpieces that will decorate your home and be an excellent gift for family and friends. New creative success to you!

Video: Beaded tree

Interior design is an integral part of any room. If we are talking about a residential area, then the presence of things and objects that give warmth and homeliness is very important here. The most common option for creating such items is handicraft.
To lift my spirits, I decided to make a beaded tree. To create it I needed the following materials:

Beads (blue and blue);

The first step is to prepare the wire. To do this, cut off sections equal to approximately 50 - 60 centimeters and bend them in half.

In order not to take up extra space, it is better to prepare many of these segments at once. Next, we divide all the cut wire into three approximately equal parts. I will make the first part two-color. To do this, we collect 7 blue beads onto one piece of wire.

They should be exactly in the middle. Now we twist the loop.

Then, we string 7 more beads onto one of the ends and twist the second loop.

In the same way we make another loop, only now you need to string the beads onto the other end of the wire.

In order to continue twisting, you need to make several turns with the free ends to create a branch. So we got three leaves. We twist 2 more in the same way.

I decided to make 11 leaves in this two-color branch. The next two leaves will contain two colors at once. We collect the following combination of beads onto one end of the wire.

Then, just like before, we twist it.

The next two symmetrical leaves are made in blue.

We also make the tenth and eleventh sheets from blue beads. We twist the remaining wire into one end.

In the end we get a branch like this. We will need about 20 of them.

I decided to make the next type of branches only from blue beads.

There were about 15 of them. And another 15 from blue.

Now comes the most crucial moment. We take three branches of the same type and twist them together.

As a result, we get five fluffy branches.

We repeat the same procedure with branches of a different type.

Now we will combine branches from different colors. I decided that in my tree the crown would be light, and closer to the roots the color would darken. Therefore, first I took a light branch, and, attaching a combined one to it, twisted them into one trunk.

Stepping back a little, we fasten the branches from dark beads.

We get this tree.

Repeat the process on the remaining branches.

To prevent anything from slipping off the pencil in the future, the barrel is tightly wrapped with wire.

It is not necessary to wrap the barrel so that there are no gaps. In my opinion, they will add additional relief to the final look.
The next step is to create a base for the tree. For this I used:

Plaster (gypsum is possible);
-plastic bag;
- a glass of yogurt.
In an unnecessary container, mix the plaster and water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Then, cover the bowl chosen for the base with a bag, and, holding the tree trunk, place our solution into it.

Today I want to talk about how my friend and I went to a master class where we were taught how to make garden and wildflowers from beads. This topic interested me for a very, very long time, but somehow I never got around to it, but then MK turned up, and I decided that it was time to weave flowers from beads. I can say right away that it is not very difficult, but quite labor-intensive. In principle, anyone can make a small bouquet or, for example, a rose in a pot, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to work painstakingly.

Weaving specifics

In general, in my opinion, beadwork compares favorably with many other types of needlework. I won’t say that it’s beautiful - in the end, it’s a matter of taste, but there are more objective criteria for the benefits of bead weaving. For example:
  1. This type of needlework develops fine motor skills due to interaction with small beads. Of course, it is most useful for children to develop fine motor skills, but if we remember that communicating areas of the brain are responsible for fine motor skills and intelligence, then we can say that needlework will not harm any adult - it makes us smarter and more savvy.
  2. Handicrafts are calming, especially when they involve small, monotonous work. Therefore, many women love to do hand embroidery (by the way, bead embroidery is also very popular).
  3. Beadwork is rarely utilitarian. Well, you must admit, you will most likely knit mittens or a hat, but you only make something nice from beads. Of course, you can do something useful, but in most cases it’s about pleasure and aesthetics.
Do you want to know if this type of needlework is right for you? Try to make a flower from beads - I will tell you how you can make and decorate flowers with beads and show you the most interesting lessons.

Important Preparation

First you need to arrange workplace. I really like to do needlework in a comfortable chair, but in the case of beads everything is not so simple - you need a hard surface and good light, otherwise you risk putting too much strain on your eyesight and getting tired. Therefore, I advise you to work with beads at a table - it can be a desk or a dining table, the main thing is that you have free space and a table lamp with soft light.

Reaching into a bag or box for each bead is not very convenient. Use a velvet or velor mat in order to sprinkle some beads on it for work. Beads do not roll well on such a rug and do not mix. I also saw one needlewoman use a wonderful method - she simply pours beads into stable bowls and carefully pulls out the required number of beads with her finger.

Prepare your working tools - beads, sharp scissors, threads and fishing line, as well as special wire for beading. I also recommend using regular small wire cutters to cut through the wire.

French technology

The easiest way to make a flower from beads for beginners is to weave it using the French technique. Later I will tell you how you can weave certain flowers, but now I will give a description of the technique itself so that you understand its essence.

The French technique is bead weaving with arcs, when each element is woven in the form of a kind of boat (from the center to the edges), resulting in a pleasant pattern and the desired volume. If you see a bouquet woven from beads that looks almost lifelike, then most likely it is French beadwork.

French weaving is practically not performed on fishing line - in order for a leaf or flower petal to hold its shape and look elastic and fresh, wire is needed. So, how to weave simple beaded flowers for beginners?

We weave a rose

Everyone likes roses, and weaving this flower from beads is quite simple for beginners - especially with step-by-step master class.

What do we need to make a rose?

  1. Beads for the flower itself (you can take red, or you can take a couple of shades of pink - this way the petals will be beautiful and voluminous).
  2. Green beads (preferably two shades) for the stem, leaves and sepals.
  3. Toothpick or stem stick and green cloth or paper.
  4. Wire for weaving.
For a lush rose you will need about two hundred grams of beads of the main color, and about 50-80 grams of green beads for the leaves. You should not choose beads that are too large; the work will look too cartoonish.

To weave a rose, you need to make several types of petals - from 3 to 6. The splendor of your bud depends on this. The smallest petals are woven on a piece of wire half a meter long, then with each new petal size the wire size increases by 15 centimeters. 3-4 small petals are enough, 4-5 medium ones, 5 large ones, and 5-6 outer petals. If in the process you want to increase the quantity, everything is in your hands.

How to weave one petalYou need to assemble a rose from the petals, tying the petals together with wire at the bottom edge - first the smallest ones, then a layer of larger petals. Make sure that the petals overlap, and not at the joint, so the flower will look more voluminous and more interesting.

Then you need to weave the leaves and sepals. We weave them the same way as petals, only occasionally changing the length of the arc in order to give the leaves a pointed shape.

After all the elements are woven and assembled, you can begin assembly. Leaves, sepals and a flower bud are attached to the stem, after which the entire stem is wrapped in thread or covered with paper.

To make the rose look more natural, shape the petals and leaves, and make small thorns on the stem, and your beaded flower is ready.

If some points are not clear, then watch the video for more details:

Making Petals:

Making sepals:

Making leaves:

Collecting a rose:

I think I have explained in detail, using the example of a rose, how you can make flowers from beads, so next I will simply show master classes with a few comments. By the way, if you are interested in beaded flowers, a master class with photos or videos is what you need!

Honestly, if I knew how easy it is to make flowers from beads with your own hands just from a video, I would not have gone to offline master classes - images and pictures with other people’s flowers would have been enough.

By the way, in fact, you can make crafts from beads - flowers and plants - without using any patterns, if you have already mastered beadwork or just like I did embroidery - one micron is enough so as not to sit over the patterns. It is much more useful to understand how a flower works, and depicting it using beads is an easy task.

Nevertheless, flowers made from beads and patterns for weaving different petals will be useful to you - you already know how to weave them, how to assemble a flower from ready-made petals is also quite clear, and you can weave petals from beads according to patterns.

Don't know how to make beaded flowers more natural? Use two or three shades for the petals and at least two for the leaves - this way you can create the effect of a voluminous petal with a border, which looks unusual.

Beaded poinsettia looks very interesting - it is also called a Christmas star. It is better to weave poinsettia not from beads, but from medium-sized glass beads, which is also called cutting.

For poinsettia, it is better to take bright shades of beads - deep green, carmine red. Of course, everyone different tastes, but these are the colors that are best suited for indoor varieties of beautiful milkweed.

Watch how to make petals using parallel French weaving - the video tutorial will tell you how to make petals for this flower step by step.

Look at beaded flowers: photos - you will definitely find something for inspiration!

Callas: DIY beaded flowers master class:

Now you know a lot - weave several small roses in a basket or make chic decoration for the interior (for example, a full pot of wild plants), or simply use the knowledge gained to make jewelry with beaded flowers or decorate your clothes and accessories with them for free!

Video bonus: Lavender made of beads without weaving. A very simple option: