Measure your ironing board. Measure the length and width of your board. Measure only the ironing surface, not including the iron stand, when determining the length and measure the widest part when determining the width. Then you need to determine whether the edge of the board is rounded, tapered or blunt.

  • Find the right coverage for you. There are coatings different forms, sizes, from different materials and models that are designed for different types ironing. Of course, the choice of coating for the ironing board is a matter of taste, but it should be smooth and allow steam and heat to pass through. How often you iron and what you iron will determine what kind of cover you need to buy. It’s very good that you decided to change the coating, this way you protected yourself from the worst - discovering the unsuitability of your board in the future. You should also consider that there are several types of covering to suit different needs, this is especially true for those who sew or quilt.

    • Non-stick or reflective coatings are designed to reflect the heat from the iron upward from the coating to your clothing. This means that the heat is absorbed only by your clothes, not by your clothes and covering, making ironing faster with minimal effort. Not only will it speed up the ironing process, but at low temperatures you will cause less damage delicate fabric. Another advantage of the reflective surface of the coating is that it does not get dirty and is heat resistant, so it not only looks good, but will last longer. While it's great for everyday ironing, some people don't like it because the fabric slips and it's difficult to fold and press the edges. These users suggest a natural cotton board cover to be pulled over a reflective one while working on sewing projects.
    • Natural unbleached cotton ironing board covers are very popular for daily ironing and very practical for sewing and quilting. Your clothes and fabric will not slip off the ironing board. This is usually a dense material, like canvas or canvas, very durable and washes well. However, it will burn if the iron is very hot or you leave it on the surface for a long time. Although burnt stains won't ruin your clothes, they look unsightly and hardly wash out. Some manufacturers have developed cotton covers with a steam-resistant layer underneath to give you the best of both worlds - a non-slip, heat-reflecting surface for easier ironing.
    • Made from 100% cotton, the covers come in a variety of premium colors and patterns to add sass and chic to your ironing board. This is especially good for you if you leave your board lying around or use it for something else. Printed and colored cotton covers are usually made from a finer fabric than unbleached cotton covers. Some people love the flowers, stripes and patterns on these boards, others don't! One of the main disadvantages is that the pattern is visible through the item you are ironing, and it is difficult to see the unironed areas. It also makes it difficult to measure a visually straight line for bending an edge or cutting. Rich colors will brighten up your laundry room without affecting your ability to see what you're ironing or tucking.
    • Make sure there is padding. Typically, the padding of an ironing board cover is made of felt or foam and reaches a thickness of 4 to 8 mm. Both materials are good for ironing, but foam creates a hard surface that makes it easier for the iron to glide across the board, while felt creates a soft, smooth surface with minor dents and wrinkles. Sometimes the padding can be either foam or felt as the bottom padding. The most important thing is that you should be careful when purchasing the cover, and the padding should be thick enough to prevent ironing board snags from appearing on your freshly ironed clothes.

      • Many covers come with padding attached, which gives a rounded edge around the perimeter of the board. This is especially helpful when ironing the shoulders of shirts, giving you smooth, even edges. Such coverings are convenient because the foam or felt does not move when ironed.
      • If you find the perfect cover but don't like the padding, you can always add your own. Fabric stores sell upholstery foam and felt by the yard, so you can cut to fit your board and cover. We know people who use old coverings as padding for new ones. Do what's right for you.
    • Find a mount that suits you. You have 2 options: elastic and lacing. Most covers are made with elastic, but you can find ones with laces. Covers with elastic are stretched over the edges of the ironing board. These covers are quick and easy to put on and hold tightly, however, they are not suitable for boards with an attached iron stand. If the stand is not secured, then the elastic band fits, you can detach the stand and tighten the cover. The lacing allows you to adjust the tension of the cover and usually tightens without problems with the iron stand.

      • Whichever model you choose, both can be tightened with adjustable elastic straps that secure the cover underneath the board and hold the bottom tightly in place.
  • The ironing board cover, depending on the intensity of its use, sooner or later not only has to be washed, but also changed. Due to time and high temperatures, the fabric of the cover becomes completely unusable and in order to “refresh” appearance ironing board, you definitely need a new cover.
    If you have a sewing machine, then it is not difficult to sew a new cover with an elastic band stitched along the edge. There is another way to secure it to the ironing board, for example, insert a rope into the hem and tighten it. This cover is usually used for a metal ironing board or a board with a mesh surface that comes with a steam iron. But for an ironing board with a wooden tabletop, it is not necessary to sew a new cover. The surface of the board can be tightened using a stapler. This method is especially convenient to use for those who do not have a sewing machine.
    The studio technologist offers you two ways to quickly and easily make a cover for your ironing board with your own hands.

    1. The easiest way to replace your ironing board cover

    It is not necessary to sew a cover for the ironing board. You can simply re-tighten a board with a wooden tabletop by securing the fabric with furniture clips. But first you need to remove the old cover along with the insulation gasket, since when wet it will quickly contaminate the new cover, especially if it is made of white fabric.

    If you leave the old gasket, and especially if you do not remove the worn fabric upholstery of the board, then it is advisable to use colored fabric for sewing or reupholstering the cover. Cotton fabric, such as calico, is ideal for the cover, but mixed lightweight fabrics can also be used. The main thing is that they do not fade or spoil light-colored items during ironing. By the way, experienced tailors, when ironing light-colored items, throw a clean white cloth over the board.

    2. How much fabric and batting will be needed for the cover

    To reupholster the ironing board tabletop you need to buy 0.6 meters of cotton fabric and the same amount of insulation. It is advisable to use white (bleached) calico for the cover, and light batting for the lining. The width of the fabric and batting must be at least 150 cm. 300 rubles is enough to purchase these materials.
    Another thing is to buy a furniture stapler, the price of which is at least 400 rubles, but it will be needed quite rarely. However, a stapler can be useful not only for reupholstering an ironing board. If your home has upholstered furniture, the upholstery of which also needs to be “refreshed,” then these costs will be justified. Instead of sewing covers for chairs, it will be much more convenient and easier to just pull them over. The stapler will also be indispensable when replacing the upholstery of an office or computer chair. However, if you do not need to buy a stapler, you can use small postal nails instead of paper clips. Just do not drive the nails completely into the board, but bend them.

    3. How to secure and stretch the fabric of the cover

    Regardless of how you attach the edge of the cover to the tabletop (paper clips or nails), you need to stretch the fabric according to a certain pattern. First, secure the back of the cover with three paper clips, then pull the fabric up at the front and place the paper clip in the center. From the center (to the left and right), alternately pull the fabric and secure it with paper clips or nails.
    Please note that this is only a preliminary fixation of the fabric. Finally fasten the fabric, with a tightening, and add folds at the corners and roundings, it will be possible after fixing the side sections. The sides must be secured in a mirror image. Two or three paper clips in the center on one side, the same number on the opposite side, etc.

    By stretching the fabric in this way, the cover will not have folds or skewed areas. As for the pattern, the diagram shows only approximate allowances. They may need to be adjusted or cut for your board. But you can only determine this experimentally when you nail the fabric, since some areas may stretch, while others, on the contrary, may tighten. By the way, do not over-tighten the fabric, the main thing is that folds do not form. Before nailing, turn the hem inward by 3-4 cm, more or less if possible.

    Many modern ironing boards use lightweight metal alloys instead of pressed wood. And the tabletops of ironing systems generally consist of a mesh stretched in a metal frame. Some models even have a fan installed at the bottom, creating air flow from below. This provides additional drying of the fabric during ironing, creates a vacuum (sticking) or, on the contrary, “lifts” the fabric above the board. For such ironing boards, you only need a cover; you won’t be able to tighten it with a stapler.

    If you have a sewing machine and at least a little experience working with it, then you can sew a cover for an ironing board in literally an hour. The consumption of fabric with a width of 150 cm is the same as for the banner - 60 cm. As a rule, you do not have to change the insulation, since such boards have a special structure and need to be preserved. This is especially important for an ironing board with bottom air supply.

    Turn the board upside down and use chalk to trace the outline of the board along the wrong side of the fabric. Then add 5-7 cm, maximum 10 cm (in a circle), remove the board and the pattern is ready. You can “disassemble” the old cover, iron the hem, and then the pattern will be much more accurate, but this is too troublesome and time-consuming. Moreover, a cover for an ironing board is not a cover for a sofa or chair. Any inaccuracies will be “hidden” at the bottom of the tabletop. All that remains is to decide how to process the edge of the cover so that it does not slide off the board during ironing and at the same time is taut, “like a string.”

    The easiest way to tighten the cover on the board top is with a string inserted into the hem. The width of the hem should be at least 2cm, otherwise the cord may “slow down”. The hem can be done different ways, for example, overcast the edge of the cover and fold it in one layer or make a double hem, just like for a window curtain. Instead of a cord, you can insert a linen elastic band, then you will not need to loosen the cord when removing the cover to wash it.
    The elastic band can also be stitched along the edge of the cover. Just buy a hard rubber band, because if a needle punctures, the rubber band will weaken and will not tighten the cover well on the tabletop. It is best to adjust the elastic using a wide zigzag stitch with almost the maximum stitch length.

    For greater convenience during ironing, the ironing board cover can be slightly “improved”. For example, sew a pocket like this in which you can store an iron cleaner, a sprayer, threads for basting, a pad with needles, etc. But the most convenient and most importantly necessary additional device for an ironing board can be considered various flat pillows. They are very effective for ironing and ironing seam allowances, removing excess moisture from an ironed product, etc.
    You can make such a pillow from any thin fabric, including synthetic, and put several layers of batting or foam rubber inside.
    Those who sew with their own hands often require various lasts for ironing sleeves and other hard-to-reach places. You can replace the cover for such a miniature ironing board using the same methods as the cover for the ironing board.

    Sewing a cover for an ironing board is a very simple task for an experienced seamstress. It is much more difficult to reupholster a dilapidated old-style mannequin cover. To sew such a cover, you must first make precise patterns using the ripped apart parts of the removed mannequin skin.

    The tabletop of the ironing system has a number of additional functions, not only pumping air using a fan. The cover of such an ironing board can heat up to 90 degrees, which improves the ironing and drying process.

    When purchasing a new iron, you need to focus not only on its price, but also on the power of the heating element and the quality of the coating on the soleplate of the iron. The weight of the iron, the shape of the handle, the volume of the steam chamber, etc. are of no small importance.

    The ironing system included in the ironing system must be a steam iron or with a steam generator. The cost of such a system is quite high, so if you decide to sew a cover for your ironing board, use only high-quality fabrics.

    The technology of sewing a sheet with an elastic band is somewhat reminiscent of the technology of sewing a cover for an ironing board. Clasps are often used to tighten the corners of such a sheet; they can also be used to tighten the ironing board cover.

    My ironing board is exactly 10 years old.

    My mother gave it to me with the hope that her daughter would become a good wife:) This daughter was very obstinate and got married at 18 with the words: I won’t cook! I won't iron! and down the list to the phrase - You didn’t marry a housewife!

    And how did my husband marry such a person, I still wonder? :))

    My mother slowly brought various “useful things” into our house with my husband - frying pans, irons, dishes... - my mother is a wise person and, of course, she understood that at some point my hands would take up all this themselves. And so it happened! The obstinate wife outgrew her obstinacy and became more flexible and “homely” :))

    But it's time to return to the ironing board.

    Lately it has been scary to look at it - the fabric is streaked with iron scale, frayed on the folds and in some places there are even holes, and all sorts of glue and thermal applications have left their marks. This made ironing on the board not only unpleasant, but also dangerous - stains were imprinted on the fabric I was ironing. I stopped ironing on it and did it on the table, which is very inconvenient, since the table is always occupied and before ironing, I had to clean it, wipe it, cover it...

    And what can I say - an ironing board is a necessary thing. And I decided that it was time to end this inconvenient ironing!

    You only need to spend an hour and reupholster the ironing board! Here there may be some disputants who will say that it’s easier to sew/buy a cover. I agree, but!

    1. The “native” fabric of the ironing board is such that you need to get rid of it urgently! Stains from it can transfer to the cover.

    2. I wanted to compact the ironing board under the fabric so that its edges became softer (there were no clear lines left from the dimensions of the ironing board, for example, when ironing bed linen)

    The whole alteration cost me 280!!! rubles and an hour of work.

    So we need one and a half meters long and 45 cm wide fabric, for example cotton, as in my case.

    1.5 meters of batting (width 80 cm) or any other sealant, such as foam rubber. Batting is cheap and soft - I chose it.

    I apologize for the dark photos - I took MK in the evening, under artificial lighting :(

    and tools: scissors, furniture stapler, chalk, knife with a short blade (not in the photo)

    turn the ironing board over

    and pull out the old staples around the perimeter

    It is better to do this with a knife with a sharp and short blade. Even better by male hands. This is the most difficult operation and my husband performed it for me.

    under the old rag there was old and very loose foam rubber

    We throw away the foam rubber, and transfer the fabric to a new one and trace the outline with chalk

    I cut the fabric with an allowance of + 3 cm around the perimeter with the expectation of a thicker seal.

    Now fold the batting in half and cut it out

    You can see in the photo that the batting has already been cut out - everything is correct - when we staple, we will tuck the fabric, but not the batting.

    Now place the ironing board in the center

    and starting from the middle, bending the edges of the fabric inwards, insert the staples (my husband did this too - I didn’t have enough strength)

    Now, so that the corners do not puff up, we will cut off all the excess batting and fabric (but do not forget that the fabric will need to be tucked)

    carefully fold the fabric and form even corners

    Now you can still tighten up the loose screws and touch up the peeling paint.

    Turn it over and enjoy :)

    Hands just reached out to urgently stroke something :))

    So happy - minimum financial and time costs, and what a new thing :)))

    In the future, it will be possible to sew a cover with an elastic band or simply change the clothes of your ironing board more often.

    I hope that this MK will inspire in you the desire to update your “workhorse” and make your handicraft corner even dearer to your heart.

    The process of ironing clothes and linen does not bring joy to everyone. And if you also have to use a low-quality iron or a fairly shabby ironing board, you don’t want to start the process at all, because it will be difficult and will take much more time. We have told you in other articles how you can clean your iron so that it glides easily and irons fabrics. In this article we’ll look at how to make a new cover for your ironing board with your own hands.

    Ironing board cover

    Ironing board - necessary and most chief assistant for caring for your clothes. Its surface must be smooth and clean. No matter how often you use it, the ironing board cover eventually becomes unusable, and ironing turns into torture. We will help you deal with this problem.

    Let's look at the whole process step by step. Let's start with the choice of materials.

    Which fabric to choose?

    First you need to select the material. A new case will serve you for many years if you choose it correctly. The fabric for the ironing board cover must have the following characteristics:

    • heat resistance - does not melt when exposed to high temperature;
    • density - strong and smooth, but not slippery;
    • do not shed.

    Important! If there is a pattern on the canvas, wash it in hot water and make sure that the drawing will not be reprinted.

    Cotton fabric meets all these requirements:

    • bleached calico with a density of more than 145 g/sq.m. — when purchasing, check with the seller or look at the label on which the density is indicated;
    • satin;
    • flannel.

    Important! Choose a light-colored fabric, without a pattern, so that the material is monochromatic.

    As for the sizes, in order to sew a cover for an ironing board with your own hands, you will need:

    • 60-80 cm of fabric with a width of 220 cm.
    • If the width of the canvas is less than 1.5 m, then the quantity must be calculated. To do this, measure the length of the board and the width. Take measurements from the most distant points. Then add 20 cm to the width and multiply by 2. The resulting figure will be the desired length.

    Choosing a lining

    By listening to the advice, you can choose the right lining.

    The color of the material should be light in color, because under the influence of high temperatures and steam, your new case will change color.

    Important! Usually they choose white batting, felt, padding polyester or foam rubber.

    It is better to give preference to white batting or felt. This type of material has a natural base and some roughness. Thanks to this, it will fit more tightly to the board and will not slip.

    A seal made of padding polyester or foam rubber will quickly become unusable when exposed to hot steam.

    Important! You need to buy the same amount of batting or felt as fabric.

    Simple cover for wooden ironing board

    Do you have a wooden ironing device? Then you don't need sewing machine. We will tell you in detail how to repair an ironing board with your own hands using a furniture stapler. If you don't have such a tool at home, you can use small post nails and a hammer.

    Important! Do not drive the nails in completely. Leave ⅓ of the nail. First, we hammer everything along the contour of the board, then, when the cover is fully stretched, we bend the nails in one direction.

    Having prepared everything necessary, we get to work.

    Important! By stretching the cover using this method, you will get a smooth surface with no folds or creases.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Remove the old upholstery along with the cover. This is necessary so that in the future the old case does not spoil your new one.

    Important! A case that has become unusable can be used instead of a pattern. To do this, you need to rip it open and level it well, attach it to the wrong side of the fabric and trace it with a pencil (the usual one you use for drawing).

    1. Make a pattern for which you need:
      1. lay the fabric on the floor, wrong side up;
      2. turn the board over and apply the top part to the wrong side of the material;
      3. outline with a simple pencil, remove the board, retreat to allowances of 5-8 cm, draw a solid line;
      4. cut out.

    Important! Place the board parallel to the width of the canvas. If the cover is skewed, it will be problematic to pull it evenly and correctly onto the board.

    1. The same steps must be performed with the batting, only make smaller allowances - 3-6 cm.
    2. The patterns are ready.
    3. Attach the batting to the board.
    4. Glue it with Moment glue to the board along the contour.
    5. We stretch the fabric, for which you will need:
      1. Secure the fabric with several staples (nails) on the back side of the board (across the width, where straight line, not round), at the same time fold the fabric along with the lining inward. You need to bend the edges by 2-3 cm.
      2. Pull the fabric forward and secure it with a staple in the middle on one side and on the other.
      3. While stretching the fabric, alternately left and right, you need to shoot staples on both sides.
      4. We finally fix all the areas.
      5. We lay the corners like an envelope, on the wrong side of the board, securing them thoroughly.
      6. Form the curves using folds, also securing them well with staples (nails).

    Important! Before you begin reupholstering the board, wash the cover material at high temperature. Cotton fabric very often gives a lot of shrinkage.

    Sewing a cover for an ironing board with your own hands

    Ironing boards nowadays are often produced in the form of a metal frame covered with mesh. For such models, the reupholstery method will not work; here you need to sew a cover on the ironing board with your own hands and pull it on.

    We will describe step by step two ways to sew a cover with your own hands:

    • Experienced seamstresses can easily handle the first method.
    • And here's the second one more suitable for newbies.

    Important! Before you start sewing the cover, you need to glue the lining blank to the board or shoot it with staples. Perform all actions in the same order as when updating a wooden board.

    Method 1

    Material for the cover and lining - 60 cm with a fabric width of 220 cm. How to proceed:

    1. Cut out patterns as described above.
    2. Finish the edges:
      1. bend 0.5 cm around the entire circumference and iron;
      2. fold 1 cm and baste by hand, then stitch on sewing machine, leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm to retract the elastic.

    Important! It is better to do this process by hand first. This way it will be neat and beautiful, especially the rounded areas.

    1. Insert an elastic band or cord - we'll tell you about several methods. You can use any of your choice:
      1. Place the elastic on a safety pin, thread it through the finished edge, and secure both ends together around the entire circumference.

    Important! Choose the correct elastic length. If it’s too small, it won’t fit well on the board, and if it’s too big, it won’t fit tightly.

      1. Insert the cord using the same method, only pull the ends tight and tie them tightly.
      2. “Lacing” method - you need to additionally make small loops from cord or fabric. Secure them with machine stitching along the entire circumference of the cover every 10-15 cm, symmetrically. Pass the cord from one end of the board to the middle, as if “tying” a shoe, and from the other - similarly, to the middle.

    Method 2

    By sewing a cover for an ironing board with your own hands using this method, you will receive a double-sided cover. It can be changed sides. One side can be made light - suitable for ironing white things, the other side darker - for colored and dark things.

    Surely, if you rummage through old trash, many of us can find an old abandoned ironing board, like this one. It is unusually compact, which makes it possible to use it anywhere: in the kitchen, in the hallway, on the balcony, in a sewing workshop, if there is one... - how to do it correctly is the topic of today’s article.

    For this kind of alteration you will need:

    • felt, batting or other similar fabric for backing
    • directly the ironing board itself
    • piece of cotton or teak
    • rubber

    We've got everything ready, let's get to work:

    1. Turn the ironing board over onto the batting and trace its shape onto the fabric.

    If the batting is too thin, it can be folded in three or four layers and stitched around the perimeter with a zigzag stitch.

    2. Using the felt pattern as a template, transfer the shape to the cotton, pressing an additional 8 cm on all sides.
    3. Fold 2 cm from the edge around the entire perimeter and stitch with a zigzag stitch using an overlocker or sewing machine, thereby forming a groove for the elastic. Don't forget to leave a hole of a couple of centimeters so you can insert the elastic through it later.
    4. Using a pin, pull the elastic into the groove. Tie a knot and stitch the gap left.

    5. Pull the cover over the ironing board and enjoy your new nice thing.

    The cover must be well secured. To check this, test it with an iron. If the cover fidgets, back up the seam and shade the elastic tighter, then sew the area back up.

    Sometimes updated old and favorite things bring much more joy and pleasant sensations than newly acquired modern ones. And this is not at all accidental. After all, our life consists of the people and things we are familiar with and love. And when you are surrounded by what you love, this is simple everyday happiness.