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© Kozhevnikova A.A 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
MINISTRY OF GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Sverdlovsk region "Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical"
Parents' meeting on the topic: “The role of parents in the moral education of their children”

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The character and moral behavior of a child is a copy of the character of the parents; it develops in response to their character and their behavior. Erich From

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
Sociological research shows that a child’s upbringing is influenced by:

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
What does it represent moral education? This is a gradual enrichment of knowledge, skills, and experience. This is the development of the mind. Formation of attitudes towards good and evil. Formation of such personality qualities as ideology, humanism, citizenship, responsibility, hard work, nobility and the ability to manage oneself.
Moral education is the systematic, purposeful formation of the individual, those moral qualities that determine a person’s attitude to society, to other people, and to work.

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
Moral needs begin:
With responsiveness, which we understand as a person’s ability to understand the predicament or condition of another.
Responsiveness is a whole spectrum of feelings - sympathy, compassion, empathy. It is necessary to cultivate responsiveness in a child even before he develops ideas about good, evil, duty and other concepts.

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
Another essential element moral needs - a moral attitude that can be formulated as follows: “Do not harm anyone, but bring maximum benefit.”
It needs to be formed in the child’s mind from the time he begins to speak. Thanks to this attitude, the child will always strive for good.

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
Another important structural element of moral needs is the ability for active kindness and intransigence towards all manifestations of evil.
These are the elements of moral needs. Knowing them will help parents raise their children to be kind happy people that benefit society.

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
The family must have a correct and equal distribution of material and moral resources for children.
There are 5 laws family life:
Parents must make uniform demands on their children.
The foundations of hard work should be laid from childhood.
The child needs affection and praise.
Respectful attitude of family members towards each other.
If these laws are followed in the family, it means that the child will succeed as an individual.

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© Kozhevnikova A.A. 34n GBOU SPO SO "SOPC", Ekaterinburg 2015
Children are witnesses, they learn to live from life. If: The child is constantly criticized, he learns... (to hate). The child lives in hostility, he learns... (to be aggressive). The child lives in reproaches, he learns... (to live with guilt). The child grows up in tolerance, he learns... (to understand others). The child is praised, he learns... (to be noble). A child grows up in honesty, he learns... (to be fair). The child grows up in safety, he learns... (to believe in people). The child is supported, he learns... (to value himself). The child is ridiculed, he learns... (to be withdrawn). Living in understanding and friendship, he learns... (to find love in the world).

Relevance of the problem of spiritual and moral education Firstly, society needs the preparation of widely educated, highly moral people who have not only knowledge, but also excellent personality traits. Firstly, society needs to prepare well-educated, highly moral people who have not only knowledge, but also excellent personality traits. Secondly, in modern world The child develops surrounded by many different sources of positive and negative information. Secondly, in the modern world, a child develops surrounded by many different sources of positive and negative information. Thirdly, education in itself does not guarantee a high level of moral education. Thirdly, education in itself does not guarantee a high level of moral education. Fourthly, moral knowledge informs the child about the norms of behavior in modern society. Fourthly, moral knowledge informs the child about the norms of behavior in modern society.

The idea of ​​Education is the gradual enrichment of a child with knowledge, skills, experience, the development of the mind and the formation of an attitude towards good and evil, preparation for the fight against everything that goes against the moral principles accepted in society. V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Essence Moral ideas become the property of every child and turn into norms and rules of behavior. Contents Formation of such personality qualities as ideology, humanism, tolerance, citizenship, responsibility, hard work, nobility and the ability to manage oneself.

Introducing children to social experience and culture; - Fostering proper interaction with nature and the social environment; - Formation of knowledge about nature, man and society; - Social development of the student; - Formation of the child’s thinking, imagination, speech, his erudition and general culture; - In the cultivation of higher spiritual and moral feelings.

The motivational level contains motives for actions, moral needs and beliefs. Moral education is correct only when it is based on encouraging children to develop, when the child himself is active in his moral development, that is, when he himself wants to be good.

The sensory-emotional level consists of moral feelings and emotions. Feelings are effective educational assistants. Prohibition and notations are not nearly as intelligible as cordiality, sincerity and affection. Cold severity in upbringing causes alienation in a child, which can develop into pretense and hypocrisy.

The rational, or mental, level contains moral knowledge - concepts about the meaning of life and happiness, good and evil, honor, dignity, and duty. Moral needs - the most noble and humane - are not given by nature, they must be nurtured, without them high spirituality and kindness are impossible.

Elements of moral needs Responsiveness; Responsiveness; Moral attitude: “Do not harm anyone, but bring maximum benefit”; Moral attitude: “Do not harm anyone, but bring maximum benefit”; The ability for active kindness and irreconcilability to all manifestations of evil; The ability for active kindness and irreconcilability to all manifestations of evil;

Conscience is a person’s ability to self-control, self-esteem based on public moral assessments. Conscience originally means knowledge of general information about human behavior, its norms, principles, the essence of man, etc. The stages of the formation of conscience are raising a sense of shame in a child; development of the concepts of “moral duty” and “responsibility”.

How to cultivate moral needs? Parents must understand the importance of this task. Parents must understand the importance of this task. Parents who would like to raise their child not spontaneously, but consciously, should begin analyzing the upbringing of their child with an analysis of themselves, with an analysis of the characteristics of their own personality. Parents who would like to raise their child not spontaneously, but consciously, should begin analyzing the upbringing of their child with an analysis of themselves, with an analysis of the characteristics of their own personality. Know how and by what methods to form moral needs in children. Know how and by what methods to form moral needs in children.

Factors of the educational potential of the family: material and housing security; material and housing security; cultural and educational level of parents, cultural and educational level of parents, moral and psychological climate; moral and psychological climate; the authority of father and mother among children; the authority of father and mother among children; children's trust in parents; children's trust in parents; unity of requirements in the family. unity of requirements in the family.

Reasons for pedagogical mistakes of parents in single-parent families; single-parent family; conflict atmosphere in the family; conflict atmosphere in the family; the presence of an initially formed false point of view on raising a child. For example: “My sacred duty is to dress, put on shoes, feed, and the rest is the business of the school”; the presence of an initially formed false point of view on raising a child. For example: “My sacred duty is to dress, put on shoes, feed, and the rest is the business of the school”; with complete external well-being of the family - authoritarian methods of education; with complete external well-being of the family - authoritarian methods of education; excessive vicious parental love excessive vicious parental love

Methods of moral education Atmosphere of love. A person deprived of this feeling is not able to respect his loved ones, fellow citizens, Motherland, or do good to people. At the same time, P. Lesgaft argued that the blind is unreasonable mother's love“beating a child worse than a rod” makes a person an immoral consumer.

Explanation. Impact with words. Firstly, there is no need to tell a child or teenager what he knows very well without us. It's pointless. Secondly, we need to think about the tone and manner of our conversation in order to avoid “lectures” and “boring sermons.” Neither one nor the other sinks into the child’s soul. Thirdly, we need to think about how to connect our conversation with life, what practical result we want to achieve.

Censure.. The art of reprimand consists in a wise combination of severity and kindness. It is very important that when reprimanding an adult, a child feels not only severity, but also concern for himself. V. A. Sukhomlinsky considers prohibition to be a very important method in education. It prevents many shortcomings in behavior and teaches children to be reasonable about their desires. Children and adolescents have a lot of desires, but it is impossible and does not need to satisfy them all. It is necessary to cultivate feelings. This means in word and deed to evoke experiences, to awaken feelings, deliberately creating an appropriate situation or using a natural setting.

Basic rules of moral education Do not do what you do not want for yourself Do not do what you do not want for yourself Do good for others if you have the opportunity to do so. Do good for others if you have the opportunity to do so. Be patriots of your nation and your country, defend the Fatherland. Be patriots of your nation and your country, defend the Fatherland.

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Spiritual and moral education in the family and school School-wide parent meeting MBOU Secondary School No. 106 February 9, 2012 *

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“Our children are our old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the country” A.S. Makarenko “The child is the mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky *

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Nurturing a spiritual personality is a social need to live and act “for others.” Correlating with the category of spirituality is the need to understand the world, oneself, the meaning and purpose of one’s life. *

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Education of a moral personality is the formation of duty, responsibility, humanity, patriotism, justice, honor, nobility in a person’s attitude towards society, the Motherland, the people around him and himself. *

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The goal is spiritual moral development and education The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, proactive, competent citizen of Russia. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia *

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Content of spiritual and moral development and education The main content of spiritual and moral development and education are the basic national values ​​stored in socio-historical, cultural, family traditions people, passed on from generation to generation. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen *

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Basic national values: Patriotism; Social solidarity; Citizenship; Family; Labor and creativity; Science; Religion; Arts and Literature; Nature; Humanity. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia *

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What are the causes of spiritual and moral decline in society? The foundations of the family are violated: the hierarchy of family relationships; traditional way of family life; traditional relationships of obedience, honor, and respect for parents; ancestral and family ties between generations. *

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Data from the independent study “Family and Society” (Research Institute of Family and Education 2010) Problems typical for families in raising children % Limited time spent together by parents and children 80.2% Significant differences in views on the life of family members 55.4% Insufficient knowledge of family members each other 53% Lack of ability to control children’s behavior 53.3% Lack of mutual understanding with children 45.7% *

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The modern way of life (work, success in the professional field, the desire for material well-being) leads to a lack of physical and mental strength among parents in the process of raising a child, which provokes the destruction of traditional family ties. *

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Results of a survey of students in grade 5b No. questions Yes no 1 Are your parents interested in your school affairs? 26 0 2 Do your parents help you with your studies? 25 1 3 Do you spend weekends with your family? 22 4 4 Do your parents take part in the affairs of the class and school? 22 4 5 Do you think your family will be able to support and protect you in difficult moment? 25 1 *

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Results of a survey of students in grade 6a (21) No. questions Yes no 1 Are your parents interested in your school affairs? 19 2 2 Do your parents help you with your studies? 10 11 3 Do you spend weekends with your family? 17 4 4 Do your parents take part in the affairs of the class and school? 10 11 5 Do you think your family will be able to support and protect you in difficult times? 20 1 *

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Results of a survey of students in grade 6b (21) No. questions Yes no 1 Are your parents interested in your school affairs? 21 - 2 Do your parents help you with your studies? 17 4 3 Do you spend weekends with your family? 19 2 4 Do your parents take part in the affairs of the class and school? 12 9 5 Do you think your family will be able to support and protect you in difficult times? 21 - *

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Results of a survey of 7th grade students (51) No. questions Yes no 1 Are your parents interested in your school affairs? 49 2 2 Do your parents help you with your studies? 38 13 3 Do you spend weekends with your family? 31 20 4 Do your parents take part in the affairs of the class and school? 28 23 5 Do you think your family will be able to support and protect you in difficult times? 50 1 *

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Results of a survey of 8th grade students (60) No. questions Yes no 1 Are your parents interested in your school affairs? 59 1 2 Do your parents help you with your studies? 47 13 3 Do you spend weekends with your family? 45 15 4 Do your parents take part in the affairs of the class and school? 43 17 5 Do you think your family will be able to support and protect you in difficult times? 41 19 *

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I love my parents: They will always help, they are always there; For everything good; For everything they do for me; They always support me and never abandon me in difficult times; Because they are the best; For the care and understanding, for the love they give; Because they gave me life; They understand me; Don't know; Strange question! Everyone loves them! *

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Social institutions that shape the spiritual and moral personality FAMILY EDUCATION RELIGION CULTURE MEDIA *

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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11/25/2016 school year, 3rd grade. Workshop for parents. Topic: Spiritual and moral education of a child in the family.

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Morality is internal morality, morality is not ostentatious, not for others - for oneself. Morality is the historically established norms and rules of human behavior that determine his attitude towards society, work, and people. Moral concepts and judgments turn into beliefs and are manifested in actions and deeds. Moral deeds and actions are the determining criterion for the moral development of an individual.

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Spirituality is the ability and willingness to act so that the amount of good in the world around us increases. – this is the subtle ability to sympathize and come to the rescue. - this is education, moral purity and integrity of worldview. - this is the absence of selfishness in a person’s thoughts, words and actions

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“The family is the very environment in which a person learns and does good himself.” “The child is the mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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A family is a system of spiritual values, moral norms, patterns of behavior, and traditions.

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The family is the main institution of education. What a child acquires from the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child stays in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the individual, none of the educational institutions can compare with the family. The family can act as both a positive and negative factor in education.

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The family is the foundation on which the high-rise temple of the child’s spiritual world is built. Here feelings of responsibility, tolerance, mercy, duty and other moral principles are formed. Moral values ​​acquired in the family have been and remain the main measure of an individual’s merits. A child is not born moral or immoral; he becomes that way based on the environment he lives in and the upbringing he receives.

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Parable. Reasonable education. One day a young peasant woman came to Hing Shi and asked: “Teacher, how should I raise my son: in affection or in severity?” What's more important? “Look, woman, at the vine,” said Hing Shi. - If you don’t prune it, if you don’t, out of pity, tear off excess shoots and leaves, the vine will go wild, and you, having lost control over its growth, won’t get good and sweet berries. But if you protect the vine from the caress of the sun's rays and do not carefully water its roots every day, it will completely wither. And only with a reasonable combination of both will you be able to taste the desired fruits.

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This necessary condition his principled positions, the consistency of his behavior, respect for the dignity of the individual, spirituality. Moral education itself is carried out through the formation in a child of moral needs and beliefs, moral feelings and emotions, moral knowledge about good and evil, and the formation of a sense of conscience. Morality of a child

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The main ways to form a child’s morality in the family. - Atmosphere of love. A person deprived of this feeling is not able to respect his loved ones, fellow citizens, Motherland, or do good to people. - Explanation, impact with words. There is no need to tell the child what he knows well without us. It is necessary to think about the tone and manner of conversation in order to avoid “scoldings” and “boring sermons”, neither of which touches the child’s soul. It is imperative to think through how to connect words with life, what practical result we want to achieve. -The main directions of moral and spiritual education of children: the formation of the concept of “love”: love for family, relatives, love for the Motherland, respect for one’s own and other peoples, trust in people.

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Principles family education: involvement of children in the life of the family as its equal participants; openness and trust in relationships with children; optimism in family relationships; consistency in your requirements; Providing all possible assistance to your child, being ready to answer his questions.

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We need to pay attention special attention to form strong moral ties between parents and children, to create in the family an atmosphere of mutual understanding, cooperation, and emotional involvement with each other. The task of parents is to cultivate in their children a deep, reliable understanding of conscience, so that it becomes a feeling, a particle of the spiritual world. Principles of family education:

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CONSCIENCE IS THE VOICE OF THE SOUL In each of us there live two people: one blind, physical, and the other sighted, spiritual. One - a blind man - eats, drinks, works, rests, reproduces and does all this like a wound clock. The other is sighted spiritual person- he himself does nothing, but only approves or disapproves of what the blind, animal man does. The seeing, spiritual part of a person is called conscience. This spiritual part of a person, conscience, acts in the same way as the compass needle of L.N. Tolstoy. The compass needle moves only when the one who carries it leaves the path that it shows. It’s the same with conscience: it is silent while a person does what he should. But as soon as a person leaves the real path, his conscience shows him where and how much he has gone astray.

The family is the main institution of education.

What a child acquires in the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life.

The foundations of a child’s personality are laid in the family.

By the time a child enters school, he or she is already more than half formed as a person.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:

What is moral education?

  • This is a gradual enrichment of knowledge, skills, and experience.
  • This is the development of the mind.
  • Formation of attitudes towards good and evil.
  • Formation of such personality qualities as ideology, humanism, citizenship, responsibility, hard work, nobility and the ability to manage oneself.

The main ways and conditions for the formation of a child’s morality in the family:

  • Atmosphere of love.

Heartfelt affection, love, sensitivity, and caring of family members for each other have a strong influence on the child’s psyche, giving wide scope for the manifestation of the child’s feelings, the formation and realization of his moral needs.

2. An atmosphere of sincerity.

The child notices every lie, every deception, every simulation with extreme sharpness and speed; and, having noticed, falls into confusion, temptation and suspicion.

3. Explanation. Impact with words.

There is no need to tell the child what he knows very well without us.

We need to think about the tone and manner of conversation in order to avoid “lectures” and “boring sermons.”

We need to think about how to connect our conversation with life, what practical result we want to achieve.

Mistakes in family education:

  • Reproaches

The main evil is that reproaches cause disbelief in oneself, and disbelief weakens the will and paralyzes the soul, making it difficult to make independent decisions in overcoming difficulties.

2) Punishment

Punishment has educational power when it convinces and makes you think about your own behavior and attitude towards people.

But punishment should not offend a person’s dignity or express disbelief in him.

3 ) Condemnation

The art of censure consists in a wise combination of severity and kindness.

It is very important that the child, when reprimanding an adult, feels not only severity, but also concern for himself.

It prevents many shortcomings in behavior and teaches children to be reasonable about their desires.

“...the art of command and not easy. But in healthy and happy families it always blooms.”


  • Nurture feelings.
  • Regular work in the presence of a child.
  • Elimination of additional stimuli from the child’s life.
  • Protect your child from contact with immoral people.

The family is the first authority on a child’s path to life.

Parents constitute the child's first social environment.

Parents are the role models that the child looks up to every day.

The personalities of parents play a vital role in the life of every child.

The purpose and motive of raising a child is

This happy, fulfilled, creative, useful to people, and therefore morally rich, is the life of this child. Family education should be aimed at creating such a life.