Great, we've dealt with the topic " Communication with a girl on VKontakte“, let’s say you gained the girl’s trust. Your communication continues for 3 days and everything goes smoothly. It's time to find a clue to take the girl's phone. The fact is that this is the most common model of meeting a girl on the Internet - Correspondence -> Telephone conversation -> Meeting.

A telephone conversation is a new stage in your communication. Before this, you were just texting, but now you will have to call her and chat, now you will hear her, but not see her yet.

How to correctly take a phone from a girl on VKontakte.

The point is that this is an important point. You can invite her to a meeting by writing to her on VKontakte, but the effect will not be the same. By taking her phone and calling her, you give her an idea of ​​the real you, so you still need to call before the meeting, and to call, you need to pick up the phone.

When you feel that the girl is ready to meet, you can take her phone number. How to understand when she is ripe for a meeting?

  1. She will test you to see if you have a girlfriend.
  2. Approve your messages with emoticons.
  3. She will have an increased interest in your personality.
  4. You will notice that it is not you who is writing to her, but she to you.
  5. Fear of losing you, which arises in cases when you go somewhere or suddenly interrupt communication.
  6. She will want you to turn your attention to communicating with her.
  7. Gently and sometimes openly hints about a meeting .

You need to take the phone: either naturally, or playfully, or impressive.

The effect will not be as strong if you interrupt your conversation and offer to meet, rather than when she is completely ready for the meeting, your task will only be to ask for her phone number, which she is already ready to give herself.

Natural approach. You approach the issue of a meeting as the logical conclusion of your VKontakte conversation. The premiere of a new film recently came out, and she has been waiting for this premiere for so long, and you don’t mind going to see this film, what’s the matter? You invite a girl to the cinema, ask for her phone number and say that you will call her back at the time you specified. Everything happens naturally, as if it’s the way it should be, you already know a little about each other, it’s time to take your acquaintance to another level, to a more acceptable one for you and for her.

An effective method. You can write to her that you have prepared a surprise for her, intrigue her. She will immediately be overwhelmed with curiosity about your surprise. But the fact is that the essence of the surprise will be to meet in real life and only then will she receive it. While she is all guessing and intrigued, you can take her phone number in order to agree on when she can receive it. If you intrigue her well, the girl herself will strive to meet you in order to receive her surprise. The main thing is that you think about this very gift for her when you meet. You can blindfold her and take her to an unforgettable romantic place, or you can just arrange romantic dinner for two, it all depends on your imagination, so think through everything.

Comic method. This method is suitable when your communication with her is based on jokes and gags. When you are together making each other happy, being sad is definitely not your thing. Then in this case you can take the girl’s phone as a joke, based on your communication with her.

In one of my conversations with a girl on VKontakte, I suggested going to feed the ducks on one of the lakes near which she lived. For a long time she could not understand what lake we were talking about and what ducks I was telling her about. Then I took a regular Yandex map, marked that same lake, drew ducks and wrote jokingly: "We are ducks, feed us". I didn’t yet know how successful my idea would be, I amused the girl so much that she gave me her phone number right away.

You can come up with your own method that will work, your main task is to smoothly transfer online dating to a telephone conversation, as if this is how it should be.

After she gives you the phone number you need to move on to the next step -

If you're talking to a girl you like and want to get her out on a date, always pick up the phone first. The reason we should do this is very simple. It’s hard for a girl to agree to a date right away.

She must still somehow make sure that you are adequate. And no the best way for this than to talk to you on the phone. And the sequence in the stages is as follows: correspondence on the website, telephone, from the telephone we close for a date. You can have a date over the phone, then understand that everything is great, you still like the girl, and she still likes you, and arrange a date.

And today I want to talk about 7 incredibly simple, but one hundred percent effective ways take a phone number from a girl, which for me and my students always brings guaranteed results in the form of phone numbers of beauties from sites.

But before asking for a phone number, it’s important to make sure there is interest. There aren't many signs of interest.

Here they are: in correspondence - the girl gives rather long answers, does not answer with emoticons and is unambiguous. It’s also very cool when a girl invests more in communication than you do, she actively asks questions, you don’t have time to answer her, she asks you more and more new things.

And it’s a great signal of interest when a girl complements her answers with emoticons. If she writes something and there is a parenthesis at the end, she is already experiencing emotions, most likely it is good emotions, because if these were negative emotions, she would not communicate with you. It means you've already interested her in something.

Always make sure the girl is interested in you first. There is no need to do this directly. But there are also exceptions when you can go straight to the point - in cases where, for example, you work within the framework of the “prize model”, when a girl wrote you the first message in the series “hey, you’re cool, I really want to meet you, have coffee, and in general ..."

If you just have a correspondence that you initiated first, then how in this case is it correct to pick up the phone when you already realized that the time has come for this?

Here's a simple yet super effective technique for doing just that. You write to her the following:

“How about we introduce non-verbal communication tools into our communication?”

This formulation usually raises one question in the girl’s head: what did he want to say? And you write: let’s chat on the phone.

If she starts to break somehow, then we send her the following thing:

And you know, according to statistics - scientists have established - only 20% of information is transmitted from person to person through verbal channels. And for non-verbal ones - already as much as 45, everything else is simply lost and does not reach.

What are verbal and non-verbal channels? If the girl doesn’t know, you explain to her that verbal is just correspondence without emotions, and non-verbal is voice, facial expressions, gestures, body language. You must adequately explain to her why a telephone is more the best option communication than the site.

Girls often a large number of fears about giving you my phone number. What fears? They are afraid that you will call her. Here we can take fear to the point of absurdity. She writes: what if you are a maniac. You answer: yes, of course, why did you doubt it, I’m a telephone maniac, if you give me your number, I’ll call at 4 in the morning and breathe into the receiver. Absolutely absurd, it makes girls smile, most often after this they understand that you are a fairly adequate guy.

Another common fear among girls is that you won’t call. I often come across a situation where guys pick up the phone and don’t call, they’re afraid, they forget, or something else. Or they simply can’t, because these are married guys. Everything is very simple here: you write to her immediately when you call her. It’s very cool if you call immediately after 15-20 minutes, or if you picked up the phone during the day when she was at work, then say that you will call her in the evening.

Another fear a girl has is when she thinks it’s too early for you to communicate. For her, a phone number is a personal thing, and she writes to you: it’s too early for us to communicate, let’s correspond here.

You write about this if this is a softer version: 5 minutes of communication will give much more than 5 hours of endless correspondence.

You can write more harshly - if a girl writes to you that she doesn’t give out her phone to just anyone. Then you write her something from the series: thank you for the first person you meet, what a beautiful compliment.

You make it clear that you need to communicate with you in this tone. Or write that you didn’t know that her phone number is a valuable prize, a trophy, actually it’s just a means of communication.

And another option. We write to the girl:

“You know, we should talk just so that you can find out what a pleasant voice I have.”

And this should be done when you have a really pleasant voice. Girls love such things very much and rarely refuse a room.

More details about exactly how to get the phone number of a girl you like during correspondence on the site are discussed in the course “Simple secrets of online seduction,” which you can find out about on this page.

Of course, those who already know how to quickly attract the attention of the opposite sex and win favor will not waste time on telephone conversations. But these people were also once nervous before their first meeting; they didn’t know where to start a conversation or how to behave. Most likely, they also began to gain such experience through telephone dating.

List of numbers

In fact, choosing the right numbers for real dating is not so difficult. For example, you can find out your neighbor’s address and get the treasured numbers using the telephone directory. It’s even easier to ask your friends if they have available girls in their circle of acquaintances who, in their opinion, would not mind spending time in your company. Of course, you will have to promise that they will not admit who exactly gave their phone number. In reality, there are many more ways to find the right number, but these are the simplest and most effective.

Try to have as many numbers on your list as possible because someone is bound to be unavailable, busy, or married. Therefore, after the first failure, you don’t need to give up, and a long list will definitely help you with this.

Purpose of the call

If you decide to start actually getting acquainted over the phone, then your main task is to intrigue the stranger and set up a date. a meeting with your beloved girl may not take place, but no one except you two will know about it, and this should provide you with moral peace of mind. Therefore, stop being bored alone, it’s time to start building your own personal happiness.

But are you embarrassed to take her number? How to get a girl's phone number?

Of course, you can act on old scheme and just say: "Leave your number". But you don’t want to be like everyone else. You need to come up with something that can set you apart from others.

Calmly. I will share with you some tips on how to get a girl's phone number. And you can learn how to conquer any young lady from my video tutorials.

How to get a girl's phone number correctly:

1. Make an appointment.

The original way to ask for her number is to simply make an appointment, rather than whining and begging. You just need to choose the right moment for this.

You don't ask for anything, an offer comes from you.

If she likes you, then the question is "Why do you need my phone number?" will disappear as unnecessary. But at the same time she may ask where exactly you will go. So let you have an idea in advance.

2. Take, not ask.

There is no need to beg for anything! You are obviously in a losing position when a girl has power over you and decides whether you will meet again or not.

Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t beg for a phone number - such a conversation is not for a strong man.

For example, you can openly say that you liked her and want to meet her again. And for this you need her phone number.

When you write it down, send her a beacon to make sure you wrote everything down correctly. This is also important because many young ladies do not pick up the phone when they receive calls from unfamiliar numbers. Guaranteed way to fly!

Do you want to communicate with a girl in the same language? Do you want to understand her? Do you want to conquer her?

Get it 3 video lessons from a closed course “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES”

Reasons why you are having difficulties with a girl;
- The mindset of a successful man;
- 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

from which you will learn:

1. The reasons for your problems with the girl;
2. Limiting beliefs that prevent you from conquering her;
3. How to win over a girl you really like.

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3. Shift the focus.

There are two options for getting a girl’s phone number.

In the first case, you ask her for her number and wait for her to answer you. At this moment, a stupid smile spreads across your face, and your palms begin to sweat. Not the best deal.

There is a second option, when you simply start telling her that you have an offer to meet. And at this time you hand her your phone so that she writes down the number.

You can tell her exactly where you will go, what you will do and how much fun you will have together. This behavior will work better because you are in a winning position and are not asking anything from her.

4. Be persistent.

Excuses are women's tests that they use to weed out those who do not want enough and merge.

I heard these phrases: “I’m not dating”, “I have a boyfriend”, “I’m in a hurry”. This is all just to get rid of those who are not persistent enough. Find a great occasion and get acquainted situationally.

If you give it to everyone, the bed will break.

She should clearly form the impression that you are very interested in her. Make her feel special, this always works great on girls.

5. Don't give up.

There is no need to give up and think that everything is lost if she initially refused.

Perhaps you did it too early, when your acquaintance had just begun. If she told you no, just talk to her some more. And after some time, try to get her number again.

But do it exactly when she understands that you can be trusted. Put her at ease, give her a compliment, demonstrate your sense of humor. Show that you are a normal guy and it’s not scary to meet you again.

Many girls are afraid that they will fall for some telephone maniac who will bombard them with messages and calls. So tell her that you have a lot of work to do and you will only call her tomorrow.

As soon as you see that the girl has relaxed, you can write and offer to meet.


  • Even if you did everything correctly, the young lady may throw a couple of checks at you: "I don't give away my numbers" “Let me write down yours,” “Let me leave you my Facebook/Instagram/VK. I wouldn’t give my number to the first person I meet.” And so on. There are 4 ways to dispose of these checks.
  • The most important thing is not what you say, but how you say it. That is, your internal state. The girl notices everything: your facial expressions, your gestures and even the tone of your voice.

    Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

    You will learn about this in a paid training. “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES.”

    Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

    1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
    2. The mindset of a successful man;
    3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.