So, let's imagine a situation: you were invited to a children's birthday party, the boy is 4 years old. How to please a child and leave him pleasant memories? If you know your parents well, then the task is simplified - they themselves will tell you, but what if these are new acquaintances?

There are several unspoken rules for congratulating children of this age on their birthday. First and foremost: don’t give sweets! There is nothing worse than a mother taking a box of chocolates from her son with the words: “You have diathesis, I will give you one for good behavior.” The second taboo: living “toys”. Even if the hero of the occasion dreams of a turtle, think about it: will the boy be able to take care of it himself and what will it be like for the wise Tortilla in the back of a plastic truck?

You shouldn't give clothes - it's boring, drawing supplies - it's banal, and also toy weapons - in many modern families this is bad form. A good gift will be a construction set for the age group from 3 to 5 years, a set of soldiers or cars, any board game, Railway or a book with bright pictures. Those who love generous gestures can buy tickets to an entertainment center or aquarium for the whole family - then the holiday will definitely be remembered for a long time!

May it be your fourth birthday
It will be amazing
They give different gifts
Guests and parents!
Let toys and surprises
Makes you happy and likes you
And a nice opportunity
Have fun!

What do you wish for at four years old?
I could list all day:
Mountains of delicious sweets, candies,
The sun that gives bright light,
Adventures, funny cartoons,
And also, invite your friends.
Rejoice and play together
Happy birthday!

Four for you is very cool!
Fun, miracles on your birthday!
Always let everything you want come true,
You will become brave like a super hero!

This is the fourth year now
In the house it's the other way around!
Cats walk through closets
And the sofa is bursting at the seams!

What a strange lesson for us?
This is our baby growing up!
On this holiday,
Happy birthday, son!

You're already four!
And there is nothing more beautiful in the world,
Smarter, slimmer, bolder
And games are more fun!
You live with your mother - the best,
You obey and listen to her,
Then year after year of you
One luck in life awaits!

You're big, you're four years old
Let your dreams come true!
The best boy in the world
Of course it's you!

The sun is shining today
Today is an important day
It's time, friend, get ready!
Get up quickly!

You are four years old
So why are you standing? Run
Play and have fun...
Your whole life is ahead!

Our son, you are four.
Do you want to know everything about the world:
“Where does water come from?
Where do the trains sleep?
We don’t have time to answer,
We just nod our heads.
You wrinkle your nose for a minute,
Lo and behold, the question is ready again...
Soon, little boy,
You'll get smarter.
After all, I came to you, son,
The fifth year is just around the corner.

Wow, how I've grown! I've already started
To catch up with mom and dad.
We want to be obedient
Never lose heart.

Let there be more bright holidays,
Every day will become a fairy tale.
So that mom and dad can have
It's not too lazy to read books out loud.

You've grown up! It's already four!
You are waiting for gifts, treats...
The best boy in the world
Happy Birthday!

May the 4th birthday
It will be amazing
They give nice gifts
Guests and parents!
Let surprises and toys
I really, really like it.
Let friends and let girlfriends
Smiling together!

Four years flew by quickly,
We didn't even have time to notice!
You already know a lot yourself,
And sometimes you have your own opinion,
You choose what to play,
What books should you read?
What cartoons should I watch these days?
What songs will we sing together...
And now we love you with all our hearts
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you to grow up even faster,
And please us with your “adulthood”!

Everyone knows that birthday is
This best holiday in the world!
So accept congratulations,
After all, you are already four!

The radiant sun shines from the sky -
The beautiful girl is already 4 years old!
Happy holiday, dear little one,
Sweet, beautiful, dear daughter!

Four years, birthday!
Let your mood be wonderful
Let the dolls give clothes too -
And everyone will be happy to congratulate you!
Grow beautiful, our baby,
You are sad very, very rarely,
Laugh more often, have fun,
Reach the top of your head towards the sun!

4 years dear goddaughter,
Beautiful little darling!
I wish you a lot of happiness,
True, real girlfriends,
More joy, more fun
Let them wait for you on your birthday!

Son, you are 4 years old!
And you are already quite big!
May the road be bright
May your path be broad!
Grow healthy and active,
Play, explore the world, learn,
Be kind, smart, positive,
Strive for good deeds!

4 years old grandson -
He's a naughty boy
Doesn't know the word "boredom"
And a big dreamer!
There is no better guy, really!
We can prove it!
And happy birthday
We congratulate you
We wish you happiness to the sea,
And an ocean of laughter
Be smart and agile
Like a young captain!

Congratulations on your fourth birthday,
We wish you fun and joy,
Let the guests sing “Loaf”,
You choose who you love!

Other congratulations in verse for a 4-year-old child

For a mother, there is no dearer son in the world!
Today, son, is your birthday hour.
As if yesterday it was placed in an envelope,
But he has grown up quickly and is handsome now!
I wish that there is a place in your life
Good, reliable and good friends!
I wish you health, and life is not insipid,
Good luck, son, be in spite of all your enemies!

Dear son, my baby,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
You are my smart girl, you are my strong fellow,
I wish you all the wonderful blessings.
Be healthy, beautiful, very smart.
And always remain obedient.
You can even be mischievous and noisy,
Dear son, I love you.

I remember holding the little one...
I rocked you in my arms.
Now you are an adult.
Simple roads and quiet rivers!
Sonny, dear, happy birthday.
Only true friends and fun!
A journey worthy of life
And meet happiness along the way.

I'll plunge into your arms like in a fairy tale,
I will kiss your palms to my heart's content.
The most precious things to me are the button eyes,
Only you have power over me.
I dedicate my life only to you, son,
I pray for you in vain and in my dreams.
And today I am the first to tenderly congratulate:
Happy birthday, honey! Happiness only to you.
I wish more than it is possible to wish:
Let your smile never leave your lips,
Take everything from life, just be careful.
May you have many years of good health.

Happy Birthday,
Be happy, my son.
Let good things happen in all your deeds
God helps you.
May he bestow health
Will protect everyone from adversity.
Let the bad blow away with the wind,
And let him reward with intelligence.

Dear beloved son,
Dad and I really want
So that our dear son
He grew up to be the best of men!
We wish you not to get sick,
Live boldly, look forward.
And in a computer toy
Defeat all the enemies!
Let your ringing pure laughter
More often than not it makes us all happy.
And in studies, training
Great success awaits you!
Happy Birthday to You!
With love, your whole family.

You're getting older
Every year you grow older.
My son, happy birthday.
Be healthy, don't get sick.
I wish you happiness
More bright warm days.
Fulfillment of dreams,
So that you live more cheerfully.

We want to congratulate our son on his birthday.
We wish you good luck on the open sea,
The river is a fountain of luck and happiness,
I wish you health as big as the ocean.
And let your ship sail on and on
Toward your goal, forward and forward.
Steer your life with the captain's hand.
Roads and countries will submit to you.
Pitfalls are always on the way,
But boldly lead your ship forward.
We raised you to be strong and brave.
You can handle all the seas and oceans.
We wish furry paw good luck!
Son, happy birthday!
Mom and Dad!

The greatest joy in life is
It's you, my son.
Time flew by quickly
Today is your birthday.
You are my consolation, happiness, joy,
You are my ray of sunshine in the window.
There is no happiness in life without you,
Without you I will be at the bottom.
Be healthy, brave and truthful,
Don't leave your friends, family, me.
Stay honest and beautiful.
Believe in what I taught.

Son, dear, all the wishes
They sound only for you today.
You are our happiness, our creation,
And in life all achievements are for you!
Grow up, learn and stay kind,
May your wishes come true.
And try to become a real man,
So that we can be proud of you.
You best son, and this is certain.
We wish you happiness and love.
We wish you good luck, good luck,
And appreciate and take care of everything good!

Birthday 4 years

Four years ago
You came into this world.
It's like we got a treasure -
From now on you are no longer dear!
Grow, baby, for our joy,
We love and cherish you.
And be smart beyond your years,
Healthy, strong and skillful!
Already so brave -
You're chasing birds in the yard.
Your ringing laughter is the most important
And a calm sleep at dawn.
May your life be happy.
There is still so much to come!
Now we will blow out the candle,
And you make dreams!

You are four years old.
Your holiday today is your birthday:
Toys, bright balls
And lots of sweet treats.
Let the ringing laughter ring out
Let there be games and fun.
Today you are the happiest of all
And let there be no grief!

Congratulations, baby, on your 4th birthday. I wish you bright
joys in life, bright memories of a mischievous childhood, funny
moments and good miracles. Let every day open something for you
new and interesting, may your parents love you deeply and always give you
you have a cloudless sky of happiness.

You are 4 years old -
Already quite big.
Are you not afraid of the rain?
And clouds with a thunderstorm.
Today, on my birthday,
Gifts await you:
Toys, congratulations
They are already running towards you.
Grow up and listen to your mother,
Be healthy, don't get sick.
And eat a lot of porridge,
To grow up quickly.

Our forest berry,
Sweet candy,
How quickly you are growing up!
Happy birthday, baby!
A year has been added to three -
There are now four of them.
There is no one sweeter than our daughter,
More beautiful in the whole world!
On this joyful day
Let's wish each other
To be healthy and happy -
This is what you need to be!

Happy birthday, our beloved,
Sweet, affectionate baby!
Today is your birthday,
You are in a hurry to greet guests.
Even if you are four years old,
You are smart beyond your years.
Be obedient and cheerful
The mischievous ones bring us joy.
Receive gifts quickly
Treats, sweets.
May your whole life always be
Consists of joys.

Four years... You're already big!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts today.
Good luck with everything.
We wish you smiles, happiness and joy!
Grow up healthy, take care of yourself.
And respect and honor mom and dad.
We wish you a happy birthday.
Let your dreams come true, baby.

Serious term - four years,
There was everything: joys, hardships,
And laughter, and sorrows, and tears,
And in summer - heat, in winter - frost!
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I sincerely wish you
So that you grow and become prettier,
She would be kind and skillful!
So that I can often help my mother,
She put away her toys.
So that I could know everything in the world,
I grew up happy and smart!

What kind of unusual holiday is this?
What a cute nose?
Whose eyes shine brightly,
Are they looking sly, waiting for a gift?
Who will help, who will answer
Do I need all these questions?
I looked a little
And I figured out what it was.
A ray whispers from the sky,
What are you 4 years old!
Happy birthday, happy jam day!
Happy day of fun and luck!
Open your gifts quickly
The holiday will be very bright.

Let's quietly say: “One, two, three”...
We will say loudly: “Four!” -
Happy birthday! Look,
All the animals in the whole world
They send you congratulations
And they bring gifts:
Bunny - fresh carrots,
Squirrel - a cone like a new thing,
The bear is carrying fresh honey
The hedgehog is carrying an apple.
Everyone wishes you laughter
Happiness, vigor, success.
Well, we want to say
That we want to grow up,
Make us all happy
And be a groovy top!

At four years old you have your whole life ahead of you,
Catch luck by the tail and hold on.
May all your dreams come true,
An angel protects from above.
We also want to wish you
More beautiful places to see
And live life like a fairy tale,
In care, tenderness, love of family and affection.

Happy birthday greetings to your son in prose

My dear boy! Today I congratulate you on our holiday.
Happy day you were born and the day I became the happiest
mother on Earth. I want to wish you joy in life, great love,
kindness and warmth. If you are happy, mom will be happy too.

My dear son, you are my hope and my support! Congratulations on your
Happy Birthday! I wish you, my dear son, to go through your life
the path is easy and simple, may you meet only kind and
responsive people. Be honest, fair and smart. Let everything
what is planned will work out, what one dreams of will come true. Be polite and
thank, love and appreciate everything you have. I really want it my dear
son, so that you are surrounded only by devoted and faithful friends. Be
healthy and happy!

They say that every mother has the most beautiful child- her son.
This is true! You are our joy and hope, our happiness and
fun. When you smile, everyone around you seems to smile
world. So let it sound all around you on your birthday, dear son.
children's laughter, pure and sincere congratulations are heard, and fate
will give you a gift and place a guardian angel behind your back,
which will protect you from troubles and failures.

Son! On your birthday, I wish you all the brightest,
whatever you can wish for your child - may God protect you in
any difficulties, may the sky above your head always be clear, and
good soul! Be happy and make me happy with this happiness; No
for a parent greater reward than this.

Son, I wish you sincerely and with all my heart that you will be
happy, healthy, rich, loved. Let all worries pass you by
side. May life give you so much joy that it is enough
fill all the oceans. I wish that they will always be with you
good and loyal people. May luck smile on you and bring you a lot
goodness and light into your life. Happy birthday!

My dear and beloved son! I'm happy to meet with you
another day of your birthday. You are my joy, my pride and most
close person in the world. Grow big and strong. Know that it's yours
Mom will always help and support you in all your endeavors. I
I'm sure you can achieve all the goals you set for yourself
on the path of life. I love you, my dear boy.

Happy birthday, dear son! May your life be fun and
light, filled with the support of friends and loved ones. I wish yours
the best qualities were developed, goals were achieved, dreams
were carried out. We love you very much! You can always count on
our support. Have a good mood, health, good luck!

Dear son, happy birthday to you. Let your way
illuminate the bright stars, may the angel protect you from troubles, may any
the matter will be up to you, let love live in your heart, and in
happiness dwells in the soul.

My dear son, I want to wish you an easy life. So that everything
bad things never knew the way to you. May good luck be with you
a reliable friend, and success a constant guest. I wish you the most
good health, long happy years of life and may the Almighty
keeps you.

Son, laugh, love, live life to the fullest, make mistakes, learn, don't
lose heart, be strong! The whole world is open to you, a million
possibilities, thousands of doors, choose the right one! Be happy and give
happiness to others, happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to a 4 year old boy

You are four years old -
Big and smart boy.
We congratulate you,
Continue to grow healthy.
Be obedient, exemplary,
Happy and cheerful.
Play and have fun
Be dexterous and agile!

One, and two, and three... Four!
The year added a finger.
Happy birthday
We love you, our boy.
We wish to be healthy
And don't catch a cold
Never be naughty
Don't be sad - laugh.
And grow up to be a hero,
Make mom and dad happy
May you always be cheerful
And the happiest.

Happy 4th birthday to a wonderful boy. I wish you courage and
courage, fun adventures and brave ideas, mischievous ideas and
wonderful hobbies, wonderful friends and happy emotions, a lot
sweets and toys.

Happy Birthday Baby,
You're already so strong.
Well-mannered, kind and smart,
And endowed with talent.
Here you are 4 years old
I want nature
Gave you the sun
Rays of light in the window.
So that relatives are nearby,
Happiness showered down with hail.
Joy and inspiration,
And more mood.

Birthday today
You have it, our little bunny.
The cake is ready, 4 candles,
There will be a holiday today - great.
I wish you health
Joy, have fun days.
Happiness, light and smiles,
The first devoted friends.

Congratulations to the wonderful little boy on his 4th year of happy life.
I wish you the sea interesting games, catch-up, hide-and-seek and robber pirates,
I wish you a lot of sweets and healthy tasty fruits, I wish you great and
bright joy in life, cheerful and mischievous friends, good health and

Not by days, but by hours
You're probably growing up
And the whole family in the morning
You'll be the very first.
Happy Birthday, dear,
You are 4 years old
We immediately see the heroic
You are our breed.
I wish you to grow
Strong, strong, brave,
So that both in life and in fate
You were always the first.

Little boy, happy fourth birthday!
We wish you smiles, gifts, fun,
Let your dreams come true,
And your eyes will be full of joy!
Grow, become stronger and smarter,
May you have many friends
Life is interesting for you,
Bright, happy, wonderful!

What kind of son is our son growing up?
Our four-year-old strong guy!
You have already become an adult and a boy,
You can't sit still at all!
Now you're jumping like a spring
Sometimes I can't calm you down,
But how we love you, son,
You can't imagine!
We love every hair of you,
Your eyes and ringing laughter,
Grow up healthy, son,
Always be the best in everything!

4 years is an important date,
You're already quite big.
I wish for gifts - the sea,
So that candy and flowers.
Grow up beautiful and obedient,
Always love your parents.
Always be a diligent fellow
And don't ever be sad!

Happy 4th birthday wishes and poems to parents

Four years have flown by
From that wonderful moment
How did you become parents?
Your child is the crown of creation!
Today we are happy to congratulate
Happy birthday to you, child.
Four years old toddler
And in the past are pacifiers and diapers.
Already big and very smart,
Beautiful, like an angel.
We wish him that in life
He was able to achieve a lot!

Congratulations to the parents of the most wonderful and cheerful child on
Happy 4th birthday to my beloved child. I wish peace to your home, understanding, prosperity and
love. May your happiness grow with a kind and cheerful person. Let
There will be many victories and successes on the baby’s path. I wish you bright joy and
bright holidays of life.

Happy birthday child
I hasten to congratulate you,
Baby 4 years old
The whole family celebrates.
We wish you to be healthy
The child grew up, did not get sick,
So that you can find games for
Time among adult affairs.
So that we can open it together with him
Child's world beautiful,
To be next to you
Your child is happy.

Congratulations on your fourth,
Happy birthday to the child.
I wish you good health,
Let his laughter ring loudly.
Let it grow big and beautiful,
To the delight of you and the whole family.
May he be the best
And happy on earth!

I've been a child for four years already -
This is your pride and reward,
Let him only grow healthy,
It takes the best from you.
Teach to be kind and strong.
May he become the happiest.
Let the angel protect
Life promises to be successful!

Whose eyes are these? Whose nose is this?
Who asks question after question?
Of course, this is your dear child,
Small, cute, like a mouse!
We congratulate you on this holiday,
Let him grow the best in the world:
The most beloved, healthy, beautiful,
Smart, cheerful and the happiest!
I want to wish him these “four”
Remembered as the best in the world!

Congratulations to you, parents.
Happy birthday child,
Your house has been full for 4 years now
With loud laughter.
I wish you love
So that it never ends,
Education of Man,
So that it comes easy to you.
So that the baby grows up healthy,
Every day made you happy
Angel sent from heaven
To keep an eye on him.

The baby is already 4,
And I hasten to congratulate you!
Let your little one grow
Explores the world with interest
May your health please you!
And you have some patience,
Good luck, joy, miracles,
Goodness and happiness to heaven!

Today is a holiday for you too,
The day is bright and beautiful.
Four years ago
A clear angel has come down to you.
Many days have passed since then,
Anxious and cheerful.
But the baby was always with you -
The key to a happy family.

Mom and dad have solid experience,
It's been four years now.
Let there be in your family
The weather is clear.
So that the child is healthy,
Grew up in love and happiness.
Drive away with the power of feeling
Bad weather from him.
Let great achievements
They are waiting for him throughout life.
Only come to mind
Happy thoughts.

New Year's greetings to son from parents

You accept it from mom and dad
Congratulations now.
Let it be for you, our son
The coming year is simply awesome.
So that everything you have in mind
It came true and came true.
Everything you dream of
It certainly succeeded.

We don't wish anything bad
For you today, our son,
Be the happiest in the New Year,
Don't be harsh and lonely
Good luck, joy, hope,
Love and faith, kindness,
We raised you together
And we are glad that you are brave!

Congratulations mom and dad
Happy holiday to you, son.
And we wish you happiness,
So that I can achieve everything.
New Year's wishes
Let yours be fulfilled
We only wish you success
And big, big love.

We are happy for the coming year
Congratulations to my son,
Be the strongest, our dear,
We wish you well,
Don't even think about giving up
Always be a winner
We love you sincerely,
After all, we are your parents!

Enjoy the New Year
Let there be any weather,
Let the Christmas tree sparkle elegantly,
And we congratulate you.
To you, beloved son,
We wish not by bread alone,
And happiness, luck, love
Fill your year with health!

New Year is falling on the city,
And the circle of worries begins to spin.
Accept a bouquet from your parents, son.
From poems, from wishes, from sweets:
Doing well at school - that's it.
Not skipping classes is two.
Listening to mom, listening to dad - that's three.
Breathe fresh air more often.
And fourth - be the strongest.
Well, five - we wish you a joyful dream!

Happy New Year
We love you today, son,
And we wish you to live
Always in pairs, never alone.
We wish you love in the New Year,
So that I can find my destiny,
So that, like us, we are close in life
You always went with your beloved.
From parents today
Accept congratulations,
Happy New Year
And don't forget about us.

Happy New Year, our son,
We send you our congratulations,
We wish you a glorious life
And we want to say the main thing -
You are the most important thing to us,
Be kinder and stronger
Never be discouraged
And don't forget about us!

Our beloved son
You are the most beautiful.
We want to wish you
So that you never stop waiting for a miracle.
So that New Year brought it to you
A cartload of fun and happiness.
So that everything can be done and done,
And there were never any tears.

Mom and dad you, dear,
Happy New Year now,
Be lucky, dear son,
Don't be afraid of bad weather,
We will support and help you,
Well, the year will bring changes,
Be healthy, strive to win,
You are the best for us, priceless!

To the best boy in the world

You're already four years old
How old and big you are!
You are the best boy in the world
We love you with all our hearts!

Grow up happy and cheerful,
And don't ever be sad
Don't get sick and be healthy!
May trouble pass by!

What does a 4 year old want?

What does a 4 year old want?
I could list all day:
Mountains of delicious sweets, candies,
The sun that gives bright light,

Adventures, funny cartoons,
And also invite your friends.
Rejoice and play together
Happy birthday!

Man, happy holiday to you

Man, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to the family,
At your four, not joking,
We seriously respect you -
For being smart in everything,
And that you always try
Be the best example!
That's how you get it!

On this day you are 4

Happy Birthday Baby,
Good, smart, strong fellow!
On this day you are 4,
Be the happiest in the world!

Have fun and don't be bored
Get a lot of knowledge
Eat more porridge
Mom and dad, boy, listen!

"Serious Anniversary"

4 years have already passed -
Serious anniversary.
And you're almost out
Out of order kids.

Be as brave and cheerful
Always inquisitive and kind
And let the sorrows go away
Out of the way forever.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl

Miracle Fairy

I am a baby, a miracle fairy,
Happy Birthday,
And I wish, without a doubt,
All wishes come true!

You grow up to the delight of your mother,
Be the most beautiful
Be happy and cheerful
Strong, kind and healthy!

Happy Birthday baby!

Our forest berry,
Sweet candy,
How quickly you grew up
Happy Birthday baby!

A year has been added to three,
There are now four of them,
There is no one sweeter than our daughter,
And more beautiful in the whole world!

On this joyful day,
We want to wish you
Be healthy and happy
Never lose heart!

Little princess

You are 4 years old
Today it turns out
Look what
You've grown up, beauty.

Little princess
I wish you happiness
Boys in kindergarten
Let them not offend you.

I wish you not to be bored
Play and have fun
In your dream you fly
And make friends with the prince.

You are already four years old

You are a very sweet baby
You are already four years old
You love dolls and books,
Candy, warm weather,
We wish you on your birthday,
May you always be happy
Don't you dare be sad and cry,
Be kind, sweet and beautiful!

Bloom cutie!

Honey, on this birthday
In these four, without a doubt,
Your dreams will come true!

Be cheerful, always active,
And never be discouraged
Only positive thoughts
Bloom like a rose!