On the test

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!
(M. Boroditskaya)

Mode school day

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.
Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Lateness. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Running up the stairs. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. The fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. Cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger…
(T. Varlamova)

Vasya's dad is very proud...

S. Vostokov

Vasin's dad is very proud
Because Vasya loves sports!
That sport is called -
"Who can eat mom's cake faster"


V. Stepanov

Zebra loves on the lawn
In a striped running T-shirt.
Zebra even for candy
Won't wear a checkered T-shirt.

I do not believe!

S. Vostokov

I don't believe in ghosts
And I didn’t see any sorcerers.
This is all, without exception,
The fabrications of talkers.

There are no brownies in the house,
And there are no deprived people in the forest,
There are no driving stoves
And huts on foot.

What a bunch of nonsense
Can you trust?
Oh, the roosters crowed -
We need to dissolve.

I do not know how

S. Vostokov

I don't know how to dance
And I don't write poetry,
I don't glue airplanes
I don't follow football.

I can't sing with a bass voice
And I don’t sculpt from clay,

Father and mother don't want...

S. Vostokov

I don't want my father and mother to
So that Lyoshenka gets a little animal.
In vain he stamped his feet
And watered the floor with tears.

Well, what was wrong with what Lyokha told them?
Who will understand them, their parents!
Is it bad to have a pet?
After all, a good animal is a hippopotamus.

Chocolate Train

Very tasty and elegant
The chocolate train was rushing by.
Along the carriages
The inscription went -
"Chocolate Arrow"
All the cars in it
There were pure chocolate,
And the carriage benches
There were cancerous necks.
He rushed like the wind,
But unfortunately
Vez is sweet.

These terrible sweet tooths
All carriages
And then they couldn’t resist
The locomotive with the chimney was eaten
And of course, halfway
They had to walk.

What does a mushroom look like?

M. Plyatskovsky

I asked the mushroom
hedgehog under the aspen tree:
- Tell me why
do you look like an umbrella?

And the mushroom laughed:
- That's a strange question!
After all, I'm in the weather
rainy growing up!

Kiskino grief

B. Zakhoder

Pussy is crying in the corridor.
She has
Great sorrow:
Evil people
Poor Pussy
Do not give

Fly in the bath

K. Chukovsky

A fly flew into the bathhouse,
I wanted to take a steam bath.

The cockroach was chopping wood,
Mukha flooded the bathhouse.

And the furry bee
I brought her a washcloth.

The fly was washing itself
The fly was washing itself
The fly was hovering
Yes, I fell
And she hit.

The rib is dislocated
I twisted my shoulder.

"Hey, ant,
Call the doctors!"

The grasshoppers came
They fed the fly drops.

The fly became as it was,
Nice and cheerful.

And she rushed off again
Fly along the street.

Crooked Song
(English song)

K. Chukovsky

There lived a man
twisted legs,
And he walked for a whole century
Along a crooked path.

And beyond the crooked river
In a crooked house
Lived in summer and winter
Crooked mice.

And they stood at the gate
Twisted Christmas trees,
We walked there without worries
Crooked wolves.

And they had one
crooked cat,
And she meowed.
Sitting by the window.

And beyond the crooked bridge
Crooked woman
Through the swamp barefoot
Jumped like a toad.

And it was in her hand
twisted stick,
And flew after her
Twisted jackdaw.


E. Uspensky

Mom comes home from work
Mom takes off her boots
Mom comes to the house
Mom looks around.
- Was there a raid on the apartment?
- No.
- Did a hippopotamus come to us?
- No.
- Maybe the house is not ours?
- Our.
- Maybe not our floor?
- Our.
Seryozha just came,
We played a little.
- So this is not a collapse?
- No.
- So the elephant didn’t dance?
- No.
- I am very happy. It turned out,
I had no reason to worry.


A. Usachev

The British love
There is PUDDING for breakfast,
Because PUDDING -
Very tasty BLUEDING.

Someone who loves PUDDING
And often goes to GOSTING,
There is no such thing as HOODING,
And sometimes there is TOLSTING.


A. Barto

Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do:
In the morning I helped my brother, -
He ate candy in the morning.

Here's how much Tanya has to do:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down and sat with my mother,
She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I'll help you tomorrow.

Conversation with a bee

M. Boroditskaya

I was stung by a bee.
I screamed: “How could you?!”
Bee in response:
"How could you
Pick my favorite flower?
After all, I really needed him:
I was saving it for dinner!"


Once in a frosty winter
Along the forest path
The bear was walking towards his home
IN warm fur coat fur.

He walked, walked to his den
Along a country road
And walking across the bridge,
Stepped on the fox's tail.

The fox raised a cry,
The dark forest rustled
And the bear suddenly got scared
Climbed a large pine tree.

A cheerful woodpecker on a pine tree
Caulked the squirrel's house
And he said: “You, bear,
I have to watch my step."

From then on the bear decided
That you need to sleep in winter
Don't walk on the paths
Do not step on tails.

And in winter it’s serene
A bear sleeps under a snowy roof.
And it’s not without reason that I’m happy,
Who was born without a tail!


I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three
Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins
So five or four
He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.

Well, what if one
He knocks quietly on the door.
(A. Barto)


Our Vasily,
Our Vasily,
Our Vasily Kvasnikov
Among second graders!

Second-grader Seryozhka
He often trips him up.
Second-grader Andryushka
Somehow I hit the top of my head.
Second-grader Grishutka
Hit me in the neck as a joke.

Our Vasily,
Our Vasily,
Our Vasily Kvasnikov
Among second graders!

... And in his
Fourth grade
Vasya is not that strong.
And Kvasnikov is afraid
Fourth graders!
(L. Kaminsky)

Tanya can't handle porridge
Can't put it in your mouth from a spoon,
And candy without any hassle
They just put themselves in your mouth
Is Tanya to blame?
There's not enough room for porridge.

We present you funny poems about school for children. We have a large selection, so on this page you can choose what you like best. See also school humor - jokes about school and funny scenes about school.

1. I would rather retire

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.
(A. Givargizov)

2. On the test

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!
(M. Boroditskaya)

3. Unusual school

There are many different schools in the world.
It's a pity that among these schools
There is no such school yet.
This is where I would go!

The animals there will teach people
All your skills.
And there will be no better school.
What's there? Let's see together.

Cat teacher will teach us
Living carefree in the world:
Think everything through better
And don’t rush.

The dog will teach you not to give up,
Stand until the last.
And also teach you how to fight
And always forgive friends.

The bunny will teach you patience
The mouse will teach dexterity,
Parrot to repeat
He will teach us all sciences.

Many different teachers
At this school, you understand.
But there are few items there.
Only: “How can we be human.”
(L. Slutskaya)

4. Who will learn what

What's first?
Will the cat learn?
- Grab it!
What's first?
Will the bird learn?
- Fly!
What's first?
Will the student learn?
- Read!
(V. Berestov)

5. At dawn

At dawn, at dawn
The best catch for a fisherman.
At dawn, at dawn
The mushroom picker's best mushroom.
At dawn, at dawn
Bird calls from all sides.
At dawn, at dawn
At the lazy man's best sleep!
(V. Berestov)

6. Who is Nophelet?

What a scientist Fedya has become!
Who could compare with Fedya?
He flipped through the whole summer
Encyclopedia volumes.
Famous people, for example,
He knows everyone... down to the letter R.

Come on, Fedya, give me the answer:
Who was Nophelet?

Who? Nophelet? Ah, Nophelet...
I'll tell you this,
What a shame for people your age
Don't know about Nophelet!
Lived in ancient Rome
Nophelet -
Either a sage or a poet. -

How does he know?
Such a sage?
We are just the word "te-le-fon"
Read it to him from the end.
And it turned out to be No-fe-let -
Either a sage or a poet.
(V. Berestov)

7. First two

And I have a briefcase in my hand

And everyone walks lightly.

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near house number two
There is bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason it rang two beeps...

And my legs can hardly drag,
And my legs can hardly drag,
And my head hung down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song,
Someone is selling candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge D in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks lightly...
(E. Moshkovskaya)

8. School epitaph

Ivanov's diary is buried here.
Ivanov treated him harshly.
But if Ivanov had not been harsh,
That would have been a harsh father with Ivanov.
(B. Weiner)

9. Just yesterday you were a baby...

Just yesterday you were a baby,
My little son
Now you are sitting at your desk,
There is a book in front of you.

Just yesterday you were walking into the garden,
I didn’t want to go to bed.
Today I collected my briefcase myself,
And he didn’t forget to wash his face.

Just yesterday you were a baby,
My little prankster
Today you proudly say:
- Now I'm a first grader!
(Olga Chusovitina)

10. Day of bad luck (to the tune of the song “I looked back to look”)

Today is my day of bad luck,
And the control test is proof of this,
What can I write on Monday?
It was my birthday yesterday.
And the cheat sheet is a faithful guardian angel,
In my sleeve he lies motionless,

Turns away from me for a moment.

I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?

And my neighbor, the guy, is also a slacker,
He was at my birthday yesterday,
And I saw his rubbish,
Either a formula, or a vision,
A girl sits behind me - my savior,
Gray-eyed excellent student Dasha,
And I'm waiting for my beloved teacher,
He will move away from our Dasha.

She walked like a queen through the rows,
She stopped far from me...
I looked back to see
Didn't she look back?
To see how I will copy.
(Elena Bon)

11. Song of an optimist schoolboy

As is known, nature
No more bad weather -
Every season is good in its own way.
Hurricanes, hail of bullets
Or drought in July -
There is both good and reason in everything.

If the sea is stormy,
Life is not nice for sailors.
But whenever the ninth wave -
It’s clear even to a cretin
What then would be your picture?
Aivazovsky did not draw.

There is, of course, no doubt
That flood is dangerous.
But the Neva would not overflow,
If poor Peter would not suffer -
Essay "Bronze Horseman"
Pushkin would have written the hell out of it.

If the elements are raging,
Shall I bring sins upon my soul?
Take and scold the terrible sky?
Why be sad about the bitter lot,
Better to be happy: at school
Our lessons may be canceled!!!
(L. Sirota)

12. Characteristics

(Zoo Man)

I'm dumb as a fish
I often run like a moose
Somehow swim like a dog
I happened to be on the river.
They say I'm very cunning
Like a fox in a dense forest.
Sometimes he's as cowardly as a hare,
That he hid under a bush.
And I can also cry
Very loud, like a bear!
I can be a quiet sheep
And stubborn as a donkey.
They say like a turtle
I left school with a bad grade.
I'm talkative like a magpie
A bully is like a rooster!
In the yard, in a fierce fight,
I'm replacing two at once.
And I’m also there
Cunning as a snake.
I make faces like a monkey,
I neigh like a horse: -Yikes! –
But in general I'm normal
I'm like everyone else, I'm nothing!
(A. Shevchenko)

13. How dad skipped school

He only skipped school once,
He was punished for this, however...
He thought then, so gloomily:
It's better to walk the dog, of course.
(O. Bundur)

14. School epic

Oh my little feet!
Oh you little legs!
Why aren't you going?
Along the path?

Oh you little hands,
They hung like whips.
No good why
For work?

You little head
Always riotous and cheerful,
The nose is almost in melancholy-sadness
Hung it?

Ali don't want to go to school
Unhappy ones,
Where they fight
The teachers are terrible
Loading hard
Is the falcon clear?
Be patient a little longer
A small fraction.

Two days for you
All that's left is to suffer.
Summer is soon -
Well, who studies in the summer?
(A. Smetanin)


15. Call

If the lesson ends -
Beauty, not a call!
To class - on the contrary -
Such a freak is rattling...
(O. Bundur)

16. Change

“Change, change!” –
The call is ringing.
Vova will definitely be the first
Flies out of the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked off their feet.

Is it really Vova?
Dozed off the entire lesson?
Is this really Vova?
Five minutes ago, not a word
Couldn't you tell me at the board?

If he is, then undoubtedly
There's a big change with him!
You can't keep up with Vova!
Look how bad he is!
He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:

He set three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
Rolled somersaults
He sat astride the railing,
Dashingly plopped off the railing,
Got a slap on the head

He gave someone back on the spot,
He asked me to write off the tasks, -
In short, I did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges back to class.
Poor! There is no face on it!

“Nothing,” Vova sighs, “
- Let's relax in class!
(B. Zakhoder)

17. Port "Fel"

Ships enter the port of Fel -
Like a steamship, the Album steers,

Notebooks lined up -
Notebook boats are rushing to the port.

But the Diary-frigate is flying,
And the pirate sounds the alarm on it:

- Hurry to the port!
To the port "Fel!"
Brave ships are sailing -

Sharpener, Eraser, Pencil
(He boarded Album!)

Behind them is a Pen and... Pie –
The pie floated and lay down...

Port "Fel" delivered in an hour
To the port "School" the navigator -
Boy Stas.
(G. Ilyina)

18. Cheat sheet

I wrote cheat sheets all night!
Didn't sleep, exhausted, tired.
Now I’m standing, pulling for a ticket
- Will I be happy or not?

And now, the ticket is already in your hands,
There is white in the eyes, like in the clouds...
- Hooray! I wrote all night for good reason!
“Napoleon,” I read.

It's in my cheat sheet!
I wish I could read it now.
I'm hiding like a cockroach
And I reach into my right pocket.

I'm reading: "Crimean War".
I don't need this topic!
And quietly, like a cockroach,
I reach into my left pocket.

I look: “The Baptism of Rus'.”
Have mercy, Lord!
Well, how can I pass the exam?!
And I started looking for a cheat sheet!

I searched in boots and socks,
In a shirt, in trousers, in a jacket!
And I was terribly surprised
Where did Napoleon go?!

But my thought suddenly woke up!
And I, having overcome my fear,
I remembered everything I wrote about!
And a flurry of knowledge erupted!

Austerlitz, Napoleon,
Kutuzov and Bagration!
Council in Fili, fire in Moscow, -
Everything was found in my head!

So I got an A
But frankly speaking,
I'm saddened to the point of tears now,
Why did you carry the cheat sheet to school?
(T. Varlamova)

19. At the wall newspaper

I read about Yegor:
- Wow, that's great! - I scream. -
What fun! This is hilarious! -
I want to laugh until I drop.

And I read to myself -
Something doesn't make me want to laugh.
And I read
About myself -
I don't want to read it out loud...
(A. Shlygin)

20. When classes end

When the candy runs out -
Everyone is very upset.
And when the oranges run out -
Everyone is upset too.

And when the lessons are over -
Rarely does anyone get upset:
They'll meet in the yard soon,
They put on their armor,
They learn to ride each other,
They are swinging at full speed on the swing...
In general, a lot of things happen,
When the lessons are over.

But candy and oranges
They differ from lessons in that
What if they end?
That’s for sure - they’re completely ending,
It is unknown how long they end...
You can really despair!

And lessons from oranges
That's what makes them different
That never end until the end -
Every day they happen again.
Even extra ones are appointed...
That's the thing
what is.
This is not going well!
(I. Shevchuk)

21. Knock Knock

He tapped his forehead for a long time with his finger,
Forgot the title of the volume.
But why knock on the house,
Where is no one home?
(A. Pope, translation by S. Marshak)

22. Order

Elder Nastya instructed me to
Post poems about teachers in the classroom.
All night I tossed and turned, sighing bitterly,
Well, what should I write? I don't know anything!

The physics teacher gave me a lesson yesterday,
The chemist took my cheat sheet,
I fell off the rope during physical education
The teacher sighed and said: “It’s a bit weak...”

These poems were given to everyone, I just don’t know!
Better let the excellent students write them!
(A. Grachev)

23. Holiday

What a strange day today!
Petrov opened the door with a bow -
He let Marina Glebovna in,
And then our whole class jumped up!

Maksimov brings her a bouquet,
Singers - a box of chocolates,
The girls, shouting joyfully,
Large crystal jug.

And I'm the only one sitting
I'm in the general hubbub - I'm not buzzing.
My gift is cooler than theirs,
He will outshine others!

Yes! The teacher will be happy -
Yesterday I learned a lesson!
(A. Frolov)

24. Laziness

Everywhere, every day
Laziness is getting in the way of my work!
Follows me like a tail!
Doesn't give me peace of mind
And in spite of everything
Always getting into conversation!
Here's an example: I'm on a tram
Have lunch at grandpa's place,
Grandmother enters the tram -
Laziness whispers to me: “Don’t get up!”
I'm going to school in the morning,
I try not to be late:
Two tests ahead!
I hear a whisper: “Don’t go.”
I do my homework at home -
More vile hints:
I just wrote an example,
Laziness whispers to me: “You’re tired!”
I want to wash the dishes
Sweep, clean everywhere,
There will be joy for everyone at home!
I hear a whisper: “Why?”
Laziness is an insidious creature!
There is no excuse for laziness!
The fact that I sleep all day,
It's not my fault, it's laziness!
(T. Varlamova)

25. Seasons of the school year. Winter

The earth is shrouded in a crystal shroud,
Children dive into white snowdrifts,
The skates are sharpened and the skis are in front of me,
The snowstorm is over, and it’s time to go to the forest.

The street is full of cheerful people!
Winter the prankster invites you to play in the snow!
Well, what a shame in frosty weather

26. Spring

The spring rays warmed the whole earth,
Green grass is everywhere,
And bird trills flow over us,
And the sun is shining and your head is spinning!

Enchantress nature beckons you into her arms!
I look at the street and feel like going for a walk...
Well, what a shame in wonderful weather
Should we, the unfortunate children, be given lessons?!
(T. Varlamova)


27. Autumn

Autumn rain drums on my window
There are puddles and fallen leaves near the school.
And the gray clouds and the wet path,
And there was dirt everywhere, and my head hurt...

Sad nature sheds tears of sorrow.
My heart is sad and I want to sleep.
Well, what a shame in inclement weather
Do you have to give schoolchildren so many lessons?!

28. Positivity

Petya and I were walking home from school,
They carried two at a time - what a shame!
And the friend said: “To become cheerful,
You need to see the positive here!”

Where can you find such a miracle?
I didn’t find anything positive...
Tell me, is he scary or handsome?
I've never met him!

You're a weirdo, brother! After all, he is everywhere!
For example, a deuce will happen,
But I won’t be sad about it, -
After all, someone has one!

Yes, that's right! There is a deuce in the briefcase...
- But if you think positively,
She is the ONE of everything and only!
You can't expel us for this!

Do you understand? Don't be sad in vain!
There is good in bad!
After all, life in the world is so wonderful!
Everything will definitely work out!

Look! Huge crow
Spun in the sky above us!
- Hurry up and bend under the maple branch!
She digested the food!

Oh oh! Spot! What a bad day!
The suit is dirty! How disgusting...
- They’ll definitely buy a new jacket,
And this is very positive!

Well! Let's go play football, -
I see the players on the field!
We are unlikely to get bored with them,
And we will find positivity in football!

Throw it, pass it! Glasses are broken!
What a pity... But the goal was scored beautifully!
- But we are even with the enemy!
And there’s a lot of positive stuff here!

My palm was hit by a ball,
And my finger hurts all the time...
- But you for two weeks
Free from the piano!

The day has passed. They were waiting for us in the briefcases
Preposition, verb, infinitives...
And we all breathed the air
And we found positives...

We were looking for positivity all day, -
We arrived home at about six...
And then dads showed us
That there are negatives too.
(T. Varlamova)

29. Factory of First-Graders (to the tune of the song "You Got It Cool")

First grader is cool!
First grader - yes!
After all, study in first grade
This is not nonsense!
In our northern people
We guys are just awesome!
And our teacher
He's an ace in his field!
Charges us with tasks,
Numbers, letters, not for a moment!
And then pass grades
Flying away to our diary!
We studied a lot of books
Our interest has not disappeared
And all the problems were solved,
In general, you got it cool.

Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly!
Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly.

Like sunflowers, we are towards the light,
Let's go to the secrets of knowledge!
And the parents at the same time
They help us with rubles.
In our northern people
Our ancestors are simply class!
We celebrated a year,
We have another one ahead of us!
We will gnaw on the granite of science,
Answer in class.
Knowledge is our strength
They won't let you get bored!
The material has been absorbed by the brain,
He fell into the convolutions,
In the meantime, it is quite possible
In general, you got it cool.

Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly!
Cool, you got into 1 "A"
You study, don’t be lazy!
Get down to business quickly.
(I. Dumnova, Seversk)


30. Opening

On Monday I tried
And I held out without any deuces.
Tuesday too – well done!
He walked with a beaming face.
But Wednesday...
And Friday!!!
Who will see the diary?
Backing away...
My dear poor dad
Dedicated a day off to me.
We wrote
We read
We shared
Did you read!
We didn't watch football!
We forgot that we were tired!...
And I thought -
Well, honestly! –
What is INTERESTING to study!
(L. Fadeeva)

31. Half-mark

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.
(R. Aldonina)

If you start right away
Only get A's -
At home they will soon get used to them
And they won't notice.

Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of deuces
Mom will be indignant
But don’t argue, just keep quiet.

And then again
You can get five
Mom will definitely become
Kiss and hug.

Look at her secretly
And sit and groan,
Hint: these fives are
Oh, they are not easy!
(O. Bundur)

33. Taras fell ill with us

We sighed: “Those are the times...” -
Taras got sick.
How to treat him now?
How to alleviate suffering?
Taras moans pitifully -
Apparently it hurts a lot.
We said: "And we
There was no test..."
Taras sat on the bed
And put on a shirt.
And he said: “Those times...
Well, I screwed up..."
(A. Shlygin)

34. Olezhkin’s notebook

The notebook says:
Antonov the donkey!

On the third page -
Sea battles,
On the fifth are dragons
And the inscription "Ours!"

They show off in the notebook
Brave pirate,
Soviet tanks
And a company of soldiers...

Olezhka's notebook
She blushed more than once.
Sighing in shame
Flew to Mars.

And for a long time along it
The Martians wondered -
What's in schools
Distant Land
Have you studied?
(G. Ilyina)

35. Five

I opened my notebook,
Briefcase in the snow.
And I can’t take my eyes off the top five!
With a period.
Carrots are redder.
The notebook is so elegant with it!
(L. Fadeeva)

36. Loser Kukushkin

There are classics in the world
Lermontov and Pushkin.
Available in fourth grade "A"
Loser student Kukushkin.
Everyone knows Lermontov,
Everyone knows Pushkin.
Who knows?
Loser Kukushkin?
And the poor student is known
At school number seven,
And the loser is known,
Oddly enough,
What a loser doesn't know
Nikolay Kukushkin,
What is Lermontov famous for?
What is Pushkin famous for?
(Mikhail Bartenev)

37. Textbooks

Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.

I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.

I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.
(A. Starikov)

38. Money changer

He is ready to change all day:
That's why
And then for that!
He can't refuse
From exchange

Stamps, candy wrappers,
- Do you want this?
Give me that!
Well, I'll tell you
I'll give this as a gift
And then!

On the hedgehog
Already replaced
Well, the hedgehog -
Ran away!

He is ready to change again!
He just talks about it.
They say he will stay
Maybe in class
In the second!

And the teacher said:
- I saw all sorts of things...
It would be better if you got a deuce, buddy,
For fours
Changed it!
(Tofik Mahmud, translated by A. Chernov)

39. School epigrams (short satirical poems)

Vasily is the bravest in our class!
Bandits, storms, wolves - nothing!
And Vasya is afraid of only one thing -
Solve problems at school at the blackboard.

She's ready to wear anything
But this “something” should be fashionable!
And if it were fashionable to study,
She would have been an excellent student long ago!

Writing dictations is torture for you!
What could be more disgusting and boring?
But the fences are all without exception
You wrote all over your street.
(L. Ulanova)

40. School day routine

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.
Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
Lateness. Fail.

Turn. Behavior.
Two. Head teacher Sadness.
Clarification. Call.
Running up the stairs. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Two. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. The fight against vice.
Jokes. Laughter. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Rest. Cartoon program.
Telephone. Computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. Diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Repeat tomorrow morning:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger…
(T. Varlamova)

41. Vasilisa the Wise

(formerly Beautiful)

She was beautiful:
A smile is the clear sun,
Kosa - ripe wheat,
And the handle is snow-white.

But the girl took it into her head
Wisdom to learn:

Day and night at my desk
Pooring over science...
And she became hunchbacked,
Crooked, myopic.

The beauty will fade
Now called the Wise One:
She rubs her cheeks with beets,
And he smears powder on his nose...

She became skinny like a stick,
My forehead wrinkled from reading...
And she said gloomily:
- What a fool I am!
(A. Usachev)

42. Who will become who

The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everyone else in the world.
The chick will turn into a bird,
The same as everything else in the world.
And the children read
And children dream
And even their moms and dads don't know
Who the children will become and grow up to be.
(V. Berestov)

43. I wish I could too

Grandfathers to school
no need to walk.
I wish I could
live to see this.
(A. Givargizov)

44. Village story

Vasya Ivanov studied
In tenth grade,
And mom and dad are only one
They told Vasya:
– Our rural work is not for you –
Calves, beds...
You go, Vasily, to college,
Blow without looking back!
Now Vasily has a beard,
Drinks, sleeps, dances...
And it doesn't work anywhere
And there is no wind at the university!
(B. Larin)


45. Revenge of a Loser

I will study for many years
Don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Don't hide in the silence of the night
Over the notebooks of the eyes,

So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical diploma
Make a stern face
And send a letter:

"Citizen school director,
Come for injections!"
(I. Plokhikh)

46. ​​Invitation to school

Children! Get ready for school -
The cockerel crowed a long time ago!
Dress quickly, -
The sun is looking out the window!
Man, and beast, and bird -
Everyone gets down to business
A bug drags along with a burden,
A bee flies after the honey.
The field is clear, the meadow is cheerful,
The forest has woken up and is noisy,
The woodpecker knocks and knocks with its nose!
The oriole screams loudly.
The fishermen are already pulling their nets,
In the meadow the scythe rings...
Pray for the book, children!
God does not command you to be lazy!
(Lev Modzalevsky)

47. Crows

What do you constantly dream about?
What are they flying around the school?
Learn to read?
Learn to write?
Is it great to spin on rings in the gym?
Make noise during recess?
Play and laugh?
Eat in the school canteen?
That they fly around the school
They dream about it every day with impatience,
What their great-grandmothers also dreamed about:
Crows dream
So that they COUNT!
(L. Fadeeva)

48. To first grade

Presses against a white shirt
Raspberry bouquet, to the chest.
Are you going to school?
So go.
Come on, come on, don't fall.
Recently you were crawling on the floor
And did somersaults on the sofa,
Jumping on a chair...
To school!!! To school!!!
Get to your desk!!!
To Mary Ivanna!!!
She's at the entrance.
The one in the helmet
In knee-high soldier's shoes.
Who waves a pointer in the air,
Looks more like a log.
(Artur Givargizov)

49. Grow up for new knowledge

The end of the learning torment!
Judge for yourself:
A whole year of granite science
Gnawing with baby teeth.

A whole year of memories:
In lessons plus after-school...
How is there such a wealth of knowledge?
Does it fit in a child?

In the body of a high school student
There is no more space left.
But on holidays I quickly
I will overcome my fatigue.

I'll raise myself decently
At grandma's and at the dacha,
So that it's great in the fall
Click new tasks.

To school curriculum
From socks to top
Wedged in tightly
Well, straight away
Like cucumbers in a tub.
(A. Smetanin)

50. We are on duty

We've been here for an hour today
They cleaned out the new class.
A hundred toffee papers
A hundred bits and notes
We discovered it.

There were only three lessons
Not five
And not six.
How did we manage to do so much?
Write, read and eat?!
(S. Makhotin)

51. Interactive whiteboard

Can I work with such a board?
But dad never dreamed of her!
I ran my hand lightly across the screen -
And immediately the picture changed.

I'm standing at the blackboard, there's no chalk in my hands
And somehow the decision is difficult,
Well why is it impossible
Contact a friend's mobile phone:

From Vovka’s mobile phone - and an immediate response
Would appear on the board instantly,
Well, why isn't this function available?
And there absolutely should be!
(O. Bundur)

52. Ant at recess

Ant for recess
Went into a noisy school
And froze in amazement,
Amazed by the change...

- Ant, say a word!
The ant exclaimed: - Yes-ah...
An anthill like this
I have never seen it!
(V. Levanovsky)

53. Cake and Petrova

So that fours and fives,
In my diary, they were full of -
We, with excellent student Petrova,
The agreement was concluded...

So, according to the agreement,
I am obliged for a whole year -
For advancement in learning,
Buy Petrova cake.

What can you do, Petrova -
Loves cakes more than life!
But I'm afraid to admit to myself,
That they will destroy her...

I tell her: “You’ll get fat!”
You'll swim with fat, Petrova!!
But she doesn't want to listen.
I’m bringing her cakes again!...

You don’t mind spending money on your studies!
I'm lucky with my grades!!
But Petrova by the end of the year
It will definitely swim with fat.
(sent by Natalya Zintsova)

54. Loser

I'm an unhappy loser -
In the third generation...
My ancestors, like me,
Not good at learning...

My grandfather was a poor student,
Dad is not successful...
Well, I too, in their footsteps,
I spank slowly...

This is my inheritance -
It's so awful!
And it’s clear why -
I'm so unhappy...

They couldn't give birth to me
With smart brains?...
I wish I could live like a man
And you would be proud of yourself!!

Here's the problem:
The loser is me, people!!
Maybe when I grow up,
Will life be easier???
(sent by Natalya Zintsova)

Do you want to learn how to play poetry? To do this, first of all you need to learn how to read funny poetry. Otherwise the game will not take place. After all, a funny poem is an unusual riddle that the poet asked us. And you can solve it only by reading and rereading poems, listening to their rhythms, rhymes, sounds and words.

Korney Chukovsky came up with a special name for such poems - “shifters”. Changelings turn the familiar world inside out, create unusual situations and absurd objects. They make us see something new and surprising in the familiar and everyday.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Hedgehogs laugh”

By the groove

Two boogers

They sell pins to hedgehogs.

You can't help but laugh!

They can't stop;

“Oh, you stupid boogers!

We don't need pins:

We are stuck with pins ourselves.”

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Turtle”

It's a long walk to the swamp,

It's not easy to walk to the swamp.

“Here is a stone lying by the road,

Let’s sit down and stretch our legs.”

And frogs on the stone

put a knot.

"It would be nice on a stone

lie down for an hour!”

Suddenly a stone falls on your feet

And he grabbed them by the legs.

And they screamed in fear:

"What is it!

This is RE!

This is PAHA!


Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Kotausi and Mausi”

Once upon a time there lived a mouse named Mousey

And suddenly I saw Kotausi.

Kotaushi has evil eyes

And the evil, despicable Zubausi.

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And she waved her tail:

"Oh, Mausi, Mausi, Mausi,

Come to me, dear Mausi!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi,

A wonderful song, Mausi!

But smart Mausi answered:

“You will not deceive me, Kotaushi!

I see your evil eyes

And the evil, despicable Zubausi!”

So the smart Mausi answered:

And quickly run away from Kotausi.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Joy”

Glad, glad, glad

Light birches,

And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing.

It wasn't rain that came from a cloud

And not hail

It fell from the cloud


And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the sparrows began to sing.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

The chickens became peahens,

Bald - curly.

Even the mill is the same

She danced near the bridge.

So run after me

To green meadows,

Where above the blue river

A rainbow-arc appeared.

We're on the rainbow

let's jump up, let's repent,

Let's play in the clouds

And from there down the rainbow

On sleds, on skates!

Samuel Marshak “Napping and Yawning”

Nap and Yawn wandered along the road.

Drowsiness ran into the gates and gates,

Looked into the windows

And through the cracks of doors

And she told the children:

- Get to bed quickly!

Yawning said:

who will go to bed sooner?

That's why she, Yawning,

say good night

And if someone doesn’t lie down

Now on the bed

She will order that

Yawn, yawn, yawn!

Samuel Marshak "Funny ABC"

About everything in the world

The stork spent the summer with us,

And in winter he stayed somewhere.

The hippopotamus opened its mouth:

The hippopotamus asks for rolls.

The sparrow asked the crow

Call the wolf to the phone.

Mushroom grows among the path

The head is on a thin stalk.

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,

The oak chiseled like a chisel.

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:

The hedgehog is covered in needles, and so is the Christmas tree.

The beetle fell and got up

can not.

He is waiting for someone to help him.

We saw the stars during the day

Beyond the river, beyond the Kremlin...

Frost lay on the spruce branches,

The needles turned white overnight.

The cat caught mice and rats.

Rabbit leaf

cabbage nibble.

Boats are sailing on the sea,

People are rowing with oars.

The bear found honey in the forest -

Little honey, many bees.

Rhinoceros butts with horn.

Don't joke with the rhino!

The donkey was angry today:

He found out that he was an ass.

The shell is worn by a turtle,

Hides his head in fear.

A gray mole digs the ground -

Destroys the garden.

The old elephant sleeps peacefully -

He can sleep standing up.

A cockroach lives behind the stove -

What a warm place!

The student learned his lessons -

His cheeks are inky.

The fleet is sailing to its native land.

A flag on every ship.

A ferret walks through the forest,

Predatory little animal.

The heron is important, big-nosed,

Stands all day

like a statue.

The watchmaker, squinting his eye,

He fixes the watch for us.

Schoolboy, schoolboy,

you are strong:

You carry the globe like a ball!

I'm cleaning the puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

This button and cord -

Electric bell.

Young - future sailor -

He brought us southern fish.

There are no berries more sour than cranberries.

I know the letters by heart.

Samuel Marshak "Merry Count"

From one to ten

Here is one, or one,

Very thin, like a knitting needle.

But this is number two.

Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,

The tail is dragging behind her.

And behind the deuce - look -

The number three appears.

Troika - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

After three come four,

Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance

On paper the number is five.

She extended her hand to the right,

The leg was bent sharply.

Number six - door lock:

There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here is the seven poker.

She has one leg.

Eight has two rings

Without beginning and end.

Number nine, or nine,—

Circus acrobat:

If it stands on your head,

The number six will become nine.

A number like the letter O -

This is zero, or nothing.

The round zero is so pretty

But it doesn’t mean anything!

If on the left, next to him,

We will accommodate the unit,

He will weigh more

Because it's ten.

Samuel Marshak “Punctuation Marks”

The last one

On the last

The company has gathered

Punctuation marks.

came running

Exclamation mark.

He is never silent, he shouts deafeningly:

The crooked one dragged himself

Question mark.

He asks everyone questions:

Commas appeared

The girls are curled.

They live in dictation

At every stop.

The colon jumped up

The ellipses rolled in

And others,

And others,

And others...

Declared commas:

- We are busy people.

Can't do without us

Neither dictation nor story.

- If there is no point above you,

The comma is an empty sign! —

I responded from the same line

Aunt semicolon;

Colon, blinking,

She shouted: “No, wait!”

I'm more important than a comma

Or semicolon

Because I'm twice

More than a one-eyed point.

I look into both eyes

I keep order.

“No...” said the ellipsis,

Barely moving my eyes, -

If you want to know,

I am more important than others.

Where there's nothing left to say

They put an ellipsis...

Question mark

Surprised: - So how?

Exclamation mark

He was indignant: - That is how!

“Yes,” said the dot,

Single point. —

The story ends with me.

That means I'm more important than you.

Samuel Marshak "The Cat and the Quirks"

Quirks gathered

And the quitters got caught

To the rink.

Thick backpack with books

On the back,

And the skates under my arms

On the belt.

They see, the lazy people see:

Gloomy and tattered

The cat is coming.

Quirks ask

-Why are you frowning?

Meowed pitifully

Gray cat:

- To me, a mustachioed cat,

It's almost a year.

And I'm handsome, lazybones,

And writing and literacy

The school has not been built

For kittens.

Teach us to read and write

Do not want.

And now without a diploma

You'll disappear

Far from being literate

You will not leave.

Don't drink without a certificate,

Don't eat

Numbers on the gate

Don't read it!

Quirks answer:

- Cute cat,

We'll get the twelfth

It's almost a year.

They teach us to read and write

And a letter

But they can’t learn

We have to learn, quitters,

Somewhat lazy.

We go ice skating

All day.

We don't write with stylus

On the desk,

And we write with skates

On the rink!

Answers quitters

Gray cat:

- To me, a mustachioed cat,

It's almost a year.

I've known a lot of quitters

Like you

And I met such people

For the first time!

Samuel Marshak "Baggage"

The lady was checking in luggage


And a little dog.

Gave it to the lady at the station

Four green receipts

About baggage received:


And a little dog.

Things are being transported to the platform.

They are thrown into an open carriage.

Ready. Luggage stowed:


And a little dog.

But the bell just rang

A puppy escaped from the carriage.

We grabbed it at Dno station:

One place lost.

In fright they count their luggage:


- Comrades! Where's the little dog?

Suddenly they see: standing by the wheels

A huge, disheveled dog.

They caught him - and in his luggage,

To where the bag lay,


Where was the little dog before?

We arrived in the city of Zhitomir.

Porter number fifteen

Carrying luggage on a trolley:


And they lead a dog behind.

The dog starts to growl,

And the lady will scream:

- Robbers! The thieves! Freaks!

The dog is the wrong breed!

She threw the suitcase

She pushed the sofa with her foot,


- Give me back my dog!

- Excuse me, mother! At the station

According to the baggage receipt,

We received luggage from you:


And a little dog.

During the journey

I could have grown up!

Edward Lear "Limericks"

There lived an old man on a spreading branch,

His hair was sparse.

But the jackdaws attacked

And completely plucked

An old man on a spreading branch.

One old man with a scythe

I spent half a day chasing a wasp.

But at four o'clock

He lost his braid

And he was stung hard by a wasp.

Once upon a time there lived an old man from Kyoto,

Constantly feeling sorry for someone.

He saw a frog

And threw her a cheesecake,

Noble old man from Kyoto!

One gentleman quietly

Climbed an old tree.

He was eating pie

And forty listened

On the same flocked tree.

There lived an old man between the hives,

Fighting off the bees with chairs.

But he didn't take into account

The numbers of these bees

And he died the death of the brave among the hives.

There lived a boy near Thermopylae,

Who screamed so loudly

That all the aunts were deaf,

And the herrings died,

And dust fell from the rafters.

Once upon a time there lived a man in Amsterdam,

Haven't cleaned my hat in years.

He's in it by chance

I made tea

And I walked in it in Amsterdam.

There lived an old woman on the mountain,

What the little frog taught to dance.

But everything is “one-and-two”

He answered: “Kwa-kwa!” —

Oh, how angry that old lady was!

Translation by G. Kruzhkov

Lewis Carroll "My Crocodiles"

My crocodiles

River flowers!

Why are you looking at me

Just like your family?

Who are you crunching?

On a merry day in May,

Among the uncut grass

Shaking your head?

Translation by Boris Zakhoder

Lewis Carroll "Animals, get ready for school!"

Animals, get ready for school!

The cockerel crowed a long time ago!

No matter how you resist,

Don't bite or kick -

It won't help anyway!

The Beast and the Bird are crying loudly,

- Guard! - the Bee screams,

The Bug is dragging along howling...

Is it really that hard for them?

Get down to business?

Translation by Boris Zakhoder

Lewis Carroll "The Serpent"

Chervelo. Uzhnye mravs

Kuzali again.

The Kuravis followed the nis,

Pelaving the pelava.

And the long-haired Zmeegrych

Already he's going to react to the potion,

And the plus-mouthed evil one is heard

For three times mezel.

And the ridge slope grew dark.

And boom Gul ate like a drummer.

Under the turf rope Tum-Tum

Gatyr bravely buried.

He firmly insisted on reading and cheeking,

And Zork tarred him.

He was able to shine a light on Zmeegrych

L. head three times.

Guard yourself, stinging Zmeegrych,

Filthy with your trembling!

But the meeting was interrupted by a screaming scream

And a roaring winged howl.

It rang - once! —

flat-sharp cheek,

And the longhorn growled.

The vile mutilation died.

Hooray! Maliciousness will overthrow!

Chervelo. Uzhnye mravs

Kuzali again.

The Kuravis followed the nis,

Pelaving the pelava.

Translation by L. Yakhnin

Boris Zakhoder "My Lion"

Dad gave me Leo!

Oh, I was chicken at first!

I've been there for two days

I was afraid of him

And on the third -

It's broken!

Boris Zakhoder “Pleasant meeting”

Buka and Byaka met.

Nobody made a sound.

No one gave a sign -

Buka and Byaka.

I thought with boredom:

“Why is he so

looks like a beech?

And Byaka thought:

Boris Zakhoder “Mysterious Noise”

Again I can’t understand anything -

My sawdust is in disarray,

Everywhere and everywhere, again and again

Mysteries surround me!

Let's take this very word AGAIN,

Why do we say it?

Although we could freely say:

Will it fall, and fall, and fall?\

The bookcase is silent, the ottoman is silent -

You won't get an answer from them.

Why is this xta necessarily the one

Is this the zherka, as a rule?

The dog bites. Well, no problem.

Then why is the dog

Although it bites, it never

Doesn't bite himself, though?!

Oh, if only I could guess it,

The sawdust would be in order!

And then, mysteriously, I want to sleep

From all these difficult riddles!

Boris Zakhoder "NOBODY"

We've got a mischief maker.

The whole family is grieving.

In the apartment from his mischief

There is literally no life!

No one really knows him,

But everyone knows

That everything is always to blame

He is the only one - NOBODY!

Who, for example, climbed into the buffet,

I found some candy there

And all the candy papers

Who threw it under the table?

Who drew on the wallpaper?

Who tore the coat?

Who poked their nose into daddy's desk?


- NOBODY is a terrible tomboy! —

The mother said sternly. —

We finally have to

Approximately punish!

NOBODY will go today

Neither to visit, nor to the cinema!

Are you laughing?

And my sister and I

Not funny at all!

Boris Zakhoder “Where to put a comma?”

Very very

Strange look:

River outside the window

Someone's house

The tail wags,

Shoots from a gun

Almost gobbled it up

Cat with glasses

Reading a book

old grandfather

Flew out the window

Grabbed the grain

Yes, as he shouts, flying away:

- That's what a comma means!

Boris Zakhoder “My Imagination”

In my Imagination

In my Imagination

They chat with you easily

Nasturtiums and Lilies;

Shaggy Lions can do it

Ride on a stick

And the marble statues

They will play tag with you.

Yay, Imaginations!

My Imagination!

Anyone who wants it

Wings grow there;

And everyone must

Becomes a magician

If he were your age

Or my peer!..

In my Imagination

In my Imagination -

Fantasy reigns there

In all its omnipotence;

All dreams come true there

And our sorrows

Now they are turning

On funny adventures!

Into my Imagination

It's very easy to get in:

She's exceptional

Conveniently located!

And only the one who is completely

Lack of imagination -

Alas, he doesn’t know how to log in

In her favor!..

Irina Tokmakova “Crocodiles”

You can get caught in the teeth of crocodiles!

They lurked on every platform

And everyone who moves out is grabbed by the heels

And they are dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.

Please, don't slide down the railing!

Irina Tokmakova “Plim”

A spoon is a spoon

The soup is eaten with a spoon.

A cat is a cat

The cat has seven kittens.

A rag is a rag

I'll wipe the table with a rag.

A hat is a hat

I got dressed and went.

And I came up with a word

A funny word is plim.

I repeat again -

Plim, plim, plim!

Here he jumps and jumps -

Plim, plim, plim!

And it doesn't mean anything

Plim, plim, plim!

Irina Tokmakova “Inadvertently”

For help! To the big waterfall

A young leopard has fallen!

Oh no! Young lepard

Fell into a large waterfall.

What to do is again at a loss.

Hold on, dear leopard,

Come back, dear leopard!

Again, it doesn't work out well.

Irina Tokmakova “In a wonderful country”

In one country

In a wonderful country

Where should you and I not be?

Boot with black tongue

Lapping milk in the morning

And all day through the window

The potato looks out with its eye.

The bottle's neck is singing,

Gives concerts in the evening,

A chair with bent legs

Dancing to the accordion.

In one country

In a wonderful country...

Why don't you believe me?

Emma Moshkovskaya “Sour Poems”

The sour sun has risen,

looks - the sky has turned sour,

in a sour sky sour

a cloud hung...

And the unfortunate ones hurry

sour passers-by

and they eat terribly

sour ice cream...

Even sugar is sour!

All the jam has turned sour!

Because it's sour

there was a mood.

Emma Moshkovskaya “I can’t believe it”

An inhumane man.

I can’t even believe it.

Crocodile-less crocodile

let's better meet!

He is innocent, harmless,

non-crocodile crocodile,

but dangerous, heartless,


Emma Moshkovskaya “Cunning Old Women”

Probably from old ladies

full of toys!

Matryoshka and parsley

and clockwork frogs.

But cunning old ladies

hidden toys

and sat in the corner

knit yourself a stocking

and pet your cat,

and make fun of it.

And they themselves are just waiting,

when will everyone leave!

And at that very moment

old lady - jump!

Stocking is flying

to the ceiling!

And they get the old ladies

elephant from under the pillow,

and a doll and a giraffe,

and a ball from under the closet.

But only the doorbell rings,

they take the stocking...

And the old ladies think -

doesn't know about toys

no one in the apartment

and even in the whole world!

Mikhail Yasnov “Noisy Forest”

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh?

This cone flopped, rustling.

Bumblebee and hornet

They quickly rummage through the porridge.

Insects rustle in the rose hips.

What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh?

Noise and rustling near the hut.

Well, if your mouth is full of cloudberries -

Shyroezhki and shorokonozhki!

Mikhail Yasnov “Peaceful counting rhyme”

On the road, at a fork,

Two teasers met.

We met and teased.

They couldn’t restrain themselves and fought!

The breakers came running -

They interfered with the altercation.

And to the fork on the filly

Two teasers galloped up.

The squabble has stopped

And then the counting came:

One two three four five -

Mikhail Yasnov “Scarecrow-meow”

Scarecrow meow

Sitting on the pipe

Scarecrow meow

The song began to sing

With a red-red mouth

It tortured everyone

A terrible song.

All around from the scarecrow

Sad and sickening

Because the song

He's talking about

Scarecrow meow

It was sitting on the pipe.

Scarecrow meow

The song began to sing

With a red-red mouth

It tortured everyone

A terrible song.

All around from the scarecrow

Sad and sickening

Because the song

He's talking about

Scarecrow meow

Eduard Uspensky "Destruction"

Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her boots

Mom comes to the house

Mom looks around.

— Was there a raid on the apartment?

— Did a hippopotamus come to us?

- Maybe the house is not ours?

- Maybe not our floor?

Seryozha just came,

We played a little.

- So this is not a collapse?

- So the elephant didn’t dance?

- I am very happy. It turned out,

I had no reason to worry.

Eduard Uspensky "The Tiger went out for a walk"

One two three four five,

The tiger went out for a walk.

They forgot to lock him up

One two three four five.

He's walking down the street

Doesn't bother anyone

But for some reason from the tiger

People are running away.

Who climbed the tree

Who hid behind the stall,

Who was on the roof?

Who climbed into the drain?

And on the Christmas tree, like toys,

Two old women were accommodated.

The whole city was empty in an instant -

After all, jokes with a tiger are dangerous.

The tiger sees - the city is empty.

“Let me go,” he thinks, “I’ll come back.”

It's more fun at the zoo

It's always full of people!”

Eduard Uspensky “Once upon a time there was a little elephant”

One simple fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

I want to tell you.

I remember her from childhood,

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe I don’t remember

But I will remember.

In one huge park,

Or maybe not in the park,

Or maybe at the zoo

Lived with mom and dad

One funny little elephant

Or maybe a piglet

Or maybe a crocodile.

One winter evening,

Or maybe on a summer evening

He's taking a walk in the park

I wanted without my mother

And I immediately got lost

Or maybe not right away,

Sat down on a bench

And he roared loudly.

Some adult stork

Or maybe not a stork,

Or maybe not an adult,

And very young

I decided to help the baby elephant,

Or maybe a piglet

Or maybe a crocodile

And he took it with him.

- Is this your street?

- This is my street.

Or maybe not this one,

Or maybe not mine.

- Is this your cage?

- This is my cage,

Or maybe not this one,

I don't remember exactly.

We walked like this for an hour,

Or maybe two went

From the cage to the pool

Under the sun and in the dust,

But the house where the baby elephant lived

Or maybe a piglet

Or maybe a crocodile

Finally found.

And at home dad and grandma,

Or maybe mom and grandpa

We've fed you now

Hungry son

They stroked him lightly,

Or maybe they didn’t stroke it,

They spanked him lightly

Or maybe not slightly.

But from now on, baby elephant,

Or maybe a piglet

Or maybe a crocodile

I memorized my address

And he remembers very firmly,

And even very firmly.

I remembered it myself

But I just forgot.

Eduard Uspensky "If I were a girl"

If I were a girl -

I wouldn't waste time!

I wouldn't jump on the street

I would wash the shirts.

I would wash the kitchen floor

I would sweep the room!

I would wash the cups, spoons,

I would peel the potatoes myself

All my toys myself

I would put it in its place!

Why am I not a girl?

I would help my mother so much!

Mom would immediately say:

“You’re doing well, Son!”

Parents are searching the Internet for texts for six-year-old reading preschoolers. For children who have just learned to read words, it is useful to read poetry to develop reading skills.

Rhythm and short words and suggestions. There are many short, understandable and funny poems in Russian children's literature. We publish some that our kids liked.

Funny poems for independent reading

In a quiet river

In a quiet river at the pier
The fish met the fish:
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- I was fishing
I was fishing for a fisherman
Uncle Petya is an eccentric.
-Where is your fisherman?
- No, he left, you sly man!
Lost it!

E. Cherepovetsky

Nursery rhyme

I'm smart and smart
The whole street knows about it:
Rooster and cat
Brother Ermoshka,
Yes, I myself a little.

A squirrel dropped...

The squirrel dropped a cone.
The cone hit the bunny.
He took off running
I almost knocked the bear off his feet...
Under the roots of an old spruce
the bear thought for half a day:
“Somehow the hares have become bolder...
They're attacking me"

V. Shulzhik

Funny frog

Merry Frog
Lived in the same river
Her hut is upside down
She stood there, bre-ke-ke!

The hut did not stand
And she swam upside down,
But that didn't change
Frog business!
The hut was tumbling,
The frog was having fun
In a green sundress
She danced, para-dance!

She uses both hands
Played the accordion
She has two legs
Knock on the drum!
Sad frogs
They languished and suffered,
In green pillows,
Kwa-kwa, they cried.

And we didn’t see happiness
Sad frogs!
From them we got
Sad old ladies.
They drone sadly
And they moan in the distance:
- Kwa-kwa, it’s aching for the rain
In the back, in the leg, in the arm...

And the cheerful old lady,
Merry Frog,
As she remembers what happened to her, -
Laughs, bre-ke-ke!
She uses both hands
Played the accordion
She has two legs
Knock on the drum!

The hut was tumbling,
The frog was having fun
In a green sundress
She danced, para-dance!

Yunna Moritz

Bag of laughter

A bear walked, shaggy fur,
carried a cheerful laugh in the bag,
caught the bag on a branch -
laughed and suddenly got enough sleep.
Rolled along the path
thirty-three little smiles,
and behind them from the bag
thirty-three giggles.

M. Vainilaitis


Near the school
Two sparrows
We fought
Well, just like Staska and me!
Stas pushed me in the side in surprise:
They learned from us!”

L. Fadeeva

I will wake up...

I'll go to bed early today
I'll turn off the lamp first,
But before you
Please wake me up.
It's just a surprise
How easy it is to wake me up!
You put jam on the table, -
I'll wake up in a moment
To drink tea with jam.

D. Kharms

Who will help?

The starling has trouble in his family -
The chick fell out of the nest.
“Oh,” cries the starling father, “
Now the chick will disappear!
He can't fly?!
But we saw a chick
Two cheerful fellows.
One said: “We can do it!”
The other nodded: “Of course!”
And now the little bird
Sits in his birdhouse.

N. Mordvinova

There lived a stupidity in the world

There lived Stupidity in the world. She was wonderful -
She wove rowan beads from berries,
And then I dried them, and in the bitter winter
She scattered those beads on the snowy pavement.

She also loved Stupidity, sitting down on a stool,
Crumble bread for the tits through the window for lunch.
And I went mushroom picking in the morning at six o’clock,
And in the evening I gave them to hedgehogs in the forest.

Stupidity could embark on a dangerous long flight,
Just to smell the edelweiss on the rocks,
But don’t pick the treasured fancy flower,
And in the predawn haze, water its sprout.

One day a black raven grumbled with a grin:
- I have never seen such stupid actions in my life!
Forgive me for being rude. Don't sulk at words.
But you really, Stupidity, are wrong in many ways!

And Stupidity shrugged it off, silently looked away,
She smiled carelessly and wandered on.
Have you met her? After all, the fairy tale is simple...
Tell me, is this nonsense? Or maybe Kindness?

T. Varlamova

Don't hurt the toads

- Here's a toad, a toad! Let's run away!
Natasha and Maya are shaking.
And the toad answered them: “Oh, you!”
After all, I'm not bothering you.
We live quietly by the water,
We eat bugs and midges.
There is no harm for children from toads,
how there is no harm from cats.
You don't need to offend the toads.
And there is no point in running from them.

L. P. Uspenskaya

And I could...

To the puppy
The little goat came up
- Who are you?
- Puppy.
- And I'm an asshole.
Look what I can do:
“And I can,” said the puppy.
- And I’ll run on the grass!
The puppy said:
- And I can…
- Do you want me to hit the wall with my forehead?
Look what I can do:
- No wonder. And I could
“I don’t want to,” said the puppy.

A. Shibaev

Other children

Other kids eat like this
how we never dreamed about you.
They eat everything,
grow up to be heroes!

They, to the delight of fathers and mothers,
they go to bed so early,
that for nothing neither me nor you
you can't keep up with them.

They are diaries in briefcases
don't forget to put in
they are rugs
willingly knocked out.

And if they occasionally lie,
then it's not on purpose.
That's just where they live,
no one knows for sure!

M. Weizmann


Mom and dad were so bored
They were so sad in silence.
But all the sorrows have disappeared,
I should have been born!

I love mom and dad
I make them laugh all the time!
In general, it was my birthday

M. Druzhinina

Brought from the well
chicken water
And chickens with the whole family
Let's run to wash ourselves.
Only Chick stands on the sidelines,
Doesn't want to wash.
Because, like fire,
he is afraid of water.
And my mother said sternly:
“Children should all wash themselves.
Chick won't play with us.
We don’t need dirty people.”

L. P. Uspenskaya

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.
The cow Mashka is eating porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier!

A. Shibaev

Lambs on the river!
- What kind of lambs? –
The sheep said. –
What kind of lambs?
Well, where are they, where?
can't walk
on water…

A. Shibaev


Math freak
Lived in Germany.
He's bread and sausage
Accidentally folded it.
Then the result
He put it in his mouth.
Like this

G. Sapgir

Reading six-year-olds are quite capable of learning poetry by heart on their own or with a little help. This greatly expands their vocabulary, which in turn increases their reading speed.

Would you like to amuse yourself and your child? Or bring something cute and funny to your event? Then numerous funny poems for children have been created just for you.

Do you agree, what could be purer and sweeter than children's laughter? After all, he is always sincere - innocent children still have no idea what deception is. Poems about children are funny, short, easy to remember works that can decorate anyone family celebration. They will lift your spirits and set a topic for communication, because nothing brings people together like laughter.

It will not be difficult for a child to learn funny poems for children; short quatrains will quickly fall into place on the tongue, and a clear, simple dialect will definitely not pose any unnecessary difficulties for him.

In addition, you can save a lot of money on this, because to receive them you only need Internet access. By visiting our website, you can find a huge selection of works by a variety of authors. And all this is absolutely free and at any time convenient for you, day or night. Experienced and proven writers replenish the site’s database every day with new funny poems for children, complete variety and freedom of choice are in your hands.

From the Cat's Point of View

From the Cat's point of view -
life is clear and simple:
Vovka's dad exists
so that the cat can go for fish,
Because the fish themselves
they couldn’t jump into the bowl;
Vovka’s mom – well, so be it
with whom to nap in front of the TV,
And the fire brigade -
to remove the Cat from the cornice;
Chair - for tearing upholstery,
Wardrobe - to hide in,
Only Vovka exists
It’s not clear why.
He, according to the Cat,
Very harmful to the tail!
And for decent cats,
You know, not a hundred tails!

Nina Tarasova


Lived in the apartment of the Cockroach,
In the crack at the threshold.
He didn't bite anyone
Didn't touch anyone
Didn't scratch anyone
Didn't pinch
Didn't sting
And his family
They were very respected.
This is how the Cockroach would live
Living at peace with everyone.
...Only people got wound up
In his apartment.

Renata Mukha

I bark myself. And he is silent.
How to teach this?..

I take a handful of sweets.
Druzhka's tail is playing.
- What is three plus seven?
My friend was completely stunned:
Jumping and playing.
Doesn't want to bark.

I bark ten times in a row, -
I eat fruit marmalade.

- What is two plus two?
Do not ask! Bark first!
Count it! There are sweets.
If you bark, you will eat!
He does not understand.
Doesn't want to bark...

Barking again. I'm eating again.
- You will be without sweets at all!

— Shall we subtract five from six?
Well, my friend, let's count!
Answer without lying!
- Woof!!!

Valery Fursa

There are no ghosts

I'll say for sure:
Ghosts are fiction!
That's for sure - nonsense!
And nowhere and never:
Neither on Tuesdays nor on Wednesdays
Neither the woman nor the grandfather,
Neither at sea, nor in the forest,
Not at twelve o'clock
Every schoolchild knows this.
Even the wind howled...
There were no ghosts...
And on a terrible dark night
Nobody wants to scare us
After all, any ghost -
Just a misunderstanding!
And behind the closet... just... a shadow,
But not a ghost... a ghost...
Nonsense... delusion...
And no one sighs there...
And no one’s steps there...
We couldn't even think!
And in the darkness... no one... prowls...
Doesn't laugh... and doesn't whistle...
And no one’s...there...not eyes...
This is just for show-a-a-a-a!!!

Elena Evseeva

Fifteen fat grannies

Fifteen fat grannies
We stood at the fence
Fifteen fat grannies
We looked at Yegor.

And he wanted to go through the fence
Fly like a bird.
And he wanted, like a fly agaric,
Fall through the ground.

Fifteen fat grannies
He was not offended
Fifteen fat grannies
They were breathing in his face.

Why did he just offer?
Should I deliver the string bag?
Grandma across the street
I wanted to translate...

The Timurites have transferred out,
Apparently, in Rus'.
And who are they - you
Ask your grandmother.

Tatiana Shatskikh

Offended briefcase

The briefcase grumbled offendedly:
- So and so! Slacker!
Where did he go without me?
Today is Monday!

I took the ball and immediately over the threshold,
I was thrown under the bed.
All! We were late for class.
Now we get a two.

It happened that he would throw it on the way, -
I fly anywhere.
But in order not to go to school...
This never happened!

Let this not be my fault, -
I worry too much.
And he ran away - and at least he didn't care.
This is how to serve the boys!

It’s already evening outside the window, -
Everyone wears it somewhere!
The briefcase did not yet know that
That summer has come.

Vera Kapustina

Seryozha and nails

The whole house shakes.
Seryozha hits with a hammer.
Blushing with anger,
Hammers nails.
The nails are bending
The nails are crumpled
The nails are wriggling
They are above Seryozha
They're just making fun of me -
They do not drive into the wall.
It's good that your hands are intact.
No, it’s a completely different matter -
Drive nails into the ground!
Knock! - and the hat is not visible.
They don't bend
They don't break,
They are taken out again.

V. Berestov


Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do:
In the morning I helped my brother, -
He ate candy in the morning.

Here's how much Tanya has to do:
Tanya ate, drank tea,
I sat down and sat with my mother,
She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I'll help you tomorrow.


Gave it to the boy Anton
Macarnon for lunch.
Pasta on a plate
Coiled into a knot like a snake.

She looked scary
But Anton bravely
I immediately poked a hole in it with a fork,
The family just gasped!

Give me,” said Antosha, “
More pasta for me!
Everyone looked with delight
At him from all sides.

And they gave me a big medal,
And they painted a picture
Where he bravely wins
A herd of predatory pasta.

S. Vostokov

What happened to the kittens?

What happened to the kittens?
Why aren't they sleeping?
Why was the buffet opened?
Did you break the new cup?

Drum dropped
Scratched the sofa?
Why are their paws
Did you get into someone's shoes?

A bowl of milk was spilled,
Did you wake up your mother cat?
Why was the book torn?
Because they are catching a mouse.

V. Stepanov

Even the very fact of learning a poem is already good for a child, because it is at a young age that his memory is actively formed. And the fact that these are also funny poems for children allows us to conclude that his sense of humor will begin to develop at a rapid pace.

Give a small and very touching surprise to your guests; your choice will definitely not be disapproved. If you want to organize it on your holiday, then you definitely won’t make a mistake, because a child’s memory, like nothing else, absorbs all the knowledge and all the information about the world around him. Funny poems for children are a great choice for a source of this information, and it is available to you at any time of the day or night. Visit our website, choose whatever you like and learn it with your child! This may bring you and him even closer while you try to learn the next poem together. Don't hesitate and don't miss your chance, good luck to you.

If you liked our site or found the information on this page useful, share it with your friends and acquaintances - click one of the social network buttons at the bottom of the page or at the top, because among the heaps of unnecessary garbage on the Internet it is quite difficult to find truly interesting materials.