On chilly winter days, nothing will warm you up like a fur coat. natural fur. It has been and remains the dream of every woman since ancient times, when animal skins were the first human clothing. Nowadays, a fur coat not only gives warmth and comfort in harsh winter time, but is also a sign of a woman’s taste, wealth, and status. If you fall asleep and wake up with the thought of a fur coat or freeze in front of the windows of fur salons, mentally trying on an outfit for yourself, then it’s time to go looking for suitable option, armed with information about which fur coat is best to buy for the winter, so that it can serve for more than one season and delight you with its warmth, comfort, and beauty. Today we will tell you which fur is best for a fur coat and what basic requirements must be met for fur products. Knowing everything about furs, you can safely go in search of the fur coat of your dreams.

Main characteristics of fur products

Natural fur is very expensive, so choosing a fur coat must be approached with all responsibility. The basic requirements for fur products are:

  • Thermal characteristics. The ability of a fur coat to warm its owner depends on the length of the product, the thickness of the fur, and the elasticity of the pile.
  • Wearability. This is one of the main properties of fur. Durability is influenced by many factors - both the quality of the fur and its storage conditions.

Let's look at each product characteristic in more detail.

Thermal properties

The heat-protective properties of animal skin depend on the following factors:

  • Length, elasticity of the pile.
  • Thickness of hair, down.
  • The number of air bubbles inside and between the hairs.
  • Looseness of the flesh. Very often, in order to reduce the weight of the product, the core is stretched. As a result, the spaces between the hairs increase and the air gap decreases.

If we classify animal skins according to their heat-protective properties, then the coldest are:

The following have average thermal characteristics:

The warmest furs are found in the following animals:

  • When choosing a product, be sure to check the density of the down. Run your hand over the fur and against it, and you will see the density of the fur, the down. Blow on the layer: if the villi immediately return to their place, then the fur is of high quality. The thicker the pile, the thicker the fur layer, the warmer the product.
  • The hair should be long and shiny. The longer it is, the warmer the fur coat will be. In foxes, wolverines, arctic foxes and raccoons, the hair length can reach 40 mm, in muskrats and sables it is 25-40 mm, and in minks it is 25 mm. The Arctic fox is able to withstand temperatures down to -60 degrees, thanks to its long hair. Arctic fox fur coats can keep you warm at the most cold winter. In addition, the fur of this animal looks luxurious; blue fox fur coats are especially prized.

Which fur is best for a fur coat?

To decide what material to choose a fur coat from, you must first answer two questions.

Purpose of purchase

If you need clothes “for going out,” then issues of thermal characteristics and wearability fade into the background. More often in this case, the decisive factor is the brand and the impressive number on the price tag:

  • The skins of chinchilla, ermine, and mink are suitable as an indicator of your own prestige. Remember that such products are sewn on a lining without insulation, so in cold weather you can freeze in such a coat.
  • A fur coat designed to protect from frost and wind should be made from fox or mouton fur.

Important! Choose models made from solid fur to wear. They provide better warmth in cold weather than products made from separate plates. Sheared fur also cannot boast of its heat-protective properties.

Conditions under which you will wear the product

For humid climates, the furs of waterfowl are suitable. For example:

In severe frosts they will warm you better:

For a milder “European” climate, the following are suitable:

Review of the properties of different furs

Let's compare animal furs based on thermal characteristics to answer the question: a beaver or a mink fur coat - which is better?

  • Mink and beaver. The fur of these animals is beautiful, practical and durable. However, a beaver coat definitely wins in terms of heat retention.
  • Mink and mouton. Of course, a mink coat emphasizes a woman’s status, as it looks luxurious, rich, and is very expensive. However, the mouton is ahead of the mink in terms of thermal characteristics. Mouton is a specially processed sheepskin, and products made from it tend to maintain optimal temperature.

Important! If previously products made from mouton did not have a very attractive appearance, today fur coats look no worse than mink, thanks to special processing and painting. In addition, the mouton is resistant to dampness, durable, and caring for such products is not difficult.

  • Fox. Fox fur coats are considered the warmest due to the length and thickness of the pile. Models made from silver fox are distinguished by their softness and beauty.

Important! Fur coats made of black and silver fur belong to the category of elite clothing.

The wearability of fur is one of the main characteristics of the product.

Price fur products quite high, and buying them for one season is absolutely impractical. It is very important that the purchased fur coat serves its owner for more than one season, maintaining its original attractive appearance.

Wearability is one of the properties of fur and depends on the following factors:

  • Wear resistance of the pile.
  • Bond strength between leather tissue and hairs.
  • Wear resistance of leather.
  • Dressing and dyeing.
  • Storage conditions.

The furs of the following animals are considered the most wear-resistant:

  1. Otter. You can wear an otter product for 20 years. The wearability of otter fur is considered to be 100%, and the wearability of other types of fur is calculated in relation to this indicator.
  2. Sable. I will delight you with products made from sable fur for 12 seasons.
  3. The mink will please its owner for 10 years.
  4. Raccoon - 9 seasons.
  5. Marten and arctic fox - up to 7 seasons.
  6. Sheepskin and astrakhan fur will please the owner of 6 years.
  7. Nutria and fox - about 5.
  8. Sheared rabbit - 4 seasons.
  9. Hare. The fur of a hare is considered the most fragile. A fur coat made from it will last only 1 season.

Important! The durability of the product is determined not only by the natural properties of the skin, but also by the processing method and the skill of the manufacturer. The wear rate of the product will be higher if the fur is “winter”. It is distinguished by thick down and higher density and length. And vice versa - during the period of molting of animals, the strength of the connection between the flesh and the hair decreases. These skins are not of high quality.

Fur coloring also reduces wearability by 10-20%. But a haircut, on the contrary, increases this figure by 20-40%. Therefore, sometimes long fur is cut in order to prevent matting and breaking off. It should be remembered that sheared fur of ermine, gopher and rabbit warms much worse.

  • Choose fur products exclusively from producers in northern countries - Canada, Russia, USA, Finland. Only in cold climates can natural thick fur be grown.
  • When purchasing a fur coat, check the fur. Wrinkle its edge - it should easily return to its original position. Smell the fur - high-quality fur does not have any strong chemical or biological odors.

How to choose a fur product that will last for many years?

Pay attention to the following signs of the quality of a fur product to finally decide which fur coat is best to buy for the winter:

  • Kind of animal. Products with a short service life can be purchased for children. They grow quickly, and they do not need a fur coat to retain its attractive appearance for many years.

Important! Items made from rabbit, squirrel and hare (fur coats, hats, vests) have good thermal properties and a low price.

  • Treatment. The flesh should be white and not make any sounds when shaken. If the flesh is crunchy, it means the fur is overdried, and its yellow color indicates that the fur is old.

Important! Pay special attention to the lining: if it is not sewn tightly, this indicates that the manufacturer is confident in the quality of the product and allows the buyer to evaluate the finishing of the skin from the inside.

  • Fur dyeing. Fur dyeing can be done for different purposes. Very often, the manufacturer tries to hide product defects under paint. For this, dark shades are used. However, some fur needs to be dyed because it does not look very attractive in its original form, such as nutria. Today, dyeing is done with high-tech dyes that do not affect the quality of the fur. So, if you want to buy a purple fox fur coat, then buy it.

Important! To check the quality of the dyeing and find out whether the fur will get dirty during wear, wrap a few hairs in a handkerchief and rub a little. If there are no marks left on the fabric, then you don’t have to worry about the quality of the dyeing.

  • Sewing. Fur products sewn “unfolded” and whole are allowed. Sewing depends on the fur of the animal:
    1. If the animal has a thick fur (raccoon, nutria, beaver), then the products are usually sewn “unfolded” so that the fur coat fits better and does not look like a sheath.
    2. If the flesh is thin (mink), then a product sewn “in loose” will give slimness to plump ladies.

Important! In any case, the tailoring of the product depends on the style, length, and color. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of seams. The fewer there are, the stronger the fur product.

  • Products with a wide silhouette with a three-quarter length and adjustable cuffs are worn longer. And vice versa - welted loops with fur trim and a zipper will very quickly damage the coat.
  • To avoid the temptation to put a bunch of keys and a mobile phone in your coat pocket at the same time, purchase a product only with an internal pocket.
  • The best option for a manteau belt is fur, since suede and leather belts quickly damage the pile.
  • Buy coats only in a fur salon or in a store that has proven itself well. Such companies care about their reputation and the quality of their products. In addition, such a company will give you a 1-year warranty card.
  • Beware of fake fur products. Sometimes the inexperienced buyer is offered products made from Canadian sable, but such an animal does not exist in nature. Marten is sold under the guise of sable. Of course, products made from marten are also very beautiful, but they cannot be compared with Russian sable.

Important! By touch you can distinguish a marmot from a mink. Marmots have hair of different lengths, but minks have the same hair and are not scratchy.

  • Pay special attention to the seams. They must be stitched neatly and thinly. To make sure the quality of the seams, feel them. If they cannot be felt at all, it means that glue was used instead of threads. Such a coat may simply fall apart in a few days.

Important! The seams on the breaks and stretchy parts of the coat (armpits, pocket trim, upper back) should have built-in soft ribbons to strengthen them during stretching and deformation.

  • The marking on the reverse side of a fur product must contain information about the country of the manufacturer and the date of sewing (processing) of the fur.

Rules for caring for fur products:

  1. Before storing your fur item away at the end of the winter season, be sure to clean and dry it.
  2. At home, store the product in a closed cabinet and a special case. The distance from the cabinet to the heating devices must be at least 1 m.
  3. Ventilate the product periodically during storage and renew the moth repellent on time. You cannot sprinkle mothballs on the manto.
  4. If your fur coat gets wet while wearing it, first shake it to remove excess moisture and lay it out on a horizontal surface. Dry the product at room temperature, away from heaters and heating appliances. Gently comb the dried fur in the direction of hair growth.
  5. Hang the product on hangers with wide brims.
  6. Items made from dyed and undyed fur should not be stored side by side.

Video material

The choice of fur coat depends on lifestyle, personal preferences and financial capabilities. We hope that our tips and recommendations helped you do right choice, and now a high-quality, beautiful fur miracle will delight you with its warmth for many years!

The thing is irreplaceable. In addition, coats made of natural fur will never go out of fashion. However, when going in search of the ideal model, you need to consider many factors. ELLE's tips will help you understand how to choose a quality fur coat.

Photo by Åsa Tällgård

To answer the question of how to choose the right fur coat, first of all you need to decide what weather you will wear it in. If thirty-degree frost outside the window is common in your climate zone, then pay attention to the fur of an arctic fox, fox, sable or mouton. These types of fur retain heat best. For a less harsh climate, a fur coat made from hare, chinchilla, nutria and astrakhan fur is suitable. Ermine, mink and rabbit will be appropriate only in mild winter conditions.

Fur coats made from patches, fashionable today, are significantly inferior to products made from whole skins both in terms of protection from the cold and in durability.

Another interesting point is that coats made from male fur are much warmer than those made from female fur. They are denser, heavier and tougher. The female's fur is light and elastic. Such products also vary in price: female fur is usually more expensive.

Photo by Åsa Tällgård

To understand how to choose good fur coat, you also need to know whether it is made from the fur of a wild or farmed animal. The fur of wild animals is warmer and thicker. Plus it's shinier. But such a product also costs more than its analogue, made from the fur of animals raised in captivity.

One of the key characteristics of fur that you need to pay attention to before deciding which fur coat to choose is durability. Otter fur, recognized as the standard of wearability (100%), will last the longest. A fur coat made from this material can be worn for almost 20 years. Then come the furs of bear and beaver, which retain their quality for 18 seasons. Sable, raccoon, mink and arctic fox will survive 8–10 years; marten, astrakhan fur, sheepskin, fox - 6 years; lynx, squirrel - from 4 to 5 years, ermine and rabbit - from 2 to 4. The most impractical in this regard is hare fur, which loses its appearance after just a year of wear.

6 questions you should answer yourself before choosing a fur coat:

For what purposes do you want to buy a fur coat: will you wear it every day or for an occasion?

What color fur coat do you want to buy?

Do you want to buy a trendy fur coat that meets the latest trends, or a timeless classic?

How long should a fur coat be?

Which silhouette are you going to choose?

How much money are you willing to spend on a fur coat?

Photo by Åsa Tällgård

Only after answering all these questions can you begin to make an informed choice of a fur product. If you have serious doubts on several points at once, then most likely you will be even more confused in the store.

A few more tips on how to choose the right fur coat:

In the store, carefully inspect the product: the fur should be uniform, without bald spots or creases, and of the same thickness and length throughout the entire product. If space allows, lay the fur coat on the floor and inspect it from afar - the color should be uniform, without stains or faded areas.

Ask the store consultant to try the fur coat on yourself - this will make it easier to assess the symmetry of the cut.

Run your hand over the fur coat and pinch the fur. If lint remains in the palm, the fur coat will not last long.

Try scrunching the fur in your palm. If the fur quickly takes its original shape, then the product is of high quality.

Carefully inspect the lining, check every seam. Conscientious manufacturers pay Special attention details and do not skimp on trifles - the seams should be even and neat, there should be no threads sticking out of them.

They tell jokes about her. She is the hero of stereotypes about the desires of every woman. They dream about her. Its appearance is condemned, but, in fact, there is no lady who would not admire the beauty of this thing.

We ask you to love and favor: the queen of women's wardrobe, the object of desire and passion - a mink coat! White or black, or maybe with a silver fox collar? How to choose mink coat among the great variety presented in stores?

Fur coat in your closet

It has long been the custom that a fur coat in the wardrobe is a symbol of prosperity in the house. Not a sheepskin coat, not a short down jacket or a puffy jacket, but a luxurious heavy fur coat. It never goes out of fashion, and if you don’t spare money on quality, you can be sure that the product will not be afraid of rain. And, of course, a fur coat obliges you to look the part.

You can't get away with it here tracksuit from the market, and winter sneakers with such a thing look ridiculous. With the right approach to shaping your wardrobe, a fur coat will become a unique touch to the overall style, that same notorious diamond cut that creates a mood and makes an impression.

Animal rights activists have been vocal against the fur coat industry, and it's worth noting that their words affect many of us. But does the industry suffer from this? Let's remember famous model Naomi Campbell, who joined PETA and posed nude for their advertising, but a few months later could not resist the pleasure of trying on chinchilla fur at the Fendi show. Of course, the scandal hit the reputation of the top model, but the fact remains that women love fur, and there is no lady in the world who would refuse such a gift. Moreover, buying one fur coat does not quell the desire to buy another one. Among the abundance of furs, the mink confidently holds the place of leader.

Why mink?

Which mink coat is better to choose? Sellers, casual acquaintances, and friends vying with each other to offer their advice. Mink is feminine, stylish and always fashionable. Mink is chic, especially if the product is of high quality. The fur shimmers, shines, and lies close to the body. A mink coat will not turn an elegant girl into a clumsy snowman, over time it will not turn into a lump of fur and will not reveal dubious bald spots. These advantages also back side: mink is not the warmest fur, and in harsh winters such a fur coat can become chilly. But will this argument outweigh the desire to show off in a shiny new thing?! And warmth is a gain, because you can always insulate a product with wool batting.

Ideal model

Each representative of the fair sex knows her strengths and weaknesses. It is very important to learn to hide your own flaws. How to choose a mink coat style to present yourself in the most favorable light? First of all, you need to adequately assess your own physical parameters. Are you tall? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are a fragile and petite woman? Pay attention to the width of your shoulders and the length of your legs. “Inch-inch” girls are not recommended to choose elongated or too curvy models. An impressive collar and a hood with fur trim will not decorate you either. A fur coat should complement you and warm you, not overshadow you. Do not choose models that are too small, because such a piece of clothing should not be tight on you.

The eternal trend is trapezoidal models, which are sewn from diagonal pieces of fur. This manufacturing method initially implies more careful wearing and careful cleaning. By the way, you won’t be hot in such clothes, and they fully fulfill their decorative function.

Which mink coat to choose in a country with a harsh climate? If in winter you do without your own transport and use public transport, then it is irrational to choose a long fur coat, as it will quickly wear out and become unpresentable. In such conditions, it is better to prefer a short mink coat with a hood and a warm lining. This item of clothing, by the way, does not always need a belt, but it is characterized by universal mobility, that is, it is suitable for any style and image. With a classic bag and boots on high heels a short sheepskin coat will be feminine, and with skinny jeans, a backpack and ugg boots you can create a dynamic youth ensemble.

Business representatives of the fair sex, who have the opportunity to maintain a car and go out in the evening, may prefer elongated fur coats with a belt, hood and tapered sleeves. These models provide excellent warmth, elongate the silhouette and make the figure feminine.

Mech rating

How to choose a good mink coat? And why is mink considered the most optimal option in this regard? It must be said that in a kind of leaderboard, the mink takes only fourth place, leaving the otter, beaver and sable ahead. This is explained by the relatively low wearability of fur. Sporting a mink coat every day would be wasteful. If you regularly drive a car, then it is better to avoid long products. This is both inconvenient and unreasonable; after all, the mink wrinkles very quickly. But short models are an ideal option for a born motorist.

Taste and color

How to choose a mink coat in accordance with the color trends of the season? This is very important nuance. Naturally, you need to try on a fur coat to determine the combination of the color of the product and your appearance. Light shades are refreshing, hide age and highlight the natural blush.

But when moving along our roads, you always run the risk of splashing a spectacular mink with drops of dirt and water. In addition, light colors emphasize the figure, so if you are overweight, then do not choose such a fur coat. Dark models outline your contours more clearly, but they also highlight your disadvantages just as accurately, so you shouldn’t try on such a product, otherwise you’ll immediately give yourself a couple of years.

The right approach

Fur is capricious by nature and over time can acquire a yellowish tint, and this process, unfortunately, is irreversible. Yellowing is most noticeable on light-colored fur.

How to choose a mink coat correctly so as not to get into trouble? When purchasing, you should especially carefully inspect the product in artificial and daylight. Remember that there should not be even a hint of yellowness on the new fur coat. And this is noticeable only when comparing light models, since against the background of dark ones the difference will not be so obvious. Snow-white mink is certainly beautiful. This model makes you a fragile and beautiful Snow Maiden, but this happiness will not last very long.

In just 2-3 seasons, the product will acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint. Which mink coat is best to choose in this case? Perhaps the beige option is suitable for you, since such fur ages unnoticed and looks more noble. The mysterious and unearthly shade of blue mink is very ambiguous, as it rarely suits anyone, but it magically transforms a woman into a real queen. If this shade suits you, then you will make a great impression at any meeting.

Black fur coats are a timeless classic, so if you are looking for a universal option, then buy this model. Remember that mink is dyed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also in an attempt to hide defects in the skins.

Light mink, which is respectfully called white gold, is often subject to bleaching, which makes it less durable. But dark fur coats may cost you a little more, because there is a strange stereotype regarding the price, according to which black fur is more durable. Sellers who give advice on how to choose the right mink coat may turn out to be unscrupulous and pass off a dyed walnut mink as a black one. The difference doesn’t seem to be that big, but deception is still deception. It is unlikely that you will want to get into such a story.

Word of mouth

Agree, it’s nice to leave the house in a luxurious fur coat on a frosty day, catch the envious admiring glances of others, and feel a real woman, which is worthy of gifts and compliments! A long-awaited purchase will bring more joy if it collects the required number of reviews from your friends and acquaintances. After all, public opinion is an incredibly powerful engine of trade. Last but not least, thanks to him, the mink coat became a symbol of success.

How to choose the right mink coat? Reviews from experienced buyers can only confuse, because it doesn’t happen all the time. At one point of sale, someone came across a fur coat with some fur coming out, and someone else couldn’t get enough of their fluffy jacket for more than one season. Therefore, reviews from amateurs should be taken into account only at the final stage of selection in order to decide between controversial options.

There will be more sales points in large cities. At your request, the store must present a certificate for sale and tell you what furs are used in production. It is best to visit a retail outlet with an expert who can tell you whether the sellers are telling the truth and how to choose the right mink coat without fear.

It should be noted that there are no absolute advantages to any shade of fur coat. You must decide this yourself, based on which item suits you most.

Professionals recommend storing light-colored items in a case. In general, mink should be protected from direct sunlight and worn carefully, because it is not a jacket that can be sewn up and dry cleaned without fear. A mink coat after repair may look impeccable, but an unpleasant aftertaste will significantly spoil your pleasure from wearing it. If you can afford such luxury, then take care of purchasing and installing a fur refrigerator. Then the product will not turn yellow for a very long time. If this is too costly for you, then it doesn’t matter - in large cities such a service is provided for a fee.

Mink Paradise

Who would have thought that such a small animal could become the object of desire for many millions of ladies! Over time, craftsmen learned to recognize animal furs and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Detailed tips on how to choose a mink coat will help even an amateur make up his mind in the world of mink diversity. It is worth noting that in many countries around the world they breed and sell minks.

The names of the mink are indicated on the labels. The Russian mink, which has a high spine and underfur, is rightfully considered the warmest, which explains its somewhat increased shaggyness. By the way, such fur is quite affordable and, in comparison with its “relatives,” has an affordable price. A tastefully made, high-quality Russian mink fur coat is not inferior to foreign models, but often on the streets there are large ladies who are full of fluffy fur.

How to choose a mink coat among overseas options? Pay attention to Scandinavian fur, which currently occupies a leading position. The thick underfur and medium awn, coupled with a luxurious shine, won the popular title of black diamond and a leader’s place at the Finnish auction.

For the European climate, North American mink is suitable, which is strikingly different from others due to its low pile and lack of characteristic shine. Sometimes it is called velvet. Enterprising Italians could not miss such a source of income as the sale of fur coats, even though they do not raise mink themselves. Their difference is in creating great design. At fur factories here you can buy a fur coat at a huge discount, which attracts fashionistas from all over the world to Italy.

Defect or feature?

When talking about types of fur, we cannot ignore the wild mink. How to choose a high-quality mink coat from such fur? It is necessary to focus on the height of the pile, which should resemble sable. Wild mink have an exceptionally dark gray-brown color and a light underfur. Often such fur may have external flaws, but its cost is incredible.

And, of course, the world's fashionistas must have wondered how to choose a mink coat in China, where prices seem so tempting and the fur dream is so affordable! There is no doubt that Chinese products are the cheapest, but low-quality fur coats are exported, and good models remain in the country. The Chinese are economical but cunning people, so they like to use fur stretching technologies, which makes it brittle and thin. A fur coat made in this way turns out to be light and cold.

Nuances of choice

If you're thinking about difficult question about how to choose a high-quality mink coat, then you are probably looking for practical advice. So, it is recommended to make such an expensive purchase in large stores, and not in temporary kiosks or trays. Market goods, as a rule, have no guarantee and are not controlled by anyone. Think for yourself: if suddenly the fur coat turns out to be flawed, how will you get your money back? After all, the day after a major sale, the point may simply disappear.

It is not very pleasant to be left with a defective product for which you paid a lot of money. Many potential buyers will argue that buying a fur coat in a large salon is fraught with significant financial costs compared to purchasing from small outlets. Well, this is a compelling argument, but you can always wait until the sales season, such as spring or summer, when really attractive discounts are offered. Although here you need to be prepared for a sharp narrowing of the assortment.

You should carefully study the product before purchasing. Look at the color of the underfur and inner layer. Remember that it should not be unpleasant or yellowish. But the perfect color of the underfur indicates that the product has been dyed. And the flesh should be white, without spots or holes. Yellowness is a sign of old age.

The foreign smell of fur is a reason to refuse the purchase. Stroke the product with your hand. Know that plucked and shorn fur coats are less durable and resistant to stains. The most reliable and durable things are not finished with other fur. You are probably wondering how to choose a quality mink coat? So, the mink pile should shine and be pleasant to the touch. When tugged, good fur does not fall off or stick together. Material with bald spots is probably old, and if the fur coat is made poorly, then when stroking the fur remains in an altered position for a long time. Now take a closer look at the seams: glued fur coats are a beautiful, but useless accessory for one season. It is unlikely that it will last you much longer.

The main thing is that the suit fits...

A high-quality fur coat will decorate a woman, provided that she knows her size, color and style. We have already talked about the last two characteristics, but how to choose the size of a mink coat? You will have to try on more than a dozen to find your model. In some ways, fur coats are similar to Wedding Dresses: at first glance, everyone is beautiful, but only one model cannot be found fault with in any way. Try to choose with both your heart and your mind so that you don’t end up regretting it. Ask questions to the seller, inspect the fur, put on the fur coat and walk around in it, try all the pockets, the inner lining, and the hood.

Spread your arms to their full width and pay attention to whether your fur coat interferes with your movements. If winters are particularly harsh in your area, when making a purchase, consider what clothes you will wear under your fur coat. Thick wool sweater? Then you need something a size or even two larger. But the main thing is not to buy a fur coat that is too tight or smaller than the required size. This is not a swimsuit, and it shouldn’t be tight on you. Small fur coats look skimpy, as if they were taken off someone else's shoulder, so you may be doing yourself a disservice.

Tricks for fur lovers

Italians are specialists not only in matters of design. They own the technology for making fur coats using computer selection. These are expensive models, but, alas, short-lived. If the question of how to choose a mink coat intersects with money, then you should take a closer look at products made from pieces rather than from whole skin. By the way, they are also subject to certain requirements. For example, pieces of fur must be at least 15 x 15 centimeters. Otherwise, the fur coat will not last long, but it will not cost so much. Before purchasing, run a damp white handkerchief or napkin over the product and see if any marks remain. If so, then the fur coat is dyed and will hardly tolerate dry cleaning.

Of course, you have to pay for quality, but how to choose the right mink coat in order to spend your money wisely and become the owner of a luxurious item? Maybe we should turn to Chinese and Russian underground producers? And this option has a right to life, although you have to keep your eyes open, because often a rabbit or a marmot is passed off as a mink. Even an amateur can tell them apart if he is prepared for a trick. So, the marmot's fur is prickly and has different lengths, and rabbit fur is very soft and almost does not shine.

The mink coat is light and cozy. Any discomfort is a signal that should alert you. If you look closely, even the back of the product can tell you how to choose the right mink coat. Uneven seams, protruding threads and traces of glue? They are trying to sell you a marriage! A high-quality fur coat smells pleasant, caresses the skin and makes you want to wrap yourself in fur.

You can save money without much damage to quality if you like a cross-cut mink coat. How to choose this little-known product? And what is he? It turns out that there is an excellent alternative to a fur coat for fabulous money. A cross-piece made of expensive fur will be much cheaper than classic mink, and the original layout and corresponding pattern will delight the most discerning fashionista. What is the essence of such a fur coat? It’s just that the fur is not located longitudinally, but transversely, which is clearly visible on the finished product.

Traditionally, wide strips of fur are used, and the style can be chosen based on own preferences. The fur coat clearly demonstrates the transverse laying - it is long and straight. A compact and comfortable model for a car lady - a short cross-cut sheepskin coat. For ultra-fashionable women, the “Cleopatra” style is in the shape of a trapezoid, and for petite girls, a godet is suitable – a fitted fur coat with a hood and flares from the waist. Rather, for decorative purposes rather than for insulation, they choose the “butterfly” style, which suggests average length and wide sleeves.

For many people, buying a mink coat abroad remains attractive, and this approach is quite justified, because the cost of fur in Turkey, Greece and Italy is much lower than in Russia. Don't want to travel outside your home country? Then online shopping can help you! A huge catalog with photographs of each seam plus delivery of the selected product within the specified time frame.

Since a mink coat is an expensive item, fitting is expected after delivery. Accordingly, payment is made in cash or other in a convenient way. Why do online boutiques offer fur coats at prices below market prices? They can simply afford to cut costs due to the lack of rented premises and staff. Here you go a good option How to choose a real mink coat without unnecessary moral and material costs!

Even global warming will not force a woman to give up a beautiful, soft, warm and cozy fur coat. Natural fur is a very popular element modern fashion, having a truly magical effect on beautiful ladies. And not only because a fur coat made of natural fur saves you in cold weather and is pleasant to wear, but also because it adds elegance and chic to the owner’s image. In other words, the question of having or not having is unimportant, but the question of how to choose a quality fur coat is always relevant!

Fur, as you know, is the most ancient material. Primitive people They made clothes from skins, obtained by hunting. Their functionality was limited by the need to keep warm, and the cost was equal to the physical costs of the hunter. Nowadays, the value of fur clothing sometimes reaches sky-high heights, and in order to purchase an expensive new thing, you just need to go to the store.


Choosing a quality fur coat

So, you have decided to get the best fur coat in the world, and this means that the dream product should be warm, wearable, skillfully sewn, and the material itself should be perfectly crafted. So, the main question is which fur to choose? No, not only. The fur coat should fit perfectly, taking into account the characteristics of the figure. However, in order:

1. Probable service life of the fur

The choice of fur from which a fur coat is made is directly related to its wear resistance and durability.
We have prepared comparison table of furs, where the most important characteristics of the most popular types are given. Using the table, it is easy to determine which product will last the optimal long time, will be guaranteed to provide warmth and be comfortable to wear.

Otter unplucked/plucked 20/18 100/95% high heavy
Wolverine 20 100% high average
Brown and black bear 19 95% high heavy
River beaver unplucked/plucked 18 90/85% high/moderate heavy
Sable natural/dyed 16 80/65% high heavy
Raccoon natural/dyed 10 75/60% moderate+ heavy
Mink natural/dyed 10 70/55% moderate+ average
Marten soft natural/dyed 7 65/50% moderate average
Sheepskin/mouton 7 65/55% high average
Karakul/karakulcha 6 50/15% moderate/low average
Arctic fox blue/white 7 60/45% high average
Wolf natural/dyed 6 60/40% high heavy
Mountain martennature . 5 45% moderate average
Muskrat natural/dyed 5 45/35% moderate heavy
Nutria unplucked/plucked 5 40/25% moderate heavy
Fox natural/dyed 5 40/35% high heavy
Lynx natural/dyed 5 30/20% high average
Squirrel natural/dyed 4 27/20% moderate light
Silver fox 4 25% high average
Ermine 4 25% moderate average
Chinchilla 2 15% moderate light
Rabbit 2 10% low light
Brown hare 1 5% moderate average

2. Quality and pricing

  • Style (length, cut, skin consumption). Everything is simple here - a long and flared fur coat requires more skins for production than a short and straight one, therefore, the price increases with every centimeter.
  • Quality of workmanship. The determining factors here will be the same density of fur, the absence of creases, the neatness and evenness of the seams.
  • Fur quality (shine, softness) Thick down, long, soft to the touch and unbreakable hairs, which, when stroked in the opposite direction, quickly return to their original appearance.
  • Sewing technology (dissolution, plates) Dissolution made in good faith (cutting the skins into strips diagonally, soaking and stretching them, followed by sewing them on the bias) will cost more than sewing from solid plates. But the durability of such a product is an order of magnitude higher, and visually the dissolution is beyond competition.

3. Determining the authenticity of fur

A sure way to avoid fraud when buying a fur coat:

  • make a purchase in a specialized store with a good reputation
  • ask the seller for a certificate of authenticity

If you are denied this, for one reason or another, do not hesitate to turn around and leave - it is better not to risk it. We want to choose a quality fur coat for more than just one day, don’t we?

Perhaps having a certificate is not enough of a guarantee for you? Well, a few tips below will help you determine the authenticity of the most popular types of fur.

Mink is the leader in the number of fakes

The very popular and valuable mink fur is often passed off as a specially bred and shorn rabbit or marmot. Falsification can be revealed by simple stroking: mink is somewhat stiffer and more elastic - the fur instantly absorbs the shock. A rabbit is much softer and if you run your hand against the fur, the hairs will not return to their original shape.

In addition, a genuine mink has dense and even guard hair and undercoat, while a rabbit's guard hair is uneven and slightly prickly if it has been clipped.

How to choose a beaver fur coat

An unplucked beaver is difficult to fake - it is too recognizable, but a shorn and plucked beaver is often replaced with the fur of a cheaper nutria or ferret.

Plucked beaver, due to the complicated plucking technology, is more expensive and wears easier and lasts longer. The most important thing here is to distinguish it from fakes. And this is not difficult to do, just run your hand against the fur and feel a light and sharp tingling sensation in the hair. This characteristic feature is inherent only to this fur.

Another defining feature is weight. Beaver fur cannot be called light, due to the dense down that does not allow air to pass through, among other things. Blow on the fur, and if the skin is not visible, the sign of authenticity is obvious.

Finally, the beaver belongs to the family of aquatic rodents, and not only is it not afraid of moisture, but under its influence the fur becomes even fluffier and more luxuriant. Of course, only a crazy seller will allow you to pour water on your fur coat to check, but the very first test with wet snow will convince you of the correctness of the purchase.

Silver fox or fox dog?


A genuine silver fox is distinguished not only by fur that is uniform in length and density, but also by an exclusive three-color color. The palette of shades is as follows: bottom - pearl gray, middle - milky white, top - pearl black. And nothing else. This color cannot be falsified.

Mouton - the game is worth the candle!

The most popular and affordable Russian fur is often replaced by careless manufacturers with low-grade analogues, or, even worse, with faux fur. How to choose the right quality mouton fur coat?

You can diagnose naturalness by the reverse side - the flesh should look like tanned leather, which in essence it is, in contrast to the fabric base on faux fur.
The quality of the product is easily determined by squeezing and quickly releasing the fur in your hand. A good mouton straightens out quickly and its hairs do not stick together.
The seams should be smooth and tactile. If they cannot be felt, it means that gluing was used instead of seams, and this is a sign of counterfeit.
You should also definitely check the quality of the color of the mouton by running a white cloth over the fur - there should be no traces of paint left on it.


Choosing a fur coat style

Almost everyone knows the regret when it turns out that new thing not very comfortable to wear due to the wrong size or bad style. It can be especially unpleasant when it comes to an expensive purchase. Regardless of whether you become the owner of luxurious fur or pay attention to a modest, elegant model, do not rush. Before you buy a fur coat that will perfect choice, in addition to knowledge, it is recommended to take into account several personality characteristics:

  • body structure;
  • being overweight;
  • facial features;
  • Lifestyle;
  • favorite style of clothing.

Fit style

At some completeness best choice there will be a trapezoidal silhouette, flared at the bottom, sewn loose. Overweight ladies are not recommended to wear a model with long-haired fur - it will make the figure visually more voluminous. The same will not work for a customer with small facial features. Otherwise they will become completely expressionless. Let the lush, voluminous fur be used only for the collar, and the fur coat itself will be made of short-cut fur.

Slender legs look great in a fur coat shortened to mid-thigh. Graceful women can take a closer look at fur coats with a belt. Moderate width will emphasize a thin waist and visually enlarge the bust.

I would like to encourage petite ladies to give up long garments and pay attention to fur coats above the knees. But only if you wear boots with heels. Short fur coats that barely cover the hips or even shorter are suitable for lovers of flat soles of small stature.

Floor-length models look impressive on tall and slender ladies. Which fur to choose in this case, with long pile or vice versa, depends on taste.

Fur coat style and lifestyle

Depending on how you usually move and what places you will visit, you should choose a model. In the morning rush, getting to the place of work by public transport, a luxurious and long doha is unlikely to be appropriate. Moreover, an expensive item will quickly become dirty and worn out even with good quality starting raw materials. In such realities, it makes sense to opt for a midi fur coat or even shorter, to mid-thigh.

For a car lady, the most functional would be a short fur coat that does not restrict movement.

Elegant long model will decorate a lady on a leisurely walk, when visiting the theater and other exquisite entertainment.

And one moment. If you are used to practical, cozy clothes, For example, sporty style, then don’t rush to buy a classic fur coat with rich fur. You may not want to make any drastic changes when building your wardrobe. You can choose a high-quality fur coat from models of a more familiar style. Take a look at these wonderful fur coats. Cute, lightweight, comfortable to wear products, perhaps perfect for all occasions.

Happy shopping and long wearing of your fur coat!

Nowadays, fur has become one of the key elements of a woman's wardrobe, being used not only for sewing fur products, but also for finishing coats, vests and jackets, as well as for making all kinds of accessories - from scarves, stoles to bags and gloves.

Fur is a natural material

Fur has long been one of the most beautiful and luxurious materials for making clothing, loved by everyone for the warmth it gives on cold winter days, the feeling of comfort and, of course, for its unique beauty. In addition, today fur is also an excellent choice of clothing for people with a developed environmental consciousness, since it is a natural material with a long service life and can be fully recycled.

Currently, the fur trade is strictly controlled at the national and international level to ensure the conservation of animal populations living in different parts of the world. In particular, the Greek furriers of the city of Kastoria many years ago, even before the creation of environmental and environmental organizations, boycotted the fur trade of those animals that were in danger of extinction - for example, seals and representatives of the cat family. Currently, the sustainable use of wildlife is monitored by such major environmental bodies as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - World Conservation Union (IUCN), as well as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Health Organization. wildlife fund - World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

As a result, any product made from natural fur is an excellent choice of product made from real natural raw materials, which has nothing in common with artificial, synthetic products that cannot be processed or disposed of.

It is no coincidence that in recent years fashion trends dictate the use of fur products not only for going out, but also as everyday wear, and the proposals of fashion designers today satisfy a wide variety of needs and tastes - both in terms of design and style: from a luxurious fur coat to a jacket that can be worn on a daily basis.

Modern models are distinguished by their simplicity and ease, as well as their comfort and functionality. Moreover, due to advanced technologies and an innovative approach in the field of fur processing (cut fur, a combination of different types of fur, expanded colors, combination with other materials, laser processing, etc.), not only the range and selection of fur products has increased significantly, but also their accessibility to a wide range of consumers - regardless of age and social status, due to diversity and budget.

What to consider when choosing a fur coat

Before purchasing a fur product, there are always a few important points to consider that actually suit your true needs. Of course, first of all, everyone must determine for themselves the purpose for which this or that fur product is selected (taking into account not only their tastes, but also their lifestyle). That is why it is necessary to keep in mind several parameters at once:

  • type of fur;
  • color;
  • product size and length;
  • shape and silhouette;
  • for what purposes is it intended?

Type of fur

Having decided to purchase a fur product, from the very beginning you need to decide for yourself what type of fur you prefer - based on its characteristics (wear resistance, warmth, etc.) or simply on beauty (color, long or short pile) and, in general, in appearance.

In any case, you need to remember that good fur does not fray, does not crumble, does not stain your hands, and when stroking in the direction of the pile and in the opposite direction, it does not leave hairs in your hands and easily returns to its original state, even if you trample it underfoot. In addition, when the hem of the product is compressed, the fur coat does not crunch or rustle.

In well-dressed fur coats, as a rule, the lining is not completely sewn on, which makes it possible to look at the quality of the fur (i.e., see the fur from the inside), while the inner must be soft and certainly light, regardless of the color of the fur itself, even if it is painted. This is especially important when purchasing a product made from plucked fur.


Most women look equally good at both warm and cool shades of colors, but some of them are still more suitable. This is especially true these days, when in the manufacture of fur products there is a phantasmagoria of color in the full sense: from bright purple to dark green and passionate red shades, with a combination of several completely different colors at once. Therefore, when choosing the color of a fur coat, it is recommended to take into account some general principles that are valid for light and dark women.

So, brown or pastel shades suit blondes more. mink fur, as well as the golden or light color of lynx fur, or the exotic color of fox skins. It is advisable for them to avoid black mink fur, which will give their features some sharpness, as well as the fur of black fox, raccoon and chinchilla.

Brunettes, on the other hand, will look dazzlingly good in black mink fur, as well as in fox fur and mink in mahogany or any red and blue shades (of course, depending on your skin tone).

Also be careful when choosing fur that is similar to your hair color.

Size and length

Very often, classic models of fur coats have spacious shapes, so it is especially important that the purchased product does not lose its shape, but has its originally intended appearance. This is where his style and elegance lie.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that owners curvaceous you should not purchase long-haired products or those made of long-haired fur, such as fox, lynx, raccoon or long-haired beaver, the fur of which gives the overall appearance of the product more volume than, say, smooth furs, as well as sheared and plucked fur or a coat, made of leather or fabric, decorated with a long-pile fur collar.

Almost most types of fur suit tall and thin women. They, one might say, are created in order to dress in furs, be it mink, fox, lynx and chinchilla, while this type of woman is also suitable for products belted at the waist, which will further emphasize their figure and will look even more attractive on them and more tempting. But be careful when choosing lush types of fur: sometimes too much volume, with a thin figure, may not look very flattering.

Shape and silhouette

But the most important point, regardless of body type, is how well the product fits your figure.

For not large sizes it is very important to bring a long-skirted coat to maximum minimum sizes, in height and figure - in accordance with the proportions of the torso and arms. In addition, short items that do not reach mid-thigh emphasize the waist more, with the exception of those styles that are accentuated at the waistline.

As for large sizes, oddly enough, it is much easier to choose a product for the owner of wide hips rather than a lush bust, but in both cases it is trapezoidal short coat to the knees will make the silhouette more attractive.

For what purposes is the product intended?

Perhaps the most important point is the occasions for which the fur product is intended to be worn.

Every day

These days, cutting-edge models can be worn almost every day: from an evening out to everyday wear to work - in combination with jeans, trousers or skirts.

Business style

For a business style, cashmere sweaters trimmed with fur are perfect, as well as mohair coats, a variety of fur capes, scarves and fur sweaters.

Banquets and social events

In these cases, astrakhan suits, sable jackets, classic mink and chinchilla capes with pashmina trim are especially good.

Evening out

They look very elegant in the evening pantsuits, made of leather and fur, mink coats, stylish fur coats, skirts and tops made of fur.

Official style

For formal events - such as dinner parties or weddings, items made from sable fur, long fur coats from fox and rare Russian lynx, as well as mink coats, broadtail or sheared fur and beautiful decorative fur scarves and boas are ideal.

Sporty look

If you are the sporty type, you will feel surprisingly comfortable in a fur-lined anorak or duffle coat, as well as leather and fur jackets or reversible jackets and fur ponchos.

For warm countries

For countries with soft and warm winter Three-quarter length fur coats, jackets, coats and sweaters with fur details are suitable, including fur accessories, fur ponchos and sheared fur jackets.

In principle, all these components influence, in general, the cost of a fur product. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that when buying a fur coat abroad, and especially in, you, in addition to a large assortment of fur products, have a choice in fur tours that combine shopping with relaxation, as well as a significant discount in price - up to 60% or more, because here, or more precisely, in the city of Kastoria, there is a unique opportunity to purchase fur products directly from fur factories - straight from first hand (from the manufacturer to the consumer). Moreover, Greek fur coats have long been a symbol of the high professionalism of skilled Greek furriers, who have become famous throughout the world.

On top of that, the newly created Greek Fur Institute, which united trade unions of fur manufacturers in the city of Kastoria, acts as a guarantor of products manufactured under the trademark "GreekFur".