On Saturday, April 22, I was invited on an excursion to the Clean Line ice cream factory with a visit to their bio-farm. There were 50 of us bloggers from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The plant is located in Dolgoprudny in the Moscow region.

We were warmly greeted with cakes prepared by the factory's confectioners from their dairy products, wine, and sweets.

The co-owners of the factory, Tigran Matinyan and Gagik Evonyan, told us about the factory and how ice cream is made.

Co-owner of the plant Tigran Matinyan

Tigran Matinyan and Garik Evonyan (he is responsible for milk and farm)

The history of the plant began at the dawn of the 2000s with the production of ethnic drinks (tan, ayran), then yoghurt products appeared. In 2006, the owners realized that they were accumulating a lot of cream (sterilized and butter). We tried to make ice cream and found old forms - in foil, on a stick. In the end, everything worked out, and now the Clean Line brand occupies high places in the Moscow region and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The plant delivers to your home in branded vehicles (dry ice is placed in the container). Large ice cream vans charge to -40° C. Along with the packages ordered by customers, there is a “false” package in the car, which is used to check the condition of the ice cream upon return to the factory.

dry ice in hands

Milk is brought from the farms by milk tankers of the plant several hours after milking; all milk tankers are equipped with mini-laboratories for monitoring the quality of milk.

We went to the warehouse, where the temperature is -28° S. They gave us warm pea coats. We watched as a pallet, a huge container of ice cream, was moved at a great height. The only warm place in the warehouse is the floor, Tigran Matinyan said, otherwise the foundation will crack.

pallet extension

The plant hosts many excursions, mostly for children, up to a thousand tourists a day; master classes and tastings are organized for children, and then they are brought to their homes sweet gift in the form of a set of ice cream. The excursion is given by the character Chistolin. At the same time, everything is clean and sterile.


Chistolin and children

At a master class in a special room

In the warehouse area there is a quarantine zone where the quality of the received raw materials is checked.
There is a warm warehouse where packaging, lids, labels, corrugated packaging, containers, and popsicle sticks are stored. For example, while they use Belgian sticks Knauf , but soon two Russian enterprises will supply domestic chopsticks. There are 1.5 thousand pallet spaces in the warehouse.

Sherbet in cold storage

Then we watched how the machines in the workshop baked waffle cups. Before entering the workshop, we put on hats, gowns and shoe covers and disinfected our hands with a solution. Austrian equipment bakes 8.5 thousand waffle cups per hour!

Glasses are baked

Nearby there are tanks with milk, which is boiled, then brought to 75° C, add cream, condensed milk, sugar, bring to 75 again° C and cook for 45 minutes. Then the mixture is homogenized, cooled to 2° C in a cooler with ice water. The mixture then matures for 24 hours (12-48 hours). Pasteurization of milk changes the structure of lactose - milk sugar, it caramelizes and takes on a pleasant shade.

At the Clean Line plant they do not use vegetable, coconut or any other oil, Tigran Matinyan told me.

There was a sign in the workshop that chewing gum was prohibited at the plant.

ice cream packaging

"Clean Line" is a conglomerate of production, supply, and packaging companies, employing about 3,000 people in total. About 115 people work on one production shift at the plant; they work according to the Labor Code (2 through 2, including night shifts and New Year, cows are constantly milked).

During production, GOST standards are observed (allowed no earlier than 2003 by law), so the ice cream is made according to GOST 31457-2012.

our tour, top view from the balcony

Today, the Clean Line assortment includes about 100 items, including dairy and fermented milk products, ice cream, cheeses, cottage cheese and much more.

On the lines for molding and packaging cups with ice cream, popsicle on a stick and popsicle-trees in glaze, we saw all the stages of this process. The spectacle, I must say, is mesmerizing. As for popsicles, they use two packaging methods on two lines of different design (one of which is more modern).

The ice cream from the tap goes directly into the packaging, after which it is weighed

We also took part in the presentation of the project “About Eskimo” - unique ice cream kiosks designed for retail outlets. You choose one of 5 types of popsicle (chocolate, creme brulee, apricot, strawberry, vanilla) and three types of glaze (white, milk and dark chocolate), and the ice cream maker creates it in front of you (the glaze hardens immediately, but is not hard - Mmm!). I ate apricot (with pieces of soft dried apricots) coated in dark chocolate. And I tried a new glaze with butter and vanilla with chocolate chips.

This is not counting the fact that I ate a glass of ice cream that was not yet frozen on the line. I felt like a child!

I talked with the chief technologist of the plant, Vera Viktorovna Shayakhmetova, about stabilizers. It turns out that Soviet ice cream also used, as they are called, stabilization systems - there is no way without them, otherwise the ice cream will melt and will not hold its shape. But then they were cheap - flour, starch. Now there is access to natural stabilizers - citrus fibers, algae, carageenan, carob gum. She talked about extruding ice cream and preventing melting from warming shock. “Clean Line” ice cream has good overrun, no enlarged crystals, a low-temperature freezer is used - up to -9° WITH.

The secret of the taste of “Clean Line” is in two-stage freezing (usually with one stage - poor overrun and temperature 4° C), - said Vera Viktorovna. Lecithin - an emulsifier - ensures uniformity. At the same time, no artificial additives or flavors.

on the left is Chief Technologist, on the right is Marina Krasnykh ( ilance )

Tigran Matinyan said that the first place in demand is popsicle, followed by a cup, a cone and a large package. More often than not, ice cream is a product of impulse purchase (this is when I was on my way, and suddenly I bought it with my last 100 rubles), followed by a family purchase. "Clean Line" produces ice cream for Gorky Park and VDNKh (with their designs).

Today “Clean Line” is No. 1 in terms of sales, 21% of the entire ice cream market in Moscow! "Clean Line" is exported to China and the USA.

St. Petersburg blogger Evgeny Mironenko and popsicle

We also looked at the milk receiving workshop, where there is a separator and a cream separator; Tan, a fermented milk product with a low fat content, is also produced there as a by-product of milk processing.

Milk is brought to the plant from different partner farms. We went to one of these experimental bio-farms after a tour of the factory. There are very clean cows there, which are fed with ground grain, without GMOs, no silos or ready-made feed. Cows stand freely, calves walk next to their mothers.
There are also buffaloes, goats and domesticated wild boars and donkeys on the farm.

We watched how they make mozzarella and braid it. They treated us to cheese. I whipped out another piece of goat cheese and am now making a Greek salad with it.)

Marina Nabatova ( ziuk_cook_book ) and buffaloes

And after that there was a feast waiting for us, the likes of which I had never been to. That's probably how I imagine it Armenian wedding- lamb and pork kebabs, ripe vegetables and herbs, khachapuri, khinkali, pilaf. And then, when we almost burst, they brought mountain trout with shrimps boiled in farm cream. And wine, and tabbouleh, and cheese. But that’s not all - then again there were cakes from the factory’s confectioners, and I couldn’t resist - I ate a basket of raspberries). We were presented with commemorative certificates and presented with milk, a retro-style can and a branded mug in a bag. It was royal!

Thanks to Tanya Kareva for marrying me, and to project coordinator Irina Tyutina for the excellent organization and invitation!

Yesterday they brought me 25 packs of Clean Line ice cream to my house. This will last a long time, especially since I haven’t tried all types!

Peace to the world, ice cream to you!

Website "Clean Line"- http://icecream-chl.ru/

Based on specific information and consumer reviews, you can find out whether a brand lives up to its promises or not.

One of the most vivid childhood memories is the delicate creamy taste of real ice cream. Unfortunately, memories remain only in a person’s memory, since it is extremely difficult to find “ice cream like from childhood” on the modern market. However, some companies produce a product consisting entirely of natural ingredients. One of these is the composition of the Clean Line ice cream. This will be discussed in the article.

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

The Clean Line company began producing ice cream and fermented milk products in 2002. Owners: Gagik Evoyan and Tigran Matinyan. The main idea of ​​the brand is to use exclusively natural ingredients, without artificial additives or GMOs. Of course, in the conditions of modern market realities and high competition, this is difficult to do. However, when producing products, the company uses a minimal amount of “unhealthy” additives.

"Clean Line" has its own farm. Since its founding, production has expanded and acquired a high-quality technical base. The pride of production is natural whole milk. It is used to produce fermented milk products and ice cream.

The idea of ​​traditional and family values ​​was well appreciated by buyers from different cities of Russia. At the moment, the company is growing and developing, and the quality of the products remains high, which is confirmed by the majority of positive reviews from satisfied consumers. The composition of ice cream has a natural base, which makes it in demand and popular. Modern store departments are full of bright wrappers and advertising appeals, but the content of the product underneath leaves much to be desired.

What to look for when choosing natural ice cream?

The first thing a buyer should pay attention to when choosing natural ice cream is the composition. Typically, the company indicates information on the outside or inside of the package. The ingredients of "Clean Line" ice cream delight people with exceptionally high-quality and healthy components. Organic milk, delicious cream, honey, condensed milk, chocolate and even cranberries. How can this not please even sophisticated gourmets?

The second thing you should pay attention to is the manufacturer. It is better to choose a company with a positive reputation and a wide response from customers. The owner company "Clean Line" has successfully established its brand and continues to pamper its consumers with quality products. It occupies a fairly high rating, which is certainly due to the composition of the Clean Line ice cream.

The downside is the rather high price. But high-quality products cannot be cheap, since only natural ingredients. Also, the composition of Clean Line ice cream contains some artificial additives. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the complete naturalness of the product.

The third thing to pay attention to is the expiration date of the product. If we are talking about natural ice cream, then there is a specific shelf life for it according to GOST. If you take ice cream with a fat mass fraction of 6% - 3 months, from 6 to 11.5% - 4 months, from 12 to 20% - 5 months. At best, a natural dairy product is stored for no more than 2 weeks.

Why is it important to consider reviews?

The opinions of ordinary consumers will help form a general impression of the product. Usually people leave their reviews on special websites and forums. Many potential buyers carefully study them before purchasing a particular product. Reviews about the composition of Clean Line ice cream indicate genuine interest in it. Most of them are positive, but there are also negative comments.

Ice cream from childhood! Positive impressions

Buyers note that they are often willing to overpay, but not use “all-out” chemicals. Indeed, the demand for natural products is growing. People understand that their health depends on the quality of food. However, can such naturalness harm the taste of the product? As reviews show, this is rather beneficial. People say that the composition of the Chistaya Liniya Plombir ice cream reminds them of ice cream from the times of the USSR. The taste is delicate, but free of cloying and the feeling of foreign additives.

Buyers like the low 12% fat content, which allows the product to have a good consistency, and the practical packaging, on which the composition of the Clean Line ice cream is written in close-up. People immediately notice the naturalness of the product, the components of which are prescribed large print on the wrapper. Contains: whole milk, cream and condensed milk. And the whole composition is complemented by the aroma of delicious vanilla.

Buyers like that the composition of the cone in "Clean Line" ice cream is natural and has a convenient design. They especially note the absence of chemicals and artificial additives. The taste of the product remains gentle and not cloyingly sweet. This gives parents the opportunity to pamper their children and receive good emotions. This is the beauty of the product: ice cream gives joy and energizes. If it is also natural, then the benefits are double.

Not always natural composition. What are manufacturers keeping silent about?

Some buyers express regret that the composition of Clean Line ice cream does not always consist exclusively of natural ingredients. In addition to the main components, the following are used in the manufacture of the product: glucose syrup, additive E471 (stabilizer-emulsifier mono and diglycerides of fatty acids), locust bean gum. Of course, these additives can cause harm to the body, but their absence significantly reduces the main composition remains natural.

Instead of a conclusion. Ice cream should be healthy!

The buyer should have the opportunity to independently choose a product from the variety of products that are imposed on him. Ice cream "Clean Line" in the composition, which natural ingredients, received a positive rating. However, here we cannot talk about 100% naturalness. In order for ice cream to last longer, additives are added to it. The main thing is that the main composition has a natural base, and emulsifiers occupy a smaller percentage. After all, ice cream should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

- Very tasty ice cream according to GOST!

Advantages: few calories for this product, natural ingredients, inexpensive

Disadvantages: none!

Hello, dear readers! I think you are all food lovers). Especially when it comes to ice cream). Especially when it comes to ice cream from the Clean Line brand.

To be honest, I used to somehow try to avoid this ice cream, and all because of the brand name. It confused me too much, because it is consonant with the name of the caring cosmetics “Clean Line”)). But last spring, at the end of April, I changed my mind radically! My class and I (I work as a teacher primary classes- class teacher 1-B)). We were invited to a tour of the Clean Line production facility. The plant is located five kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along Dmitrovskoe Highway. If anyone is interested, excursions to this plant take place every day, seven days a week. Everyone over the age of six is ​​invited to attend. The first tour takes place at nine forty-five, the last at eighteen thirty. The group gathers from fifteen to forty-nine people. For every ten small excursionists, one accompanying adult passes free of charge. But we are lucky, our class in general discount tickets went on an excursion)). The cost of the excursion is officially one and a half thousand rubles, but we got it for eight hundred).

One excursion includes:

1. Meeting with the main character, ice cream maker Chistolin and his assistant Chistalina, who will tell you where and what to change into and carry out a little safety precautions.

2. A tour of the plant, where the children will be shown the warehouse, the waffle shop, the brewhouse, and the main workshop.

3. Master class on decorating ice cream balls and, of course, tasting!

4. Presentation of gifts.

Oh, the kids were just delighted! This, of course, is not the same as visiting Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, but judging by the mood of the little ones, it’s close). I was especially pleased with the cheerful animators and, of course, the gifts! Tasting! That's where I tasted how delicious this ice cream is! But most importantly, they told us how production takes place, which further convinced me of the safety of this product.

Today I consider Chistaya Liniya ice cream the best in Russia, as it is incredibly tasty! But the main thing is that it is prepared according to GOST!

Before milk enters the factory, it undergoes all necessary tests and mandatory pasteurization. The best ice cream can only be made from fresh milk, without GMOs and chemical additives - this is what the safe production of ice cream at the Clean Line plant is famous for.

After pasteurization, the milk languishes in vats for some time, after which it enters the workshop, where it is mixed with condensed milk, cream and other required ingredients. After this, the ice cream is cooked for forty minutes, and then it goes into a homogenizer to mix until smooth.

Next comes the cooling process under streams of ice water to a temperature of minus four degrees. A day later, the ice cream enters the freezer, where it is prepared for bottling. After the ice cream is poured in the molding department, it is sent for packaging (each one is hand-packed!).

Do you know how the most delicious and most popular Moscow ice cream is made? Now we know for sure, after we visited the “Clean Line” ice cream production and saw all the processes with our own eyes.

“Clean Line” was founded back in 2001 by Tigran Matinyan and Gagik Evonyan. Initially, it was a factory for the production of tan fermented milk drink. Tang is a low-fat drink, so very soon the question arose of what to do with the large amount of first-class cream remaining after making tan. And, since a good owner never wastes anything, it was decided to launch an ice cream production line based on this same cream. Today, the Clean Line brand is the most popular on the market and one of the few that can boast that it makes ice cream from natural cream without adding artificial colors and flavors. It’s very easy to verify this by going to the event, which takes place every day, seven days a week, from 9:45 to 18:30.

We were incredibly lucky, since our guide that day was Tigran himself, the co-founder of the company, who is responsible for its economy and development. It was nice to know that we were in the most reliable hands, with a person who knows literally every cog in his production. And the first thing he showed us was a huge parking lot, where there are branded cars with popsicles on the roof. It is in these cars that company managers drive and deliver pleasant souvenirs to excursion participants as a “compliment from the chef,” as well as small quantities of ice cream. Each car is equipped with a special refrigerator with artificial ice, whose temperature is -78 degrees.

In addition to these cute, nimble cars, in the same parking lot there are large trucks with refrigeration chambers and refrigeration generators. The temperature in them is -40. Every evening, the trucks come to “charge” so that the truck’s refrigerator can maintain the desired temperature throughout the next day and prevent the ice cream from melting. The machines are washed before each loading to ensure ideal conditions delivery to stores, and hence the quality of ice cream.

After inspecting the vehicle fleet, we went to the cold warehouse. Surprisingly, I thought that all the premises of the ice cream factory should be cold, but it turned out that in fact there is only one refrigerated warehouse, and ice cream is stored here awaiting shipment to customers. The temperature here is -27 degrees, so before going in, we had to warm ourselves up on top of our already warm outdoor clothes. But it turned out that even in this case it is quite difficult to stay here for more than 5 minutes. The phone completely agreed with me and sat down immediately. Therefore, there will be no photos, watch the video.

The room itself gives the impression of a giant hypermarket with endless rows of shelves. All shelves are automated and serve pallets with boxes of ice cream using a special robot. The cold is supplied through special systems installed under the ceiling. Moreover, when constructing such cold warehouses, it is very important to take into account that the constantly generated cold eventually begins to descend below the floor, into the ground and foundation. Therefore, to prevent the foundation from collapsing, heated floors were installed at a depth of 1 meter underground to stop the spread of cold.

Having escaped from the real freezer, we went to the main building of the factory, where the ice cream is actually produced. At the entrance we encountered the smiling chief ice cream maker Chistalin. Remember it. It is he who conducts excursions for children's groups, forcing them to walk around the factory with their mouths open in surprise and delight.

When you find yourself in production, you are asked to put on special gowns, hats and shoe covers. And then, through a warm warehouse where packaging, sticks and stickers for ice cream are stored, you find yourself in the production workshop. A mandatory item in the program is a special device for hand disinfection. When you wash your hands, the door to the workshop automatically opens. If you missed the disinfectant, you won’t get inside. And outside the door you are immediately enveloped in a warm cloud and a cozy smell, similar to grandma’s pies. Waffle cones are baked here. You can't even imagine how delicious they are when it's hot! Ideal cups are deftly collected into boxes and sent to a gas station, while defective ones go to waste.

Further in the huge open space we saw several conveyors, cooking “pots”, as they are called here (this is where the ice cream is turned from cream into a sweet treat), and freezers. According to the chief technologist, ideal ice cream can only be cooked in a “saucepan,” which is why they do it that way. First, milk is heated in a saucepan to 92 degrees so that it acquires a light sweetish taste (remember, like baked milk?). Then it is cooled to 75 degrees and mixed with the remaining ingredients - sugar, cream and other components. The mixture is boiled again. And then in a special cooler it very quickly cools down to 2 degrees. In a day, the ice cream will ripen and be ready to be sent to stores or warehouses.

An important note: ice cream based on natural cream cannot be re-frozen, because then the milk lactose begins to conflict with sugar (in my opinion, with it), and the ice cream becomes grainy. If you come across exactly this in a store, it means that it was not stored correctly in the store itself, because, remember, the machines are specially equipped to deliver in perfect condition.

My favorite thing in any production is the conveyor. I can actually spend hours watching machines perform repetitive tasks. For me it's like meditation. People here work as quickly as robots. Their task includes, for example, placing cups on the conveyor belt, removing defective ice cream from the conveyor belt, wrapping the finished product in parchment or foil and packing it into boxes. In short, I’ll go to the factory if it gets really sad. I feel really good here. And they feed you ice cream.

By the way, all excursion participants are required to try the products. Straight from the assembly line. I tried ice cream in a cup and, honestly, I have never tasted anything tastier. The beauty is that the cup was not yet frozen, and this made it clear what high-quality, natural ice cream should really be like. And there I understood the beauty of unsweetened cups, which upset me so much as a child. The lack of sweetness in the waffle perfectly balances the sweet taste of the ice cream itself.

Then we went to special tasting rooms, where children's groups are usually taken to a master class on creating frozen desserts. Both children and adults are usually very delighted with this part of the excursion. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and make your own dessert from different tastes, syrups and other edible decorations. Our excursion continued with a tasting of a completely new conceptual ice cream, which will soon be available in large shopping centers, “Oh! Eskimo."

What is this new concept? Now, in special corners “Oh! Popsicle” in shopping centers you can create your own delicacy. Choose your popsicle (vanilla, creme brulee, chocolate, apricot), and choose the icing that will be used to cover the ice cream in front of you. In just 30 seconds, the melted glaze will become matte and turn into a crispy crust. Today there are four types of chocolate glaze - white chocolate, dark, milk and cream-based chocolate glaze. The latter has become my favorite, so if you see “Oh! Eskimo”, be sure to try it.

Another new product that I definitely want to talk about is the “Clean Line” desserts. Incredible tiramisu, honey cakes, napoleons and cheesecakes. The desserts came as a complete surprise to me and were a very pleasant surprise. The honey cake is the most delicious of all that I have tried before. And the portions - you can immediately see what the hospitable host is serving. One small minus, which can hardly be called a disadvantage. In pursuit of perfect quality, the desserts are made in such a way that their shelf life is only one day. Therefore, it is not possible to supply them to stores. But you have every chance to try them in the recently opened Chistaya Liniya cafe on Tverskaya, right next to the Ritz-Carlton hotel. Be sure to go there with your friends, because it’s very difficult to finish the portion on your own.

After the tasting, we visited the workshop where tan is produced and bottled. These white tubes are transformed into those same bottles using heat treatment. I always liked this part of production. There is some magic in this.

And after a busy tour of the factory, we went to one of the Clean Line farms to see where the very cream from which such delicious ice cream is made is obtained. Here we were received as close friends and shown everything by Gagik Evonyan, co-founder of the factory and responsible for everything related to milk production. This farm is not the only one that supplies the company. There are several more, all located within a 150 km radius of the factory to ensure timely supply of milk. Twice a day, the factory's own milk tankers deliver milk from the morning and evening milk yields. In the process of collecting milk, it is immediately checked by a mini-laboratory of milk tankers, and then re-tested at the factory.

“Clean Line” itself purchases feed for the farm (for the winter, in the summer the animals are fed natural food) in order to exclude low-quality ones. The cows are fed what is called “salad”, which is prepared in special mixers. Salad is a mixture of hay and grain (a mix of oats, barley, peas, seeds and other grains). The salad for cows is prepared every day so that it is fresh. It is forbidden to feed cows silage - it is not harmful in itself, but it gives the milk a taste and bitterness.

Gagik is convinced that a healthy cow means tasty milk. Therefore, in addition to high-quality feed, there are standards for movement - even in winter, cows must spend time in the air, in movement, otherwise blood circulation will stagnate. In addition, no hormones or antibiotics are used here (this is why the company itself purchases feed). The cows on the Clean Line farm live 15 years and produce 10-15 liters of milk per day. For comparison: on farms where cows are fed drugs, cows live only 2-3 years and produce 40 liters per day.

Most recently, Clean Line launched Online Store, where you can buy any brand of ice cream with delivery within one day, as well as fresh milk. In addition, in the near future the range of dairy products will be expanded to include cream, butter and cheeses.

On the farm, besides cows, buffaloes are considered the most valuable animals. They are much hardier and live up to 40 years, unlike cows. Their milk is superior to cow's milk in nutritional value and benefits. Mozzarella is also made from this milk. We were able to try real freshly made mozzarella from farm milk.

The cheese heads ripen for 30 days, waiting in the wings. When this moment comes, the head is cut into pieces and brewed with very hot water, stirring constantly. The cheese is heated and turns into a mass called dough. From it, in turn, small cheese balls are molded, like the ones you see in the store, and cooled in cold water. The fermentation process is complete. And if initially the cheese head has a curd flavor and tastes similar to unleavened cheese, then after all the manipulations it becomes real mozzarella. I really hope that it will start being sold in stores in the near future, because it has the right taste!

We ended our excursion with a trip to the buffaloes, who patiently allowed themselves to be photographed and even seemed not averse to talking closer, and getting to know other animals, more nimble and timid - goats, sheep and piglets. Overall the farm made a very good impression on us. It is immediately obvious that the animals are cared for, well fed, created as comfortable and comfortable as possible. healthy conditions for life. Which ultimately affects the quality of milk, and the quality of ice cream and dairy products.

Satisfied, well-fed and tired, we went home with a lot of impressions that we still want to excitedly share with all our friends.

Brand: Clean Line

Industry: Food industry

Products: Fermented milk products, ice cream

Owner company: "Clean Line"

Year founded: 2002

Head office: Moscow

Country of registration: Russia, Moscow

Owner: Gagik Evonyan and Tigran Matinyan

history of the company

The owners of the Clean Line company, Gagik Evonyan and Tigran Matinyan, initially relied only on ethnic fermented milk drinks. But real success came to them thanks to the by-product of production, after which the company’s turnover reached 600 million rubles.

They founded Pure Line to produce the traditional drink of the Caucasian and Turkic Tang peoples in 2000, investing $5,000 in the business. We bought boilers and cans and rented a former grocery store warehouse near Solnechnogorsk for $400 a month. They hired several workers, but sometimes at night they themselves worked in the “shop.”

The entrepreneurs immediately divided the areas of business: Gagik took up production technology, Tigran took up economics. At first, production at Clean Line was not much different from home production. Milk was purchased from collective farms near Moscow, and 100 liters of tana was produced per day. Gagik used his own car to deliver produce to Moscow restaurants.

By 2002, the company began operating on the basis of the Krasnaya Niva collective farm near the city of Dolgoprudny. Over the course of three years, a milk processing plant grew on its territory, into which businessmen invested several hundred thousand dollars in loans taken from Fora Bank.

After the launch of the Clean Line plant, it began to produce about 10,000 tons of fermented milk products per year. At the same time, the idea arose to organize a goat farm: for this purpose, they bought cowsheds at the Rassvet collective farm in the Dmitrovsky district. The company did not immediately learn how to produce milk without the specific goat smell. At first they tried to keep Russian goats, but their milk yield was low - 200-500 g per day. In the end, managers chose Alpine, Nubian and Saanen goats, which produce three to six liters of milk per day.

Tanans have a longer shelf life than regular fermented milk, which is why the margin was higher - up to 15%. This helped the company survive the first stage. To expand the consumer audience, they focused on the healing properties of tan. Low-fat versions of the drink have appeared.

First large networks for “Clean Line” they became “The Seventh Continent” and “The ABC of Taste”. Unlike competitors, the company decided to occupy a higher price segment. “Clean Line” guessed the market trend, offering a fashionable product new to the market in different packaging, different fat content, so there were no interruptions in supply.

When the company began producing low-fat tan in 2007, large volumes of cream remained, which sometimes even had to be poured out. And then the idea came to make ice cream. The first product was a popsicle on a stick with a taste similar to the ice cream from childhood. The packaging was made simple and nostalgic - the popsicle was wrapped in silver foil.

“Clean Line” began supplying ice cream to “Azbuka Vkusa” and at that time it was the only ice cream made from natural cream. In 2007, Iceberry invited Clean Line to produce Filyovskoe popsicle for it. Already in 2009, Filevskoye took third place in sales after Lakomka and Leningradsky, long-time sales leaders. As a result, the company got the marketing right: the 60s-style ice cream immediately resonated with customers. In 2008, Chistaya Liniya sold 2,000 tons of ice cream, which at that time accounted for 50% in monetary terms of the company’s sales structure.

In 2014, experts from NP Roskontrol conducted an examination of six of the most popular Russian ice cream brands, the labels of which indicated that the ice cream was made in accordance with GOST. Additionally, experts tested expensive Swiss ice cream in the laboratory to find out whether its price corresponds to its quality and whether it differs greatly from other competitors.

The following brands were selected for testing: “USSR”, “Golden Standard”, “Family Iceberry”, “Vkuslandia”, “Nestle 48 kopecks”, “Clean Line” and Movenpick.

All ice cream brands were evaluated in terms of consumer safety, product quality, healthiness and taste. Each ice cream was tested in laboratory conditions for the presence of microbes and bacteria, yeast, and preservatives.

Experts checked the content of vegetable fats, sugar, fat content of products and compliance with the information declared by the manufacturer on the label. Having assessed each brand using a 100-point system, Roskontrol presented a rating, where Clean Line ice cream took first place with 62 points.

In the photo: a tour for children of the Clean Line plant

Ice cream "Clean Line" is the only ice cream made using natural milk. Experts gave their preference to this brand in terms of taste characteristics. This ice cream does not contain vegetable fats, the sugar content and fat content correspond to the label, there are no germs, bacteria, yeast or preservatives. This is the leader among the selected brands. Ice cream fully complies with GOST, quality and safety standards.

In 2017, the brand owners launched “O! Eskimo” - a mini-production of ice cream in the format of an island in a shopping center. The client chooses the flavor, and the seller prepares the dessert in his presence. As of January 2018, the network operates 30 own and 2 franchised islands in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Brand history

Oleg Luknitsky, director of the Clean Line company, says:

We initially wanted to avoid images that are used to promote ice cream in Russia: references to Soviet GOST standards or family values in the traditional sense. At the same time, it was important to carry through the entire concept the basic property of the “Clean Line” - the exceptional naturalness of the product. If you look at the composition of our ice cream, it is always natural ingredients: organic milk, cream, condensed milk, honey, chocolate, Altai cranberries.