Target: to develop children’s artistic and practical skills and abilities.
  • teach children to cut out silhouettes of simple-shaped objects and patterns by eye;
  • develop hand-eye coordination;
  • learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images;
  • teach to achieve a distinct form;
  • develop a sense of composition;
  • repeat the composition of the number three;
  • expand children's horizons about the world around them;
  • continue to introduce children to underwater inhabitants.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations of aquarium fish;
  • conversation on the topic “Where do fish live?”;
  • reading: “In the seas and oceans.” Series "Discover the World";
  • “My first encyclopedia” P.Ya. Galperstein;
  • "Animals of sea bays and ocean depths." Series "Look and study animals."

Materials and equipment: A4 paper in pale blue, pale green or lilac (optional) for an aquarium, paper of different colors and shades, scissors, glue.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, we received a letter from the cat Leopold. He writes that he was given an aquarium, but there is no one there. Who lives in the aquarium? Guess the riddle.
Educator: I don’t walk and I don’t fly
Try to catch up!
I can be golden
Well, look into a fairy tale! (Fish)
2. Where else can fish live? The teacher shows the presentation “Fish in Water”
Educator: What is the difference between fish habitats: the underwater world and the aquarium? (bring children to the idea that the aquarium was created by human hands, that it is an artificial underwater world)
Educator: An aquarium is a whole underwater world at home. We cannot live without air, and fish cannot live without water - this is their home. At the bottom there may be many colorful pebbles, shells, and many other plants. What are their names? (seaweed). Algae purifies the water in the aquarium.
Educator: What kind of fish live in the aquarium?
The children name them, the teacher shows the presentation slides.

Slide show “Fish in the Water” (photo gallery)

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6

2. Practical stage.
Leopold's aquarium can only fit 3 fish. How many units does the number 3 consist of? How to make the number 3 from two numbers?
Children lay out the handouts and repeat the composition of the number 3.
Instructions for performing the work:
- children choose colored paper for fish of different colors, corresponding to the composition of the number 3.
-1 fish is traced according to the template, and 2 are cut out according to the shape by eye.
Physical education minute. "Fish Dance"
We're kicking, stomping,
We clap-clap our hands,
We shrug our shoulders.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
Everyone raised their hands up,
One - two, one - two,
It's time for us to get busy!
3. Independent work children.
Children cut out seaweed and pebbles. Lay out the objects in the aquarium on paper and stick them on.
4. Summing up.
They bring finished works to the exhibition and look at it together, admire it, and express their opinion.
-What did you learn to do?
-What was easy to do?
-What was difficult?
-What do you remember?
-Who has the most beautiful aquarium?
Each of you can learn a lot of interesting things about fish and sea animals from encyclopedias and various books.

Imagine that this is the sea (draws attention to the fabric of blue color). And you and I found ourselves on the shore of the blue sea. I invite you to smell the sea

Is this smell pleasant? How does it make you feel?

I suggest you lie down on the carpet, close your eyes and imagine as if you were lying on the shore warm sea. (I conduct auto-training, accompanied by music for relaxation: “Ocean Beach”).

“Relax, your arms lie freely along your body, not tense. The sun is shining brightly, a light breeze is blowing, I breathe in its clean, fresh air. The waves sway slightly, seagulls proudly circle above me. I feel good and pleased, my friends are next to me, I want to be friends with them, communicate, live in peace.”

Open your eyes, squat down, look at our sea. (Slides of the sea).

Sometimes the sea is quiet, calm, like now:

“It doesn’t make noise, it doesn’t whip,

only barely, barely trembles.”

Let's imagine how the sea barely, barely trembles (children take the fabric by the edges and sway it slightly).

But the sea is not always calm. As soon as a strong wind rises, a storm (Slides of the noisy sea)

"The sea will swell violently

will make noise, raise a howl.”

Imagine that our sea has splashed, high waves have risen (the children stand up and sway the fabric more strongly).

Guys, let's use Kaye's honeycomb to create raging waves of the sea?

It’s not easy for underwater inhabitants at such moments. But now, the sea has calmed down. Let's go down to the bottom of the sea and watch the underwater inhabitants. Close your eyes, pinch your nose, squat down.

Open your eyes. So you and I found ourselves in the underwater kingdom.

Let's look at the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom (pictures of sea inhabitants and slides).

Physics lesson “The fish splashed merrily...”

Because of such a storm, everything in the sea turned upside down, will we help the residents restore order at the bottom of the sea?

Well done!

Guys, look what other fish live in the underwater kingdom?

Let's use Kusener's counting sticks, Dienesh's blocks, Kaye's honeycombs, and Nikitin's “Fold the Pattern” to create images of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

What do fish need so that they feel comfortable in the water and can live normally?

Let's look again at our sea inhabitants. Which geom. Are the figures similar to the body structure of a fish?

Draw a geom. figure on a cavrograph?

Did you like the underwater kingdom?

Do you want to create your own underwater world in your group?

But first we need to return to the surface of the sea. We close all our eyes and nose and rise from the depths to land.

But in order for us to return to the group, we will follow this path.

Our underwater kingdom is boring and uninteresting. Let's populate it with underwater inhabitants. Select required material and you can start working.

3 children use the method of tearing colored paper to make sea grass (Botsulyak I., Ozhmegov A., Tenyakov R.)

2 children create beautiful algae by winding a strip of paper onto a pencil (Vedzizheva A., Rogacheva Y.).

2 children use the remains of sharpened pencils to glue them in the form of fish scales (Zaskalko A., Antimonov D.).

3 children make shells and pebbles from plasticine, draw the pattern in stacks, decorate with beads (Malyucheva K., Snigur Y., Oney E.).

So our underwater kingdom has come to life. Imagine yourself as goldfish in this underwater kingdom. (Turns on music).

Summary: DIY sea crafts. Crafts on a marine theme. Summer crafts. Summer application. Application on the theme of summer. Summer applications. Volume applique.

1. DIY sea crafts. Craft "Aquarium"

This interesting craft on a marine theme can be made from ordinary cardboard box.

Cover the box with colored paper or paint it with paints. Cover the inside of the entire box with blue or light blue paper, and the bottom with yellow paper. If possible, glue pebbles or shells to the bottom.

Decorate the bottom with paper or plasticine seaweed.

Draw, color and cut out sea creatures - for example, fish, crab, starfish, little mermaid. You can select ready-made templates for the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom at the link >>>>

Now all that remains is to tie the strings to them and attach them to the top of the box. On some threads you can string small beads that imitate air bubbles.

You can make animals mobile as follows (see photo below). Cut holes along the top of the box. Attach buttons to the animal threads. Now you can move the buttons along the holes to change the position of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

2. Crafts on a marine theme. Paper craft "Aquarium"

Very a large number of A variety of paper aquariums can be found on the Creative Park website from Canon. But unlike the previous craft from a cardboard box, which even a preschooler can make, paper aquarium crafts from Canon are designed for children school age and adults. Ready-made aquariums can become an original gift with your own hands for friends and relatives.

3. Summer crafts. Volume applique

The Bulgarian website offers to make such an unusual three-dimensional applique from “Sea” paper. As a decoration, you can put it on the table or, attach strings with beads to it, and hang it on the wall. Detailed wizard For a class on how to make this summer craft, see the link >>>>

4. DIY sea crafts. Inhabitants of the underwater world

You can make colorful fish out of ordinary paper plates if you use a little imagination. See link >>>>

You can also make these funny fish >>>>

From paper plate, folded in half, you get luxurious shark jaws. See link >>>>

And if you attach colored ribbons and braid to the bottom of the plate, you will get a jellyfish.

From a cardboard base from a used roll toilet paper you can make an octopus. For a detailed master class on making this sea craft, see the link >>>>

Glue small star pasta onto a cardboard template base and you will get another inhabitant of the underwater world - a starfish.

Epson offers a large number of paper crafts on its website. ready-made schemes for making crafts on a marine theme.

See link >>>> Here you will find a jellyfish, a starfish, a shell with a pearl, a crab, a turtle, and various fish. Crafts are designed for school-age children and adults.

5. Summer applique. Application on the theme of summer. Summer applications

Let’s finish our review article “Summer Crafts on a Marine Theme” with several summer applications.

Have your child trace and cut out the silhouette of their hand. Draw and cut out the fish and fishing rod separately. To make this summer craft you will need some string.

First, glue your hand onto the paper, leaving four fingers (except the thumb) unglued. Place the fishing rod in your hand, also gluing it to the paper. Bend your fingers. At the end, glue the fish and string. Summer applique "Fish on a fishing rod" is ready!

Application on the theme of summer. Sunglasses

For this application you will need: a thick sheet of black paper, a white sheet of paper, colored cardboard, colored pencils or markers, scissors; a marker that draws in silver or gold.

Fold a black sheet of paper in half and draw half a pair of glasses on the fold. Cut them out.

On a sheet of white paper, draw a picture on summer theme. Color it. After this, place the glasses on the drawing and move them around until the most successful pictures appear in the glasses. Glue the glasses onto the design at this point and cut them out again.

Now you need to glue your application onto a sheet of colored cardboard. If desired, you can decorate the glasses with a silver or gold marker at the end. Your DIY summer craft is ready!

Summer application. Sea boats

We invite you to make a very original, in our opinion, summer applique. For this you will need:

Paints (green, blue, white)
- tassel
- white sheet of paper
- a sheet of blue or light blue cardboard
- colored paper
- glue
- scissors

Work plan:

1. Apply strokes of green, blue and white paints to the saucer without mixing them.

2. Take a brush and a white sheet of paper. Dipping a brush into several colors at a time, paint the paper with waves of color. Let the paint dry.

3. On a sheet of blue or light blue cardboard, glue a rectangle cut from gray or yellow colored paper on the bottom. The length of the rectangle is the same as that of a sheet of cardboard, the height is about 8 cm.

4. Tear the sheet of paper that you previously painted with paints and left to dry into small strips. Make the straight edges of the first and last strip wavy too.

5. Glue the strips onto the cardboard, overlapping them, starting from the bottom. Glue the strips to the cardboard from the sides.

6. Cut out boats with masts and sails from colored paper. Make some boats larger, others smaller.

7. Stick the boats between the waves, hiding them partially under them. Ships bigger size glue on the bottom and smaller ones on top of the sheet, thereby creating the illusion of perspective.

At the same time, glue the strips of paper to the cardboard completely. Let us remember that before this they were glued only on the sides.

8. Finally glue on the masts and sails.

Summer applique "Sea Boats" is ready!

Summer application. Slates

To make this summer craft you will need:

Colored paper (blue and light blue)
- White paper
- a sheet of thick paper or cardboard
- colored pencils or markers
- scissors
- push pins with round head

Work plan:

1.Tear blue and blue colored paper into strips and glue them onto cardboard. In this case, the edges of the strips should partially overlap each other.

2. Trace your feet wearing shoes on paper and cut out the resulting silhouettes. Color them with colored pencils or markers in bright colors.

3. Cut 4 strips from scrap paper: 1.5 cm wide, 15 cm long. Color them too.

4. Glue the slates onto a sheet of cardboard, having previously folded the paper straps under them. Pin the straps on top with decorative push pins.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Tasks: Develop logical thinking and memory. Strengthen children's ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between nature and human activities in nature. Reinforce with children the rules of behavior in nature (do not leave garbage.) Foster a kind, merciful, responsible attitude towards nature and its inhabitants. Improve the ability to create plot images based on presentation. Teach children to create harmonious images of fish from individual elements (circles, ovals, triangles), symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Activate methods of cutting circles and ovals from squares or rectangles by rounding the corners. Develop combinatorial and compositional skills: compose variants of images (fish) from several parts, beautifully place them on a compositional basis (rectangular sheet of paper). Expand the range of techniques for cutting appliqué (tearing, tearing, plucking, creasing).
Develop your imagination.

Preliminary work: observing the inhabitants of the aquarium, talking about environmental problems.

Material and equipment: a boat built from a soft module; plastic bottles, cups, plastic bags, dummies of fruit, candy boxes;

Demo material: envelope with letter; magnetic board; illustrations – sunfish, starfish, stingray, eel, glowing fish; recording “The Sound of the Sea” (from the “Music for Relaxation” collection).
Handouts: a tinted sheet of paper for the background, square and rectangular sheets of plain-colored and textured colored paper, glue brushes, plain colored paper napkins, a box for scraps, oilcloth, pastel crayons to complement the applicative composition with graphic means, a cloth napkin, scissors, glue.
GCD move.

Creating gaming motivation.

Educator reads out a letter received from King Neptune.
"Help! Help! I'm dying! There is trouble in my kingdom! In the blue water and on the yellow sand, it is not sea creatures frolicking, but plastic bags and apple and watermelon cores floating, bottles lying at the bottom... Ships and steamships pass overhead, catching the last fish with nets. What to do? Help, people! Save my kingdom!
Educator .
-We are urgently setting off on a journey to the bottom of the sea. We'll see for ourselves what's happening there. Children, tell me how to get there? (On a ship, submarine, steamship, bathyscaphe, yacht, sailboat). -We will go on a trip on a submarine. (children gather on a makeshift boat and find sea shells there).
- Guys, listen, what is the noise of the sea? (Children's answers). Captain, look, there are some strange objects right ahead! What is this? (Garbage). What do we do? (Collect garbage in bags and take it with you to the shore.)
(Next, the children imitate putting on scuba gear and go out into the “open sea,” collect garbage, and return to the “boat.”)
Educator -Well done boys! We cleaned the sea, but it remained lifeless and boring. Let's take a “piece of the seabed” and populate it with living creatures. (Children are seated at tables. Calm music for relaxation is playing - “the sound of the sea”)
The teacher shows illustrations of fish.
Educator -Lies an underwater country
Deep underwater.
There's a fish swimming in the moon
Next to the starfish.
And so that stingrays and eels
You could find your home
Lanterns are burning everywhere -
Glowing fish.
(E. Serova)
Didactic game"Let's make a fish" On a magnetic board, one shape is laid out - an oval (torso), to which triangles, ovals, semi-ovals... (different tails and fins) are alternately attached.
The teacher shows 2-3 fish, cut out or drawn, to switch children from a conventionally schematic image to an artistic one. Draws attention to the fact that fish can be cut out at will and decorated with colored stripes, confetti, and patterns from scraps. He advises using different design techniques, including mixing several colors, drawing scales, and creating a more complex polychrome overlay pattern.
Educator -You hear?! The sea is noisy, waiting for your help. Think about what you want to portray. (Clarification of techniques for drawing and cutting out fish figures from paper folded in half; composing fish from geometric shapes, cutting out or tearing off several identical objects from paper folded like an accordion.) The teacher reminds about the rules for safe work with scissors.
Physical education break “Fish”
The fish swims in the water, the children sway their folded palms from side to side.
The fish have fun playing.
Fish, fish, mischief maker, threatening with a finger.
We want to catch you. Slowly bring your palms together.
The fish arched its back, folded palms slowly tilted forward.
I took a bread crumb. Make grasping movements with both hands.
The fish waved its tail, swaying its folded palms to the right and left.
The fish quickly swam away.
(M. Klokova)
At the end of the work, the children lay out the finished collages on the carpet - “populate the sea.”
The king - Neptune (a pre-prepared child in a story costume) arrives, thanks the children for their help, admires the work,, together with the teacher and the children, highlights the expressive solutions of the images and invites everyone to play.
Communication game "Fish"
The children get into pairs, agreeing which of them will catch the fish, and play “ladushki” to the words, either clapping their hands or hitting their friend’s hands.
The fish are swimming, frolicking,
Fishes love to play.
The fish swim away quickly
You try to catch them.
Fish, swim! Children press their palms together and swing them left and right
Hurry up and catch it!
On the last word, the player who must catch the fish tries to catch the palms of a friend who is trying to hide his hands behind his back. When the game is repeated, the second player catches the fish.

Nadezhda Akimova
Lesson notes on application. Teamwork"Undersea world"

« Underwater world» .


Teach children to make shapes from sculpted and cut out figures. collective composition;

Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about nature;

Teach children to independently choose art materials to reveal the chosen topic;

Activate different techniques for creating beautiful aquatic plants (twisting, twisting, decorating flagella and ribbons)

Develop abilities for shaping and plotting.

Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Preliminary Job:

View: photographs, illustrations, postcards with images of fish, to enrich the artistic impression of children.

Preparing the basis for collective composition« Undersea world»

Conversation about different bodies of water (lake, river, sea).

Acquaintance with seascapes. Drawing waves. Image of waves on the sand.

Experiments with water.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Synthetic material - fabric(tinted blue, colored textured paper, terry and wool threads of different colors, scissors for cutting out fish silhouettes, beads, small buttons, beads, a simple pencil, glue, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloths, boxes for scraps, an unfinished composition for teamwork.

Progress of the lesson:

Children look at slides introducing underwater world, and suggests closing your eyes to imagine a sea jungle of beautiful, thick algae. Listen to the sound of the sea. A droplet reads a poem B Shipunova:

Under the forgotten water, the stars float along the bottom,

And covered with a shaggy shawl, The stars in the sea are looking for food.

Warmed by the warm current, the fat crab crawls, hurries,

The shell-pearl is sleeping. It scares and makes Pisces laugh.

A drop clarifies children's idea of ​​what algae and corals look like. She tells the children that today they will create something extraordinary. beautiful picture underwater seas - a forest of algae in which fish play hide and seek. Explains that children themselves can choose what they will make. underwater forest - cut out of colored paper or woven from threads and pasted onto an unfinished composition.

Figure out for yourself how to cut or weave beautiful thick seaweed: You can cut strips and waves from paper, and you can twist ropes from threads.

Ribbons can be woven, twisted, twisted, and then decorated with different ways: supplement with specks - pieces of torn paper or confetti.

Next, Droplet asks the children to describe the structure and shape of the fish’s body, asking how to show the minx fish in motion (bend the body or tail). Shows options for decorated fish designs.

Children choose art materials and tools as they wish and begin to complete a creative task. Cut out yellow, green, pink paper, decorate with patterns and stick on your work on composition. If desired, children can combine different materials and techniques. They can also kill other sea creatures. For example: a fish is cut out of paper and decorated with multi-colored threads. Perhaps some of the children will have time to take part in both compositions.

Children complete the design of the composition. Droplet and the teacher place the finished composition in a wooden frame and show the finished picture to the children.

Publications on the topic:

I would like to present another work using the cutting method, “The bullfinches have arrived.” This time, on your advice, we decided to make the background using the same technique.

Purpose: creation by children joint application with origami elements. Objectives: 1. continue to teach children how to create an application (skills and abilities);

Purpose: to train children in gluing round and oval shapes of different colors. Strengthen the ability to hold the brush correctly and apply evenly.

For a group lesson on fine arts with elements of appliqué, I decided to take such an interesting and educational topic: “Living in the ice” (animals.

Goal: To teach children to sculpt beetles using walnut shells and plasticine, to convey the structure (torso, head, six legs). Pin.

Abstract of the GCD for the application for children of the second junior group “Gift for Dad” (team work) Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity for children, second junior group. Application “Gift for DADDY” (team work). Direction:.