Natural light brown hair color is a real gift of nature. With any make-up, it is important to maintain natural softness and femininity. Therefore, the color of the eyebrows for light brown hair must be selected with special care.

The fair-haired beauties got lucky, because for 3 years on the boom in popularity a very natural image. This trend is likely to continue into 2016. Because the hair color is dominated by sunny notes and strands, with the effect of sun-bleached curls, then in the make-up of the eyebrows it is worth following the same trend.

The eyeliner is feathered with a precise bottom line

The main rules of make-up for owners of blond curls

Autumn type allows you to experiment with blurry gray and bronze, as in the photo

Light brown colors are very diverse, as well as the color type of the owners blonde hair. Therefore, when choosing a color and color scheme, it is important to take into account not only the shade of the hair, but also the skin tone, eye color and other small but significant aspects.

The choice of cosmetics depending on the color type

Make-up tones for different color types

Any lady intuitively chooses her colors, but there are nasty mistakes that should be avoided.

How to choose the color of eyebrows for fair-haired:

  • warm color type (autumn, spring) - all autumn colors, rich palette, emphasis on sponges and blush;
  • cool color type (winter, summer) - pinkish, smoky palette. Emphasis on eyes and eyebrows.

Specifically, spring beauties can be worn out in a natural light brown color

Fundamentally. For fair skin, it is best to choose a gentle natural option that highlights the sophistication of the look.

Color type Makeup eyes Lip shaping Foundation Styling Tips
Winter Feel free to experiment with colorful, saturated colors. Ladies with this type of skin can afford dark eyebrows and light brown hair, because the game of contrast will only emphasize the natural brightness of the eyes and the whiteness of the face.

Blurred eyeliner of grayish, iron colors.

Only winter beauties can boldly place accents, highlighting both the brightness of the lips and the depth of the eyes. Lipstick rich red, cool tones, cool pink. The tonal base is selected only one and a half - two tones darker than the skin. Mother-of-pearl blush of cool numbers (from 1) suits the winter color type. Stylists recommend avoiding pastel colors, and feel free to experiment with prominent makeup. Forget about moderate pale blue and delicate lavender.
Spring Because warm spring colors attract attention by themselves, and golden color refreshes the skin, then when choosing an eyebrow dye, we give preference to all shades of chocolate and a natural light brown tone. The emphasis on the lips can only be done in evening version. In everyday make-up, naturalness and accentuated warm naturalness (all pastel colors of pink, milk chocolate) The tonal base of the pink palette, coupled with shaded blush, is only two tones darker than the base on the upper cheekbone. To check if you are spring, we do a test. Apricot is recommended for spring, it looks harmonious and affectionate, but the red-brown tone will turn the face into a grotesque mask. The make-up summary recommends avoiding these colors.
Summer The aristocracy of appearance and gentle complexion dictate a make-up in a natural style. If there is a contrast between the color of hair and skin (dark blond), then such blond with dark eyebrows look natural. But we choose not saturated dark, but smoky. Feel free to experiment with mother-of-pearl colors of the pastel palette. Looks very nice on the lips number "ashes of roses", which is now booming in popularity. Delicate peach and milky colors, blush can also be in bronze (for evening make-up). Warm haze is the base of the Summer look. Therefore, we boldly try options with mother-of-pearl and all the colors of ash.
Autumn All ladies of this type can get sun glare in their hair or playful freckles, skin color is usually yellow. Therefore, in choosing the tone of the eyebrows, you can safely experiment with a dark red palette and its derivatives. Avoid dark colors. Brick red, rich orange and carrot - the scope for experience is enormous. The base of warm numbers, one tone darker than the skin. Blush of brick flowers. Snow white, cool blue, rich dark and pastel - a categorical no.

Advice. Color types can also be mixed, therefore it is difficult to answer the question exactly what color of eyebrows suits fair-haired, a huge number of reasons play a role.

The best decorative cosmetics for eyebrows 2015 - rating

The most difficult make-up is natural

Remember the main rule, what color of eyebrows is suitable for light brown hair - no darker than hair, more than two tones. If the pencil or shade of the tattoo is darker, then you get a dramatic, grotesque image, and we need a pretty soft femininity. The vamp style has long been on the back of history.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for fair-haired people - we are looking for medium numbers of coffee, reddish and gray in the middle. Everything depends on the color of the skin and hair.

Advice. One eyebrow pencil for light brown hair is not enough to perfectly make up eyebrows.
You need two options with a difference in tone by one or two numbers.
So it will be possible to highlight the twist and make the eyes bigger and brighter.

  • Relouis- persistent and rich tone, brown without redness, which is very rare. The cost is 150 rubles, which is absolutely good;
  • Catrice Eyebrow Stylis- three colors of decent beige, both for hair with a redhead, and for ashy. Resistant, with a brush, excellent reviews. 150 rubles.
  • EL CORAZON- the answer is what color to paint the eyebrows of fair-haired girls if a pool or a small scandal with tears is planned. Waterproof, mass of coffee flowers from milky to rich bitter chocolate.
  • Shiseido- the greatest naturalness and beautiful palette. Looks amazing with ashy hair color. Resistant and successful, economical.
  • "Mac" Brown- cosmetics from an expensive strip, but the quality justifies the higher price. The make-up is virtually invisible, which distinguishes a good decorative cosmetics. Large selection of colors.

Advice. Naturally, you can experiment once with henna colors, since you can do everything with your own hands.
But keep in mind that the red tone is far from suitable for all light brown curls.


cool colors

Do not be afraid to experiment, the fashion of the present day does not dictate serious rules. On the web, you can find a makeup program that will give you a hint desired colors and colors. The video presented in this article will introduce you to some aspects of the evening solemn make-up. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer questions about the article in the comments.

What's in the article:

The tradition of changing the shape and coloring the eyebrows has come to us since ancient Egypt. Today on the website you will receive a virtual consultation on how to choose the color of the eyebrows without disturbing the harmony in appearance when creating your image.

Strive for the perfect look

What is the ideal image of a woman? All stylists agree in one opinion: "Naturality - first of all"! Everything in a woman should be natural and harmonious.

When choosing a new hair dye, do not forget about your eyebrows. They are very important detail female appearance. Light and hardly noticeable - will make you faded and inconspicuous, too expressive and bright - will give the image of vulgarity.

Have you already thought about what color should be the eyebrows? The secret is simple: they should be in harmony with your color type. In other words, you should focus on hair, eyes and skin.

And now consider the question of how to choose, focusing on your color type, the right shade.


Using the tips below, you can easily determine which shade is best for you to make your choice.

  • The owner of green eyes can safely experiment with different shades of brown. Trial and error works best, because even stylists note the difficulty in choosing the right shade for green eyes. Only one thing is known for sure: black, gray and metallic colors - in this case they will not work;
  • Blue-eyed women are the easiest to decide. Your palette is all shades of gray and light brown tones. Forbidden - bright, too saturated and dark tones;
  • In the case of gray eyes, harmony in color scheme can play a cruel joke gray eyebrows can easily ruin your appearance. A light brown palette or the color of wet asphalt would be appropriate here;
  • How to choose the right eyebrow color for brown eyes? In this matter, hair plays a decisive role.

Hair matching

This is where harmony is important. Hair is a decisive factor in choosing an eyebrow dye. Between them there should be a complete idyll.

  • How to choose the color of eyebrows for brunettes? There are two options here:
  1. If you are looking for an image business woman, their color should be a tone darker than the hair;
  2. The color is one tone lighter - it will make your face more tender and young.
  • For brown-haired women, according to stylists, it is not at all difficult to choose the right shade. The choice of options is huge:
  1. For copper-haired - bright red;
  2. For chestnut brown-haired women - terracotta;
  3. For dark redheads - chocolate;
  4. For light red - brown;
  5. For reddish-brown - graphite.

How to match the color of the eyebrows to the color of the hair for those who have an unnatural shade, for example: turquoise, pink or lilac? The rule remains relevant: warm tones to warm, cold tones to cold. Well, try to avoid sharp contrasts.

If, nevertheless, it is difficult for you to decide, you can always seek help from specialists: a makeup artist, stylist or hairdresser. Now, this can be done even with the help of a computer, using special programs.

Advise - do not be afraid to experiment. The ideal option would be to check the selected shade under different lighting variations. Assess your appearance, both in rainy weather and in bright sunshine.

Before you decide to get a tattoo or coloring with chemical paint, choose the most suitable tone with a pencil or shadows.

Choosing cosmetics

The colors of pencils for coloring eyebrows are very diverse. It is the rich palette that makes their use a more profitable option than shadows.

And one more rule: blondes choose a pencil a few shades darker from the hair, brunettes - lighter.

If you want to achieve a darkening effect, use shadows. They are applied with a brush, with dotted and short movements. Paint mainly the curve, not the base.

When choosing a tone, try applying cosmetics with a pencil or shadows in the daytime, in natural light. This is the only way you can see all the shades and determine if the pencil suits your image.

And, most importantly, choosing what color to paint your eyebrows - do not chase fashion. Take a guide to naturalness, which will only emphasize the beauty of your face.

The article has been reviewed and approved by Instagram beauty blogger @lil4olga. .

Every modern girl in self-care Special attention gives to his face. Understanding which eyebrow color suits fair-haired is not such a difficult task as it seems at first glance. However, some tips are essential to follow. After all, a mistake in only one tone can ruin the whole image, even the most ideal one.

Eyebrow color selection for girls with blond hair

For fair-haired girls, unlike other types of appearance, it is easiest to choose the color of eyebrows. It is only important to adhere to the basic rule - the color of the eyebrows should be different from natural color hair for 1-2 tones, but no more. Fair-haired girls are perfect for eyebrows of terracotta and chestnut shades. Girls with fair skin and blue or green eyes will look best with light brown eyebrows. This color scheme will give the face of mystery, femininity and sophistication.

In addition, with blond hair brown tones with moderate shades look great. Make a choice in colors should be guided by naturalness. Eyebrows should not look too bright and conspicuous. Their task is to emphasize the beauty of the eyes and look harmoniously with the whole image.

If the hair is dark blond, it should be combined with dark shades of chocolate and brown. It is better to refuse black tones. Eyebrows will appear unnatural and vulgar.

Makeup for fair-haired girls

Makeup for light brown in the matter of changing the color of the eyebrows plays a very important role and is an integral part of it. Usually girls paint their eyebrows with a special paint, pencil, shadows, or make a tattoo. It doesn’t matter how the representatives of the weaker sex emphasize the beauty of their eyebrows, the main thing is that they look natural and do not spoil the whole image as a whole, but only complement it.

The main task is to remember that the color of the eyebrows should be as close as possible to the color of the hair.

You also need to remember that for the fairer sex, who have light blond hair and brown eyes, it is better to paint their eyebrows a tone darker, and for girls with dark blond - a tone lighter. So in the first case, the image will be more expressive, and in the second - more natural.

If the color of the eyebrows is rather dark, then it is better to paint the lips with brighter colors of lipstick, because brightly painted lips act as a distraction. In general, it is better for fair-haired girls to make up not flashy, remembering that the goal is to emphasize their beauty, and not turn it into outright ugliness. Therefore, fair-haired beauties with gray and blue eyes it is recommended to dye the eyebrows only a tone darker than the natural shade, and apply glosses and lipsticks in neutral colors, such as beige, golden pink and pink, on the lips. Coral shades are suitable for evening makeup. Type of girls with light blond hair and brown eyes the use of soft pink and red colors is great.

Shades of lipstick, like a pencil, play a leading role in choosing the color of the eyebrows. Depending on how professionally and carefully approach this issue, the final result will depend. Everything can be learned and everything can be known, the main thing is not to forget this knowledge and actively use it in life.

Returning to the pencil, it should be noted that when applying it, you must follow a special technology. The contour should be made darker, and the middle should be slightly shaded with a lighter shade.

Armed with all the necessary knowledge, you can move on to action and strive to achieve your goal. Knowing all of the above, now it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon to dye your eyebrows or make up your lips. All of the above rules and tips are more than enough to implement the conceived idea. Nevertheless, if there are few skills in this matter, you can turn to specialists who will always come to the rescue.

Before applying makeup, a professional will study the type of your appearance, the shape of your face and its components, and then just get to work. In order to avoid such expensive services in the future, it is necessary to carefully monitor the actions of a specialist. This experience will help you learn how to solve such problems on your own. Plus, doing everything yourself is a lot cheaper. In addition, it is much more pleasant to be able to put yourself in order without the participation of strangers. Currently, they sell a huge number of stencils, so that in case of a hurry, all these inconveniences could be avoided.

One of the advantages of going to the salon is the impeccable quality, accuracy and time savings. And if you do makeup yourself, then of course you may encounter some difficulties or simply a lack of skills in this matter.

The common formula, in which the eyebrows of blondes should be a tone darker than the hair color, and brunettes a tone lighter, does not always work. These tips will help you not to get confused in the choice.

Platinum and gold blondes

If you are the same brunette who decided to become a golden blonde, eyebrows need to be made a tone lighter in the beige-brown range. In this case, it is coloring that will help, since eyebrow makeup products will not give the necessary degree of lightness, and will not look natural, translucent through dark hairs. Do not overdo it: albino eyebrows look spectacular except on the catwalk and photography. But platinum blondes with smoky gray and even almost black eyebrows look very modern.

Brown-haired women and brunettes

The transition from blond hair to dark entails a change in the color of the eyebrows. Ordered a colorist chestnut curls? Choose shades with a brown undertone for your eyebrows. And if you left the salon with cappuccino-colored hair, be guided by a gray undertone. A pencil or shadows will easily and imperceptibly cope with the task (tint gel, most likely, will not be enough).

The luckiest ones are those whose eyebrows are already darker than their hair. They may not think about changes in tone, nature has already taken care of everything. However, the option with lighter eyebrows is also viable and can even be very useful. Firstly, if the eyebrows are thin enough and stubbornly do not want to expand, the dark range only focuses on this. Secondly, it will help visually rejuvenate: soften wrinkles and facial contours.

raven wing

The simplest choice is its absence. Here are the owners blue-black hair you don't have to choose. Regardless of skin color (at least porcelain, at least chocolate), they are recommended exclusively cold black color to match their hair. This is because warm brown, as well as overly light nuances, will go into a reddish color, which means they will look unnatural.


If you decide to change the color of your eyebrows and doubt your own abilities, go to the brow bar. Here makeup artists specialize in this particular part of the face. Professionals will help you choose the shades of eyebrow makeup or color it with a permanent dye. For a permanent, go to a trusted master with solid experience and laudatory recommendations. The pastel color of the eyebrows should be matched to the color of the eyes, as if it were eye shadow. With hair (whether pink or turquoise), it must either completely match or contrast.

2. When choosing an eyebrow color, follow the same rule as when choosing cosmetics in a store. Test the product and shade not only in artificial light, but also in daylight. Ideally on a cloudy and sunny day.

3. Take selfies - they are better than mirrors and girlfriends will help you look at yourself from the outside.

4. If eyebrows need to be made darker than natural before signing up for coloring (and even more so permanent), try tint gels, shadows, pencils. The color does not fit - just wash off and try again.

5. To maintain the shade, you will have to look into the salon every two weeks, and renew the tattoo once a year. Can't make it on time? Tinted gel to help.

Beauty is a collection of details that, when combined, make up a harmonious picture. This applies to everything, including the female face. Eyebrows are part of the face that creates its expressiveness. If they are not well-groomed, then no eye makeup will save the situation. But there is an opposite effect: beautiful eyebrows can become the main focus on the face without makeup, as in the photo.

To paint or not?

The key to the attractiveness of this part of the face is not only the shape, which should be natural, but also the shade. Ideally, it should be the same undertone as the hair.

Usually, nature itself takes care of such a harmonious combination, but if a girl dyes her hair, she also needs to dye her eyebrows.

Moreover, in this case, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • hair color;
  • eye color;
  • skin tone.

It is not always possible to take into account all these points, so girls, as a rule, try to choose some kind of neutral eyebrow color. This is what gray is.

The best option

Who is this tone for? If we talk about the shades of strands, then the following combinations look harmonious:

  • blonde with a cold undertone;
  • ash-blond;
  • fair-haired;
  • dark blond.

Blonde woman gray color goes most of all as it is very close to her natural brow tone and blends well with her skin tone and eyes. The same can be said about fair-haired girls.

We should not forget that the gray color has its own palette of shades, so, for example, a blonde with a golden sheen of curls can easily choose a gray-brown eyebrow color. Saturated, almost graphite tones will suit the owners of dark blond strands and swarthy skin, as well as brown-eyed girls. That is, the darker the hair, skin and eyes, the richer the eyebrows should be. However, you need to take into account the subtone of the color type. If it is cold, then you can use pure gray tones, if it is warm, then it is better to dilute it with a brown tint.

Who else suits this shade of eyebrows? It is ideal for girls with a blurry appearance color type. For example: light brown ash curls, skin with a light, honey undertone and light brown eyes. That is a combination of cold and warm tone.

Definitely should choose this eyebrow color for gray eyes, for any undertone of skin or hair.

Coloring and makeup methods

You can give expressiveness to the eyebrows with the help of makeup, which is performed in several ways:

  • pencil;
  • shadows;
  • eyebrow gel.

Sometimes girls apply mascara for makeup. But this option should be chosen only by owners of thin hairs and a narrow line, otherwise, instead of expressiveness, you can get vulgarity. It's better to just do a gray eyebrow tattoo. Henna tattoo is popular. However, it is worth remembering that henna will not be able to give a cold tone. Rather, it will turn out gray-brown, as in the photo. So a fair-skinned blonde should choose regular coloring, otherwise it will look unnatural on her face.

In general, tattooing is used more often to create the outline of the eyebrow line than to color them. It should not be done by girls with thick hairs. But for owners of rare hairs, tattooing will be an excellent solution.

Eyebrows gray

After it, the position is occupied by the usual staining. It can be made with special paint or the same henna that is mixed with basma. This is an ideal solution for owners of light hairs growing in a wide line. After staining, it remains only to comb the eyebrows with a brush and use the gel. If your own eyebrows are gray by nature, it is enough to emphasize it with a pencil.