Today, even the most demanding fashionista has the opportunity to choose an accessory to suit her taste - after all, there are a huge number of options! But no matter what the newly acquired decoration is, nothing compares to the one you made with your own hands. And in terms of originality, it will certainly not be inferior even to designer ones, because if you wish, you can use the most unexpected material - a plastic bottle, a zipper, clothespins, pins and pins, egg trays... And that's not all!

1.Made of lace and pendant

This is the easiest option to make a bracelet with your own hands, and the least labor-intensive. Take the pendant you like and attach strong threads (cords, ribbons, harnesses) to it. You can secure the ends with clasps, or you can simply tie them on your wrist with a bow.


Tie a finished piece of wood or make a base from plastic bottle(see point 13). If you are not particularly fond of yarn and knitting needles, you can simply buy a ready-made “dovyaz” or use a piece of an unnecessary knitted item.


Very original and bright bracelets! Absolutely everything is used: the smallest and largest, wooden, plastic, iron, convex and embossed, children's figured and old-fashioned with mother of pearl...

4.Use pins

Recently, such bracelets are gaining more and more popularity among needlewomen - here and there you can see stylish “pin” ribbons on graceful tassels. Experiment - change the color of beads and pins, vary their size and shape until you find your perfect option.

The decoupage technique is suitable for both plastic and wooden blanks. You just need to thoroughly degrease the surface of the base with alcohol or nail polish remover and prime it (with paints or PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio). Then cut out any element from any napkin you like (a solid napkin is very difficult to glue without some skill) and glue it onto the bracelet. Remember to only use the top ball of the napkin (usually they have three layers). The primer must be completely dry! When the glue and napkin stop sticking to your hands, you can coat the product with varnish. Instead of a napkin, you can use newspaper clippings.

6.Polymer clay or thermoplastic

7.Old zippers

An excellent solution on how to use failed “snakes”.

8.In the style of Coco Chanel

Madame Coco was the first to come up with the idea of ​​attaching long straps to miniature clutches, and to make them stronger, she pulled them through large chains. We use the same technique when creating this stylish bracelet...

You can add a few large beads if you wish.


Do you think you can only weave baubles from beads? But no! A few basic techniques...

10. Popsicle sticks

It's funny, but even they can be used to create jewelry! Boil the wooden sticks in a small saucepan for about 15 minutes to make them more pliable. Then place them in cups or mugs so that future bracelets take the desired shape (make sure that the neck of the container is not too narrow, otherwise your hand simply won’t fit through!). In a day you can start decorating! To do this, you can paint the blanks, decoupage them, cover them with fabric or cover them with... stamps, for example!

11. Bracelet from... egg tray!

Yes, there is even a base option called an egg tray. To do this, tear the trays into pieces, soak them overnight in water, squeeze out the resulting mass, add a little glue and knead like dough. Now you can sculpt anything from this “clay”! But try making a bracelet using a bottle or glass as a base to shape it. Stick the mixture from the egg tray onto the base, give it a clear shape, but you don’t have to try too hard - this will make the bracelet more authentic. After the finished bracelet has dried, you can paint it.

12. Use hex nuts

A small photo master class...

Such a bracelet cannot but interest lovers of all kinds of originality.

13. Plastic bottle

A blank made from a plastic bottle can be tied, covered with fabric, embroidered with beads or sparkles.

14. Leather, suede or felt - stylish “eights”

For such a bracelet you will need thick fabric and a stencil that you can draw by hand and cut out. Detailed master class will help you fold it correctly...

Photos are clickable.

15. Flirty bow

Another fabric bracelet. Try using thick lace too!

16. Floss and afro style

For the base, use rubber or plastic straws (there's a reason to visit the plumbing department!). Wrap them in colorful floss and secure with large clasps at the ends. You can create a similar necklace for this bracelet - just take a longer tube.

If a daughter is growing up in a family, then parents should be prepared for the fact that she needs not only toys, but also outfits and jewelry. Of course, the most ordinary children's jewelry can be used as decorations, and it is even better if these decorations are made by hand. And to create them you won’t need any special materials, it will be enough chenille wire and beads. This is exactly the kind of bracelet we propose to make in our master class.

To create such a wide bracelet, we prepared:

  • chenille wire (4 pcs.) in two colors – lilac and pink;
  • decorative crystal beads of suitable shades;
  • scissors.

Our bracelet will be made in lilac-pink tones. Therefore, we have prepared fluffy sticks and beads of a suitable shade. For the base of the bracelet, we chose 4 chenille wires - 2 pieces of each color. First, let's decide on their location in the bracelet; in our case, the lilac sticks will be located along the edges, and the pink ones will go in the middle. At the beginning of the work, we twist all the fluffy sticks together.

After this, we will begin to string beads onto the chenille wire, but we will do this in a certain order. First, using beads, we connect adjacent fluffy sticks in pairs - pink and lilac.

The next bead is to connect the pink fluffy sticks located in the middle. At the same time, we try to maintain the same distance, which is necessary to form the unique cells of our bracelet.

Then we continue to work on creating a bracelet in the same order - using one bead we connect the central pink sticks.

And in this way we weave a bracelet of the required length. We finish the job by twisting all four fluffy sticks together.

We got such a blank for a bracelet.

Now all that remains is to connect both ends of the jewelry into a ring.

This is the bracelet we made from chenille wire and crystal beads.

Chenille wire allows you to easily and quickly create various crafts. If you use its brilliant version, you can make a lot of decorations for the New Year. For example, you can make a beautiful bracelet from this material that a young fashionista will love. The step-by-step process of creating such jewelry is presented in our master class...

Simple and funny toys often attract children more than technically complex store-bought ones. Therefore, it’s worth spending a little time to make your child happy with the new crafts you make. Moreover, you can make it together with your child. We propose to make a funny little man from chenille wire, whose arms and legs can bend. Step by step creation such a toy from..

You can preserve the memory of summer different ways. Some people make a herbarium from leaves and flowers, others decorate their home with crafts reminiscent of the warm season. We propose to make a berry that is yours appearance similar to strawberries or raspberries. And we will make it from chenille wire according to the proposed master class...

The largest modern reptile - a crocodile, which is a merciless predator and dangerous to humans, can be made together with a child from chenille wire, which is also called fluffy, and a wooden ice cream stick. Making a crocodile from this material will not take much time and will not frighten the child, as it will be in the form of a toy and look good-natured. Our master class..

This soft material allows you to quickly create flowers, from which you can make a bouquet and give it as a gift or decorate a room with it. There are several levels of difficulty in making crafts from chenille wire. With the most simple options Even a child can do it, but the more complex process of making crafts will require attention and some effort. Our craft is a simple...

This master class will help you make a spider step by step using photographs and descriptions from chenille wire. All representatives of arachnids have the same body structure. They have 8 legs and this differs from insects, which only have 6 limbs. Many people dislike arachnids, but in our case the spider does not pose any danger, because it is made of chenille wire...

This orange vegetable can be more than just a source of vitamins. Pumpkin is often used as one of the Halloween accessories. But in our case, we will not cut crafts from a real vegetable. We will make a pumpkin from chenille wire step by step based on visual images and descriptions in this master class...

Jewelry for little girls can be easily made by yourself. And this doesn’t require a lot of materials. For example, for a young fashionista you can make a ring using chenille wire. This soft material is easy to work with, so the child can handle it himself. Step-by-step creation of a simple children's ring is given in this master class...

You can make various crafts from soft and fluffy sticks, and interesting flowers are made from chenille wire. In our master class we suggest making a bell flower with a bell that can ring. The creation process will not take much time, and the craft itself will delight the child...

What can you make from popsicle sticks? It would seem what useful thing Can it be made from a regular wooden ice cream stick? However, even old chopsticks can be used. On this page we will tell you how to make a stylish bracelet from popsicle sticks. Every girl will love this bracelet, and it is not difficult to make.

Take wooden popsicle sticks. Plastic sticks are not suitable for this technology. Modern ice cream producers often show originality and use sticks of a variety of fancy shapes. This is even beneficial for us.

Rinse the sticks to remove any remaining ice cream. How to bend an ice cream stick without breaking it? The solution is simple: to give the shape, you need to boil the sticks for fifteen minutes in water. Do not trust small children to handle boiling water! After the chopsticks have been boiled in water right time, carefully take them out and while they are still warm, place them in a glass with thick walls, in an iron mug or any other container that is shaped like a cylinder.

After the sticks have cooled, they can be removed from the mold and decorated.

A finished bracelet made from wooden ice cream sticks can be painted, covered with threads or ropes, or covered with fabric with an interesting pattern.

Our blog is getting a second life and today we will tell you how to make a bracelet out of wood with your own hands and at home.

Of course, we will not make it from solid wood because... here we would need complex tools, and from popsicle sticks!

If you want to watch already finished goods, then be sure to look at our catalog with wooden bracelets -

After this lesson, you will be able to make yourself a decoration that will be unique and inimitable.

So what do we need?

  • Ice cream sticks. They can be easily found in any supermarket (if you go the simple route). If the procedure is a little more complicated, then you will need to buy a popsicle on a stick and eat it, but... two or three of these fillings will not have a very positive effect on your figure, then this procedure is best entrusted to your husband or child :)
  • A saucepan or some kind of container where we can pour water and put our chopsticks there.
  • Rhinestones, beads, satin - whatever is at hand to make your bracelet unique.

Stages of making a wooden bracelet from ice cream sticks

  • First of all, we take any container (in our case it’s a saucepan), pour in water and heat it to a boil. When the water boils, we put our chopsticks there and cook over medium heat for about forty minutes. You can do without boiling (although this speeds up the overall process) and soak our preparations in cold water for the night. The goal of this process is to make them softer and more flexible.
  • The second stage of our master class on making an unusual wooden bracelet is giving it a shape. The easiest option for this is to take a glass (empty, without water) and carefully place the workpiece there as shown in the figure. We show one stick per glass, but their number can be increased to two or three. It is necessary to leave them in this form for about a day, until they dry out, shrink and fall to the bottom of the glass.

  • The third and final stage is decoration. Here you have complete imagination, you can use both beads and multi-colored rhinestones, as well as scraps of satin braid, there are no restrictions here.

See the options for what you can achieve with the proper imagination - below, get creative, don’t be shy!