For a creative evening with your child, nika_po offers an interesting and exciting master class, or rather a lesson on making mushrooms from papier mache.

First of all, this lesson is interesting because the main material used is ordinary egg trays made of recycled paper, which must be soaked in water for a day in advance, but what papier-mâché masters can’t come up with.

So, in order to make such realistic mushrooms from ordinary egg trays, you should prepare the trays themselves, paste, PVA, corrugated paper, gouache paints, starch, semolina and wire.

As mentioned above, the trays should first be filled with water, for which you should use hot water.

Once you notice that the trays have begun to disintegrate, they should be torn into small pieces and left to further swell in water.

To turn the mixture into a more homogeneous mass, you should use a blender.

To remove excess liquid, squeeze the resulting mixture through gauze or a rag.

The result is excellent mass for sculpting the necessary forms from papier mache.

But this mixture is not quite ready yet, since it is necessary to add paste and PVA to the squeezed mass until the required texture for modeling is obtained.

The formation of a mushroom begins with a small ball, which we begin to roll in our hands.

To make the ball more even and smooth, you should use any round-shaped container.

The mushroom cap will turn out perfect if you throw the finished smooth ball as hard as you can onto the table surface.

Something like this should happen.

Here is another option to get a smooth surface of the cap. In this case, it should also be left in this mold to dry.

Again we form a second ball and make a mushroom stem out of it.

All parts should be thoroughly dried, which can be done on a battery in winter. Then we begin gluing the parts, starting with the leg. To do this, you should use crepe paper, but if the surface of the workpiece is not smooth, then pasting begins with toilet paper in as many layers as necessary to smooth the surface of the workpiece.

This is how the mushroom cap turned out in the end. We painted its outer part with matte, while the lower part remained pasted over. crepe paper.

What is stalemate, you ask? Pat is obtained after combining starch, PVA and gouache desired color. The preparation of pata begins with mixing starch and glue to the desired consistency, after which the finished mixture is painted with gouache paint to the desired shade. When preparing pata, note that it is best to store it in a jar with a lid to prevent it from drying out.


Papier-mâché can be in great demand as one of the types of recycling of newspapers, boxes, magazines and catalogs that have become unnecessary. His capabilities are much greater than one might think. After all, over hundreds of years of using this technique, people have learned to give their work strength, shine, smoothness and resistance to weather conditions.

Small historical reference: the hardworking Chinese were the first to learn how to make papier-mâché. There are works found in this technique dating back to the 2nd century AD. These were archer helmets, which were impregnated with varnish for greater durability. Then papier-mâché penetrates Japan and Persia, where it is widely used in the production of ritual masks. In Europe, this technique appeared in the 17th century in France, which is preserved in the name. In the 19th century in England, a technique was invented that made it possible to obtain varnished products reminiscent of Japanese ones, and a method of gluing paper when heated, which made it possible to obtain a material stronger than wood! In those days, everything was made from papier-mâché: from watches to decorative panels.

Papier-mâché recipes always consist of two main components: paper and glue, and if with the first everything is more or less monotonous, then everyone’s glue was different. So in Germany it was a paste made from rye flour, in England they used mashed potatoes for these purposes (yes, there was such a thing), and in India they used a mixture of rice flour with resins of local plants. In addition, there is a difference in preparing the mass for various products, for example, gelatin is used as glue for doll heads. In ancient recipes there were additives that protected finished products from insects (garlic, tobacco leaves), to give a pleasant smell (cinnamon, cloves). To make the finished products inedible for rodents, ash was mixed into papier-mâché. In those days, they were not limited to paper as a basis; they used a variety of rags, which during processing became a single whole. The technology in Victorian times in England differed from the modern one and consisted of successively impregnating layers of paper with linseed oil, followed by baking in a hot oven. This technique was used to produce not only boxes and medallions, but also entire furniture sets.

This is such a simple papier-mâché.

Based on materials from English papier-mâché forums

This method has three huge advantages compared to all others: firstly, it does not require long soaking and a huge amount of water, secondly, it is not very labor-intensive physically, that is, it does not require hours of grinding of workpieces, and thirdly, it is possible to use not only trays for eggs, but also attach a couple of unnecessary magazines for the good cause of rebirth. Almost anything can be made from the resulting material - from Christmas tree decorations to garden sculptures.

To obtain high-quality material, it is advisable to maintain a ratio of 10-12 boxes per 10 eggs and 1-2 medium glossy magazines. All this is crushed quite roughly, the fastening brackets are removed and, already torn, is placed in a 15-20 liter bucket. The boxes “dissolve” quite quickly, but the magazines need time to gradually get rid of the glue, so it’s best to wait a day.

After a day, the contents of the bucket are transferred to a basin or sink, the opening of which must first be closed, and the grinding of the future papier-mâché begins. This entire mass should be kneaded until a more or less uniform gray color appears.

Important: if there are children at home, then you can entrust this stage to them. Believe me, it will be a lot of fun.

Small batches are brought to perfection using a mixer. If the volume of work is very large, then you will have to connect a professional construction tool for mixing with replaceable nozzles (they most often interfere with the mortar on private construction sites). The condition of the mixture is very important; when mixed, it should resemble minced meat or puree in appearance.

Having achieved the desired homogeneity, get rid of excess moisture. To do this, the mass is squeezed out, first wrapped in fabric, gauze or, as English needlewomen often do, in a stocking. Very often at this stage it is recommended to mix almost finished papier-mâché with glue, but a lot depends on the nature of the glue itself. If the selected adhesive belongs to the category of wallpaper, obtained on the basis of cellulose, then this is quite convenient and correct, but if the work is carried out with PVA, especially construction, then it should be mixed only during manufacture finished product, not blanks.

It is advisable to divide the resulting mass into small parts, which will be used for work. The resulting papier-mâché can be stored in the refrigerator and before use it should be slightly moistened and, if necessary, processed again with a mixer.


We take a roll of toilet paper, put it in a deep container and pour hot water on top of this roll. I pour water to the top of the roll. I turn it over several times and begin to shred the paper with my hands. We take another container, put a cloth on top and place the mass in the cloth (preferably in parts) and then wring it out. When we have squeezed out the whole mass, we make small crumbs from what we have squeezed out. In a half-liter jar, mix 1:1 warm water and PVA. Fill the crumble with water and PVA and knead like dough. Well, then we sculpt whatever our heart desires :) In my opinion, this is the simplest recipe. I know a lot of them, but I liked this one the most)

Yes, by the way, I use construction grade PVA. Construction only. With it, the products are stronger and the dough preservation is better.

Creative inspiration and beautiful crafts!

The papier-mâché technique is in great demand not only as a way to create beautiful crafts, interior items, but also as one of the types of processing of outdated newspaper publications and egg cartons. This skill is now very common and is used in educational institutions, including kindergartens. The created products are durable, smooth and resistant to weather conditions, so they can be placed in rooms, left outside, as an element of decor in the courtyard of a private house or garden.

How to make papier-mâché from egg cartons

The technique involves the use of two techniques - pasting a certain base with pieces of newspaper or sculpting from a special mass. In this case, they are often used egg trays. By collecting them, you can make a large enough sculpture for a winter or summer garden. And all you need are egg trays, water, glue.

A special feature of the technique and the main key to success is the accuracy of the sculpting. One of the important factors is to let each piece of the craft dry thoroughly. In this case, it will not fall apart or change over time.

Papier-mâché master class: flowers

You can make beautiful flowers using glue and egg trays.

For this you will need:

  • 5 egg trays;
  • Water;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • White acrylic or gouache;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Thick wire (will serve as a stem for the flower);
  • Paints, brushes.
  • Colorless nail coating.

The craft is covered with acrylic and painted in the appropriate color. Eyes and nose are drawn with a marker.

Gnome. Thanks to the papier-mâché technique, craftsmen create the most interesting compositions. And if there is artistic talent, then there is the opportunity to create large sculptures for the garden, for example a gnome. Of course, it will take a lot more time to make, because street gnomes are quite voluminous sculptures. And here it is important that each part dries well for the strength and durability of the structure.

Will be needed:

  1. 5-liter empty plastic container (torso);
  2. Balloon or ball (head);
  3. 30-40 egg trays;
  4. Water;
  5. PVA glue or paste (about 1.5 l);
  6. Paints and brushes;
  7. White enamel;
  8. Colorless coating varnish.

Ekaterina Kalugina

To work in papier technique-mache we use cardboard egg cassettes, water, PVA glue. How to prepare the mixture for crafts is described in detail in the previous post. blog: http://www..html

Basis for mushroom We used a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, for stability you can fill it with alabaster or something heavy, we only had water on hand, so we poured some water into the bottle for stability. An oval was cut out of cardboard - the basis for the hat mushroom, attached under the bottle cap. We put crumpled newspaper on a cardboard base, giving the shape of the future hat, and glue it with tape or any glue. Use newspapers and tape to form a leg mushroom.

Then the longest process begins creation: coating everything with the finished mass mushroom. After the first layer you need to let it dry, then apply a layer of mass again papier mache, adjusting the shape of the stem and cap, achieving the desired shape. After the last layer and drying, cover the product with newspaper, napkins or toilet paper, dipping it in PVA glue diluted with water (we do this to level the surface of the product, you can do this in several layers, letting each one dry. Then we prime the product, we usually do it with simple white gouache.

The next stage of work is the most interesting, in our opinion, - coloring the product. It all depends on your desire and imagination. We painted gouache mushroom: the top of the cap is brown, the bottom of the cap is yellowish, the leg is black and gray specks on white.

The last stage is varnishing. After drying the mushroom is ready. Now lives in kindergarten, waiting to go out to the matinee.

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