Mikhailova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Summary of a lesson on labor training for children of the preparatory group “Household Service “Solnyshko”

Program content:

1. Teach children participate in organized labor group of peers, agree on the distribution of work, exercise control and self-control of the quality of actions when performing common work.

2. Develop positive and moral qualities hard work and accuracy. Foster a responsible attitude towards labor and careful handling of toys.

4. Strengthen the ability to correctly use materials and equipment for labor, observing safety precautions.

3. Form a belief in the social significance and necessity of everyday labor.

4. Cultivate positive relationships along the way. labor, desire to help, positive attitude towards one’s own the work and work of their peers.

Materials and equipment: postal package, rags, aprons, laundry soap, trays, oilcloth, clothesline for drying clothes, clothespins, an envelope from the Fairy of Purity with application sheets, basins.

Organization labor:

Stage 1. Staging labor task.

Children, together with the teacher, recall proverbs and sayings about labor. Suddenly the teacher remembers that in group This morning the postman brought a postal parcel. He asks the junior teacher to bring it and offers to examine it.

Educator: Read, children, where did the package come from? (children read and find out that the parcel is from Moscow).

Educator: Tell me, what do you know about this city? (children talk briefly)

Educator: I wonder what lies there. Are you guys interested? (children open the package and take out from there: aprons, rags, soap, rope, clothespins).

Educator: Why do you think we need all this? (children answer that they put order in aprons, clean, soap for washing, rope and clothespins for hanging laundry, rags for wiping off dust, washing dishes or toys)

Educator: But that's not all, here's the letter. (Offers to read who the letter is from, the children read and find out that the letter is from the Fairy of Purity)

The teacher reads a letter in which the Fairy of Purity offers to open welfare service group for cleaning the premises « Sun» .

Educator: Children, what services do you know about providing assistance to the population? ( Emergency, gas service, fire department service, police, ambulance)

Educator: How do you understand what it is? consumer service? (children answer). Right, consumer service provides assistance to people in washing clothes, repairing clothes, and cleaning premises. The teacher pays attention children on sheets of paper with pictures - applications and offers to understand them. We found out that there are only 4 applications, which means we need to split into 4 teams.

1st team - wipes dust in cabinets and arranges toys beautifully

2nd brigade - washes doll dishes

3rd brigade - washing doll clothes

4th brigade - washes chairs

Children independently divide into 4 groups and according to the counting, a foreman is chosen. The teacher appoints herself as director consumer services. He asks the foremen to come to the table and pull out an application form for their team, on which it is written which team will do what. After this, he invites each team to discuss what equipment, what materials and how much they need to take with them to complete the request. Offers to distribute responsibilities: who will do what, says that the quality of the work performed by the entire team will depend on the work of each individual.

The teacher offers to go to their workstations and start working. But before we start work, the children, together with the teacher, remembered the rules for safe handling of objects labor.

Stage 2. Management labor. During labor activities, the teacher gives advice, helps in organization, reminds the order of work; asks how the children divided up the responsibilities labor, provides individual assistance. Watching the activity children, monitors the action children towards each other, calling for a polite and friendly attitude. Reminds me of proverbs about labor: Patience and labor will grind everything down. The only bad thing to do is redo it, etc.

Stage 3. Shutdown. Summing up the work. Evaluation of the application's implementation. The teacher makes sure that after completing work, the children clean up their work places and put all materials and equipment back in their place. Then he invites us to admire the results of our work. The foremen take turns telling what they did and giving their own assessment of the activities of their team.

Educator: Each of you did your own little thing, but together you did a big thing. This is how clean and beautiful the room is now. Me as director consumer services, I thank you for the services provided. Thanks to all employees consumer services. Our service« Sun» will continue its activities.

State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education Rostov region

"Volgodonsk Pedagogical College".

Lesson notes in preparatory group By labor activity: Household work.

On the theme "Cinderella".

Venue: MBDOU kindergarten "Golden Key".

Date: 9.10.14.

Completed by student: DO-4


Practice teacher:


Teacher mentor:


Head of practice:


Volgodonsk 2014

Topic: "Cinderella".

Training tasks:

Teach children the sequence of work.

Developmental tasks:

Develop children's skills.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate hard work in children.

Equipment: oilcloths, basins, rags.

Oilcloth aprons, Cinderella doll.

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale "Cinderella".

Progress of the lesson:

Lesson stages

Activities of the teacher:

Children's activities:


After sleep, the children get dressed and leave the bedroom.

The group is prepared in advance for work. The tables are covered with oilcloth. On one table there is a basin with water for washing toys, and on the other there is a basin with water for wiping off dust. There are oilcloth aprons on the backs of the chairs.

Cinderella doll sleeps on a chair

Guys, when you were sleeping, our Cinderella wanted to have time to clean up the group and go to the ball. But apparently she was tired and fell asleep. Well, are we going to wake her up or are we going to try to do everything for her ourselves?


Let's remember who in the fairy tale helps Cinderella sort out the cereal and clean the house.

That's right guys, let's also put on aprons and turn into mice and doves. With mice we have there will be boys, and the pigeons are girls. Boys stand in one line, and girls in another.

Let's remember how to wring out a rag (so that no water remains in the rag).

The teacher distributes who will do what.

As the work progresses, the teacher approaches the mice (boys) and asks: tell us the sequence of completing the task?

Approaches the pigeons (girls), suggests the order of work.

The children share and each begins his own business.

Two or three wash the dishes, the same number of girls wipe them with dry cloths, the rest are beautifully placed on the shelves of the kitchen corner.


Guys, everyone come to me, look around, see how clean and beautiful our group has become. Why? Isn't that great?! When we all put things in order together. How smart you are!!!

The Cinderella doll wakes up, is surprised, and rejoices.

Cinderella: Thank you guys for helping me out. Now I will go to the ball with peace of mind.

Cinderella takes off her apron and scarf. IN beautiful dress, goes to the ball.

The teacher accompanies Cinderella, and together with the children looks at the result of the work, at the clean group.

You see, guys, we did a good deed, we helped Cinderella. And if you help at home like this, then your parents will be very glad that their children have grown up and become great helpers.

After work, the children clean up after themselves and put their rags out to dry.

Joint work on the theme “Flower!

teacher: Maltseva Zh.V.

Target: develop a positive attitude towards work


    To develop labor skills and abilities when planting flowers.

    Develop the ability to negotiate and collaborate joint activities and be proactive in protecting the planting method.

    Cultivate independence and responsibility, the ability to complete the work started.


We are at an exhibition of paintings on the theme of Flowers.

    This work was done by Maxim and he will tell you about it now.

    This picture was painted by Vasilisa. Tell us about her.

This is Arina’s still life, tell us about it.

Children come into the group and sit down on the chairs.

Game "Fourth wheel"

    Look at the slides, tell me what is superfluous and why.

Children, what do you know about flowers?

    What are the benefits of flowers?

    What is the harm from flowers?

    What do you want to know about flowers?

What can you do to make flowers grow?

game "Seed"

    Guys, follow the movements according to the text.

Let's take one seed,
Let's put it in the hole at the bottom!
Don't be afraid, dear,
It's okay that it's dark there.

To the light, to the sun from the earth
You sprout, let's go quickly.
Here in the spring, at an early hour,
The seed has sprouted for us.

A sprout appeared from the ground:

    Hello sun, I was born!

The baby sprout is still small,
Just got out of diapers!

    What did they put in the ground in the game?

    What came from the earth?

    Why did a sprout emerge from a seed?

    What does a plant need to grow?

The teacher brings a tray.

    This was sent from junior group and asked to help grow flowers.

    Name the ways to grow a flower.

What are cuttings needed for?

The method of cultivation is cuttings. Let's say "Cuttings" together

What should be done with the seedlings?

choose a method of planting a flower (models will help you) and go to the work places.

The teacher asks the teams.

What do you think these patterns mean?

    Correctly, your models correspond to the method of planting a flower.

    get ready for work, agree among yourself who will water the ground, since there is only one watering can.

    Flower growers are ready!

Start planting!

    Well done, wipe your hands, agree which member of the team will talk about the method of planting a flower.

    where do we put the plants after planting?

Thank you, you did a good job. Clean up your workspace.

These are daisies. Wildflowers. This work was done using the applique technique.

This is a rose. Garden flower. The picture was drawn with colored pencils.

This is a bouquet of wildflowers. Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile. The still life was made using the plateography technique.

Extra birch because it is a tree, not a flower.

An extra violet because it is a houseplant and not a garden flower.

We know that there are garden, wildflowers and houseplants. A flower has a root, a stem, leaves, and a flower has petals.

Flowers give us oxygen. They are treating us.

Insects feed on the nectar of flowers. They delight us with beauty.

Flowers can cause poisoning. They can be weeds and prevent vegetables from growing.

How a flower grows.

Find out and see how a sprout appears.

Why does a flower's petals fall off?

Sow flower seeds. To plant flowers. Water the flowers.

Children squat down

Children get up slowly - “grow up”

Children stretching

Children raise their arms above their heads and wave their hands

Children put their hands down Children tilt their heads in different directions

A seed was placed in the ground

A sprout emerged from the ground.

Because the seed grows.

For a plant to grow, it needs soil, water, heat, light and air.

You can grow a flower from a seed.

The flower can be grown from a bulb.

You can grow a flower from a leaf

You can grow a flower from a cutting.

Pick seedlings

Children choose

1 command means that we will sow seeds.

2- plant bulbs.

3- plant cuttings

4- plant leaves

5 - dive

Children put on aprons.


Children plant flowers using the chosen method. (using models)

Group 1 - We planted Kalanchoe cuttings. They watered the soil, made a hole, planted the cutting and quietly pressed the soil around it. They watered again.

Group 2 - planted marigold seeds. They watered the soil, made a hole, put in a seed, and covered it with soil. They watered it.

3 - planted marshmallow bulbs. They watered the soil, made a hole, put in an onion, and covered it with soil. They watered it.

4 - violet leaves were planted. They watered the soil, made a hole, planted a leaf and quietly pressed the soil around it. They watered again.

5 - mirabilis seedlings were picked. They watered the soil, made a hole, planted one plant and quietly pressed the soil around it. They watered again.

Let's put it in the light. On the windowsill.

Lesson notes on labor activity in

preparatory group of children.
Program objectives: Educational: 1. Give an idea of ​​non-traditional ways of working with a paper napkin. 2. Teach children to do volumetric crafts from napkins. Developmental: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the professions of people working in kindergartens. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge that different things help people in their work - tools. 3. Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer in complete, common sentences. 4. . Develop the ability to listen and hear the question; ability to generalize; logical thinking; memory; attention. 5. Develop fine motor skills hands Educational: 1. Cultivate interest in classes, develop skills of cooperation and mutual understanding. 2. Cultivate patience, perseverance, accuracy in work 3. Cultivate respect and love for d/s employees. Equipment and materials: for each child a paper tray, multi-colored paper napkins, pencil, glue, 3-dimensional stickers of butterflies, flowers, ladybugs.; 15x20 photographs of employees and teachers. Procedure: Children enter the group, sit on chairs in a semicircle. Today I went to kindergarten and noticed that everyone was in a hurry to get somewhere. Where do you think people rush in the morning? Where do most people go? (to work)
-Why do people go to work? (children's answers) - Guys, tell me where and what do your parents work for? (children's answers) - Well done, you already know well where and what your parents work for. Guys, how can you call a seller, a cook, an administrator, and a carpenter in one word? What it is? (profession) Guys, there are a lot of different professions, and people of different professions also work in our kindergarten. Listen to my riddles and guess what profession we are talking about?: 1. He has been cooking soup, compote and porridge in our dining room since the morning. (cook) -What is the name of our cook? 2. Early in the morning to exercise. We rush to her in order. We are passionate about physical education. (physical education instructor) -Who is our physical education instructor? 3. She has countless worries so that Petya, Olyam, Masham have a place to sit, a place to lie down. In order for everyone to work together, it is necessary to set a salary. (Manager) 4. I spend all my days fiddling with the kids. I'm never angry at the kids' tricks. I go for walks with them and put them to bed. And, of course, I love my profession. (teacher) 5. So that the bed and towels are always clean. The water swirls with the powder - She worked hard here. (laundress, housekeeper)
6. Did you scratch your hand too much? Got a headache? He will quickly moisten the bandage with brilliant green, give him a pill... (nurse) 7. He shovels the snow, sweeps the yard with a broom, have you guys guessed who keeps it clean? (janitor) 8. He teaches speech: clean, smooth, intelligible. He knows the secret of eloquence: How to speak clearly and understandably, - Qualified master - (speech therapist). 9. Who is used to carrying the terrible burden of household chores?
-These qualities are possessed by people working in the nursery. Who mostly works in our kindergarten? (women). - Guys, what holiday are we having soon? (graduation) - Soon you will say goodbye to the kindergarten, teachers and all the people who surrounded and cared for you. Would you like to not be forgotten in kindergarten? Let's think about how we can leave a memory of ourselves? (make a gift). What do women like to receive most as a gift? (flowers) -I suggest you become designers today. Who are the designers? So today we will make and decorate gifts for our teachers and staff. Choose which teacher you would like to give a gift to and take your seats. Guys, look, on your tables there are photographs of the employees to whom you will give gifts. What kind of gift do you think we can make with a photo? (photo frame) -Let's remember how to make flowers from napkins. Let's get to work. I go around, provide individual assistance, and explain. We've pasted the flowers, now let's decorate our gifts. - Guys, did you like the crafts made from napkins? What did you like most about the lesson? Was there anything new for you? Tell me, what difficulties did you encounter? (Children's answers). We will leave our gifts and hand them over to graduation party. Thanks to all.