Scenarioautumnmusic and sports festival

for older children preschool age

"A cheerful island of emotions and movements"

Goal: to continue through musical and recreational activities

formation of intellectual and emotional development

implement interaction between preschool education specialists

(music director, physical education instructor,

educational psychologist)


- develop musical abilities

- stimulate the motor system of the child's body

Musical and dance musical forms positively

influence the child's development

Build collective action skills


roles performed by adults -

Sportyashka (performed by a physical education instructor)

Cheerful (performed by educational psychologist)

roles performed by children -

Decorations and props: the hall is decorated with autumn-themed props, there are attributes stylized to match the hall’s design in the African “Safari” style – banana trees, “sea” – fabric, “footprints”.

Children with an adult leading the flock enter the hall. Line up in a circle. The child Autumn comes into the center of the circle.

Host: Hello, dear Autumn! Say hello guys!

Beautiful maiden

Autumn has come to us!

Well, are you in the basket?

Did you bring it for the children?

Autumn: Oh yes!

Delicious vitamins

I brought it to all the kids!

Host: Guys, autumn brings with it a lot of delicious vegetables and

fruit. Let's guess what Autumn has in her basket?

Autumn asks riddles, after the children have guessed the riddle, takes out the “guess” (the corresponding vegetable or fruit) from the basket and shows it to the children.

Presenter: Well done! We managed to solve all the riddles of Autumn!

The child reads a poem, at the end of which Autumn begins to “cry.”

“Leaf, cut out leaf

Colored by the sun.

You were green in the spring

And now - orange.

And hung on a branch

Just this morning

And now suddenly he flew

With fair winds"

Host: Guys, isn’t this a bit of a sad poem? Even Autumn

I started crying, which means it’s starting to rain!

The presenter and the children hide under an umbrella to the appropriate music.

Host: Autumn, please don’t cry! Otherwise all the guys will get wet!

Better have fun playing with us!

A relay game is being held"Merrygaloshki» (children must put on galoshes and run through the stylized “puddles” to the landmark)

Host: Guys, how fun it can be in the fall - you can walk through the puddles

go for a run!... I got interesting idea- Let's

Let's invite Autumn on an exciting journey with us!

And we'll go to where all year round summer reigns - heat and

heat! Autumn will see all the delights of summer time! Well,

do you agree? And we'll go to a wonderful magical island!

Of course, to Africa!

Music is playing(song “Africa” by music by A. Pinegin, lyrics by A. Usachev)

Children, lined up in a column, follow the leader, overcoming obstacles

(“sea” - fabric, bridge made of cubes, vines - rope)

Host: Here we are! Oh, how hot it is here! Are you tired guys?

And we have another obstacle ahead of us! Look, the river is flowing!

To overcome it, you need to remember its name!

Children answer the name of the river (Limpopo)

Host: Well done! Now we need to jump over this wide river!

The game is being played"Jump Over the River". After playing, children discover stylized footprints.

Host: Another obstacle! Don't worry guys, we'll look at them now!

There's a song playing"About traces» (music by V. Bogatyrev, lyrics by V. Zhuk)performed by a soloist from the animated series "Masha and the Bear"

Music sounds and someone enters the hallSportyashkawith dumbbells, performs sports exercises. Sportyashkanotices the guys.

Sportyashka: Physical education, hello, guys! Glad to see you at our fun

island of movements! My name is Sportyashka - I love sports

study! How did you end up on our island?!

Children's answer.

Sportsy: You guys arrived from afar and, of course, are hungry?!

Do you want bananas? They grow on those banana trees over there!

Yes, yes, on those at the highest! You have to work hard to get them

get it, but I see you are brave and dexterous, you are not afraid of difficulties!

Then, go ahead!

A relay game is being held« Collect bananas» (children must “pluck” a banana from a stylized banana tree and put it in a basket)

Host: Thank you, Sportyashka! A wonderful African treat!

If you want, we will treat you to our fruits, which are in our

the edge is growing!

Sportyashka: Of course I want to!

Presenter: Guys, let’s tell Sportyashka about our vegetables and fruits and

There's a song playing"Harvest"musicA. Filippenko, wordsT. Volgina

N. MetlovaMoscow, 1972)

Afterwards the game is played "Treat a Guest"(children treat guests and heroes of the holiday to pre-prepared vegetable and fruit canapés). You can complicate the game by blindfolding the player and asking him to guess the vegetable or fruit it tastes like.

Sportyashka: Thanks guys, delicious! No worse than our bananas

your treat! Sorry, I just don’t understand, but how do you manage

distinguish fruits from vegetables?

Host: Yes, it’s very simple! Guys, let's show Sportyashka how we do it

A relay game is being held« Collect vegetables and fruits» (children must choose a fruit or vegetable from a common basket with autumn gifts and put it in the appropriate basket)

Sportyashka: Now everything is clear to me - fruits, liquids, sweets - with

fruit trees, and vegetables from the garden!

The sounds of savannah animals are heard.

Guys, do you know that ours is full of different animals?!

Host: Of course, Sportyashka, we know! In our area there are also many

animals, we'll even play now!

Pa game is being played« Name the animal, or who is bigger?!» (children call the animal of the savannah, andSportyashkanames the animal of Russia, native land)

Sportyashka: Well done! Defeated me! And where do you come from about everything?

Host: It's very simple! Our children attend kindergarten! Most

the best kindergarten! IN kindergarten there are so many miracles there guys

they will learn a lot of new things and...just listen to it yourself!

There's a song playing« Kindergarten» musicA. Filippenko, wordsT. Volgina

(collection “Songs for kindergarten” compiled byN. MetlovaMoscow, 1972)

Sportyashka: You guys are good! I even wanted to go to your kindergarten


Host: Yes, and we miss our native lands! Help us, Sportyashka,

get home!

Sporty: I'll try! I need to call my friend, Cheerful, - he’s all

knows and will definitely help you!

SportyashkacallingCheerful. Runs into the hall to the musicCheerful.

Cheerful: Hello, friends! Let's get acquainted! (says hello to everyone

child) No, no, no! When I raise my hands, everyone

say your name! So, one, two, three, start!

Host: Cheerful girl, we had so much fun on your island, but we have to go

home to our kindergarten!

Cheerful: Okay, okay, I'll show you the way! But first I must

make sure you leave our island of fun moves and

emotions in a great mood!

Host: Of course, Cheerful, we are ready!

soundAndt in the recordingsound of the sea.

Cheerful: Guys, look how the waves splash along the shores

of our island! Do you love the sea? We must go through with you

across the bay, but it's not an ordinary one! And this is a bay... tickles!

Pa game is being played« Tickle Bay» (children organize a “gate” - a stream is a bay, one child goes through the gate, the rest lightly tickle him, so every child passes through the bay)

Presenter: Wonderful bay! The fun continues!

Children performing a dance « Chunga-changa» (dance movements chosen by the music director)

Cheerful: Thank you, guys! Come closer to me

sit down, let's admire the sea - that's it


Children sit aroundCheerful peopleon the carpet and listen to the sounds of the sea.You can include slides with sea views.

Cheerful: “I paint the sea,

Blue distances.

You are such a sea

We just didn’t see it!

I have one like this

Blue paint,

That any wave

Just like alive!

I sit quietly

Near the surf

I dip my brush

The sea is blue"

Cheerful: Now, you are rested and in a good mood.

go home to kindergarten!

Sportyashka: Just don’t forget us!

Cheerful: And when you feel a little sad, remember our cheerful

Sportyashka: And you will get home on these magical scooters!

Pa game is being played« Scooter racing» (children take turns getting to the landmark)

The decorations change to stylized autumn themed.

Host: Guys, our journey has ended. Dear Autumn, for you


Autumn: Yes, I really liked it! Thank you guys!

Scenario of the autumn sports festival “Autumn Games”

Two teams are participating - the “Sun” team and the “Zvezdochka” team (children of older groups).

Children enter the hall to marching music. Teams are being built.


There is an autumn stadium in our hall.

He invites all child athletes.

Autumn, autumn has come,

Cheerful children love to play in the fall.

Today we have gathered to once again see how strong, healthy, strong, and agile you have grown.

I represent the participants of the autumn games:

Team “Sun” (group number) and team “Zvezdochka” (group number) and their fans.

Greetings from the teams.

Team “Sunny” welcomes team “Zvezdochka” - “Fizkult-hello!”

Team “Zvezdochka” greets team “Sun” - “Fizkult-hello!”

Presenter. Today we have an unusual competition, they are dedicated to everything related to autumn, and this is the harvesting of vegetables. And like all real competitions, the jury will evaluate the results.


Jury. Relay races will be scored on a two-point system, that is, if a team wins, it receives 2 points, and if a team loses, it receives one point.

We wish you success!

Presenter. Attention, attention, we are starting our autumn competitions!

1. And the first warm-up task: “Whose team will line up first?” (Let's check the guys' reaction and organization.)

The jury evaluates.

2. Let's see if all the guys are ready to harvest, how fast they are. Passing the relay flag.

The jury evaluates.

3. Everyone is ready to harvest, and now let's go to the field. Taxi relay. (Children use a hoop to transport each other.)

The jury evaluates.

Presenter. Musical break: “In the fall we collect the harvest, we sing songs loudly.”

Now sing a song about the harvest more cheerfully, fans.

4. We arrived at the field, we will collect the harvest.


Relay race: shuttle run, carry one object at a time (potatoes, onions).

The jury evaluates.

5. You have collected the harvest, and now you need to transport the vegetables by truck home (to the kindergarten).

The jury evaluates.

Presenter. The teams will have a rest while ... (children's names are called) will tell us riddles.

6.Captains competition. Game “Ribbon Traps” (who will collect the most ribbons).

The jury sums up the results.

Presentation of awards and prizes to competition participants.

Equipment, inventory: 2 flags, 2 hoops, 4 skittles, 2 baskets, vegetables 20 + 20, 2 ropes, 2 toy trucks, ribbons (traps, whistle, watch).


Now quickly stand in the circle,

Sing, dance and have fun.

Dance "Ducklings".

Guys. Disco! Hooray!

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 6 “Strawberry”


sports festival

"Autumn marathon"

For senior group

Prepared by:

Smirnova Natalya Borisovna

Tasks:- Promote a healthy lifestyle, encourage children to participate in physical education and sports;
- Strengthen previously acquired skills: running at speed, rolling balls between pins;
- Develop strength and endurance. Speed, courage, dexterity, self-confidence;
- Foster mutual assistance and a sense of camaraderie.

Equipment:small balls (a lot), ten hoops, hop balls, cones, baskets, throwing bags, 2 badminton rackets, ten pins. medals.

Children and adults enter the hall.

Presenter: Good afternoon It has already become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold sports events “Autumn Marathon”. Welcome, dear parents! We wish you fun and joy. We are starting our holiday.

Exercising is good for you, but doing fun exercise is doubly good for you. After all, every minute of exercise prolongs a person’s life by one hour, and by fun sports - by two. The mass character of sport is the key to the family’s labor victories, Have a good mood and excellent health. Today we are together to get a boost of energy, show off our erudition and cheer for those friendly teams.

For a country to be strong, the family must be united.

Do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: And now I propose to our friendly sports teams to take a lap of honor.

Accompanied by a sports march, children take a lap of honor.

Children (read poetry):

1.To the sports ground

We invite everyone now

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

2.We celebrate this holiday,

Festival of sports, festival of light

Sun, sun, brighter, gray

The holiday will be more fun.

3. Who is the fastest?

Who is the hunter of all,

We are very interested!

Let the cheerful laughter be heard

And the song doesn't stop.

4. Our commands to you,

We wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that the results are yours

Everyone was good!

So that you don't feel tired today

And they brought a lot of joy to everyone!

Presenter: And now I will introduce our wonderful teams. (Command View). Two teams participate in our competitions, the “Dodgers” team and the “Strong Men” team.

Team presentation.

Team "Dodgers": We know how to climb, jump, catch up with skill.

And we want to show you strength and dexterity.

Team "Strong": We say to our rivals without timidity:

We live, we don’t strain, we are friends with physical education.

Presenter: Well, since we have competitions, it means there must be a strict and fair jury. (Represented by the jury). I introduced everyone to you, it's time to start. Before any competition it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all your muscles, just like serious athletes.

Children of Art. gr. dancing the sports dance “Charges” with hoops.

Presenter: Attention attention! I invite everyone to a fun competition!

We live together in harmony:

We are strong for each other - don’t stand in our way!

Host: Oh guys, someone is rushing towards us.

(the forest girl enters)

Lesovushka: Hello, guys, I’m old lady Lesovushka. I live in the forest and keep an eye on order there. So I decided to come to your holiday and see how brave and strong you are.

Guys, who can guess my riddle?

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves.

Children: Autumn.

Lesovushka: That's right, guys, it's autumn, and today I invite you to my autumn forest, take a walk, play, admire nature and find out what autumn will bring us. Guys, do you agree?

Children: Yes.

Presenter: Well, guys, let’s show Lesovushki how strong we are.

Forest Girl: We’ll go along the path and collect cones.

1 relay

“Collect the cones.” At the starting line, the team captains are given a basket each, they run to the finish line, overcoming obstacles, take one cone from the hoop, and put it in the basket. They run back to the starting line and pass the basket to the next participant. The team that collects all the cones the fastest wins.

Lesovushka: Well done guys, you completed the task and collected a lot of cones. Do you know how animals prepare for winter in the fall? (Children's answers). The animals are preparing supplies. So we will help the squirrel stock up on nuts.

2 Relay

“Squirrel, roll the nuts.” Each team has rackets in their hands, the guys take the ball and roll it to the hoop, leave the ball in the hoop and run back and stand at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Lesovushka: That's how many nuts we saved for the squirrel. And now I suggest the teams take a little rest.

Presenter: Lesovushka and our guys can also play on spoons

Boys play on spoons.

Lesovushka: Guys, autumn is also rich in fruit and vegetable harvests.

And now I’ll tell you riddles and see what vegetables and fruits you know.

Presenter: Are you ready to solve the riddles? ? Then listen carefully.

  • The golden sieve of black houses is full. (Sunflower)
  • A patch on a patch, but there was no needle. (Cabbage)
  • Countless clothes and all without fasteners. (Onion)
  • No windows, no doors - the room is full of people. (Cucumber)
  • The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs. (Potato)
  • The scarlet sugar itself, the caftan is green velvet. (Watermelon)
  • The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.
    Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)
  • Red beads are hanging, looking at us from the bushes.
    These children, birds and bears love beads very much. (Raspberries)
  • A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
    And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)
  • I was green and small, then I became scarlet.
    I turned black in the sun and now I am ripe. (Cherry)
  • I grow in the garden. And when I mature,
    They boil me into a tomato, put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that. (Tomato)
  • There was a child - he didn’t know diapers,
    He became an old man with a hundred diapers on him. (Cabbage)

Lesovushka: Oh, what great fellows they were able to solve all the riddles.

Well then, I propose the following task.

3 Relay:

"Planting and harvesting potatoes."

In front of each team, 4-6 hoops are laid out a meter from the starting line. And a meter from the last hoop there is a rotary stand. The first participants have baskets with 4 - 6 bags in their hands. The first participants run to the hoops and put one bag in each. Then, having run around the turntable, they run back to their teams and, passing the empty basket to the next participants, stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the hoops with an empty basket and sequentially collect bags into it. The team that finishes the relay faster and without errors wins.

4 Relay

"Remove the Pumpkin from the Field": Rolling large hopp balls between pins.

Lesovushka: In the meantime, our participants are resting, I invite the fans, I also have a task for you.

5th relay race “Let’s put things in order in the forest”

A strong wind flew by, it scattered everything around. Fans participate. While the music is playing, children collect leaves, twigs and pine cones and put them in baskets of a certain color (3 hoops)

Lesovushka: Well done guys, we played and had fun today.

Presenter: Lesovushka, our guys have prepared another sports dance.

Children dance on fitballs.

Presenter: Rain, rain,


Wet paths,

We can't go for a walk.

We'll get our feet wet.

relay: “In the rain”

On the floor in front of the first participants are galoshes and an umbrella. At the signal, the first participants put on their galoshes, take umbrellas in their hands, run, stepping over puddles, reach the counter, run around it and return to the team, pass the galoshes and umbrellas to the next

Lesovushka: well, you guys made me happy, it was so interesting and fun that I didn’t want to part with you.

Presenter: Our competition has come to an end.

Let our holiday be remembered by you,

May all adversity pass by,

May all our wishes come true,

And physical education will become native!

While our jury is counting the results, we will sing a song.

Presenter: Lesovushka stay with us, our guys will now sing a song about autumn.

Children sing the song "Autumn"

The jury announces the results of the competition.

The presenter and Lesovushka reward the teams.

Host: We had a lot of fun

We played and frolicked.

And now it's time

Say goodbye, friends!

And I also have a gift for you. (The forest girl treats the children with apples).

Age: 45 years.

Location: gym.


- introduce children to birds - bullfinch, woodpecker;

— consolidate knowledge about tits and sparrows;

— continue to improve the motor skills of preschoolers;

- cultivate moral and volitional qualities - endurance, perseverance;

- create a joyful, cheerful mood.

Equipment: feeder, costumes of Sparrow, Titmouse, Bullfinch, Woodpecker; audio equipment, recording of the song “Sparrow Disco” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Antonov), recording of a woodpecker’s knock; hoops (10 pcs.), bags with millet and seeds, a worm and a caterpillar cut out of wood, treats for children.

Dictionary: woodpecker, bullfinch, winter birds, feeder, millet, gift, invitation.

Titmouse (a child of the preparatory group for school) flies into the children's group and invites all the children to her party. Preschoolers go into a hall decorated in the shape of a forest. There is a feeder attached to the wall, in which bullfinch, tit, and sparrow peck grains. Woodpecker on the tree. Titmouse invites the guys to take their places.


I'm glad, I'm glad to have friends

Both big and small,

After all, today I have

The long-awaited holiday.


Thanks for the invitation,

For a great mood.

I really want everyone to know

What holiday will we celebrate?

Titmouse. In autumn, winter birds arrive - tits, goldfinches, bullfinches. This is what people used to say: “The titmouse bird is small, but even that bird remembers its holiday.” That's why I invited you and my friends - the birds - to the holiday.

Leading. People don’t go to holidays empty-handed. Please accept our gift. We made it as a group. (Gives Titmouse the feeder.)

Titmouse. I am glad for your gift; my friends will gather in the feeding trough in winter.

Cheerful music is playing. Sparrow flies into the hall.


Happy holiday, sister,

Small bird.

No wonder we are called you and me

Brother and sister.

I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday

And leave your gift.

Titmouse. And I'm not alone. Look how many guests I have.

Sparrow. It's great that you have good and kind friends.

Everyone come out now.

I will do gymnastics for you.

The song “Sparrow Disco” is played, to which the children perform simple gymnastic movements.


By Sparrow's orders

Fully assembled kids

I went out to charge.

One step in place, two steps forward,

And then vice versa.

Hands on your belt, bend over.

Don’t be lazy to repeat after Sparrow.

Children perform movements after the Sparrow.


Exercise is good for everyone

Everyone needs charging.

Health, strength, joy

She brings it to everyone.

(Congratulates Sinichka on the holiday.)

A gift from me to you:

Here are some millet grains.

Be healthy and cheerful

And always joyful.

The sparrow says goodbye and flies away.

Leading. Look at this, guys! Someone else is flying towards us.

Bullfinch flies into the hall.

Titmouse. Friends, do you know what kind of bird this is that came to visit us?

Paws get cold in the cold

At the pine and spruce.

What kind of miracle? — On the birch

The apples are ripe.

I'll come closer to her -

And I can’t believe my eyes:

A flock of scarlet bullfinches

Stuck around the tree!

T. Shorygina

The children recognize the guest, and Titmouse shows a picture of a bullfinch and talks about it.

Bullfinches come to us in winter or late autumn. The male bullfinch has a lilac-gray back, white undertail, black tail and wings, and a bright red breast. The female is more modestly colored - her breast is not scarlet, but dark gray. Bullfinches spend spring, summer and autumn in the shade of a dense forest, where they build their nests. In May, the female lays pale green eggs. While she hatches the chicks, the male carefully brings her food. In the fall, bullfinches gather in flocks, fly through forests and parks, pecking at rowan berries and rose hips, and when a snowy and frosty winter sets in, the birds move closer to human habitation.


I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday

Dear Titmouse.

Wish her from the bottom of my heart

Little kids.

I want to play the game

And I won’t forgive you for refusal.


Glad, glad to play

A fun game.

And I want to call the guys

Play with us.

Occupy the feeder

There are 10 hoops (40-50 cm in diameter) laid out on the floor. Dynamic music plays and children run in circles. When the music ends, they must quickly occupy the “feeding trough” (hoop). Those who did not have time to do this sit down. You can diversify the game with the help of special tasks: run on tiptoes, march, jump from foot to foot, etc.


Good and fun

At your party.

But it's time to fly home,

We need to be in time for dinner.

Titmouse, accept the gift.

It is healthy and sweet.

The Bullfinch hands the Titmouse a bunch of rowan berries, says goodbye and flies away. The soundtrack of a woodpecker knocking sounds.

Leading. Guys, listen carefully. It seems to me that someone is knocking.

The soundtrack sounds again.

Strange... Who is that knocking? Come on, guess the riddle about this bird.

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter.

And the first worker in the forest.

Children. Woodpecker.

Leading. That's right, it's a woodpecker. Listen to the story about him.

The woodpecker's back is black, its wings are also black, but with white speckles, and on its white belly there are black speckles. The woodpecker has a bright red beret on its head. (Shows a picture of a woodpecker.) This bird has a large, strong beak, with which it taps a diseased tree. And the long tongue helps to deftly remove the larvae of bark beetles and other insects from deep cracks in the bark. It’s not for nothing that woodpeckers are called the orderly of our forests. A strong beak helps the woodpecker make a home. A persistent bird can gouge wood for two weeks in a row to make a large, deep hollow. With the help of his extraordinary beak, the woodpecker talks with his fellow tribesmen, tapping out entire messages to them, in which he can inform that the given territory is already occupied, and call his friend, telling her that the hollow is ready and it’s time to hatch the chicks. The woodpecker is an amazing bird.

A Woodpecker flies into the hall.


I worked hard

A bit tired.

Flew up to you

Play with the children

Congratulations to the titmouse,

Leave a gift.

Game "Knock Like Me"

The woodpecker taps out a rhythm with its beak, which the children must repeat by clapping. To diversify the game, they can clap their hands for the next rhythm, clap their hands on their knees, and then stomp their feet.


You, of course, are great.

No doubt about it, everyone is a daredevil.

Do you want to compete?

Who is braver? Well! Come out.

Competition game “Get the worm”

The woodpecker holds competitions with children, for which they need to choose two teams of two people. Couples stand opposite each other, holding sticks in their hands, connected to each other by a cord, the length of which is 2-3 m. In the middle of this cord there is a worm cut out of wood or cardboard. On command, the players each quickly wrap the cord around the stick in their own direction, thereby bringing the worm closer to them. The participant in the pair who brings the worm closer to him faster than the other wins.

Woodpecker. And now there will be a game for everyone.

Game "Catch the caterpillar"

The driver tries to take the caterpillar from his peers standing in a circle, which they quickly pass from hand to hand. In this way the game is played several times.


I rested a little.

It's time for me to get to work, friends.

I congratulated the titmouse on the holiday.

He left his gift under the tree.

(Leaves a gift, says goodbye and flies away.)


Good on holiday

Play and have fun.

But the time has come for us

Say goodbye to Titmouse.

Children. Goodbye. Titmouse!


I won't let you go without gifts.

I will treat you all to sweets.

The titmouse treats the children with sweets.

Titmouse. Goodbye, kids!

The children say goodbye to Titmouse and leave.

The holiday ends.

Target: To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the features of the autumn season.


  1. Shape positive emotions through physical activity.
  2. To develop children's interest in physical education.
  3. Contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation about autumn.
  2. Reading and learning poems about autumn.
  3. Study and repeat a dance composition with autumn leaves.
  4. Learning the “Letka-enka” dance in a column.
  5. The “Golden Autumn” festival is held in the music hall.

Draft script for a sports festival for children of senior preschool age “Golden Autumn”.

The hall is decorated with autumn leaves and ribbons - autumn colors.

To the accompaniment of music, children enter the hall in marching steps, change formations, and sit on chairs. A beautiful autumn melody sounds, and artists from the school preparatory group appear in the hall. They hold bright leaves in their hands.

Dance “Golden Leaves”.

At the end of the dance composition, the girls hand out autumn leaves to the guys and “fly away” from the hall. The name of the team is written on the back of each piece of paper, so the children are divided into two teams for sports relay races.

Leading: Hello guys! What a beautiful sunny day today! And you are so joyful and beautiful today! Let's say hello to each other. ( Children wave their palms and shout “hello!”).

Now guess my riddle:

Decorate the leaves in different colors,
It's time to put on your jacket and boots.
A janitor collects leaves in the yard,
What is the name of the golden age?

Children: Autumn!

Presenter - What else do you know about autumn?

Children tell poems about autumn, sayings, signs.

Beautiful music begins to play, Autumn enters the music room in an elegant suit with a bouquet of autumn leaves.


Hello guys!
And I’m very glad to meet you!
But I didn’t come to you alone,
I took my girlfriend with me!

Music plays, a cloud runs into the hall!

Tuchka: Hello children!

I am a rain cloud
I am a blue cloud!
I came to visit you,
Brought competitions!

Autumn: Guys, today the cloud wants to compete with you in agility. But first, I suggest doing a warm-up. Let's stand in a circle and get well prepared for the competition.

Children perform general developmental exercises in a circle accompanied by cheerful rhythmic music.

Outdoor switchgear in place :

  1. Circular movements with bent arms in front of the chest.
  2. Raising your arms to the sides, bending your legs in a squat.
  3. Jumping on two legs in place, hands on the belt.
  4. March in place with high knees, arms working along the body.
  5. Take a deep breath through your nose - pull your arms up; exhale through the mouth - tilt the body forward, relax your arms.

Autumn Well done! How well we did the warm-up, now I see that everyone is ready for the competition! I ask the teams to take their places!

Sports relay races :

  1. Each participant has a small ball. On the other side of the hall there is a hoop. Children must transfer their balls to the hoop and then take them back again.
  2. Relay "Obstacle Course". There is a small bench (or step platform), 2 hoops, 4 skittles. Children walk quickly along the bench on their toes; jumping through hoops; they run like a snake through the pins; They come back running.
  3. Teams are made up of two people. The first pair wears a hoop at waist level. On command, the children run around the counter and pass the hoop to the next pair.
  4. The children are holding autumn leaves that they received at the beginning of the holiday. At the other end of the hall there are easels with an image of a tree trunk on paper. On command, everyone glues the leaves together.

Tuchka: - Well done boys! And now we don’t run away, we continue our autumn holiday!!!

Autumn: - I invite everyone to dance, let’s rock it together!

The music turns on, all the children line up in two columns.

Autumn: - How fast, dexterous, cheerful and musical you are! Today friendship wins in our competitions! I award you with a Diploma, which only the most athletic and friendly guys deserve!!!

Autumn presents diplomas to teachers, and Tuchka gives out memorable prizes to children.


The time for magical minutes is running out,
The leaves are already calling me to go.
I can’t hesitate, I have to hurry.
And you kids, it’s time to leave.

To the music, autumn runs around the children in a circle, showering them with confetti.


The autumn festival was a great success.
I think everyone liked it.
Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy!
Healthy, obedient, don’t forget me!

To the rhythmic music, showering the children with sparkles, the cloud “flies away” from the hall. Children go to the group.