Preschool childhood- an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. It is generally accepted that this is the period of the birth of the personality, the initial revelation of the child’s creative powers, the formation of the foundations of individuality (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others).

IN preschool age The process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering for himself with joy and surprise the world. The child strives to be active, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote his further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activity is, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the more potential opportunities and first creative manifestations are realized.

One of the closest and most natural types of activity for a preschool child is visual activity. Visual activities in kindergarten - effective remedy knowledge of reality. This activity helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial concepts, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, focus, accuracy, and hard work are formed.

In progress visual arts preschoolers acquire a whole range of graphic and pictorial skills and abilities, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them. This activity is important for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, and coordination of movements.

Visual activity is of great importance in solving problems aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity, and in particular, applique affects comprehensive development and raising a preschooler.

Mental education - the stock of knowledge is gradually expanding based on ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors. Mental operations analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization are formed. Children's speech develops, their vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech is formed, figurative, coherent speech develops. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity, and independence.

Sensory education is direct, sensitive acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities.

Moral education- visual activity (application) should be used to instill in children a love for everything that is best and fair. Moral and volitional qualities are brought up: to finish what is started, to study with concentration and purpose, to help a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.

Labor education- mental and physical activity are combined here. The ability to cut, handle scissors, use a brush and glue requires a certain amount of physical strength and labor skills. The formation of hard work is facilitated by the participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning up after them.

Aesthetic education - a sense of color - when the aesthetic feeling arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations. The sense of rhythm arises when, first of all, the rhythmic harmony of an object and the rhythmic arrangement of its parts are perceived. A sense of proportion - constructive integrity - is developed when perceiving various buildings. Gradually, children develop artistic taste.

Appliqué translated from Latin means “attachment”. This is one of the types of fine art. It is based on cutting out various details and applying them to the background in a certain order. The parts are fixed to the base using various adhesives and threads.

Currently, a wide variety of elements can be used in applications: different kinds paper, fabric, thread, straw, fur, shell, sand, birch bark, dried plants, leaves, seeds and others natural materials.

Applique as one of the visual techniques originated quite a long time ago. Since time immemorial, it has been used to decorate clothes, shoes, tools, and household utensils. Most likely, it was the need to sew skins that laid the foundation for the decoration of clothing, and not just the connection of its parts. Much later they began to attach pieces of felt, fur, and leather to clothes various colors and shades. This is how the application appeared. Her subjects were birds, animals, people, beautiful plants and flowers. Later they began to use threads, metal and embossed plates, beads, and beads.

After paper was invented, people began to make paper appliques. Flat silhouettes, book illustrations, and everyday and battle scenes were cut out of dark paper. Both noble and poor people were fond of this.

Nowadays, applique has become a part of our lives. People of different ages do it.

Applique is one of the types of visual arts based on cutting out, overlaying various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as the background of the simplest and most affordable way creating artwork.

The application can be:

Subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);

Plot, reflecting certain events;

Decorative, including ornaments and patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Currently, teachers of preschool educational institutions are inclined to the traditional technique of teaching children applications, namely:

1. Create a decorative pattern from various paper geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard base.

2. Make an image of an object from colored paper from separate parts; depict the plot.

3. Master various techniques obtaining parts for appliqué from paper: cutting out using different techniques, tearing, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base.

4. Create an image of an object (plot) using the origami technique.

And it is rare to find teachers who use in their work unconventional techniques application work.

Work with various materials, in various artistic techniques, expands the child’s capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, imagination space, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.

Broken applique.

This method is good for conveying the texture of an image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image from them. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper as best they can, but pluck or tear off the outline drawing. Cutting appliqué is very useful for developing fine motor skills and creative thinking.

Overlay applique.

This technique allows you to obtain a multi-color image. We conceive an image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing parts in layers so that each subsequent detail is smaller in size than the previous one.

Modular application (mosaic).

With this technique, an image is created by gluing many identical shapes. Cut out circles, squares, triangles, or simply torn pieces of paper can be used as the basis for a modular applique.

Symmetrical applique.

For symmetrical images, fold the blank - a square or rectangle of paper of the required size - in half, hold it by the fold, and cut out half of the image.

Ribbon applique.

This method allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images, scattered or interconnected. To make a ribbon applique, you need to take a wide sheet of paper, fold it like an accordion and cut out the image.

Silhouette applique.

This method is accessible to children who are good with scissors. They will be able to cut out complex silhouettes using a drawn or imaginary outline.


Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather)), also paper rolling - the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow stripes paper.


Trimming is one of the types of paper crafts. This technique can be attributed to both the applique method and the type of quilling. With the help of trimming you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. This technique is quite popular; interest in it is explained by the unusual “fluffiness” effect and the easy way to perform it.

Collage (from the French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the fine arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing onto any base objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture. A collage is also a name for a work made entirely in this technique. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the sake of the emotional richness and poignancy of the work.

Origami (Japanese: “folded paper”) is a type of decorative and applied art; ancient art folding paper figures. Classic origami is made from square sheet paper and instructs the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue or scissors.

Application from napkins.

Napkins - very interesting material for children's creativity. You can make various crafts from them. This type of creativity has a number of advantages: - the ability to create masterpieces without scissors; - development of fine motor skills of small hands; - development of tactile perception using paper of different textures; - ample opportunities to show creativity.

Corrugated paper.

Corrugated paper is one of the types of so-called craft paper. Compared to regular paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. Children love the gorgeous colors and they enjoy working with her in art activities. This is an excellent decorative and ornamental material that allows you to create decorations, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes, which can be an excellent holiday gift.

Fabric applique.

Fabric applique is a type of sewing. Appliqué embroidery involves attaching pieces of other fabric to a specific fabric background. Fabric appliques are strengthened either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be substantive, narrative or decorative; single-color, two-color and multi-color.

Making fabric appliqué requires certain skills. First, you need to be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); Secondly. The edges of the fabric can fray and make work difficult.

Cereal applique.

It is useful for very young children to develop fine motor skills. Touching objects with your fingers and learning to make pinch movements is, of course, important. But children over the age of one year are interested in seeing the result of their work right away. Cereal application becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereal you can create different crafts with kids. To do this, semolina, rice, and millet are painted in different colors using gouache and water.

Straw applique.

Straw appliqués are extremely attractive and have a golden shimmer to them. This happens because the straw has a glossy surface and longitudinally arranged fibers. These fibers reflect light maximally only in a certain position. Composed of shapes at different angles relative to the light. The applique conveys a unique game: it shines like gold. These can be paintings, ornamental stripes, bookmarks, boxes, frames.

Application from dried plants.

Currently, application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has become widely popular. Working with natural materials is quite accessible to students and preschool children. Communicating with nature is exciting, interesting and useful. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, and hard work.

Activities with natural materials help to develop in children a love for their native nature and a caring attitude towards it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of natural material takes place in the air.

By creating beautiful applications with their own hands and seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper and other materials gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and taste. Children enjoy decorating the group room with their works and giving them to their parents and friends/

One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child is visual activity. Visual activities in kindergarten are an effective means of understanding reality. It helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial concepts, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, focus, accuracy, and hard work are formed. In the process of visual activity, preschoolers acquire a whole range of graphic and pictorial skills and abilities, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them. It is important for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, their muscles, and coordination of movements. Visual activity is of great importance in solving the problems of aesthetic education, since by its nature it is an artistic activity, and, in particular, appliqué influences the comprehensive development and education of a preschooler.

  • Mental education. The stock of knowledge is gradually expanding based on ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors. Mental operations are formed: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Children's speech develops, their vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech is formed, and figurative speech develops. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality qualities as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity, and independence.
  • Sensory education. Direct, sensitive acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities.
  • Moral education. Visual activities () should be used to instill in children a love for everything that is best and fair. Moral and volitional qualities are cultivated: to finish what is started, to study with concentration and purpose, to help a friend, to overcome difficulties, etc.
  • Labor education. It combines mental and physical activity. The ability to cut, handle scissors, use a brush and glue requires a certain amount of physical strength and labor skills. The formation of hard work is facilitated by the participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning up after them.
  • Aesthetic education. Sense of color, when an aesthetic feeling arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations. The sense of rhythm arises when, first of all, the rhythmic harmony of an object and the rhythmic arrangement of its parts are perceived. A sense of proportion - constructive integrity - is developed when perceiving various buildings. Gradually, children develop artistic taste.

Application translated from Latin means “attachment”. This is one of the types of fine art. It is based on cutting out various details and applying them to the background in a certain order. The parts are fixed to the base using various adhesives and threads. Currently, a wide variety of elements can be used in applique: various types of paper, fabric, threads, straws, fur, shells, sand, birch bark, dried plants, leaves, seeds and other natural materials.

History of the application

Applique as one of the visual techniques originated quite a long time ago. Since time immemorial, it has been used to decorate clothes, shoes, tools, and household utensils. Most likely, it was the need to sew skins that laid the foundation for the decoration of clothing, and not just the connection of its parts. Much later, pieces of felt, fur, and leather of various colors and shades began to be attached to clothing. This is how the application appeared. Her subjects were birds, animals, people, beautiful plants and flowers. Later they began to use threads, metal and embossed plates, beads, and beads. After paper was invented, people began to make paper appliques. Flat silhouettes, book illustrations, and everyday and battle scenes were cut out of dark paper. Both noble and poor people were fond of this. Nowadays, applique has become a part of our lives. People of different ages do it.

Appliqué is one of the types of visual arts based on cutting, overlaying various shapes and fixing them on another material, taken as the background; the simplest and most accessible way to create artwork.

Types of applications

  • subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);
  • plot, reflecting certain events;
  • decorative, including ornaments and patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

Currently, teachers of preschool educational institutions are inclined to traditional technology teaching children applications, namely:

  1. Create a decorative pattern from various paper geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard base.
  2. Compose an image of an object from colored paper from separate parts; depict the plot.
  3. Master various techniques for obtaining parts for appliqué from paper: cutting with different techniques, tearing, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base.
  4. Create an image of an object (plot) using the origami technique.

And it is rare to find teachers who use non-traditional appliqué techniques in their work.

Working with various materials, in various artistic techniques expands the child’s capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, imaginative space, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.

Non-traditional appliqué techniques

  • Broken applique

This method is good for conveying the texture of an image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image from them. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper as best they can, but pluck or tear off the outline drawing. Cutting appliqué is very useful for developing fine motor skills and creative thinking.

  • Overlay applique

This technique allows you to obtain a multi-color image. We conceive an image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing parts in layers so that each subsequent detail is smaller in size than the previous one.

  • Modular application (mosaic)

With this technique, an image is created by gluing many identical shapes. Cut out circles, squares, triangles, or simply torn pieces of paper can be used as the basis for a modular applique.

  • Symmetrical applique

For symmetrical images, fold the blank - a square or rectangle of paper of the required size - in half, hold it by the fold, and cut out half of the image.

  • Ribbon applique
  • Silhouette applique

Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather), also paper rolling, is the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Trimming is one of the types of paper crafts. This technique can be attributed to both the applique method and the type of quilling. With the help of trimming you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. This technique is quite popular; interest in it is explained by the unusual “fluffy” effect and the easy way to perform it.

  • Collage

Collage (from the French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the fine arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing onto any base objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture. A collage is also a name for a work made entirely in this technique. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the sake of the emotional richness and poignancy of the work.

  • Origami

Origami (from Japanese folded paper) is a type of decorative and applied art; the ancient art of paper folding. Classic origami is folded from a square sheet of paper and requires the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue or scissors.

  • Application

Napkins are a very interesting material for children's creativity. You can make various crafts from them. This type of creativity has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to create masterpieces without scissors;
  • development of fine motor skills of small hands;
  • development of tactile perception using paper of different textures;
  • ample opportunities for creativity.

Corrugated paper is one of the types of so-called craft paper. Compared to regular paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. Children love the gorgeous colors and they enjoy working with her in art activities. This is an excellent decorative and craft material that allows you to create scenery, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes, which can be an excellent holiday gift.

  • Application

A type of sewing. Appliqué embroidery involves attaching pieces of other fabric to a specific fabric background. Fabric appliques are strengthened either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be substantive, narrative or decorative; single-color, two-color and multi-color. Making fabric appliqué requires certain skills. First, you need to be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); secondly, the edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

  • Cereal application

For very young children it is useful to develop fine motor skills. Touching objects with your fingers and learning to make pinch movements is, of course, important. But children over the age of one year are interested in seeing the result of their work right away. Cereal application becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereal you can create different crafts with kids. To do this, semolina, rice, and millet are painted in different colors using gouache and water.

Representing one of the most effective methods of heat treatment, paraffin therapy has been used for a long time in the treatment of many diseases that can be treated with high temperatures. For a long time maintaining the set temperature, paraffin is applied to the body in the form of applications and compresses, and additional additives can be used. This enhances the effectiveness of the procedure, allowing it to penetrate as deeply as possible. upper layer epidermis to heat and beneficial substances.

Concept of method

The use of paraffin is based on its ability to maintain high temperature for a long time and evenly transfer it to the deep layers of the skin without causing a burn: paraffin applications make it possible to warm up the upper layer of the epidermis to a temperature of 60-70°C, while the heat acts as gently and as long as possible. Since most diseases can be cured with the help of high temperatures, paraffin applications can significantly improve the patient’s condition with many organic lesions.

Penetrating the skin evenly, promoting faster penetration medicines inside the body and its absolute harmlessness to health made this particular method especially interesting for the treatment of many organic lesions, both in monotherapy and with complex effects. Today, several basic methods are used to combine paraffin procedures with other activities and means that will enhance the therapeutic effects of their use.

The video below will tell you about this treatment method:

Its types

There are several varieties of this physiotherapy procedure, which reduces the risk of complications and increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic method used.

  • For example, paraffin-ozokerite applications, in which a natural substance is used as an auxiliary agent. It has properties quick recovery tissues, eliminates signs of inflammation, stimulates the body's defenses.
  • Also widely used are procedures to improve the condition of facial skin, for which it is used cosmetic paraffin: quickly smoothing the skin, it stimulates the regeneration of the skin of the face, décolleté and neck, increases blood flow, eliminates signs of aging and dryness.
  • As a type of procedure using paraffin - paraffin boots, which are most often used in the treatment of children. Several layers of molten paraffin are applied to the legs up to the knees and left to act for 30-50 minutes. After the procedure, hypertonicity of the legs is eliminated, the blood circulation process improves, and blood circulation is stimulated. The type of procedure under consideration is excellent for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, which is most often observed in children.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantages of the method under consideration include the following:

  • speed and ease of implementation;
  • long-term preservation of temperature in the material, which ensures long-term heating of tissues;
  • gentle warming and absence of possible risk;
  • the possibility of using various medicinal additives in paraffin therapy, which enhance the degree of therapeutic effect.

The breadth of beneficial effects when using paraffin applications is also considered an important advantage of this method of treatment: a positive effect when applying warm paraffin is noted for damage to muscles, joint ligaments, diseases such as arthritis, myositis, dislocations, arthrosis, skin diseases such as trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds, burns, with, with lesions internal organs and nervous system.

The disadvantage of such a procedure as paraffin applications is the impossibility of its use with a high degree of skin sensitivity to high temperatures, in case of allergic manifestations during the use of paraffin. Some note as a minus the need to heat the paraffin, which is a mandatory stage of preparation for the process.

A risk when performing paraffin therapy can be considered burns from hypersensitivity skin, however, temperature control when heating paraffin allows you to avoid such a risk.

Indications for use

The use of paraffin applications allows you to quickly eliminate painful manifestations of dermatological diseases such as skin rashes, dermatitis, fractures, and trophic ulcers. With the help of paraffin applications, the following lesions of internal organs are cured:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuritis.

Depending on the age, location of the lesion, and the degree of its neglect, the method of using this physiotherapy may vary slightly. This method in both women and men it is used for , and , .


For women, paraffin therapy can be used both as a therapeutic agent to eliminate organic lesions, as well as for cosmetic purposes. The best method of using paraffin in the form of applications has proven itself for the following purposes:

  • face masks that eliminate and increase the degree of elasticity and relieve inflammation. When performing a course of paraffin mask procedures, there is an acceleration of blood flow and lymph movement, toxins and waste are removed from the skin faster, making it easier to breathe;
  • masks and baths for the extremities, which perfectly warm them up and allow beneficial substances to be absorbed more deeply into the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • paraffin wraps: this technique showed excellent performance in eliminating such defects as Orange peel on the thighs, traces of cellulite.

The listed methods of using paraffin applications allow women to maintain their youth, health and activity for a long time.

For men

Paraffin applications are also used by men. Their main task for them is to cure organic lesions such as muscle pain, joint diseases - these manifestations are typical for people who receive significant physical activity and athletes.

Men also use paraffin applications for symptoms of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. In some cases, cosmetic paraffin is used to eliminate skin defects.

Children and newborns

IN childhood the use of paraffin is also indicated. Warming the extremities for signs of a cold or acute respiratory infection is most often used.

For use in early childhood, paraffin applications should be used with extreme caution in order to prevent the possibility of burns on delicate children's skin: checking the temperature of the paraffin before applying it to the skin will avoid the risk of burns.


The use of paraffin therapy has a number of limitations in its application. These include the following conditions and diseases:

  • acute stages of skin inflammatory processes;
  • feverish state of the body with elevated temperature;
  • cardiac lesions;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and during menstruation, the use of paraffin applications is undesirable. The listed contraindications should be taken into account when drawing up a plan for using paraffin therapy.

Preparation for paraffin applications

To use paraffin applications, you must first clean the skin on which the paraffin will be applied. Cleansing can be done using neutral detergent or soap.

How is the procedure performed?

Before use, paraffin should be melted in a water bath, for which it is placed in a container that is heated in a pan of water. Paraffin melts when the temperature rises above 45°C.

Now melted paraffin is applied to the cleansed skin, for which a spatula can be used, wooden stick. The substance should be applied in several layers, after which the paraffin should be allowed to harden. Retaining heat for a long time, paraffin warms the skin without causing burns or skin irritation - heat transfer is carried out gradually and does not have any effect negative impact on the body.

The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 minutes in children to 30-45 minutes for adults.

In special institutions

Medical institutions providing services in the form of physiotherapy may offer paraffin applications. The conditions for performing the procedure are identical to how it is carried out at home.

The paraffin is heated in special tanks, after which the warm substance is applied to the surface of the skin. At the same time, the temperature of heating the substance is controlled, and skin cleansing after the procedure is also carried out professionally.

At home

At home, applying applications to the skin is also quite simple. The paraffin is heated at steam bath, it is applied in molten form to previously cleansed skin.

During the selected time, gradual and gentle penetration of heat into the epidermis and adjacent tissues occurs, which allows you to warm up the desired area and obtain the necessary positive therapeutic effect. The course of procedures averages 8-12 repetitions.

Paraffin boots at home - the topic of the video below:

Consequences of use and possible complications

After a course of procedures, positive results appear in the form of improved skin condition, smoothing of its surface, and elimination of its defects. Healing inflammation, symptoms of colds, eliminating pain due to damage to muscle tissue, tendons and joints - all these are positive consequences of using paraffin applications.

A complication may be an increase in the manifestations of inflammatory manifestations occurring in the body, the appearance of skin rashes with skin sensitivity.

Recovery and care after use

Taking a course of paraffin applications does not require any special changes in your usual lifestyle or habits. Treatment should be carried out as prescribed by the doctor, use medicines stimulating faster recovery.

After the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol or ether to remove any remaining paraffin.

Applications for children is a special way of obtaining an image by cutting, applying or attaching any material to a base taken as a background. Applique is one of the types of decorative and applied art. The appliqué method is used to create postcards, paintings, panels, fashionable dresses and accessories made from materials completely different in texture and shape. The unifying factor in the creation of works is a similar execution technique. In all cases, the material is glued to the base or sewn.

What are the benefits of appliqué classes for children?

For some reason, parents do not always allocate enough time for their child to practice appliqué. This may be due to the fact that appliqué requires a little more preparation time than, for example, painting. And perhaps not everyone knows the benefits of such activities. Therefore, it would be useful for moms and dads to know that the application:

  • develops artistic imagination and aesthetic taste
  • promotes better study colors and shapes of objects
  • develops hand motor skills and enhances tactile sensations
  • Helps develop design thinking.

In preschool age, a child’s taste is formed and his first creative abilities are revealed. The application helps to broaden one's horizons, teaches one to consider objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, and develops perseverance, accuracy and hard work.

Parents often do not think about the fact that applique is not just a primitive gluing of pieces of paper, it is the creation of a child’s worldview.

There are a huge number of fascinating techniques for creating masterpieces using the appliqué method.

Types of applications for children

There are different types of applications. They can be divided by topic into three main groups:

Subject the applique is considered uncomplicated look applications for children . Figures are cut out of paper, fabric, or any material and glued to the base. The image can be anything, a leaf, an animal, a bird, a house, etc.

Plot– this is when a picture consists of several parts interconnected with each other. A plot can depict an event or action.

Decorative Used to decorate albums, frames, and household items. Most often it consists of patterns or ornaments.

Besides, types of applications divided by:

  • color (color, black and white, monochrome)
  • volume (flat, convex)
  • material (paper, fabric, natural materials, stones, etc.).

To make it clearer how diverse this type of creativity is, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the most popular, as well as the most interesting types of applique for children.

Flat applique - a simple type of applique for children

It is enough to draw the silhouette of an object on a sheet of multi-colored paper, carefully cut out the outline, and stick it on the base background. The most important thing in this work is that the outline of the object corresponds to reality.

Volume applique

For this type of application, a schematic drawing of the future image is first applied to the base. Then, volumetric elements are prepared. These can be: paper lumps or balls, accordions, spirals, springs and any other elements. Volumetric elements are first laid out on the drawing and then glued. One of the types of volumetric applique is plastic applique.

Plastic applique

Unlike flat applique, creating a plastic one will require a little more work and imagination. Take a sheet of multi-colored paper and crumple it well until it becomes pliable. Now try to straighten it carefully crumpled paper, so as to give it the outline of an object. When the goal is achieved, coat the inside surface of the paper with glue and glue it to the base. During the gluing process, you can adjust the image, add folds in the right places, or vice versa, smooth them out.

When working with your child, ask him to make the simplest objects first, for example, fruit. After that, you can move on to more complex images: figures of animals, people, or creating entire compositions.

Geometric applique

Such an application is made up of various geometric shapes. Composing geometric patterns is an excellent exercise for the flight of creative imagination and the development of a child’s logical thinking. The child is given the task of independently thinking through the alternation of figures with various sizes, shapes and colors. For older children, you can offer the design of complex figures, as well as the creation of story pictures.

Broken applique

A torn or broken applique is created without the use of scissors. There are two ways to obtain images using this method: without preliminary drawing of the contour, and with preliminary drawing. To make an applique with preliminary drawing, a sheet of multi-colored paper should be placed on a newspaper folded in several layers, and the image should be applied with a pen, slightly pressing the paper while drawing the outline. Then carefully use your hands to tear through the paper along the lines of the drawing.

Napkin applique

Special structure paper napkins allows you to create a delicate fluffy surface of the application. To create fluffy chickens, cats, dogs and flowers, napkins are torn into pieces and then glued so that the torn fluffy edges stick out.

Application of cereals and seeds

This can be an extremely fun activity for children. You can use any cereal from your kitchen cabinet, coffee beans or plant seeds. If your child is too young to draw the outline of the image himself, do it yourself. And then, invite your child to stick the grains on the picture.

Application for children from leaves

To create it you will need to stock up on materials. Beautiful leaves from various plants are collected and dried. You can dry the leaves by placing them carefully between the pages of a book. You can use an iron for quick drying. When drying with an iron, it is better to place the leaves between sheets of paper or newspaper for ironing. The idea for the picture should first be carefully thought through. Then arrange the composition on paper, and then glue it to the base.

Fabric applique

For this type of applique, you can use starched and ironed with a hot iron cotton fabric. Potato starch or liquid paste is suitable for processing fabric. If synthetic fabric is used for the application, it is better to soak it in a gelatin solution. Details of the future applique are cut out from the prepared fabric, smeared with glue on the reverse side, and glued to the base.

Eggshell applique

Shells for application can be used from both boiled and raw eggs. The main thing is that it must be well washed and dried. You can simply chop the shell into pieces, or you can cut small figures out of it with scissors. To prevent it from crumbling when cutting, it is covered on both sides with a thin layer of any elastic glue. On a thick sheet of paper, first draw the outline of the design. Then cover the area of ​​the image with glue and place a piece of shell of the desired size on it. Lightly press down on the shell to crack it, creating a natural lattice pattern. When the shell is glued over the entire surface of the drawing, let the glue dry, and then paint with gouache or watercolors.

What you need for applique - tips for conducting applique classes.

Basic tools and materials for appliqué classes

  • The main material for applique is paper. And children become familiar with this material very early. By the age of three, a child knows the properties of paper well. Children need to be taught to see in paper various images. For example, you can lay out pieces of paper in front of your child and show him how to tear it into strips or pieces. At the same time, ask your child what each piece looks like (cloud, apple, hedgehog, etc.). It is necessary for the child to start practicing with paper and scissors. He can tear it, crush it, cut it. And you will ask him what he did and what it looks like. This will give him the independent experience he will need in his appliqué class. Material such as . is also good for applique.
  • Scissors. You need to take scissors that are safe for children, that is, with sheathed blades and non-pointed ends.
  • Pencils and markers. They are needed for applying small drawings.
  • Glue.

Teach your preschooler to hold scissors correctly. The correct way to hold them is with your thumb and middle finger, and children often try to grasp scissors with their thumb and forefinger.

You need to teach your child to work with scissors gradually. First, teach your baby to cut in the air. To make it interesting for your child, turn it into a game. For example, it could be a fish or a bird. Then show how scissors can bite, that is, cut paper. Be sure to warn children about the dangers of scissors. You cannot bring them to your face, you cannot throw them, you must pass them rings forward and always closed.

What activities should you do with your child to teach him appliqué?

First give him a strip of paper and help him make the grass, that is, the cuts. From another strip you can make bricks or cubes. To do this you need to cut the strip completely.

Teach your preschooler to use glue, both liquid and solid. Show that glue can be applied to paper different ways. You can glue the paper completely and along the edges and with dots.

Then you can move on to more complex figures. Teach him to cut out the shapes that make up most objects. For example, a triangle can be obtained by cutting a square diagonally (you get a sail). A trapezoid will turn out if you cut off the corners of a rectangle (you will get the roof of the house). A circle can be obtained if the corners of a square are gradually cut off by rounding (this is how you can get the sun or an apple). That is, strive to turn all activities into an entertaining game.

When folding paper, children do not pay attention to the position of the corners of the sheet of paper. You need to show the children that it will be correct to fold the corners and then use your fingers or palms to follow the fold line. Pay attention to this point.

The application has several stages of work, each of which is performed in turn. Before cutting, it is very important to see in your mind what the end result will be. Only after this you need to start cutting. You may even have to sketch out the outline of the image first. And you need to cut it out of a piece of paper that fits either in size or shape to the image that you have in mind. And already working with scissors, children should imagine what should happen. To develop such abilities in children, offer them tasks with obvious solutions. For example, if you give a child one small square of paper and one rectangle and ask him to cut out a pear and a berry, then he should imagine the result himself and realize that it is easier to cut a pear from a rectangle, and a berry from a small square.