Graduation is just around the corner - it's time to start preparing. Graduation is one of the most exciting events in school, so you need to prepare for it responsibly. Start preparing a few months in advance - this will make it easier for you to find an outfit, negotiate with people and figure out what you will do before and after the presentation of certificates. The to-do list is long, but the preparation process doesn't have to be boring. Remember that the time and effort you put into preparation will definitely pay off.


How to think over your image

    Start with the dress. Finding a dress is one of the most enjoyable, but also the most difficult stages of preparation. There are a lot of dresses, so it’s best to start looking for an outfit a few months in advance so you have time to find the perfect one. See examples fashionable dresses in magazines and look for a dress that suits your style, whatever that may be. The dress can be anything: classic, vintage, fashionable. The most important thing is how you will feel in this dress.

    • Look for the dress on the Internet. Order it in advance so you can fit it to your body if needed.
    • If you like vintage, look for the dress at thrift stores. You can find very interesting options there.
    • If you want to wear a designer dress to prom but don't have much money, rent a dress from a rental store.
  1. Buy underwear that won't show under your dress. Don't draw unwanted attention to protruding bra straps or panty seams. Buy special discreet underwear.

    • Buy a bra that you feel comfortable in and that won't show through your dress. If the dress has an open back or no straps, look for a bra with special clasps.
    • Buy seamless nude underwear.
    • If the dress is semi-sheer, you will need to wear something underneath.
  2. Choose jewelry and accessories. Once you've purchased your dress, start looking for accessories that will complement your look. Look for accessories that will highlight the beauty of the dress, but will not distract attention from it.

    • Vintage and costume stores can offer interesting items at low prices.
    • If you can't find anything suitable and are not afraid of difficulties, try making beads yourself.
    • Don't forget to pick up a handbag or clutch! It should be large enough to fit cosmetics, phone and keys.
    • If the weather is cold, you should take outerwear with you.
  3. Choose your shoes. The shoes must match the dress, but their color may differ from the color of the dress. Can buy white shoes and paint it in desired color or choose shoes in a neutral shade. Beige and black shoes will look good with almost any dress. Take your dress to the store and try on shoes with it.

    • Break in your shoes before graduation. Go to new shoes at home and outdoors, so that the soles rub in slightly. It will be more comfortable for you to walk in shoes that are worn in, and you will not slip.
    • Also prepare shoes without heels. If you rarely go to high heels, bring neutral-colored ballet flats to change into when you get tired.
  4. Think about your hairstyle. Many girls sign up for a salon, but many style their hair themselves. There are many tutorials on the internet to help you style your hair. Suitable for graduation the following options:

    Practice putting on makeup. Watch tutorial videos to understand what makeup will suit your dress. Some people like sparkles and bright colors, others prefer more subdued looks. Try different makeup looks to see what you like best and what suits your look.

    • Smokey Ice is classic version, which is always appropriate.
    • Red lipstick will attract attention to you.
    • Try contouring.
  5. Make an appointment at the salon if necessary. If you would like to have your hair, makeup and nails done at a salon, make an appointment at least a month in advance. This way you won’t have to look for a salon where you can be seen at the last minute. As a rule, during the season, all the hours in the salons are scheduled.

    • Get your nails done 1-2 days before graduation.
    • Hair and makeup should be done the morning of the event.
  6. Confirm all appointments and reservations. It's something you don't want to do, but you should do it anyway. A week or two weeks before graduation, call wherever you signed up and made reservations and confirm your plans. Make sure you have signed up for good days and time.

    Pack the things you will need to take with you. To avoid forgetting anything, it is important to pack things in advance. Pack your bag with what you'll need for the event and afterwards. If you'll be away from home overnight, take another bag with everything you need.

  7. Start preparing yourself for graduation the day before the event. You want to look and feel good at prom, so it's important to take care of yourself beforehand. To prevent your stomach from becoming bloated and to prevent you from feeling sick:

    • drink more water;
    • eat fruits and vegetables;
    • get a good night's sleep;
    • exercise for at least half an hour.
    • Get a manicure or go to a salon.
  8. Get up early and take a shower or bath on graduation day. Give yourself enough time to cleanse your skin, shave off excess hair, and apply moisturizers. Get up a few hours before your first appointment so you don't have to rush to get ready.

    • Cleanse your skin with a scrub or washcloth to leave it soft and smooth. Don't forget to rub your shoulders, arms and back.
    • Shave hairs from your skin if you usually do so.
    • Moisturize your skin nourishing cream so that it remains soft all day.
    • Rub the pumice stone on your feet to make them smooth.

Very soon in secondary educational institutions, lyceums and gymnasiums of our country it will sound last call. Millions of boys and girls are already preparing for proms, choosing beautiful costumes and dresses, looking at prom makeup and thinking about how they will look on this most significant day for them. Everyone has their own story, funny school stories that are now replacing each other - some are pleased to remember their happy school years, others want to forget about everything as soon as possible, but everyone is looking forward to the ceremonial presentation of the certificate. It is he who will become a real start in life for today's schoolchildren, sitting at their desks and remembering the fun New Year, fun graduation ceremony primary school. And now we need to think about the future, about what will happen tomorrow.

Parents and their children most want the scenario for the prom to be the best, so that no troubles upset anyone. Let's look at the main steps that must be followed when preparing for a school prom.

What you need to pay attention to when preparing for a school prom

First of all, you need to think through the basic organizational issues. This is necessary so that sad memories do not overshadow the solemn event. It is the graduation party that graduates should remember as the brightest, most wonderful and significant event in their lives. To avoid minor troubles, it is better to entrust the preparation of the script for the prom, decorations, costumes, menu, and hall decoration to professionals. In fact, organizing a decent Russian party at school is not so easy. The fact is that many people are involved in the event itself. Therefore, no one has the moral right to spoil it with unprofessional actions. It is best if the event organizer has experience in preparing a script, knows how to come up with competitions, and has been successfully organizing and holding such special events for a long time.

Graduation evening - key points

It is important that the preparation and holding of the prom set a positive mood for the holidays, which are the hero of the occasion. It is imperative to decide where and how the event itself will be held, you need to write down the main points, think through the details from the beginning of the school year, even when they were planning. For this purpose, a parent meeting is organized and held, initiated by the parents of graduates. On parent meeting it is necessary to resolve the following organizational issues:

  1. Who will write the script and deal with the main aspects of its preparation.
  2. Who will collect funds?
  3. It is necessary to think in advance about the candidacy of the prom host and choose a hall for the celebration.
  4. It is necessary to agree on the menu, sweet table, gifts that will be given to teachers, educational institutions, children, and perhaps some parents who have taken an active position in helping the school and class staff for all 11 years.

The venue for the party and celebration can be a restaurant, but it is best if the formal part is held in the assembly hall of a school or a city cultural center, you need to think about it. This is a memorable event not only for schoolchildren, but also for their friends and parents, and many will want to see them dressed up and beautiful at the presentation of certificates.

Prom day: subtleties and nuances

Usually all educational institutions have some kind of traditions. For example, in most of them it is customary to tell funny school stories on the pages of school newspapers or wall newspapers. The doors of the graduation hall can be decorated with clippings from the wall newspaper with funny stories from the life of graduates, and you can also hold a large party with balloons dedicated to graduates who will soon receive certificates and become independent.

Separate attention should be paid to decorating the school corridors. It will be beautiful and appropriate if the walls of the corridors of your favorite school are decorated balloons, photographs from school life and personal photos of graduates. It is not necessary to act professionally; it is better if the school students prepare everything together with their teachers. This will be doubly pleasant for both graduates and their parents. It's good if everything is prepared in advance. First of all, you need to:

  1. Collect funny stories from the life of graduates.
  2. Prepare photos different years with comic, funny and interesting plots.
  3. Select personal photos of graduates in advance that can be used to decorate the school corridors.
  4. After preparing the school for the holiday, you can do other preparations.

The official part of the prom and its features

In educational institutions of our country it is established graduation day divided into two parts - official and unofficial. During the official part, it is customary to prepare a special program with an interesting plot, which will automatically become the scenario for a high school graduation party, and prepare a separate section for presenting certificates. As we have already said, the formal part is usually held outside of school. This could be a philharmonic society, a concert hall, a cultural center, and so on. If the school has a large and spacious assembly hall, then the presentation of certificates can be held there; if not, then the room is rented in advance.

The formal part of the prom is the most important. It is especially trembling to look at teachers and parents who look at the graduates with wet eyes and do not believe that they are leaving the walls of the school. The prom script should be well thought out, the words of teachers and children should be concise and beautiful.

Words of gratitude to teachers, classmates, and parents must be diluted with beautiful songs and dances that are appropriate during the prom. In this case, a good mood will be guaranteed. It will look beautiful if the prom script includes the words of primary school students, who with great joy will congratulate the graduates on graduating from school and receiving matriculation certificates. It would be good if the prom script was themed.

We offer creative ideas names of themed proms:

  • secret date with childhood;
  • presentation of music awards;
  • Walk of Fame for our school's graduates;
  • a lucky ticket to the future;
  • a doll from my childhood, farewell to childhood and so on.

It is imperative to think carefully about your answer words to teachers, parents, and classmates. At this stage of the holiday, fanfare, stormy applause and cheerful music would be appropriate.

Example of congratulations for school teachers

Graduate: Attention! Attention! For the first time in the history of our school, the council of elders, composed of graduates, decides: To create a “Golden Fund for Teachers” at the school. For high merits to students and the ability to put already discovered and not yet discovered laws of exact and inexact sciences into their dimensionless heads, add the following teachers to the first “Golden Valley”: the school director, teachers of Russian language and literature for science, increasing the glory of our school .

We respect you for your energy and ability to think in new ways. We are grateful that you care about the beauty and comfort of the school, so that the children feel cozy and comfortable here. For us, you are an example of a businesslike and enterprising leader who knows how to achieve his goals. Keep it up always!

Graduate: Head teacher of the school, mathematics teacher (full name) for the ability to teach students not only to multiply and divide, but also to logarithm and present to a power what has never been logarithmed and was not presented.

Graduate: Teacher of geography, economics and teacher-organizer (full name). Where have we not been? We traveled around the country, worked in the forestry enterprise. We promise that without you we will visit America, Canada, Havana and the Bahamas, Israeli temples, and we will contemplate the pyramids in Egypt. Congratulations, I.O. We wish you health, happiness and good luck.

Graduate: And remember - the economy must be economical.

The graduates of 2018 thank you for the fact that, despite the lack of time, you never allowed us to feel a lack of communication with you.

Graduate: We thank the teachers of Russian language and literature for being almost the only ones in the entire class who not only regularly read the works of outstanding writers, but also analyzed them. I will weave a poetic wreath from each word, and an unusual round dance from the flowers of rainbow stars. And high feelings will merge into a single symphony, and all the restless heartbeats will be heard.

Graduate: Teacher of biology, life safety and labor training (full name) for the ability to determine with 100% accuracy what kind of eyes and wings a Drosophila fly will have, if its mother’s are colorless and long, and its father’s are red and short. Dear Larisa Evgenievna! You not only led us to self-knowledge, thanks to you we now respect and appreciate the world in which we live.

Graduate: Chemistry teacher Gerasimov I. for the ability to maintain a neutral reaction in both acidic and alkaline environments, as well as for the ability to talk about explosives and not explode, about sugar - and not become candied, about starch - and not become starchy.

When the certificates were presented, warm and pleasant words close and dear people, you can proceed to the unofficial part of the event.

Features of the unofficial part of the event

The second part of the holiday is associated with fun, entertainment, dancing, competitions and games. This doesn't mean everything has to be chaotic. It is imperative to think through the disco program so that this part of the event does not turn into a banal feast with dances and dances.

This part can be organized on your own, but you can also order it from professionals. Are you going to do everything yourself? Remember that this will require a lot of effort and energy; it is best to think through all the stages in advance and distribute roles. It’s good if you initially have a toastmaster or host, although young people increasingly prefer DJs who spin good music and often serve as the host of the event. Active graduates under the guidance of parents or teachers can prepare the non-ceremonial part. The scenario for this part of the prom can be thought out in advance and all key points agreed upon.

Be sure to include events in your program fun competitions, karaoke, talent competition, because in each class there are several nuggets who can sing or dance beautifully. Over 11 school years, you know all the activists in your class well - they hold the cards.

If you decide to resort to the help of professionals, then this will be a more expensive option, but also the least risky. This is due to the fact that all stages of the informal part of the prom will be thought out by specialists; you will not need to prepare the decorations yourself, control the process itself, once again check the lists of invited guests, and so on. Good mood in this case it is 100 percent guaranteed.

Popular places to celebrate graduation in 11th grade

The script has been drawn up, all organizational issues regarding guests, sweet table, competition programs, and so on have been resolved. All that remains is to figure out where exactly the prom celebration will take place.

Today the concept of a turnkey wedding or a turnkey prom is becoming fashionable. This means that all organizational aspects, including the choice of venue, are taken over by the organizing party. You are offered cafes, restaurants, small bars or modern nightclubs, and you just choose the place that seems optimal to you for your prom. In this case, it is necessary to take into account: the number of graduates, invited guests, correlate everything with the size of the premises for gatherings, dancing, relaxation, and so on.


Organizing a prom is a very labor-intensive and complex process, because it will be necessary to gather so many young people in one place. It is important to take into account a lot of key points: the number of graduates, the number of accompanying adults, the preferences of the heroes of the occasion, the budget of the event and much more. And for graduation to be successful and memorable, it is extremely important not to forget anything. And for this you can, for example, start a special notebook in which you will write down important details. By the way, it is worth noting that you need to start planning your graduation long before the expected date, because there are a huge number of schools in the city, each of which graduates a large number of eleventh graders. If you don’t take care of everything in advance, you’ll have to be content with what’s left (although there are many cafes and restaurants in every city, not all of them will meet the basic requirements).

Graduation venue.

In general, each graduation consists of an official part - the presentation of certificates (a concert in honor of graduation is possible) and an unofficial part - a buffet table and a disco. Here it is important to immediately think about where which part will take place. Usually the official part is held in the school itself, for example, in the assembly hall or, if there is none, then in the cafeteria or gym. Many organizers decide to hold both parts at school. The advantage of this solution is that you do not have to take students to a restaurant or cafe. But there is also a minus: everything will fall entirely on the shoulders of the organizers. They will have to purchase food, deliver it to the venue, find cooks and a place for cooking. In addition, you will need music (and high-quality music requires special equipment) and a DJ. Of course, in in this case You can save money, but you will need to spend a lot of effort. If the unofficial part is held in a cafe or restaurant, then all the worries will fall on the shoulders of the establishment’s employees. You can rent a motor ship, but before making such a decision you need to make sure that the ship meets all safety requirements and has sufficient space. Important! When choosing a graduation venue, there are some things to consider. So, first you need to find out what the capacity of the room is. But we must not forget that prom is fun, so you must provide a place for dancing.

Delivery of graduates to the banquet venue.

If you decide to hold the official part in one place and the banquet in another, then you need to think about how to get everyone to the cafe or restaurant. It would be advisable to transport everyone together, for example by renting a minibus. Then no one will fall behind or get lost.

Decoration of the room.

To make your graduation memorable, you need to decorate the room. You can do this using balloons, garlands, posters. It would be great if someone made a collage of school photos of graduates. In general, everything should be beautiful and original.

Arrangement of tables.

Usually at the graduation, in addition to the graduates themselves, there are also accompanying people (teachers, parents). In order not to embarrass or embarrass young people, it is better to divide the tables into two zones: for students and for adults. This way, the heroes of the occasion will be able to communicate more relaxed, but at the same time they will be in the field of view in case of force majeure situations. Desks for students can be connected so that everyone has the opportunity to have common conversations (after all, perhaps such an opportunity will not arise again). You can divide the tables into groups by class, or you can place each table separately so that groups of graduates with similar interests can sit at it. But in any case, there should be free space between the tables so that you can easily get to your place from the dance floor. In addition, everyone should be comfortable, so you shouldn’t seat 20 people at one small table.


After preparing for the holiday and the official part, all students will probably get hungry, so it is necessary to provide for this. But since, in addition to the meal, there will be a lot of interesting things at the holiday and there will simply be no time to eat a lot, then one hot dish will be enough (it is necessary, since graduates will drink alcohol, and it is better absorbed with hot dishes) and one salad. Since the graduation will take place in the hot season, the dishes should not be too fatty and heavy; it is better to include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. In addition, it is necessary to provide as many different snacks as possible so that the heroes of the occasion have the opportunity to have a snack without stopping from dancing. As snacks, you can offer sliced ​​sausages and cheese, sandwiches, sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, and canapés. It is best to create one menu for everyone to avoid confusion when serving dishes. But it is necessary to take into account the wishes and preferences of students. Perhaps the best option would be the so-called buffet. Then everyone will have the opportunity to put on their plate what they want and in the required quantity. You can take the remaining food with you by placing it in containers. And you definitely need to stock up on a lot of drinks: mineral water, juices, lemonades (active dancing provokes thirst).


No matter what adults think about alcohol, you can’t do without it at prom. After all, all graduates consider themselves adults. But there should not be permissiveness! Therefore, it will be enough to put wine and champagne on the tables; you should refuse stronger drinks. As for the quantity, it is better to proceed from the calculation of 2 bottles (champagne and wine) for 3-4 people.

Script and program.

The prom program is a very important part of the organization. The script should be rich and interesting. So, you can provide all kinds of competitions, riddles about school, puzzles and team games (naturally, taking into account the age of the students). Since the teachers have already become a little boring to the graduates (there is no escape from this fact), they are definitely not suitable for the role of presenter. It is best to hire someone from outside. And this is a separate question. The function of the presenter at the graduation is to cheer up the people, make the graduates move, communicate, and have fun. And it is best to choose a younger candidate for this role, since it will be more pleasant and interesting for young people than if the holiday is hosted by an older lady or man. The prom program should be thought out in such a way that active competitions or dances alternate with calmer and more intellectual ones. As much time as possible should be devoted to dancing, as young people love it very much.

The highlight of the program.

In order for the graduation to remain in the memory of students for the rest of their lives, it is necessary to come up with some kind of feature, the highlight of the program. It would be great if graduates were shown a film about their school life from the very first days. You can make such a masterpiece from individual photos or videos in the form of a presentation with captions. All graduates will definitely like this film, because it will be so pleasant and funny to remember everything that happened during the entire period of school life. You can also come up with a lot of other interesting ideas. For example, at the end of the celebration you can arrange fireworks in honor of the graduates. Students can also launch balloons or lanterns into the sky. And before the launch, you can write your wishes on pieces of paper and tie them to the balls. And an obligatory tradition that everyone has long loved is meeting the dawn. This symbolizes for graduates the beginning of a new adult, interesting and rich life.

Photo and video.

Of course, if the holiday is a success, it will certainly remain in the memory of the graduates for many years. But probably everyone who went to school sometimes wants to refresh their memories and look at everything from the outside. So it’s worth ordering a photographer and videographer who will film everything that happens, from the official part with the presentation of certificates to the dancing and fun at the unofficial part of the celebration. Yes, it will probably cost a lot of money, but you can always find a cheaper option or some workarounds (perhaps the parent of one of the students is a professional photographer).

Dangers and pitfalls.

For students, graduation is a celebration and fun, but for teachers and parents it is another reason to worry. After all, every class probably has its own ringleaders and hooligans who can provoke others to some not entirely thoughtful and adequate actions. So it is extremely important to keep the situation under control throughout the event. What does it mean? The first and decisive point is alcohol. Even if there isn’t a lot of it on the tables, the particularly cunning graduates will still think about this moment in advance and decide to bring a certain amount of strong drinks with them. This needs to be monitored. Of course, it won’t be possible to search all the students at the entrance to the cafe, but it will still be necessary to confiscate at least some of them. Parents should help accomplish all this. After all, the student’s mother or father may well ask their child to show his bag and ask him to kindly give back the alcohol, if any. But still, part of the “contraband” will end up inside the restaurant. To prevent this part from being consumed, students must be kept under supervision. It would be a good idea to warn waiters and other cafe or restaurant workers about everything. Another important point: Surely every graduate at some point, for some reason, will want to go out into open space and fresh air, that is, onto the street. But since the responsibility for all students lies on the shoulders of the accompanying persons, they must ensure that the boys and girls do not get into unpleasant situations. So you should immediately determine the maximum movement distances. It is possible (and even necessary) to hire security for the duration of the celebration, who will monitor all movements, stop attempts to “escape” from the holiday and identify strangers who may be trying to get to the prom. But it is important not to go too far, because total control will simply ruin the mood of the heroes of the occasion.
It only remains to add that prom is a very important holiday. But it will remain in the memory of graduates and leave a lot of positive impressions only if everything is planned in advance and maximum time and effort is devoted to preparation and organization. After all, such a holiday happens only once in a lifetime, so it’s worth giving one hundred percent for the sake of the graduates.

High school graduation. This could be a couple of people communicating with each other, or the entire parallel (most often this is what happens), and even the entire parallel, if the teenagers in it are friendly. The scale of the planned event is based on this information.

Then, having decided on the number of people, you can think about the venue. If the budget is limited, then it’s a good idea to hold the graduation in some public recreation area: a park, forest, embankment or somewhere else. Not much money will be spent, mainly for food/drink. If funds allow, the range of places can be replenished with clubs, cafes, entertainment events and whatever the imagination of parents and theirs is enough for. In this case, more money will be spent, but parents will not have a headache about having children, what they will eat and drink, and what they will do.

It is worth thinking about how to get to the event venue. Most often chosen public transport. Cheap and cheerful. Especially angrily, because most often children have nowhere to sit, and they themselves often become a headache for the conductor and the adults around the children. Therefore, it is most rational to rent a bus/minibus for a day or two, which can meet the children after the official part at school, take them to their place, and then take them home.


To mark well prom in 9th grade, it is necessary to arrange not only festive event at the school itself, but also to organize entertainment program for school students, their guests and relatives. So, where would you celebrate your 9th grade graduation? The Megaball portal offers you the organization and holding of graduation parties for 9th grade, for example

Helpful advice

Graduation of the 9th grade is an important and solemn day for students and their parents: for students it is a reason to wear gorgeous dresses, and for everyone together it is an opportunity to cheerfully celebrate the end of a difficult school year. In a word, if you have already decided on the need to hold a graduation, the next step is to choose the location of the celebration. Where to hold your 9th grade graduation?


  • where to spend 9th grade graduation
  • School graduation day

Graduation evening is both a joyful and sad holiday. On the one hand, many difficulties are already behind you, and an interesting and rich life awaits you, but on the other hand, it is so difficult to part with your teachers, with the people who have been with you for many years, helped you, raised you. Such a day happens once in a lifetime, so it is important that it be unforgettable and accompanied only by vivid impressions and emotions.


First, decide where you will celebrate the holiday? Will this happen in an educational institution or a cafe. The ceremonial part (the moment of presenting certificates and diplomas) can be held in the assembly hall, and the so-called unofficial part - in a cafe. Decorate the room with original wall newspapers, balloons and other festive attributes. It is necessary to fill the celebration with bright colors and positive emotions.

Think through the scenario. Let the evening be filled with laughter, games, jokes, various competitions, sincere words to parents. Graduates can themselves compose songs or poems addressed to teachers, stage a small play or skit, based on real cases from school (student) life.

To ensure that this day remains in your memory for a long time, invite photographers and videographers. They will be able to take high-quality and bright photographs, which can then be collected in a special album and edited into an interesting video about you and your evening. These memorabilia, after many years, will easily return you to the past, to the era of your cheerful and carefree youth and will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Preparing for a prom takes time. It is necessary to carefully think through the program of the evening in advance and collect the money that will be needed to hold it.

Graduates prepare a concert, competitions, wall newspaper, albums, poems dedicated to teachers and each other, souvenirs, etc.

It would be good if teachers also made their contribution - they would place wishes for each of their pupils who graduated from school in the wall newspaper.

The school administration can negotiate with nearby ateliers and hairdressers about consultations for high school students on how best to dress and comb their hair for the prom.

Determined in advance guest list- parents, favorite teachers, representatives of the school administration, district, public organizations, enterprises that patronize the school. If the school is specialized, you can invite representatives of institutions that provide support to the school in preparing applicants. Beautifully designed invitations are being prepared.

During ceremonial part evening, guests of honor will congratulate the children on graduating from school. Graduates will say warm, grateful words to their teachers, read poems dedicated to them, and present albums with photographs, flowers, and souvenirs to class teachers. Teachers will express their wishes to the graduates and share some funny memories.

It is worth agreeing in advance with the students’ parents and school graduates from previous years so that they prepare short but colorful stories about their professions and how they mastered them.

Tenth graders, with the help of teachers, prepare festive concert for graduates. You can combine the concert and dance parts of the prom. Two or three amateur performance numbers are replaced by dancing, then the guys perform on stage again, then 2-3 competitions and again a waltz round, a win-win lottery and music sounds again.

During the dance part of the evening you can spend competitions: for the best dancing couple, for the most elegant gentleman, for the most successful quatrain - an impromptu about your class, teacher, school, for the funniest joke, for an original trick.

Usually he is involved in preparing the prom Organising Committee, which includes representatives of the administration, teaching staff, parents' committee, graduates themselves, and the company's boss. They develop a script for the holiday, prepare amateur performances, musical accompaniment for the evening, a wall newspaper and radio newspaper dedicated to graduates, souvenirs for them, competitions, games, etc. At school, a couple of months before the graduation party, you can announce a competition for the best poems, wishes for graduates . The best of them will be performed at the evening. Administration together with class teachers prepares lists of the most successful, active, conscientious students. They are then awarded certificates, memorable gifts. The chiefs (subject to the availability of funds) also give valuable gifts to particularly distinguished students, as well as to the best speakers.

The hall where the graduation ceremony takes place is festively decorated. Posters with parting words to graduates are hung on the walls, for example: “Bon voyage, dear graduates!”, “We will be proud of you!”, “Happiness and good luck to you in your new life!” and simply “We love you!” Exhibitions of the best essays, drawings, and crafts of tenth-graders dedicated to the school and graduates are held, and a photo newspaper “From the first bell to the last bell” is published.

A photographer with a photo and video camera is invited in advance to photograph the prom as a souvenir for everyone. This could be parents or students themselves. Then the photographs and videos are copied and distributed to anyone who is interested in them.

The location of the ball is determined. The menu is determined and the cost is specified.