A wedding is an amazing day in the life of a young family: the eyes of the newlyweds shine with happiness, and everything around seems unforgettable and fabulous. That is why, in order not to spoil the impressions of the celebration, the holiday of love and fidelity, you need to think through all the moments down to the smallest detail and make every effort to make this day extraordinary! Why not add something fun, bright, and original to the standard and rather boring scenarios, something that would distinguish the wedding from hundreds of others and be remembered by the newlyweds and their guests for many years!

We present to you a selection original ideas for Wedding.

Themed weddings

It is already difficult to surprise anyone with an ordinary magnificent celebration, but weddings in different colors and styles are still in fashion. Why not travel back to the distant Middle Ages on this day: the bride will easily get used to the image of a princess, and the groom will appear in the image of a brave knight, or give preference to a daring pirate party? Arrange oriental fairy tale or a gangster feast? A celebration in retro style or guided by the script of your favorite movie or book? More creative ideas include an ice wedding, where the bride has to transform herself into Snow Queen, living in an ice palace, and her fiancé in Kaya, who is ready to melt her heart. Decorations and outfits, of course, should also be themed. Celebrations in a certain color - orange - look interesting; there are many options, it all depends on your preferences.

Hobby weddings

If the bride and groom have a hobby, it will be great if it is reflected in the wedding celebration. For example, at a biker wedding, a motorcade of motorcycles and a party in a stylized bar would be appropriate. Divers can be offered an exotic aqua photo session, during which the long-awaited exchange of rings will take place. A wedding in a hot air balloon will be no less beautiful and bewitching - on it the newlyweds can arrive for off-site registration or go on a fabulous walk. As they say, “marriages are made in heaven,” so such a celebration fits well with this statement.

photo: Original ideas for a wedding - “Hobby wedding”

Wedding - Venice Carnival

The wedding scenario is as close as possible to the traditional one with some minor clarifications: all guests are given masks, the ladies receive fans in their hands - a worthy replacement for air conditioning, and the gentlemen receive confetti and fireworks. At the end of the celebration, you can organize a ceremonial mask removal competition.

Dance of the young

A beautifully choreographed and rehearsed dance itself looks very elegant, and the couple looks harmonious and fabulously beautiful. Choose a meaningful and emotional melody that you both associate with something pleasant - and get ready to surprise. You can make cuts from several compositions different styles: from a simple waltz to a fiery tango. Also, let the melody be accompanied not by traditional rose petals, but by giant soap bubbles or multi-colored confetti falling from the ceiling - such special effects simply cannot leave you indifferent.

Anthem for a new family

If the bride or groom has good vocal abilities, you can surprise those present by singing a real anthem new family. Turn to professionals who will come up with words and set them to music, and learn them well. Such a composition will be quite appropriate in the future; not a single family celebration of yours will be able to do without it. Just think: your family, as a small country, will have its own anthem, this alone is a significant reason for pride.

Entrance to the banquet hall

You can hand out programs or pieces of paper from a tear-off calendar to the guests: when the presenter recruits people for the competition, it will be much easier for him. For example, let one team consist of people whose pieces of paper say “January” and the other team say “July”. Programs can be divided into even and odd. Prizes can be distributed not only to competition participants, but an impromptu lottery can be held. Any items can serve as souvenirs - from matches to rompers, the main thing is that it is funny and fun.

Wish book and photo album

To keep guests who arrived early for the celebration busy, you can hang it at the entrance or place it on the table. You can also ask the videographer to conduct a short “interview” with those present, the funniest and most touching fragments of which will be included when editing the wedding film. On the “wall newspaper” guests will be able to write wishes, fun facts related to the newlyweds and even poems.


Show your imagination and make decorations and other wedding attributes with your own hands: it’s easy, interesting and original. Dress up champagne bottles as “bride and groom”, make themed invitations and cards for guests, decorate glasses with your own hands - such elements look very touching and unusual. Seasonal fruits and small candles can also be an interesting decoration, giving the atmosphere mystery and intimacy, an original form of sweetness.

Meeting and farewell to the newlyweds

In addition to being greeted with bread and salt, guests can stand on either side of the entrance, forming a corridor. In their hands there may be green branches, flowers, someone showers the newlyweds with rose petals. You can see off a young couple after a banquet with candles in your hands accompanied by romantic slow music - such a sight will be mesmerizing.

Ideas for a wedding walk

You can diversify your walk with interesting events: you can return to the roots and plant a “tree of love”, a symbol of your marriage. Later, when the tree grows and gets stronger, you will be able to come to it, bring your children, and maybe grandchildren. In addition to the standard lock with a key, which is usually hung on the bridge, you can also hang ribbons with the names of the newlyweds, write a letter that is sealed in a bottle and thrown into the river, and much more. You can end your walk by running Balloons in the shape of a heart.

Children's Corner

Often the whole family is invited to the wedding, including children. To prevent the youngest guests from getting bored, it would be nice to make a separate corner for them with balls, toys, books, construction sets, and so on. So that kids can have a snack, place a table nearby with drinks, fruits and sweets. By the way, sometimes newlyweds who have children from previous marriages can exchange bracelets with their children, confirming that they are now one family and love each other.

Corner of exotic dishes and drinks

If you want to surprise your guests with exotic dishes, and a wedding menu that includes only dishes from one country is a risky task, then you can create an “exotic food corner.” Everyone will be able to treat themselves to interesting and unusual dishes; waiters can be placed nearby national costumes. Non-standard drinks are also popular: in winter, hot cider, grog and mulled wine, which will be poured from a large cauldron, will be appropriate, and in summer, you can offer homemade lemonade with mint and ice and other soft drinks.

Guest Rewards

Think about what souvenirs you will give to your guests. Traditional cones can be replaced with bonbonnieres or embroidered bags with sweets or small souvenirs - custom-made badges or pins with the image of the newlyweds and the inscription “guest of honor.”

The bride's bouquet

Modern brides are sometimes afraid to throw a bouquet because of the heavy bouquet holder, and even if the size of the room does not allow it to swing, it is quite dangerous. You can come up with an original and elegant solution: buy several ribbons and distribute them to unmarried women: the ends of the ribbons should be hidden, only one of them should be tied to the bouquet. The participants' task is to pull their ribbon: the girl who pulls the bouquet will become the next candidate for marriageable age.

Highlight of the evening

Regular fireworks can be replaced by releasing live butterflies - this tradition comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. It is believed that seeing a butterfly on such a day is a lucky omen, so you can tell everyone present about it and make a wish. You can also divide the guests into pairs and launch Chinese lanterns into the sky: its weight is approximately 200 grams, it will float in the sky for about 15 minutes, believe me, this is a very beautiful sight that will delight everyone present. You can also arrange a soap bubble show - this will be a worthy end to the festive evening.

Original and non-standard ideas for a wedding will add a twist to your wedding scenario and make this day truly magical and unforgettable!

All girls want to have a magnificent, chic wedding. But a limited budget always dictates its terms. Is it worth going into debt and taking out loans for a few days of fun? What can you safely save on, and what is better to spare money on? How to spend an unforgettable holiday that won’t break your pocket? In this article we have collected the most interesting ideas how to have a budget wedding...

Here are the main advantages:

Possibility to invite a large number of guests. Those invited to the luxurious celebration will include friends, close and distant relatives, and acquaintances. All the people whom the newlyweds would like to dedicate to their joy will have the opportunity to attend the wedding and witness the first minutes of the family’s existence.

Chic bride's outfit. A wedding dress is the dream of many girls since childhood. Sometimes even an adult, self-sufficient woman, deep down in her soul, dreams of wearing a princess dress, airy and fabulously beautiful. You can choose it in accordance with the latest trends in the world of wedding fashion or order a designer outfit from a famous salon.

Wedding procession will consist of high-quality car models equipped with everything necessary for the convenience and comfort of passengers.

Professional photo and video shooting. An unlimited budget allows you to use the services of a professional photographer and cameraman. Therefore, when viewing the finished footage, it is unlikely that you will be able to see the annoying “blunders” of newcomers: blurry photos, bad angles, low-quality shots. A wedding photographer who knows his business is often quite expensive. But the filmed love story of the newlyweds will not disappoint them.

Lots of gifts. If a large number of guests are invited to the wedding, it means that a considerable amount of money will be given or many gifts will be given that will definitely be useful in future family life.

Banquet. A luxurious wedding implies a lush and generous festive table, a beautiful restaurant.

Outdoor ceremony. With a sufficient budget, many newlyweds choose an outdoor ceremony for their wedding. You can sign on a pre-rented ship, in a palace or historical mansion, on exotic islands or in other romantic places on the globe.

Here are the main disadvantages:

Guests. With a large number of guests, many of them do not know each other well, and sometimes have not met at all. Sometimes tipsy guests can say inappropriate things, share intimate memories concerning the newlyweds, and even start a fight. There is also the option that among the invitees there will be strangers who in no way relate to the family or circle of friends of the newlyweds.

Useless dress. Any wedding dress, even the most fashionable and fabulously beautiful, is worn by the bride only once in her life to register her marriage. Is it worth paying for wedding dress fabulous money to put it in the closet forever in two days? This is another serious argument in favor of a simple wedding.

Unnecessary trash. Among the gifts there may be both useful and absolutely unnecessary things. Many people count on the number of guests and present outright rubbish or don’t give anything at all, taking advantage of the fact that gifts will get lost in the total number.

Force Majeure. Often a large number of guests is difficult to control. Therefore, holding a magnificent exit ceremony can easily turn into excess. Someone accidentally touches an antique in a rented hall of the palace. How much it will cost you - only God knows. Or he might get lost in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country, turning the holiday into an exciting search involving the police.

Saving options when organizing a modest wedding

Wedding attire of the bride and groom.

Bride's dress. The price of a new wedding dress ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles, or even more. The cost depends on the celebrity of the salon, the collection, and the promotion of the brand.

Saving options:

  1. Sewing a dress in an atelier. It is not necessary that a wedding dress from a famous designer will fit the figure better than a no-name one - modest, but made from high-quality materials and tailored to the bride’s standards. The cost of atelier or seamstress services starts from 10,000 rubles. Material - about 10,000 rub. Sewing a dress will cost from 20,000 rubles. Savings up to RUB 80,000.
  2. Last year's collections. Buying a dress at a discount is a good way to save money. The full cost can be reduced to 40-70% and, taking into account the discounted price, you can realistically pay from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles for a dress. Savings up to RUB 50,000.
  3. Dress rental. The approximate cost of rent is from 5,000 rubles. plus deposit. Considering that the deposit will be refunded if the dress is returned to the salon in its original condition, you can save two-thirds of the cost of a new dress.
  4. Used dress. The cost of a “used” outfit is half the price of a new one. Thus, savings can range from 10,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub.

The cost of a men's classic suit starts from 5,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub.

Saving options:

  1. Atelier services. Master's work - from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub. The fabric will cost about 20,000 rubles. Having paid the seamstress 30,000 rubles. for all work, you can save up to 20,000 rubles.
  2. Suit rental– about 10,000 rubles, savings will be up to 40,000 rubles.
  3. Used groom suit costs from 3,000 to 30,000 depending on its quality and condition. But even if you buy the most expensive suit secondhand, you can actually save 20,000 rubles or more.

In addition, you can simply borrow a groom’s outfit from friends or use a regular one business suit. If the groom doesn’t have such clothes in his wardrobe, then one of his friends will probably have them. Therefore, the option of using a business suit, if the dress code is followed at work, will not cost the newlyweds anything.

Beautiful wedding procession

Cars for newlyweds will cost up to 24,000 rubles per hour, rental of transport for guests - up to 7,000 rubles per hour.

Saving options:

  1. Instead of a limousine, another luxury car that is provided by specialized offices, you can use Rent a Car services: rent a Mercedes. One of the groom's friends will act as the driver. The cost of such a service is about 10,000 rubles. and the savings will be up to 14,000 rubles/hour.
  2. Minibus for guests – up to 2000 rubles/hour. The amount of savings is up to 5000 rubles/hour.

If among the invitees there are those who have their own cars, you can ask them to pick up walking guests.

How to organize a banquet: simply and tastefully

Depending on the location of the restaurant, the price for the banquet (hall rental, banquet menu, alcohol, additional service charge and additional rental fee after the agreed time) will increase. Approximate cost from 1500 rub./person.

  1. Less pathos. A good option save money - choose a less pretentious establishment. The price of a banquet in such a restaurant can be from 500 rubles per person. Savings from 1000 RUR/person.
  2. Your own alcohol, drinks, water. If you negotiate with the administration of the establishment the opportunity to bring your own drinks and alcohol to the banquet, you can actually save from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Snack for guests. As a rule, these are sandwiches and canapés. The cost of a small buffet will amount to about 5,000 rubles - 15,000 rubles. By preparing a snack at home (for example, small pies), you can significantly reduce this expense item - up to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Hall decoration. Decorating a banquet hall in some popular style among professionals can cost up to 50,000 rubles. You can save a lot by asking your friends to help decorate the restaurant or room where the celebration will take place. This can really reduce costs to 10,000-15,000 rubles.

In this video you will learn how proper organization a banquet will help you save tens of thousands of rubles:

Organizational expenses: we take the celebration into our own hands

Toastmaster services. The cost of a wedding host's services starts from 10,000 rubles. Up to 20,000 rub. But sometimes those present at a wedding feel uncomfortable in the company of a stranger. Moreover, if the atmosphere of the holiday is soulful, then the celebration will be quite possible without a host. Guests can take charge of organizing the entertainment program. Savings - up to 20,000 rubles.

Wedding planner– up to 15,000 rub. Its functions are useful; they free the newlyweds from many worries. But it’s possible to do without a manager. You can properly plan and organize a holiday yourself in literally a month. To do this, it is necessary to distribute responsibilities and roles for everyone and do everything in advance and draw up a clear script for the celebration in advance. Savings – 15,000 rub.

Live music– from 5000 to 20000 rub. You can do without it too. Surely one of the guests knows how to create a playlist and turn on the music on the right tracks. The savings will be up to 20,000 rubles.

Mandatory Must Have: what you can’t save on

Eat three things you shouldn't skimp on at the wedding: appearance brides, rings and photographer (videographer).

If a dress and shoes can be bought or rented, then it is better to do makeup and hair in a salon with the skillful hand of a professional.

Rings– this is something that will accompany the rest of your life. It’s also better not to save on them, especially since it’s not a very good tradition to change wedding rings after the wedding.

Photos or videos- a memory for life. Unprofessional photo or video shooting is fraught with blurry frames, spoiled photographs, and bad angles. A person who knows his business will turn wedding photos into a fabulous love story.

Who should you invite to a budget wedding?

The more modest the wedding budget is planned, the less crowded the event promises to be. But by inviting a minimum number of guests, the holiday will not lose its significance: the newlyweds will share their joy with their closest and dearest people. A narrow circle of guests will provide a cozy, intimate, family atmosphere. Who must be invited:

  • parents;
  • brothers/sisters (with family);
  • God-parents;
  • grandmother, grandfather;
  • closest friends (usually 2-3 best friends/girlfriends).

There is no need to invite classmates, neighbors, or colleagues. For example, inviting just one member of the work team means offending everyone else. Therefore, for a budget wedding, you need to limit yourself to your closest and dearest people.

The best places to celebrate an inexpensive wedding

In sauna. This original version Celebrating a wedding combines relaxation and fun. All you need is to book a sauna in advance and acquire the necessary bath accessories. The only drawback is that it is better not to drink alcohol or dense food in the sauna. But in most cases, relaxation complexes, in addition to the bathhouse or sauna itself, are also equipped with an entertainment room where you can eat, play billiards or sing karaoke.

The sauna is a great place where you can hold not only a wedding, but also a bachelorette party. You will learn about this from our article.

Picnic in nature. An outing to a pond or forest is a great opportunity to celebrate a wedding with a small circle of friends and family. Barbecue, high-quality alcohol, songs around the fire - this option for holding a holiday has a special warm, soulful atmosphere.

At home. The cheapest option for a wedding is to host it at home. In this case, the celebration will not be tiring even for the youngest guests - tired children can be put to rest in the next room.

In the country. A wedding on a budget can be celebrated in the summer at a dacha outside the city. As a rule, this involves an outing into nature with the possibility of using the benefits of civilization in a country house, if necessary. You can also spend the night here and continue the fun the next day. Even if you don’t have a dacha, then probably one of your friends does. Very unusual option celebrate the marriage.

In club. If a small number of guests are invited, an option to celebrate a significant event in style at the club is good idea. Music, fun atmosphere, light alcoholic drinks, snacks are the ingredients wedding celebration. The only negative is that the older generation most likely will not be able to participate in the noisy fun for a long time.

How to find time for a wedding among work routines, schedules and schedules? We have studied in detail labor Code in search of an answer to the question: “How to take time off for a wedding.” You can find it in a separate article.

In order to hold the celebration at the scheduled time, you must submit an application to the registry office in advance. How long before the wedding should I apply? How long will it be considered? Answers to these and other questions.

You can have a fun bachelorette party at home. To do this, you need to carefully think through the menu, select accessories and create a good entertainment program. You can read about how to do this correctly in

A wedding is the most unforgettable moment in every person’s life. Some people get married several times, while others get married only once and for the rest of their lives. In any case, the wedding should be beautiful, fun, unforgettable and memorable.

However, not all future newlyweds can afford to do nice wedding. After all, organizing a special event with minimal costs is not easy. Do not despair. Nothing is impossible in the world! The main thing is to plan everything in advance and take into account even the smallest costs.

This article will talk about how to make a wedding cheap and beautiful.

We define the wedding concept.

Nowadays, marriage ceremonies organized in a certain wedding style are becoming most popular. Traditional bride price is a thing of the past.

Celebrations with a creative, original and vibrant concept are in fashion. For example, Oscar style, Chicago style or nautical style.

You can also not have a gala celebration in a restaurant, but on the beach, at the dacha or on a ship. The main point is that all the details, from wedding invitations to menus, are made based on the general idea.

It is important to warn all guests about your creative plans so that they can be well prepared for the event - come up with themed costumes and purchase Original gifts. It would not be amiss to describe the concept of your wedding in the invitation cards.

How to make a wedding cheaper with a wedding idea:

Oddly enough, it is with the help of an unusual wedding idea that you can organize a celebration with minimal costs, because an inexpensive (but very cute) wedding dress for the bride and an inexpensive banquet without much expense will be justified and perfectly woven into the idea of ​​the entire wedding.

Planning a wedding budget

This is the most important stage in organizing a wedding celebration. If you want your wedding to be fun and, at the same time, economical, you need to work out the event plan in detail and draw up a list of costs. Even minor costs need to be taken into account. So, you will not deviate from your budget.

How to cut your wedding budget?

As mentioned above, it is important to follow a spending plan. There is one useful nuance: there must be a reserve of 20% of the total amount. In case of overspending (most often this happens), it is this additional amount that will help control expenses. You will know that there is no way you can go beyond this 20%. This trick will help you avoid haphazard spending, debts from friends and bank loans.

Choosing a wedding planner.

Often, future newlyweds are faced with the question: Should they entrust the organization of the wedding to a professional or should they take everything into their own hands? Choosing a good wedding planner is not a problem now. It is much more difficult to find a specialist who would charge inexpensive prices for wedding organization services. On the other hand, all wedding chores can be solved individually or you can entrust this work to the most responsible relative or friend.

But! A wedding is the most memorable day in the life of future spouses and it is important that it is not stressful and tiring. Therefore, never take on the entire wedding organization yourself. Entrust this to your girlfriend or friend who already has experience, how to make a wedding interesting and original.

If you don’t have active friends with organizing skills, then contact a professional who has already “eaten the dog” at such events. Many organizers are able to make even a small wedding for 20-25 people special and not boring, and on a budget basis.

How to save money on a wedding planner?

A more modest option is not to hire an organizer and give the “reins” of the wedding ceremony to the most trusted person without spending money. If you have planned a cost item for organizing a wedding in your budget, then it is better to contact a professional wedding organizer on a recommendation, but not to a company (the cost of their services is sometimes off the charts).

Choosing a restaurant

Most often, weddings are held either in a favorite restaurant, or in one recommended by friends and acquaintances. It is important to choose a restaurant based on its cuisine. If you like their daily menu, you will also like their banquet menu.

If you decide to celebrate a celebration in a restaurant previously unfamiliar to you, then you need to visit it several times first to make sure of the quality of their dishes.

The best decision is to choose your favorite restaurant. But if you don’t have one, then it’s best to choose a recently opened new restaurant. After all, restaurant workers are trying to earn a good reputation in the first place.

How to hold a cheap wedding in a restaurant?

Since the wedding banquet “eats up” the largest part of the budget, sound savings are important here above all else. Therefore, if you have little money:

  1. you should accurately calculate the number of guests, make sure that everyone comes, discuss with the restaurant in advance the possibility of additionally ordering several servings of main dishes (hot);
  2. We recommend ordering appetizers and salads as follows: 1 serving for 2-3 people. They should have different composition and calorie content (for example, fish, vegetable, meat snacks or salads). The key role here is played by variety, due to which guests will be well-fed. You need to arrange dishes not in portions, but in large containers with the calculation of several dishes or salad bowls per zone;
  3. Place an order only in a restaurant where you are allowed to bring your own products, such as meat, fish, vegetables, and sliced ​​cheese. In the establishment itself, order only hot dishes and salads. Alcoholic drinks and juices can also be purchased at a wholesale price and brought to the establishment in advance. All of the above products make up a significant part of the wedding table budget.
  4. It’s better to purchase it separately from a grocery store (at a store you’ve tested). A cake prepared in a restaurant usually costs several times more.
  5. Please note that leftover food after the feast (and there is often a lot of food left, cake is no exception) and unfinished food (which is very rare) will be packed in disposable containers and given to you. This food will come in handy for your second wedding day if you have one planned.

Wedding invitation cards can be ordered from any printing company or wedding salon, or you can make them yourself.

How to make wedding invitations cheaper?

How much money can you spend on invitations? Generally from 0 to infinity. But our goal is to have a beautiful wedding, but on a small budget. Therefore, it is not advisable to spend a lot of money on invitations. Accordingly, the option of making to order is not suitable for us.

It's better to create your own invitations. You can draw them in a special program (Corel or Photoshop) and print them on a color printer on thick colored paper. If you do not know these programs, then you will probably have a friend or girlfriend with such skills who will be happy to help you.

You can glue a beautiful ribbon or ribbon, textile appliques (hearts, cupids with arrows, etc.) onto the printed invitations.

Bride's wedding dress.

Every girl has dreamed of a beautiful wedding since childhood. And a significant part of this big dream is, of course, Wedding Dress.

You need to choose a dress in advance. Decide in advance on the style, length and color.

If your wedding is designed in a certain style, then the dress should fit into the overall concept of the celebration. After all, the bride’s dress at a wedding is the highlight of the program.

Wedding dress price. Currently, wedding salons offer many options for dresses for brides for absolutely any budget. But if this is not enough for you, then foreign online stores will definitely find the dress of your dreams.

If you decide to choose a dress in a salon, do not rush to buy it right away. Ask to be photographed from different angles, and take a time out (the salon will definitely put the dress on hold for a while).

At home in a calm environment, look at yourself in a wedding dress and, if you see yourself as a princess in it, then the choice was made correctly.

Remember also that in addition to beauty, the comfort of the dress is also of great importance. After all, you need to dance in it, walk a lot, and eat. It should be comfortable and not restrict movement.

How to save money on choosing a dress?

How to make a wedding economical? Of course, buying a wedding dress is inexpensive. You can buy it on sale, you can buy it in an online store, you can rent it, you can have it custom-tailored by a seamstress or in an atelier. There are a lot of options and the dress will always be great, and you will be able to avoid price markups. A significant portion of the cost of a bride's dress is made up of jewelry.

If you don't have money for diamonds and a lace veil self made- do not despair! High-quality jewelry looks great and sparkles beautifully; you can buy it online for little money or borrow it from a friend. and you can make a boutonniere with your own hands. Nowadays naturalness and simple forms are in fashion.

Makeup artist and hairdresser.

Hairstyles a la “Eiffel Tower” and mountains of cosmetics on the face have long been out of fashion. Discreet stylish and light makeup, which highlight the beauty of the bride without making her into a Barbie doll - a trend for many seasons. Find a craftsman with cutting-edge views on fashion. If you have chosen a specific hairstyle and makeup for yourself, show photos of them to the hairdresser and makeup artist in advance. Specialists will have time to think about how best to reproduce this and practice a little.

How to save money on makeup artist and hairdresser services?

If you are interested in the question of how to do makeup and hair for a wedding cheaper, or even for free, then there is only one way out in this situation - to put on makeup and do your hair yourself.

If you do not know how to apply makeup correctly, then it is advisable to start studying video tutorials on applying and styling hair a few months before the wedding ceremony. There are now many such lessons on the Internet, for example, on the youtube.com service you can find a lot of interesting things. Enter a query in the search bar “How to apply makeup correctly”, “How to do” or “How to do wedding hairstyle" There will be many options for video lessons from both professionals and ordinary girls.

Buy high-quality waterproof cosmetics that will withstand heat, cold, tears of happiness, and the caustic lipstick of your aunt and grandmother.

You have every chance to hone your skills in hairdressing and makeup; these skills will be very useful to you in the future, and good cosmetics It won't be out of place in your cosmetic bag.

Decoration of the banquet hall and car.

If you want to decorate your wedding in a special style, then a large number of florists and designers in your city will help you. In this case, of course, everything depends only on the wedding budget.

How to save money on wedding decorations?

You can decorate the cars and the hall for the celebration yourself. This is another way to make a wedding at a minimum . In this case, you need to actively involve friends. You can inflate the balloons in advance and sew hand-made organza flowers to the ribbons.

As for the decoration of the hall specifically, here you can use wedding decorations, which are available at the restaurant. Surely they have some interesting wedding accessories. But the design of the banquet hall must be previously agreed upon with the restaurant employees, so that it does not turn out that this service is included in the price of the banquet.

And you will have to forget about the pigeons. You can release it into the sky air balloons with wishes for many years of happy married life to the newlyweds.

Wedding entertainment. Bride ransom.

Traditionally, ransom is one of the most fun things to do at a wedding. How bright and entertaining the bride ransom will be will fundamentally depend on the guests of the holiday. There are, of course, a billion scenarios, but the ransom organizer must also show artistry and resourcefulness.

If you are a fan of classic wedding ceremonies, if the groom is ready to go through many obstacles to get the bride, if the guests support this fun procedure active participation, then the ransom will be interesting and will go off with a bang!

How to save on bride price?

Create a simple but entertaining buyout scenario that doesn't involve a bloated budget. The bride can be bought not with banknotes, but with candies, balloons, small souvenirs and other little things.

How else to make a wedding inexpensive through ransom? Less strong drinks. As a rule, a lot of alcohol is drunk during the general fun.

Think through everything in advance. For example, in summer period, you can prepare a low-alcohol, refreshing cocktail and place it in a beautifully designed chrome or glass vat. And if the wedding is planned in winter, then the guests will be delighted with the warm mulled wine.

Toastmaster is the wedding host.

A good toastmaster is the key to a fun wedding celebration, so you need to select a host carefully and based on recommendations. If you decide to choose a toastmaster based on someone else’s opinion, then you need to serve a person of approximately your age with similar interests and views on life, since the taste of a person who is much older than you may differ significantly from yours.

It is important to discuss everything down to the details with the toastmaster. The classic “set” of entertainment, competitions and jokes may not fundamentally fit into the concept of the wedding or your idea of ​​fun.

How to hold a wedding cheaper by choosing the right toastmaster?

The most sensible way to save money is to find a good presenter with affordable prices. You shouldn’t order the most famous entertainer in your city. If status is not so important to you, then there is no point in overpaying for a standard “set” of ideas.

Most believe that interesting wedding can be done without a specialist. But this is a mistake. Relying on your guests to entertain your guests is a risky proposition. After all, everyone wants to have a good rest and relaxation, and entertaining guests is not an easy job that requires skills and experience.

Artists at a wedding.

Currently, in every city there are many artists offering their services, catering for both weddings and other events. Usually, when hiring a party host, they listen to his advice about the artists with whom he often works. They have a close-knit team and less risk of hiccups.

How to make a wedding cheaper by choosing artists?

Study the holiday script and reduce the number of artist appearances. You can choose one main performance, which will be the longest in time, and several short additional performances. Not all guests enjoy live music. Many people prefer energetic modern tunes, which not all artists can perform. Therefore, it is advisable to make a “hodgepodge”. As a result, you will save significantly and take into account the interests of all guests.

Music for a wedding celebration.

Often, presenters have their usual set of music for a wedding celebration; familiarize yourself with it in advance, because there is a high probability that you will not like it. All newlyweds have “their own” melodies associated with romantic memories. And in general, each person has his own musical preferences.

Discuss musical compositions in advance and prepare your music cut for the DJ. To avoid an incident during a musical break at a wedding, make sure in advance that all your music tracks (compositions) are “readable” from a digital medium.

Video, photo shooting of a wedding.

Surely, the toastmaster, the wedding planner or your friends and acquaintances will advise you on a video operator and photographer. Take your choice very seriously. Check out the site and portfolios of recommended professionals in advance. It should be remembered that the portfolio usually contains the best photo shoots. Make sure that the photographer or videographer is close to you in spirit, listens to your wishes and has extensive experience in similar work.

Many workers in this field have many wedding-themed templates. And if you are satisfied with such standardization, then choosing a specialist will not be difficult for you. But if you want something special, for example creative, then you will need to look for such a specialist. The arrangement of the video material is also important. Perhaps you will not like the video with the musical accompaniment of Alla Pugacheva.

How to save money and make the wedding of your dreams using photography and videography?

Perhaps you shouldn’t skimp on video and photo shooting. After all, this is the memory of one of the most better days in your life. And if you entrust this task to your friends, then you will most likely receive the most ordinary photo and video materials.


Now in any city you can hire almost any type of transport from an average executive class car to a luxurious limousine. It is better to look at the condition of the car you have chosen before the wedding. Punctuality, tact and politeness are the main requirements for a wedding car driver.

How to save on a wedding procession?

You can rent a beautiful executive-class passenger car for the newlyweds, and place your holiday guests in a comfortable bus. They will get to know each other and drink champagne together for the happiness of the bride and groom. Guests' belongings will be concentrated in one place.

The most budget option is a wedding cortege consisting of friends' cars. But in this case, your friends who will act as drivers will not be able to completely relax. There will also be confusion with seating guests in cars and finding their belongings.

Read about decorating cars for a wedding in the article “. Ideas for decorating a wedding procession.

I sincerely hope that the article " How to make a wedding cheap and beautiful" was useful to you. Remember! A wedding is a great mood. Usually all the wedding fuss is forgotten over time, but good and cheerful memories remain for a lifetime. Long and happy life with a loved man.

Down with wedding stereotypes! Birches, pigeons and splashes of water into the camera fade into oblivion. Any wedding, regardless of budget and other components, can be made original. To do this, you just need to change the scenario - break the traditional wedding plan, add a “zest” to the wedding. For example, sign to your favorite song, and not to the Mendelssohn march, meet the groom not at home, but in a specially designated romantic place, and so on, as far as your imagination allows.

Don't be afraid to break traditional ideas about a wedding. The time has come to realize your wildest dreams.

The Nevesta.info portal has compiled a list of original ideas that will help you make your wedding unforgettable. They are offered by specialized wedding agencies, but most of them can be implemented independently.

1. Thematic productions and weddings abroad

Carrying out any stylized wedding (Middle Ages, Ancient East, Ancient China, Japan, etc.). For example, in order to give a wedding a real spirit of the 19th century, the celebration must be held in a luxurious country residence, a gypsy ensemble must be invited, and a real escort of hussars must be entrusted to accompany the newlyweds' cortege. A celebration in the style of hard rock, accompanied by bikers and stars of the underground scene, or a celebration reminiscent of the plot of science fiction films like “The Fifth Element” or “Star Wars”. Perhaps the most exotic wedding today can be held in Thailand. In the morning, monks from the local temple read a long prayer and then sprinkle the newlyweds with holy water. The bride and groom are seated on a small platform, their hands are hung with a necklace of flowers and water is poured from a huge shell, which symbolizes happiness.

Another exotic offer for newlyweds is the Birds of Paradise wedding ceremony. You will join your destiny on board a plane that will fly over the most beautiful Maldives. The runway will be decorated with flowers, and guests of the celebration, admiring you against the backdrop of fabulous islands, will be treated to tropical cocktails.

What about a wedding ceremony on top of an extinct volcano in Santorini? This Greek giant will amaze you with its grandeur and unbridled power. Lovers of heights will also be enticed by a wedding on the cliff of the Grand Canyon, which can only be reached by helicopter. The cost of this wedding ceremony also includes a flight over Las Vegas and surrounding attractions, which the pilot will describe in detail.

If young ardent fans of Bram Stoker's creations, then they will probably want to register their relationship at night. At the end of such an unusual ceremony, it would be logical to organize a vampire-style banquet. Guests and relatives should be warned in advance so that the restaurant, stylized as a crypt, and the strange outfits of the young people and their friends do not cause a state of shock. A logical trip after such a wedding would be a trip to Transylvania.

Careful stylization of a particular historical era, film, or book can make a wedding unusual. Horseback riding instead of cars, a wedding reception on the lawn rather than in a restaurant, and live music rather than using records immediately makes a wedding more interesting.

2. Butterfly salute

All over the world, weddings are decorated with fireworks made from live butterflies. “Fluttering flowers” ​​can decorate any wedding ceremony. But there is also an ancient Indian belief that a butterfly is the soul of a person flying to heaven and if you whisper your wish to it and release it, it will definitely reach God. For a full fireworks display, at least 15 butterflies are usually used.

3. Original wedding transport

The choice of vehicles that wedding agencies offer to young people is huge. The most original of them: retro cars; yacht and boat; balloons; horses; carriages; ATVs; motorcycles; bicycles; scooters. helicopter and much more.

4. Drink fountains

You can rent or purchase fountains for hot chocolate, champagne and other drinks. The effect of smoothly flowing chocolate, accompanied by unusual taste sensations, will add glamorous sophistication to your celebration. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the fountain also has practical applications. Chocolate melted in a chocolate fountain is suitable for dipping various products: fruits, cookies, baked goods, marshmallows. The magnificent effect of sparkling wine liquid created by the fountain will add zest to your event. Exquisite appearance, matte lighting allows you to use the fountain in the dark or in low light, which is important for creating a romantic, fairy-tale atmosphere. Your guests can fill their glasses by holding them up to the glowing streams cascading from the fountain's spouts.

5. Original engraving

Engraving on both the outer and inner surfaces of rings. On the outside, as a rule, the names of the other half or the newlyweds together are engraved. From the inside: any personal messages and vows, wedding dates, names or initials.

Also, some agencies offer engraving on any other surfaces: engraving on glass - glasses, wine glasses, vases; wood engraving - gift cases and boxes; engraving on leather - wallets, diaries, folders; engraving on metal - lighters, watches. The cost is determined based on the number of characters (letters, numbers) in the inscription, the font used, and how the order will be completed: on a machine or manually.

6. Young magicians

Illusion show – the best remedy to create a festive atmosphere and good mood. If they wish, young people can become magicians themselves for a while and entertain their guests with simple tricks on their own, but under the careful supervision of a professional illusionist. The magician's repertoire at a wedding includes: dollars made from ashes; balls from the mouth; swallowing blades; manipulation of cards, followed by their transformation into a pyramid; turning fire into a cane, and from the cane into handkerchiefs; magic pan of wishes; rope manipulation; matchbox hypnosis; magic net for exchanging money; piercing the neck with a sword; pigeon show, etc.

7. Lighting special effects

The use of special effects at your wedding will allow you to most vividly capture this special event. What will remain in your memory is not so much the light of strobe lights, sparkling confetti or volumetric flickering laser animation, but the moment of complete happiness itself. Pyrotechnicians will organize and conduct fireworks of any complexity, launching sky lanterns, daytime fireworks, smoke, flares, fireworks, confetti, rose petals (live and artificial), serpentine, metafan and many other special effects (foam, bubble, snow flakes).

8. Sand animation

Sand animation is a style of fine art and technology for creating animated films. A mandatory component of a sand show is a darkened room, frosted glass and a light source penetrating from within. A sand animation show is a performance by a sand animator who draws beautiful sand pictures, each of which complements and follows from the previous one.

With the help of sand animation, you can tell the guests the “Love story” of the newlyweds. The artist develops drawings especially for the bride and groom. Animation can also be used during breaks, or as part of a show program. This is a unique synthesis of graphics, light painting, music and theatrical art. As a rule, the duration of one sand film is from 7 to 20 minutes, during which time the sand animator manages to create from 3 to 10 completed images. During the sand show, the artist works live, and it is this process that gives a certain fabulousness and mystery to what is happening. Usually all actions are performed by hand, but brushes can be used as devices.

9. Fire show

To see with your own eyes, right in front of you, how easily a person subjugates the element of fire is priceless. Specialized agencies assure that the fire show is not dangerous and cannot create a fire hazard. The fire show performed by the artists provides memorable special effects for the holiday, without risking your life.

10. Face Art

Face Art, or painting with special paints on the face, has become especially popular lately. A professional craftsman will be happy to decorate your guests, which will certainly (or not) delight them. Your children will definitely enjoy this type of entertainment!

11. Wedding lounge bar

Delivery to the celebration site of special frameless furniture, pillows and themed accessories, and of course, the hookah itself. Such a themed corner will not only become a comfortable place for your guests to relax, but can also take on the role of a party center. You will be able to relax and immerse yourself in a pleasant conversation with your guests!

12. Fan casino

Creates the atmosphere of a real casino and gives unforgettable impressions and emotions to all participants. The game is played with virtual money, specially made for the concept of the event, which is provided to all guests upon entry. Placing gaming tables does not require much space. Professional and sociable croupiers will make every effort to ensure that all guests feel as comfortable as possible.

13. Children-angels

It has long become a good tradition to invite angelic children to weddings. Touching children in snow-white costumes with wings and fluffy halos, symbolizing heavenly support for marriage, add romance and magic to the atmosphere of the celebration. Traditionally, angel children accompany the newlyweds during the most important part of the celebration - the official or on-site registration of the marriage, with the bride's partner being a boy angel, and the groom's partner being a girl angel. Symbols of purity and purity, touching angels carry wedding veil, hold a pillow with rings, and after declaring the newlyweds husband and wife, they perform the most touching wedding ritual - they sprinkle the newlyweds with rose petals!

14. Portrait cartoonist

If you have a lot of guests invited to your wedding, it will be difficult for you to personally devote time to everyone. Therefore, many wedding agencies offer a caricature artist to entertain guests. A wedding cartoon is a gift that combines originality and a sense of humor. Your guests will not be bored and will be satisfied. While you are busy meeting guests, guests who have already arrived can have a pleasant time with the artist, who will create funny caricature portraits of the guests in 5-10 minutes. The main task of the artist is to entertain guests and create a pleasant, cheerful atmosphere. It is in such an atmosphere that guests who are not yet familiar with each other will be able to easily start a conversation, looking at the cartoons and commenting on them. Also don’t forget that a wedding cartoon will be a cool addition to your wedding album and will undoubtedly the best gift on the occasion of the wedding.

15. Pantomime

Pantomime translated from Greek means “reproducing everything by imitation.” The main means of creating artistic image is the plasticity of the human body, without the use of words. You can entrust a mime clown with meeting guests coming to the holiday. A mime will brilliantly welcome and entertain your wedding guests. Pantomimes may also offer the following services: pantomime, animation; meeting guests (mimes-hostesses); playing plastic miniatures; exclusive costumes for weddings (mime angel, mime heart); a series of plastic miniatures (can be developed to order), etc. There will be a meeting with a mime clown an unforgettable experience for you and your guests.

Every professional wedding agency is capable of real miracles. Our specialists will be able to make all your wildest dreams come true and give you a happy and unforgettable day. If agency services are not included in your wedding budget, do not despair! Make your wedding original with your own hands!

A wedding is a fabulous moment in the life of every family, but this fairy tale can turn into a thriller, drama or comedy if the newlyweds do not organize it correctly through their own efforts. In this article, we will provide a basic list of preparatory activities for the wedding and offer options for optimizing efforts and sensible savings on each of them!

Preparatory part

Wedding budget

The very first thing that future newlyweds should do is to make a list of expenses according to the wedding celebration plan, and follow it relentlessly. All additional expenses and changes in plans should also be spelled out in the “budget”. In fact, if the future spouses did not live in a civil marriage, drawing up a wedding budget is an important experience for managing the future of the family.

How to save: strictly follow the spending plan. Always have a reserve of 20% of the total amount, because if overspending occurs (and it happens most often), this reserve will help control spending, you will always remember that you will not be able to “go beyond” a 20% increase in the budget. This will save you from haphazard spending, debts from friends and bank loans.

Wedding concept

As practice shows, more and more newlyweds are imbued with the idea of ​​a common wedding style. Brides and trips to the border of Europe and Asia are already a thing of the past, but now wedding ideas are in fashion, i.e. the general stylistic concept of the wedding, which is embodied at every stage of the celebration. It could be anything - from a peasant wedding in nature to a vampire party in the Transylvania restaurant. The main point is that everything, from the invitation card to the menu, is created according to the general idea. If you decide to be original, then guests should be warned in advance in order to prepare themselves and gifts for this unusual holiday. Usually, invitation cards describe the wedding concept in great detail.

How to save: It is an original wedding idea that can reduce the wedding budget as much as possible, because a modest (but incredibly cute) wedding dress and a simple banquet without frills will be justified and perfectly woven into the border of the entire wedding.

Marriage registration

Traditionally, the bride and groom undergo a solemn wedding procedure at the registry office. To do this, you need to submit an application, pay the state fee and wait 2 months. If the bride is pregnant, the procedure is reduced to 1 month; you only need to provide proof of pregnancy (certificate or exchange card). If the newlyweds are not supporters of conventional weddings, then there are also many wedding options. You can get married quietly and have the main celebration on the wedding day. You can quietly sign, and carry out the solemn wedding procedure in a restaurant or other place. Hired entertainers will help with this, who will perfectly act out the registration, and you, in turn, will be able to exchange vows, thought up in advance and truly reflecting your feelings for each other.

How to save: the ceremonial registration itself costs 2,000 rubles, in addition, the services of a photographer and video operator are paid separately (1 photo - 90 rubles, 2 discs with video - 1,500 rubles), and a small buffet is usually organized for guests. All these expenses can be avoided by not carrying out a formal registration at the registry office, but by signing quietly. Vows and rings can also be exchanged in a restaurant.


The most important thing in organizing a wedding (besides faith, of course) is choosing a date. Church calendar is full of various holidays and holy fasts, during which weddings are not held. Therefore, if you want registration and wedding on the same day, you will have to work hard, calculating this date. As an option, registration and wedding are held in different days, and the bride and groom decide (and consider) whether to “go out” with the wedding both times, or choose one date out of two. It is important to remember that a wedding is only possible with a state marriage certificate; check whether it is required when submitting an application and booking a date, or whether it can be brought directly to the wedding itself.

Read more about the sacrament of wedding in our article Marriage.

How to save: The cost of a wedding is usually very low; the main cost is the additional “services” of a particular church. Candles, handbrake, singers and bell ringers can “eat up” 3,000 rubles or more of the budget. It all depends on whether it is a central cathedral or a small church on the periphery.

Outdoor wedding

The fashion for organizing a wedding in a tent somewhere in a picturesque corner is gaining momentum. Of course, it’s best to entrust this to specialized companies that will deliver, set up tents, set the tables, and then clean everything up. This option for a wedding does not reduce its cost in any way, but on the contrary increases both material and organizational costs. On top of everything else, there is also the element of surprise - the weather, which can be quite unpredictable.

How to save: If your dream is a Western-style wedding, and your budget is very limited, then preparations for the celebration will need to start early. You can search for various tents and awnings both in foreign online stores and on sites selling used items. There is a choice, and it is quite possible to find inexpensive but high-quality equipment. Friends and relatives can help you install and dismantle canopies, as well as set and decorate the festive table. And make sure that the location of the celebration is not private property, and the celebration there does not require special permission.

Restaurant selection

Most often, weddings are celebrated either in a favorite restaurant or in a recommended one. It is important to choose a restaurant based on its cuisine, because if you like their general menu, you will most likely like the banquet option. If the restaurant is not familiar to you, go there several times, try different dishes, make sure you like their quality and execution. Of course, it is better to order a banquet at your favorite restaurant, where you are already known, but if this is not the case, then choose a new establishment for which reputation and large orders are important at the formation stage. Usually, restaurants already know the total food consumption per guest and will always give quite realistic advice on what and in what quantity is best to order.

How to save: Since the wedding feast consumes a large part of the wedding budget, sound savings are important here above all else. That's why:

* it is best to order salads and appetizers in the amount of 1 serving for 2.5-3 people (or 1-3 separate appetizers), they should be different in composition and calorie content (for example, vegetable, fish, meat salads or appetizers). It is due to the variety of dishes that guests will be full. Everything is prepared not in portions, but in large salad bowls or dishes, several per zone;

* It is better to order a banquet in a cafe where you are allowed to bring your own products, such as sliced ​​meat and fish, vegetables, cheese, and in the establishment you only need to order salads and hot dishes. Alcoholic drinks and juices can also be purchased at wholesale prices and delivered in advance. It is the cuts and drinks that make up a huge part of the budget. festive table;

* a wedding cake It’s better to order separately from an inexpensive (but well-known) deli, since the restaurant cost of the cake is sometimes several times higher than the “culinary” price. Consumption - 100-150 g. per person;

* make sure that everything uneaten (and sometimes there is quite a lot of food left, including cake) and unfinished (this is of course rare) will be packed in disposable containers (or covered with lids) and given to you with you.

Wedding plan and overspending

It is necessary to draw up step by step plan weddings with ongoing expenses at each point, it is discussed with the person responsible for the organization and is strictly observed. Any wedding is never limited by the budget allocated for it and does not fall within the time frame that was planned in advance; there will always be overspending in both time and money, therefore:

· if you bought 1 box of champagne for the festivities, then it’s better to take money for another one, it won’t be very difficult to buy it. Have a supply of alcohol and juice for the restaurant so that you don’t have to buy more at the last moment with restaurant markups;

· if you delay your car for 15 minutes, then prepare to pay for the delay as for an hour;

· discuss the possibility of hourly additional payment the work of the host and artists in advance, otherwise in the bustle of the wedding you will be charged triple the rate.

Wedding Planner

How often, when walking through the arboretum near UPI or another place chosen for weddings, we see a picture: cheerful guests, a somewhat confused (of course, from the happiness that has befallen him) groom, and a bride with a phone to her ear and a concentrated expression on her face. On this beautiful day, you want to forget about all your worries and not spoil your mood with everyday issues, to be a princess, not an organizer. Therefore, just for your own relaxation and complete immersion in wedding magic, it is better to hire a professional wedding planner. And let it not be the best friend-witness, and not the mother - after all, they also want to have fun. Give the reins of managing the festive bustle to a professional, who will concentrate the entire wedding process and tie up all the loose ends from the registry office until the departure of the last guest.

How to save: The most effective savings is not to hire an organizer and let a trusted person “steer” the process for free. If you have budgeted for the cost of organizing a wedding, then contact a private person for a recommendation, and not a specialized organization, or negotiate with the host (toastmaster).


When you have finally decided on the date and place of the wedding (registration or wedding), it’s time to invite guests. Most often, a wedding gift is money; this is the most acceptable and adequate gift; of course, anything additional can be, and, usually, guests do not skimp on performances, jokes and are full of their creative talents. If you want your guests to prepare both morally and financially, invite them to the wedding as early as possible.

How to save: The budget for the production of invitation cards ranges from 0 to infinity. Design your own original way notify friends and family. Grandma will be pleased to receive a postcard, and a young friend will be satisfied with an original electronic invitation. You can also come up with and draw an invitation card yourself in a special program and print it on special (or regular inexpensive paper).


Choosing a dress

Every girl dreams of a wedding as a child. And a big part of this dream is the wedding dress. The choice of dress should be made in advance; first you need to decide on the style (especially if the wedding is themed) - lush, tight-fitting, retro, original, simple. Then - with the price. Wedding salons will be able to offer a lot of options for almost any budget. But if this is not enough for you, then foreign online stores will definitely find exactly your dress. If you come to the salon, before buying the model you like, ask to take a photograph of you in it from different angles, take a time out (the salon will definitely put the dress aside for several days) and look at yourself carefully. Remember that in addition to beauty, the comfort of the dress is also important; you can dance in it, walk a lot, drink and eat, it should not restrict movement or make breathing difficult, the train should either be unfastened at all or shortened (for example, fastened with a button).

How to save: You can buy a dress on sale, you can order it on the Internet, you can rent it, you can sew it in an atelier or from a private seamstress. There are a lot of options and in almost any case the dress will be beautiful, and you will avoid price markups. The majority of the cost of a wedding dress is made up of accessories and jewelry. If your budget doesn't include diamonds and a handmade lace veil, don't fret! High-quality and discreet jewelry looks great and sparkles beautifully; you can buy it inexpensively on the Internet or rent it from a friend. You can make the bouquet and boutonniere yourself, because... Simple shapes and naturalness are in fashion.

Ring selection

Rings are a symbol of marriage, so many newlyweds are extremely meticulous in choosing rings. Jewelry stores will offer both ready-made options and a catalog of custom-made models. Here you can find both an original design and regular smooth rings at a low price.

Makeup artist and hairdresser

Hairstyles a la the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” and mountains of “plaster” on the face have long gone out of fashion. Light, stylish hairstyles and fresh makeup that highlight the beauty of the bride without turning her into a doll or a 90s model are a trend for many seasons. Look for a master with modern views on fashion and the appearance of the bride. If you know exactly what you want, provide your hairdresser and makeup artist with photos of your hair and makeup in advance, let them think about how to reproduce it exactly and preferably practice once.

How to save money: A few months before the wedding, start studying photo and video tutorials on applying makeup and hair styling. Stock up on good quality cosmetics that will stand the test of time, tears of happiness, auntie's lipstick and heat and cold. You have every chance to learn (or hone your skills) in makeup and styling; this knowledge will be very useful to you in the future, and high-quality cosmetics will not be out of place in any girl’s makeup bag. Specialized forums for especially zealous beauty lovers will help in studying this difficult science.

Decoration of the banquet hall and car

If you want to decorate your wedding in an individual style, then a huge number of florists and wedding designers in the city will help you with this. In this case, everything depends solely on the wedding budget.

How to save: Cars are decorated independently (by friends and relatives), and wedding hall decorated with what is available in the restaurant itself; usually they have a considerable supply of cute decorations, without any frills, of course. Often the decoration of the hall by the restaurant is included in the cost of the banquet. In this case no general rules, it all depends on the restaurant. Viewing decorations in advance will help you avoid “surprises.”

You can also involve friends in decorating the banquet hall. Balloons, ribbons and other paraphernalia are quite inexpensive, and remember, the larger the item - balloons, pom-poms made of colored paper, wire frames, the larger the decoration area and the cheaper the final cost. Here you will have to forget about pigeons and other wedding pets, and multi-colored balloons with wishes of love and happiness will fly into the sky!

Wedding entertainment


Traditionally, ransom is one of the most fun wedding entertainments. How interesting and entertaining the ransom will be depends on the guests. There are a million scenarios on the Internet, the main thing is the imagination and artistry of the organizers of this action. If you are supporters of “traditional” wedding rituals, if the groom is ready to overcome obstacles on the way to the bride, if the guests are ready to support all this fun with active participation, then the ransom will go off with a bang!

How to save: develop a simple but interesting scenario a buyout that does not initially involve an inflated budget. Buy the bride not with money, but by completing tasks, sweets, nuts, various balls and small change. Avoid expensive alcohol at the buyout. Usually, a lot of intoxicating drinks are drunk amid the general fun. Think in advance, maybe if it’s summer, it’s better to prepare a refreshing low-alcohol cocktail and pour it into a convenient container? And if the wedding takes place in winter, then guests will appreciate the aromatic mulled wine.


This part of the wedding is usually fun for the guests and often difficult for the newlyweds. While the guests are sitting in the shade and drinking champagne, the bride and groom are running around with the photographer in search of beautiful views. It is better to develop this route in advance. Every photographer and videographer has their favorite (but very standard) routes and compositions. They will assure you that everything will be fine, but it is not a fact that you will like this choice, so go around your favorite corners of the city with operators in advance and discuss at least the main points of the composition, and then your photo and video session will be easy and fun. It is ideal to conduct a trial photo shoot before the wedding. Remember the romantic corners of the city with which you have pleasant memories, calculate the route and think - after all, these memories can turn into an incredibly beautiful wedding film.

Toastmaster of a wedding

A good host is one of the keys to a fun wedding, so choose this person carefully and according to recommendations. Listen to the opinions of peers with similar views, because people of a different age may have completely different views on wedding entertainment. You need to discuss everything down to the smallest detail with the presenter, because... a standard “set” of competitions, jokes and various undertakings may not fit into the outline of a wedding or your idea of ​​fun. Therefore, competitions with toilet paper and dressing men in women's underwear is better to discuss “on the shore” and offer your ideas. Don’t forget to provide a place in the cafe you like in advance for changing clothes for the presenters, the entire entertainment group and guests.

How to save: The only way to make healthy savings is to look for a good presenter with adequate prices. If the status of the party is not important to you, then there is no point in hiring a well-known, expensive host. Many people believe that a wedding is possible without a special toastmaster. This is mistake. Relying on guests to entertain guests is a very risky way to organize a holiday. Everyone wants to relax and unwind, but entertaining and entertaining guests is hard work that requires experience and concentration.


At the moment, there are many artists offering their services in the city, serving various events. Usually, when hiring a toastmaster, they listen to his recommendations about the artists with whom he usually works. They have a well-coordinated team and less risk of snags. If you go this route, then find out in great detail the plan for the speech, find a video and look for reviews of their speeches on the Internet or among friends.

How to save: pay attention not only to the cost of the performance, but also to its duration and number of appearances. Choose one long main varied performance that will last most of the wedding, with additional smaller performances provided by the host and guests. For example, if you order a performance by an ensemble of ethnic gypsies, then you will receive soulful singing, incredible violin playing, and dashing dancing that even your serious uncle will not be able to sit through. And all this in several stages. In the meantime, the host will entertain the guests with competitions, and the guests will congratulate the newlyweds with their creative performances.


Usually the presenters have their own standard set of holiday music, familiarize yourself with it in advance, because you may not like it. Each couple has “their” songs with which they have romantic memories, not to mention the fact that each person has his own musical tastes and favorite compositions. Therefore, discuss this in advance and prepare a cut of music on a medium convenient for the DJ, give it a few days in advance (at least) and check whether everything is “read,” “seen,” and “heard” on the DJ’s equipment. Otherwise, an incident may happen during the wedding.

Video, photo shooting

Most likely, the wedding host, event organizer or friends will recommend operators to you. Take your choice as responsibly as possible. Check out the website and portfolio of this specialist (not forgetting that only the very best works are posted there). Make sure that this specialist is close to you in spirit, listens to your wishes and has experience in similar work. Most workers in this field have a lot of wedding-themed templates, if this suits you, then finding an operator will not be a problem, but if you want individual approach to photograph a wedding, you will have to look for it. Pay great attention to music and various video effects at the editing stage of your wedding film. It is likely that Irina Alegrova’s soulful songs are not exactly what you dreamed of when watching a film about a wedding.

How to save: Photo and video shooting is that part of the service on which you should not skimp, because the pictures and film will remain with you forever, like a memory.


In Yekaterinburg you can hire almost any type of vehicle. The companies' websites contain photos of passenger cars, limousines of various lengths and capacities, and buses; the prices around the city are not very different. It is better to look at the condition of a specific car (if this is not possible, then the condition of the fleet as a whole) before the wedding. Punctuality, politeness and tact are the basic requirements for a driver.

How to save: hire a beautiful executive-class passenger car for the bride and groom, and put the guests in a comfortable small bus, where they can get to know each other, drink champagne together for the health of the newlyweds, and most importantly, the guests and their belongings will be concentrated in one place. The most economical option is traveling in friends' cars, but in this case, your driver friends will be deprived of the opportunity to relax, because they will be doing a certain job, and if there are a lot of guests, then confusion may arise - where to put whom, how to collect everyone and where whose things are lying.


A wedding, like any complexly organized event, can fail. You just need to remember this and not get upset if something goes wrong. A huge number of people are involved in a wedding, and everyone can forget something or confuse something, so it is better to initially reduce the risks:

· draw up a budget and wedding plan, provide for a reserve;

· invite everyone in advance and make sure that all guests will come;

· choose a restaurant where only your banquet will be held this evening, this will avoid troubles associated with the loss of things or money;

· choose a person responsible for gifts;

· put donated money in a safe place, for example, in the purse of your very responsible mother-in-law;

· pay everyone in advance and on time;

· take with you a small fan, a cosmetic bag with powder, lipstick and mascara, cosmetic wipes, a needle, thread and instant stain remover;

· don’t take your old grandmother for a walk in the park in 35-degree heat and leave your young cousin at home with a nanny, let his parents have a quiet walk in a restaurant.

A wedding is a mood! Remember this! All organizational hiccups and fuss will fly by instantly, and the result will be a wonderful celebration of the birth of a family. And this is just the beginning. Ahead is a whole life together, filled with new emotions, the appearance of children, joint travel, achievements and excitement. The wedding is just a tiny stage, so don't take it too seriously, be in good mood and then everything planned will definitely work out!