It seems that giving a birthday gift to a girl is not difficult. The store windows are filled with cute little things that make the fairer sex’s heart clench and burst out “ah!” Add a bouquet of flowers to the bauble and - voila - the gift is ready! Is it really that easy to give a girl a 30th birthday gift? By this age, she has life experience behind her, she knows what she wants to achieve in life and is moving towards her goal. It's not easy to please a confident young woman. Therefore, gift ideas for a girl will need fresh and extraordinary ones.

In the online store “Gifts-HERE” there are such ideas in large quantities. For your convenience, we have created a separate category in which you can choose an original 30th birthday gift for a woman: sister, friend, wife, colleague.

Gift ideas for girls

If you are thinking about gift ideas for girls for their 30th birthday, then first you need to firmly understand what you should not give for your birthday. It is considered bad form to focus attention on age, that is, you should not present cosmetics marked 30+. Your 30th birthday gift for a girl should be chosen based on her character traits, hobbies and professional activities. She loves to travel? Then she will certainly be pleased with sets for a comfortable stay, funny stickers on her suitcase, and a picnic basket. Is she the life of the party and the life of the party? In this case, cocktail sets, illuminated glasses, funny bottle caps and stands, a shaker bar, and machines for making ice cream or cotton candy would be an excellent gift for a girl’s birthday.

Give scent bombs, foam sets and soft towels to those who love to soak in the bath. The artist will appreciate the figurines self made Dutch and German masters and interior paintings, and the teacher will be delighted with the “digital pen”, which can save what is written into the computer. A wonderful gift for a married woman's 30th birthday would be tea pairs, wall clocks, vases, boxes and other home decorations. Give the “lady with the dog” a pet search engine and her gratitude will know no bounds.

Take the time to buy a 30th birthday gift for your girlfriend Special attention and order it in advance. This can be done around the clock. Our consultants will help you do right choice and will advise on payment and delivery of a gift for a girl’s 30th birthday to all regions of Russia.

30 years is a very important milestone that a woman overcomes in her life. This is a kind of invisible border that separates youth, which has already gone forever, and the time of entry into adulthood. At this age, the very first results of their serious victories or disappointments are summed up.

At this stage, a woman is already, as a rule, an accomplished person. 30 years is the age when a lady blossoms, she knows her worth very well, sets certain goals and objectives, and easily achieves them.

For 30 years? The question is quite complicated, but we will try to find the answer.

Thirty years is the time for “adult” gifts

At 30, you just have to be special. This is an age that does not tolerate trinkets or classic souvenirs, as well as sweet compliments. Therefore, give up the idea of ​​presenting it to a girl. This gift is more appropriate for other occasions.

When faced with a difficult choice, a 30-year-old girl should not focus on the external brightness of the gift or its cost. It should emphasize the beauty and youth of the birthday girl.

What to give a girl for her 30th birthday

A woman’s birthday is a holiday when a simply symbolic, even very luxurious, bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates is not enough. This celebration implies a gift, but such that the woman receives only positive emotions. And later I felt only joy from using it. The task is not an easy one, so you should try very hard when choosing such a gift.

Now let's talk in more detail about what you can give a young woman on her thirtieth birthday.

Gift Certificate

Thirty is a wonderful age. The woman harmoniously combines carelessness and lightness, experience and the ability to put everything in its place. However, this is also the age when the first unpleasant changes in appearance occur. Wrinkles appear, causing a woman at this age to take better care of herself, but she should not be hinted at certain flaws in her appearance.

Give up the idea of ​​giving a skin-rejuvenating cream or mask, even from an insanely expensive brand. You will never be forgiven for such a hint of age. It is much more appropriate to present gift Certificate, for example, to a spa salon. A card for a purchase at a large cosmetic store will also be an excellent gift.


At this age, a woman is already well versed in the intricacies of fashion and cosmetics, knows which things suit her and which, on the contrary, should be avoided. If you are not sufficiently informed about the perfume preferences of the birthday girl, then you should not choose perfume as a gift. This is especially true for “economy” options.

Such a gift will not be appreciated and will most likely take pride of place in a dark corner of the closet. If you want to highlight a woman’s external beauty with your gift, give her a certificate for a photo shoot with the most fashionable photographer in the city.

An even more extravagant option is a portrait of a lady. Agree, such gifts cannot be called banal. These are more like compliments, and any girl will like them.


No girl will refuse a beautiful ring or bracelet. Therefore, to the question of what to give a girl for her 30th birthday, there is a great answer - jewelry. This is an excellent present that will not leave the birthday girl indifferent. On an ordinary birthday, as a rule, one does not indulge in such gifts, but the anniversary date is a completely appropriate celebration for this. If you are not entirely familiar with a girl’s tastes, then you should give preference to a beautiful chain and a pendant of a simple design.

A practical souvenir gift

At the age of 30, a woman is, as a rule, already a wife and mother. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to give a practical gift, but not for a direct purpose (a vacuum cleaner or a coffee maker), but something more refined. For example, an unusual tea set or silver spoons.

If the birthday girl is still free and is not thinking about starting a family, then the gift could be something useful for her hobby. A girl who loves to read will be absolutely delighted if she is presented with a gift edition of the book. A needlewoman will like to receive, for example, an embroidery kit.

Any woman will be very happy if you note her merits in promoting
career ladder. A successful business woman will be pleased to receive an expensive or stylish diary as a gift.


This is an absolutely irreplaceable attribute of any holiday. This is not even a gift, but an integral part of it. Let the girl’s 30th birthday congratulations turn into a sea of ​​flowers. A great option would be a huge basket filled with her favorite buds.

Remember that the gift presented should remind the girl that turning 30 is not a reason to be sad. This age is just an intermediate stage in her life, and there are still many new impressions, discoveries and various joyful events ahead.

An important event in the life of any person is an anniversary. What to give a woman for her 30th birthday? Everyone is looking for a special surprise, trying to surprise, guess and please the birthday girl, because such an event happens only once. It’s a wonderful time when a woman has already achieved success, knows what she wants, a lot of wonderful things have already happened and a lot of wonderful things are still ahead.

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✔Surprise for a woman who turns 35

Not far from 35 summer anniversary. What can you give a woman for her 35th birthday? What would a woman want, because they are all so different. But they have one thing in common - they all love surprises. Let's imagine a little how to please the birthday girl.

✔Beloved for 30, 35 years

Giving a surprise to your beloved wife is always a pleasure, because this gift is imbued with love and warmth. Men like to buy gifts for their wives, but they still ask the question: “What to give a woman for her 30th birthday?”, “What to give a woman for her 35th birthday?”
A man can give his wife jewelry, rings, earrings, make an original pendant to order. Your beloved will wear jewelry and every time she looks at it, she will remember you with warmth.
A fur coat would be a good gift. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you can come to the store with your wife, with an excuse to look (if she wants a fur coat), and after trying on the product, remember the style and size. Then, come and buy without it. With such a gift you will not only make her happy, but also show your care.
If your planned budget is even larger, then you can give a car as an anniversary gift. A personal car is a very convenient means of transportation for a businesswoman.

✔Romantic gift

Your beloved loves romance, you can arrange a romantic trip for her. Buy a tour to a heavenly, magical corner of the earth and order a photographer. Have dinner on a rock near a waterfall.
Cover the entire room with flowers and gel balloons, and hide a surprise inside.

✔Anniversary surprise

A more practical gift would be technology. By giving her a food processor, a dishwasher, a new vacuum cleaner, or a multicooker, you will significantly speed up household processes, thereby freeing up her time for a more enjoyable pastime. You can also order cleaning services for a house or apartment for a month, so your wife will be able to devote more time to herself, you and the children, she will be grateful to you.

✔Present to a colleague

What can you give a colleague for his 30th birthday? Employees usually don’t worry too much about gifts; they can collect money and present it in an envelope, buying candy and flowers. And the colleague will decide for herself what is best for her to buy for herself. If this option does not suit you, then a certificate for a beauty salon, fitness, massage, or swimming pool would be a wonderful gift. The girl-colleague will be pleased.

✔For friend and sister

What to give to a friend or sister for her 30th birthday? You can give a close friend, like your sister, anything for her 35th birthday, because you know her best and can easily select exactly what she needs. A new umbrella, perfume that she likes so much, a stylish and fashionable bag, shoes that she so wanted, all this will please her no less than other gifts.
Has your friend been dreaming of losing a few extra pounds for a long time? Give her a certificate for massages and body wraps. She will appreciate your support.

✔To my beloved mothers

What to give your mom for her birthday? Mothers always accept handmade gifts from their children with trepidation and love. After all, what can a baby give more and more than a drop of love, turning it into reality?
You can safely make postcards, paper crafts, and draw pictures. Older children can inexpensively make a gift themselves: a decorative box, a picture made of beads, bake a cake, buy a bouquet of their favorite flowers for their mother.

✔For a wealthy woman

A woman with high income can afford whatever she wants, whenever she wants, but no one can cancel gifts, and it needs to be used and not gather dust on a distant shelf. What to give to a woman who has everything for her 35th birthday? For such birthday girls, we recommend giving either an expensive accessory or a service.
An accessory for a businesswoman would be a stylish, expensive pen, or any other fancy piece of stationery.
For a wealthy housewife, a beautiful, original vase that will complement the interior will be a pleasant gift.
Any girl, even a wealthy one who can afford everything, will be pleased to receive a service for her birthday. Services can be both for the home and for her personally, for caring for her body and enjoying various procedures.
We can safely say that the TOP 10 gifts that can be given when a woman is 35:

  • Car;
  • Jewelry;
  • Apartment;
  • Bouquet of favorite flowers;
  • Paid housekeeping services;
  • Subscriptions and gift certificates;
  • Fashionable bag;
  • Dishwasher;
  • Original vase;
  • Expensive accessory.

✔Traditional gifts

There are traditional gift options that should be given on a 35th anniversary, regardless of social status. Such gifts will include:

  • Writing set on the desk;
  • High-quality blanket and terry towel;
  • Musical greetings (radio, live music, karaoke);
  • aquarium with fish;
  • leather, women's wallet;
  • interesting book;
  • portable biological fireplace;

✔Original present

Women are very sensitive and delicate in nature. No matter how they deny it, emotions are a very important part of their life. If you want to do original surprise, then it doesn’t matter what the birthday girl does, the most original present there will be one that will cause and give a flurry of emotions! Thirty, thirty-five summer girl, feel free to give certificates for the most extreme sports and the most pleasant and useful procedures. The birthday girl will have a lot of impressions for the rest of her life. Remember, thirty, thirty-five years is a wonderful age.
When choosing a gift, remember that the most important thing is to show attention and care. It’s doubly nice if it’s not just for one day. Always love your loved ones and family, make them happy, take care of them, show them their importance in your life. Help your colleagues, support them. Listen carefully to your sisters and friends, devote more time to them. Love your moms. When properly built relationships, then the most best gift it's you in their life.

To your beloved girl? This question can perplex a man, regardless of his financial situation, social status and age. At the age of 30, a woman, as a rule, already has an established range of interests and preferences. You just need to think a little about what can please your beloved and the answer will be found. All gifts can be divided into several groups.

Practical gifts

These include things for everyday use at home. A set of frying pans or pots is necessary in the household, but as an anniversary gift it is unlikely to make you happy. A young woman has many other interests besides the kitchen, so it is better to choose a more worthy gift. A new laptop, the latest smartphone model, a video camera will not leave any representative of the fair sex indifferent. Many people will be happy to show off this gift to their friends and colleagues.


A gift chosen taking into account hobbies - great way demonstrate your attention and love. Lovers of outdoor recreation will be pleased to receive a picnic set or go with their loved one to a ski resort.

For a girl who pays a lot of attention to her appearance, you can purchase a gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics. For a fitness lover, a sports machine will be a pleasant surprise, thanks to which you can do exercises without leaving home.


The value of a gift is measured not only by money; many girls by the age of 30 are able to provide for themselves, so you won’t surprise them with expensive gifts. A surprise or new impressions as a gift will demonstrate attention and the ability to do unusual things.

A parachute jump, a certificate for a horseback ride or a romantic boat trip along the river will be remembered for a great time spent together.


Jewelry has always been one of the most favorite gifts. A chain with a pendant, earrings, a string of pearls or a ring will not leave any girl indifferent and will become a pleasant reminder of the past holiday.

If a girl believes in astrology, then it is better to choose a product with a stone that matches her zodiac sign. Each of them corresponds to several jewelry or ornamental minerals, so you can easily choose an affordable piece of jewelry.

An obligatory part of the gift is a bouquet, which should be especially chic for the anniversary. A special impression will be made by the one in which the number of flowers coincides with the number of years of the beloved girl.

Many girls are sensitive about their age, so in no case do you need to remind them of it once again. Forget about cards with numbers and cakes with anniversary inscriptions; you should also not joke in your congratulations: “You are 18 again.”

Choosing a gift wisely

A gift for a girl for her 30th birthday should convince her that these years have not been wasted, that she has achieved a lot, but at the same time there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, and life is just beginning.

Don't give jewelry, cosmetics or perfumes if you don't know the girl's tastes. Should not be presented practical gifts in the form of household appliances for the home, dishes and bed linen. It's boring and uninteresting. As a last resort, you can give the certificate to the store. It’s better to focus on the girl’s youth, beauty and charm. It's always nice at any age. And don't forget about the flowers!

What to give anyway?

A universal gift that most women will like is a certificate to a beauty salon, spa or cosmetics store. Even if the birthday girl does not need anything, she will be pleased to pamper herself once again.

If she is a business woman, the gift should emphasize her status. This could be an expensive leather diary, business card holder, tablet or folder for car documents.

Give a girl who has a hobby a themed gift. For an embroidery lover - a new pattern and a set of threads, for a florist - an orchid or some exotic plant. You can order a cake with unusual design, for example, in the form of a flower basket or a bouquet in the form of some kind of figure.

As an option, order a portrait of a girl, painted from a photograph, or a print on canvas. A hand-painted silk scarf will not only an original gift, but will also constantly remind you of the donor.

Stretch your memory and think about what the birthday girl dreamed of, but she was sorry for the time or money. Make-up artist courses, photography or cooking lessons, maybe a pet of a certain breed - this will not only be a gift, but also a pleasant surprise, because you remembered her wish.

If you were invited as part of big company, chip in and donate a trip somewhere. For example, on new year holidays to Europe or the tulip festival in Amsterdam. True, this option is suitable for free girls.

Another gift option is a photo shoot. Give the birthday girl the opportunity to feel like a star, order a professional photographer if the celebration is planned in a restaurant or cafe, where the girl will probably come looking gorgeous. In addition to emotions and memories, she will have beautiful pictures from the celebration.

Choosing a gift for your girlfriend is not an easy task, especially if there is an anniversary coming up. Buy practical thing or expensive jewelry, make a surprise or have a nice time together - there are many options, but loving man, who knows about the dreams of his chosen one, will be able to fulfill them.

How to choose a gift for your girlfriend? This question can perplex a man, regardless of his financial situation, social status and age. At the age of 30, a woman, as a rule, already has an established range of interests and preferences. You just need to think a little about what can please your beloved and the answer will be found. All gifts can be divided into several groups.

Practical gifts

These include things for everyday use at home. A set of frying pans or pots is necessary in the household, but as an anniversary gift it is unlikely to make you happy. A young woman has many other interests besides the kitchen, so it is better to choose a more worthy gift. A new laptop, the latest smartphone model, a video camera will not leave any representative of the fair sex indifferent. Many people will be happy to show off this gift to their friends and colleagues.


A gift chosen based on your passions is a great way to show your attention and love. Lovers of outdoor recreation will be pleased to receive a picnic set or go with their loved one to a ski resort.

For a girl who pays a lot of attention to her appearance, you can purchase a gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics. For a fitness lover, a sports machine will be a pleasant surprise, thanks to which you can do exercises without leaving home.


The value of a gift is measured not only by money; many girls by the age of 30 are able to provide for themselves, so you won’t surprise them with expensive gifts. A surprise or new impressions as a gift will demonstrate attention and the ability to do unusual things.

A parachute jump, a certificate for a horseback ride or a romantic boat trip along the river will be remembered for a great time spent together.


Jewelry has always been one of the most favorite gifts. A chain with a pendant, earrings, a string of pearls or a ring will not leave any girl indifferent and will become a pleasant reminder of the past holiday.

If a girl believes in astrology, then it is better to choose a product with a stone that matches her zodiac sign. Each of them corresponds to several jewelry or ornamental minerals, so you can easily choose an affordable piece of jewelry.

An obligatory part of the gift is a bouquet, which should be especially chic for the anniversary. A special impression will be made by the one in which the number of flowers coincides with the number of years of the beloved girl.

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  • website about gifts

30 years is an important date in a woman’s life, the age of farewell to youth and entry into adulthood. It’s not easy to choose a gift for a thirty-year-old lady: she already has solid life experience behind her, she knows the value of things, and she has developed certain tastes and preferences.

So, what to give a girl for her 30th birthday? Let's try to figure it out.

Gift Certificate

Cosmetics, perfume or jewelry can only be given as a gift if you are well aware of the woman's tastes and preferences. Otherwise, it is better to buy a gift certificate to a beauty salon, cosmetics store or spa center.

Professional photo shoot

Every woman dreams of trying herself as a fashion model. Give her a pleasant surprise by paying her for a professional photo shoot.

Portrait from photo

Another great gift for 30 years is a portrait painted from a photograph of a girl. It would probably be unnecessary to remind you that the image in the portrait should be impeccable and, perhaps, a little embellished.

A gift related to a woman's hobby

When thinking about what to give a girl for her 30th birthday, remember if the birthday girl has any hobby, and give her a gift related to her hobby. Give a needlewoman a set for soap making or embroidery, a sports lover - a subscription to a fitness club, a florist - some unusual plant. If a girl is interested in astrology, you can order a personal horoscope for her (make sure the predictions are favorable).

Dream come true

It will be absolutely gorgeous if you help the birthday girl fulfill her old dream. Maybe she dreamed of a parachute jump, a rare breed puppy, or a dressing table, but due to some (most often financial) reasons she never realized her desires. So you will implement it!

Favorite flowers

Whatever gift you choose, a bouquet of the hero of the day’s favorite flowers will serve as a pleasant addition to it.