“A smile will make everyone brighter.” Surely, each of us remembers the words of this kind children's song. And throughout our lives, we are convinced again and again that the importance of a smile is difficult to overestimate. A smile can be very different: kind, ironic, official, sincere.

But any smile should be beautiful. And absolutely every person has the power to make their smile perfect. This article will discuss exactly how to make a smile beautiful. We hope that every reader will find for himself useful information about how to smile in photos and look good.

Many women, seeing photographs in magazines, think: “What a beautiful smile! I want a beautiful smile too! Although it may seem impossible at first glance, it is actually not difficult to achieve the most beautiful smile in the world. However, the simple desire “I want a beautiful smile” is not enough. To achieve it, systematic training is required. The beautiful smile of models on the covers of glossy magazines is most often the result of constant work on oneself.

Secrets of a charming smile

In order to understand how to learn to smile beautifully, you need to have a clear understanding of the mechanism of a smile. After all, this information will give you knowledge on how to make your smile beautiful. When you smile, approximately 40 different facial muscles work. However, in most cases the smile is asymmetrical. This happens because different muscles have different degrees of training and development. But the most beautiful smile is a symmetrical smile.
  • If you do not develop facial muscles, it is almost impossible to achieve symmetry. And an asymmetrical smile will not be so effective. If you regularly do exercises for beautiful smile, then after a month the question of how to smile beautifully will cease to be relevant for you.
  • In addition, do not forget about the condition of the oral cavity. If when you smile you can see yellow, unclean teeth, and even with carious holes, the most beautiful smile will lose its charm. It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and take good care of your oral cavity: brush your teeth and use interdental floss.
  • Remember also that how beautiful your smile will be also depends on the correct lip makeup. After all, even having fully learned the science of how to make a smile beautiful, it is very easy to ruin it with bright, flashy and ineptly applied makeup. If you doubt your abilities, spare no time and contact to a good makeup artist– a cosmetologist who will suggest and show you the most suitable makeup option for you.
  • The condition of your facial skin is also of great importance. If you have dry skin that is prone to flaking, you need to moisturize it; if, on the contrary, you have oily skin, use scrubs. The border of black dots along the contour of the lips looks very repulsive.
  • The skin of the lips also needs care. Use hygienic lipsticks, try to avoid making the skin of your lips dry and cracked. If you are susceptible to a disease such as herpes, always keep on hand medications that can stop the further development of the disease at the slightest sign of a rash. In addition, you should pay attention to strengthening your immune system. Once your immune system is stronger, the number of exacerbations of the disease will decrease significantly.

Muscle training exercises

The very first thing you need to start with is exercises for a beautiful smile. You will notice the first results after just one week. The main condition for success is the systematic implementation of this set of exercises that contribute to the appearance of a beautiful smile. The complex must be performed twice a day - morning and evening.

In addition to the fact that these exercises will allow you to master the technique of a proper smile, they will also help to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles, as well as delay the appearance of age-related wrinkles. For those women who master and apply the exercises described below, the question of how to smile beautifully will not even arise. Their skills in creating a beautiful smile will be honed to the point of automaticity.

  • Bring your finger to your lips, but don't touch them. The distance between your finger and lips should be about 3-4 centimeters. Try to reach your finger with your lips, applying maximum effort. Of course, you won’t be able to do this, but this will allow you to force a certain muscle group to work fully. With your lips extended, open your mouth and then close it tightly. This must be done while keeping the lips extended. After this, completely relax all the muscles of your face for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Close and extend your lips in the same way as in the first exercise. Move your pursed lips from side to side for 30 seconds, then relax your lips for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Stretch your lips tightly together and try to make a figure eight in the air. After this, relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Stick out your tongue, clasp it tightly with your lips and fix the muscles in this position for a few seconds, then relax the muscles of your lips and tongue as much as possible. This exercise must also be performed at least 5 times.
  • Open your mouth slightly and extend your pursed lips forward. Hold them in this position, and then exhale sharply, as if you were blowing out the flame of an imaginary candle. After this, relax your lip muscles. It is enough to perform this exercise only 3 times.
  • Draw more air into your lungs, purse your lips tightly and try to exhale through your mouth. After this, exhale. During this exercise, you will feel the tension in your cheek muscles, which are also actively involved in the smiling process.
  • The following exercise is similar to the previous one, but the lip muscles are also involved in the work. You need to inhale, puff out your cheeks and release the air so that your lips feel the vibration. At first glance, this exercise may seem quite complicated, but in practice its implementation does not cause any difficulties.
  • Such a seemingly simple exercise as stretching the lips into an unnaturally wide smile also perfectly trains all the muscles of the lips.

Stop, just a moment!

Probably every person is familiar with the feeling of disappointment that you sometimes experience when looking at your own photographs. And this happens most often due to the fact that most people do not know how to smile correctly in a photo.

The most main mistake that people admit is an unnatural, constrained posture and a “forced” smile. But it is your smile that determines how you will look in the photo.

The secret to making your smile beautiful is extremely simple - smile more often! How to learn to smile beautifully is described above, and how correctly you can smile in a photo depends on your ability to effortlessly capture a smile at the time of taking a photo. Smile in front of the mirror, looking critically at your smile. Choose exactly the smile that suits you: a wide smile or an enigmatic one, with closed lips, or maybe an enigmatic one?

It doesn’t matter at all whether you plan to make a career as a fashion model, conquer the best catwalks in Paris, or just want to dazzle others with your smile. After reading this information, you now know exactly how to make your smile beautiful. And by putting the acquired knowledge into practice, you will have the most beautiful smile in the world. You will become a real expert in all matters of how to smile correctly, and most importantly, beautifully.

Many, looking at the new issue of a women's magazine, saw celebrities whose smiles looked beautiful and sincere. Is it possible to learn to smile as beautifully and radiantly?

Why is it so important to be able to smile beautifully and how can you learn it? What is the role of dentists in making this dream come true?

Smile - it's beautiful and fashionable

A beautiful smile is important, it is important in communication, it helps to break the ice and defuse the situation between interlocutors.

But not everyone knows how to smile beautifully, and some are accused of insincere and feigned smiles. How to be?

A beautiful smile is truly difficult, but achievable for every person. It’s complicated because it involves several different things.


  • daily training and simple exercises;
  • solve dental issues, and other cosmetic and therapeutic problems;
  • understand what the psychology of a beautiful and sincere smile is;
  • undergo cosmetic procedures.

Exercises for every day

An important requirement for an attractive smile is symmetry, so you will need to practice. Scientists say that when you smile, about 20 facial muscles are activated, and when you smile broadly and sincerely, all 40 are activated.

You can try the following: go to the mirror and smile. All distortions and any lack of symmetry will be visible to the naked eye.

You need to experiment, try different variants, proportions until you can find the perfect smile. When this is successful, you should press on the ends of your lips and press with your fingers for a few seconds. After this, count to seven and release, then repeat this procedure several times. This is called muscle fixation.

If something doesn’t work out, you need to try again until you find the perfect options. Then you should close your eyes and continue smiling. Count to thirty and then open your eyes. You need to keep your smile, then you can learn to smile beautifully.

Other sources recommend different exercises that will help expand the capabilities of your facial muscles:

  1. For example, smile as wide as possible and freeze in this state for a few seconds. This will allow you to use all the facial muscles and train them.
  2. Another exercise is to close your lips and stretch them forward. After this, try making a figure eight with your lips in the air. It won't happen right away, but you need to keep training.

It’s worth understanding why you need to do this; it’s not just antics in front of the mirror, but simple exercises that allow you to use different muscles and will even help prevent the appearance of early facial wrinkles.

If your mouth is wide, then a slight hint of it will be enough for a natural smile.

You need to smile with your eyes!

It is often said that a kind and sincere person smiles with his eyes. Many people notice that when a person smiles beautifully and cheerfully, his eyes narrow somewhat, and rays of a smile and small wrinkles appear next to them.

What kind of smile can there be without healthy and beautiful teeth?

It is worth understanding that a beautiful smile is a complex concept and that if you have a symmetrical smile, but also others , then it will be an unattractive sight.

To make not only a beautiful, but also a healthy smile, you need to see a dentist if necessary. The doctor will help and, if necessary, conduct a full examination.

Also be sure to maintain personal hygiene. By the way, it is worth understanding that you need to visit the dentist systematically, at least once a year, and not only when everything is getting worse.

So, fresh breath and white, straight teeth are the components of a beautiful and attractive smile.

If a person knows that he has problems with this, then smiling naturally and sincerely will obviously not work. You yourself will feel uncomfortable and shy. A beautiful smile needs to be made!

Psychological aspect

You should understand that you won’t be able to smile just because you have to. Such facial expressions will seem forced and forced, so it is important not to forget about your inner mood.

Some psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile at yourself, at the whole world and think that something good and pleasant awaits you.

You can also do training in your mind: when you need to give your face a pleasant and smiling state, you should remember something good, for example, a vacation, the birth of a child, or something like that.

Cosmetic issue

For an attractive smile, the following points are important: correct makeup, healthy lips, as well as healthy skin. It is clear that a smile from ear to ear against the background of strange makeup or unhealthy skin will look strange.

Lips and skin should not be dry, flaky or red. You can use special protective lipsticks, balms and other cosmetics.

A frozen moment in your life

Many people don't like to be photographed, and one of the reasons is that they can't smile beautifully for the camera. But this is not difficult to learn.

It is important to behave naturally, try different facial expressions, and not freeze with a spasm on your face. Act like you're flirting with camera and then in the photo you will appear naturally and with a beautiful and attractive face.

It’s worth working on the symmetry of your smile, which simple daily exercises will help you do, but you need to do this sincerely and from the heart.

A person who smiles widely reveals his teeth to the eyes of those around him, which means they should be free of cosmetic problems.

In addition, you need to remember that behavior and a smile must correspond to the situation, which means that it is better for the boss not to make eyes as provocatively as your boyfriend or husband - you may not be understood as well. A smile should be appropriate, sincere and healthy.

Learn to smile symmetrically. To do this, go to your mirror and smile, trying to make the corners of your lips move symmetrically. If you managed to achieve symmetry, then everything turned out well. Now press the corners of your lips with your fingers, hold your lips in this position for about 5-6 seconds and relax your lip muscles. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times over several days.

Once you have mastered a symmetrical smile, learn to hold it for a few seconds. To do this, do the following exercise - close your eyes and count to thirty, while keeping a smile on your face. Even if it’s difficult at first, don’t give up and keep training. The results will more than repay the effort. Moreover, after a couple of workouts, the muscles of the face and lips will get used to it, and you will be able to maintain a symmetrical smile for more than 30 seconds.

We continue to learn how to smile at men correctly. Learn to “put out the candle.” Inhale the air and purse your lips into a tube. Pull your lips and hold this position for a few seconds, then exhale sharply. At the same time, imagine a candle and exhale so that the air extinguishes it. Now relax your lips for a couple of seconds and repeat the exercise. Repeat at least three to four times - then the result will surprise you very soon.

Choose the right makeup. The effect will double if a well-groomed woman smiles. Likewise, poor makeup on your lips can ruin the effect of your smile. You don’t need to think that once you learn how to smile at a guy correctly, you can forget about everything else. A smile is an important part of your image, but it must be complemented by good makeup.

If you cannot choose the right makeup yourself, you should go to a stylist or cosmetologist who will help you resolve this issue. Take care of your teeth. Even a Hollywood smile will fade if you smile with yellow teeth. Go to the dentist and have your teeth checked. Stop smoking, or at least smoke less. Also limit your coffee intake.

Most main element smiles are her sincerity. A deceitful smile can be felt from a distance. You should not underestimate men by thinking that they will believe an artificial smile. Put your whole soul and your sympathy for the man you are smiling into your smile. But often you have to smile not at the man you love, but at a business partner in negotiations or just a friend.

How to smile sincerely in this case? It’s very simple - before you smile, remember the pleasant moments from your life. Remember your first kiss or your first declaration of love. Positive emotions will have an effect on your physical condition and your smile will bloom, striking everyone with its purity and sincerity.

A beautiful smile makes us more open, confident, and attractive. An entire branch of dentistry - aesthetic dentistry - is dedicated specifically to making your smile perfect. But this can be achieved not only with the help of dentistry. 10 ways to make your smile beautiful are in our article.

1. Smile with your eyes

One of the secrets of acting is to learn to smile not only with your mouth and lips. First of all, a smile begins with the eyes - that’s when it becomes natural and relaxed if the facial muscles are relaxed, including the small muscles surrounding the eyes. To learn to smile with your eyes, practice in front of a mirror: cover your mouth with your palm, think about something pleasant, smile, and watch how the muscles around your eyes tense and how the expression of your eyes changes.

For example, the famous model Tyra Banks claims that smiling with the eyes is the main “trick” of a real model. It is thanks to such a smile that photographs turn out alive and natural, expressive. Model advice: “Smile, look carefully in the mirror and record in your memory your “smiling eyes” - the facial expressions of the eyes, the tension of the muscles and even the position of the eyelashes. Then do a memory exercise - repeat this facial expression and muscle tension without smiling with your mouth. Over time, by regularly doing this exercise, you will make your smile more expressive and sincere.”

Smile has its own holiday - World Smile Day is celebrated on October 4th. The motto of the holiday: “Do a good deed. Help at least one smile appear.”

2. Achieve symmetry

It seems that smiling is a basic ability of every person. However, let’s face it, smiling beautifully is not so easy. Physiologists say that in order to smile broadly, a person uses more than 40 facial muscles. Therefore, mastery of these muscles is necessary for anyone who wants to smile beautifully.

One of the components of a beautiful smile is symmetry. Of course, many people have a “crooked smile” or a peculiar grin - this is part of their image, but a beautiful and wide smile is based precisely on symmetry. And since we rarely pay attention to the development of facial muscles, our smile is not symmetrical. If you look closely in the mirror, you will notice slight distortions in the mouth and lips when smiling. Therefore, your task is to train your smile in front of the mirror, trying to achieve symmetry.

Some foods are dangerous for your smile. We are talking about foods and drinks with strong coloring pigments: tea, coffee, red wine, foods with dyes. To protect your teeth from darkening, try to dilute coffee and tea with milk; immediately after consuming such products, it is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water.

3. Fix the shape of your smile

While practicing in front of a mirror, find the smile shape that seems ideal to you and fix this shape. To do this, use your fingertips to press on the right and left edges of your lips and hold your smile for 5-7 seconds. Repeat this exercise throughout the day. Since a smile is nothing more than the work of muscles, such training will teach the muscles to keep the shape you want. Of course, it is important to maintain a natural smile.

4. Work with the shape of your lips The beauty of your smile largely depends on the shape of your lips. And this does not mean at all that only those with full lips can smile beautifully - thin lips can have an equally expressive shape. Beautiful shape Lips are clearly defined, beautifully defined lips. This can be achieved with exercises to work out the shape of the lips. For example, this is the “fish swallows air” exercise: fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward, open your mouth slightly, then close your lips tightly and relax your facial muscles.

Smile - The best way cheer yourself up. When a person smiles, his body begins to produce endorphins - happiness hormones, and they begin to be produced even when a person forces himself to smile.

5. Take a selfie

Oddly enough, many people simply do not know how to smile - they are shy, tense, and this makes the smile look strained and unnatural. One of effective ways hone the skill of a wide, relaxed smile - selfie. When taking a selfie, smile and laugh - this will help you relax and learn not to be afraid to smile. Select photos in which you have the most beautiful smile, in your opinion, and develop the skill of smiling just like that.

For the beauty of your smile, do not neglect natural “toothbrushes” - any solid foods, for example, carrots or apples - they promote self-cleaning of teeth and prevent the formation of plaque.

6. Pay attention to the border of the lips One of the components of a beautiful smile is an intact red border of the lips. If it is inflamed, peeling, itching, swelling, then the first thing to do is consult a dentist. The causes of inflammation can be very different - lack of vitamins, allergies, fungal infections.

The Orbit company conducted a sociological survey among men. 70% of them noted that a woman without makeup who smiles seems more attractive to them than a woman with makeup but without a smile.

7. Take care of your lips

There is no arguing that a beautiful smile is well-groomed lips. No matter how spectacular lipstick you have, it will not hide dryness, flaking, or a crust of dry epithelium. When it comes to lip care, many people believe that care only involves using lipstick. But this is only a small and far from the most effective part of care.

Cosmetics for lip care are very diverse - these are basic moisturizing balms, restoring creams and balms, lip serums, peelings, protective equipment, products for restoring lip contour. Home remedies are not the best way to care, for example, coffee or sugar scrub, peeling with a toothbrush - they are too aggressive for such a delicate area.

If you have dry lip skin, then it is better to avoid matte decorative products. The best choices are moisturizing lipsticks and glosses, as well as colored lip oils - these are products in the form of lip gloss with moisturizing oils and pigments.

If you have very thin, dry lip skin, pay attention to moisturizing serums. A good moisturizing serum fills the skin with moisture, making lips smoother, with natural color and radiance.

For colorless lip skin, as well as for mature skin (with age, the colors on the face become less contrasting), exfoliant balms with pigment will be a good help. For example, these are colored balms in stick form containing tiny sugar particles that melt upon contact with the lips.

8. Choose the right toothpaste

The beauty of a smile also largely depends on the quality of toothpaste, since a good toothpaste protects teeth from decay by fighting germs and strengthening tooth enamel. So, when choosing a toothpaste, it is better to give preference to toothpastes with fluoride - the World Health Organization recommends such toothpastes for the prevention of caries.

Pastes with high fluoride content are not recommended for use by people living in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water. In this case, there is absolutely no need for an additional source of fluoride for the teeth. Moreover, it can cause light stains on the teeth.

But beekeeping products (honey, propolis) have practically no benefits in the composition of the paste, so it is much healthier for the teeth to consume these products in their pure form. As for pastes labeled “anti-inflammatory”, it is not recommended for a person with healthy teeth to choose such pastes; if gum inflammation is present, then it is important to remove the very cause of inflammation at the dentist, and only then consolidate the effect with such pastes.

Professional strengthening toothpaste SPLAT SENSITIVE ULTRA

Designed for intensive enamel restoration.

Contains magnesium, zinc and sodium salts to replenish mineral deficiencies and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect and help with bleeding gums.

Toothpaste for children and teenagers R.O.C.S. “Junior” Berry mix

Designed specifically for the needs of children from 6 to 12 years old.

Double extract of aspen bark and xylitol protect teeth and gums from pathogenic bacteria.

Contains a mineral complex that strengthens young enamel and protects against caries.

Choose your whitening toothpastes especially carefully. There are two types of tooth whitening pastes: the first contain abrasive particles (that is, a mechanical effect on the teeth), the second contain enzymes that dissolve plaque without affecting the enamel.

You can tell what type of paste it is by looking at its composition. Abrasives include: soda, coal, clay; silicon compounds (eg silicon dioxide), carbonates (eg calcium carbonate), aluminum compounds. Enzyme toothpastes may contain the enzymes papain and bromelain, potassium or sodium pyrosphate.

Please note that whitening toothpaste can only return your teeth to their natural shade by removing plaque, but it will not provide a snow-white smile if you did not naturally have one.

Professional whitening toothpaste SPLAT SENSITIVE WHITE

For the careful and effective lightening enamel, including for teeth with increased sensitivity.

Contains mild abrasives (silica polishing particles) and natural bromelain enzyme.

Protects against caries, covers the surface of the teeth with a protective film.

Estimated cost - 150 rubles.

Toothpaste for children and teenagers R. O. C. S. “Junior” Chocolate and Caramel

Based only on natural bio-ingredients.

Contains a mineral complex to protect against caries and strengthen enamel, protects gums from inflammation.

Intended for children 6-12 years old, has a chocolate-caramel flavor.

Estimated cost - 190 rubles.

The consumer union Roskontrol conducted an examination of seven whitening toothpastes from popular manufacturers. According to the results of the examination, the whitening effect of five pastes was clinically confirmed, two pastes received criticism, one was found to not meet safety requirements.

9. Emphasize the whiteness of your teeth with makeup

Lipsticks in rich berry shades, as well as dark ones, best emphasize the whiteness of teeth. Avoid lipsticks in warm shades - brown, carrot, brick, gold. In general, to emphasize the whiteness of teeth, it is better to give preference to cold rather than warm shades. Be careful with scarlet and bright red shades - against their background, yellow teeth will be striking.

If you do not have a snow-white smile, try not to mix lipsticks so as not to end up with a “dirty”, that is, undefined shade, since teeth visually appear whiter due to contrasting saturated colors.

Teeth will appear whiter if you carefully use bronzer in your face makeup.

Expert commentary Daria Bogatova, beauty expert and art director of a makeup studio school

How to make teeth whiter with makeup?

The surest way to give your teeth the coveted whiteness with makeup is to choose the very shade of lipstick that will highlight and highlight your smile. The ideal option that always works and suits almost everyone is all shades of coral. At the same time, this also has its own characteristics: if girls with the “spring” color type are best suited for soft and smooth transitions of light coral glitter, then aggressive “winter” ones should pay attention to clear red or dark coral contours. Bright and pink-coral lipstick colors suit natural “summer” and “autumn” girls. Inappropriate, too “warm” lipstick tones will make teeth, on the contrary, yellow, so it is important to carefully choose this cosmetic product.

There are a couple more life hacks on how to “whiten” your teeth with makeup. So, by applying highlighter to the cupid's arch (the area above the lip) and to the middle of the chin, you can achieve a gentle natural glow that will give your smile a dazzling brightness. Some makeup artists also apply matte bronzer under the cheekbones and along the oval of the face in order to highlight the tone of the teeth.

An ideal smile is beautiful, well-groomed lips. It’s good if before applying lipstick you use a moisturizing balm and, if necessary, a lip primer - the lipstick will lie perfectly evenly. If you wear matte or liquid lipsticks, carefully contour your lips. To make the contour perfectly smooth, you can use a corrector.

Sweet soda is the worst thing that can be for your teeth and snow-white smile. Carbonated drinks, especially brighter ones, due to the presence of harmful acids, contribute to yellowing of the enamel. In addition, soda provokes the destruction of dentin and the formation of caries.

10. Take care of your teeth

You can keep your teeth white without professional whitening procedures. Professional hygiene cleaning in the office of a dentist or hygienist will help with this. Removing plaque from teeth, polishing enamel, and applying coatings will help make teeth cleaner, shiny and as white as possible, depending on their natural shade. Such hygiene procedures important for both dental health and a perfect smile!

How to care for your teeth to keep them white?

The first and main rule is to thoroughly brush your teeth at home twice a day. In addition, try to minimize the consumption of coffee, tea, and other products that can give the plaque a specific dark shade, and do not smoke.

It is acceptable to periodically use whitening toothpastes. They contain large abrasives. They are able to clean off pigmented plaque well. However, it is not recommended to use them constantly. It is better to alternate them with other products. Large abrasives, when used regularly and for a long time, can damage tooth enamel and contribute to its abrasion. In the long term, this provokes increased tooth sensitivity.

Once every six months, it is recommended to carry out professional hygiene with a dentist. The procedure can clear any plaque, visually brightening the teeth. But this effect is achieved by cleansing the tooth of pigmented plaque. The tooth returns to its natural shade.

The teeth whitening procedure can lighten your teeth by several shades. There is in-office bleaching - it is performed by a doctor. And home whitening. But don't confuse at-home whitening with using whitening strips. Home whitening should be done on the recommendation of a doctor. For this procedure, individual mouthguards are pre-made and detailed instructions are provided. This is the only way to avoid side effects from using whitening strips. Experts do not recommend using them, since the mucous membrane of the gums often suffers from burns when using them.

If eyes are the mirror of the soul, then a smile is a reflection of feelings. Nothing says more about our attitude towards people than a friendly expression on our face, illuminated by the soft curve of our lips. It is by their smile that we recognize those to whom we can entrust our friendship or our heart. Only with a smile can we show that we are ready to respond to the sensual impulse of another. But in order to be understood correctly, we first need to learn to smile beautifully. And the first thing you need to do is go to the mirror and evaluate the external state of your smile.

The physical side of the issue
From a physiological point of view, a human smile consists of three components: lips, teeth and skin. The better their condition, the more pleasant the smile is. Lips should be soft and smooth. Cracks and peeling negatively affect the quality of your smile. The skin around the lips should be soft and clean. Blackheads, pimples or worse - herpes can alienate even the friendliest person. And finally, the teeth. Their condition needs to be paid attention to Special attention. First of all, your teeth should be healthy and your breath should be fresh. Nobody demands a snow-white Hollywood smile from you, but it would be nice to clean your teeth of dark plaque and tartar. Crooked teeth and malocclusion can take years to correct – they don’t interfere with your smile.

Girls need to pay special attention to makeup. Poorly applied lipstick, and even the wrong color can ruin the impression of even the healthiest smile.

Mimic component of a smile
A beautiful smile is symmetrical and natural. She is far from a crooked grin. There is not even a hint of an evil grin in her. She does not welcome the frightened trembling of her lips. Everything about her pleases and attracts, beckons and dazzles. Do you want to learn how to smile beautifully? Train your facial muscles. Remember: your smile is made up of the work of more than forty different facial muscles!

Exercises to create a beautiful smile
Check out and try to practice the following exercises to help you achieve a more beautiful and cheerful smile.

  1. We close our lips, stretch them out, draw a figure eight in the air, and relax. And so several times!
  2. We stretch our lips into the widest possible smile and return them back. At least ten times.
  3. We stick out our tongue, wrap our lips tightly around it, fix it for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. Until we get tired.
  4. We press with our fingertips on the corners of our lips, let them rest, and press again. Five to seven times.
  5. We close our lips, stretch them out, and try to open our mouth. At least five times.
  6. Inhale full breasts air and try to release it through tightly closed lips.
  7. We stretch out our lips with a tube, open them slightly and exhale forcefully, as if we are trying to quickly blow out a candle.
Psychological side of the issue
A beautiful smile consists of more than just symmetrical stretching of the lips. It is reflected on the entire face: in light wrinkles gathering in the corners of the eyes, in the trembling flicker of pupils dilated with pleasure, in the inner glow emanating from our skin.

Many people wonder how to learn to smile beautifully at a girl? Yes, very simple. You need to smile sincerely! If you like your counterpart, then the smile will come naturally. Of course, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to practice in front of a mirror, to rehearse your most winning smiles, but... When you meet the one you’ve been waiting for all your life, you have to smile with your soul. And not because it is necessary, but because I want to, because it cannot be otherwise.

Girls are allowed to play in this regard. They can use different types smiles, ranging from an innocent, childish half-smile to the inviting smile of an insidious seductress. However, the fair sex should not underestimate the power of a natural smile. People of the 21st century still value sincerity. She is the one who seems beautiful to them.

Smile more often, and the world will definitely smile back at you!