Beginning: general dance to the song “Oriental Tales”


VIZIR: Fakir! Faki-ir!


Royal Palace. The young Raja SHAHRYAR walks across the stage, followed by the VIZIR.

SHAHRYAR: Which one?


The main hall of the palace. SHAKHRIYAR sits on the throne, behind him are two grooms with fans, and next to him is the VIZIR.

The oriental dance “Black Eyes” is performed for the rajah, but he hardly looks, looking around.

How they shine with light -

Black eyes.

Autumn will turn into summer

Black eyes.

I'm bewitched by you

Black eyes

You became my destiny

Black eyes

Chorus: 2 times

Black eyes

I remember - I'm dying

Black eyes

I only dream about you

Black eyes

The most beautiful

Black eyes

Black eyes

Black eyes

Black eyes remember everything

How we loved.

I feel this in my heart:

How you love me.

No one can love like that

Black eyes,

The most beautiful

Black eyes

SHAHRYAR: Where is Shahrazade?



Three GIRLS appear.

Wait, don't go

Oh, why does the sun shine so much?

Oh, why do the birds sing like that?

SHAHRYAR: How, interesting?

I alone will replace ten people,

I cook and sew, I sing well

Very good

Take Sulbul as your wife.

And there will be nights

Burn and glow!

Very good

Take Sulbul as your wife.

And there will be nights

Burn and glow!

Runs away from the hall. Silent scene.


Sea shore. SHAHRYAR is looking for a ship to sail to Europe. SINDBAD with several sailors walks towards him with a slouchy gait.

Beginning: general dance to the song “Oriental Tales”


VIZIR (appears on the front stage, to the dancers): Thank you, I am sure the young Sultan will like your dance.

The dancers leave. The VIZIR looks around and makes sure that he is alone.

VIZIR: Fakir! Faki-ir!

A FAKIR appears: in a turban, a long robe, with a beard.

FAKIR: What do my master want? Turn copper coins into gold, disperse clouds, speak to a cobra?

VIZIR: I have enough gold, there are no clouds in the sky, and I can somehow manage my cobra wife myself. Did you hear that crown prince Is Shahryar coming back?

FAKIR: He left to study at Oxford only three years ago!

VIZIR: A child prodigy, damn him!.. He mastered the entire course and received a diploma. He is eager to rule the state himself.

FAKIR: So your governorship ends, sir?

VIZIR: Nothing, our guy is apparently a nerd. And the vizier sometimes controls the rajah. It is necessary to offer Shahryar projects for the reconstruction of the country - this is the time; and getting him married is two things.

FAKIR: Why rebuild the country? Our people are prospering, the fields are bearing fruit, the treasury is full to the brim.

VIZIR: Ay-yay-yay, how stupid you are. We don't have democracy. Problem!

FAKIR: Why do we need democracy if we are still fine without it?

VIZIR: Democracy is for us in order to limit the power of the Raja and entrust governance to a people's committee headed by the vizier.

FAKIR (understanding): Ah-ah!.. Wisely thought out. Why marry the prince?

VIZIR: You’re not thinking straight again. And also a fakir! Let him be distracted by the young beauty and not think about politics.

FAKIR: By the way, my sister is the best matchmaker in Kashmir! Even an old mare can marry a handsome young man.

VIZIR: No, we don’t need old nags. Let him select young, beautiful, educated girls. Well, and thoroughbreds, of course.

FAKIR: They say that Shahriyar was breathing unevenly towards Shahrazade...

VIZIR: Tarantula on your tongue!.. This wayward girl is completely uncontrollable. Moreover, she is from a different caste. But I have already provided for something... And you go to your sister, let the rajah look for brides!

FAKIR: I’m starting to carry out your instructions right now, my lord! (bows and walks away backwards).


Royal Palace. The young Raja SHAHRYAR walks across the stage, followed by the VIZIR.

SHAHRYAR: Well. Wow, nothing has changed! The same curtains, embossing and paintings, even the crack remains: I threw a ball into the wall when I was 9 years old! Maybe we should invite designers and architects to update the interior? What do you think, Vizier? And then some kind of Middle Ages...

VIZIR: The interior will be done in time, great Raja. First, we need to carry out long-overdue reforms. Our government is in the Middle Ages, that’s for sure. You graduated from Oxford, but where is it?

SHAHRYAR: In England. What do you mean?

VIZIR: And besides, England has long had a constitutional monarchy. And it’s time for us to enter the European house, so to speak.

SHAHRYAR: I just returned from this house, and there are enough problems there.

VIZIR: Yes, but we have already prepared a project for liberalizing the Kashmiri economy - more progressive than in Europe.

SHAHRYAR: Okay, let's listen to your project.

VIZIR: There is one more state matter that does not require delay.

SHAHRYAR: Which one?

VIZIR: You, great ruler, need to get married. To ensure succession to the throne, so to speak. Your father Rakhshiyar got married at the age of 15, and you are already 20.

SHAKHRIYAR (dreamy): Where is the friend of my youth, the dancer Shahrazade? Is she in Kashmir?

VIZIR: Yes, lord, today you will meet her. By the way, I have a surprise in store for both of you.


The main hall of the palace. SHAKHRIYAR sits on the throne, behind him are two grooms with fans, and next to him is the VIZIR.

The oriental dance “Black Eyes” is performed for the rajah, but he hardly looks, looking around.

How they shine with light -

Black eyes.

Autumn will turn into summer

Black eyes.

I'm bewitched by you

Black eyes

You became my destiny

Black eyes

Chorus: 2 times

Black eyes

I remember - I'm dying

Black eyes

I only dream about you

Black eyes

The most beautiful

Black eyes

Black eyes

Black eyes

Black eyes remember everything

How we loved.

I feel this in my heart:

How you love me.

No one can love like that

Black eyes,

The most beautiful

Black eyes

SHAHRYAR: Where is Shahrazade?

One of the dancers approaches the throne and throws off the veil.

SCHERAZAD: Scheherazade is here, my lord!

SHAHRYAR (jumping up from the throne and running up to Shahrazade): I can’t believe my eyes! How you have grown and become prettier! I was just a girl when I left, but now...

SHAHRAZADA: You have also matured, great Raja!

SHAKHRIYAR: Call me as you did in childhood - Shahri.

VIZIR (stepping forward): I have something very important to tell you both.



VIZIR: Of course, good. Lord, please bare your left shoulder.

SHAHRYAR (pushes his shirt): Here I have birthmark shaped like a starfish, I was born with it.

VIZIR: And now you, beauty, bare your right shoulder, I ask you!

SHAHRAZADA: And I have exactly the same birthmark! What miracles!

VIZIR: No miracles. In fact, you are brother and sister, moreover, twins. Siamese twins. You were born with your shoulders fused together, and after the operation both of you were left with these spots.

SHAHRAZADA: Why did I then grow up in a poor neighborhood and not in a palace?

VIZIR: The fact is that Raja Rakhshiyar did not want a girl. He already had 5 daughters in a row before Shahriyar, he barely managed to get them married. That's why he ordered you to be thrown onto the porch of a poor family. (into the hall, quietly) Why, the old Raja died a long time ago, his wife too, so there’s no one to tell me that I’m lying!

SHAHRYAR: So you are my sister! But it seemed to me that the feelings I had for you were not at all brotherly...

SHAHRAZADA: And I thought the same thing...

VIZIR: Okay, we have settled this issue. There is no point in moving to the palace for Shahrazade - she became attached to another family and received a simple upbringing. Yes, and there are no documents left. So... just go visit each other.

VIZIR (solemnly): One of the three candidates chosen for you by the best matchmaker in Kashmir, Sulbul!

SULBUL appears to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn's waltz.

SULBUL: Oh, great raja, son of the great raja! I have chosen for you the three best, most noble and purebred girls. These are graduates of the prestigious school “Star of Kashmir” (claps hands).

Three GIRLS appear.

SULBUL: The first one is the smartest. She can divide and multiply ten-digit numbers in her head, discovered a supernova, wrote a treatise on the classification of types of dust, and won the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” three times.

SHAHRYAR (to the girl): Can you dance?

FIRST GIRL: Here you go! This is an activity for headless dummies.

SHAHRYAR: Can you tell bedtime stories?

FIRST GIRL: Fairy tales? - what nonsense. I’d rather read Einstein’s works to you at night.

SHAHRYAR (with a sigh): Let's have the second one...

SULBUL (bringing out the second girl): The second one is the most creative person. She sings like a nightingale, does a triple somersault, does satin stitch embroidery and writes poetry.

SECOND GIRL: Poems about love for the young rajah.

SHAHRYAR: What kind of love can there be when you see me for the first time?

SECOND GIRL: It doesn't matter. The object of love is needed only to reveal my talent.

SHAHRYAR: Okay, read something.

SECOND GIRL (takes out a piece of paper and reads monotonously, in a sing-song voice, to an Indian melody):

Wait, don't go

We barely met, and you're already leaving,

Like a stream in the blue sky, like a tit in a tree,

So I don't want you to leave.

Oh, why does the sun shine so much?

Oh, why do the birds sing like that?

Oh, why is there spring in the world,

Oh, why do these obnoxious machines generate so much dust?

You entered my heart forever,

Forget about everything, come with me.

My prince, I would tell you many more words,

But the verse will now end.

SHAHRYAR: Yes, the talent is undeniable. You can try mumbling to your kids at night to help them sleep soundly. And the third?

SULBUL: Oh, lord, the third is the most beautiful. Look: natural blonde covered in chocolate! Feet from ears, ears from head. The picture, not the bride!

THIRD GIRL: Why the picture? Do I have too much drawn on me?

SHAHRYAR: What do you like to do, beauty?

THIRD GIRL: I don’t like working out at all. I devote myself to leisure.

SHAHRYAR: How, interesting?

THIRD GIRL: Completely and completely. And I can also decorate your leisure time.

SHAHRYAR: Okay, last question. What is two and two?

THIRD GIRL: How much do you need? Hint.

SHAHRYAR: No, I don’t need such brides. It’s better to remain a bachelor... (claps his hands) Oh, why is Scheherazade my sister?..

VIZIR: Maybe then Sulbul herself will suit you? She is still young, in her prime, and how cunning and sharp-tongued she is!..

SULBUL'S SONG (from the film " Caucasian captive):

My priceless raja, I am yours forever!

I alone will replace ten people,

I cook and sew, I sing well

I will decorate your youth with me!

Very good

Take Sulbul as your wife.

And there will be nights

Burn and glow!

My priceless rajah, take a closer look at me!

I'm good everywhere - even on an elephant.

Don’t look that I’m older than you... just a little bit,

But on the other hand, I have a super... become!

Very good

Take Sulbul as your wife.

And there will be nights

Burn and glow!

SHAHRYAR (scared): No, thank you!... That is, I’ll think more... about all the brides. And I will choose. After.

VIZIR: We must choose quickly, oh lord! And now - the key question. Democratization of the eastern satrapy through the establishment of the People's Salvation Committee. Enter the soothsayer Ben Aruch Al-Bina!

A FAKIR appears with a SNAKE, bows and takes on a mysterious look.

FAKIR (closing his eyes and swaying from side to side): I see the future of this country... (alarming music sounds, the snake dances) A ​​terrible, bloody future - if the Raja remains an autocratic ruler. There will be a revolution! And you, lord, and your family, even young children - all of you will be executed by the rebels... Brrrrr... It’s just heartbreaking to watch the torture of innocent children...

VIZIR: Ben Arukh Al-Bin, do you see any other future scenario?

FAKIR (howling and smoking an incense stick): I see! I clearly see a happy surviving family, a rich house, blooming gardens... But this will only happen if our rajah transfers power to the people's committee. Then his precious life will be saved!

SHAHRYAR: What kind of people's committee is this? And who will lead it?

VIZIR (bowing): I can take on this burden, lord. Let the arrows of enemies aim at me and my family, but you will be unharmed!

FAKIR (monotonously): Yes, you will be unharmed. And your kids - all six of them.

SHAHRYAR (jumping up from the throne): I refuse to rule in this madhouse! Brides, matchmakers, psychics - and they also force me to get married, they prophesied six children... But Scheherazade cannot become my bride... Everything is decided: I’m returning to Europe!..

Runs away from the hall. Silent scene.


Sea shore. SHAHRYAR is looking for a ship to sail to Europe. SINDBAD with several sailors walks towards him with a slouchy gait.

SHAKHRIYAR: Hey, wait, gentlemen! Do you happen to know where I can find Sinbad the Sailor and his fast ship?

SINBAD: Captain Sinbad, sir. What do you need from him? Does he by any chance owe you a debt?

SHAHRYAR: No, I want to hire his ship and crew to return to Britain.

SINBAD: Ah, Foggy Albion... There is a separate fee for fogs, do you know?


If you want to get the full text of the script, read or contact the author: balex63@site.

Marina Anpilogova
Scenario for the holiday “Oriental Tale”

Eastern fairy tale.

Current characters: Children: Sultan, Sultana, Prince, Vizier, Jamilya, Wizards, Guards, Tramp, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Cockerel.

Equipment: Picture with eastern palace, paraphernalia east, chest, camel, large chocolate, candy-shaped top hat, blanket, 2 guard swords, everything for competitions (scooters, Christmas tree, gifts, sleigh, bag, eastern sultans, pads.

(Exit "Persia")

The guards come out and bow. Then the wizards bow, then the grief-stricken girls, the vizier and the sultan with the sultana and the prince. Everyone bows to them, and they blow a kiss to the audience. Everyone takes their seats. Everyone's hands are eastern folded.

Vizier: O Great Padishah, O Allah, may he prolong your years, O Allah (raises hands to the sky) let troubles pass you by, and the treasury will never be empty, do not order me to be executed, padishah, order me to speak the word, padishah.

Padishah: Speak, Vizier, Mahmed, but hurry up, you see, I’m busy, waiting for guests.

Vizier: I don’t want to disturb you, padishah, Ali’s son is sad, oh Allah, he doesn’t eat or drink, my padishah, everything is sad, sighs, oh Allah (hands up)

Sultana: Is my son Ali really sick, he probably ate too many oranges, why are you standing there, vizier? (shakes hands) run, call the doctor quickly.

The vizier runs away and says: Run here (points to the side, then there, there’s never a moment of peace) (leaves).

Sultan: Woe is me, my son Ali is not cheerful, Ali does not sing me sonorous songs (shakes his head, does not play, does not read, maybe he is dreaming about something (spreads his hands).

Prince: Oh my Father, I am completely healthy, I have strength, but I am very sad, I heard about New Year holiday, in that round dance during the holiday, the Christmas tree is elegant, glittering with colorful toys, there are jokes, music and laughter, this is joy and fun for everyone, all the guys are waiting for congratulations, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come, and they will bring gifts, various gifts, sweet gifts. How can I that holiday to get there(throws up his hands, can I see Grandfather Frost?

Sultana: Don’t be sad, don’t be sad, my son Ali, to solve various mysteries, the padishah will find wise men, the vizier will come to me soon. (the vizier runs) Call the sage Ahmed Aliy.

Vizier: Wise men to the padishah, it’s good that it’s not me, Glory to Allah. (hands up)

(dance of the wise men)

Sages: Don't execute us, but oh holiday, there is nothing about that.

Vizier: To dispel evil and sadness, poems about let them read the holiday.

Soon soon New Year,

Soon Santa Claus will come,

Behind the Christmas trees,

Fluffy needles,

It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the Christmas tree

A beautiful star.

The star burns, does not melt,

Beautiful ice glitters.

And it comes right away

Happy New Year!

What is New Year?

This is the laughter of cheerful children,

Near all the decorated Christmas trees,

What is New Year?

Everyone knows in advance

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles,

The one who wants to have fun

If it were this New Year,

May you be with us today

Sings a sonorous song! (bowed)

(Song "Zimushka Khrustalnaya") everyone sings, then sits down.

1. Crystal winter is all white!

How much sparkling snow you have made!

Our children are happy and happy,

A tall hill has grown in the yard.

2. Crystal winter, clear days!

We sat on the sled and took our skates.

The sled is rolling down the hill, the snow is glistening.

Crystal winter makes children happy!

Padishah: Oh, my poor son, don’t be sad, ask my slaves. Women are wiser than all sages; they know what, where, why, how much. Any question will be answered. (addresses the vizier) Call, vizier, quickly, let them come here.

Vizier: Oh, the slaves are here, hurry up, beauties, hurry up. (Approaches Jamila) Jamila, O light of my eyes (she turned away, he imitates her and kisses her on the cheek).

(Jamili dance, all girls dance)

Jamila approaches the prince, the others are sitting on carpet: We about holiday We don’t know anything like that, don’t be sad, don’t be sad, we’ll read poetry to you. (sits on the mat).

It's snowing outside the window,

So, New Year is coming soon,

Santa Claus is on his way,

It will take him a long time to come to us,

Through the snowy fields,

Through the snowdrifts, through the forests,

He will bring a Christmas tree,

In silver needles,

Happy New Year to us

And he will leave us gifts.

There's a breeze blowing

It smelled cold

Like grandma winter

waved her sleeve,

We flew from above,

White fluffs,

On trees and bushes

Snowflakes are falling.

When funny snowflakes

Suddenly they fly from heaven, from heaven,

And they will cover the streets, paths,

They will cover the river, field, forest,

I'll say, standing by the window,

Look, Winter has come (show with hand)

We love spring and summer,

Autumn with golden rain,

But with great impatience,

We are waiting for a snowy winter,

Suddenly fluffy white snow,

All roads will be covered,

It means it's coming

The long-awaited New Year!

We've been waiting for winter for a very long time,

We waited holiday all year long,

Therefore today,

Everyone sings happily!

(Music "Jamila" everyone gets up and runs in a circle to their places)

Prince: Where is this one holiday, what country is he in? How to meet him, who will tell me?

Padishah: Oh my poor son, don’t be sad, it’s better to sing and dance, now I’ll sing to you about my beautiful life.

(dance "If I were a Sultan" padishah and 3 girls, then sits down in his place)

Sultana: Your father is a little crazy (twists his finger near his temple, now padishah I will sing to you. (they dance together « East is a delicate matter» dance, then sat down in their seats)

Prince: Sing to me about a miracle holiday, sing to me about the New Year, hey, vizier, where are you, the prankster, stand with others in a round dance.

(Song "New Year's A. Filippenko", everyone sings). They bowed and sat down in their places.

1. Dance in a round dance

We will be today

Meet near the Christmas tree

New Year's holiday.


New Year, New Year!

Songs are heard.

Ice sparkles outside the window

And snowflakes curl.

2. The tree looks at the balls,

colorful firecrackers,

The star burns brightly

On top of her head.


3. Round dance near the Christmas tree

Let's all stand together.

Hello, hello New Year,

Our holiday is wonderful!


Girls come out with poems they tell.

What is New Year?

It's the other way around

Girls are like stars

Boys are bunnies.

Even the teachers

Don't require order

Even nanny, nanny, ours,

Doesn't force you to eat porridge

The chefs are baking a pie

They sing songs at the stove,

And our manager,

He sings and dances best.

Everything around shines, sparkles,

Everyone congratulates each other

Have fun, honest people,

The New Year will come soon.

Snowflakes are falling

IN New Year's holiday

Full basket

I'll collect it today

I'll cover the Christmas tree,

A soft warm blanket,

He will sleep in winter

Wait for summer

Santa Claus is tired

Apparently I didn't notice

There are a lot of things to do in winter,

In his world.

Everything became white and white,

All the paths are covered with snow,

And at dawn,

The forest woke up in silver.

Winter has set to work

She hummed and sang,

Brought a lot of snow

And she brought Frost.

There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow,

Winter brought him,

She hurried to us quickly

She brought us bullfinches,

From dawn to dawn,

Bullfinches glorify winter,

Santa Claus is so small

Dancing near the rubble.

New Year, New Year,

He will come to us very soon,

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

My brother and I are together

Let's dance together

And we will sing you songs. (Bowed and left)

Vizier: Palace dance Chic Dame, many of us love it, go away Palace melancholy, we are dancing, everyone is here. (Calls for a dance)

(Dance "Oh Mama Chic Dam")

Prince: I haven’t eaten for three days, three nights, and I’m very, very sad, will I really never see holiday I.

Sultana: You are my Ali, don’t be sad, don’t torment your soul, dance, have fun, smile at us soon.

Vizier: I don’t know what to do, I’m tired of this prince, he’s whining about something all the time, maybe he ate something, well, Ali is my prince, be brave, he’ll immediately become more cheerful.

Prince: Go away. (the vizier leaves and winks at the audience)

(Dance "Above the Sun") the prince is dancing with the girls. They take their seats.

Jamila: Prince Ali cheered up, smile at us quickly, we danced for you, and you are sad again. (runs away)

(New Year's song "Silver Snowflakes") bowed and sat down in their places.

1. The glades are covered with fluffy snow,

Santa Claus is knocking with an ice staff.

And the branches of the trees shine like crystal,

And the snowflakes melt in the palms, which is a pity.


Silvery snowflakes are circling and circling above me.

Silvery snowflakes - New Year's snowfall.

Silver snowflakes, like good friends,

It’s just a pity, the snow in the house is melting, and he can’t stay warm.

2. But I'm not sad and I'm not sad,

Snowflakes, I won’t let you melt into the house.

I’ll come out to meet you and, spinning in a waltz,

Let the snowflakes fall on your shoulders, sparkling.


Padishah: Well, no one has heard of such a holiday, we will send guards to search.

(Dance of the guards “Everything is calm in Baghdad”) They turn to the Sultan.

Guard: We walked around the entire kingdom of the padishah, but did not find Santa Claus, but the poems we tell it cool, which means they didn’t walk around the world in vain. (they tell poems guards and children)

The Old Year is ending

Good, good year,

We won't be sad

After all, the New is coming.

We will meet him with singing

And we look forward to

More cheerful words.

In a forest clearing

The Christmas tree is standing.

It's cold for the dark-skinned woman,

Trembling in the wind.

"I'll cover you,"

Santa Claus thought,

I'll cover it with a fur coat

And I’ll warm my nose.”

Sweeps the earth

Little white snow,

Covers the branches

Soft fluff.

To the beauty's liking

Silk headdress;

I like the necklace

Snowy braids parted.

All, glowing with outfits,

The Christmas tree will come,

Making the kids happy,

On the night of New Year.

The snows came and covered the earth,

The snowstorm and cold winds howled,

But let the bad weather rage and get angry,

On we will have fun during the holiday.

On holiday we'll dance with all our hearts,

Let's sing our favorite songs.

Let's do a little magic with Santa Claus,

And in winter let's get into his fairy tale.

Any of us, of course, is waiting

Funny New Year holiday!

But more than anything in the world,

Waiting for this one holiday children!

New Year's wishes,

Ours all come true

Christmas tree is elegant,

Smiles with lights.

Moms, dads, grandmothers,

Don't hesitate to clap

How do your children dance?

Look, be surprised.

Prince: When I find out, give me the answer, there is this holiday, Or maybe not.

Sultana: Wait, son, don’t be sad, we’ll ask the tramp, he’ll congratulate the padishah, he came to us with a caravan, that’s who will give you the answer, there’s one holiday or not.

(All the children clap their hands, a tramp with a camel comes out to dance. Then everyone dances.) Oh. Gazmanov. "My thoughts, my horses".

Tramp: Hello, hello, Padishah, may he prolong your years, O Allah, I visited different countries, sailed across the sea, oceans, I traveled the whole world, I send you my greetings, why are you so sad, somehow gray, somehow boring, I will cheer you all up.

(dance with a tramp "Tramp" O. Gazmanov)

Tramp: Don’t be sad, Prince Ali, don’t be sad people, the tramp promises you, it will be holiday, will. Let's all sit on a magic carpet, on happy holiday, he will bring us.

(Music "A lonely shepherd" everyone sits on the carpet, waves at the rain, flies, removes the decorations from the Christmas tree, stands up to say the words Vizier, Sultan, Sultana, Tramp, Prince).

Vizier: Here we are holiday arrived, Glory be to Allah (hands up) sat down safely.

Sultana: Look how beautiful, it’s such a miracle, it’s such a wonder that this tree stands and is all sparkling with lights, everything is decorated on it with multi-colored balls and there are a lot of thorns and everything itself is green.

Tramp: This tree is called, very simply, FIR-BEING. And on its branches there are needles, all decorated, all sparkling with lights here and there, near the New Year tree, everyone is calling the wizard.

Vizier: Who is this wizard and why do we need him, why do we need this holiday, we better go home.

Tramp: Santa Claus is a wizard, he laughs and sings, and gives gifts to everyone near the New Year's tree. Come on, come on, come on together, we’ll all call him and dance near the Christmas tree, we’ll sing a song to him.

(The children call Santa Claus - he rises on a magic carpet to the window, waves to the children with a sparkler and enters the hall)

Father Frost: Yes, I just can’t find you, where have you gone, well, call Grandfather again (behind the door, but where are you, well, hello, I’m looking here for some East market, asalamaaa, hello guys, do you recognize me? And here I am, from a long distance, I rushed many miles, the one you were waiting for cheerfully came to you... (Santa Claus answers the children, he went through all the obstacles, the snow covered me, he knew that I was very welcome here, that’s why I hurried here . The south wind told me What is waiting for me here in the hall, young, cheerful, friendly, wonderful people, and I am always glad to meet people like you, Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness, my friends!

But so that you can get to know me better, I will sing my cheerful song for you, and you will listen and clap your hands.

Father Frost: Support moms and dads.

(Song of Santa Claus "The Bird of Happiness")

Hello everyone, glad to see you friends,

Our long-awaited meeting,

I love all the guys, I’m glad to everyone,

I'll give you marmalade and chocolate.

I'll play with the guys

I will sing and I will dance,

I will dance and throw snowballs,

It's easier to wish Happy New Year.


A snowflake flies from the sky

And in the pier there is a ringing sound, the horse is ringing,

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

And the time comes

Give gifts.

(even more fun, Santa Claus addresses the children)

Dolls, books, bears and balls,

There are chocolates for the kids,

Come on, don't yawn, have fun,

New Year celebrate the holiday.

The best in the world New Year holiday,

Rejoice, all honest people,

They dance in a circle, chew gingerbread,

In a word, life is fun.

Chorus: 2 times

A snowflake flies from the sky

And the pier is ringing, the horse is ringing,

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,

And the time comes

Give gifts.

Father Frost: Clap, guys, which ones are funny, and which ones are sly, wow-wow, and can you solve riddles? (Yeahhh) Well listen:

In the linen country,

Along the sheet river,

The ship is sailing,

Back and forth

And behind him there is such a smooth surface,

There are no wrinkles to be seen.

What is this (Iron)

Father Frost: That's right, clap, please. And here such:

Gray, but not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (donkey)

Who's the donkey?

That's right, it's a donkey.

Frost has a granddaughter,

And she is always honored at the Christmas tree.

She is famous here and there

Tell me what her name is (Snow Maiden)

well, guys, I see that you have solved all the riddles. Children, I definitely forgot, I forgot to call my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, to holiday to you. Let's quickly call her together, Snegurochka, Snegurochka. (The children call Snegurochka, she doesn’t come out) She was probably offended. She loves songs, you see, it will work out.

(Song "Jingle Bells".) The Snow Maiden's entrance on the 2nd verse.

How loudly at a gallop

The bells are ringing

On fresh snow.

They beckon into the white distance.

I love the ringing to the beat

Twist the reins.

How cool it is like this

Ride on a light sled...


Bells, bells

They are shouting joyfully

The ringing goes everywhere,

The sleigh is flying.

New Year, New Year

Comes to visit us

We're all having fun together

Let's celebrate the New Year. (2 times)

Snow Maiden: Hello Grandfather, hello kids, I heard from you holiday, I decided to come, can I stay with you? (children's answer)

And now, guys, hurry up and join the round dance, with song, dance and fun, let’s meet together... (New Year). Well done boys.

(Song "Russian Santa Claus" in the center, after the song, the children remain in a circle)

1. Walks through the forest through snowdrifts

With a huge bag on his back

On unbeaten roads

A wizard with a gray beard.

We all know him from an early age,

He is a welcome guest everywhere.

We greet him with a smile -

That’s how it happened in Rus'.


Russian Santa Claus,

Russian Santa Claus,

Russian Santa Claus,

Father Frost.

2. He will paint the windows with patterns,

He will light the garlands on the Christmas tree,

He will make the holiday fabulous,

He will sing a cheerful song.

We all know him from an early age,

He is a welcome guest everywhere.

We greet him with a smile -

That’s how it happened in Rus'.

I'm friendly with the blizzard,

With the cold winter.

Snow my friends

And the wind is icy.

Wrap up warm

And watch your nose!

Meet me at the door -

I brought gifts!

3He builds palaces of ice,

He hides houses in the snowdrifts,

He loves the expanses of Russia,

And winter is inseparable from him.

We all know him from an early age,

He is a welcome guest everywhere.

We greet him with a smile -

That’s how it happened in Rus'.

We are friends with the blizzard,

With a snowy winter,

We are friends with the snowstorm

And with an ice slide.

Let him circle among the stars

Snowflake round dance!

Santa Claus came to us,

And with it - the New Year!

Chorus (2 times).

Father Frost: Wow, a good round dance, cheerful people, come on, southern people, aren’t you afraid of the frost? (No) And if I call a cold blizzard, it will fly in and freeze you, won’t you be scared? (No) Come on, blizzard, fly in, I’ll freeze you. Cheeks, cheeks, everyone hid their cheeks with their hands, I’ll freeze the eyes, eyes, everyone hid their eyes, I’ll freeze the bellies, bellies, everyone hid their bellies, I’ll freeze the ears, ears (I covered my butt) I see you won't freeze. I'm walking through the forest, oh, did I lose my mitten? Tell me, kind wise man, where is the mitten, give me my mitten (runs back and forth, Ali Baba, where is my mitten, Sheherazade Ivanovna where is my mitten? (ran up to the girl) oh, here she is (kisses) La la la la la la. My mitten, now that the mitten has been found, the guys will perform a round dance for grandfather. Make me happy.

(Song "Winter Song" M. Kraseva to Santa Claus)

1. Everything around became white,

All the paths are covered with snow,

And at dawn

The forest woke up in silver.

2. Although Santa Claus is angry,

It stings our ears and nose, -

There is a mountain in our yard,

There is a game going on outside.

3. We rush like an arrow down:

Hey, stay out of the way!

Flash and sled on its side.

Everyone is laughing, everyone is covered in snow!

Father Frost: This made me happy, grandfather. Well, sit down on your cushions, make yourself comfortable, we will have fun and celebrate the New Year. You know, guys, I’m walking through the forest and I’m thinking, I’ll take it and put it under the Christmas tree for all the bunnies, soft toy- to the fluffy wolf, let every coward play at the one who brings terror to him in the forest. And each fox gets a new comb for a fashionable shiny and red hairstyle, so that there is no time for the bunnies to offend you, after all, you need to keep your hair in order. What to give a teddy bear this New Year? A basket of raspberries, honey from a barrel, ahhh an alarm clock that will wake up Bear in the spring. I forgot about Cockerel, he has a sweet tooth. I need to put a cake, candies, nuts, ice cream, cookies, creme brulee sponge cake, I need to put chocolates everywhere. Come on, where is my little chocolate bar? (takes a bite of chocolate) here she is (Cockerel pecked all the chocolate). Oh, someone pecked her. (shows chocolate). Please tell me, Abdurahman, weren’t you the one who took a bite of the chocolate? (Goes to the child). Well, try it, no, not you, but maybe this one Oriental beauty took a bite? (goes to the girl). Is that really you? (Looks at another child). And who then, ahhhhh, fathers, this is no music at all. worker (or names someone else from the adults). No, but who took the bite then? Cockerel? That's right, he has a sweet tooth, so I think he's hiding, guys, come on, shut up, we'll try not to scare him away. Sweet Tooth Cockerel is hurrying towards us.

(Song "Sleep, my joy, sleep")The Cockerel comes in.

Cockerel: (yawns)

Father Frost: He woke up. Clap guys. Oh, Cockerel, you must have pecked the blanket in your sleep. Wow, that's it, well, I'll put it here. (places it near the tree)

Cockerel: I am a Sweet Tooth Cockerel, I love chocolate, nuts, marshmallows, jam, honey, everything that gets into the wings. Everyone knows that cookies lift your spirits. (Strokes belly) It's only the kids who get toothache from sweets. Grandfather?

Father Frost: Yes.

Cockerel: Where's my chocolate?

Father Frost: There is a chocolate, here it is. (Brings chocolate) Here's the cockerel, here's your chocolate.

Cockerel: This is my chocolate, I pecked it. (Pecks)

Father Frost: Clap. Guys, whose chocolate is this?

Cockerel: Grandfather, I’ll hide it for now, and then I’ll eat it. Fine? Grandfather, tell me, where did you hide the delicious candy?

Father Frost: So here she is, come on, baby, catch up (run back and forth) oh, I can’t run, you know, this candy is extraordinary, but it has no filling.

Cockerel: How not?

Father Frost: Can everyone see that there is no filling? (Puts his hand into the cylinder)

Cockerel: Oooh, eat it yourself then (Leaves)

Father Frost: Wait. I'm a wizard. I know the magic word, it’s like this: wow, wow, give me the filling. (Takes out a lollipop) Wow. Clap, guys.

Cockerel: Give me, grandpa, give me, grandpa. Am-am. What else do you have there?

(Santa Claus takes out a snake. The cockerel is afraid. Santa Claus asks the children. They answer that they are not afraid).

Father Frost: Since you are not afraid of anything, then we will compete. (Scooter competition)

Whoever does this first will be the winner, and we will clap. (Happy music sounds) Well done, sit down, who else wants to?

Listen, Sweet Tooth Cockerel, today the guys danced and solved riddles, and you can solve the riddle, well, listen.

It's snowing outside,

Soon holiday(New Year)

Cockerel: Sweet Maslenitsa. (Runs over the stomach). Grandfather, the children have come to holiday, let them guess the riddles, but I want ice cream.

(Santa Claus takes ice cream out of his pocket)

Father Frost: Come on, eat it, sweet tooth. And I still have cotton candy (gives cotton wool on a stick). You are now the king of the sweet tooth. Cupcake 14. Clap, guys. Well, since the cockerel has ice cream and cotton candy, he invites you all to dance, guys. That's it, that's it, that's it, come out here guys. We will dance, and follow the cockerel, repeating all the movements. Come to the middle, guys.

(Dance of the Cockerel "Strawberry jam"). Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Cockerel are dancing.

Father Frost: Everyone sit down in your seats, but make it more comfortable.

Cockerel: They danced wonderfully, wonderful guys, well, I’ll go eat my sweets. I'll go eat everything myself. (walks away and eats sweets)

Father Frost: Ay-ya-ya-ay, guys, tell me, is it possible East It’s customary to eat everything yourself, isn’t it customary to share? (Children answer) Look, the Cockerel is eating everything, okay, let him eat, and I’ll go and bring a bag of gifts. (Humns a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…")

Cockerel: Why, Grandfather, do you also have gifts?

Father Frost: No no. It's me guys said that we will do yoga with them (shows movements)

Cockerel: Ahhh yoga (The cockerel leaves again)

Father Frost: Guys, I’ll go get some gifts again, if the cockerel peeks, scream loudly, okay? (Goes behind the tree) Whether he’s peeping or not, ay-yay-yay, cockerel, what an ill-mannered boy you are. (The cockerel peeks) Cockerel, what an ill-mannered child you are. Children, tell me, what should I do with a child if he is so ill-mannered? (Children's answers) Whose child? (Looks at his parents. Funny moment. Get up, this boy’s mother) Well, you’re wise oriental people. Cockerel, if you don’t share with the guys, then I’ll tell you Magic word, and all your sweets will turn into a big dry pumpkin and rats (scares the cockerel, do you want one?

Cockerel: No, grandfather. I don’t want it, I don’t need rats, I don’t need pumpkins, I’ll share.

Father Frost: Well, then I’m bringing a bag of gifts to the guys. Well, wow, I'll take a look now. Granddaughter, come on, help me.

(Giving gifts) New Year's music.

Father Frost: Whoever hears your first and last name, come here. (Taking photos with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Cockerel)

(Music sounds) Guys, did everyone receive gifts? Did Grandfather Frost and Cockerel offend anyone?

Cockerel: Grandfather, I ate all the gifts myself, cakes, biscuits, jam and did not share ice cream and cookies with the kids, that’s all holiday I had so much fun, I have now learned to share with the guys.

Father Frost: Well done. But because, guys, he became good. Happy New Year to you guys, but it’s time for us to go. Goodbye (Leave)

Spruce lace pattern,

Saying goodbye to the old year!

Their festive trills

The cockerel is already singing!

Petya is a fiery prankster,

Comes to us for the whole year!

Will make everyone crow

Bring good luck to everyone!

(Dance of girls with scarves F. Kirkorov "Silk thread")

Coming out: (Sultan, Sultana, Prince, Tramp and Vizier)

Prince: Thank you, tramp, I’m telling you, and I’ll give you half a kingdom, how wonderful you gave us a holiday I really want to stay here.

Padishah: It’s time for us to say goodbye to home, The East is a fairy tale, we are proud of you.

Vizier: Let’s quickly sit on the plane’s carpet, go back home, let it take us away.

(Everyone sat down on the carpet) Soft music. They wave their hands.

Educators: Dear Parents, allow me from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year, we want you say: "Thank you very much", for your support, it is so needed, for your participation, attention. She is so needed for us and the children, thank you for helping with everything, for the wonderful costumes, sewing, running, we are all a little tired, look how happy the children are, our hearts become lighter, we express to you huge gratitude. Happy New Year! That's our the holiday is over!

Scenario for the New Year's holiday for grades 7-11


Greetings, flowers of the north!
Cold winters, long darkness,
Stormy snowstorms, you are my own children.
May beautiful dreams come true -
Let's leave the world of everyday vanity
Let's be transported to the kingdom of beauty -
To Baghdad, the capital of all the wonders in the world.
I am Scheherazade. A thousand nights
I can no longer close my trembling eyes:
I tell tales to the Sultan
And we weave carpets of patterned speeches.
Night comes one thousand and one:
Shining in the sky full moon.
Today there will be a New Year's fairy tale -
I hope you enjoy it!

The fabrics open up. The light comes on.


Baghdad. Lush sofa of the palace of Sultan Al-Babet. Al-babet sits cross-legged on the carpet. Behind him, a Moorish servant swings a fan. Music sounds, 9 wives run out and dance an oriental dance.

SULTAN: (playfully): Wow...beauties! (claps his hands) Vi-zi-ir!

Bowing low, the stooped VIZIR appears.

SULTAN: Vizier, roll call! (makes a hand sign - the wives line up by height)

VIZIER: Hush! Humble! (unfolds the scroll and reads it in a sing-song voice): Zarina! Jamila! Guzel! Saida! Hafiza! Zukhra! Leila! Zulfiya! Gulchatay!.. Gulchatay!!

SULTAN: Where is Gyulchatay? (everyone turns to hear loud snoring)

GYULCHATAI: (waking up, forgetting to lower the veil, runs up to the others): Gyulchatay is here!

SULTAN: (scared): Oh!.. shut it, cover your face!

VIZIER: At ease! Frivolous! R-disperse!

The wives are seated in picturesque groups.

SULTAN: Vizier, what's next in our New Year's program? Again, handing out Turkish delight to children from low-income families?

VIZIER: No, great sultan! The storyteller Shahrazade has arrived to tell the thousand and first tale!

SULTAN: Ahh, okay, okay. Let him come and take his usual place.

SHAHRAZADA: Greetings, great Sultan Al-Babet! May your path be blessed, may it be strewn with delicate tulips and lilies!

SULTAN (nods majestically): What fairy tale have you prepared for us today?

SHAHRAZADA: New Year's, oh lord. With a special surprise!

SULTAN (to wives): Sleep, sleep, go to sleep!

The wives howl pleadingly.

SHAHRAZADA: Lord, allow them to stay. I think they will be useful to us this night.

SULTAN (doubtful): Do you think they're good for anything? (Generously) Oh well. Stay, Allah is with you. And the vizier?

SHAHRAZADA: And we need him, the great Sultan.

SULTAN: If you think so... You can stay, Vizier. Well, we've got all your attention.

SHAHRAZADA(signals to the wives, they sing a song and dance together):

Once upon a time he lived
Once upon a time he lived
Once upon a time there was an old man -
Everyone was frozen, chilled and driven by a blizzard...
This is what it was called:
Father Frost
And he had a red nose -
And kept all the gifts
In thick snow!

Lived in those days
One beauty -
Her face is as white as clean linen...
And for him it was
She is dearest to everyone -
And he appointed her as his granddaughter.

Since then, every year we
Let's celebrate the New Year -
From all over the earth
There is noise and laughter.
So celebrate until the morning
Wish others well -
And New Year to you
Will bring success!

The Vizier and the Sultan clap.

SULTAN: Is this Santa Claus a real man?

SHAHRAZADA: In what sense?... I think so. Why are you asking this, great Sultan?

SULTAN: If he is a real man, why does he only have one Snow Maiden? There must be at least three of them. Less than three, Allah will laugh.

VIZIER: We will refuse him an official reception.

SHAHRAZADA : But Santa Claus won’t come to you himself. Because New Year is not celebrated in Baghdad. It’s hot in Baghdad for Frost and the Snow Maiden: no snow, no Christmas trees...

SULTAN: Why do we need this Frost with the one and only Snow Maiden? I myself can become Santa Claus for my people. Only I will have three Snow Maidens. At least for starters.

VIZIER: And then, O Lord, we can celebrate three whole New Years! And spend three whole old ones. Let's get ahead of Europe in terms of development...

SULTAN: So. Visi-ir! Write a decree. I, the great, powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, command that three real Snow Maidens be delivered to my harem alive, that is, safe and sound. The deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

VIZIER: I wrote everything down, sir. Who are the performers?

SULTAN: Well, perhaps, order Aladdin and the Genie, Sinbad and the Sailor, and Muk and the little one to come here.

VIZIER: Or maybe call Ali Baba?

SULTAN (cautiously): No, no! He is somehow strange... Either a woman, or not a woman... And these forty robbers are always hanging around with him. They break dishes and scare women.

The vizier leaves, backing away. The Sultan claps his hands and comes to the fore. The wives line up behind him.

Song of the Sultan(“If I were a Sultan” - song from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”):

If I were Santa Claus, I wouldn’t live in the snow,
I would give my ice palace to the enemy,
I sold all the deer and bought a horse -
Let him take me to blooming Baghdad.

Very good
In Baghdad in winter.
Much worse
In the snow under a pine tree.

If I were Santa Claus, I would write a check:
They would send me three Snow Maidens for my harem.
They say they have a chill in their blood -
This means they will melt with love!
(yawns, moves away and lies down on the pillows)
Very good
Three Snow Maidens...

GYULCHATAI::(coming to the fore):
Not, this is very bad,
Shaitan take it!

Well, snow maidens, if you come across me -
I'll melt all three over low heat:
Only white smoke will fly into the sky - (explodes a firecracker)
After all, my beloved Sultan must be mine!

The sofa plunges into darkness. Everyone is dozing.
A flashlight is used to highlight SAID's head. Shahrazade approaches him.

SHAHRAZADA: Said, is that you? Where did you come from?..

Said (hoarsely): They shot...

SHAHRAZADA: Yes, your fate is not easy... Let me at least give you something to drink

(drinks from the kettle)

Said (loudly): End of first scene!


Hall sofa. The wives come in and sit down in picturesque groups. Gyulchatay is alone, standing at a distance.

The Sultan enters.

SULTAN (sternly): Gyulchatai! Cover your face! Wives, pay in numerical order!

First! Zarina!
Second! Jamila!
Third! Guzel!
Fourth! Saida!
Fifth! Hafiza!
Sixth! Zukhra!
Seventh! Leila!
Eighth! Zulfiya!
Ninth! Gyulchatai!

VIZIER: The Great Sultan Al-Babet, in his infinite mercy, ordered that you be given individual numbers.

SULTAN: Otherwise, I still can’t remember the names... They’re some kind of Turkish... And with the numbers, it’s like at a beauty contest.

VIZIER: According to the place! Evening prayer! I mean, touch up your makeup...

SULTAN: Vizier, have those for whom I sent arrived?

VIZIER: Arrive, O Lord! Aladdin and Genie, appear before the eyes of the great Sultan Al-Babet!

Aladdin appears with a modern table lamp + radio.

Aladdin (bows): Greetings, O almighty Sultan!

SULTAN: Hello, our servant Aladdin. Where's your old lamp?

Aladdin: I sold it to a junk dealer and bought a new one - this one picks up Baghdad Radio and wakes me up in the morning. My Genie loves to listen to the radio (rubs the lamp)

A JIENN appears

GENIE: We wish you happiness, health and creative Uzbeks!

Song of Genie and Aladdin: (Your Honor, Lady Luck..." - song from the film "White Sun of the Desert")

Your Honor, O beautiful Sultan!
For whom are you great, for whom are you terrible...
Wait for Aladdin's lamp, not three,
If you are not sure who is sitting inside.

If you rub the lamp, wise sir,
Then you will see what a real genie is like.
Secret desires call me quickly -
Lucky in your career, lucky in love!

Get the Phoenix bird in a golden cage
Or a magic vessel with dead water,
Nine grams in the heart or one hundred in the jug -
The cunning genie will deliver everything in a moment!

SULTAN: We don't need any cells or vessels. Sit down for now right hand. Vizier, come on next!

SINBAD THE SAILOR enters the hall. Behind him, stumbling and falling, comes the ROC BIRD.

SINDBAD: Live and prosper forever, O mighty Sultan Al-Babet!

ROC (trying to either croak or chirp): Yusch! Yush-sh-sh!

SULTAN: Welcome, our servant Sinbad. Who is this with you?

SINDBAD: This, oh lord, is the magical bird Rukh, I brought it from my endless wanderings.

SULTAN (surprised): Is this a bird?.. Why does it fall all the time?

SINDBAD: He can’t learn to walk, great sultan.

Vizier: Maybe she'd be better off flying?

SINDBAD: Can not. I trimmed her wings so that she wouldn’t rock the boat.

The roc bird tries to take off and falls noisily.

SINDBAD (happy): Well, it collapsed again. Rukh - she is Rukh. She only dreams, stupid, of going home to Ukraine... She put on that orange scarf... It won’t work!


Long roads always attract Sinbad,
They are leading us away from Baghdad in all directions.
But only the Sultan of Baghdad ordered to come
So you saw Sinbad again!

Order, Sultan, -
I'll conquer the ocean
I'm a specialist in seas and oceans!
Order, Sultan, -
I'll climb into the glass:
Here I am, Sinbad, well done!

VIZIER: Sir, would you like me to bring you a glass?

SULTAN: You don’t need any glass, you don’t need to climb anywhere. There will be another task for you. (tiredly) Who else is next in line?

VIZIER: Little Mook, at your venerable service.

A large, well-fed MUK enters with a basket in his hands.

MUK: I wish you to rule wisely and honorably, O incomparable Al-Babet!

Sultan: Hello, our servant Ma... No, not Ma... Muk! Why are you so big?

MUK: The years go by, great Sultan. That's how I grew up.

VIZIER: But you have grown in all directions.

There are so many oriental sweets and so much fatty pilaf in Baghdad!

SULTAN: How can a flying carpet support such a fat man?

MUK: My carpet not only can withstand me, but also a set table, an orchestra, a swimming pool, girls and waiters!

Song Muk: ("Black Boomer")

I grew up on the outskirts, a Baghdad boy,
The boy was not big, he was small, he couldn’t eat everything...
The guy is a meter tall with a turban and I’m not handsome at all,
When in the evening I go out of the house into the yard,
Then I smile broadly at everyone and immediately climb onto the carpet,
I turn on the music and colorful lights,
With quiet melancholy in their eyes they look after me...

Now he’s no longer a little Baghdad boy -
My stomach is so full, I can’t see my legs anymore – ah!!
I'm a two-by-three guy and I'm not handsome at all,
And just imagine, all the girls rush at me.
And if one of them asks for a ride,
I'll pump it up, even if it's not on my way.
After all, I’m a kid anywhere, and by the way, I’m single,
And I have a carpet – it’s floaty, not simple!
After all, I have a magic carpet, it is always with me,
After all, my carpet is magical, fast and crazy...
After all, I have a magical carpet, a groovy plane...
Sit down, girl, let's go for a ride!

Ay, my airplane mat, stop lights,
Hey, my airplane mat, if you can, catch up!
Ay, my airplane mat is spinning like a bird in the sky,
You are my carpet plane, we will be friends forever!

Sultan: They say correctly in the East: gray hair is as big as your beard, but your weight is as big as your thigh! And in your basket, I suppose, are lyulaki-bab, Turkish delight, kebab-cheburek, baklava?

Muk: No, these are my magic fruits. Try it, sir.

Sultan: Let the vizier try first.

The vizier carefully takes a bite. He immediately grows a huge nose and ears.

Vizier: Ah-ah-ah-ah!! My nose!... My ears!...

The wives giggle loudly.

Sultan: And it even suits you, Vizier. The Sultan's advisor must snoop and eavesdrop.

Vizier: I... I can't... I'm a government official, but I look like a donkey! (crying)

Muk: This is temporary bestiality, wise vizier. Here, eat this now (hands another fruit to the vizier).

The vizier takes it incredulously, smells it, touches it, and finally tastes it. Ears and nose disappear. The vizier wipes sweat from his forehead with a shaking hand.

Muk: These are my fruits, Sultan.

Sultan: (laughing): Yes, the fruit is healthy... Women, would you like a piece? No?.. I think, my servant Muk, these fruits will help you fulfill the Sultan’s instructions. (loudly) Vi-zi-ir! Announce the decree to my subjects.

Vizier (unfolds the scroll): The great, powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, commands you to deliver three real Snow Maidens to his harem alive, that is, safe and sound. The deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

Genie: Who should I deliver?

Vizier: Snow Maiden.

Sinbad: Who else are they?

Vizier: As far as I understand, these are... Mmmm... Women made of snow.

Muk: How do we recognize them? We've never seen snow.

Vizier: Well, judging by what Shahrazade sang to us here, the Snow Maidens should be beautiful, white and cold.

Sultan: Beautiful! White! Cold! And no less than three! Did you understand the Sultan's order?

Aladdin, Genie, Sinbad, Roc, Mook (in chorus): Got it, oh lord!

GYULCHATAI:, Throwing back the veil, he writes down the signs of the Snow Maiden.

Sultan (angrily): Gyulchatai! Cover your face! And you all are now heading north for the Snow Maidens! (shoots a firecracker into the air).

The Sultan leaves the hall with the Vizier and all his wives. The light goes out. A flashlight is used to highlight SAID's head.

SAID (tiredly): They shot again...

Shahrazade comes out with a teapot and gives Said something to drink.

SAID: End of second scene!


The wives come out one at a time and sit around the stage - some with embroidery, some with a mortar, some with a musical instrument, some with a baby.

Wives (talking):

– I wonder what she is like, this Snow Maiden?

- You will be more beautiful.

– She’s all white, not like us...

“They say she doesn’t even wear a veil.” What a shame!

- Give them, men, such shameless northern women!


GYULCHATAI: (raising his veil): Are you talking about this damned icicle again?! She won't shine here for long...

The Sultan and the Vizier enter.

Sultan: Gyulchatai! Cover your face!

Vizier (patter): Zarina, Jamilya, Guzel, Saida, Hafiza, Zukhra, Leila, Zulfiya, Gyulchatay! Greet your lord the great Sultan Al Babet. Three four!

WIVES (in chorus): Hello, our good and mighty master!

SULTAN (graciously): Good morning, ladies. I'm in a great mood today. I heard rumors that all my snow maidens are already on their way...

VIZIER: Lord, Aladdin with the Genie and Snow Maiden number one have arrived!

The doors open wide. The US anthem plays. Genie and Aladdin bring in the Statue of Liberty on a cart. The wives gasp.

SULTAN (in amazement): This is... Snow Maiden?..

Genie: The biggest one we could find, great sultan!

ALADIN: It’s so heavy... But on the other hand, it’s so beautiful!

Genie: And all white! And very cold!

SULTAN: Is she... alive?

Genie: But should Snegurochka be alive?

ALADIN: You didn't tell us anything about this.

VIZIER coughs politely but persistently.

SULTAN: Well, what do you want, vizier?

VIZIER (hesitantly): Sir, I think I’ve already seen this woman...

SULTAN: I hope she's not the Snow Maiden?

VIZIER: Alas, lord, she is not the Snow Maiden. She's... the Statue of Liberty.

SULTAN (horrified): What about the statue?!

VIZIER: Freedom, Sultan. Genie and Aladdin apparently brought it from the shores of distant America.

Genie: Yes, far away... They dragged us across two oceans!

SULTAN (surprised): These reckless people erected the Statue of Liberty?! How do they deal with their women and their subjects? No, we don't need such a harmful statue. (to wives) Women, close your eyes and plug your ears! (To the Genie with Aladdin) And you – take this statue back now!! We don't need freedom here in Baghdad!..

The Statue of Liberty is being taken back. The Sultan makes a sign to the servant - they bring him a bowl. The servant fans him with a fan.

SULTAN (after taking a few sips): I hope the other performers won't be so stupid.

Vizier: O lord, Sinbad and the Roc bird have arrived with Snow Maiden number two!

Enter SINDBAD, the stumbling ROCH and the ICE CREAM SELLER - rosy-cheeked, in a white robe and shawl, with big box.

SINDBAD: Here, the Snow Maiden has been delivered to you, great Sultan!

ICE CREAM SELLER SONG: (Glucose "It's snowing")

And children, like kittens, purr at their feet,
Buy a waffle cup or cone.
It's frosty outside, of course.
And you won’t sell a damn thing...
And it snows, and it snows,
It hits me on the cheeks, hits me.
I'm very sick - fever,
I'm standing here trading like a fool.
Third evening, nothing to do -
No revenue...

WIVES pick up:

Snow is falling…
And it snows, and it snows,
It keeps hitting my cheeks and hitting me.
You are very sick - fever,
You stand here trading like a fool.
And I didn’t sell the box, very little.
Third evening, nothing to do -
No revenue...

SULTAN (incredulously): Snow Maiden, you say? Somehow she is not what I imagined.

Vizier: Hey... cough-cough... Darling, are you really the Snow Maiden?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! Of course, Snow Maiden. If I trade a little more in the cold, I’ll become a snow woman.

SULTAN: Do snow maidens sell?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! All of us, Snow Maidens, always sell ice cream and all sorts of other things in winter. You have to live. Buy gifts for the kids for the New Year.

SULTAN (scared): Do you also have children?

SALESMAN: Otherwise! One goes to school, the other doesn’t go yet. He has not yet been released from the colony.

Sultan: What is this, Santa Claus... Children?

SALESMAN (offended): What Santa Claus?.. My wife, Nikolai Brandokhlystov. (smiles) And about the Snow Maiden... I was joking a little. My name is Nastasya.

Vizier: There was a mistake again...

Sultan (to Sinbad): Listen, she’s cold, she’s white... But isn’t she beautiful, huh?

SINDBAD (looking at the saleswoman): What?.. The woman is prominent, portly, in her prime. "Snow Maiden?" - I ask. “Yeah,” he says. “Snow Maiden.” Of course, I didn’t think to ask about children...

Vizier (philosophically): There is no arguing about tastes, sir. But we still have a third Snow Maiden. It was just delivered by Muk.

SULTAN: I hope our tastes match. O Allah, what is this?! Muk enters, dragging behind him a reluctant and enraged Snow Queen, which has a huge nose and ears. The wives laugh loudly and point their fingers at her.

Muk: Here they come, young lady. Here you can solve all your problems.

The Snow Queen: What have you done to me, scoundrel?! You mutilated me, you fat bandit!! Why did I agree to try your disgusting fruit?!

Muk: Before you, great Sultan, is the woman you ordered. White, cold and beautiful too... she was until she ate my fruits.

Sultan (with doubt): Really beautiful?

Muk: You offend. Beautiful, temperamental - a real Snow Maiden. I found her in the very far North, in an ice palace.

The Snow Queen: What kind of Snow Maiden do you think I am, villain? Tambov wolf for you Snow Maiden! (straightens up, proudly) I am the Snow Queen, mistress of the icy expanses and cold winds!

Song of the Snow Queen: (“Roots” - “Vika”)

The blizzard is covered with white snow
Long road to me...
But spring does not wander into my kingdom
And warmth lives on the other side.
My throne is from clear ice,
My gaze is always cold
I am emotionless, I am strong and proud -
And I don’t bring guests back!

(advancing on the Sultan)
I’m spinning like an icy whirlwind and smashing as hard as I can!
I'll freeze you on a white grave,
So be it, I’ll write: “Happy New Year, dear!”

Sultan (backing away): Vizier, and this is not the Snow Maiden!

The Snow Queen: Ah, is it you, in the big turban, who is in charge here? Immediately, this very second, rid me of these lop-eared ears and this ugly nose!

Vizier: How dare you speak so disrespectfully to the Sultan of Baghdad Al-Babet himself?

The Snow Queen: Just think, Sultan! Yes, I will turn any sultan into an ice cube and split it into pieces!! (steps on Sultan again)

GYULCHATAI rushes across the Snow Queen, throwing off her veil as she goes.

GYULCHATAI: Freeze me first, you big-nosed icicle!!

The Snow Queen and Gyulchatai enter into a fight.

The Snow Queen: I can't freeze such a hot woman!!

GYULCHATAI: Know ours! Eastern woman- like a big fire: it gives light, gives warmth, warms the soul and helps with the housework!

The Snow Queen: I give up, I give up... Oh, I'm already melting... Just give me back my beautiful ears and my wonderful nose, and I'll leave right away!

GYULCHATAI: You won’t get anything since you insulted our Sultan! Go to your ice palace - you will scare the polar bears there.

The disgraced Snow Queen leaves.

Sultan: Well done, Gyulchatay. But still (shakes his finger) you have to cover your face!

Vizier: As a result, lord, you are left without Snow Maidens. So much effort - and all in vain!

Sultan: Scheherazade! Maybe you can advise us what to do next. You started all this New Year's porridge with the Snow Maidens.

SHAHRAZADA: There is only one person, O Sultan, who can get the real Snow Maiden.

Sultan: Who is he? Shaitan or genie?

SHAHRAZADA: I said, sir, a man. His name is Comrade Sukhov. And I can call him. But just keep in mind: you won’t be able to command him anything, just ask him politely.

Sultan: Al-Babet will never ask for anything!

SHAHRAZADA: Then Al-Babet will never see the Snow Maiden!

Sultan: (sighs): Okay, I'll try... As an exception.

Music from the film “White Sun of the Desert” is playing. COMRADE SUKHOV appears.

Sukhov: Be healthy, gentlemen and comrades! I heard that you have business with me.

Sultan: Yes, it's urgent! We, Comrade Sukhov, commanded you... No... We, Comrade Sukhov, on behalf of the entire Baghdad people, ask you to get us the real Snow Maiden. At least one!..

Sukhov: But the real Snow Maiden is already alone. Any real woman– it happens one at a time. That's right!

Vizier: Gold words!

Sukhov: Well... (scratching the back of his head) Snow Maiden, you say... For the entire Baghdad people, you can try.

Sukhov goes to the door and taps something in Morse code. They answer him from the other side.

Sukhov: (nods): Customs gives the go-ahead!

The door opens and the Snow Maiden enters. Sukhov brings her closer to the Sultan.

Sultan (jumps up from the carpet, animatedly): Welcome to Baghdad, beauty! Make yourself comfortable, make yourself at home! Would you like some wine? Sherbet? Peaches? Or maybe you smoke hookah?

Snow Maiden: No, thanks, I don't smoke. And in general, we don’t know each other.

Sultan: Vizier! Visi-ir! (the vizier runs up) Introduce me to the lady.

Vizier: The Grand Sultan of Baghdad Al-Babet is at your service.

Snow Maiden: Very nice. Why did you invite me? Where is the Christmas tree, where are the children?

Sultan: Children again!.. Why children when there is a handsome adult man, and a Sultan to boot?

Snow Maiden: This is my profession - to celebrate holidays, amuse children, give them gifts. And I see you have someone to amuse (points to the wives).

SONG OF THE SULTAN AND THE SNOW MAIDEN: (A. Pugacheva & M. Galkin “Cafe”)

You -
So proud - take off,
So hard - ice,
So cold...

You -
So white - fluff,
So strict - wow!..
Won't come to you...

But the Sultan, the ruler of Baghdad,
Let me kiss you on the cheek
I'll reveal all my cards at once,
Pain points
I'll come to you like this, close, close
I'll turn your hand with my hand
And I’ll reveal all my chips at once
I'll give you all the stuff.

I found myself here alone:
Your country is strange
The eastern country is so...

Abdullah or Saddam?
What, excuse me, do you need?
I didn’t understand something...

You are the Sultan, the ruler of Baghdad,
Don't let me kiss you on the cheek
He lied to you about all his cards,
Pain points!..

Snow Maiden: Why are you girls so cute! Don't worry - I don't need your Sultan. What will my grandfather think of me if I flirt with every sultan? Grandfather!

FATHER FROST (appears at the door): I’m coming, granddaughter, I’m coming!

SULTAN (perplexed): Why Santa Claus? I didn't order Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: But the audience ordered it. How long have they been sitting here, listening to your nonsense - and you don’t even notice them.

SUKHOV: Does this Frost remind me of someone? (examines Grandfather, tugs his beard): Petrukha, is that you?!

FATHER FROST: I, Comrade Sukhov! When you demobilized, I also went into civilian life. I met a good girl, she needed a partner for New Year's holidays. Well, so he became Santa Claus.

SULTAN (sits down on her rug offendedly): Scheherazade! Tell me what to do... I missed such a woman!.. She, it turns out, has her own Sing-Frost!..

SHAHRAZADA: You, Sultan, did not miss the most beautiful, the hottest, the most devoted woman. She saved your life today – and will save you again and again. Gyulchatai! Open your face!

SULTAN (gives up, waves his hand): Okay, I’m appointing you as a senior in the dorm...

GYULCHATAI: (victoriously): The master appointed me as his beloved wife!!

SHAHRAZADA (comfortingly): So says the fairy tale, great sultan. To each his own: For Santa Claus - Snegurochka, for you - Gyulchatay. Do you know what is said in the epilogue of our fairy tale?

SULTAN (in a weak voice): What?

SHAHRAZADA: That you and Gyulchatai will have a girl, her name will be Budur; she will grow up to be a beauty and marry Aladdin.

SULTAN: For this cormorant with a lamp? I will not let it!!

SHAHRAZADA: Hush, hush... You're also going to have a boy. He will grow up very wise, then he will climb into a bottle and live there long, long life. And his name will be... Old Man Hottabych.

SULTAN: No! No! I'm over it! I can't stand this! Visi-ir! (runs out of the hall).

The vizier runs after him, followed by GYULCHATAI and all the wives.

Snow Maiden: Well, everyone ran away... What a restless people live in the East!

Sukhov: East is a delicate matter.

Snow Maiden: But the guests remained, waiting for the holiday, gifts... Where are our gifts, Petka?

PETRUCHA-Father Frost (grabs his head): Oh, there are no gifts. Customs didn't let them through...

Saleswoman: What am I supposed to do? I have a lot of goods here: just New Year's gifts. Take it apart - I don’t want it! (shoots a firecracker into the air)

The light goes out briefly. A flashlight is used to highlight Said's head in the foreground.

SHAHRAZADA: This poor fellow again!

Said: What are you shooting? Everyone has been celebrating for a long time, and I’m stuck here...

SHAHRAZADA: Okay, don't be offended. The fairy tale turned out to be so hectic. But the ending is happy. Here, drink to happiness. (drinks him from a glass)

Said: Eh, Uchguduk - three wells! (gets out of the box) The end of the fairy tale!

All for the final song!

FINALE SONG: (“Brilliant” - “New Year’s”)

Oh, New Year's weather, oh, the festive bustle
Snow outside the windows, and here we are today
We decided to wait for a miracle together

The clock goes tick tock, and the hands point
We are loudly congratulated on the New Year!

We invited good friends
They played for you from the heart
And on a new wonderful day with light steps
Let's all hurry together tomorrow.
Clap clap firecrackers hung on the Christmas trees
Top top toys twirled in a round dance
The clock goes tick tock, and the hands point
We are loudly congratulated on the New Year!
The clock goes tick tock, and the hands point
We are loudly congratulated on the New Year!

We might be a little sad
After all, a year has passed, but everything is okay:
The desired hour will come, the rooster will wake us up
With your cheerful song.
Clap clap firecrackers hung on the Christmas trees
Top top toys twirled in a round dance
The clock goes tick tock, and the hands point
We are loudly congratulated on the New Year!
The clock goes tick tock, and the hands point
We are loudly congratulated on the New Year m!

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Universal Eastern tale script, can be used for any celebration, make your holiday unique, surprise your guests with an interesting fairy-tale action.

Scenario of an Eastern fairy tale - beginning

The evening begins with beautiful music, 2 presenters come out.

2: We APPEARED to you from the East. Dressed up in chiffon and velvet. We swear, we are beauties and you will like us very much!

1: We are your “Scheherazades”: Zhanna and Marina.

2: Already a thousand nights
We do not close our trembling eyes: We tell fairy tales to the people And weave carpets of patterned speeches.

1: The thousand and one night comes: The full moon shines in the sky. Today there will be a fairy tale “About the Sultan” - We hope you like it.

2: About which Sultan. Where do you see the Sultan? He left for the war...

1: You see. He's having fun there. And we miss you here.

2: Let's dance - maybe it will cheer you up.

1: Come on! I suggest we find a cheerful man who will entertain us.

2: You will play odd-even with them.
Decoy -
A handful of beans is taken out of the bag, the participant must guess the even or odd number of beans in the presenter’s hand. They recruit three men for the game.

1: If a woman wants something, no one can defeat her.

2: Zhanna, better look at the men next to us. No worse than our Sultan. Only the noses let us down.

2: Zhanna is a treasure of joy and knowledge. She came up with an oriental game - whoever kisses her first is worthy... But it’s not so simple. The belt is magical, the safety belt will help... May Allah multiply your days.

Game moment -
The presenter puts on a belt to which 2 long ribbons are attached.
3-4 meters each, men take the ends of the ribbons in their right hand, ribbon
passes behind the back and is located on opposite sides of the leader.

The task is to quickly wrap yourself in a ribbon and kiss the presenter. Joke - in
the moment the men approach, the presenter bends down and the men kiss
each other. The winner is chosen at its discretion and left to
the role of the Sultan. Participants are awarded prizes...

1: A real man- like a big fire: it gives light, it gives warmth, it warms the soul! You will be our sultan for this night (they put a turban and robe on the man).
The presenters bow

2: Our beloved sultan, lord and god, You are beautiful, like a rare diamond. We kiss the footprints of your royal feet. Look, look at us!

1: It seems to me that our master is somehow bored...Sultan new wife needed. I told you, less than three, Allah will laugh.

2: There are so many beauties around, you can choose as many as five, we don’t mind. Listen, the one our Sultan chooses goes to the harem. The one who refuses will have her legs cut off in the market square.
Recruitment of competition participants is underway. The Sultan walks around the hall, selects 5 participants at the prompting of the presenter.

A beauty must have three things:
1. White - skin, teeth, hair.
2. Black - eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes.
3. Red - nails, cheeks, lips.
4. Wide - neck, chest, hips.
5. Definitely long hair, arms, legs.

The participants are covered with “burqas” and seated on chairs in a row.

1. Why does our master need so many new wives, would just one be enough?

1: Now we’ll fix everything,

(men wear nose masks and turbans)
2: Listen, how beautiful they turned out. Let's keep everyone to ourselves.

1: According to the laws of the East, there can be three or even more women. But a man should be one, one and only

2: Why don’t we choose the one and only? Do you know, dear, what you need to do to please a woman? (answers) We love women with our ears, which means men must please our ears. Let them sing for us and entertain the guests at the same time. We have already selected a song for you, our favorite. Arabic words are incomprehensible. But karaoke music.

Contest -

Participants perform a verse of a song, singing only one
vowels. The song "If I were a Sultan" is offered for performance. The winner is determined by applause. He is given a prize and released in peace.
E-i y y-a I e-e e e And o-o a-o-o s y o-u-e O u-o o-o-s and a-i e-a O-o e and a-o a-a-and A-a

Chorus: (leaders sing)
It's not bad to have three wives, but on the other hand it's very bad
U-i-ya o a-a a-i u o-i Yo yu-i a a-a o-a-e o-i I e-y a-o-a o and o-o-i O y -o o-o-s e-e o-e and
A y a u-a-a i-o u u-a O-o e a-y a and i-i o-a A o-o a a-o e o-e o-o E-i i s oo-o-o

2: The ranks of men are thinning.

1: But the chances are rising - to find a worthy replacement for our Sultan. And we will now determine the worthy one, I swear by my mother.
2: A real man should always have a choice, (to the Sultan) And for the choice to be correct, entrust it to us.

The Sultan sits down on the pillows, the hosts play the game “Bring us...”.
Game moment -
Depending on the number of participants, chairs are placed in front of the stage, and the participants are asked to take them.

Then the participants are asked to bring some object, at this time the presenters remove one chair. The participant who does not have enough chairs receives a consolation prize and is eliminated from the game.