You are exactly one year old, Baby!
The first candle on the cake
Blow with dad, with mom.

Let them walk confidently
Little legs,
So far Unexplored
There are paths in front of you.

Be cheerful, mischievous,
But don't be capricious
To have an angel at your back
I walked through life with you.


Congratulations on a wonderful event, wonderful girl! Happy Birthday Baby! You are already 1 year old. your laughter and wide open eyes are pure pleasure. I wish you to firmly feel the support under your feet as soon as possible. Run, rejoice, learn new things, amuse and touch others with your childish spontaneity. You have many discoveries ahead, may they all bring you only prosperity and satisfaction. Happiness to you!


Happy first birthday
Congratulations for the baby.
Be more beautiful than all the flowers,
Mom and dad are happy with their daughter.

Eye of gentle radiance,
The girl is charming,
The little bunny is sleeping in the crib,
The tiny nose sniffles.

Be cheerful, of course
We sincerely wish you
To eat well,
She was smart and pretty.

Mom, dad, be patient,
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Protect your daughter!


Here's to the little princess
It's one year old!
Let the scarlet flower
Smiles more often!

May she be healthy
Let her grow up to be a beauty.
May people be kind to her
We meet on the way!


I wish the baby smiles and laughter,
Bright sun, sea of ​​success,
Cute, healthy, beautiful grow,
Obstacles are easy to overcome on the way,
For mom and dad to be a clear sun,
The most fun and beautiful!

Happy birthday poems for 1 year old girl


It's your princess's birthday.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
We wish you good health,
Patience, kind one.

Now for your daughter
Already need an eye and an eye.
Let there be less
Whims and mischief.

Let it grow beautiful
Cheerful, mischievous,
With parental love,
With support behind your back.


You've grown up in a year.
Bloomed like a flower,
She became better and sweeter,
The sun has become brighter!

You grow, to our joy,
Not by days, but by hours.
Be obedient and always
Cheerful, dear!

Happiness, sunshine, to you
And success only in fate...
Be healthy and beautiful,
Be cheerful and happy!


Your baby is one year old!
Let him grow healthy
Parents - patience.

May the angel help your daughter,
It saves her from pain and resentment.
May love and happiness surround you,
And her ringing laughter is like music.


Year one is the most important!
Everyone knows this for sure!
Time flew by quickly -
Your daughter has grown up!

You are growing very quickly
You will recognize peace in the area,
Have you learned to walk
And talk a little!

We congratulate Baby
And with all our hearts we wish
She wishes you health and warmth,
To be happy!


A year ago a miracle happened -
A daughter was born into the family.
Life then turned upside down
Everyone is very happy about our daughter.

And today I wish
To her success and goodness,
Be healthy and obedient
Always be smiling!

Be cheerful and happy.
Troubles, problems, melancholy do not know.
To be good, to be the best,
Help mom and dad!

Beautiful funny birthday greetings for a 1 year old girl


Birthday today
From the little princess.
Today is exactly one year
The girl has one.
We wish the princess
Grow only healthy
And listen to mom and dad,
Love the whole big world.

Smile more often
Be less upset
And be with mom and dad
Beloved, dear,
Be brave and skillful
Beautiful and obedient -
Be a good girl
Beautiful and dear.


It seems like only yesterday that this little baby made her entire family happy with her appearance, but a whole year has already passed. And today we congratulate everyone happy parents happy first birthday to their little daughter. We wish her to grow up healthy and beautiful, smart and incredibly happy.


Congratulations to the baby,
Baby - happy birthday!
Happy first anniversary
My favorite one.
Dad, mom - with joy,
With constant sweetness,
With the first steps
And the first words.
Let her grow up to be a beauty
To please us all.
Let him amaze with wisdom
Let him not know difficulties
In everything, without exception.
Happy year! Happy birthday!


Angel, congratulations,
Happy first year to you
And with all our hearts we wish,
Happiness, joy, goodness!

Not sick, our baby,
Explore the world actively
And a happy smile
Greet every new day!


You have a wonderful baby
And she is only one year old today.
Let it be bright, like a flash,
Life is light like the firmament.

I wish my dear child
Only great joy,
New discoveries without a catch,
Grow up cheerful and mischievous.

Beautiful words for a 1 year old girl


Congratulations to the beautiful girl on her first hour. I wish you to always be the beloved princess of your parents, a wonderful and cheerful child, a beautiful and sweet girl. May the angel protect you and make life happy happy events and kind people along the way.


This year flew by unnoticed
You grew by leaps and bounds.
Your look is childish and angelically bright
He became wise beyond his years.

And you already know so much,
But there is still so much to come.
You will have time to go around all the roads
You are on your adult journey in life.

In the meantime, you're still just a baby,
Goodness only lives in your heart.
And let it be in a small warm palm
Endless happiness grows!


Congratulations to your baby
WITH wonderful holiday birth.
Let everyone be charmed by beauty,
Grows to the delight of others!

We wish you not to get sick, not to whine,
Grow up obedient and smart.
To be the cutest, the best,
Gifts beyond those endowed!

Let him please you with seven steps,
What he only does timidly.
Let him walk boldly on the earth,
Our world is decorated with itself!


There is celebration and fun everywhere,
After all, it’s the baby’s birthday,
Congratulations very warmly,
And we want what we need -
Happiness is a boundless ocean,
A life of glory and success,
To be the most beautiful,
Charming like mom
Was the most tender
And she grew up healthy!


First year from birth
Please accept congratulations.
The little girl has learned a lot
I had a lot of fun this year.

Let him sleep soundly at night,
He sniffs sweetly through his nose.
Cutting teeth didn't hurt,
The daughter was happy.

To mom and dad - strength, patience,
And good mood to you.
And let the baby grow,
Everything blooms every year!

Touching birthday wishes for a 1 year old girl


Happy Birthday Baby,
Lovely little flower!
Everyone knows firsthand -
Mom's little angel is growing up.

Your smile is like light -
So radiant and beautiful.
Happy childhood to you
We wish fairly.

Let the sun warm you gently
Your purest insides.
Mom and Dad understand
What happiness they have been given.

Flowers for the joy of everyone, little flower,
Don't be sick and don't be sad.
In your first year, little angel,
We wish you to grow strong.


There is reason for congratulations -
One year old for your baby.
Let her become
Every day it becomes more beautiful.

Let him stomp forward
On your own path,
Where love and happiness await
Sweet baby.

We wish the whole family health
We also wish
Games, fun, strength, kindness.
We love you. Congratulations!


Happy birthday,
Happy first year.
I wish the girl happiness
And patience to the family.

I wish to be healthy
And grow up happy,
And parents - by the hand
To guide you according to fate.

I wish you happiness and joy
And love, like the world is big.
And let your life pass
Under a lucky star.


Happy birthday, princess!
You are still very young.
You are beautiful, interesting,
Let it always be like this.

I wish you more dolls
As nice as you.
Grow up for the joy of your mother,
To the delight of dad you are flowers.

Let one worry await you
And a number of adventures.
Be happy and healthy
Happy first year to you!


Clever, my beautiful girl,
I can’t tell you how much I love you,
Rosy cheeks, dear nose,
We have been together for a whole year, dear, with you!

You grow up, dear, make everyone around you happy,
Know what's out there best friend,
Whoever does not leave you will not betray you forever,
This is the closest person in the world!

Go around the world with your feet,
You will always and everywhere be ahead,
Be happy, daughter, grow up quickly,
There is no one more dear to you, no one is dearer to you!

Words of congratulations on the 1st birthday of a girl


A whole year to you, Baby!
Both the Bunny and the Bear are happy.
You've become quite big
This is very good!

Be healthy, our baby,
Run smartly along the path,
Eat porridge, drink compote,
To keep your tummy calm.

You grow up and be happy
Kind, affectionate, beautiful.
Make mom, dad, everyone happy,
You, little bunny, are the best!


Baby darling, our sunshine!
You are better and more beautiful than everyone else in the world.
May your happiness be immeasurable
She grew up to be the first beauty,
The most beloved and happiest.
Happy one year, our diamond is the cutest.


Your first holiday
The whole family has fun!
Everyone is circling you
And they want to hug you.

Because this date
Everything is warmed with a tender feeling.
With your advent
After all, the world has become completely different!

The sun has become warmer,
The sky is cleaner and brighter,
Life has become sweeter than honey,
And more wonderful is all nature!

Be happy, our baby.
Grow up a little more
Learn to read, write,
Songs to sing and dance!

We all congratulate you,
We wish you a fabulous life.
Be obedient and beautiful
The kindest, dearest!


It's your daughter's first anniversary,
Today is the year since she was born.
Life immediately became brighter and brighter,
There is no other little girl like her in the world!

May God reward you with health,
Her life will be filled with love and goodness,
May she always sleep peacefully at night
And let your troubles go around your house.


Today your daughter is one year old!
How quickly life goes by.
Recently we drank to the birth,
And now it’s my first birthday.

May Baby grow up to be a beauty
And an angel protects her from harm,
May her life always be bright.
We wish her health and warmth!

New congratulations on 1 year old girl


Happy first year to a wonderful girl. I wish you clear blue skies above your head and bright sunshine, sincere joy and success in your first steps in life. Grow up as a good and obedient, smart, cheerful and kind girl, mom’s joy and dad’s pride.


Congratulations on the first year of a wonderful life to the little princess. Darling, I wish you confident steps along a happy path, great joy and good health, cheerful walks and mischievous pranks, strong love from loved ones and good miracles.


Today is the baby's holiday,
Today is your birthday!
We wish you to grow up beautiful,
Just to be smart.

Already smart eyes,
Already the first words.
We wish you joy and happiness,
And there is only good in the world.

Let the sick person not know adversity,
Let your soul be filled with light,
So that she doesn’t know tears and grief,
Health, light and warmth!


Happy Birthday, sunny
Our beloved.
Oh, what a dress
You're dressed up!

First birthday
Festive and bright.
Everyone is carrying today
Gifts for you.

Be healthy, happy,
Laugh more cheerfully
You are for mom and dad
The cutest person in the world.


Baby beauty
Pretty girl
He makes eyes at everyone with a smile.
Let life be like a fairy tale!

Happiness for mom, pride for dad,
The whole world is already delighted.
And it's only a year.
There is so much more waiting in life!

Happy birthday greetings to a 1 year old girl. Happy birthday poems for 1 year old girl


Rosy cheeks, plump lips,
Soft palms, forget-me-not eyes.
A scarlet flower, warmed by the sun,
Little joy, you are a piece of light!
Happy first year, Malvina girl.
You are like an angel, bright, gentle and innocent!


Summer anniversary
A beautiful baby.
It will be more fun later -
Games, impressions, books.

I wish you to be
And healthy and happy,
Shining brighter than the sun
With your sweet smile.


To our baby all year round!
May you be lucky in everything.
Be happy, our joy,
Know that there is no one more beautiful than you.

Happy Birthday Baby,
Naughty girl, Playful girl.
Joy, happiness and love
Let them be with you all your life.


A wonderful miracle happened
And it’s spring in my soul again.
Exactly a year since it appeared
There is only one star in the world.

Happy birthday,
So that you grow faster.
I wish you a sea of ​​joy
And health and warmth.

Don't be sick and be active
Sharp, sweet, mischievous,
Not capricious, positive,
Good-natured, fighting.

And adversity and sorrow
Don't let them stand in the way.
Be happy and for joy
Mom and dad grow up.


1 year! This day
Will be remembered for the rest of my life,
Children's laughter and the first step
Years later they will remember.

We wish her everything
Make parents happy
Grow up and get better,
Be smart and vigilant.

Happiness, joy, love,
Become an excellent student at school,
Grow up as a wise girl
And always be sincere!


Happy birthday to your baby
We congratulate you today.
Laughter, happiness and health
We wish her from the bottom of our hearts.

Oh, smart girl,
Smart eyes sparkle
Let her grow up to be a champion,
Everything reaches the top.

In the meantime, little daughter,
Let him sleep sweetly in his crib,
Let in love, tender embraces
The daughter knows no shortage.


Exactly a year ago you
Brought in a little bag:
Receive, sign,
This is your daughter.

Month after month went by
While growing up.
Exactly one year beautiful
It became real.

Happy birthday, girl.
Happy birthday, darling.
I wish that all my life
You were happy.


The first year is the most important
The most reverent, brave.
The little one has already grown up,
Your daughter, your mouse!

May a healthy child grow up
It will be sweet like candy.
And she will be the happiest one,
Mom's joy, dad's pride!


Your baby is one year old. Hooray!
So accept congratulations!
Let her life be bright,
Full of luck and luck.

The princess is already one year old,
How quickly time goes by.
We sincerely congratulate you,
And we wish the little one:

May you grow up happy,
Sweet, smart and beautiful.
Let the baby not get sick
He will overcome all adversities.

Let him receive gifts
Let only the good know.
I wish you happiness, there is peace in the family,
And adversity - stay away!

Happy first birthday
Congratulations for the baby.
Be more beautiful than all the flowers,
Mom and dad are happy about their daughter.

Eye of gentle radiance,
The girl is charming,
The bunny is sleeping in the crib,
Tiny nose sniffles.

Be cheerful, of course
We sincerely wish you
To eat well,
She was smart and pretty.

Mom, dad, be patient,
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Protect your daughter!

The first year is the most important
The most reverent, brave.
The baby has already grown up,
Your daughter, your mouse!

Let your baby grow up healthy
It will be sweet like candy.
And she will be the happiest one,
Joy for mom, pride for dad!

Congratulations to the beautiful princess on her first year. I wish you, my dear, to stomp confidently along the paths of happiness, to hold tightly in your hands the ticket to a wonderful country. Grow up obedient and cheerful, the most beautiful and talented, cheerful and courageous, sweet and wonderful girl!

It's a joyful holiday for you,
The year flew by like an hour.
I send congratulations to the baby
On her first birthday!
Let life be a good fairy tale,
So that the eyes do not know tears,
They just sparkled with joy!
For the fairies to fly
They brought a lot of gifts:
Dolls, bears, rhinoceroses,
A ball and a big book.
Happy Birthday Baby!

The baby is one year old, congratulations!
How quickly the little one is growing.
We wish your sweetie good health,
And may God protect her.

We wish the girl always
Be smart and beautiful
May there be a good fate
Life is easy and happy.

Happy first year to a wonderful little girl. I wish you clear blue skies above your head and bright sunshine, sincere joy and success in your first steps in life. Grow up as a good and obedient, smart, cheerful and kind girl, mom’s joy and dad’s pride.

I wish the baby smiles and laughter,
Bright sun, sea of ​​success,
Grow sweet, healthy, beautiful,
Obstacles are easy to overcome on the way,
For mom and dad to be a clear sun,
The most fun and the most beautiful!

Happy Birthday Baby!
Here is the first “anniversary”!
Be happy and cheerful
Be healthy, don't get sick!

Make mom happy, make dad happy
Take your first steps!
And with a smile through life,
Run boldly and merrily!

The first year is the most important!
Everyone knows this for sure!
Time flew by quickly -
Your daughter has grown up!

You are growing very quickly
You will know the world in the area,
Have you learned to walk
And talk a little!

We congratulate the baby
And with all our hearts we wish
She wishes you health and warmth,
May you be happy!

Just turned a year old -
Many people know everything
This date is important for a reason.
After all, a young woman was born,
There is a snow-white soul in the big world.
We congratulate the child together,
We give happiness, smiles, kindness.
Let everyone rejoice at this news,
And the whole world will bloom for him.

Dear little girl, little one,
A whole year has passed!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
Let everything bloom around you,
Lives, plays, has fun!
You'll see, time will fly by unnoticed,
That you will become such a beauty,
That anyone will stare at you.
While growing healthy and diligent,
Obedient, loving and gentle.
Don't cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids.
And cherish: both mommy and daddy
And, be rich in heart and soul.
Always be the first among everyone
So that we can hear your cheerful laughter
And they said with pleasure,
We were waiting for such a gift from late autumn
(that spring, that winter, summer we)
And may every new day
Only the door opens to a fairy tale!

Small hands, chubby legs,
You move them so funny along the path.
You just learned to take your first steps,
And you can't go anywhere without your mother's hand.
Today is your first birthday,
And you will receive congratulations from your family,
Gifts, hugs and, of course, kisses,
How can you not love such a beauty!

You have the most beautiful eyes in the world,
Your curls are like those of a princess in a fairy tale,
Your lips are like a cute bow
And how much tenderness, love and affection you have.
Today we celebrate your first holiday,
Your birthday is the most beautiful,
Always be healthy and happy,
Just as cheerful, inquisitive, and sweet!

What kind of girl is this beautiful?
Why doesn't she take her eyes off the guests?
He looks sincerely, blinks so naively,
He won’t understand why there are so many of us.
Well, we all gathered for the birthday,
Celebrating exactly one year for this little one.
We wish her health, good mood,
Eat porridge, listen to mom, grow up.

Happy Birthday, dear baby!
You are already very, very big with us,
You talk, even if it’s not clear,
But all the guests enjoy playing with you.
We wish you to grow up beautiful,
To be, of course, happy in your family,
Don’t be capricious, learn to eat porridge,
And always, of course, listen to mom and dad.

The whole family is celebrating one year today
They have fun and congratulate the baby.
And she stands dressed up, with bows,
He just blinks his eyes in surprise.
We wish you good health,
So that you are surrounded by love.
Be cheerful, cheerful, beautiful,
To grow up big and be happy!

We wish our beloved baby
Be sure to grow up a little more,
So that she can walk firmly on the ground,
I started talking sooner,
So that her braids grow faster,
So that my mother learns to ask questions,
So that on her first birthday
Someone didn't spoil the little one's mood!

We wish you a lot of sun and light,
May the sunrises be clear and peaceful,
May your mom and dad love you very much,
We always played with you in the evenings,
And so that your girlfriends come to you,
For parents to buy toys,
Today we celebrate your one year anniversary,
And we suggest blowing out the candle on the cake.

It's the little girl's birthday today,
And all her family are in a good mood.
All the guests came to congratulate the baby on her first year
And everyone wants to play with it a little.
Grow up quickly and gain strength,
Learn to walk and run, smile more.
May everything turn out great in your life,
May you never stop believing in fairy tales!

To our little daughter
Today is one year old!
Happy Birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Don't cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only the door opens to a fairy tale.

Point, stick, cucumber,
Hello, little man!
The whole year has been developing,
He cried, he hooted, he smiled.
So I grew up, a year has passed,
Our baby is very big.
Happy Birthday! Our baby
Created so much commotion
And gathered around me
Those who love you so much.

We have passed the first step in life,
And the first year flew by.
And recently we wondered
What will the stork bring?
Rattles are outdated -
There are much more interesting things
Lots of other toys
What is carried out to admiration.
You are like a ray of sunshine
You light up our whole house,
And you are cherished, loved,
They extol everything around.
Let everything that surrounds you -
Sun, sky and earth,
Opening up a huge world
It only makes you happy.

A year ago, grandmothers did not yet know
Grandfathers, and even mom and dad,
That a sweet girl will appear,
Immediately becoming the most beloved in the family.
He will suck porridge with milk,
Sweetly smacking, smiling happily.
He will sulk, showing his character,
Crying to fall asleep and swaddle.
Let's wish her to grow up beautiful,
Affectionate, obedient, neat,
To be a smile like the sun,
Pleasant for family and friends.
Be sure to become the happiest
The smartest and most beautiful,
So that everyone wants to be proud of you,
And not just mom and dad!

Today the most important member of the family
Celebrates his first birthday
Bathed in delight and love
And he just adores mom and dad.
There are a million discoveries ahead,
Warmth, friends and good roads,
And different impressions of the stadium -
Fate will have many gifts in store!

A year ago you were born,
Gave happiness to mom and dad.
You - life together compliment,
Our favorite little man!
We value you so much
Our rapture, our sweetness,
Our daughter, our earthly angel,
Grow up quickly for everyone's joy!

You are already a year old, our beauty,
There is no one better and more beautiful than you in this world.
Looks like dad, a little like mom,
Our beloved angel, the only one!
We all congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you great health and happiness.
You are our long-awaited and rare flower.
May everything go well for you, daughter!

My dear, golden sun,
I'm so happy that I have you.
It’s been a year since I’ve been living, breathing you,
I can't live a day without you.
Happy birthday, my dear daughter,
My joy is unearthly, clear light.
I love you and I just adore you,
After all, there is simply no more beautiful person in the world.

We congratulate you, our beloved angel,
After all, you are like a gift from heaven to us,
So dear, so necessary,
She appeared like a miracle of miracles.
We are celebrating your one year anniversary,
We would like to wish you, daughter,
Always be smart, grow big,
We will all protect you.

It's a special day in our family,
In the morning, everyone sets the table in the living room.
Today our beloved angel
Celebrating his first birthday.
We wish you, dear, to grow
Healthy and beautiful, like a flower.
May you have a wonderful life ahead.
I wish you a lot of happiness, daughter!

Dear daughter, I will kiss you,
I’ll give you a beautiful, big doll,
And I’ll put on a dress made according to fashion,
Happy birthday, sunshine! You are one year old today.
I wish you to always listen to mom and dad,
Definitely learn to eat porridge with a spoon,
It’s good to walk and run, speak clearly,
Be healthy and happy, my beloved baby doll!

This is not only joy, but also responsibility. After all, the holiday should be organized in such a way that only a positive charge of energy remains from it. And for this, parents will have to try very hard and make a lot of effort.

Mom and dad try to make their child's birthday the best. Therefore, they invite guests, prepare delicious dishes, hold interesting competitions, and most importantly, choose congratulations and gifts for the baby. All this takes a lot of time. Many even start writing a plan for the celebration a week before it starts. And few people know that this is not simple.

Many people forget to congratulate their parents. After all, this is also their holiday. Therefore, when it is fulfilled 1 year old girl congratulations to parents from guests are simply necessary. It is advisable to make everything bright. For example, draw a poster where parents and child are together. And then attach it to the balls. When guests walk in from the doorway and begin to congratulate you one by one, every family member will smile on the street.

The year flew by like a dream.
Birthday, this is it
I knocked on your door today,
A year has flown by like one day.

Celebrate, mother, celebrate, grandfather,
First year!.. But many years
There's a girl waiting ahead,
May she grow up healthy.
Today you are a whole year old,
Accounts right turnover.

I congratulate you both today!
The baby is already a year old, and you have become wiser...
Today, on your birthday, I send you wishes:
Let it grow healthy, charm itself!
Plays and develops to the delight of all relatives,
And may your expectations be fully realized!

Your daughter was born - and exactly a year has passed,
Parents' dream came true! The table is set today,
After all, the baby has an anniversary, albeit a small one -
But many friends gathered on such a special day.

We hasten to wish the best for your daughter,
Be healthy, be happy, good luck - from the heart!
Let her grow into a beauty and please her family,
And in life he will find joy among any people!

We will never tire of congratulating you
Your princess girl!
Happy Birthday,
Oh, how he looks with interest!
Another little baby
She's only 1 year old
But she's already wearing earrings
Very stylish, it suits her!
Let him grow healthy, strong,
She needs to know a lot!
Oh beauty, oh sweetie,
He will conquer the whole world!

Young mom and dad!
A year ago the house became rich:
A girl was born
Bringing happiness to your home.
This happiness brought you together,
Enriched your feelings
A door has opened to a new world -
A full-fledged home now.

It's been a year already,
All the people are having fun.
Mom, dad and child -
A complete family.
Your baby is growing up
And shines with smiles,
Pure and naive look
Hands want tenderness
The legs move on their own,
You are everyone's favorite.
You will get to know the whole world
We will have a feast in your honor.
Happy Birthday to You,
Be happy life yours!

There is only one candle on the cake,
She is crowning the first year,
All the vests are too small,
And you don't need diapers.
Everything first, steps, words,
Habits, pranks, friends!
May your girl be beautiful
Grows healthy and big.