From time immemorial, autumn has been popularly considered the most successful time for marriage. Things are done and you can go for a walk! Nowadays, few people take into account the ancient canons, but it is still interesting to get acquainted with wedding signs. In our hearts, we women still believe in omens. And although we cannot guarantee that, having played a wedding according to all conceivable rules, the newlyweds will live like in a fairy tale, we try to ensure that everything at our wedding is “according to science”!

We've never had a wedding before...

  • During all four fasts: Great Lent, Petrov Lent, Assumption Lent and Nativity Lent, as well as during Christmastide, from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany (from January 7 to January 20).
  • On Saturday, as well as on the eve of temple and great holidays, so that the pre-holiday evening does not pass in noisy fun and entertainment.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, before the fast days of Wednesday and Friday throughout the year.
  • During Maslenitsa (the week before Lent)
  • On the day of the beheading of John the Baptist (September 11); on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27).
  • In May. On the day of the Holy Apostle James, May 13 (April 30, old style), matchmaking was stopped. And if someone proposed marriage, they considered his proposal offensive and even shameful. It is a popular sign to get married in May and spend your whole life toiling. But there are also exceptions.
  • On even numbers. Odd numbers are considered the best: 3, 5, 7, 9 or those numbers that, when added, add up to the above, for example, 25 in the sum of 7. Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered the most successful.
  • July 16 (July 3, old style) is the day of the martyr Jacinthos, Saint Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow.
  • On the day of the martyr Theodosius of Tire and Saint Blessed John, June 11 (May 29, old style). They said: “St. Fedosia’s Day is worth one of all Mondays.”
  • February 29, the day of St. Cassian the Roman. In the old days, people were afraid to even leave their hut on this day, lest misfortune happen. “Kasyan is cross-eyed, brothers, bury everything from him, he quickly casts the evil eye, so much so that later neither the priests will reprimand nor the grandmothers will whisper.”

There are other “forbidden” dates that can be found in the church. If this is important to you, contact a professional astrologer; a specialist will choose the optimal wedding day for you, taking into account church canons.

So, in addition to all the wedding preparations and hassles, you also need to take care of other important details, taking into account folk signs...

1. Do not give wedding rings to anyone to try on, either before or after the wedding.

2. So that the newlyweds do not need money, the groom on the wedding day must put a coin in his right shoe, which is then kept as a family heirloom!

3. Both the bride and groom need to fasten a safety pin to their clothes with the head facing downwards from the evil eye. For the bride on the hem of the dress (from the inside), for the groom where the boutonniere is, but so that the pin is not visible.

4. On the wedding day, the bride should put on something new, something from “someone else’s shoulder” (except for the veil, gloves and, of course, underwear, stockings), something second-hand. You should make a couple of stitches on the hem of the dress or in another place invisible to the eye, preferably with blue thread (from the evil eye). Shoes must be with closed toes.

5. Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little; the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears come from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some problems or problems.

6. When the bride goes to church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, cross, brooch, bracelet, etc., so that this item will be with her at the wedding, protecting her.

7. Until the wedding/registration, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in full attire. For example, you can look at yourself without gloves or in a dress, but without a veil.

8. The bride should not let go of the groom's bouquet throughout the day. In an emergency, you can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet. Only at a wedding banquet can you put it on the table in front of you, and in the evening you should take it to your bedroom. It is believed that if you release a bouquet, happiness can fly away like a bird.

9. After the bride has left home for the wedding/registration, the floors need to be at least symbolically washed to make it easier for the bride to enter her husband's house. The best thing to do is for her mother to do this. The wedding procession can easily wait 2-3 minutes!

10. When leaving home for the wedding/registration, it is advisable that the bride wear a veil against the evil eye. When she enters the House of Celebrations or the church, the veil can be thrown back if desired.

11. After the groom has put on the bride wedding ring, neither she nor he should take the empty ring box or the plate on which it was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

12. On the wedding day, parents should ensure that no strangers or guests adjust the clothes on the bride and groom.

13. The newlyweds must stay together at all times so that no one passes or comes between them. May the union be indestructible!

14. The wedding candles of the bride and groom must be blown out at the same time life together.

15. After the wedding, the newlyweds should look in the same mirror for good luck, friendly and happy life.

16. When leaving the church/registry office, you need to sprinkle the young people with cereal: rice, millet or wheat grains to live in abundance.

17. Young people should not go straight to the banquet. People say that it is necessary to mislead the evil spirits, and therefore they choose a complex, ornate route. By the way, on this occasion, in some countries, empty cans are tied to the rear bumper so that they rattle along the road and scare away all evil spirits.

18. When the newlyweds drive up to the wedding venue, the car should honk loudly. This also applies to scaring away evil spirits from the evil eye.

19. The newlyweds should dance at the wedding banquet only together and a little with their parents. Parents, after dancing with their children, must reunite them and bring them to each other.

20. The wedding cake is cut by the bride, the groom holds the knife. The groom places a piece of cake with the main design on his fiancée’s plate, and the bride presents the next piece to the groom. Then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and helping each other.

21. Bridesmaids and other unmarried ladies who wish to catch the bride's bouquet, instead of the bouquet presented by the groom, should throw a pre-ordered alternative, or "fake" bouquet, which looks a little like the bride's bouquet.

About the tradition of removing the veil. Usually a young couple is selected from among the guests and they become, as it were, the “groom” and “bride”. The girl, the supposed newlywed, puts on a veil taken from the real bride, and the groom's boutonniere is put on the imaginary groom.

So, you can’t part with your veil and boutonniere! It was for this occasion that they came up with the idea of ​​throwing an alternative bouquet. The veil and boutonniere are kept at home as a family heirloom, and when the first child is born in the family, the veil, for example, is covered with the baby when he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect against the evil eye.

22. When preparing the bed for the newlyweds on their wedding night (this can be done by a close married relative), the pillows are laid so that the cuts of the pillowcases touch. Towards a friendly life.

It is not good if the surnames of the bride and groom begin with the same letter. In the old days, such lovers were not given blessings for marriage and were separated.

You can’t take photos before the wedding - it means separation. It is also not good to knit a gift for the groom before the wedding - it will change.

There is a sign according to which the bride should cry a little before the wedding or registration. This will bring happiness to the family. It is better, of course, if the young woman cries not because of various problems and problems, but because of pitying parting speeches.

If the wedding is on Intercession Day and it snows, then this promises happiness for the newlyweds. Unions concluded on Palm Sunday are also considered blessed by heaven.

A wedding on Monday will bring wealth. Those who get married on Tuesday should be healthy and happy on Wednesday. It’s better not to plan a wedding on Thursday: it will bring new family difficulties. Friday is also not a day for a wedding celebration.

Wedding signs represent the magical part wedding ceremony. Currently, many signs are not revered, but there are some that have not lost their relevance to this day.

Before the wedding, the bride should not see herself in the mirror in all her wedding attire. For example, she can wear a dress without gloves or without a veil.

The bride's friends should not stand in front of her in front of the mirror. According to the sign, they can take her fiancé away from her.

The bride and groom should not see each other until the wedding ceremony. The groom is not allowed to see the bride trying on her wedding dress.

It is desirable that the bride's dress is not divided into a corset and a skirt, but one piece. Then married life will be harmonious.

It is bad luck to wear a wedding dress over your legs. Also, you need to stick your head through the neckline of the dress first, not your hands.

It is prohibited for anyone other than the bride to try on a wedding dress. Girlfriends or sisters can lure her happiness to themselves.

The longer the train of the dress, the longer the married life will be. Short dresses- not for a wedding ceremony.

An old Russian custom dictates that on the wedding day the bride must wear something old, new, foreign and blue. For example, a ribbon in a hairstyle or a garter can be blue. In ancient times, the color blue was associated with love and fidelity. The role of the old one can be played by any mother’s gift, amulet, amulet, etc. Such a gift is a sign of peace and wisdom, which is passed on from mother to daughter. A “foreign” item, for example some kind of jewelry, can be borrowed from anyone in happy marriage women. With this item she should bless the bride for a successful marriage.

The groom's veil and boutonniere cannot be sold or given to friends. These are family heirlooms that last a lifetime. For example, a veil can even relieve toothaches in a baby if you cover it with it or hang it over the crib.

The bride should wear closed-toe shoes. You cannot wear shoes with laces.

No guest should be allowed to adjust the clothes of the bride or groom. Only parents or a happily married older friend can do this.

It is believed that if the groom puts a coin in his right shoe, the newlyweds will not need money. To prevent the bride from being jinxed, you need to insert pins into the hem of her dress, point down, and tie a red ribbon around her waist.

To make the life of the young happy and rich, you need to sew into their clothes or put in their pocket a pair of laurel leaves cross-stitched together with red thread. Both the groom and the bride should have such a talisman.

Before going to the registry office or church, the bride’s mother gives her some item from the family heirlooms, such as a brooch, earrings, ring, etc. The bride takes this item with her, which protects her.

A Russian superstition says that if a young bride, before leaving the threshold of her parents’ house, pulls the very edge of the tablecloth lying on the table, then her sisters will certainly get married in the near future.

The bride should not part with the bouquet given by the groom all day. If necessary, she can give it to the groom or mother for a while. At the wedding reception, the bride should place it in front of her, and at the end of the ceremony, take it home.

As soon as the wedding cortege has left for the wedding or registration ceremony, the floor should be washed to make life easier for the bride in her new family. But you can’t wash the threshold, otherwise you’ll end up returning to your parents’ house. It is better for the mother of the bride to do this, at least purely symbolically by doing wet cleaning.

The groom, who has taken the bride from her parents' house, should not look back on the way to the registry office.

When leaving home for a wedding or registration, it is advisable for the bride to wear a veil against the evil eye. When she enters the Wedding Palace or the church, she can throw back the veil if she wants.

The bride and groom must always ensure that no one passes between them. This way no one will separate them and the union will be unbreakable.

You cannot invite divorced people as witnesses. The newlyweds can repeat their fate. The ban also applies to married witnesses. The boyfriend and girlfriend must certainly be single and friendly in character.

It is considered a bad omen if the newlyweds scheduled the wedding for one day and then postponed the registration to another.

There is a tradition of throwing coins at the feet of the newlyweds, so that the husband and wife do not know what poverty is, and in order to have many children, the newlyweds are showered with grain or hops.

It is believed that if a marriage takes place in the afternoon, it will be happy.

According to the superstition, if you eat a chocolate bar before registering at the registry office, then the life of the newlyweds will be sweet. The same applies to honey.

If it rains on your wedding day, then this is a good sign. The appearance of a rainbow is also considered a good omen.

Forgetting rings at home or dropping a ring during the ceremony is bad luck.

Getting married on your angel's day is not good.

After the wedding or registration, the newlyweds should go to the mirror and look into it. If you believe the signs, it brings good luck. But you can’t take pictures of the reflection in the mirror.

When newlyweds drink champagne after getting married, the glasses should be broken “for good luck.” If during the celebration one of the newlyweds' glasses is broken, the second one should be deliberately broken.

You should not give newlyweds sets of knives and forks for their wedding. It is believed that this will lead to discord and quarrels in a young family.

A common sign is the throwing of the bride's bouquet. The girlfriend who catches the flowers will soon get married. The girl should keep this bouquet in her bedroom for a year. A similar tradition exists for bachelors. Anyone who catches a garter from the bride's leg will have a wedding in the near future.

It is considered bad luck to let someone try on their wedding rings. This cannot be done both before and after the wedding. Otherwise, happiness can be “measured” on themselves.

Wedding rings must be made of the same metal; young people should not use the melted rings of their parents; the bride should not put the wedding ring on her glove; it must first be removed. Young people should buy rings on the same day and in one place, this promises a long, cohesive life together.

A veil and a dress should also not be allowed to be trusted by anyone - it will lead to quarrels in the family.

If you drop your wedding ring before putting it on your finger, don’t get upset right away! You need to take a thread prepared in advance by the witnesses, thread it through the ring so that it takes away all the bad omens, then they put the ring on. The thread must be burned, the one who dropped the ring burns it, saying “burn all my troubles and sorrows with fire.”

To determine who will be the boss in a young family, the husband and wife undergo the “bread and salt” ritual, which we already discussed in the previous chapter. It is carried out either on the threshold of the groom’s house or at the entrance to the banquet hall. The newlyweds bite into a loaf. Whoever bites off the biggest piece will be the head of the family. But the bride should cheat by deliberately biting off a smaller piece, thereby allowing the groom to feel like the owner and head of the family from the first day.

During the wedding, the bride and groom should not look into each other's eyes; it is also not good to look at the candles; it is better to look at the priest.

You need to go to the banquet not along a straight road, but as if wandering, in order to confuse the evil spirits. It’s even better to drive around seven bridges before registering your marriage or wedding. This promises great happiness in marriage.

It is impossible to allow any of the guests to sit in the place of the bride or groom during the feast - this will lead to separation.

The person who makes the newlyweds’ bed before their wedding night should know that the pillows must be placed so that the cuts of the pillowcases “look” at each other. In this case, the young couple will live long and in harmony. It is also worth making sure that there are no “single” portraits in the newlyweds’ bedroom.

When the motorcade approaches the place where the celebration is celebrated, the drivers must honk, thereby scaring away evil spirits.

The wedding cortege cannot go straight to the celebration; you need to think about an ornate route in advance, so you will confuse evil spirits and evil spirits.

The bride and groom are not allowed to cross the road, so the witness and witness go first in the procession.

On the wedding table there should be two bottles of champagne connected by one satin ribbon, but they should not be drunk, as this is a symbol of a happy family life and its fruit.

Try to ensure that the newlyweds sit facing east at the festive feast; this is considered a good omen. No one should sit on the chairs of the bride and groom; they should be clean and beautiful. And it’s better when young people generally sit on the same bench, it’s impossible for something to separate them.

The cutlery on the wedding table for the newlyweds should be identical, paired wine glasses, forks, spoons, but it is better to remove the knives altogether so as not to quarrel. It is forbidden for young people to eat with the same spoon or fork, so as not to be disappointed in each other.

For a happy family life, the bride should put a mirror under her pillow the night before the wedding.

Mothers of young people must be dressed in “full dresses”; costumes are prohibited!

There is a belief that the character of a bride can be determined by the fruits she likes.

If a girl likes apples, then your chosen one has a strong, unyielding character. She will not prepare romantic surprises for you, but you will always be sure that she is a reliable and thorough person.

Those who prefer pears are attractive and tempting natures. It costs them nothing to charm a man, because they have so much charm! However, these are very touchy people who may never talk about their grief.

Banana lovers arouse men's interest. They are not offended when they are criticized.

Girls who are partial to strawberries dream of comfort. They have a natural charm.

Oranges are loved by mysterious people. It is not easy for them to reveal their inner world, but if they succeed, you will be surprised at how intelligent, creative and interesting person Fate brought you together.

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A wedding is an important and exciting event in people's lives. As a rule, young people preparing for a wedding celebration, as well as their parents, worry about various reasons: “Will everything go well?”, “Will they be happy in marriage?” etc. In this regard, when preparing and holding the celebration, they try to observe all traditions, take into account all the little details, paying attention Special attention to the existing signs so that the married life of the young will be immensely happy and long. Whether or not to believe in wedding signs and superstitions is up to you. Just remember that our happiness is in our hands, so don’t worry about it.

Before moving directly to existing wedding signs and superstitions, I would like to note that it is popularly believed that “if you don’t know anything about a sign, then it will not come true.”

Well, now, in fact, the wedding signs and superstitions themselves associated with wedding rings.
Those wishing to get married should not let anyone try on their wedding rings.
It is believed that wedding rings should be chosen with a smooth, classic shape, without stones or notches, so that the life of the newlyweds is just as smooth.
After the bride and groom have exchanged rings, neither of them should take the empty ring box or the dish on which it was lying. As a rule, it is taken by an unmarried friend of the bride or an unmarried friend of the groom.
If one of the spouses drops the wedding ring before putting it on their finger, this is a sign of impending separation. To ward off “trouble” in this case, a thread should be threaded through the dropped ring (which should be prepared in advance by witnesses), which will take away all the bad things, after which the ring can be put on the finger. After the wedding ceremony is over, the thread should be burned by the one who dropped the ring, while saying the words “burn all my troubles and sorrows with fire.”
On your wedding day, you cannot wear other rings on your hand other than the wedding ring.
Losing an engagement ring is considered a sign of divorce or separation.

Signs and superstitions associated with the bride's dress.
It is believed that a wedding dress should only be worn by a virgin bride; otherwise, the bride should choose a dress of a different color (pink, beige, cream, blue, etc.).
The groom should not see the bride in her wedding attire before the wedding.
It is believed that before the wedding, the bride should not look in the mirror in full wedding attire, otherwise there will be minor troubles in family life. The bride can look at herself in the mirror, for example, without gloves or without a veil.
If the bride wears a wedding dress before the wedding, then the wedding will not take place. It was believed: if you put on a dress, you get married.
A wedding dress, like a wedding ring, should not be given to anyone to try on.
A wedding dress should be made in the form of a dress, and not a corset with a skirt, otherwise life will be separate.
The outfit of the mothers of the bride and groom should also be in the form of a dress (but not a suit), otherwise this portends a divorce for the young.
If the wedding dress has buttons, then their number should be even.
It is believed that a girl's underwear on her wedding day should be white.
You should not wear pearl jewelry to a wedding - it will lead to the bride's tears.
Jewelry cannot be worn to a wedding ceremony either; they are replaced with costume jewelry.
When choosing wedding accessories for the bride, you should try to buy the veil and dress on Wednesday, and shoes on Friday.
It is advisable that the style of the wedding dress be without a deep neckline and open shoulders. It is believed that the bride's too exposed breasts remain without protection from the evil eye of envious women.
According to old wedding traditions, the bride must be dressed up in her neighbors’ house (not in her own apartment or house), which is located on the same side as her parents’ house, since a dressed up bride cannot be taken across the road.
Old wedding signs say that brides should buy exactly closed shoes(not sandals), without laces, otherwise she will face divorce and poverty.
Good luck in family life awaits the bride if she wears old shoes on her wedding day.
Therefore, it is often recommended to wear new shoes purchased for the wedding for a day the day before the wedding.
Popular beliefs also say that the absence of fasteners on a wedding dress was a guarantee of an easy delivery in the future.
It is considered a bad omen if a bride wears her wedding dress over her legs. Therefore, you should still put it on over your head.
To protect against the evil eye, the bride needs to make a couple of surrounding stitches on her wedding dress that are invisible to the eye. And if you make a couple of stitches immediately after the wedding, the marriage will be long and happy.
To protect against the evil eye, the bride and groom need to attach a safety pin to their clothes with the head down in a place where it will be invisible or hide small icons of the Virgin Mary (for the bride) and Jesus Christ (for the groom) or personalized icons in their clothes until the end of the wedding .
On the day of the wedding ceremony, parents should ensure that none of the invited guests or strangers adjust the clothes of the bride and groom.
Wedding Dress After the wedding you cannot sell it, it must be kept for life so that the marriage does not break up. The same applies to the veil and boutonniere. When a child is born, a veil, for example, is used to cover the baby if he is sick, or hung over his crib to protect him from the evil eye.
In case of pregnancy, the bride should shield the unborn child with a wide red ribbon or belt, which should be carefully disguised under clothing.

What should a bride take to her wedding?
The bride to the wedding must take with her something new, symbolizing the beginning of her new status (veil, outfit, etc.), something old, as a symbol of peace and wisdom in the future family (old ring, brooch, etc.). etc., the main thing is that it is an item from the pre-marital home), an item borrowed from a woman who is happy in the family, as well as something blue, symbolizing love, modesty and fidelity (a garter, hair decoration or jewelry).

Signs and superstitions before the wedding.
If the bride and groom live together before the wedding, then they must spend the night before the wedding ceremony separately. The groom must still pick up the bride from his parents' house or from his own, where he did not spend the night.
When the groom takes the bride from her parents' house, he should not look back.
It is a bad omen for the bride and groom to be photographed together before the wedding and separately after it - to separation.
If the bride cries a little before the wedding (preferably from parting words from her parents), then family life will be happy.
To protect against the evil eye, the bride must throw a veil over her face before leaving the house, but at the registry office it can be thrown back.
It is considered a good sign that one of the bride's relatives sneezing in the morning on the eve of the wedding - it means a happy marriage.
If the bride and groom stealthily eat a chocolate bar for two in front of the Wedding Palace, a “sweet” life awaits them.
The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her in front of the mirror, so as not to take her beloved away. The same goes for the groom.
It is necessary to ensure that no one crosses the road for the bride and groom on the way to the registry office.
According to popular belief, if the groom stumbles at the door of the registry office, this indicates his uncertainty in his choice.
If in the registry office someone steps on the carpet with the bride and groom, this means frequent infidelity.

Wedding signs associated with the day or time of the wedding.
You should not set your wedding day on the thirteenth - it is a bad omen.
It is considered a good omen if the wedding time is scheduled after noon - the marriage will be long and successful.
You shouldn’t get married in May, such marriages are not happy (“Good people don’t get married in May”, “whoever gets married in May will suffer for a century”).
Misfortune promises those couples who announced their upcoming marriage at the end of one quarter of the year, and the wedding took place at the beginning of the next.
You cannot get married on a leap year.

Wedding signs associated with the wedding:
Whichever of the newlyweds has a wedding candle that burns longer will live longer in this world.
If the bride dropped her scarf while standing under the aisle, according to legend, her husband will die and she will be a widow.
A suddenly extinguished wedding candle promises a difficult family life or early death.
Wedding candles should be blown out simultaneously by the bride and groom, which will symbolize a long life together.

Signs after marriage or wedding.
If after the wedding the newlyweds look in the same mirror, there will be good luck.
After the wedding procedure, when leaving, the bride should give out change to prevent troubles in her future family life.
The newlyweds should break the first glass of champagne for good luck. Previously, they used the fragments to determine who would be born first to the young: many large fragments - a boy, small fragments - a girl.
It was believed that if the bride’s heel breaks on the wedding day, family life will be “limpy.”
According to tradition, the husband carries his wife over the threshold of the new house in his arms. It was believed that then she would be “carried in her arms” all her life in her new home. However, the sign “does not work” if the young people lived in this house before marriage.
After the blessing of their parents, the young people must stand together on the same rug, then they will live in harmony with their relatives and among themselves.
It is considered a bad omen if the bride pricks her finger during the wedding - to frequent quarrels with husband.
It is believed that if at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and leave them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

Wedding signs for good luck.
The bride should not let go of the wedding bouquet throughout the day (in emergency cases, you can let the groom or mother hold it). Directly at the wedding reception, the bouquet should be placed on the table in front of you, and in the evening - taken to your bedroom.
Good luck in family life awaits young people whose wedding day it rains or snows.
The groom needs to carry the bride across the bridge in his arms for a long and happy life together.
During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds must sit at the wedding table on the same bench (not on chairs) so that the family is friendly, otherwise the marriage will fail.
To ensure that the new family always has prosperity, the newlyweds are showered with grain, millet, coins and candies along the way, and the coins placed in the glasses of the bride and groom during the wedding are kept at home, under the tablecloth.
No one should be allowed to come between the bride and groom so that the marriage is unbreakable, otherwise they will separate.
In order for the newlyweds to have a happy family life, it is necessary to take unmarried and unmarried, as well as non-divorced friends and girlfriends as witnesses. If one witness is married to another, the witnesses' marriage will break up.
In order for the young family to be friendly, when preparing the bed for the young, the pillows are laid in such a way that the cuts of the pillowcases (where the buttons are sewn) touch.
The newlyweds should be seated at the table on a fur coat, with the fur facing up, so that they can live richly.
In order for the new family to always have prosperity, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on the wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.
At the wedding banquet, the newlyweds should dance all the dances together, and only a little with their parents, who after the dance must bring the newlyweds to each other.

Other wedding signs and superstitions.
Invited guests are not allowed to wear black clothing to the wedding.
It is believed that if you knit something for your loved one before the wedding, it will lead to betrayal and separation.
Washing the threshold of the house from which the bride left promises her speedy return to her parents.
The newlyweds should not leave wine in their glasses at the wedding banquet - tears will remain.
If the bride's left palm itches during the wedding, it means wealth; the right one means the house will always be full of guests and fun.
It is considered a bad omen to break a mirror before the wedding.
You should know that it is not customary to give knives and forks at a wedding, otherwise the young family will live in quarrels.
If you still give cutlery with knives and forks, you should give the coin to the giver.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride places a mirror up to her pillow at night.
An odd number of guests are invited to the wedding.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to follow wedding traditions and superstitions. But still, if you are invited to a wedding, regardless of whether the newlyweds adhere to the signs or not, you should follow traditions so as not to upset the future spouses.

A wedding is one of the most important and responsible celebrations of every person embarking on the path of family life. Newlyweds perceive this as a kind of turning point, a start to a new unknown life, they have the highest hopes and are afraid that at least something will go wrong. It is not surprising that a huge number of different signs and superstitions are associated with a wedding and pre-wedding efforts. People believe that by following them handed down from ancient centuries folk wisdom, you will be able to protect your union from everything bad: from family quarrels and troubles, from misfortune, from envy and evil of others, from the influence of otherworldly forces. That is why some of the common wedding signs have even managed to develop into the rank of rituals.
One can argue for a long time as to whether they can really change a person’s life, protect him from anything. On this score, skeptics have clear logical explanations as to why this or that sign was so important for our ancestors. However, one thing remains unchanged - faith. If a person believes that following these tips, he will be able to achieve what he wants, then this is sometimes the key to success.

Well, let's look at the most common wedding signs and superstitions. It is believed that the month in which the marriage takes place is of great importance for the entire future life of a married couple.

Signs for choosing a month for a wedding:

Getting married in January means the risk of becoming widowed very early;
. Getting married in February means living in harmony with your husband;
. Getting married in March is a risk of living on someone else's side;
. Getting married in April - marriage promises changeable happiness;
. Getting married in May means seeing betrayal in the house with your own eyes;
. Getting married in June is a honeymoon for the rest of your life;
. Getting married in July means bittersweet memories of family life;
. To get married in August means to find a husband, a lover and a friend;
. Getting married in September means a calm, measured life;
. Getting married in October means a difficult and difficult life;
. Getting married in November means a rich, happy life;
. Get married in December - every year the shine of the stars of love will become brighter.

Folk omens also attach no less importance to the day of the week on which the wedding occurs.

Monday is one of the most suitable days marriage registration. Your chosen one will become a true support and support in everything;
. Tuesday is an unfavorable day for marriage. To frequent quarrels and troubles;
. Wednesday is a lucky day for marriage;
. Thursday - promises difficulties in family life;
. Friday is also not the best day for celebration;
. Saturday - you will have to sacrifice your career and personal life for the sake of family happiness;
. Sunday is a wonderful day for marriage. The chosen one will become a source of inspiration and will also help you realize your dreams.

Our ancestors also tried not to get married on the 13th. Typically, all odd numbers (especially 3, 5, 7, 9) were considered lucky “wedding dates.” Also, in the old days, weddings were not held during church fasts. From ancient times in Rus', late autumn was considered “wedding season” - after the harvest. In addition, Maslenitsa was a good time.

Signs associated with the dress of the bride and groom:

The bride cannot be in full wedding attire before the wedding day: failure will await her, and the wedding may not take place at all. When trying on, it is customary not to wear some part of the toilet (for example, one glove). If the outfit is not complete, it is considered that it is no longer an outfit. It is also forbidden for the groom to see his beloved in a dress before the wedding - to trouble;
. For a successful union, the young man's wedding attire must consist of something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue;
. It is not customary to start putting on a wedding dress from the sleeves - you should stick your head in first. You also cannot wear a dress over your legs;
. You cannot rent (borrow) jewelry for wedding dress;
. If the bride wears a veil not with a wreath, but with a hat, it means the breakdown of the marriage;
. The bride should wear exclusively white underwear;
. The bride should not be dressed by her namesake friend;
. You cannot glue flowers to the bride’s belt - this means a difficult birth;
. It is not recommended that the dress have an odd number of buttons - the husband will cheat;
. The bride should not hem the hem of her wedding dress herself;
. A wedding dress must be below the knees. The longer the outfit, the longer the married life will be;
. You cannot let anyone try on your dress - neither your sisters nor your friends;
. It is recommended to get married in shoes (necessarily with closed toes and heels), otherwise happiness may run away from home. However, you should not wear shoes with laces;
. You can't sell yours wedding veil or lend to friends - your marriage will be unsuccessful;
. You must definitely get married in a dress, but not in a corset with a skirt, otherwise your life will be separate;
. After the wedding, the dress is not sold, it must be kept for the rest of your life - otherwise the marriage may break up;
. You can't wear pearls - it will make the bride cry. It is also not customary to wear jewelry, exclusively costume jewelry. For a happy marriage, a happy married friend should put earrings on the bride;
. Young people should stick a needle into their outfit so as not to be jinxed;
. If the bride’s heel breaks on the wedding day, family life will also be “limped”;
. If the bride's dress is torn on the wedding day, the mother-in-law will be angry;
. To married couple did not need money, the groom should put a coin in his right shoe on his wedding day, which is then kept as a family heirloom.

Signs associated with the choice of wedding rings:

Marrying with your parents' rings means repeating their fate, adopting them family relationships;
. A ring dropped during a wedding means treason;
. Wedding rings must certainly be smooth (classic) - for a happy family life. It is not recommended that rings have stones or notches;
. You can’t let someone try on your wedding ring - you can give away your destiny. If it is inconvenient to refuse, the ring must first be placed on the table. Let them take it from the table, but not from your hands;
. The bride's friend should pick up the empty box from under the rings, and in no case the bride herself.

Signs related to the weather on your wedding day:

Snow or a blizzard on your wedding day - to prosperity;
. Rain on the wedding day promises wealth for the young family;
. Strong wind on the wedding day - the couple’s life will be windy;
. A thunderstorm or storm during a wedding means misfortune;
. Severe frost hit on the wedding day - the first-born will be a boy.

Signs associated with the choice of witnesses:

Witnesses at a wedding must be an unmarried boy and girl. It is also undesirable to choose witnesses from divorced acquaintances. Otherwise, you can jeopardize a happy family life;
. If the witnesses are married, this promises misfortune;
. If your witnesses are divorced, your own marriage will not last long either;
. If you have a married couple as witnesses, they may soon separate.

Signs associated with the wedding ceremony and banquet:

The newlyweds cannot be photographed separately - they may separate;
. The bride and groom should always be close, not allowing someone to come between them - also leading to separation;
. Which of the newlyweds will be the first to step on the mat (rushnik) during the ceremony will be the head of the family;
. When a bride accidentally pricks her finger during a wedding, this means frequent quarrels with her husband;
. You cannot invite an even number of guests to a wedding - a very bad omen;
. Guests are not allowed to wear black clothes to the wedding - this is a bad sign for the newlyweds;
. Parents of newlyweds are not recommended to attend the ceremony at the registry office;
. If on the way to the registry office of the wedding procession there is a funeral, you need to take a different road, otherwise you will invite trouble;
. The bride's left palm itched - for a rich life, her right - for frequent guests and fun;
. If after the registry office the bride enters the house first, she will lead the family, if the groom, then he will be the rightful owner;
. The newlyweds need to be led around the banquet table three times - for good luck;
. So that the young do not need either bread or money, they need to be sprinkled with cereals from rice, oats, millet, and wheat grains;
. The father-in-law and mother-in-law should welcome the newlyweds home with bread and salt. Whichever of the young people bites off the larger piece will dominate the family;
. It is customary to throw old, worn shoes after the young people. By doing this, they believe that everything old and bad is in the past and will never be remembered;
. Coins placed in the glasses of the newlyweds during the wedding feast are kept at home under the tablecloth - to constant prosperity;
. To avoid quarrels in everyday life, the newlyweds must break the plate by stepping over the pieces together. Only after this is it customary to sit down at the wedding table;
. At the table, the newlyweds should be seated on a fur coat with the fur turned upside down - to a rich life;
. At the table, the newlyweds sit on the same bench, but not on chairs - to friendly family;
. Young glasses should not contain any remains of wine (or other drinks) - this will lead to frequent tears;
. During a wedding, two bottles of champagne are tied with a ribbon and left untouched. It is believed that the young family will then celebrate both their first anniversary and the birth of their first child;
. A wedding tablecloth is used to cover the table on the wedding anniversary for three years in a row in order to live in peace until old age;
. Newlyweds should dance only with each other or with their parents. Moreover, after the dance, the parents always bring the newlyweds to each other;
. The bride must cut the birthday cake, the groom only holds the knife. At the same time they put a piece from wedding cake on each other's plate. And only after that the guests are treated. This sign symbolizes support and mutual assistance;
. Young people cannot eat from one spoon - to dissatisfaction with each other;
Signs associated with the wedding ceremony
. The mother of the bride during the wedding (when the wedding candles are lit) should say: “Lord, help, Lord bless. Let your candles shed tears. And only then will these candles develop, and only then will the husband and wife separate. Truly";
. When leaving the church, the bride must tie a knot on a handkerchief, then immediately untie it with the words: “As I can easily untie a knot, so I can easily give birth in due time.” Amen";
. During a wedding (at the moment when the crowns are over the heads of the newlyweds), the wedding couple cannot look into each other’s eyes - otherwise there will be treason. It is also not recommended to look at candles, preferably at the priest;
. At a wedding, the bride cannot wear a wedding ring over her gloves - there is a 100% guarantee that the couple will separate;
. Getting ready for the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds close the new lock with a key. After the ceremony, the father of the groom must throw one copy into one river, and the father of the bride into another. This is done to make the marriage last forever;
. When getting married on a leap year, you need to say: “I am getting married with a crown, not a leap end” - this is done so that the marriage does not have to be dissolved;
. You cannot leave a wedding towel and other attributes in the church. They should be kept at home;
. After the wedding, the bride and groom should remain silent for as long as possible. It is believed that whoever remains silent the longest will be the head of the family;
. After the bride has left the church, a person close to her should break a raw egg - for an easy birth and numerous offspring;
. When the bride has left to get married, the floors in the house should not be washed so that she does not have to return to her parents;
. After the wedding, newlyweds should look in one mirror - for good luck;
. The ringing of bells during a wedding is a sign of great happiness;
. The bride and groom must blow out the wedding candles at the same time - this promises a long family life.

Signs associated with a wedding bouquet:

The bride should not drop or let go of the wedding bouquet or let it be held in the wrong hands. If necessary, only the groom or mother can hold it. At a banquet you can place it on the table in front of you. The released bouquet symbolizes missed happiness;
. The girl who catches the wedding bouquet is the next one to get married.

Signs associated with wedding gifts:

All sharp objects, forks, spoons and knives are considered a bad wedding gift. Giving something like this is a bad sign. If they do give you cutlery, pay in small coins so that there is no disagreement;
. It is also not customary to give red roses for a wedding;
. You cannot give a photograph on the eve of the wedding - it means separation.

Other wedding signs:

On her own wedding day, the bride should cry - she will be happy;
. Newlyweds cannot cross the road - otherwise they will not live together;
. If the groom steps into a puddle at the bride's house, she will live with a drunkard;
. Only the mother of the bride can remove any fallen hairs from her dress;
. Dried products should not be stored wedding flowers;
. It is customary that the newlyweds spend the night before the wedding separately;
. The groom should not look back after he takes the bride from her parents' house;
. The bride should not allow her friends to stand in front of her at the mirror - the groom may be taken away.

However, it is worth remembering that not a single omen, even the kindest one, guarantees you family happiness as much as a correctly made choice. Therefore, trust your own heart and make sure that next to you is the person with whom you will live happily ever after for the rest of your life. It’s not for nothing that the word superstition comes from vain faith.

When planning a wedding, it’s not so easy to avoid mistakes that… aren’t even considered mistakes! After all, they were performed over and over again by previous generations of brides. “Everyone does this” - this, of course, is an ironclad argument)))) If you want to run around like a sausage at a wedding, worry, be late all the time, and fall exhausted in the evening - please do “like everyone else.” And if you want your wedding to be comfortable, joyful, and without unnecessary nerves, read this article carefully.

1. Very early start

Getting the bride up before dawn is such a common thing at weddings that it seems like there is no other way. After all, there is so much to do! However, you may well get up on your wedding day even later than usual - just plan your time wisely and avoid the mistakes that I write about in the following paragraphs. And:

  • Don’t arrange a ransom – this banal tradition takes a lot of time
  • Do not choose a check-in time before 3 pm
  • Don't try to cram every possible event into your wedding day.

By following these tips, you can easily get up not at 5-6 in the morning, but at 9-10. For what? Yes, so that you can get a good night’s sleep, feel good and look great, and have fun with everyone at the banquet, and not fall asleep from fatigue.

2. Too many locations, too long distances

First, the groom goes to the bride’s parents to bathe his beloved. Then together they go to the registry office. Next - go around the city monuments (at least 5 places). And finally - out of town, to a banquet. Yes, this is a “normal” wedding scenario. And he's terrible!
The more places you want to visit on your wedding day and the farther they are from each other, the more time you will spend stupidly sitting in cars. Especially if we are talking about a metropolis, and the wedding is on Friday. With such a scenario, you can lose several hours from your precious wedding day!

If you don’t dream of spending half your wedding stuck in traffic jams, then:

  • Try to organize the celebration as compactly as possible. Or better yet, completely in one place (for example, in a hotel).
  • Do not choose the “most beautiful” registry office if it is located on the other side of the city. Not only will it take a long time to get there, but all the way you will worry that you will be late.
  • Choose places for a photo shoot in advance - a maximum of two and, again, nearby. If you really want to arrange a beautiful photo shoot at a waterfall, but it’s 40 km to get there, reschedule the shoot for another day.

3. Long period of time between registration and banquet

The most “favorite” mistake of brides: schedule registration for 12-13 hours, and start the banquet at 5-6 pm. The ceremony takes a maximum of an hour. So what on earth should we do for the remaining 5 hours??? Naturally, take pictures! But, since the guests have already gathered, where should they go now?.. Quite a few brides have puzzled over this question, and the answer is usually the simplest: drag the guests with you so that while you are posing for the photographer, they get drunk, get bored and disturb you. And they didn’t want any banquet by 6 pm.
Dear brides-to-be, plan your photo shoot BEFORE the ceremony! It's so simple. And schedule the registration itself a maximum of 2 hours before the start of the banquet. Failed to book right time at the registry office? Choose an outdoor ceremony - it will be held whenever you want. Just avoid the following mistake.

4. Registration and exit ceremony on the same day

The date on the marriage registration certificate must coincide with the wedding date - brides have firmly learned this rule. Therefore, even if an outdoor ceremony is planned on the wedding day, you still need to run to the registry office in the morning and sign. Why exactly on the same day is a mystery to me personally. What difference does it make when you receive the document - today, yesterday or tomorrow? Or are you afraid that the groom will change his mind about going to the registry office after the wedding? So bring it down to))) Don’t know when to celebrate your anniversary? Celebrate by wedding day. Are you afraid that inquisitive relatives will start looking at the certificate and checking the dates? They won’t start, and it won’t be difficult to come up with an explanation. Do you think this is how it’s supposed to be? By whom?

If you decide to have an outdoor ceremony, it is beautiful and convenient because it allows you to plan a comfortable wedding day without unnecessary haste. But if you rush to the registry office in the morning, this is not at all convenient. A lot of questions arise: should I choose a solemn ceremony or a non-solemn one? Should I call someone else to the registry office or not? If you call, then who? How to dress?.. Well, why do you need all this headache? Don't be foolish. Outdoor ceremony – perfect choice for Wedding. Leave the registry office for another day, choose a non-ceremonial registration and come only together.

5. Registration and wedding on the same day

Unlike an outdoor ceremony, getting married without a certificate of official marriage registration is not allowed. And again, many brides take this as a signal: in the morning - to the registry office, in the afternoon - to church. However, a wedding is a spiritual sacrament. If you decide on such a ritual, it means that it is very important to you. Isn't it better to devote your wedding day only to the wedding? And at the same time, save yourself from unnecessary races and worries that you won’t be on time somewhere.

6. Prolonged banquet

The wedding day should end on time - both for the newlyweds and for the guests. First of all, don’t delay care. Newlyweds should not at all sit at their own celebration “until the last guest,” as is our custom. If you want to have strength for each other on your wedding night, leave the holiday approximately 4 hours after the start of the banquet. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to end the fun - let the guests “finish off” without you. Don’t be afraid that with your departure the holiday will immediately come to an end - leave the music for the guests, and they will dance and have fun for a long time.
Secondly, the fewer guests you have, the shorter the holiday should be. If you have a chamber wedding for up to 20 people, the banquet will last 4 hours, 20-50 guests - 5 hours, more than 50 guests - 6 hours. If this time is not enough for one of the guests, you can always continue the fun on your own - for example, in a nightclub.