New Year's detective story with a surprise and a disco
S.V. Baydakov
Father Frost
Snow Maiden
The brilliant detective Vasily
1 robber
2 robber
Crow SMS-KA (recorded only)

(music at the beginning. Sound of a blizzard)
D.M.: You can’t see anything. Where to go? Where to run. We got lost.
Sn. And time goes by. Running. Flies.
D.M. We need to overtake him. (music, running in place) Well, we overtook you.
Snow Maiden: No
D.M.: Then he must be detained.
S.N: No, grandfather, we will not be able to delay or stop time. But the path becomes shorter if you sing songs.
D.M. This means we will go faster, but time will go slower. We can keep up with the song everywhere. It's great, granddaughter, you came up with an idea.

From Kamchatka to Kaliningrad
We help you meet New Year
Children and adults are happy.
People are having fun in every house
We will cover the Christmas trees with snow
We will build bridges on the river
Time of winter cold
New Year's Eve
Don't sit, don't be bored
Play with us
New Year's holiday is hot
There will be a gift for everyone

From Arkhangelsk to Sochi
Lighting up the New Year's lights
And we really want to congratulate everyone
fill the days ahead with miracles
We will cover the Christmas trees with snow
We will build bridges on the river
Time of winter cold
New Year's Eve
Don't sit, don't be bored
Play with us
New Year's holiday is hot
There will be a gift for everyone

Sn: Grandfather, look, time has shrunk, it’s almost stopped.
D.M. Yes, and I’m exhausted, I’ve been walking for almost three hundred years, wandering through the snowdrifts and weeds. Now I make my way along an animal path, now I wander where no human foot has gone before.
Sn: Look Grandfather, traces.
D.M.: Fresh.
S.N.: Human.

(Cracker explosion. Robbers on stage)

1st: Come in left
2r.: Come in right.
1st: Enough.
2p: Connected.
1p: Cool, we made up a language.
2r.: Nobody understands anything.

If a cuckoo crows in a winter forest
The heart will sink into your heels, sweat will pour down your back
This is us on the way, at the edge of the forest
We are committing, oh, a robbery on you

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

Don't shout at us, don't call anyone.
Don't bite your hands, everything will pass quickly
It was your money, but now it’s someone else’s
And the gifts will suit us for the New Year.

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

(During the song, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are tied with their backs to each other and gags are inserted into their mouths.

1st: Good luck!
2r.: Excellent!
1st: Wonderful!
2r.: Mind-blowing!
1p: A little difficult
2r.: Cool!
1st: It’s hard!
2p: Walk straight.
The robbers run away with the bag. With the help of the joint efforts of D. M. and Sn. Manages to get rid of gags)

D.M.: That’s how they got into trouble.
SN: Now we definitely won’t have time.
D.M.: If there are no gifts, there is no holiday, there is no New Year. If there is no New Year, time will finally stop.
SN: And timelessness will begin. Chaos.
D.M: Time crisis.
SN: We need to make the crisis a temporary phenomenon.
D.M.: We need help.
SN: We'll send you an SMS.
D.M.: My hands are tied and my phone is in a bag.
SN: Have you forgotten, SMS is my pet scientist crow. (shouts to the crow) SMS, SMS points.

(A crow croaks loudly offstage)

Fly to what's his name, the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, tell him that Father Frost and Snow Maiden need to be freed and help find the bag of gifts. New Year is in danger.
D.M. In the meantime, we'll dance along the way so as not to freeze.

(dance block)

The theme song from Sherlock Holmes plays. But a boy appears on the stage.

Vasily: The names of real heroes are sharp and resonant. For example, Sherlock Holmes. Short and impressive. And my name is Vasily Kukushkin. Simple and not at all Superman-like. I used to think that Sherlock Holmes is a real person, Commissioner Maigret, Elcule Poirot, Miss Marple and, finally, James Bond are people you can meet in life. And They turned out to be just a figment of the writers’ imagination. It's not fair somehow.


Famous heroes
Without fear and reproach
On the side of the law
Always saving the world
Solving mysteries
And there are many of them in the world
And now there is evidence
Souvenir as a keepsake

I've been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
It's possible to find it.

Vasily: If all superheroes are fake, then who can save these unfortunate people? Before you start your search, you need to create a verbal portrait. (addressing the audience) My friends, help the aspiring superhero.
Help me create a verbal portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden
He writes down in a notebook what the children from the audience shout out. At the end, he reads out what happened. (it might turn out funny) Well, with such verbal portraits, I’ll find them in no time.
But you won’t tell me where to go, because there are four sides in the world. Should I go there, or maybe here, or turn back? That's bad luck. Let the lot decide everything.

Competition: We put 4 chairs with the names of the cardinal directions (S, W, G N) and there are prizes on them. In the center there are 4 participants, approximately equal in strength. There is a rope ring around them. Whichever of the guys on the team grabs the prize first wins.

Vasily: Thank you friends for your help, don’t worry about it. Maybe we'll see each other again, it's not for nothing that they say that the earth is round.

I've been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
Perhaps find it.

Vasily goes on a search

(dance block)

The Robbers appear on the stage. A bag of gifts is loaded onto an improvised wheelbarrow.

Our idol, our father
Golden Taurus
Crunch of bills, Clink of coins
There are no sweeter sounds
Meeting us is a disaster
So it's time for you

1p.: Our affairs are sorrowful. It’s impossible to work, the birds are already ringing throughout the forest about Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Ah-ah-ah wretches.
Person 2: Well, they attacked. Well, we've tied it up. Well, they took it away.
1r.: They didn’t do anything bad to them. They lie there quietly tied up under the Christmas tree.
2p.: They don’t bother anyone.
1r.: What if the fame of our deeds reaches people. (frightened by his own voice) They are kind and fair. Little life savers. And we’re immediately happy.
2p.: Just let them try. And we will gather an army against them. Let's raise a change for ourselves, so to speak.
1r.: And I heard, now from the army, that they are mowing down.
2r.: And we have such an enticing means that no one else has.
1st: What, sec?

2p.: We have a whole bag of gifts. Yes, anyone would agree to follow us for such wealth. And our profession is interesting, stay on the high road...
1st: Freeze.
2nd person: Ss. Nobody talks about this.
1st: Grave
2p.: We are opening the School of Real Robbers.
1p.: A real robber must be able to catch up.
2p.: And run away.

Competition: Relay race in each team of five people. Jumping with a ball held between the knees.

1p.: A real robber must know the secret robber language. Diminutive suffixes must be added to each word.

Competition: 4 participants are called, cards with the texts are given:

1. A man is walking through the forest. He has a basket in his hands. There are pies in the basket. The pies must be delicious. Let's try them.

2. A horse-drawn cart is driving through the forest. There is a man on the cart with a beard to his waist. I'm afraid of him.

3. Here is a merchant coming from the fair along the road, let’s scare him. Let's play hide and seek.

4. And here comes the lady, her cheeks are painted with beets, her eyes are lined with charcoal. Written beauty. Let's get acquainted.

2p.: Chu, I hear steps.
1r.: Or maybe it seemed?
Person 2: No, here they are.
1r.: You know, it’s time for us to go into the bushes.
2p.: You don’t know us,
1r.: And we, it seems, you too.
2p.: Not a word about school.
1r.: But we will come again. Yes, and here you seem to be dancing, frolicking and having fun.

(The robbers run away)

(dance block)

Vasily: I’ve been dreaming since childhood
Become a super detective.
Fight evil bravely
And protect the weak
Everything will come true, I know
Let it seem naive
But also a needle in the hay,
I can find it.

Oh, so many footprints on the ground. Both small and large. The little ones ran back and forth, back and forth, and the big ones stood around a lot, near some cart. And then they disappeared into those bushes over there, quite recently, the tracks were fresh. And what is that sparkle, it’s a piece of shiny tinsel. Let's smell it. Interesting, let's taste it. Everything is clear Manufactured in 2008 at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, in the heavy New Year's toys workshop, 2nd shift, Natalya Petrovna Skoryukova. By the way, her son is a poor student. Although, this is an assumption. Now let's take care of those two in the bushes.

(The Carmen Suite sounds. The robbers jump out with a cart with a bull’s head attached to it) They try to attack Vasily, but Vasily deftly avoids meeting the sharp horns.)

1r.: Why are you always running away, dodging?
2r.: This is not fair.
Vasily: Is it fair to butt people?
1st: The bull is a symbol of the New Year.
2p.: Those who are gored are lucky.
Vasily: And whoever is not gored is doubly happy. Will save on pills.

Bell ringing.
(At the end of the run, the robber with the cart accidentally impales his companion on the horns,
Take a piece of the song from the film “The Three Musketeers” - “A la guerre, com a la guerre”
The wounded man is placed on a cart. This scene should be done in rapid motion (like a replay of a football match in slow motion).

Vasily: And here’s another piece of tinsel. (Takes tinsel out of the cart) And where did you get it from?
1st: We know from the forest.
2p.: Father chops, and I take it away. (laughs)
Vasily: And here is a red thread, I think, from a bag of gifts. I see him lying in the bushes under the spruce branches. Jokes aside. Confess frankly where Father Frost and Snow Maiden are.
1r.: Who are you?
2p.: Who are you?
Vasily: I am Vasily Kukushkin, a super detective and superhero. You won't be happy. You can’t run away, you can’t hide, I see right through you, I’ll call you to account.
1r.: Oh-oh, I'm shaking all over
2p.: And wet pants. But I won’t say a word to you, my friend.
Vasily: Well, no, no! Let's try hypnosis!
1st: A beam from the eye straight to the nose.
2p.: Look, it works like truth serum!
1p.: Don’t you dare look at us.
2r.: Now I’ll tell you everything.
1p.: Don’t you dare look, it’s hard to be a criminal. There is always a guy who is decent and boring. Who, as luck would have it, finds out what's what.
Vasily: Shut up! Tell me, where are Father Frost and the young Snow Maiden?
2p.: So should we be silent or should we speak? Or maybe we'll go.
Vasily: Where? Look into the eyes. I repeat the question:
- Where are Santa Claus and granddaughter? Reply!

2r.: Now I’ll tell you everything.
Person 1: And I know the way.
2p.: Under the tree behind the hill.
1st: It’s five kilometers here.
Vasily: Step forward, I’ll look after you. (addressing the audience) And everyone who is waiting for the holiday in our elegant hall, the command is to dance. Don't know other worries. Come on, DJ ahead. Music!

(dance block)

D.M.: So you say, they call you Vasily.
Vasily: Yeah, Vasily Kukushkin.
D.M.: Eh, well done, you Vasily, you defeated the robbers, found the bag, freed us.
Snow Maiden: And most importantly, I saved the New Year, The clock again measures seconds, minutes and hours. The time crisis has become temporary.
D.M.: What do you, Vasily, dream about more than anything in the world?
Vasily: I want all literary heroes to come to life, and I become a superhero
D.M. So you are already a real superhero. And Sherlock Holmes, Commissioner Maigret and even James Bond always come to life when you open a book or put a disc with your favorite movie in the player.
Sn.: Grandfather, it’s high time to turn on the New Year’s lights.
D.M.: Let’s all say it together: One, Two, Three...
Sn.: Stop, stop, stop, First the cuckoo has to crow.
D.M.: There is no cuckoo in sight. We need someone very brave from the audience.
Vasily: Or maybe me again?
Robbers: Can we: “Peek-a-boo.”
D.M.: The guys need an assistant too. (addressing the chosen assistant) You cuckoo three times, I say magic words, the guys repeat, and the lights on the tree come on.
(child crows)
D.M.: Let’s all say it together: One, Two, Three
The Christmas tree is lit with magical light.

Sn.: New Year's surprise for all of us, friends.
We'll go on a New Year's cruise.
Let's hold hands, everything in the voice seems to be
We'll sing about our Christmas tree in a round dance.

New Year's toys
Pairs are called, the leader calls New Year's toys from the Christmas tree, children depict them.

Stand in pairs. Here are some pieces of paper with the texts. Everyone has their own song. Please read carefully. The first pair is your duet. Now you will each perform your own song at the same time. Thank you, now the second pair. How soulfully you sang! Thank you! Spectators, your applause for the first duet, now for the second. Prizes for the winners.
"We quarreled"

A couple of participants are invited. There are two chairs in front of you, with their backs to each other. Your task is to run around the chairs, return to your seat and be the first to take possession of the toy, pulling it out from under the chair. The prize for the winner is tied in the middle of a rope, which lies on the floor under the chairs. Let's start. Here is the winner. Congratulations.

Father Frost
The main thing in life is freedom,
Freedom from greed, envy, malice,
Idleness, stupidity, flattery and laziness
They won't touch us for a moment
Good people, be kind
Don't forget the old tales
They served the truth. Together - we are force.
Freedom united us all.
The vaults of heaven are almost limitless
Time of freedom and air of freedom
And the coming New Year
x will not let us down

Scenario New Year's holiday « New Year's adventures Dasha and Artem. Almost a detective story"

Hall decoration

There are guards at the entrance

We've been missing you

Let's start the carnival!

Come on in. Come on in1

The path is clear. Light up!

Stop! Show me a smile

Entrance, comrade, no smiles,

Sorry, prohibited!

Masha Dasha and Artem walk towards the stage along the walls, looking around worriedly. Without seeing each other, they collide and recoil in fear

Artem: Oh!

Dasha: Vitya, hello! What's wrong with you? Don't you look at your feet, don't you see anything in front of you?

Artem: And you? Almost knocked me over? Is it really possible to walk the streets like that, because it won’t take long to get hit by a car.

D: The truth is yours, Vitya! Only the problem I have is insoluble!

And what happened?

D: What date is today?

D: That's it! December 28, New Year is just around the corner, but we don’t have a Christmas tree at home! Why home! These trees are nowhere to be found, neither at the Christmas tree market nor in stores! This has never happened before! So I thought about what to do!

A: Listen, I thought about this too! Only I was tasked with bringing a Christmas tree for the lyceum from the forest, and I even have permission to cut down the tree. (takes out a paper) But, you know, what a miracle: we went into the forest to get a Christmas tree, and the car broke down right next to the forest. We decided to walk, but nothing came of it: as soon as we entered the forest, our legs somehow left the forest themselves are being taken out! It's like an evil spirit is playing with us! So we were left without a Christmas tree, but if you try to tell us what’s the matter, they won’t believe it, they’ll laugh! What should I do?

D: Yes, strange story! You're just talking about evil spirits in vain! Have you seen enough horror films? Your car was faulty, but you don’t know the forest, city dwellers! And I find my way in the forest as if in my own room, my grandfather is a forester, I live with him all the holidays, he taught me all the signs, and also gave me a magic ball, he says: “If suddenly, granddaughter, something happens in the forest, throw the ball on path and say: “Roll, roll, little ball!” Through a field and a forest! Don’t let me down, bring me straight to the house!” Everything will be fine! Of course, I’m not little, I know that these are fairy tales, but I’m saving the ball so as not to offend my grandfather.

A. And I, Dasha, believe in fairy tales.

And miracles happen in life. Otherwise, life would not be interesting.

There are no miracles in the world these days.

For those who do not believe in them themselves.

There is no koshchei - even children know this.

And fairy tales live here and there.

Lukomorye is not on the map,

This means there is no way into a fairy tale!

This is a saying - not a fairy tale -

A fairy tale will come!

2. There is a hut on chicken legs in that fairy tale.

It's funny to believe this!

There a frog turns into a princess.

What makes no sense in our age!

Science will give us answers to our questions.

And Snow White lives in the forest!

Rockets are sent to distant stars.

But there is also a magic carpet.

A: Listen. Dash. But it’s no coincidence that we met here now! It's a stone's throw from the forest, it's still light, but you know your bearings well. Let's go get the Christmas tree!

D: Well, let's go!

You just need to change your shoes, you won’t be able to walk in the forest in your sneakers (boots), you’ll get stuck in the snow.

A: What snow, Masha, where did you find it: look how the weather is, warm, damp, like spring.

D: It’s warm and damp in the city, but outside the city it’s winter.

The song “Three White Horses” is performed

1. The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,

And they got a little ruffled at home.

It's warm and damp in the city, 2 times

And outside the city it’s winter, winter, winter.

And they take me away 2 times

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses:

December, January and February.

2. Winter has opened its snowy arms,

And until spring everything sleeps here.

Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses 2 times

Everyone is running, running, running towards me.

3. The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,

But I'm not afraid of frost.

It was in the city that I was sad, 2 times

And outside the city I laugh, laugh, laugh.

Winter comes out and inspects the forest:

I don’t like the weather, cloudless and warm.

And not enough snow has fallen, the earth is not happy.

Everyone is bored without snow,

The fields are so exhausted.

They're cold, I guess.

Blizzard. Gorgeous.

Let's spin!

Snowflakes, white stars,

Call me soon!


Fly, snowflakes. come down from heaven

Cover both the field and the forest with snow!

spin, dance, fly quickly,

Winter so that the picture is more cheerful1


We are white snowflakes

Everyone has gathered here.

We fly like feathers

Always cold.

This gray cloud

She was our home

We fell from it

Now we will rest.


How did our blizzard of revenge go?

Sweeps all roads, all paths!

It pours snow on the frozen fields,

The frozen earth is warming up.

Dance of snowflakes

Dasha and Artem come out:

D: Well, here comes the forest. How beautiful! Only there are no Christmas trees to be seen here.

A: Give me your little ball, let it lead us to the clearing where we have to cut down the Christmas tree.

Dasha throws a ball

Artem says:

You roll, roll, little ball,

Through the field and forest,

Don't let me down -

Take me straight to the tree!

D: Listen, Artem, some place is bad. It's creepy here.

A: I don’t like it either. Quiet! What is this?

Some sounds are heard.

The children step aside.

Baba Yaga runs out:

Fu Fu Fu! It smells like the human spirit. What else is this? Some kind of tangle.


Okay, this will come in handy. My outfit (shows holes in the skirt) is completely tattered, at least I’ll have something to mend.

He hides the ball in his pocket.

Sings in rap style:

I never have trouble.

I can bring grief to everyone,

And I’ll get myself some food for breakfast,

And I will have time to spoil everyone.

I am Baba Yaga - a bone leg,

I'm only 2 thousand years old

I'm very young.

The years are not scary to me,

I have a very slender skeleton

Leshy comes out:

Wow! Well, you bent it! Slender skeleton!

Yes, you are lopsided and instead of a leg you have a bone prosthesis!

You don't understand anything, you devil! I am a real top model, Yudashkin has been inviting me to the catwalk for a long time, Soon my gait will become fashionable (walks with a limp).

And clothes have long been included: the more holes there are on jeans now, the cooler!

What have you forgotten here?

L: Me?! I am the owner of the forest!

I'm in the dark forest

I know every hole.

I wander through the forest at night

Yes, I watch the paths.

Yes at dawn in vain

I keep weaving little paws.

The basts are all maple,

The shoes are new.

What kind of sweet couple is this? A swamp miracle and a water miracle?

Vodyanoy and Kikimora come out arm in arm.



You are a merman. You are a merman

Nobody hangs out with you.

And all your girlfriends -

Leeches and frogs.


Fuck you into the swamp!

You yourself are a toadstool!

And I want to fly, and I want to fly!


Oh, I can't! I'm dying! I also found a pilot!

Why can't you sit in the hole? Is it frozen?

So go to Kikimora to bask in the swamp



Yes, my swamp is heated!

I’ll just think about whether it’s worth letting you in there!


Who will come to you? I really need it! I'm not going to get dirty in this dirty mud!


Come on, you can't quarrel! We are evil spirits.

We are strong in our unity!

Let's sing our favorite song instead.

Everyone sings:

They say we are byaki-buki.

They call me names in vain.

We gathered here out of boredom

On the last day of December.

Pr-v: Oh-la-la, oh la-la. 2 times

On the last day of December.

Our machinations are just a prank,

Like little children.

Do something nasty - there will be joy.

We love to scare people.

Pr-v: oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, 2 times

We love to scare people.

And Kikimora and Leshy,

And Yaga and Vodyanoy,

Come to us on horseback, on foot,

We will deal with you.

Pr-v: Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, 2 times

We will deal with you.

The sounds of a Ukrainian song can be heard.

Evil spirits in chorus, scared:


It seems that the blacksmith Vakula is dragging himself here for some reason.


It’s clear why: Oksana ordered slippers for him again, apparently they were worn out..

So he’s thinking about who to fly to St. Petersburg to visit the Tsarina this time.

Last time I saddled the devil himself. Now, probably, he wants to harness one of us.

and Vodyanoy together:

Save yourself, guys!

They run away.

Vakula comes out, dragging a huge bag:

Oh, and heavy! What did Solokha push into him? (feels):

I feel like there are plenty of goodies here: candies, gingerbread cookies, cheesecake buns, and lard. Certainly!

Unties the bag. The devil jumps out from there and wants to run away, but V. grabs him by the ear.

Children take the stage:

Hello, Vakulushka!

Vakula, holding the devil by the ear:

Hello guys! What brought you into the forest at such a time?


Yes, we came for the Christmas tree, only the little ball that showed us the way was carried away by forest evil spirits.


In this matter, I think I can help you. I have a briefing here with the main representative of evil spirits.

Come on, little devil, not for service, but for friendship, help the guys!

The devil lets go. He spins like a top, runs away and returns with a ball.


Oh! Thank you! Happy New Year!


Happy holiday to you too! Come on, tailed one. Wish the children something good!


With great pleasure!

I'll tell you guys

I once studied myself.

There was no such day

Don't praise me.

At the school of the one of my tails

There are more than a hundred pieces! (Wags his tail)

I wish the same for you.

(Looking at Vakula):

Who's skipping class?

Won't come to school at all

Glory and honor to him!

More twos for you all!

Let everything go to hell!

Forget the way to school -

This is a joy for the teacher:

I skipped classes together -

No need to teach anyone!

And remember, friends,

You can't strain yourself!

Better celebrate the New Year

Without hesitation or worries.

Overeating on chocolate

And scream and tumble,

So you should be furious

To fall under the Christmas tree.

Vakula grabs him by the tail and wraps it around his hand:

What are you talking about, you stupid devil!

Is this New Year?

You love to be tailed

Why do schoolchildren need tails?

Don't wish them bad results.

Don't confuse them!

Your lyceum was for devils -

This is a school for children!

We need to study them seriously.

Don't yawn or be lazy.

Everyone gets A's

And accept gifts!

Goodbye, guys!

Goodbye! Thank you!

Vakula and the Devil leave.

Children are about to throw a ball, they hear a whistle

The robbers run out and see the children. They rub their hands with joy and smile maliciously, surrounding the children.

We are bandito, gangsterito,

We are brass knuckles, pistol, oh, yes!

We shootanto, ubianto,

Stolen this and that. Ooh, yes!

Banco, trusto, presidento.

Robblanto un momento.

And for this rezhissento

We were filmed in films 2 times.

We are banditos, famous

We shoot a pistol, oh. yes!

We are driving around fiato

All day in a convertible. Ooh, yes!

We drink Cinzano all the time

Constantly full and drunk.

We keep banks of millions

And don’t give a damn about the laws…..2 times

They say to each other:

Well, who said that luck changed us,

That you will have to celebrate the New Year without mining.

Will we remain hungry?

And the prey itself came into our hands.

Yes, so delicious! (touches Dasha), licks his lips.

And what a dress, just for our atamansha!

1st: What trousers! These will be mine!

2nd: Why are you giving orders! Yours! Not yours, but mine!

3rd: And my boots!

They start fighting with the words: Mine! My! Like now I'll hit you in the eye!

The chieftain, the little robber, comes out:

Come on, stop this nonsense!

you're a freak, you're a bandito!

Crocodile, troglodyto!


M. robber:

You shootanto, ubianto,

This and that were stolen!


M. r. picks up the ball:

I'm so sick of you!

Get out this instant!


D. and A.: Thank you, kind girl! Who are you? What is your name?

M. robber:

I don’t even remember my name anymore. Everyone calls me the little robber. And I’m just a girl, I’m only 12 years old, just like you!

And I also want to study, learn new things, play with other children.

And I never had a New Year tree, Santa Claus never came to me with gifts. And the gifts of the robbers, which they obtained by robbery, do not please me.

I will give you a magic ball, just promise that you will definitely invite me to your lyceum holiday.

A. and D.: Of course we will invite you. Come with us now!

M. div.:

No! I know what I'm supposed to wear for the holiday carnival costume, I’ll go and look for something suitable in my wardrobe.

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

D.: Be sure to come!

M. razb.: Good luck to you! I'll definitely come!

D.: Well, I've been scared! Let's quickly get out of here before these "troglodyte bandits" return!

Artem throws a ball:

You roll...etc.


It's kind of cold. My feet are cold, and so are my hands (it blows, trying to warm them up).

Great for those who live in Africa: you don’t need felt boots, mittens, or scarves - just run all year round in a sundress and flip flops, swim, sunbathe. Beauty!

Artem: What's good - it's the same thing all year. No, ours is better: after spring comes summer, then autumn, and finally winter. Africans are deprived of so many entertainments: neither skiing, nor ice skating, nor lying in the snow...


I also love to sculpt snow women and sled down the mountain.


Well, what if there were no winter in cities and villages,

We would never have known these happy days.

The song “If it weren’t for winter” is performed

Domain of the Forest King.

Throne, about 2 servants

Forest king:

Oh, I'm bored! For how many years has not a single living soul wandered here!

Neither on foot nor on horseback! Yearning! And it’s all Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky’s fault, he composed a ballad about me and put everyone in fear!

Of course, I’m flattered, but it’s boring! At least you can make me laugh, tell me funny stories!

1st servant:

Zhukovsky. "Forest King"

2nd servant:

Who's jumping, who's rushing

Under the cold darkness?

The coachman is late,

He has a young son with him...

1st: The little one came close to his father, shuddering...

The forest king jumps up and knocks with his staff:

You are not capable of anything else!

I'll deprive you of bonuses!

Sees children:

Who are they? (Jumps off the throne and runs around)

Kids! Cuties! Pretty girls! How I missed you!

Come in, settle down! Tell us where you came from and where you are heading?


But your journey has ended here!

Forest king:

Be silent! Sit down, tell me, and I’ll listen.

Children: Could you please introduce yourself?

Forest king:

I am the mighty king of the forest,

I am the sovereign of all animals!

But, unfortunately, all alone.

One poet scared everyone -

Many years have passed since then.

But now I can even howl like a wolf,

They pass me by.

Who should I tell the news to?

Who can you just chat with?

Now I'm a horror to people

An insidious asshole and a villain.


Hours go by, days pass -

This is the law of nature

We came to congratulate you

Happy New Year today!

Snow Maiden:

New Year is knocking on the window,

Congratulations, people!

Along a snowy path

He came at the desired hour.

He gave us blizzards as a gift,

Wind, sun and frost,

And the resinous smell of spruce,

And a whole cartload of hope.

Pechkin runs out and asks the audience:

Is this Gorky Street 5?

Is this a lyceum at the RGPC?

Then telegrams for you.

Just excuse me, while I was getting to you, robbers attacked me and took away all my correspondence. But the wrong one was attacked! I poured them some, snatched the telegrams from their clutches, but they still had some of the forms with the addressees. Maybe you can figure out who they are from without the signatures?

He reads the telegrams, the audience names the senders.

Father Frost:

Even older postmen, and especially Santa Claus, are not supposed to interrupt. I haven't said everything yet.

Embroidered with a scattering of snow,

Covered with snow,

He's rushing towards us at full speed

A year of good news

You need to greet the guest like this,

So that there is a sea of ​​smiles,

So that some weirdo

My nose didn't hang up because of grief.

So that there is a round dance everywhere,

So that the house is cramped,

To celebrate the New Year

A whirlwind of the best songs.

The song “When a Young Year Comes” is performed

Telegram texts

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear!

Hello and congratulations from...

The film about me is a great picture!

I wish you a lot of happiness...

Prefer walking transport

Go to the forest. Greetings...

I wish you, friends, a long journey!

I will save you from the flu...

Let people, birds, animals be friends with you.

I wish you success

Tom and...

I promise everyone a piece of the pie!

And chicken legs...

Let the white fluff fall to the ground!

More gifts for you...

Eat more fruits and vegetables!

Iron health to you...

The name of each scene is indicated on the screen. Like a silent movie, but not quite (without a frame). It would be good if the letters appeared with the sound of a typewriter.

Assistants are people who help with the scenery, not the heroes of the ongoing scene.


Theme from Sherlock (disappears with the words of Watson and Sherlock)

A fireplace is burning on the screen.

Two chairs stand with their backs to the audience. Between them on the floor or on a small table is an old telephone. Sherlock Holmes and Watson look at the fire, verbally leaning towards each other so that they can be seen. They are lightly floured.

Voice behind the scene. It was the end of December. On a frosty New Year's Eve, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson sat by the blazing fireplace in their office on Baker Street.

Watson . Holmes!

SH (not visible yet) . Yes, Watson?

Watson. We are sitting idle!

SH (leans over with folded newspaper) . And what?(opens a newspaper - “dust” falls from it) We're sitting well.(goes deeper into the chair again)

Watson. But Holmes! We've been sitting well for thirty years! Criminals on the loose!

SH. These criminals were given to you, Watson. They all have the same motive. And this is boring(to the hall) .

Watson. But which one?

SH (appears) . It's elementary, Watson - they don't have enough attention. And I don’t want to waste my attention on any criminals on New Year’s Day!

Watson. But Holmes?

SH. No no no...

Watson. Even if it concerns the New Year itself?(Holmes mutters something incomprehensible) Even if Santa Claus calls now and says that the whole world is in danger?

Old phone ringing.

SH and Watson look at the phone at the same time. Watson picks up the phone.

Watson puts his hand on the phone and calmly tells Sherlock: “This is Santa Claus.”

Watson. Yes Yes.

Watson. Yes, I'm listening to you.

Watson. You can not be heard. Hello.

Watson. Hello.

Watson. Yes, yes, speak up.

SH. What he says?

Watson puts his hand on the phone and calmly tells Sherlock: “The whole world is in danger.”

SH (jumps up from his chair). Watson, turn on the speakerphone, I can't hear anything!

DM's voice. (hiss) From...(hiss)... mu!(hiss) hoo!(hiss) kra!(hiss) s!(hiss) mee!(short beeps)

Note . Or mix animal sounds with hissing.

Watson looks at the phone and puts it back.

SH. All clear. We need to go to the Wild West!

Watson (surprised and in disbelief) . Holmes, but why?!

SH . Watson, you listened to everything again, my dear! Baba Yaga stole some nets!

Watson . And what?

SH . I'm sorry, what! There are people in networks! And New Year is just around the corner! We need to save the world.

Watson. But why do we need to save the world in the Wild West?!

SH. (pathetic into the hall) There is poor communication in the Wild West. Get to work, Watson!(make a circle around the stage and quickly leave)

The assistants change the scenery.

VIDEO for Kirkorov’s song “The color of mood is blue” (first verse). Changing newspaper headlines on the screen(maybe there is such footage). If with photographs (of Baba Yaga and the boys) it will be more interesting.

SHOCK CONTENT! BABA YAGA FLEES FROM THE COUNTRY(photo of Yagi looking back with a bag on her back)

A WORLD WITHOUT CONNECTIVITY: HOW TO SURVIVE?(sobbing teenagers; “praying” in front of a laptop or phone screen)


NO LIKES - NO NEW YEAR(photo of Yaga on Instagram with zero -- increase the camera by quantity)

NOBODY LOVES ME!”-- SCANDALAL INTERVIEW WITH BABA YAGA(Baba Yaga with a microphone or with her hands covering her face)




Music from the film “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (fade into the background)

There is a picture of a saloon on the screen.

On the right are the cowboy bandits (at the table). The bartender wipes the glass with a white towel.

Not in the middle of the stage, a Boy runs out with a WANTED sign of three outlaw cowboys and screams. He is greeted with lazy looks.

Boy. Attention attention! Bandits wanted! They are armed and very dangerous!

The bandits lazily approach him from different sides, look at this announcement, and nod. One may nibble on a cucumber or carrot.

Boy. The leader of the gang is one-eyed Bill Glaz. Known for his strength and sharp mind. His partners are Bill the Imp and Bill the Coward...(looks them up and down) not yet known, but also very dangerous. Be carefull!(puts up a notice and runs away)

Bill Eye (in a hoarse voice with a toothpick in his mouth) . I heard there was a guy south of here who robbed a train and made off with a whole bag of gold.

Bill Bes AndBill Coward . Gold..

Bill Eye (gives them a slap on the head) . Our task is simple. Don't miss your chance. Today or tomorrow this person should appear in our area.

Bill Bes. And then we will attack!

Bill Coward. And we'll take all the money!(rubs hands with pleasure)

Bill Glaz. We must not forget that he is armed and very dangerous. If we manage to steal the gold...

Bill Bes AndBill Coward . Gold..(shaking as if in a fever and breaking into a blissful smile)

Bill Eye (gives them a slap on the head) . Then we can celebrate this new year well.

The music is louder.

Baba Yaga enters from the hall. The bandits shudder, cover themselves with a newspaper in which a large square is cut out for peeping in, and watch as Baba Yaga climbs onto the stage and stands at the bar counter.

Baba Yaga (throwing off the bag) . Oh, honey. Pour some water for grandma!

Bartender. Are you alive or dead?

Baba Yaga. Do you want me to sit here alive or dead?

Bartender. I do not care.

Baba Yaga. Oh, the youth have gone! Insolent at every turn. Well, never mind, let's see how they sing now!(starts to wail) Forgot! They completely forgot about Grandma Yaga. I thought we would celebrate the New Year together. And they... They only think about Santa Claus! They write letters to him! Rhymes teach!

Bartender. What's in your bag, grandma?(the bandits with the newspaper get up and slowly creep towards them, eavesdropping) Please note that you are not allowed to carry weapons.

Baba Yaga. I have my most valuable things there. I don’t even know, if I had forgotten this bag here, maybe it would have been better.

Bill Bes AndBill Coward (nod into the hall) . Yeah!(Yaga and the bartender look at them, Bill Glaz covers everyone with a newspaper)

Bartender. So what do you still have in your bag?

Baba Yaga. I have in my bag what people come to you for. I would show you, but you won’t believe your eyes, my dear!

Bill Bes AndBill Coward . Gold..(shaking like a fever and breaking into a blissful smile, Bill Glaz covers everyone with the newspaper again).

Baba Yaga. Okay, I'll move on.(starts to leave, but forgets the bag - the bandits are heading towards him) Oh, I almost forgot!(takes the bag and leaves)

The bandits remove the newspaper and at the same time point pistols at the bartender, who raises his hands.

The sound of hammers being erected.

Bill Glaz. What's in the bag?

Bartender. I don't know! She said something about the New Year...

Bill Glaz. What's in the bag?

Bill Bes AndBill Coward . We count to three. One. Two-ah.

Bartender. I don't know. Here(nodding into the hall) everyone can confirm!

(They look into the hall. They conduct an interaction.)


Bill Eye (looking intently into the hall) . Does he know or not?

The audience shouts something back.

Bill Bes. Now let's check what you know.

Bill Coward. If the bag contains something related to the New Year, then you should probably know it. At the same time, you will help us unravel the strange language of the Indians.

Bill Bes. So what is it? Not a single vowel, just look, and the consonants are haphazard. What kind of word is this?

Letters on the screen.Five combinations (I leave it to your choice). The audience names the correct answer.

It also appears on the screen. Whoever guessed right gets a piece of candy. Bill the Bes on stage, Bill the Coward in the audience with a microphone. Bill Glaz continues to have the bartender on his hook.

Some fun music in the background for the interactive.

SHKHPL (cracker)

ShRM (tinsel)

CHRSGKN (Snow Maiden)

ZHNNKS (snowflake)

PRKD (gift)

HPS (staff)

RNGDL (garland)

YVKRF (fireworks)

NNDMR (mandarin)

KNKL (vacation)

VGKSN (snowman)

PSKSHNM (champagne)

RTKN (chimes)

TKFN (candy)

After the interactive.

There is a picture of a saloon on the screen.

Bill Glaz. That's it, I'm tired of it. This needs to end.(points the gun at the Bartender)

Sherlock Holmes and Watson appear from the auditorium.

SH. Do not move! You are under arrest. Scotland Yard Police.

The bandits look at each other and, together with the bartender, run away from the stage, leaving the microphones behind.


SH. Watson, it seems to me that something is fishy here...

Watson (at this time stepped into something sticky). Yes, it seems you are right, Holmes.(looking around) It wouldn't hurt to clean up here...

SH. In no case! We need to find evidence(takes out a huge magnifying glass).

Disturbing music from Sherlock (toot-doo-toot, toot-doo-toot) plays in the background

They go in circles. Sherlock is in front, Watson is behind him. Sherlock stops abruptly and Watson bumps into him.

SH. Found(raises up a small card).

Watson. What is this, Holmes?

SH. Pensioner's ID!

Watson. And what does it mean?

SH. I don't know yet. Watson, are you listening?

Watson. No, what?

SH falls to the ground and listens. Watson is behind him. A battle cry can be heard from behind the scenes.

Watson (frightened). Holmes, what is this?

SH ( to the hall ). Indians.

They tiptoe away in sync. Assistants change the scenery (remove everything from the stage).





5-7 Indians run out, run in a circle, bow into the circle, then out of the circle, rotate around their axis, etc.


All. Bingo-Bunga!

The leader looks into the hall, puts his hand to his ear, and listens.

Leader. Again.(turning to the hall) Bingo-bunga, brothers and sisters!

All (together with the hall) . Bingo-Bunga!

The first Indian. O honorable chief Eagle Eye Sharp Ear! They say trouble has come to our land?

Second Indian. They say you communicated with the Wind Spirit and he told you something(they look admiringly and at the same time sit closer to the leader).

Leader. It's like that. I communicated with the Wind Spirit and he told me something.

Everyone sits even closer.

Leader. He said(takes a long pause) that Baba Yaga from the pale-faced tribe took all the attention and language for herself.

All . Language?

Leader. Yes, they communicated using special characters. When a person leaves nature, his heart hardens...(to the hall)

Third Indian . We need to help the pale-faced people, we need to give them back their tongue!

The Fourth Indian . It's New Year's Eve soon! How will they greet him without language?

First Indian . Let's decipher some texts. They say these are songs known among their tribe.

Leader . Bingo-bunga!(everyone falls silent and falls) Okay, so be it. Here's the first image.

EMOJI COMPETITION (guess songs based on emoticons)

Second Indian. It seems that we have managed to decipher the songs of the palefaces.

The third Indian. I hope they can now find a common language with each other!

Leader. It's time for us.

The fourth Indian. Wait, it looks like someone is coming!

All. Conspiracy!

They move their heads to the music “I am a crocodile.”

Fourth. But no, it seemed.

Leader. Well, bingo bunga!

All. Bingo-bunga!(They leave.)

From the film “The Pink Panther”

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson smoothly emerge from the wings, walking one after another in sync and slowly.

Watson. Holmes! In my opinion, this is not our music!

SH. Hmm, that's right. Pavel Vyacheslavovich, stop this disgrace.

They continue to walk in a circle, only to the beat of this music. Watson bumps into Sherlock.

SH. Watson, I'm already piecing together a picture of the crime.

Watson. Is it merging?

SH. Splices together. We were deceived. Baba Yaga called us, not Santa Claus.

Watson. Brilliant, Holmes! But how did you guess?

SH. Elementary Watson. Santa Claus doesn't have a phone. That's why they write letters to him.

Watson. But what is the motive?

SH. All the same. Attention is the main resource of our time, for which you can sell your soul.

Watson. Holmes, we need to warn Santa Claus!(They leave.)

The assistants bring a chair to the center of the stage and place a cube next to it.


Interiors of Santa Claus's apartment

Jingle Bells (no words)

Santa Claus sits in a chair and snores. The assistant comes in with a box and doesn’t know how to approach him. He takes out a bell and rings it.

Father Frost (awake). Oh, bunnies, foxes, what?

Assistant. A gift for you.

DM (Not understanding) . To me?(opens)

Assistant. To you.

DM . What is this?

Assistant. Smartphone.

DM . Be healthy!

Assistant (perplexed). I didn't sneeze.

Message sound.

Santa Claus is scared, the phone is at arm's length. The assistant calmly takes it and looks at it.

Assistant. Someone wrote.

DM. Did someone write?

Assistant. Someone wrote.

DM . . What did you write?(gets up from the chair)

Assistant (looks at the phone) . "Are you here"?

DM (thinks, looks into the hall) Here.

Assistant. No, Santa Claus, that's what they're asking here.

DM (leans towards the phone, speaks a little louder) Here.

Assistant (looks at him in shock) What do you have to do with it?

DM . What does this have to do with me?

Assistant. They're asking here!

DM . People here ask what do I have to do with it?!

Assistant. This is me asking: “What does this have to do with you?”

DM . And who asked “Are you here?”

Assistant. Well that one(points to screen) .

DM. Which one?!

Assistant (angry) Who there asks: “Are you here?”

DM . How does the one there know that I’m here?!

Assistant. Santa Claus, let's read letters the old fashioned way.

DM (relieved) . Well, thank God! And here, that, there, there - nothing is clear!


DM. Oh, this Baba Yaga! Well, it’s okay, I have a magic whistle. Now she'll be there in no time!


Jingle Bells or magic sound

Three “children” come out - dressed like small children (if a girl, then bows, if boys, then butterflies, etc.).

Assistant. Grandfather?..

Children (enthusiastically). Grandfather!

DM . Oh, old man, he whistled wrong! Okay, kids, let's make it quick. Poems here(points to the cube) , gifts there(for an assistant). Who is first?

Children take turns standing on a red block and reading in a childish manner (almost syllable by syllable) excerpts of songs by modern performers. At the end of each passage... chop a few seconds of the passage that was used.

Child 1.

All I wanted was to see the light.

And how he would consider it necessary to live - he dreamed.

And then one day, as usual, I was flying in my sleep,

And suddenly, hearing the music, I said to myself:

I choose to live happily!

I choose to live happily!

I choose to live happily!

I choose to live happily!

DM (interrupting) . Well, that's it, I understand, I understand. Will be done. Give him something there.

Beating Max Korzh - Live in joy

The Assistant thinks and gives the Child 1 certificate (or Unified State Exam coupon worth 100 points).

DM. What strange poems children have these days... Well,(addressing child 2) What will you do to please Grandfather?

Child 1 goes down, takes the gift from the Assistant and goes down into the hall. Child 2 gets up.

Child 2. They hung the beads and began to dance in a circle...oh.

DM. Well, well, continue! I know this!

Child 2.

Photos, photos, photos, photos, if we're at a party.

Your favorite sneakers trample along with you.

We chew peppermints while listening to one of my songs.

You love ripped jeans.

ABOUT! ABOUT! ABOUT! Very ripped jeans.

DM. What a good start!..(shouts to Assistant) Do we have any torn jeans left there or not?

The assistant pretends to cut the jeans with a knife.

Cutting sound (squeeze-squeeze)

Assistant (giving it to the child 2) . Remained.

Eljay's beating -- Ripped jeans

DM. What about valerian drops?..(looks pleadingly at Child 3, sighs) Let's.

Child 3.

Everyone says

How to raise money?
Where to click?
I spend and don't cry.
What I picked up yesterday.
I caught my luck and hold it by both wings.

DM. I heard this somewhere... Go, son, go...

Child 3 . Thank you, I have to go.

AK47 chop -- Azino (the very beginning, without words)

Santa Claus holds his heart, his assistant waves a handkerchief at him.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson burst in.

Disturbing music from Sherlock (too-doo-too, too-doo-too)

SH. Santa Claus, we need to tell you something important.

Watson. Baba Yaga kidnapped...

Assistant (interrupting). Yes, we already know!

DM . Oh, old grandfather!(hits himself on the forehead) I completely forgot!(whistles)

Baba Yaga flies out on a broom with a bag from one backstage to another. The broom says “BROOM CYCLE.”

The sound of braking and collision.

Everyone simultaneously recoils and winces (it hurts for Baba Yaga).

Baba Yaga. Well, what do you want, Frost - a red nose?

Father Frost (sarcastically) . I wanted to see you!

Baba Yaga (sarcastically) . But I’m no longer interested in Santa Clauses for about 300 years!

Assistant. Well, give back what you stole!

Baba Yaga. Will not give it back!

SH. Madam, it would be better if you listened to this gentleman.

Baba Yaga. Figurines! Figurines!(twists the gun)

Watson (addressing DM). She probably picked up such manners in the Wild West!

DM . Okay, my dear, what do you want in exchange for this bag?

Baba Yaga. I want to hold a competition!

All. Yes please!


Baba Yaga. I heard that the coming year is the year of the pig. So, so that you don’t screw me this year, I have prepared questions for you about the most famous pig characters. If you answer, you will get your bag back, but if you don’t, then no. Helpers, help me. I'm blind, I can't see what I wrote!

One or two assistants conduct the interaction.

When they guess - a picture or video with some phrase said by one or another character.

    Typical girl, dreaming of a princess career. She takes care of herself, is a fashionista, and naively believes that she is irresistible. The only complex is the fear of gaining weight. Curious. Constantly grunts. Every day she wears a bright red braid with a daisy bow attached to it. (NYUSHA)

    A positive, practical, economic man with a double name. Deserves the title of “golden hands” and “best builder”. (NAF-NAF)Has two brothers with similar names.

    African warthog. Honest, open, friendly. Likes to eat bugs, doesn't like being called a pig. Meet the royal family.Fear, pleasure or tension can spoil the air. Is the main means of transportationlong distances of his friend - the meerkat. (PUMBA)He believes that the whole secret of living a hundred years is forgetting your worries and keeping your tail up.

    A cute little pig who lives with her Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and little brother. She loves to play, dress up, go to new places and make new acquaintances, but her favorite pastime is jumping in muddy puddles. All her adventures always end happily and are accompanied by bursts of grunting and laughter. (PEPPA)

    He is so trusting and naive that others are ashamed to make fun of him. He is loved for his open heart and brilliant ability to empathize. He is constantly afraid of the dark and many other things and is always very anxious for a variety of reasons. He often conquers his fears and performs courageous acts. Speaks in falsetto. (PIGLE)

That's it, grandma, we've done it. The guys guessed all the piglets!

After the interaction, BYA, DM, SH, Watson appear on stage.

Baba Yaga. Well... Hold your bag. It didn’t hurt, that’s what I wanted! I need him!

SH. So tell me, madam, why you needed it and for what purpose you stole it!

A piercing melody based on Baba Yaga's monologue.

Baba Yaga. I'm tired of being an old woman for two thousand years! Why is everyone afraid of me and avoids me? Do you think I did this because of likes and subscribers? Yes, I need your likes! All I need is warmth, communication, attention, finally! And the fact that people sat without social networks is for the best.

Watson. Oh, a sincere confession.

SH. Scotland Yard police drop all charges against you.

Father Frost . Yes, Baba Yaga, we all forgive you. Celebrate the New Year with us. It's warm and fun here. Nobody holds a grudge against you.

Baba Yaga. Is it true?

All. Is it true.

Baba Yaga. Then I'll stay.

Father Frost. Stay.

Baba Yaga. Can I take a photo with you? I'll post it in stories! Everyone will go crazy that I celebrated the New Year with Santa Claus!

They strike a pose. Change poses.

Shutter sound (three times).


Glass wool -- New Year

On the screen “Happy New Year!”

New Year's detective

LEADING: Here we are in the fairy tale kingdom. Here they are also preparing for the New Year. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are going to meet us. The path ahead is long and dangerous. After all, in addition to good heroes, in the fairy-tale kingdom there are also evil ones who think only about doing harm to someone, somewhere, and somehow. Therefore, Santa Claus came up with the idea to deceive these evil spirits. He hid the Snow Maiden in a bag. After all, you know that in all fairy tales, villains hunt for the Snow Maiden, the beloved granddaughter of Father Frost. But I won’t tell you further, see for yourself.


(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.)

FATHER FROST: Granddaughter, I heard rumors that overseas bandits are going to kidnap you.

SNOW Maiden: Oh, grandfather!

FATHER FROST: Don't be afraid. We'll outsmart them. Grandfather decided to give you a gift for the New Year.

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, thanks, which one?

FATHER FROST (points to the bag): Here, a separate apartment.

SNOW MAIDEN (disappointed): This?

FATHER FROST: Why not an apartment? Separate.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, I’ll separate myself from everyone.

FATHER FROST: And most importantly, warm. When you hide in it, it will be so warm.

SNOW MAIDEN: Thanks grandpa. And you don't need registration. You can put it wherever you want.

FATHER FROST: That's it, take it and be happy.

(Snow Maiden gets into the bag.)

FATHER FROST: How do you feel there, granddaughter? Are you comfortable?

SNOW MAIDEN: Great, grandpa. Just like at the Lotus Hotel.

FATHER FROST: Our path will be long and difficult. Can you stand it, my darling?

SNOW MAIDEN: Don't worry, grandpa. I'm used to everything. After all, you and I are nomadic people.

FATHER FROST: Well, that means everything is fine. My granddaughter is great. All about me! Just as brave and fighting.(Looks at his watch)Wow, you're really running, you won't catch up. We must leave already, otherwise we won’t be late.

(The lights go out. Santa Claus leaves, Shapoklyak appears to the song (“Who Helps People”)


SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, how I love doing all sorts of nasty things! My hands are itching for all sorts of dirty tricks. Well, you only hear about good deeds. And I want to become famous for all sorts of atrocities. Wonderful weather, isn't it? Haha, huh? It's cold, the snowstorm is howling. You do not like? And it’s just heaven for me! After all, in such weather you can do so much trouble and all sorts of nasty things! It's really scary! Well, I was kind of heated with you, but I learned a terrible secret that I need to tell the Boss about. Come, Santa Claus, I’ll call the villain so that the Snow Maiden can be carried away.

VOICE BEHIND THE SCENE (Shapoklyak reads the dossier to the music from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”):“The character is corrosive, sociable. Evil is distributed evenly. Merciless for good. Likes animals".

(Baba Yaga comes out to the music and talks on the phone with Shapoklyak.)

SHAPOKLYAK: Hello? Who's at the device?

BABA YAGA: The orderly for the reconnaissance and capture group Baba-Yagodka is listening. Who do I have the honor of spending precious time talking to?

HOST: Baba Yaga, one of the first, if not the first, female pilot. The character is light, agile, airy. Loves to travel. Easy to climb. Depending on the situation, she can be cunning to the point of disgrace and vile to the point of indifference.

SHAPOKLYAK: Yagulenka, my beloved beauty,(to the side) You are a garden scarecrow, you are a swamp toad, you are a forest snag, you are an underwater snake,(into the phone) hello dear.

BABA YAGA: Bah, who am I hearing? Can I believe my ears that I hear your angelic voice,(whispers to the side)the sound is like an ungreased cart. Ugh, what disgusting thing. There he sucks up to the Boss,(into the phone) , I heard rumors that you changed your outfits and bought new furs. Surely, don’t you want to like our Boss?

SHAPOKLYAK: Calm down, little berry. Do you know what I smelled?

BABA YAGA (aside) : Again you want to get ahead.(On the phone.) What, my darling?

SHAPOKLYAK: It's a secret. And I can only open it to the Boss.

BABA YAGA: Is there such a secret in the forest that I don’t know? There is no such secret. And I told the Boss about your secret a long time ago.

SHAPOKLYAK: And she said that Santa Claus is carrying the Snow Maiden in a sack?

BABA YAGA (aside) : So you spilled the beans, you city talker.(On the phone) Of course, that's what I'm thinking about. Shouldn't we marry her to the Boss?

SHAPOKLYAK: But will she marry him? She's an intellectual.

BABA YAGA: And he is her, damn. Do you understand? Chichas I will contact him.

SHAPOKLYAK: Wonderful. Now something nasty is about to happen here. Here he comes, the old bastard.


(Shapoklyak leaves, rubbing his hands. Santa Claus enters with a bag. He turns away, looking for something in his pockets. Baba Yaga appears from behind and drags away the bag).

FATHER FROST: Fathers, there is no bag. Where is my dear, beloved granddaughter? Where could she have gone? (screams) Snow Maiden, ah! Answer me!

(The voice of the Boss is behind the scenes. Shout, shout old man. You won’t see your granddaughter like your ears. Ha-ha-ha! Prepare the dowry. I’ll marry your beauty and then,New Year will never come. Do you hear, your cold soul. Never! Ha ha ha!)

FATHER FROST: I'm in trouble. The Snow Maiden was kidnapped. The boss is going to marry her. But without her, the New Year will never come and people will be deprived of such a wonderful holiday.


(The presenter leaves. The secretary appears on stage, singing the song “Here, someone has come down the hill,” filing her nails with a nail file.)

SECRETARY: What do you want, grandpa?

FATHER FROST: What kind of grandpa am I to you? I am the real Santa Claus.

SECRETARY: Frost is not frost, it’s still grandfather. Well, what do you want?

FATHER FROST: If you poke me, I'll freeze you!

SECRETARY: OK OK. What do you want?

FATHER FROST: I would like a more reliable detective. I lost my granddaughter.

SECRETARY: You lost it yourself, look for it yourself.

SANTA CLAUS: I'll freeze it!

SECRETARY: If you freeze, who will provide you with detectives?

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, not much.

SECRETARY: Well, all of you are like that, clients, if something goes wrong, you immediately threaten.

FATHER FROST: I'm okay, just help me.

SECRETARY: Okay, take your pick.

(The secretary, going through the file cabinet, takes out a card and reads.)

SECRETARY: Universal detective. In criminal circles he is known by the nickname “pimple”. Favorite animal is elephant. Prone to transformation...

(The detective comes out to the music and song from the film “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians.”)

DETECTIVE: In general, yes, grandfather. Money in the morning – Snow Maiden in the evening. Money in the evening – Snow Maiden in the morning.

FATHER FROST: So maybe you can also use it in foreign currency? What did you come up with? Give him the money. You don’t know my granddaughter. If you find it, you will not only return it to me, but also give me money so that I can take it from you. This is what my granddaughter is like! And you go, dear, look for your elephant.

SECRETARY: great detectives Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. To catch a criminal, all it takes is a trace, a cigarette butt, a button, a crumb, a smell and something else. They are friendly in nature, and in some situations they can turn them over to the police.

(Holmes and Watson come out.)

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Who do you think it is, Watson? (points to Santa Claus.)

WATSON: Well, old man, he's cold, well, I don't know.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Elementary Watson. This is Santa Claus. In our opinion, Santa Claus. He wants us to find his granddaughter.

HOST: How did you guess, Holmes?

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Books must be read, Watson, books. Santa Claus is never alone, never. And since he is alone, it means that his granddaughter was stolen.

FATHER FROST: What a head. Listen, good man, help, eh. I'm in trouble. Someone took the Snow Maiden away.


FATHER FROST: What signs? I've never seen.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Clear. Watson, go! Yes, grab the Hound of the Baskervilles. She has an excellent sense of smell. Especially for cutlets.

HOST: Hound of the Baskervilles. Afraid of herself. Out of fear he smears his eyes with phosphorus. The character is quiet, the voice is loud, the gait is gentle. Merciless. Usually before lunch. In the evening she is more accommodating.

(The Hound of the Baskervilles comes out.)



(Shapoklyak appears.)

SHAPOLYAK: Here's a stupid old man. He thinks telephone communication is reliable, profitable, and convenient. It's convenient for me. I have the most modern super pager.(Cheburashka comes out.)I heard everything, I know everything. So, how are you? Did you call the detectives with the dog? Do you think this monster will find anything? Pipes! I have more cunning assistants. I'll call the robbers.

(Shapoklyak leaves. The chieftain and the robbers dance)

VOICE BEHIND THE SCENE: Atamansha is a pioneer of racketeering. Loves furs and jewelry. Not a woman - fire. Everything in her hands is on fire. And in the literal sense of the word. Three robbers - a classic triangle for three. By character: open, closed, cowardly. They love to sing and rob, especially if no one catches them.

SHAPOKLYAK: My dear Atamansha, you are easy to find. You will live a hundred years.

ATAMANSH: You're kind of affectionate, old man.

SHAPOKLYAK: Ugh, what an ignoramus you are. Is it possible to remind a lady of her years? There is no culture. Come on, I forgive you, I’m in a great mood today. There is a case. For a lemon and two wheels of sausage.

ATAMANSH: Lemon? Sausage? This is getting interesting. OK. Give me another voucher, and we'll get down to business.

SHAPOKLYAK: I took yours. (To the side) Well, you're a cheapskate, I'll remember this for you.(To the chieftain) It is necessary to confuse the famous detectives and prevent them from getting into the boss's villa.

ATAMANSH: Clear. It will be done, give me a deposit - one lemon. I went to my people, we will discussplan actions. (They leave.)

SHAPOKLYAK: Well, I did another nasty thing. It just made my soul feel better(Leaves.)


(Tired Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson appear.)

DR. WATSON: I can not do it anymore.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Patience my friend. The Hound of the Baskervilles has an excellent sense of smell. I'm sure it's somewhere nearby.

THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES:Life has come. No scent, no traces, “Chappie” – no, “Pedi” – no, “Gri” – no, “Pala” – no. They smear and smear phosphorus on the face. Well, where can I find a trace of them? What do you want from me? Walk, walk, search, search, well, I can’t, I can’t!

DR. WATSON: Then why are we standing, go ahead.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Take your time, friend Watson. Let's rest, and then we'll be on our way. The road will be difficult.

(They sit down to rest on the edge of the stage. Baba Yaga appears with a bag in which she sitsSnow Maiden . He sees the detectives and shouts off stage.)

BABA YAGA: Anxiety! I see two subjects. I'm making contact. Everyone be ready, don't take your eyes off the girl. And it’s quiet for me.(Straightens his hair, tints his lips, straightens his clothes, approaches Watson and Holmes.)Hey boys. What wind brought you here? Which goblin showed the way?

DR. WATSON: O Nymph! How glad we are for this meeting.

SHERLOCH HOLMES (aside) : Brrrrr, nymph. If you see it in a dream, you will be scared, but here it is in reality.

DR. WATSON: You know, there is something unusual and bewitching about her.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Well, here you are and bewitch her. And I moved on.

(Sherlock Holmes leaves.)

DR. WATSON: I must tell you, dear lady, that the word “woman” does not suit you.

BABA YAGA: Why is that?

DR. WATSON: You see, the prefix “Yaga” means berry, and berries, as you know, are very sweet. Here you are, so slender, cute, sweet, well, just a berry. You know, I really want to fly with you to distant countries.

BABA YAGA: I have a single stupa.

DR. WATSON: I agree on a broom, as long as it’s next to you.

BABA YAGA: Aren't you lying? All of you men are the same. Koschey too, beautiful words he said, and when he saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he... Uh, you scoundrel.

DR. WATSON: Yes, Vasilisa the Beautiful cannot compare with you.

(Dr. Watson sings to Baba Yaga the song of the group “Na-Na” - “Babushka Yaga” on English language. Baba Yaga and Watson are dancing.)

BABA YAGA: Oh, I love you foreigners.

DR. WATSON: Yes, I can sing for you in Russian.

(Sings the same song, but in Russian, dancing, they leave.)


(Sherlock Holmes appears.)

SHERLOCK HOLMES (on radio) : Third, third, I'm first. Everything is ready, invite agent Snegurochkina.

(Special agent comes out.)

VOICE BEHIND THE SCENE:Undercover agent - police sergeant I.E. Snegurochkina, aka Bunny, aka Granddaughter, Sheep, clown Tosya or Snowman. He is fluent in the art of transformation. In 2003, she was introduced into the team of teachers at the Children's Creativity Center. During the service, not a single operation was failed.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Is your task to help the investigation? Do you see this bag?

AGENT: Yes, of course

SHERLOCK HOLMES: After 5 seconds you must reach it, after 10 seconds you must change places with the original.

AGENT: Yes, of course

(Winnie the Pooh and Piglet bring agent Snow Maiden and an exchange takes place with the real Snow Maiden.)

SHERLOCK HOLMES: This bag must be left here so that the robbers can find it.


(Atamansha and the robbers enter.)

ATAMANSH: They must go here.

1st ROIVER: How do you know?

ATAMANSH: From reliable sources. Intelligence reported. Shapa is an old, experienced observer.

2nd ROIVER: Who did you contact? This old rat will fool you.

ATAMANSH: You are always dissatisfied with our friends.

2nd ROIVER: Because I don't find anything in them. And they do some small dirty tricks - nasty things. Nothing serious.

ATAMANSH: Hush, I think it's them. Take on the image of beggars.

(A dog is heard barking. Holmes and Watson come out.)

THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES:Life has come. No scent, no traces, “Chappie” – no, “Pedi” – no, “Gri” – no, “Pala” – no. They smear and smear phosphorus on the face. Well, where can I find a trace of them? What do you want from me? Walk, walk, search, search, well, I can’t, I can’t!

DR. WATSON: What a path we have traveled, but not a single living soul. Wasn't this nymph fooling us?

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Look, Watson, beggars. Let's give them a coin. Maybe we'll find out something?

(They approach the robbers.)

SHERLOCK HOLMES: I need some information from you. Did someone drive by here in a limousine?

1st ROIVER: On such black?


2nd ROIVER: In such a fashionable leather jacket?


ATAMANSH: Is he so cool?

DR. WATSON: Holmes, these are his signs!

1st BIGGER: I was passing by.

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: Where?

BRIGERS: There (point in different directions)

(Holmes and Watson leave the stage.)

DR. WATSON: From the very beginning, this company was unsympathetic and suspicious to me. By the way, my watch has disappeared and, in general, I’m hungry, today is still comingNew Year .

SHERLOCK HOLMES: Likewise. They need to be watched. (They hide.)

1st ROIVER: Today we will eat at the Boss's villa.

2nd ROIVER: I love all kinds of events. What is the reason for the Sabbath?

(The chieftain slaps him on the head)

2nd ROIVER: What's wrong? I didn't understand.

ATAMANSH: I’ll explain today, and tomorrow you’ll bring milk.

2nd BIGGER: Why?

ATAMANSH: For harmful work with you. The Boss is having a party at the villa today. The Snow Maiden jumps out behind the Boss. Well, look, if you spill the beans(shows fist.)

1st ROIVER: Eh, what? What will happen?

ATAMANSH: If the freezer finds out, then we're all screwed! She has this...

2nd BIGGER: Which one?

ATAMANSH (slap on the head) : You have two liters of milk. Well, now it's time.

(They leave and take away the bag)


Party at the Boss's

Chieftain: Good evening, good evening, ladies and gentlemen, swindlers and deceivers, gangsters and robbers, as well as other fairy-tale evil spirits. We are starting the biggest event of the year" new Year party Boss has 2016.” Everyone who came here to have fun, raise your hands up, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent...sorry, wrong line. We begin! First of all, let's say hello.


And first we invite to the stage the cunning to the point of disgrace and vile to the point of indifference, Baba Yaga!

Psy Baba Yaga

PARTY HOST:Well, have you warmed up? And now we have a serious fight between two bandit clans.


PARTY HOST:And now we invite the hero of today’s celebration – our Boss.

BOSS: Uh, talk to me here!

BOSS: In! That's better. Otherwise, watch it for me!

BOSS: Snow Maiden to me!

(Against the background of gentle music, theSnow Maiden - agent, without showing his face. The music stops abruptly and she starts dancing to the song)

BOSS: Who are you?

SNOW MAIDEN: I? Snow Maiden! And you won't get rid of me that easily. I am a subtle, artistic person. Let them give me something cooler here!

BOSS: Well, cooler, cooler. I'm announcing a competition for the coolest one. Although I doubt that you can find anyone cooler than me.


BOSS: Well, so how?

SNOW MAIDEN: No no. Well, what is this, a continuous roar. You give me something more gentle.


BOSS: So how?

SNOW MAIDEN: Nothing, nothing, that's better. Is Luciano Pavarotti weak?

BOSS: To me? Weak? Yes, I’ll sing to you whatever you want.

SNOW MAIDEN: Then I'm better off. But in a different place.

(Makes an arrest)

VOICE BEHIND THE SCENE: This is the end of our fairy tale. Thanks to the valiant police officers, the criminal plan of the fairy-tale evil spirits was revealed, the head of the criminal group, nicknamed Boss, was detained, senior police sergeant Full name Snegurochkina I.E. for her valor in the fight against organized crime she was presented with an award, and the real Snow Maiden returned to Santa Claus. And what punishment awaits the rest of the criminals, you ask. And this is a completely different story...

PARTY HOST:And all's well that ends well. But we don’t say goodbye and continue our New Year’s entertainment program.. And first, we will prepare for the meeting with Father Frost and his Snow Maiden freed from the hands of the villains, and decorate our hall.

We'll hang the balls

PARTY HOST:Now I grant the right to now senior police lieutenant I.E. Snegurochkina. guide you through the art of transformation

Dress up in...

PARTY HOST:You made good Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens. But now the time has come to invite the real Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka to our holiday.

It turns out

Father Frost : Hello guys! How glad I am to come to you with my granddaughter - safe and sound. As long as our police serve such valiant law enforcement officers and legendary detectives who are always ready to help, we are not afraid of any villains, and we can calmly celebrate the most main holiday- New Year.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

SNOW MAIDEN : Guys, there is very little time left until the New Year. I know that you are really looking forward to this moment. Let's bring everyone's favorite holiday closer together! Happy New Year!

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At the very beginning of the holiday, a dissatisfied Snow Maiden and various “bad guys” appear, but as a result of mass fun, the Snow Maiden becomes kinder, and the “Bad guys” leave the tree.

(Scenario for an entertaining New Year's program for middle and high school students)


Presenter -

Snow Maiden

Father Frost


(Everyone goes into the hall to the song “New, New Year”. The Presenters appear along with everyone)


Good evening, dear friends! Good evening!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! These joyful words lift your spirits, your eyes light up with a joyful fire. Faces light up with smiles and we say to each other from the bottom of our hearts: “Happy New Year!”

Friends, have fun, dance, sing, laugh!

Fill the hall with joy!

New Year is the most fun party. A holiday of miracles, magic, and fulfillment of desires!

(Father Frost and Snegurochka come out to New Year's music)

Snow Maiden:

I won't! I won’t and I don’t want to! I had enough! I'm tired! Always the same! People only remember me on New Year’s Eve!

Father Frost:

Stop it, Snow Maiden, shame on you! At least say hello to the guys.

Snow Maiden:(dissatisfied)

Father Frost:

We are glad, children, to see you!

Happy New Year everyone, good morning!

We start here today

Merry New Year's holiday! (addresses the Snow Maiden)

Now the guys and I will sing a song...

Snow Maiden:(ironic)

We'll do round dances, and then we'll listen to rhymes again and play with toys! I’m not three years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs. Perform on stage in beautiful dress. And in general I want to be a star!

Father Frost:(sad)

Just like that... And who will help me? Yes, and what’s the New Year without you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden:

Yes, no one will even notice that I'm gone. And I want people to talk about me! For my songs to be played on TV, for fans to ask for autographs... This is life! Grandfather, why should you just hit him with your magic staff once?

Father Frost:

Granddaughter, why do you need all this! You are such a beauty among us, and all the children love you. Really, guys? (children's answers)

Snow Maiden:

No and no! My talent will be lost! I know what to do! I will be looking for a producer! (getting ready to leave)

Father Frost:

Wait, Snow Maiden! Well, what would a Christmas tree be without you? Don't spoil the kids' holiday! Today we have a wonderful concert - there you will show your talent.

Snow Maiden:

Okay, we agreed! But if someone offends me and does not participate in my competitions, then I will leave!

Father Frost:

Thank you, dear granddaughter. I invite everyone to a big round dance around the Christmas tree.

(Everyone gets up in a round dance and sings songs. The round dance is interrupted by Zlyuk and Vrednyuk).


Oh, how boring. Not a single nasty thing in a whole year. And the old woman Baba Yaga has completely lost her mind. Everyone walks through the forest, collecting homeless animals.


And then feed them, take them outside, educate them... But who am I in the world?


I am the evil wizard Vrednyuk,

I'm ready for anything for the sake of evil,

I can find it with anyone for an argument,

How he began to serve Zlyuka.


And I am Evil, the mistress of evil. I have a wonderful proposal - to penetrate christmas tree, arrange a sea of ​​dirty tricks and nasty things. But the nasty things must also be New Year’s, and such that everyone in this room will cry.

Vrednyuka and Stupid:

Hurray-hurray-hurray! Long live nasty things!


Well, enough, that's enough. All you have to do is use your tongue and let’s get down to business! I'll give you a minute to think about it. How to make everyone sad at New Year's Eve.


More salt, onions, garlic! We'll tear the girls' dresses and dirty the boys' shirts. Let's give Santa Claus and Snow Maiden some hot tea...

Silly you:

There is no better "Fizzy"


Why "Fizzy"?

Silly you:

Because it contains a tincture of snake venom. They will try a little, hiss, grunt and burst...


Stop offering your nasty things. Baba Yaga is already coming.


Let's hide and see what mood she's in.

Silly you:

If he walks and screams and swears, then nasty things are expected.


And if he sings something cheerful, then the nasty things will once again have to be canceled.

(Baba Yaga walks and sings)

Baba Yaga:

I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning, in the morning!

I’ll tidy everything in the house, I’ll tidy it, I’ll tidy it up!

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes,

And I won’t forget to bring water!

Hey! My bastards, where are you? They don’t greet me, they don’t call me names.

Here we are, grandma, here we are, Yagulenka!

Baba Yaga:

What were you doing here without me?

We were tormented and bored.

Baba Yaga:

It's always like this. They didn't do anything around the house. I alone, Baba Ezhenka, work like a bee, trying. I’m an old, weak woman, and now I’ve even lost my appetite.


Sit down, grandma, we’ll turn on the plasma for you, watch your favorite shows, listen to songs.


Now we will please our old woman, and then we will offer all sorts of nasty things.

(Baba Yaga sits down on the sofa and the broadcast begins).


Good evening, good evening, good evening! The program “New Year’s Light” is on the air and I am its leading Star. The broadcast is being conducted from the Sausage nightclub, where the most advanced audience has gathered now, on the eve of the New Year. Wow! Who do I see - teachers, parents, girls and boys.

And now your attention will be focused on the performances of the most famous artists of our stage. And the first to appear on this stage are the girls from the group “Boogie-Woogie” with the song “One-Two”. Meet them!

And now let's move on to the next issue of our entertaining New Year's program. Who is this popular singer? Well, of course, Sergei Glamurny. Greet him with thunderous applause.

Well, our New Year's light ends with a young, beginning, but promising singer - Papenkin's Daughter. She will sing us a love song...

Baba Yaga:

Well, well done, they had fun and entertained the old lady. Hey, nasty things, get out of here, there is no need to spoil the holiday for good people here, we have a lot of things to do in the forest.

(Everyone leaves, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear)

Father Frost:

Wow, it’s fun here today, I also immediately wanted to become an artist.

Snow Maiden:

Of course, you see, grandpa, what success the artists have. I'll go sing too.

Father Frost:

Okay, okay, Snow Maiden, let’s light the lights on the Christmas tree and get ready for the broadcast of the programs “Exactly the Same” or “Doubles.” Now let’s play the game “Caps” with the guys. All the boys form a circle. The girls also make their own circle. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, Father Frost's caps are passed around among the children, and the Snow Maiden's cap among the girls. When the music stops, those guys who have caps in their hands go out into the general circle and dance. Well, now, one, two, three - the cap is flying!

Snow Maiden:

For the next game, I invite a team of adults and a team of children of three. My favorite competition is called "Rime". I will give each team member one balloon and a felt-tip pen. While the music is playing, you must inflate the balloon and draw on it beautiful snowflakes. Whichever team has the most snowflakes will win.

Father Frost:

Why shouldn't there be dancing today?

Dance more, not the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dancing shape.

Snow Maiden:

Guys, I propose to dance a fun dance “Hop-Hey”

Snow Maiden:

How great you dance!

Father Frost:

It’s nice to be among you, but it’s time for the Snow Maiden and me to set off - there are still many Christmas trees waiting for us.

Snow Maiden:

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye

It flew to us with the January wind.

And again we say “Goodbye”

To my good and great friends.

Father Frost:

And at this hour of farewell

To all dear and dear, to us, friends

We say: "See you again,

Until next time. We wish you happiness!”




And we continue our festive evening with a disco, games, competitions

(In between dances, competitions and games are held)

Game "Turnip" in a new way

The presenter selects 7 artists who must pronounce the phrases given to them with expression.

Turnip (happy) That's what I am.

Grandfather (sick) Oh, my back hurts.

Grandma (grumpy) Always being taken away from work.

Granddaughter (model) I'm ready.

Zhuchka (bandit) Stop! I will shoot!

Cat (lazy) As soon as I do!

Mouse (laughing) Ha-ha-ha!

Dance competition “Naughty Ball”

5 pairs of participants are called (more possible). Each pair is given a ball. Participants clamp the balls at the command of the leader: between their foreheads, stomachs, backs, noses, knees and dance. The participants' task is to hold the ball while moving. The pair that does not hold the ball is eliminated from the game. The last couple are the winners.

Competition "Take a Prize"

A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the competition participants. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three.” Participants who attempt to grab a prize at an untimely time will be eliminated from the competition.


Winter holiday is coming,

The old year is leaving us,

New Year is knocking on the door.

Let it be with the blizzard and powder

He will bring all good things:

Children are happy, as before,

For adults - happiness and hope.

May New Year's Santa Claus

Good health to boot,

Good luck in everything planned,

Fun, laughter, tenderness, affection,

So that life would be like in a fairy tale.