Option 3

New Year's scenario, two presenters - (1) and (2), (Dm) - Santa Claus, (Sn) - Snegurochka

Presenter 1:
Good evening friends!

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1:
Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate old year and meet New Year.

There are many wonderful holidays,
Each one comes in its own turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
Most best holiday- New Year!
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills the heart!

Presenter 2:
He gives us faith in a good chance,
On the first day and on a new turn,
Helps you become better
Happy New Year to everyone in the world!
Louder laughter and joyful hugs.
And flies from all latitudes of the earth
Clock chime. We are all each other's brothers!
There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!
Happy New Year!!!

We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:
Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words: “Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!” we say them with a special feeling, because they can only be said once a year.
2. The floor for congratulations is given to ________________ (boss, manager).

We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:
In the days filled with New Year's worries, we find time to look back at the path we have traveled and fix our gaze on tomorrow, an even more joyful and happy day. 2. Here is the New Year, once again,
Comes to us from the stars.
And as always he beckons us,
Hope, bright dreams,
Hope, believe and love,
All three cherished words,
Take it with you and go far away,
And be happy again.

Presenter 2:.
The word for congratulations is ______________________ (chip book).

We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:
Burning candles, crystal, the smell of spruce...
We sat down at the New Year's table.
Let there be smiles on your faces,
Let melancholy not look into your heart,
It's about to strike New Year's hour -
And life will turn into a fairy tale.

Presenter 2:
A word of congratulations to ____________________________ (deputy)

We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:
Let the year begin with a kind smile,
From the fact that we forgive each other's mistakes
And we wish well even to our enemies,
After all, life is so beautiful, it’s time for us to understand!
In the midst of the grayness of everyday life, crushed by everyday life,
Good feelings have long been forgotten,
Sometimes we can be cruel and evil,
We forget to go to our parents,
We scold the guys for their hubbub and laughter,
We envy if a friend is successful...

Presenter 2:
Let's love each other!
And value our feelings!
Adversity and bitterness, resentment and pain
May the passing year take with it,
And in the New let there be luck and happiness,
And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

Presenter 1:
The floor for congratulations is given to _________________ (head of department 1)

We have a drink and a snack.

Presenter 1:
Embroidered with stars
Covered with snow
He's in a hurry to come to us at all times
A year of good news.

Presenter 2:
You need to greet the guest like this,
So that there is a sea of ​​smiles,
So that some weirdo
The nose did not hang in grief.

Presenter 1:
So that there would be a round dance everywhere
So that the house is cramped
To celebrate the New Year
A whirlwind of the best new songs!

(2-3 dances)

Presenter 1:
We laughed a lot and joked a lot
But we completely forgot about one thing
Who will say: what awaits us, friends, ahead?
Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(answers from the audience: Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

Presenter 2:
Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes with the wind, blizzard and snow.
Now he’s silent, now he’s calling, and now he’s coming towards us!
Meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter)

Hello! Hello!
We haven't met for a whole year
I missed you
I would hug you all today
My hands are not enough
I invite my friends to the glorious New Year tree!

Happy new year friends!
The chimes are striking in the New Year's darkness!
I want the new one coming
It was a happy year on earth!

Hear, the music started again:
This is comrades, the dancing has begun!
Fun and joy sparkles everywhere
Let each of you spin in a waltz!

(waltz melody sounds, everyone dances)

Dance is a strain on the legs,
Now let's give our head some work.

I have many riddles prepared for you:

In the summer I noticed in the park
The pattern on the pine tree is bright
I wanted to look at him
Suddenly the halves came together
And the drawing flew away. (butterfly)

The white-white miller sat on the clouds
White flour is poured through a sieve. (snow)

The blue sheet covers the whole world. (sky)

When needed, they throw it away,
When not needed, they raise it.
What it is? (anchor)

It strokes everything it touches, and if it touches it, it bites (iron)

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent.
When he dies, then he roars. (snow)

The more you take from it, the bigger it becomes. (pit)

He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own. (saddle)

The sieve hangs without being twisted by hand. (web)

For the competition of dances and tricks.
Today in this room
We will reward our friends
Good prizes

(plays the game "Grab the Prize")

(Father Frost invites everyone to the table and with the Snow Maiden congratulate everyone on the New Year, Father Frost reads the congratulation)

New Year is knocking on the window,
"Congratulations, people!"
Along a snowy path
He came at the desired hour.
He gave us blizzards as a gift,
Wind, sun and frost,
And the resinous smell of spruce,
And a whole cartload of hope.
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Congratulations! With a Christmas tree! I.

We have a drink and a snack.

You've known me for a long time
We are old friends
You meet at the holiday
Not the first year for me

I'm a winter prankster grandfather
Naughty no matter the weather
And so that the holiday is a success
I'll set the tone for him

(music plays, Santa Claus himself starts dancing and involves everyone in the dance)


Where is the song, dance, dance, verse
Nobody is sad
Fun swirls like a whirlwind
And it doesn’t subside for a long time.

(The Snow Maiden is holding a win-win lottery)
(Balloon dance competition - choose two pairs of participants, hold the ball with their backs and dance)

Let's all dance.

We met you
Only recently, only today
We part as friends
This New Year's Eve.

The moments of farewell have arrived
We tried our best to entertain
Goodbye, friends,

Goodbye, see you in the future!

(We see off Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.)

7, 8, 9, etc. GLASSES
We sit down at the table. A word of congratulations to everyone else.
We drink, eat, dance.
Games, competitions, quizzes, riddles to suit your taste as a snack.

The scenario is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend your holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage creative potential Guys.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This scenario is literary composition, which will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better?

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

Scenario for carrying out New Year's corporate party. This could be a corporate event in a cafe with an order from a host, or it could just take place at work (say, an evening), and the host (or presenter) could be one of the company’s employees.

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was bewitched by five fairy tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Cat-Bayunchik, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them with this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes or vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and the desire to enter the chosen image are required. A little scenery. The scenario is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children “Kolobok for the New Year”

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings “Joy” to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all the children. On his way he meets various characters who are trying to eat the bun.

New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

The New Year is a holiday on a cosmic scale, so the children will have extraterrestrial guests. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend upon the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. A brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will stand in the way of Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the children's holiday, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not be lit and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario “Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!”

The scenario is designed for spending the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends be present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, we took into account age characteristics the whole family, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

National Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for corporate New Year's holiday. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The host will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's scenario for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old; younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga; for older ones, it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “At the behest of the pike!”

New Year's scenario for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. The tale involves seven characters, led by Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds are required.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will get a lot positive emotions and impressions, because who doesn’t want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year!”

The script is designed for schoolchildren junior classes. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing the school and New Year's holidays, creativity and creativity. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grandiose event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only fun party, but it’s also time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny skit for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs. School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children love cartoons with scary stories. That's why the scenario for the New Year's holiday with the heroes Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both elementary school and students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in game form around the Christmas tree.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or How the Children Saved the Holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host “The holiday is coming to us”

Where does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, from choosing an outfit and place, creating a menu, decorations and a script. And if there may be no problems with the script, but to find a suitable one, and most importantly interesting scenario It’s still difficult for a presenter.

Scenario for the New Year of the Pig 2019 for schoolchildren “Once Upon a Time in the Forest”

A New Year's concert should be interesting, fun and memorable. This script is perfect for high school students and can be used to create an incredible fairy tale for kids.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in primary school “New Year’s Tale”

There are not so many heroes in the script, the plot is not blurred - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. The New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as children, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are the key to a great mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's party or a family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!

To organize your favorite holiday, we offer the most New Year's theme- fairy tales. Arranging a holiday our way new New Year's scenario game program"Fairytale holiday" guests and organizers will be able to take part in entertainment about fairy tales, play a role in a fairy tale and simply relax and have a fabulous time together. The scenario is universal, not tied to a specific year or location and, quite possibly, can become the basis for a family, friendly or corporate party, both on the eve of the holiday and directly at its meeting on December 31.

New Year's scenario" Fabulous holiday"

Presenter: Hello, dear guests. I am very glad to see you at our “Fairytale Holiday”. And I am sure that with guests like you, it will truly be fabulous and sincere. On the eve of the New Year, you always want miracles and magic. And even adults begin to believe in them. Where does magic always happen? That's right, in fairy tales. And today our evening will be dedicated to fairy tales. We will tell fairy tales, guess fairy tales, show fairy tales and live like in a fairy tale. First, let's fill the glasses.


Let's fill our glasses with champagne,

So that everyone’s soul immediately becomes happier!

Let this meeting be sincere and pleasant

And have a fabulously fun New Year's Eve!

Banquet break.

Presenter: The beginning of the evening has been announced, now is the time to get acquainted! After all, you always feel freer and more comfortable in a well-known company, don’t you agree? My name is… (Name), and I will be happy to spend several fabulously pleasant hours with you. And, in order to get to know you better, and at the same time lift your spirits, I invite everyone to take part in a funny and energetic chant. I will ask questions, and if your answer is yes, you stand up and loudly shout “ME!”

Table chant "Let's get to know each other better"

Who has a positive attitude

Are you currently searching? (guests respond)

He's getting up quickly now

Who lives in marriage? (guests respond)

Stand up like this, but not alone,

Who has a son in the family? (guests respond)

Respond, period,

Who is raising a daughter? (guests respond)

They will barely rise

Who has two children? (guests respond)

Who the hell has the wrong one?

The large family? (guests respond)

Who bought or built the house,

Did you have a housewarming party in it? (guests respond)

Who lives in their own apartment?

In unison, three or four. (guests respond)

Let's all rise up together

Who is sitting still now? (guests respond)

Presenter: Did you notice? They shouted together and somehow became closer to each other! I suggest, right now, to fill your glasses and drink to the rapprochement, to the fact that you have all gathered here so friendly!

Banquet break

Presenter: And who remembers from which cartoon the phrase: “Oh, these fairy tales!” (guests answer) That's right, “Last year's snow fell.” Do you remember fairy tales? Shall we check? We divide into two teams. And take turns calling . (Called one by one to warm up.) Well done, they haven’t forgotten the fairy tales yet. Personally, I also love fairy tales since childhood and, like many of you, I know them almost by heart. But in the modernized version, sometimes I simply don’t recognize them. Anyone who helps me learn a fairy tale, the content of which is conveyed in youth slang, will receive a prize.

Table competition" Guess the fairy tale using slang".

1. “This tale is about a dude with a long hair and a woman with a blue hair. This dude's father wanted to put him in SCHOOL. But before his studies he was in a bad mood, and he hung out with a bunch of people whose boss had one bearded guy who beat them up a lot. The dude stashes himself one expensive thing. And this boss spent the whole fairy tale chasing him.”

(“Golden key” - prize for those who guessed correctly)

2. “This tale is about one girl. Her father found himself one hag who pressed her hard. But one time she found herself at a pretentious party. There I fell in love with an authoritative dude. And he fell in love with her, not like a child. She kept the information secret to him. Then she quickly left the party. But I’m not used to running on heels, and I lost one shoe. Because of this, the shoe burned down. And in the end, love is carrots and all that.”

(“Cinderella” - prize for the person who guessed it)

3. “This tale is about how one worthless girl burst into someone else’s house, grabbed food, used beds, and when they burned her, she ran away.”

(“Masha and the Three Bears” - prize for the person who guessed it right)

Blitz poll of the presenter "Who is in the hall today"

(Below is an option for an unfamiliar company, which, depending on the expected composition or situation, can be adjusted)

Presenter: Thanks, experts modern folklore! Where does such knowledge come from? Are your children teenagers or do you surf the Internet a lot? (approaches those who received the prize, they answer, the presenter gets to know them and asks the last of them). What zodiac sign were you born under? (guest answers, for example, Virgo) Then it’s clear why you answered the question, because representatives of your sign are traditionally famous for their curiosity and attractiveness. Are there still Virgos in the hall, I mean those who were born under this sign? Please stand up, we will greet you and admire you! (approaches one of the guests who responded)

- Do we all now know approximately your birth month? What is your name? (the guest answers, for example, Sergey) Did you come here because you love the New Year or for company? (guest answers) Anyone else love New Year's? Majority! Are there any guests named Sergei in the hall? Stand up so we can greet you too! (approaches one of them)

- Sergey, did you know that for men with your name the most favorable day of the week is Friday? Did not know? But you probably guessed it, right? You always wanted to spend it in a special way, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to go to a restaurant, but with your loved one? I would prefer with Andrey. Which female name do you like best? (the guest answers, for example, Marina). Beautiful name! Are there any girls with this name among us? (guests respond) Let's welcome Marin! (approaches one of them)

- Marina, what do those closest to you call you? (the guest answers). Do they realize that you are very unpredictable? However, here the stars will align. What animal is the symbol of your year of birth? (called, for example, Monkey). Then everything is fine, we can expect only pleasant surprises from you. Would you like to see those who, like the charming Marina, were born in the year of the Monkey? Let's welcome this fun company! (approaches the one that is closest)

My name is still (Name), How are you? Amazing! Tell me, 2016 was successful for you, was it your year? (the guest answers, the host reacts, depending on the answer, if, for example, yes, then “it should have been so, you will be lucky this year too.” And if not, then “you will definitely be lucky in the coming year”)

Are there many lucky people in our company born in the year of the Dog? Stand up please! Dear guests, remember these faces and try to be closer to them throughout 2018 and touch them more often. I advise you to start today. I will be happy to introduce each of them to you! (takes turns meeting the guests of the Year of the Dog) Let's greet the favorites of the coming year with thunderous applause! (guests applaud) Thank you!

Yes, it’s better to stay closer to me today too, our Santa Claus left me one of his bags (shows) and allowed to encourage the most active and quick-witted. And right now I’m ready to give a prize to the person who is the first to say how many Sergeys are among us? (to the one who guessed the prize) What about those born in the year of the Dog? (to the one who guessed the prize)

(if this is a corporate party, then you need to give the floor to the company management)

- I also have a special prize from Santa Claus for the leader (or managers) this glorious team. Answer me, are there any such people in the hall? (hands out prizes and introductions, then offers to make a toast)

Banquet break

Presenter: Friends, have you noticed that the greatest storytellers are men? Andersen, Brothers Grimm, Alexei Tolstoy. Therefore, I can only trust them to participate in this competition, and many of them have probably encountered its conditions more than once. (Selects or calls three active men to participate and distributes printed texts and explains the conditions of the competition)

The essence of the competition: You need to read an excerpt from a well-known children's fairy tale, naming only the vowels, so that others can guess what kind of fairy tale it is. You can help with gestures.

Competition for men "Great Storytellers"

Presenter: Before the dance break in our fairy tale, we already remembered the most long-awaited and beloved fairy tale characters of the New Year. Who is this? That's right, Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Or maybe it's time for us to make the fairy tale come true? Let's all call Santa Claus together, as it should be. So, everyone said in unison: “Santa Claus! Father Frost!"

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost(Snow Maiden): Well, Snow Maiden, it’s not enough for us to give gifts to children every year, but adults also pile up. (To guests) Do you want gifts? Should I stand on a stool and recite a poem? Okay, I'm kidding. I know that you don’t know anything other than “a beard made of cotton wool.” Well, since this is my position, you will receive your gifts. But for a reason. And whoever guesses what kind of gift is will receive it.

New Year's riddles of Santa Claus with comic gifts

(Father Frost makes a wish, Snow Maiden distributes gifts to those who guess correctly)

1. The product is soft, pleasant to the body,

In an intimate setting you will find something to do with him.

Everyone needs it several times a day.

Who will get it now?

(Toilet paper)

2. You can suck it, you can lick it,

You can even bite carefully.

Any pioneer will tell you -

The longer the pleasure, the larger the size .


3.This is a miracle tool

Everything is repaired in a moment.

Drill, screwdriver and screwdriver

Previously, he replaced deftly .

(Insulating tape)

4. Used to be a luxury item

Now is the need.

Some are interested in appearance, some in cross-country ability.

(Toy car)

5. The miracle of technology is

Without him, well, nowhere.

To get the result

Need running water .

(Washing machine. They give it a prototype - soap)

6. This little girly thing

Everyone needs it: grandmothers and granddaughters.

With its help you can increase the volume,

Without using silicone.

(Lipstick. Visually increases the volume of lips)

7. This product is newfangled

Suitable for men and women.

All you need to do is swing

Will remove everything that grows in different places.

(Disposable razor)

8. You will be the soul of any company,

If this item is with you .

(Disposable cup or shot glass)

9. There will be no end to women,

If you always carry it with you.

With him, women's interest in you will not disappear,

Even if you don’t have six-pack abs. (Wallet)

Musical game "Santa Claus guesses wishes"

Father Frost: Well, what can you say, that’s not what they wanted, right? Like, Grandfather Frost has become old, he has forgotten how to do miracles, he has stopped guessing. (Snow Maiden) It seems to me, granddaughter, that some here don’t believe in me. I need to show them what I can do.

(Selectively approaches some guests, holds his palm above their head, music sounds).

For approximate versions of musical excerpts for this game, see folder “Guessing wishes”

Santa Claus games

Father Frost: And now I will fulfill your wishes. Of course, not all at once, but some will be lucky if they prove that their desire is truly strong. So, stand up, whoever wants money and wealth, let's go out. (Several people come out.) Do you want money? Have you tried to work? Okay, I'll give you money, but only one. The fastest. You know the saying: “He who has time, eats.” So, the first competition.

- 1 competition “Get grapes”.

On a small table there is a plate with grapes (seedless). There are one fewer grapes than participants. Participants walk around the table to the music. When the music stops, everyone must eat a grape. Whoever doesn't get it is eliminated. So we eliminate half of the participants.

Father Frost: 2 round There is another proverb: “If you want to live, know how to spin.”

Let's see which of you is the best at spinning.

- 2nd competition "Hit the target".

We place targets in front of the participants. (You can have one target and they will do it one by one). The participant is promoted several times. After stopping, he must hit the target with an improvised projectile. We leave 2-3 winners.

Father Frost: And there is another piece of wisdom: “If you want to feed a person, give him fish. If you want him to be fed all his life, give him a fishing rod.” Round 3: catching fish.

- 3rd competition "Catch a fish"

You can take either children's magnetic fishing rods, or ropes with hooks and something that can be hooked. From one point, everyone begins to cast their fishing rods and catch “fish”. Whoever catches the most wins. Up to one winner.

Father Frost: Here is our winner who will get his wish right now. (To the winner). You want a lot of money. You know, in order to become rich and have a lot of money, it is important to be able not only to earn, but also to save. (Takes a piggy bank out of the bag, you can put a coin in it). Now every time you receive income, put 10% here. And at the end of the year you will become much richer.

Well, friends, I have to go. Happy New Year.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave)

New Year's toast "To live like in a fairy tale"

Presenter: What a pity, but tonight

It's already very close to the end.

Let's raise our glasses

For living like in a fairy tale,

Eyes from love, so that they burn,

And my heart sang with happiness,

So that relatives don’t get sick,

And it was a success.

So that love is mutual with money,

The income was, if possible, passive,

So that men are strong,

And the women should all be beautiful.

And I say goodbye to you. But our evening continues. And I invite you to the dance floor.




(scenario for New Year's concert)

The hall is festively decorated and New Year's music is playing.

Fanfare sounds. The presenters take the stage


To everyone who loves the winter holiday,
The smell of a Christmas tree, the creaking of snow,
And when the frost is strong
The cheek will turn red,
For everyone who loves dancing and singing
And garlands of cheerful light,
To everyone who was waiting impatiently for us,
Hello to all my friends!


Good evening to good people!

Let have a nice holiday will!

A year has passed, which means
Soon it will bring us all
Happiness, joy and good luck
New, New, New Year!

HOST: Good afternoon, dear students, our dear teachers and guests!This day is not only good, but also festive. The New Year is just around the corner, and therefore we hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, and give our New Year's concert!

HOST: Oh this one magical holiday- New Year! The festive atmosphere permeates everywhere. Everyone is preparing for the New Year.

HOST: Indeed, this holiday has been considered the most long-awaited and beloved since ancient times; everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle.


So the shooter can’t stop running -

Two thousand and sixteen is coming!

Today we will celebrate

We will celebrate New Year today!

HOST: Today we will not be sad, and we will all have the opportunity to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true in the coming year!

HOST: The New Year 2016 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

HOST: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

HOST: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST : A huge bundle of gifts and new year wishes!

(A song from Nyusha’s repertoire “New Year” is played)

HOST: New Year is the most fabulous, kindest and most beloved holiday. A holiday associated with hopes for the best in the coming year, a time of magical gifts and rainbow fireworks, the fulfillment of wishes.

HOST: On this winter starry evening

The old year is passing away.

New Year to meet him

He comes to us with gifts.

Along the magical path

You can enter a fairy tale.

But where is the magic path?

How can we look into a fairy tale?

The music is about to start,

We will be able to get into a fairy tale.

(Dance “Fairies” group No. 9 + song “When the young year comes”)

HOST: It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the most long nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it a joyful mood.

HOST: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires, the most incredible miracles are possible.


The long-awaited world of miracles comes,

It's dark outside, blizzard and snow,

Under the toys there is a crystal chime

A person enters the New Year.


Until the clock rang

Let's wish for the coming year

He brought us everything we wanted:

May he bring us good luck.

We'll have fun today

And let your ringing laughter ring joyfully!

Happy wonderful holiday - New Year...

TOGETHER: Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

(Dance “New Year’s extravaganza” group No. 13)


New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, today we are celebrating it among friends, and very soon we will be celebrating the New Year among our family and friends. Those who love and appreciate us no matter what.

The postman goes to the neighbors again,

How rarely news sometimes comes to us.

But they say that on New Year's Eve

The hearts of relatives are always together.

(The song “You and I” is played from the repertoire of gr. Astudio)

HOST: New Year is the time for dreams to come true.... In anticipation of a miracle, we read various horoscopes to find out what the stars tell us about the coming day.

HOST: After all, a person is designed in such a way that he always wants to know about his past, present and future. And now we want to satisfy your curiosity.

(Gypsy sounds, “Gypsy” comes out), sits on the floor and scatters cards)


I don’t look into your eyes, I don’t stroke your hand,

Trust the cards, they will tell you everything.

I see a long road to the government house to visit us,

New Year's anxiety, I see kings and queens.

Today - interest and unexpected meetings,

Small talk, chores for the evening.

GYPSY: Now I’ll lay out the cards and tell you the whole truth: who will my dear one marry, who will my heart stop, what will happen and when, and how will my heart calm down.

(Approaches the teachers and invites everyone to take out a card)


    In a few days, a glass of champagne with the king of heart awaits you.

    On New Year's Eve you will meet the jack of hearts.

    Aces fall - you will be rich.

    You will be happy and rich.

    I see a long way and a stop.......with the inscription “Canary Islands”, the desired vacation will come true in the New Year.

    And also... .. I still see... snow.... A lot of snow and a lot of snowflakes, kids and fun...


Here comes winter - winter

She came to us with joy.

Everything was spinning around

Snow carousel.


She shares with us

Fluffy silver.

Covered everything up

Snow white, clean.


Hey, don't be afraid, kids!

Run out bolder.

Look - by the yard

Snow fun!

(Dance “Hats with earflaps” gr. 2,7,12)


I would like to walk all the roads
And reach endless heights,
I would like to know the words and syllables I need,
But for now these are just dreams.


But don't get angry,
And to indulge in despondency is a sin!
You have to believe, and the dream will come true,
And then success will be found!

(song from the repertoire of the group “Disco Accident” - “Swing”)


We danced, sang, joked

But we completely forgot about one thing

Who will say: what awaits us, friends, ahead?

Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(pause, answers)


With the wind, blizzard and snow, Serduchka rushes into the New Year,

He dances, he sings, and now he’s coming towards us.


(Serduchka “New Year’s” acrobatic act)

Leading. Who is that driving along the road and ringing bells? Isn't it Santa Claus? Let's call him together.

The ringing of bells is heard.


Hello, dear guests!

From distant Lapland,

Along the wide road,

Through snowy fields

I was in a hurry to come to you guys,

Happy New Congratulations on the year,

I wish you happiness and joy.


Today is a wonderful December day,

Frost is a joy, snowflakes are flying.

Today, friends, we cannot live without songs,

You can't live without songs and you can't live without dancing.

(Song from the repertoire C ashi Project "I really need you")


I am very glad that in this hall

They finally recognized Moroz.

They didn’t forget to invite you to the party

And they decorated the miracle Christmas tree.


Yes, the tree is wonderfully decorated,

Very elegant and beautiful.

Oh, friends! What about the Christmas tree?

Our Christmas tree is beautiful?!

Let the lights from our Christmas tree

The skies will instantly light up!


What a miracle this is.

And now - a prize for you all

Stretch your hands to the tree

Let's say “Light up the Christmas tree!

So all together - one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!


And again - one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!


Louder! Louder! One two Three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

(the lights on the tree come on)


Now there is everything you need.

Start a round dance

Yes, drag out the song

We are celebrating the New Year!

(dramatization of Vitalka’s song “New Year!”)


Embroidered with stars

Covered with snow

He's in a hurry to come to us at all times

A year of good news.


You need to greet the guest like this,

So that there is a sea of ​​smiles,

So that some weirdo

The nose did not hang in grief.


So that there is a round dance everywhere

So that the house is cramped

To celebrate the New Year

A whirlwind of the best new songs!

(Song from the repertoire of “Chile” - “Don’t Panic”)


Frost sparkles merrily on the branches,

The fields were covered with fluffy snow...

The New Year is knocking on our doors,

It will bring good luck and warmth.

So let him be happy and clear,

And the mood is bright and wonderful!


Yes, today it’s like a fairy tale here,

On the Christmas tree, beads, stars, lanterns.

And we will fulfill you today

From fashionable songs “Medley”.

(“Rain of Men” group No. 10)

SNOW MAIDEN: People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, best year, which has not yet lived . So may the new year bring you 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles.

FATHER FROST: May your dreams and plans come true!

May the New Year be generous,

Let him not skimp on happiness,

Let him light the stars on time,

May all your wishes come true!


We wish everyone a happy old year

Forget illness and adversity,

Anxiety, tears, evil people,

Like the trail of sailing ships.

(song from the repertoire of A. Lorak “Ships”)

(song from Klyaver’s repertoire “You’re not like everyone else...”


Today we are near the Christmas tree

We dance and sing together,

Let's enjoy life together

We have fun together!


By the power of cold and ice,

The power of the night, the power of the day

Power of the north and south

Let the miracle happen now.

(Dance “Santa Claus” gr. No. 2)


We wish you to have fun under the tree now.

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.


Goodbye, good morning.


Bon Voyage!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave)

HOST: Yul, what are you thinking about?

HOST: You see, if a girl or woman in New Year's Eve nothing to wear...

HOST: So everything new is over

HOST: Yes, the female sex needs very little, just a few things, but new ones every day

We only have two problems: what to wear and where to store it all.

HOST: Don’t worry, the collection “Festive Masks” and “Lady Elegance” was prepared by the famous couturier - master of industrial training of the Yenakievo Vocational Lyceum - Natalya Alexandrovna Ginkul!


Starts with us

unusual fashion show

All the outfits are good -

Admire from the bottom of your heart!

(fashion show)

HOST: Yes, outfits, hairstyles, makeup are good, but I also thought that it’s notIt would be bad to have a dragon at home. I know that in China traditional number of the festive New Year's program -"Dragon Dance"which is performed by men. They carry the writhing body of a dragon made of paper or silk on long poles. From the inside it is illuminated by the light of many lamps or candles.

HOST: Yes, I think it is a very beautiful sight. But in the new year, the most favorite animal will be... the Monkey. After all, 2016 is this is her year.


Meet! Symbol of the New Year!

Fidget Monkey,

Naughty hooligan

He's rushing to us from afar!

Everyone wants to smile,

Have fun, have fun,

To make life easy!

(monkey dance, group no. 9)


I'm a naughty monkey

I bring gifts for everyone!

In my year - I already know -

And there will be happiness and success,

And laughter, and joy, and fun,

And everything that the heart is waiting for -

I’ll put the gifts under the fir tree...

May the New Year be bright!

Under quiet, slow snow,

stepping soft steps,

Stepped over the threshold

The past year, saying goodbye to us.

Let him go, that's the way it should be

Don't regret anything!

A new one is already knocking on the door,

So open it for him quickly!

Believe that this year is coming

Will fulfill everything the heart expects!

He will certainly be the best

Have a successful and happy year!

HOST: According to the old new year tradition we sum up the results of the outgoing year and make new plans.

HOST: What was he like last year?

HOST: Stormy, meaningful, interesting.

HOST: And what the next year will be like depends only on us!

HOST: And who can you entrust with such an important and responsible task - to tell you in more detail about the past year and give instructions for the next year?

HOST: I know only one person in our lyceum...

HOST: Meet, Director of the state professional educational institution "Enakievo Professional Lyceum" - Semenova Victoria Eduardovna.

(awarding, gifts, congratulations)


Happy holiday that came from a fairy tale

Happy Christmas tree, happy flight, happy flight!

Happiness! Hello! Smiles and affection! Peace!

Hope! Human kindness.

Time is rushing. Hear: “Tick-tock.”

It is not in our power to hold the arrows.

And, saying goodbye, we say this...

Goodbye! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

(a song from Angel A’s repertoire “It’s New Year!” sounds, all concert participants come out)

New Year's concert program



song “New Year” from Nyusha’s repertoire

Butenkova N., Rotan A.

Dance "Fairies"

group No. 9

song "Snowflake"

Andriyanova T.

Dance "New Year's extravaganza"

group No. 13

song “You and I” from the repertoire of gr. A-studio

Aristarkhova A.

Dance "Ushanka hats"

groups No. 2,7,12

song from the repertoire of the group “Disco Accident” - “Swing”

Barbashin D.

Serduchka “New Year’s” acrobatic act

groups No. 4, 5

Song from the repertoireC ashi Project“I really need you”

Berdnikova N.

Dramatization of Vitalka’s song “New Year!”

groups 9, 12

Song from the repertoire of “Chile” - “Don’t Panic”

Dance composition “Rain of Men”

group number 10

song from the repertoire of A. Lorak “Ships”

Tsymbal Yu.

song from Klyaver’s repertoire “You’re not like everyone else...”

Barbashin D.

New Year's collection

group 9, 14

“Watch out, monkeys!!

group No. 6

Characters: Presenter dressed as Santa Claus (optional).

Props for competitions: prizes for winning, pens and sheets (according to the number of guests invited), numbered raffle tickets and gifts, opaque jar, bag of things, two sets of colored ribbons, blindfolds, word cards, number cards, pouch.

(Music sounds, guests take their seats, the Host appears)

Good evening to you friends,
It's time to celebrate the New Year,
I will help you with this,
I'll give you the mood!

And, of course, happiness
The evening is simply beautiful
I'll give you magic
And all will be well!

- Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome everyone. Today we will say goodbye to the outgoing year and welcome the New Year together. You're probably wondering where I lost my Snow Maiden? It's simple, I'm tired of waiting for her to get ready! Well, to be honest, there are a lot of you and we just don’t have time. In general, let's return to seeing off the outgoing year. I am sure that each of you has encountered some kind of difficulty this year, a problem that has significantly spoiled your mood, and I am also sure that there have been inspiring, pleasant, surprising moments. I propose now to remember two moments of the passing year (good and bad) and write them down on pieces of paper. Now I will distribute to everyone the necessary props with which you can complete the task.

(After a minute)

I think you all coped with my request. Set aside the sheets of good memories and save them for next year. You can supplement them with new points, but under no circumstances throw them away. And now it's time for bad memories. Take this leaf and tear it up and throw it away, because that’s why the New Year is new, to start it without the baggage of past troubles.
Props for the competition: pens and sheets (based on the number of invited guests).

And now, well, finally,
We got to alcohol,
Let's have our first glass,
May our dreams come true!

So that troubles recede,
They didn’t torment our souls,
So that the problems are forgotten,
And disappeared like trash!

(Everyone drinks)

- Continuing the theme of saying goodbye to the outgoing year, I want to ask you, are you ready to let it go? No, seriously, you never know, what if one of you wants to stay in it? So this is what I mean, now we will find out how ready you are to enter the New Year! I propose this: now I will recite a rhyme-promise for the coming year, which you will need to continue in turn. Whoever comes up with the most will win a prize. Here's an example so you don't get confused:
I'll definitely be there in the New Year,
Do physical education!

Everything is easy and simple, so let's get started:
1. In the New Year I promise...
2. In the New Year I will definitely...
3. In the New Year I will be more often...
4. In the New Year I will become sporty...
5. In the New Year I will start trying...

So, in our competition there is a winner, to whom I want to give this small, but probably very useful prize that allows you to write down your ideas (a small notebook with a picture of the symbol of the year is presented).

Now is the time to drink so that all your promises come true!

(Everyone drinks)

Tell me, have any of you ever wondered what New Year is? New year, it’s not always me, or my beautiful granddaughter in a blue sheepskin coat, it’s also the mood, the atmosphere, tangerines, champagne, fur coat salad, and, of course, Olivier. These are new hopes, new plans, new dreams. This is a fun time spent with friends and family, this is the most magical time of the year that our country is looking forward to. And also, New Year is warm and sincere wishes which are so important. Tell me, have you prepared yours?

(Guests exchange congratulations and drink to what has been said)

Wow, how awkward it turned out. I forgot about the most important thing! We will have a New Year's lottery that will give you interesting gifts. Pull your tickets, gentlemen, because it is their numbers that will determine what prize you will receive!
Props: numbered lottery tickets.

(Everyone pulls a ticket)

And we continue. As you know, you need to enter the New Year without debt, supposedly this is a sign. What about us? We also follow this sign, and now we will say goodbye to our financial difficulties! I will pass this wonderful jar (opaque) around the hall, into which each of you will put as much money as you see fit, mentally asking the outgoing year to take away your debts. After this, please return the jar to me.

(Guests put money in the jar and return it to the host)

The question is, which of you wants to become richer? This bank is at stake, and whoever guesses how much money is stored in it will get it?

(Guests take turns calling the expected amount, the host then opens the jar, recalculates and hands the winnings to the winner. Afterwards, a glass is raised for financial well-being)

Congratulations have already been heard,
So that you don't get bored,
I suggest you start
It's great to dance together!
I'll turn on the music now,
I'll call everyone to the dance floor,
We'll rock with you,
Everyone dance for about thirty minutes!

(After 25 minutes)

I'll interrupt you a little,
I want to play a game
Even though you all came dressed up,
I'll offer you some clothes!

The rules, friends, are simple,
I'll give you the bag
You dance like before
I’ll explain everything to you now!

In general, the rule is simple,
Pass me the bag,
But when the pause comes,
Get some clothes.

Put it on and dance
And it will be like this until
Until the bag is empty,
Well, my friends, shall we begin?

(You can put in the bag: family panties, a bra (very large), sweatpants, a robe, a headscarf, an old dress, an adult diaper, a wig, funny hats, men's shorts, short skirt etc)

Everything worked out great
We had fun with you,
I give you permission to take everything off,
And take your places!

(Guests take their seats)

I wonder if you have forgotten the alphabet? No, seriously, this happens to me often, and to Snegurochka in general, she’s frozen all over my head, well, that’s not about that. I suggest testing your memory, but it’s not easy to name the letters, but it’s interesting to do it. The task is as follows: you take turns and in order pronounce the letter of the alphabet and pronounce this letter New Year's toast. For example, I name the letter K, and make a toast starting with this letter: How many pleasant things happen to us, let’s drink to the fact that there will be more of them in the New Year! Is everything clear to everyone? Then, let's get started?

(After the toasts have been made, the Host offers a drink for what has been said)

They called me and told me that the New Year is on the way. Also, I was told that bows will be popular this year; I don’t know who came up with this idea, but I won’t refute it, I’ll just suggest that you practice tying them. For this I need three volunteers, two girls and a man. The male role here is the most difficult - to portray a mannequin. Believe me, standing motionless is much more difficult than completing my task. The girls will tie bows on the mannequin! What's so difficult, you ask? And practically nothing, except that the young ladies will perform the task blindfolded! And I forgot to add, it’s not enough to tie your own bows, you also need to untie your rival’s bows, there’s only a minute to do everything about everything! But look, what beautiful ribbons I prepared!

(The presenter gives the girls 10 ribbons of different colors (possibly next year’s colors) and blindfolds them. At his command, the competition begins)

Well, well, I congratulate our winner and present her with a symbolic prize, and we continue and are gradually approaching the New Year's lottery. In the meantime, before it arrives, I ask everyone to hit the dance floor!

(Musical break lasting 15-20 minutes, during which the presenter can hold another one)

While you are resting after such fiery dances, I want to wish you a few.

Examples of riddles.
1. What is the whitest thing in the world?
More desirable and tastier than everyone else,
What are they driving in the machine?
And does it happen at the parade?

2. Two huge balls,
Swinging merrily
No, not New Year's,
Do all men like you?

3. What do we pour into glasses?
What are we drinking together?

4. The appetizer is the best, no doubt about it,
It has a silver color.

5. Walks boldly through snowdrifts,
Loves the old man very much
Just a little cold
Who will answer who she is?
(Snow Maiden)

(Options and number of riddles may be different)

It's time to toast your ingenuity so that next year there will be as much of it as possible!

(Everyone drinks)

For the next competition I need 4 people. Your task will be extremely simple - to depict the New Year! It's simple, you just have to do it without words. One shows, the other guesses, and so on in each pair. So, I propose to use a lot to determine who will be the first to show the words on the cards I provide. I forgot to add that the couples will be shown simultaneously. The time for the show is 1 minute, after which the players in pairs change places. Is everything clear to everyone? Please draw your card!

Words for cards:
1. Santa Claus;
2. Snow Maiden;
3. Snowman;
4. Snowflake;
5. Frost;
6. Mandarin;
7. Fireworks;
8. Gifts;
9. New Year tree;
10. New Year's toys;
11. Firecracker;
12. Chimes;
13. Congratulations from the President.
Props: cards with words.

Congratulations to the winning couple, and it is with great pleasure that I announce a musical break!

(After 15 minutes)

Dear friends, I’m sorry to interrupt, but a brilliant idea came to my mind: why don’t we do a round dance? No, really, what would New Year be without a round dance? Just a warning, we will have the most unusual round dance in history! We quickly stand in a circle, and I will take a place in the center. The trick is that you will have to repeat all the actions and sounds after me. Well, shall we try?

(It is better to show gestures and make sounds symbolizing the animal of the coming year, and conduct the round dance itself to the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter)

I ask everyone to take a seat,
The lottery is waiting for you, friends!
I will name the numbers
And give out gifts!

(Everyone takes their seats)

Leading (pulls cards with numbers from the bag. Attention, in the script the lots are listed in order):
No. 1 receives a very useful and most importantly necessary prize - new year calendar which will help you not get lost in the days;
No. 2 gets something that will warm you on cold evenings and give you aroma (pack of tea);
#3 gets a thrill in a jar (mustard);
No. 4 receives something that is impossible to live without and in which it is very convenient to hide money (socks);
No. 5 gets something that will help you always have an expressive look (mascara or eyeliner);
No. 6 gets something that will help glue everything together, even the one who has long been liked (tube of glue);
No. 7 receives a portable symbol of the year, which will undoubtedly bring good luck (magnet or souvenir);
#8 gets something you can't live without (a couple of bags of coffee);
No. 9 receives the main prize, without which it is impossible to celebrate the holiday (box of chocolates and bottle of champagne);
No. 10 gets what everyone knows, is in every home and decorates our lives (jar of horseradish);
#11 gets what dislodged the pacifier (lollipops);
No. 12 gets what is always most important and necessary (toilet paper roll);
No. 13 gets what should be sold with cognac (lemon);
No. 14 gets something that will keep your hair beautiful in any weather (comb);
No. 15 gets what will help you always stay full (wooden spoon).
If necessary, you can add more lots.
Props: cards with numbers, bag.

I congratulate everyone on winning such valuable prizes and am happy to announce that in five minutes the long-awaited New Year will come! Fill your glasses, come up with wishes, and I’m off to wind the chimes!

(The chimes sound, everyone congratulates each other on the New Year and exchanges gifts)

Congratulations to you my friends,
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!
Happiness and kindness to everyone,
May all your dreams come true!

So that they can and can
So that we live in harmony,
Let beauty surround you
And the problems recede!

(The presenter announces another one after which there is a musical pause)

The evening is coming to an end,
And it's time for me to hit the road,
I say goodbye to you for a year,
Don't forget me!

Have fun, lots of money,
Everyone drives foreign cars,
So that there is a lot of happiness,
It was measured in marks!