The presenter comes out . Presenter: - Once upon a time New Year,

where in the country, on the contrary, in a stupid forest,

Snow Maiden Alsou lived.

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music

Snow Maiden: - I am the beautiful Snow Maiden, Belarusian braid,

bright white and snowy, and in general I’m gentle,

Where is my Grandfather Frost,

I'm already frozen to my braids,

in the south he sunbathed and bought gifts,

for Grandfather Frost to bring a cart of gifts.

Here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is, Santa Claus is coming.

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden:- Where did you go on a spree, Grandfather?

Were you looking for socks?

Why are you sad and cheerless?

Eat a lightly salted cucumber.

Father Frost :-I don’t want a cucumber

Yes, finally leave me alone.

You're the only one who doesn't know anything here, wait,

the answer is in your underpants! Remote controller! (Takes out the remote control and turns on the news)

News screensaver.

NEWS Screenwriter: (behind the scenes three, two, one. Attention! Broadcast!)

TV news presenter:-Hello, breaking news on the air. As was previously known, Santa Claus's Deer was stolen. A video has arrived from the kidnapper, attention to the screen.

Kidnapper (Koschei):-Well, hello Santa Claus ha ha ha. Koschey is with you again, I have your deer. Look, I feel sorry for looking at him, he’s disgusting! Do you want to look at his face? You look at his face. (Stroking the deer's head) Good boy. If you bring me a box of sweets within 24 hours, I will return it to you in parts. Do you understand this? I'm not to be trifled with. It's very bad to joke with me, remember!

Snow Maiden : Oh God, what should we do?

Father Frost : - Well, granddaughter, don’t cry, wipe your eyes.

Do you see? There are traces of someone there, from hooves these are dots

so let's follow them, there (points with a finger). (They follow the tracks with the Snow Maiden to the music)

Father Frost :Oh, what a beauty, it’s snowing. Cheers cheers! (snowflakes run out to the music and dance)Big Snowflake comes out

Snow Maiden : -Here, grandpa, look at the snowflake ahead.

Go ahead, ask her and find us where the deer is.

Father Frost : -Hey, little one, tell me and tell me the whole truth.

You haven't seen a deer, maybe he was running through here?

Snowflake : -So it’s like this (squats down).

I didn't see a deer, but when I ran by,

three girls were chatting with him, discussing his manicure.

Manicured hooves that would make couture jealous.

Father Frost :-Well, thanks for the tip,

and we will find those girls,

After all, we are looking for a deer. (They walk to the music).

Father Frost

Oh, those same girls, they can’t sit still,

love to move and sing,

and roar terribly. (Three girls come out to the music)

2nd girl :-Hello Grandfather Frost, kill you with psychosis.

3rd girl : - Why aren’t you happy, grandpa, that you’ve hung your head?

1st girl :-Where are the gifts old grandfather? kill me with an omelette!

Father Frost :-We are in trouble without Deer.

We're not going anywhere.

And the gifts will disappear and all the children will begin to cry.

2nd girl : -Here’s an old ball for you, you’re not afraid of bumps.

3rd girl :-He will find your way to the Serpent Gorynych’s den.

1st girl :-He alone knows where your deer disappears.

Snow Maiden:- Well thank you girls

You don’t know how to party, maybe I can teach you?

2nd girl :-What do we hear, hey girls.

3rd girl :-Put on your skirts quickly.

1st girl :-We will show a master class.

Together :-For the Snow Maiden now. (dancing)

Father Frost : -Yes, well, you surprised us, you killed us with your skill.

Well, it’s time for us girls to dance to Hurray. (To the music with a ball jumping)

Father Frost : -Hey, Gorynych, come out and show the way.

We trust you, as well as ourselves. (the serpent gorynych comes out to the music)

3rd head : -I’ll show you the way now.

2nd head : -No, don’t, I’m trembling.

1st head : - Don’t tremble, let’s go now and we’ll kill Koshchei.

3rd head :-We will take you friends

2nd head :-Oh, wait, I can’t.

1st head:- Come on brother, don't be shy

3rd head :-Yes, get up quickly

Grandfather Moreau Z: Well, thanks for the help,

and now it's time to hit the road. (they run to the music

They ran to Baba Yaga and Leshy (Baba Yaga and Leshy come out to the music)

3rd head: -Ugh!

2nd head: -Ugh! 1st head:

Phew, it smells like glamor!

Baba Yaga : - Well, Leshy, look,

what kind of Chukchi came to us

Goblin: -This is Grandfather Frost

Full of beard.

Look how young he is

like a teenager from the capital,

he himself is already 300 years old, but his outfit is still missing.

Father Frost : -Don’t you treat me Leshy,

Better just keep quiet.

Let the old lady answer.

Baba Yaga : -No, I’m completely young.

Look how sweet she is. All so glamorous

In general, the grandmother is broken.

Well, what kind of rock is this, you will be of no use.

Father Frost : - Don’t treat me Grandma,

Better just keep quiet. And who will answer?

Old woman.

Baba Yag What do you think? I'll do it right away.

I'll tell you about the whole infection.

Let the stylist help you and cover you with rhinestones.

We'll pick it up a new style, we’ll shake the dust off our beard. (Santa Claus is dressed up to the music)

Goblin :-Oh, how beautiful and glamorous and bald you are.

Here's our advice, try on the jacket.

Father Frost :-I don’t need glamor,

I look like I'm stupid.

Will you finally tell me

where does Koschey live, you scoundrel?

Or I'll freeze you.

Baba Yaga: -Okay, okay, we'll say everything,

maybe we'll even show

here Koschey is not far from the mountain, a little to the side. (Baba Yaga the Goblin and the Serpent Gorynych leave)

Father Frost :-Come out, you scoundrel, and bring back the deer (Koshchey comes out with the deer to the music)

Koschey : -Well, hello Santa Claus, you brought what I asked for.

Snow Maiden and (runs towards the deer, Koschey pushes her away) - Deer, Deer!

Father Frost :-Show me the deer.

Koschey: - Exactly? Exactly, exactly?

Snow Maiden: -Yes!

Koschey: -Are you ready?

Father Frost : - Come on quickly!

Koschey: -Okay. (Takes the bag off the Deer) (Snow Maiden faints)

Father Frost:- Ah well! Well, come out to fight Koschey!

(Both prepare for a fight) (Fight) (Santa Claus calls for help)

(Koschei waves a white handkerchief)

Koschey: - I shouldn’t have rolled a barrel at you.

It turns out you guys are cool!

Father Frost :-Well, why are we fighting then, maybe then we’ll unite and celebrate the New Year together?

Everyone (in chorus): -Yeah! (The deer dances, everyone looks at him)

(Everyone dances to the music) (Sound of Chimes)

Deer: -That’s great, we made up and got a little mad. Come out honest people, soon, soon the New Year. (Everyone dances to the music)

All year we have been good, kind and obedient, but today we decided to organize a holiday of disobedience for adults, the New Year in reverse. Today we will finally sit down at the table with dirty hands and pull the girls’ pigtails (all girls are requested to get pigtails from the presenters), dance on tables and chairs, throw bread balls at each other and shout loudly - happy new year!

Everyone shouts in unison.

The competition is for the dirtiest hands.
The prize is a bar of soap and a bath broom.

And also: Write whatever we want on the fences! So, I ask everyone to come to the fence and write one word!

(props - fence).
The prize for the competition is a marker for writing on fences.

We'll gamble! Yes - yes, gambling! For example, in cards!
Competition (throw cards into a hat from a distance of 2 meters)
The prize for the competition is a new hat

We will break dishes, of course! And when it comes to breaking dishes, the main craftswomen are ladies.

(competition - 2 ladies, 2 stacks of plates of 15 plates each, they must break them as quickly as possible, whoever breaks their pile the fastest!)
As a gift for this competition, we are giving away a set of disposable tableware.

We will also flirt with the presenter with all our might and even play stripping riddles with her.

A game takes place, before which the presenter dresses up - a hat, scarf, mittens, and the Snow Maiden's fur coat. She plays with the guests - each guest can ask her a riddle (any kind), if she knows the answer, then the guest is toast, and if not, then she takes something off herself.
As a result, the Snow Maiden turns into a leader.

Let's have a real pillow fight!
The game is taking place with balloons, stylized as pillows.
The winner receives a real pillow as a gift.

We will play broken phone.
(The game is in progress.)

We will sincerely admire each other and compliment each other.
There is a competition for the most exquisite compliment to the neighbor on the right.
The winner receives the "Most Smooth-Talked" medal.

We will sprinkle confetti on each other and set off firecrackers.
The game takes place to music, hanging from the ceiling Balloons, inside of which there is confetti. Everyone dances and punctures the balloons, confetti falls down. Then the degree of sprinkling of each is assessed, the most confetti receives a prize - the honorary title of a green Christmas tree. Everyone decorates it with tinsel and Christmas decorations and they dance around him.

And we have been very serious all year, and today we will laugh and make each other laugh, make faces.
There is a competition for the funniest face (you can replace it with a competition - make the presenter laugh).

As a farewell, we are holding a reading competition - we read out loud harmful advice, perhaps modified to suit you.

Tip 1
If an adult aunt comes to see dad or mom
And is having some important and serious conversation
You need to sneak up on her from behind, unnoticeably, and then
Shout loudly right in your ear - stop, save yourself, hands up!
And when your aunt will certainly fall from her chair
And he will spill tea, jelly or compote on his dress
Then of course my mother will laugh very loudly
And proud of his child, dad will shake your hand.

Tip 2
If a friend invites you over for his birthday
Leave the gift at home - it will come in handy yourself
Try to sit next to the cake - don’t engage in conversations
You will eat half as much candy while talking
If they suddenly give you nuts, put them carefully in your pocket.
But don’t hide the jam in there - it will be difficult to take it out!

Tip 3
If you're down the corridor
Racing on a bicycle
And suddenly from the bathroom to the meeting
Dad went out to smoke
Don't go into the kitchen - there's a hard refrigerator in the kitchen
You better brake for dad - dad is soft, he will forgive!

And others!

Additional verses:

With a white beard and a strange gait, grandfather comes towards us...
It smells like herring, lard and vodka - it means New Year!

Baba is soon 40 years old,
Jumping like a fool
Give the correct answer:
Who is this?.. - (Snow Maiden!)

The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree,
And an angry wolf walked by and took away the jump rope.
Since then, all the wolves rush through the forest only at a gallop,
And the hares crawl sadly, well, what can you do - at least cry!
And at night they dream that Santa Claus
On New Year's Eve I brought them a jump rope as a gift.

The cowardly little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree
And he compacted the snowflakes with his frozen paws.
He danced the gypsy girl, did the cancan
And my frostbitten ear hit a steel trap.
But then Green Peace arrived and from night to dawn
Called number zero three in a timely manner.
And again the little gray bunny runs under the Christmas tree,
And the one who touched the bunny lies in the damp ground.

I admire the Christmas ball
Tying a string to it,
I'm not so handsome in real life
I don't have cheeks like that.

By chance, instead of a ball, I
When I was decorating the Christmas tree,
He hung Sharik on a twig...
Sharik rocked and growled.

Dad went to get the Christmas tree
And he still doesn't exist.
Although it has flown by since then
Fifteen happy years.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Lined up the children:
"Ivanov, two steps forward!
Get your milk froth!"
“Why, Grandfather,” Ivanov howled.
I listened to my mom and dad.
I behaved so well at the table,
That the other day I ate myself to death."
“Conversations in the ranks,” shouted Frost.
You know too many words.
You, Ivanov, are too curious.
I don't like you, Ivanov."

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Presenter: One day on New Year's Eve, where in the opposite country the Snow Maiden Alsou lived in a stupid forest!

Snow Maiden: I am the beautiful Snow Maiden, Belarusian braid,

Bright white and snowy, and generally gentle (I forgot to shave!).

Where is my Grandfather Frost, I’m already frozen to my braids,

In the south he sunbathed and bought gifts,

So that Grandfather Frost brings a cartload of gifts!

Here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is, Grandfather Frost is coming!

Exit Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: Where did you go for a walk, grandpa, or were you looking for socks?

Why are you sad and not happy? Eat a lightly salted cucumber!

DM: I don’t want a cucumber, and finally leave me alone,

You're the only one who doesn't know anything here, wait - the answer is in your underpants. Puuuuult!

DM: Come on, granddaughter, don’t yell, wipe your eyepieces,

Do you see? There are some tracks there, those bumps are from hooves!

DM: Oh, what a beauty! It's snowing, wow!

Snow Maiden: Look, grandpa, look, there’s a snowflake ahead, quickly help us and find us a deer!

DM: Hey, little one, tell me and tell me the whole truth. You haven't seen a deer, maybe he was running through here?

Snowflake: So it is! I didn’t see a deer, but recently I heard that three girls were chatting with him, discussing a manicure, a manicure on his hooves—Couture would be jealous!

DM: Well, thanks for the hint, we’ll run further into the fairy tale and we’ll find all the girls, because we’re looking for a deer.

Leading: Here is a glamorous path, a cat ran along it, followed by Santa Claus, carrying his granddaughter in his arms. It was a long road and a little dangerous, but they reached their goal and arrived in time to the girls.

DM: Those same girls over there, they can’t sit still, they love to move and sing and roar terribly.

Dev1: Hello, Santa Claus, kill you with psychosis.

Dev2: Why are you not happy, grandfather, that you have hung your head?

Dev3: Where are the gifts, old grandfather, bite me with an omelette!

DM: We're in trouble without a deer! We're not going anywhere! And the gifts will disappear, and all the children will cry!

Dev1: Here, old man, here’s a ball for you, you’re not afraid of bumps!

Dev2: He will find you the way to the Snake - Gorynych’s den.

Dev3: He alone knows where your deer disappears.

Snow Maiden: Well, thank you, girls! You don’t know how to party, maybe I can teach you?

Dev1: What are we hearing, hey girls?

Dev2: Put on your skirts quickly!

Dev3: We will show you a master class!

Together: for the Snow Maiden now!

DM: Wow, well, you surprised us, you killed us with your skill. Well, girls, it's time for us to dance with a bang!

Presenter: Here they are walking with a ball, avoiding bad bumps. With the new GPS tangle they can no longer walk. It was a long road and a little dangerous. They approached the den and their legs almost fell off. The GPS didn’t deceive me, it made it to the den.

DM: Hey, Gorynych, come out and show the way. We trust you, as well as ourselves!

I'll show you the way

Oh, don't, I'm shaking

Why are you arguing, let's go and kill Koshchei

We'll take you, friends.

Oh wait, I can't

Come on. Brother, don't be shy

And get up quickly

DM: Oh, thanks for the help, now it's time to hit the road.

Presenter: Here they are walking in a crowd along the icy road, they see a forest, and there is an edge, where Yaga lives Yagushka. Glamor reigns everywhere here, with the words lamur, and Yaga lives without bothering, Leshy serves as her stylist!

Exit of Baba Yaga and the Goblin

Gorynych: ugh, ugh, it smells like glamor!

Yaga: Well, you idiot, look what kind of suckers came here

Goblin: This is Santa Claus, he’s all overgrown with a beard. Look how young they are, like teenagers in the capital! He himself is already 300 years old, but there is no outfit at all.

DM: You devil, don't treat me! Better just keep quiet. Let the old lady answer...

Yaga: no, I'm completely young. Look what a darling she is, she’s all so glamorous, she’s a total grandma. Well, what kind of rock is this, you will be of no use. What do you think? Shall I tell you about the whole infection right away? Let the stylist help you, cover you with rhinestones. We'll pick a new style, we'll shake the dust off our beard.

Goblin: Oh, how beautiful and glamorous and bald you are. Here's our advice for you: try on the jacket.

DM: That's it, I don't need glamor, I look like a fool. You will finally tell me where Koschey lives... the scoundrel! Or I'll freeze you and then paint your face!

Yaga: ok, ok, we’ll tell you, maybe even show you, there’s a koschey nearby, a little to the side of the mountain.

DM: go out to the scoundrel and return the deer.

Exit of deer and koshchei

Koschey: Well, hello, Santa Claus, did you bring what I asked for?

Koschey: Well, get out of here!

DM: Show me the deer!

Koschey: Are you sure you want to look at it? Exactly?

DM: Well, hurry up.

DM: oh well, come out and fight with me

Koschey: I shouldn’t have thrown a barrel at you, it turns out that you guys are even guys!

DM: Well, then why are we thinking, maybe we’ll unite and celebrate the New Year together

Deer: That’s great, we made peace and had a little fun, come out honest people, soon - soon the new year!

Presenter: We wish everyone a well-fed life in the New Year without hassle, so that they study in college and are not lazy so much, so that there are songs and dances, so that everything is like in a fairy tale.

Scenario of the event Fairy tale New Year in reverse
Download: Scenario for the event “The Fairy Tale “New Year in Reverse”


Scenario New Year's holiday"Reverse New Year"

Music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall. Only parents are sitting in the hall, there are no children.

Father Frost: Hello, hello, adults and children!

Girl friends and boy friends!

Happy New Year,

I wish you a lot of happiness

A hundred years of bright life,

And a hundred pounds of health!

Granddaughter, why is it so quiet here?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, there are no children here, only adults.

Father Frost: Or maybe it’s our guys who have grown up so much?

Snow Maiden: Well, grandpa, these are probably the parents of our guys, but where are the guys themselves? Have you messed something up again?

Father Frost: Oh yes! You know, Snow Maiden, I sent all the kids to a fairy tale, because it was their New Year’s wish. But I forgot to return them. I thought that they had returned a long time ago.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, please bring the kids back here, otherwise what would a holiday be without them?

Father Frost: Granddaughter, I would be glad, but I just forgot how to do it. I remember that I need to guess riddles, but who should guess if the guys aren’t here?

Snow Maiden: Well, of course to the parents. After all, they, too, were once children, and I think that they will be able to solve your riddles!

Father Frost: Okay, let's try it.

1. Round like a ball, shines like a flashlight, Only it doesn’t jump, it’s very fragile... (ball).

2. It pours from the top of the head, it can’t get wet, it touches toys, New Year’s... (rain).

3. They hang high on a branch, like bright candies,

Very loud toys, colorful... (crackers).

4. It grows in the forest under a Christmas tree,

Where did he hide?

But try it on your teeth, it’s a toy (fungus).

5. They light it up: one, two, three, come on, Christmas tree, burn! Look how our Christmas tree (lights) sparkle.

6. There is a top of the Christmas tree, there is a beautiful toy, At the top, it is always five-winged (star).

7. He grows like a flower in the field, he rings in the bell tower, At school he is the first bell, our favorite (bell).

Father Frost: That's right, bell! I remembered how to bring back the guys from fairy tales! A magic bell will help us. Come on, Snow Maiden, find the bell, I hung it on the tree somewhere.

The Snow Maiden finds a bell.

Father Frost: (Rings the bell). Ring my bell, ring all the fairy tales, invite me to visit you soon, we ask all the children from fairy tales!

Children enter to the music carnival costumes and dance in a circle.

Snow Maiden: We have been waiting for this day for a long time, We have not met all year round, Sing, ring under the tree New Year's round dance!

Song (at the choice of the music director, after the round dance the children sit on chairs).

Snow Maiden: Guys, tell me, where have you been?

Child: We were in different fairy tales, saw miracles,

And a fairy tale about (for example Emelya) we want to show you. (here, the music director can insert any fairy tale - skit) So sit back and listen carefully,

We are starting a fairy tale, everything will be wonderful!

Children show a fairy tale.

Father Frost: Thank you guys, a good fairy tale you showed us, but didn’t you forget the poems and songs?

Children read poetry and sing a funny song

(at the choice of the music director).

After the song, the children sit down, and parsleys run into the hall.

What happened, who are they?

What kind of daring boys are these?

This is the first time I see them here

And where are they running?

We guys are jumpers,

And what is our name?

At this New Year's hour,

We want to dance for you!

Santa Claus: Thank you parsley, funny toys.

Granddaughter, have you prepared a gift for the guys? (addresses the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden: Well, of course, grandpa prepared it, and my girlfriends will help me - ice flakes - snowflakes:

- Here the breeze blew, the cold blew,

It was Grandma Winter who waved her sleeve.

White fluffs flew from above,

Snowflakes are falling on the trees and bushes.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, where is your gift for the guys?

And my main gift is still ahead, but they came with me forest animals, they also want to congratulate the guys.

We walked through the snow for a long time, Finally we found your garden,

Open the doors wider

Forest animals have come to you.

Animals are afraid of the wolf, and I am so alone,

But I believe in friendship since childhood,

I am the kindest wolf.

I best friend will,

Find me friends

I hope for a miracle on New Year's Eve.

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,

I've been jumping all day again,

I've got a lot of worries

The holiday is coming, New Year!

I stocked up on treats - fruits, berries, roots,

In the summer, fruits are dried - pears, apples, mushrooms.

I'm a clumsy bear, even if I'm clumsy,

But I won’t refuse to help you guys, friends.

We bunnies are also animals, albeit small ones. We can run fast, we are remote.

I'm a fox with a red tail,

I’ll stand closer to the Christmas tree,

Don't be afraid of me, kids,

I'm so kind today

I won't touch any of you,

I came to you to have fun.

Don't be afraid of us children,

We are all kind now.

Here at your holiday, we will dance with you!

Children sing songs and dance (at the choice of the music director).

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys good holiday It turned out to be fun, noisy, joyful. I want to wish you health, a lot of joy and fun, but it’s time for us to leave.

And for your efforts there is a surprise! I want to give you a huge cake; my granddaughter and I spent the whole night making it out of snow.

A huge cake (papier-mâché) is brought into the hall, and there are gifts for the children in it.

“The New Year is coming to us.” Scenario for the New Year's holiday. Preparatory group Purpose: Organization happy holiday for children. Developing children's cultural behavior skills. Development of the ability to work in a team, development.

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Scenario for the New Year's holiday "Hello, New Year" Hello, New Year! Zimushka-Winter comes out dancing to the music. Children stand behind the Christmas tree. On command, to the music, they run out one after another.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for the younger group “Have fun celebrating the New Year!” Vorobyova Nadezhda Scenario for the New Year's holiday for the younger group “Happy New Year!” Goals and objectives: Through theatrical events.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday "New Year in reverse"
Scenario for the New Year's holiday "New Year in reverse"


Extracurricular event "New Year in reverse" (New Year's holiday scenario)

Once on New Year's Eve, Grandmother Yozhka and all sorts of evil spirits gathered and became thoughtful.

Baba Yaga: New Year, New Year, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus! At least they came up with something new!

Goblin: For three hundred years it’s been the same thing: “Light up the Christmas tree, light up the Christmas tree!” What kind of holiday? Who invented it?

Water: We lived, didn’t worry, the work was normal, but here we are to blame for everything, always bad!

Baba Yaga: Snow Maiden - ti - ti - ti! Santa Claus - on - yes - hands!

Goblin: Need to do something!

Water: Gather all of ours! Urgently!

Baba Yaga: R- r- referendu- u- mind.

\Inviting sounds of evil spirits - whistle, hum, howl. Pipe with a robber flag, basin + spoon = knock, metal. Lids, etc.\

Act one.

Representatives of evil spirits appear from all sides\ Grandmothers Hedgehogs, Kikimoras, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Robbers, etc.\

Brownie: Don't you know what this noise and commotion is?

Baba Yaga: Yes, the New Year has arrived...

Brownie: What did you get? Who did you get? Why? I don't understand anything.

Voice: Come on! Lately he has become interested in rock and roll, got drunk on Flash, an energy drink, and now the whole swamp is on his ears. The mermaids have arranged a casting, Kikimors are racing over the bumps on roller skates!

Indignant voice: It's all their own fault! Bloomed! No initiative! Three hundred years on the sidelines! Who is stopping us from taking power into our own hands? Do you think there will be no holiday without Santa Claus? Will the clock stop? The Christmas tree won't light up? So! Or New Year is now our holiday and we will be in charge...Or...let D.M. look for other fools...for second roles!

Nightingale the Robber: I propose that Santa Claus be removed from his position and transferred to work at the Biryusa refrigerator repair company;

1. Snow Maiden - for correction! Send me to work at the skating rink! Let him give out the skates!

2. Abolish the tradition of chanting some heroes and blaming others. All evil spirits are considered worthy of the best roles at the New Year's holiday.

3. Repertoire New Year's competitions update.

4. Start preparing for the holiday.

Act two.

Presenter 1: New - sausage - New Year's Eve!

Presenter 2: This you have not seen before!

Presenter 1: You've never heard anything like this before!

Presenter 2: Hurry up to us and you won't regret it!

Presenter 1: Stunning competitions, amazing and unique!

Presenter 2: Lord of fire, great fakir Serpent Gorynych!

Presenter 1: Only with us today! Welcome!

Gorynych tries to spew fire, but he produces soap bubbles.

Presenter 2: Let's tell you a secret - instead of the Ogonyok cocktail, we treated our guest to the Little Fairy shampoo.

Brownie: Still, something is missing... Grandma, why won’t there be any gifts?

Baba Yaga: What gifts? Grandfather Morozov's sweets? Sucks... I'm your gift!

Presenter 1: The highlight of the program! The hit of the season! Best gift for thrill seekers!

Presenter 2: The most charming and attractive, incomparable Koschey the Immortal!

Presenter 1: And the coolest monsters of the surrounding forests in the New Year’s tournament “Rising from the Ashes”!

Presenter 2: Let's hit the mothballs with adrenaline!

Extracurricular activity - New Year in reverse - (New Year's holiday scenario)
“There are no untalented children,” says V.V., head of the school theater studio “Children” at school No. 99 in Krasnoyarsk. Rogozin. The shortest path to emotional liberation, relieving tension, learning to feel and artistic imagination is the path through playing, writing, and fantasizing. All this can be achieved through theatrical activity.

Source: xn--i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn--p1ai

Material (6th grade) on the topic:

Scenario: Reverse New Year

High School Script



The presenter comes out. Presenter: - Once upon a New Year,

where in the country, on the contrary, in a stupid forest,

Snow Maiden Alsou lived.

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music

Snow Maiden: - I am the beautiful Snow Maiden, Belarusian braid,

bright white and snowy, and in general I’m gentle,

Where is my Grandfather Frost,

I'm already frozen to my braids,

in the south he sunbathed and bought gifts,

for Grandfather Frost to bring a cart of gifts.

Here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is, Santa Claus is coming.

Santa Claus comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden: - Where did you go on a spree, Grandfather?

Were you looking for socks?

Why are you sad and cheerless?

Eat a lightly salted cucumber.

Santa Claus: - I don’t want a cucumber,

Yes, finally leave me alone.

You're the only one who doesn't know anything here, wait,

the answer is in your underpants! Remote controller! (Takes out the remote control and turns on the news)

NEWS Screenwriter: (off-screen three, two, one. Attention! Broadcast!)

Kidnapper (Koschei): - Well, Santa Claus is healthy ha-ha-ha. Koschey is with you again, I have your deer. Look, I feel sorry for looking at him, he’s disgusting! Do you want to look at his face? You look at his face. (Stroking the deer's head) Good boy. If you bring me a box of sweets within 24 hours, I will return it to you in parts. Do you understand this? I'm not to be trifled with. It's very bad to joke with me, remember!

Snow Maiden: Oh God, what should we do?

Santa Claus: - Come on, granddaughter, don’t cry, wipe your eyes.

Do you see? There are traces of someone there, from hooves these are dots

so let's follow them, there (points with a finger). (They follow the tracks with the Snow Maiden to the music)

Santa Claus: Oh, what a beauty, it’s snowing. Cheers cheers! (snowflakes run out to the music and dance) Big Snowflake comes out

Snow Maiden: -Here, grandpa, look at the snowflake ahead.

Go ahead, ask her and find us where the deer is.

Santa Claus: Hey, little one, tell me the whole truth.

You haven't seen a deer, maybe he was running through here?

Snowflake: - So it’s like this (squats down).

I didn't see a deer, but when I ran by,

three girls were chatting with him, discussing his manicure.

Manicured hooves that would make couture jealous.

Santa Claus: - Well, thanks for the hint,

and we will find those girls,

After all, we are looking for a deer. (They walk to the music).

Oh, those same girls, they can’t sit still,

love to move and sing,

and roar terribly. (Three girls come out to the music)

2nd girl: - Hello Grandfather Frost, kill your psychosis.

3rd girl: - Why are you not happy, grandpa, that you hung your head?

1st girl: -Where are the gifts, old grandfather? kill me with an omelette!

Santa Claus: - Without the Deer we are in trouble.

We're not going anywhere.

And the gifts will disappear and all the children will begin to cry.

2nd girl: “Here’s an old ball for you, you’re not afraid of bumps.”

3rd girl: -He will find your way to the Serpent Gorynych’s den.

1st girl: - He alone knows where your deer disappears.

Snow Maiden: - Well, thank you girls,

You don’t know how to party, maybe I can teach you?

2nd girl: -What do we hear, hey girls.

3rd girl: - Put on your skirts quickly.

1st girl: -We will show a master class.

All together: -For the Snow Maiden now. (dancing)

Santa Claus: -Yes, well, you surprised us, you killed us with your skill.

Well, it’s time for us girls to dance to Hurray. (To the music with a ball jumping)

Santa Claus: Hey, Gorynych, come out and show the way.

We trust you, as well as ourselves. (the serpent gorynych comes out to the music)

3rd head: -I’ll show you the way now.

2nd head: -No, don’t, I’m trembling.

1st head: “Don’t tremble, let’s go now and we’ll kill Koshchei.”

3rd head: - We will take you, friends

2nd head: -Oh, wait, I can’t.

1st head: - Come on, brother, don’t be shy

3rd head: -Get up quickly

Grandfather Moreau: Well, thanks for the help,

and now it's time to hit the road. (they run to the music

They ran to Baba Yaga and Leshy (Baba Yaga and Leshy come out to the music)

2nd head: -Ugh! 1st head:

Phew, it smells like glamor!

Baba Yaga: Well, look at Goblin,

what kind of Chukchi came to us

Leshy: - This is Grandfather Frost

Full of beard.

Look how young he is

like a teenager from the capital,

he himself is already 300 years old, but his outfit is still missing.

Santa Claus: - Don’t you treat me Leshy,

Better just keep quiet.

Let the old lady answer.

Baba Yaga: -No, I’m completely young.

Look how sweet she is. All so glamorous

In general, the grandmother is broken.

Well, what kind of rock is this, you will be of no use.

Santa Claus: - Don’t treat me Grandma,

Better just keep quiet. And who will answer?

Baba Yaga: -What do you think? I'll do it right away.

I'll tell you about the whole infection.

Let the stylist help you and cover you with rhinestones.

We’ll choose a new style, we’ll shake the dust off our beard. (Santa Claus is dressed up to the music)

Goblin: -Oh, how beautiful and glamorous and bald you are.

Here's our advice, try on the jacket.

Santa Claus: - I don’t need glamor,

I look like I'm stupid.

Will you finally tell me

where does Koschey live, you scoundrel?

Or I'll freeze you.

Baba Yaga: -Okay, okay, we'll say everything,

maybe we'll even show

here Koschey is not far from the mountain, a little to the side. (Baba Yaga the Goblin and the Serpent Gorynych leave)

Santa Claus: Come out, you scoundrel, and bring back the deer (Koshchey comes out with the deer to the music)

Koschey: Well, hello Santa Claus, you brought what I asked for.

Snow Maiden (runs to the deer, Koshchei pushes her away) - Deer, Deer!

Santa Claus: -Show me the deer.

Koschey: - Exactly? Exactly, exactly?

Santa Claus: - Come on quickly!

Koschey: -Okay. (Takes the bag off the Deer) (Snegurochka faints)

Santa Claus: - Oh, so! Well, come out to fight Koschey!

(Both prepare for a fight) (Fight) (Santa Claus calls for help)

(Koschei waves a white handkerchief)

Koschey: - I shouldn’t have rolled a barrel at you.

It turns out you guys are cool!

Santa Claus: - Well, why are we fighting then, maybe then we will unite and celebrate the New Year together?

Everyone (in chorus): -Yeah! (The deer dances, everyone looks at him)

(Everyone dances to the music) (Sound of Chimes)

Deer: -That’s great, we made peace and got a little mad. Come out honest people, soon, soon the New Year. (Everyone dances to the music)

If the meeting and celebration of the New Year needs to be organized at a school or university, you will absolutely love such an unusual and large-scale performance as “The Reverse Fairy Tale.” There is no need to build separate sets, but you must pay attention to costumes and music. As a basis, you can take the narrative line that is given in the current video or write your own script and development of the story.

The beginning of the fairy tale is the appearance of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost on stage. By the way, the granddaughter is played by a young man, and the grandfather is played by a girl, which actually explains the eccentric title of the play. To everything we add unusual and extravagant images of characters. Our Grandfather Frost is a snowboarding enthusiast, and the modest and quiet Snow Maiden wears bright makeup and dances around in a short skirt.

After exchanging greetings with the public, they learn the terrible news about the disappearance of a reindeer, which helps deliver gifts to children in various parts of the world. Another element will require technical equipment and preliminary preparation. The audience and heroes watch a video message from Koshchei the Immortal, who treacherously stole a deer and demands a ransom for it. After grieving, Santa Claus and his granddaughter decide to go on a journey, find Koshchei’s shelter and rescue his friend.

Along the way, grandfather and granddaughter meet snowflakes (you can add a dance number here). One of the snowflakes tells them who can help them find the lair of the treacherous Koshchei. Then they meet three beautiful sisters, who hand them a ball, which leads them to the Serpent-Gorynych (his role is played by three actors at once!). The latter, as expected, has three heads, which alternately argue with each other, but come to a common agreement to support the mission to save Santa Claus’s deer.

Gorynych suggests turning to Baba Yaga. The image of the Russian witch in the fairy tale is also unconventional, but bright and stylish. Not a terrible old lady, but a real fashion model! She even has her own stylist in the person of Leshy (the role is played by a girl!). Baba Yaga agrees to take the company to Koshchei the Immortal. A decisive battle takes place in the villain's lair. Having rallied, the friends defeat Koshchei, and he, throwing out a white flag, releases the Reindeer from captivity. At the end they sound New Year's greetings and the actors (you can also attract spectators from the audience) form a round dance and dance.

Host: All year we have been good, kind and obedient, but today we decided to organize a holiday of disobedience for adults, the New Year in reverse.

Today we will finally sit down at the table with dirty hands, pull the girls’ pigtails (all girls are asked to get pigtails from the presenters), dance on tables and chairs, throw bread balls at each other and shout loudly “Happy New Year!” "

Everyone shouts in unison.

Competition for the dirtiest hands The prize is a bar of soap and a bath broom. And:

Write whatever we want on the fences! So, I ask everyone to come to the fence and write one word!

Props: fence.

The prize for the competition is a marker for writing on fences.

We'll gamble! Yes, yes, gambling! For example, in cards!

Competition (throw cards into a hat from a distance of 2 meters)

The prize for the competition is a new hat.

We will break dishes, of course! And when it comes to breaking dishes, the main craftswomen are ladies. Competition - 2 ladies, 2 stacks of plates of 15 plates each, they must break them as quickly as possible, whoever breaks their stack the fastest!

As a gift for this competition, we are giving away a set of disposable tableware.

We will also flirt with the presenter with all our might and even play strip riddles with her.

A game takes place, before which the presenter gets dressed - a hat, scarf, mittens, the Snow Maiden-1 fur coat. She plays with the guests - each guest can ask her a riddle (any kind), if she knows the answer, then the guest is toast, and if not, then she takes something off herself. As a result, the Snow Maiden turns into a leader.

Let's have a real pillow fight!

There is a game with balloons stylized as pillows.

The winner receives a real pillow as a gift.

We will play broken phone. The game is underway.

We will sincerely admire each other and compliment each other.

There is a competition for the most sophisticated compliment to the neighbor on the right.

The winner receives the “Most Smooth-Talked” medal.

We will sprinkle confetti on each other and set off firecrackers.

The game takes place to the music; balloons with confetti inside hang from the ceiling. Everyone dances and punctures the balloons, confetti falls down.

Then the degree of sprinkling of each is assessed, the most confetti receives a prize - the honorary title of a green Christmas tree. Everyone decorates him with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations and dances around him.

And we have been very serious all year, and today we will laugh and make each other laugh, make faces.

There is a competition for the funniest face (you can replace it with a competition - make the presenter laugh).

As a farewell, we are holding a reading competition - we read out loud harmful advice, perhaps modified to suit you.

Tip 1

If an adult aunt comes to see dad or mom and is having some important and serious conversation, you need to sneak up on her from behind, not noticeably,

Shout loudly right in your ear - stop,

save yourself, hands up!

And when your aunt will certainly fall from her chair

And he will spill tea, jelly or compote on his dress,

Then of course my mother will laugh very loudly

And proud of his child, dad will shake your hand.

Tip 2

If a friend invites you over for his birthday,

Leave the gift at home - it will come in handy yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake - don’t engage in conversations,

You will eat half as much candy while talking.

If they suddenly give you nuts, carefully put them in your pocket.

But don’t hide the jam in there - it will be difficult to take it out!

Tip 3

If you're down the corridor

You're racing on a bicycle

And suddenly from the bathroom to the meeting

Dad went out to smoke

Don't go into the kitchen - there's a hard refrigerator in the kitchen,

You better slow down for dad - dad is soft, he will forgive!

Additional verses:

With a white beard and a strange gait, grandfather comes towards us...

It smells like herring, lard and vodka - so it’s New Year!

Baba is soon 40 years old,

Jumping like a fool

Give the correct answer: who is this?..

(Snow Maiden!)

The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree,

And an angry wolf walked by and took away the jump rope.

Since then, all the wolves rush through the forest only at a gallop,

And the hares crawl sadly, well, what can you do - at least cry!

And at night they dream that Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve I brought them a jump rope as a gift.

Yu. Isakov

The cowardly little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree

And he compacted the snowflakes with his frozen paws.

He danced the gypsy girl, did the cancan

And my frostbitten ear hit a steel trap.

But then Green Peace arrived and from night to dawn

Called number zero three in a timely manner.

And again the little gray bunny runs under the Christmas tree,

And the one who touched the bunny lies in the damp ground.

R. Krivitsky

I admire the Christmas ball

Tying a string to it,

I'm not so handsome in real life

I don't have cheeks like that.

By chance, instead of a ball, I

When I was decorating the Christmas tree,

He hung Sharik on a twig...

Sharik rocked and growled.

Dad went to get the Christmas tree

And he still doesn't exist.

Although it has flown by since then

Fifteen happy years.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

Lined up the children:

“Ivanov, two steps forward!

Get your milk froth!”

“Why, Grandfather,” Ivanov howled. —

I listened to my mom and dad.

I behaved so well at the table,

That the other day I ate myself to death.”

“Conversations in the ranks,” shouted Frost.

You know too many words.

You, Ivanov, are too curious.

I don’t like you, Ivanov.”