The ability to choose ideal things for oneself is not given to everyone from birth. Of course, you can turn to a stylist who will help you in this really difficult matter. But then you deprive yourself of the pleasure of showing your own creativity in your appearance. And, besides, the services of such specialists are not so cheap. Fortunately, any woman can develop taste and the ability to create her own unique style, the main thing is to constantly try something new in order to choose the best for herself.

But it's easy to say, but much more difficult to do. How to create a casual style of clothing so that it decorates you and emphasizes your individuality? The easiest option is to copy the style you like of some other woman, for example, a movie actress. But it is also the worst way. After all, the appearance should depend not only on the features of appearance, but also on character, be a kind of reflection of the inner world. Thus, imitating someone, you run the risk of wearing something that not only does not show your personality, but, on the contrary, hides it.

A lot really depends on the character. Think how comical a timid, sophisticated, romantic young lady would look in aggressively sexual style. Or, on the contrary, a bold, cynical woman with masculine traits - in lace and frills.

In addition, what style to choose is strongly influenced by the profession and lifestyle. If you are a business woman, then it is unlikely that things will look appropriate on you in everyday life. sports style. Just like on a fitness trainer - business suits.

But first, let's figure out what you need to build on in terms of appearance.

How to choose your style of clothing according to your figure

Of course, every woman is unique. But, fortunately, there are only a few types of figures, based on which you can select clothing styles. This greatly simplifies the task.

In ladies with a physique called "hourglass", the volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the chest (or these parameters differ from each other very slightly), and the seductive narrow waist complements all this splendor (remember the classic "90-60-90"). This is a very feminine, rounded figure, which suits things that emphasize the waist. Ladies with such a physique are advised to wear clothes with a belt, starting with dresses and ending with coats. Things should repeat and emphasize all the curves of your body. Women with this body type are suitable for:

  • flared and fluffy skirts different lengths(depending on the slimness of the legs), as well as a pencil skirt
  • trousers with a "regular", not low, waist
  • dresses and blouses with neckline, wrap
  • fitted top
  • jackets and jackets that reach the hip line
  • high waisted skirts

Women with an apple-shaped figure really resemble a round, bulk apple. The volume of the hips is equal to the volume of the shoulders, there is no pronounced waist line. The body is large. Suitable for such ladies:

  • things with vertical trim (seams, stripes), visually lengthening, stretching the body
  • asymmetrical tunics, dresses
  • straight cut clothes
  • corsets
  • high waisted dresses

You should refrain from:

  • clothes with pleats
  • tight things
  • ruffles and flounces
  • lightweight materials
  • flared long skirts

What the type of pear shape looks like can be guessed by the name - a wide bottom (large hips) and a narrow top (small chest, narrow shoulders). Clothing should mask imperfections (full legs, wide hips, small bust) and emphasize dignity (nice waist). Thus, the ideal option is a flared bottom and a fitted top. Women with this type of figure are suitable:

  • narrow straps at the waist
  • fitted things
  • push-up bras
  • upper with shoulder pads
  • light ("flying") tissues
  • mid-thigh flared trousers
  • A-line or straight skirts
  • waist length jackets


  • hip-length jackets
  • tapering trousers

The “rectangle” body type can most often be seen on the catwalks - this physique is considered “model”. Chest, waist and hips differ from each other in volume quite slightly. And although representatives of this type of figure cannot boast of a magnificent bust, most styles of clothing suit them, so the choice is quite simple. The main thing is to emphasize the waist and chest. You should only avoid round necklines, cuffs and fabrics with blurry patterns (clear geometric patterns are ideal).

How to choose the right style of clothing

How to choose the right style of clothing based on the color type? There are probably very few women who would never have heard anything about color types of appearance. There are only four of them, as well as types of figures: winter, spring, summer and autumn. The choice of shades of clothes depends on what type you are. Some will suit you perfectly, others, on the contrary, will negatively affect your appearance. Spring and autumn are warm color types, summer and winter are cold.

Women of the spring type have thin, as if transparent, light skin of warm yellowish hues (golden, ivory) with a pleasant blush and freckles. The hair is usually blond with a yellowish tint, but can also be chestnut with a golden sheen. The eyes are transparent, light - blue, gray, golden brown, greenish. Warm “sunny” colors are suitable for ladies of this type: all kinds of shades of green, coffee, peach, light coral, turquoise, cream, golden. But it is better to refuse bright white, silver, black and other cold colors. Representatives of the spring type are Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Keira Knightley.

In women of the summer type, the skin is cold, pinkish or bluish: milky white, maybe with an olive tint. Hair color, like that of "spring" ladies, varies from very light to chestnut. But the shade will always be cold, ashy or light brown. Summer is of a contrasting or non-contrasting type. At the first - dark hair and eyebrows, the second - light. The eyes can be gray-blue, greenish, gray, hazel. Protein is usually not bright. Cold pastel colors are suitable for the summer type: blue, grayish, lilac, various shades of blue, pink. Wine, cherry and raspberry colors will also look advantageous. Warm, bright shades are not suitable: orange, yellow, piercing green. The summer type includes such celebrities as Kirsten Dunst, Natalia Vodianova, Cameron Diaz.

The appearance of autumn girls is rightfully considered the most "romantic". Their skin can be both pale and golden, but always with a yellow undertone. Virtually everyone autumn women have freckles. As a rule, it is incredibly difficult for such ladies to tan, they burn very quickly in the sun. Eyes can be brown, gray, blue, green. Hair - chestnut, red or even blond, but always with a golden tint. These women are very warm, clean, rich colors. Remember autumn - what shades then prevail in nature? Red, yellow, brown, golden, dark purple ... Black, bright white, cold blue, muted pink and blue should be abandoned. Celebrities of the autumn type - Cynthia Nixon, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts.

Women of the winter type have a bright, spectacular appearance. The skin has a bluish undertone, it can be either pale or swarthy. There are freckles, but always with a gray tint. Blush is rare. Hair is usually dark - chestnut, black (although platinum white is also found), but always with an ashy undertone. The iris of the eyes is bright, saturated color (blue, hazel, black or blue-green), contrasts with protein. Winters, like women of the summer type, can also be contrasting and non-contrasting. In the first case, the skin is pale, the hair is dark, in the second, the skin is olive in color. Women of this type are pure saturated cold colors: silver, steel, cold shades of blue, raspberry, cherry, burgundy, dark chocolate. And this is the only color type on which bright white and black look incredibly advantageous. Orange, red-brown, pale yellow colors should be abandoned. winter women- Dita Von Teese, Monica Bellucci, Liv Tyler.

How to determine your color type? Hide your hair under a white towel (scarf) and bring fabrics or sheets of paper in cold and warm shades to your face. You will quickly understand which ones suit you and which spoil you. "Try on" the tones of different color types to understand which one you belong to.

How to choose your style?

The eternal question - should you follow fashion in search of your style? The answer is simple enough. Of course, you need to follow the latest fashion in order to be in the know and look modern, of course. But this does not mean that you should immediately put on things that are at the height of fashion. After all, trends are different and, what to hide, sometimes ridiculous. In addition, even beautiful things are not for everyone - it is very individual. Therefore, a few smart new items, provided that they suit you, will not interfere with your wardrobe. But at the same time, it is necessary, first of all, to focus on your type of figure, appearance, character and other criteria that you consider important when choosing outfits. In the end, remember the words of one great woman whom no one could ever blame for the lack of style and taste, the unforgettable Coco Chanel: “What I wear is fashionable!”

Try to get to know different styles clothes and try on different images. And in the end, you will definitely compose your own unique style!

We are all girls, women strive to be attractive. Our attractiveness depends on many factors:t of our appearance, from our natural data, from the ability to select clothes, to form our own basic wardrobe, to use cosmetics, from gait, the ability to keep ourselves, from our sense of humor. And there are many more that affect our attractiveness.

Attractive women find it easier to find a life partner and build a career. Let's talk today about one of the not unimportant factors influencing the formation of the opinions of others. About style in clothes. How to choose the right clothes for yourself.

Regardless of the wealth and amount of money, a girl can dress tastefully or not. What minimum should be in the basic wardrobe of any self-respecting girl? What things will always be fashionable?

Choosing the right basic wardrobe

1. A business suit is one of the main elements of a basic wardrobe.

Whether you work in an office or not. In everyone's life there are times when you need to look strict and stylish. When I started building my career, I thought: How to choose the right clothes to look decent. Like any girl, I wanted to have a new image as often as possible. And I found a way out - I always have a three-piece suit in my wardrobe. This is a skirt, jacket and trousers.

How to choose the right clothes for the type of fabric:

The fabric should contain predominantly natural ingredients. In this case, in any situation you will feel comfortable. Synthetic fabrics tend to look cheap and make it difficult for the body to breathe in them.

How to choose the right style of clothes

Suit style: Classic cut trousers, straight, slightly widened at the bottom. This form elongates the silhouette. It is better to choose a skirt with a straight cut. Its length is to the middle or below the knee. The jacket is true to size. You should not choose baggy shapes, even if you tend to be overweight. The fitted silhouette always gives femininity to the figure. And what could be sexier as a combination of rigor and femininity? The color palette of the suit is desirable in calmer colors: gray, black, in a classic stripe. Having this option in your basic wardrobe, you can always look different by changing shirts or blouses. Depending on the weather and situation, you can wear either pantsuit, or the version with a skirt. With or without a jacket.

As we see - business suit necessary attribute of the basic wardrobe.

2. Blouses and shirts must be present in the basic wardrobe of any girl.

My weakness is white shirts, there are always several of them in my basic wardrobe: under cufflinks, with a frill, classic, similar to the male version, etc. But you can start with a couple. A white shirt will refresh your look, add style and rigor. It can be worn with a skirt, trousers, jeans. A white shirt is always a win-win. It can be combined with many accessories: brooches, beads, ties and scarves. In addition to a white shirt, you can also buy a couple of plain shirts or in a beautiful strip.

Blouses are a more romantic option. Wearing them with a suit will make you look feminine. It is enough to have a couple of them in the basic wardrobe.

The white shirt is my go-to wardrobe staple.

3. Jeans are simply an indispensable item for any basic wardrobe.

Who doesn't have this versatile item in their basic wardrobe? There probably won't be any! But jeans need to be able to choose the right one.

How to choose the right jeans:

Properly selected jeans will emphasize the dignity of the figure. Poorly matched jeans will only focus on the shortcomings, cut and color are very important, I like deep dark blue, with beautiful scuffs or without them at all. A light version can also look advantageous.

But in the case of a light tone, multiple abrasions can give the appearance of "consumer use". Never buy jeans that are smaller than your own. If, due to the top edge of the jeans, parts of the body that are wider than the belt are visible, this will definitely not play a plus in your image. Baggy wide leg jeans are also not an option. The best styles these are classic straight or slightly flared to the bottom. Gum jeans also look very advantageous. It is convenient to tuck them into boots and, in combination with a short jacket, the image will look stylish.

The basic wardrobe of any girl is not complete without jeans.

4. Dresses are the most feminine attribute of a girl's basic wardrobe.

Until recently, I did not pay special attention this comfortable and beautiful solution in your basic wardrobe. Good dress can be your trump card in solving both personal and business issues. In addition, it is a very comfortable form of clothing. Now in my basic wardrobe there are always a few knitted dresses for winter weather and a few lighter options for summer period. A dress is a piece of clothing that emphasizes your figure and creates an integral feminine look.

It is the girl in the dress that men pay the most attention to. Tested on personal experience more than once!

So, we want to attract the attention of men, then dresses simply must be in the basic wardrobe!

5. Blouses and sweaters are comfortable basic wardrobe items.

Sweatshirts will also help diversify the image and warm you in the cold season. In this case, it is better to turn your attention to brighter, more saturated colors. Then, in combination with a calm skirt or trousers, they will draw attention to you.

Lovely to the heart and caring gizmos of the basic wardrobe are blouses and sweaters.

6. The necessary elements of the basic wardrobe are accessories, they will add uniqueness and completeness to the image of a girl.

Every woman loves to adorn herself jewelry. If you do not have funds for expensive options, in this case, too, there is a way out.

A small string of even freshwater pearls will look very elegant. In addition, this stone can be suitable for both business and romantic looks. But remember pearls must be worn in pairs. Those. if there are beads, get also small earrings, you can use studs. Imitation pearl it’s better not to buy, it costs almost the same as a natural river one, but it looks much more losing. You just need to learn to distinguish natural pearls from artificial.

You can pick up beautiful silver jewelry. They sometimes look no worse than gold.

Pearls and silver are jewelry that will add sophistication to the look and are desirable for the basic wardrobe.

7. Outerwear will not do without any basic wardrobe.

  • Demi-season coat - the best option this is a fitted coat of italian dina(slightly below the knee) from a good plain fabric. I once bought such a black coat and combined it with bright scarves and bags. It served me 7 years. And that year, when I was going to buy a new one, one of my friends met me on the street and asked: “Zhenya, where did you buy this fashion coat? Just the trend of the season. The Italian length will allow you to wear the coat with both dresses and trousers. I even wore my black coat with jeans, and this option also looked stylish.

Jacket. Now there are so many fashionable options for short demi-season jackets that will be comfortable and beautiful. A well-chosen jacket can be worn not only with trousers, but also with dresses and skirts. The jacket can be leather or made of other material. The main thing is her model. A fitted jacket just below the waist in a solid color can be worn with a skirt and trousers and with a knitted dress.

Winter clothes. Of course, we all dream of a fur coat, preferably a mink one, for those who have higher requests, this article is not relevant at all. But if there is no money for a fur coat, but you want to look luxurious? When I didn't have the opportunity to buy myself mink coat, I bought silver fox fur, came up with stylish style and ordered a coat with a collar from this fur in the atelier. The coat was unique and very beautiful. I noticed how many turn around to follow me.

Well, a down jacket for weekend walks in winter does not hurt at all.

In conclusion, I want to say that the right approach to shopping will also help you create the perfect basic wardrobe, and at the same time you will not spend a lot of money.

How to choose the right clothes when buying:

Going to the store, first of all, clearly formulate for yourself what you are looking for. At one time I really wanted to buy myself a white demi-season coat. Not just white, but also my favorite Italian length. In my case, it is generally very difficult to find the right option, because. I am not tall and many models simply do not suit me. I went to different departments, they offered me options for red, black and other colors, but I needed white, and I still found it! And now I enjoy wearing it.

Even when I try on any clothes, I always adhere to the principle, if you don’t want to take it off, then this is my option. And if there are doubts, then you shouldn’t even think about it, I don’t need this thing!

I hope my article was useful for you and now when you go to the store you imagine what things should be present in the basic wardrobe, and which, in the absence of funds, you can ignore))).

And most importantly, now you can answer the question: How to choose the right clothes.

And do not forget about such a feminine and fashion accessory like a fashionable scarf or shawl.

In order to pick up your basic wardrobe, it would be useful to learn how to understand what are

Karina Kuzmina | 5.12.2014 | 4319

Karina Kuzmina 5.12.2014 4319

Your clothes say a lot about you: ideally, they reflect your character, mood and habits. But what if you are accustomed to unconditionally follow the fashion rules and still do not know how to find your style? These tips will help you!

Your wardrobe evolves with you. Whether you like it or not, it reflects a change of hobbies, new stages of life. In a word, it “represents” you to this world exactly the way you want to look. Or not at all?

Have you ever thought that following all fashionable stereotypes (how to look according to age, figure and clothing size) deprives you of freedom of expression? But what if for a moment you forget about all the rules and try to find your own style in clothes on your own?

At any age you can look stylish and modern

Don't box yourself in

The first and main step is to get out of your comfort zone and not be afraid of experiments. Let's say that for the last couple of years you have been an ardent supporter of an accentuated feminine style and your closet has gradually turned into a reservation of puffy skirts, fitted dresses and all kinds of ruffles. But who said that jeans, T-shirts and sweatshirts are no longer your territory?

If you feel the desire to change something in your style to the unknown and new, do not be afraid - try, create! Perhaps today you will feel at ease in a classic, tomorrow - in jeans and a sweatshirt, the day after tomorrow - in a dress with a bold print.

Don't be afraid to change looks

Your style is a field for endless experiments. After all, you are not obliged to maintain the stereotypical image with which you are associated with your friends all your life.

Take inspiration from everywhere

Can't decide on the aesthetics of your new image? Read fashion magazines, subscribe to fashion bloggers, watch the latest cinema.

But there is one danger here - trying to completely copy the "star" style of your favorite actress or singer. Perhaps you dream of looking like Kate Moss. Well, that's great. Just keep one thing in mind: a whole team of professionals is working on the hair, makeup and image of Kate Moss, and you will never succeed in becoming the second Kate Moss.

Yes, you are unlikely to be able to play the role of a Hollywood diva, but at least with one role you will cope perfectly well - play the most beautiful and stylish version of yourself. And there is nothing wrong with that: it’s better to be yourself, unlike anyone else and one of a kind, than another fashionable clone.

Continue to be inspired by Japanese street style, Audrey Hepburn style, hippie generation fashion - whatever, as long as you do not copy it literally, but adjust everything to suit you, your tastes and preferences.

Forget about the word "slim"

The phrases “slim”, “hide flaws”, “slimming silhouette”, “visually make you slimmer” constantly sound from the pages of fashion magazines. But think about it: what does “slim” mean? To look better in the eyes of others? To hide from them that your figure is far from a retouched glossy magazine?

Do not focus on photoshopped glossy photos

Women with curves are constantly advised to abandon horizontal stripes in favor of vertical ones that visually stretch the figure. Thin people are not recommended to wear tight clothes so that no one accidentally notices that their breast size is smaller than that of a model on the cover of men's magazines. What if you like horizontal stripes and tight tops? Why should you be shy about a plus size or a modest bust?

Instead of hiding flaws, emphasize the virtues!

Look at the same famous beauties: they manage to win the hearts of the opposite sex, having not the most ideal and often modest forms.

Who said you have to try to look two sizes slimmer or bigger if you feel comfortable in your body? Forget about stereotypes and be guided by your own taste!

Love yourself and your body

Be bold

Take the time to just try on unusual looks. Go to the shops not to spend an advance, but to understand what you like and fit you well.

Try it on your own. Forget about the usual combination of white top - black bottom. In fact, it adorns a rare woman and looks “poor but clean” on most, and not “simple and tasteful.”

Bright colors look more advantageous and modern

Learn to combine prints - it's not as scary as it might seem at first glance!

Are you afraid to start changing your image on your own? Contact a specialist.

In a word, just love and accept yourself for who you are, and the wardrobe will naturally change along with a change in thinking.

Experiment with unusual combinations

Sourced from

To look perfect, it is not necessary to buy only those clothes that are full of glossy magazines and fashion shows. The main thing is to find things that suit you specifically, that are able to emphasize your individuality and character. How to find your style in clothes - this is the question that many women and girls ask. We will gladly try to answer it in this article.


In order to find your style in clothes, a girl first needs to know her color type. Traditionally, color types are divided according to the seasons. The tones of clothes, make-up and accessories should be selected according to the appropriate season: winter and summer are cold, spring and autumn are warm


Representatives of the spring color type are characterized by tender peach skin with a pink tint blonde hair(light blond, golden, honey, wheat). The color of the eyes of such people is transparent and light, they can be light gray, light blue, amber. Warm light colors are suitable for spring people:

  • Peach;
  • Coral;
  • Turquoise;
  • lettuce color;
  • honey color;
  • Coffee color.


If you are the owner of red, copper or bronze hair, as well as brown, gray or green eyes, then you can be sure that your color type is autumn. It is desirable for people of this color type to use warm colors with high saturation:

  • Scarlet;
  • Red-brown;
  • Orange;
  • Blue-green;
  • Khaki;
  • Plum.


For people of the summer color type, it is characteristic cold color skin, with bluish tints. The hair of such people can have from light blond to dark chestnut colors, but always with an overflow to light brown and ashy tint. Summer people are divided into contrasting (dark hair and eyebrows) and non-contrasting (blond hair). Coolish light pastel shades are recommended for them:

  • Grey-blue;
  • Grey-blue;
  • Denim;
  • Rose brown;
  • cocoa color;
  • Burgundy and cherry;
  • Grey-pink.


People of the winter color type have the brightest and most contrasting faces. They have dark hair, bright expressive eyes and pale skin. Winter people are also divided into contrasting and non-contrasting. The former are characterized by dark hair and fair skin, while the latter are characterized by a swarthy olive skin tone and hair. dark colors. Cold, bright colors are suitable for this color type:

  • Crimson;
  • Indigo;
  • Snow blue;
  • Emerald;
  • Graphite and anthracite.

If you doubt the correctness of your choice, then you can take a color type test, of which there are a lot on the Internet.


It also depends on the physique whether this or that image suits you. For example, when choosing a style in clothing for an aged woman, many factors need to be taken into account: a big butt, no longer elastic breasts, a tummy that can no longer be removed, and choose clothes that can correct or make such shortcomings less noticeable. But young girls should also pay attention to some features of their figure.

broad shoulders

It is advisable for owners of such shoulders to choose outfits with vertical clasps, jackets with long narrow lapels, and it is also worth refusing to gather along the shoulder line.

But girls with narrow shoulders should focus on the boat neckline, large patterns, and the American armhole.

Wide hips

  • Dresses and skirts with a slightly narrowed or flared silhouette with a length from the middle of the knee;
  • cuts or odors;
  • Seams on the edges;
  • Muted shades.

But skirts on coquettes, folds, wide pants, vertical stripe, voluminous fabric, will help to visually expand the hips for those who have narrow hips.

High growth

If you are the owner of too high growth, then image makers advise making the top longer and shifting bright details down.

Girls with short stature need to do the exact opposite, and also stock up on shoes with heels.

small breasts

You can visually enlarge the chest with the help of coquettes with gathers above the chest, large prints, voluminous fabrics and light shades.


Accessories can also adjust your appearance and figure, focusing on the merits and distracting from the shortcomings. They can also emphasize your individuality, due to right combination with clothing and enhance its impact on others.

  • Large bright earrings highlight the eyes;
  • A light airy scarf will emphasize the gait;
  • Bracelets emphasize the beauty of the wrist;
  • Fat girls should choose more voluminous accessories: a thick, stable heel, a bulky bag, etc.;
  • For slender girls, thin heels and capes of shoes, narrow bags are suitable.
  • Don't copy celebrities;
  • Choose and combine things the way you like;
  • Experiment with images to find your ideal;
  • Don't overload the bow.

A video can help you find your style in clothes for a man:

Any piece of clothing can do wonders. The main thing is to be able to choose the right image for you, and success is guaranteed to you. But women are quite unpredictable, and depending on their mood, they are able to change several images. To begin with, let's decide which styles are the most fashionable right now.

  1. As always, at the peak of popularity, classic and. It is universal and suitable for every woman. The main thing is to choose the right style, model and the right accessories.
  2. Girls with a more active lifestyle prefer a sporty style.
  3. Delicate and sophisticated creations cannot do without romance, therefore they are inherent in romantic style.
  4. Lovers of the 80s will love the retro and vintage style.
  5. Well, modern youth prefers unisex clothes.

How to choose the right style of clothing?

Among such a variety, how to choose the right style of clothing that would emphasize all the advantages? It's no secret that all women are different - appearance, character, figure. Therefore, you need to choose the style of clothing according to your type of figure, age, habits and, of course, working status.

If you are the owner of curvaceous, then what style of clothing should you choose?

In fact, a woman with magnificent forms almost any style will suit, if you know how to combine clothes and accessories correctly. Do not forget about the most important thing - the color scheme. There are colors that hide the flaws of donuts and visually reduce the figure, and there are those that, on the contrary, put all the charms on display. If black is slimming, then white, on the contrary, is fatter. Therefore, choosing a style for yourself, pay attention to the colors and styles of products.

If you have a question about how to choose the right style of clothing, listen to the advice of experienced stylists who recommend choosing clothes based on the situation. If, for example, you have a date, it would be ridiculous to go to it wearing unisex or casual clothes. Naturally, you choose a romantic style. Also, going to work, you will wear classic or business clothes.

How to determine the color type and choose your style of clothing?

All women are divided into 4 categories according to the seasons: winter, spring, autumn and summer. Stylists recommend that before you start searching for your style, determine which one you belong to, then you can quickly and better choose the right style and shades for yourself.

Spring and autumn are warm colors. Accordingly, winter and summer are cold color types. Most fast way to determine your color tone, it is looking in the mirror to bring colors of warm and cold shades to the skin. The shade that gives your skin healthy look and is your color type. That is, if cold shades make your eyes more expressive, and your skin looks healthy and natural, then you belong to the cold color type.