But, if you don’t want to travel far, you can always find a vacation closer to home. For example, in June there will be several interesting festivals in Russia, which are discussed below.

But, be that as it may, you need to know when and where to go, how many days off there are in the first month of summer. Which holidays are international, which are Orthodox, and which belong to the folk calendar. Everything is in this article.

How many days off in June 2018

If you look into production calendar, then we will see that in June we have 10 days off: 1 holiday - Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 22 - a state holiday. Due to the fact that this holiday falls on a Tuesday in 2018, Saturday, June 9, is moved to Monday. In total, Russians will rest for three days in a row: June 10, 11 and 12.

What are the holidays in June in 2018

There are a lot of holidays in June. Among them there are international holidays, UN holidays, and, of course, Orthodox and Slavic holidays. Plus, there are memorable dates that are not a holiday as such, but it is interesting to learn about them. M some events such as international festivals.

    For example, June 15 is World Wind Day, and in Russia it is also the Day of the Creation of the Young People's Movement.

    The most serious holiday in June, which is also a public holiday, is June 12, Russia Day.

We have designed all Russian holidays in the form of a graphic calendar. You can print it out if you want.

* The picture is clickable.

There are always a lot of international holidays, in any month. In June in Russia they are not an official day off.

* The picture is clickable.

All Slavic holidays are closely related to nature and its phenomena. This is stated, for example, in an article about the spring equinox among the Slavs. In June, the summer solstice awaits us ( summer solstice), and such events in paganism always mark big holidays.

* The picture is clickable.

It is immediately worth noting that in June Orthodox people enter into the first summer fast, it is called Petrov, or Apostolic Fast. There will also be several more memorable dates in Orthodox calendar 2018.

* The picture is clickable.

June festivals

The largest event in Russia among June festivals is, of course, Kinotavr. But he is far from the only one. We have selected for you three, in our opinion, the most interesting festivals.

Don’t forget about the folk calendar for June. But there will be a separate article for this, since, in accordance with folk calendar, every day, means something. In June, out of as many as 30.

This concludes the article. Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holidays.

Start summer period portends to Russians not only the June warmth and pleasant warming sun, but also a significant number of holidays, of which there are indeed many in June 2017.

The first summer month of 2017 will give us 9 non-working days out of 30 calendar days: 8 legal days off with a five-day working week and 1 holiday declared a state holiday (see for 2017). But first things first.

Important holidays and dates in June 2017

June 1st- Children Protection Day. One of the most famous holidays in the whole world. On this date, it is customary to show special attention to those children who find themselves in difficult life situations: children from orphanages, shelters and boarding schools, from low-income families, difficult teenagers, etc. On this day, it is customary to hold various events and activities aimed at educating the population on the topic of childhood problems. Traditionally, on June 1, many public and private companies organize holiday programs, and children's concerts, cartoons and films for kids are broadcast on television.

June 6– Russian Language Day. This holiday has been celebrated relatively recently - since 1997. The date was not chosen by chance: it was on June 6, 1799 that one of the greatest classics of Russian literature, A. S. Pushkin, was born. Traditionally, Russian Language Day is celebrated in the poet’s native village – Mikhailovskoye. On this date, the author’s most famous works are remembered, poems are recited and lectures are held, encouraging the younger generation to read their native literature and enrich their speech.

The list of June holidays will tell you about significant events of the month, memorable dates, professional days of representatives of various fields of activity.

The most important dates in June: Russia Day, International Children's Day, Youth Day.

Labor and professional holidays occur almost every day in June.

Such holidays are not days off, but if they fall on Saturday or Sunday, then celebrate and relax safely!

Holiday June 1 - International Children's Day. Established in November 1949 by a decision of the session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women and is celebrated annually.

June 1 – Government Communications Day. Government communications for public administration occupy a separate niche.

The holiday of June 4th is the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. On August 19, 1982, at an emergency special session on the question of Palestine, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate June 4 as the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression.

June 5 is Ecologist's Day. World Conservation Day environment was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and since then has been celebrated annually throughout the world.

Holiday June 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia. Pushkin's birthday has been celebrated since 1998 on the basis of a Presidential Decree Russian Federation.

June 8 is Social Worker's Day. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000 N 1796 “On Social Worker Day”.

Holiday June 12 - Russia Day. Until 2002 it was called Russian Independence Day. This Public Holiday is one of the “youngest” holidays in the country.

June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. Celebrated since 2004 on the initiative of international organizations calling for voluntary and free blood donation.

June 14 is the Day of Migration Service Workers. On May 6, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On establishing Migration Service Worker Day.”

Holiday June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. It was established on January 30, 1995.

June 20 is the Day of the Navy Mine and Torpedo Service Specialist. Professional holiday of military personnel of a specific unit navy has existed for almost 20 years. On July 15, 1996, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy signed an order to create official day specialist of the Navy mine and torpedo service.

Holiday June 27 - Youth Day in Russia. Held annually in accordance with the order of the first President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin dated June 24, 1993 at the proposal of the Russian Federation Committee on Youth Affairs and the National Council of Youth Associations. Before this, the holiday was called Soviet Youth Day.

June 27 is World Fisheries Day. This holiday, which unites all fishing lovers, began to be celebrated for the first time in 1985.

Floating dates for June holidays:

  • Proms
  • The first Sunday in June is Reclamation Day
  • Second Saturday of June - Brewer's Day
  • Second weekend of June - Furniture Maker's Day
  • Second Sunday of June - Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers
  • Third Sunday in June - Medical Worker's Day
  • Last Saturday of June - Inventor and Innovator Day

June was our favorite month during our school and student years, as it was the start of the summer holidays. Then we did not need an answer to the question, what holidays are in June? After all, this whole month was one continuous holiday. Now June is the time for vacations, sea, sun, beach, picnics and walks under the warm summer sun. Our June holiday calendar is designed to make every day interesting and exciting.

Traditions of June

To the question, what do we celebrate in June? Most of us find it difficult to answer, but the holidays in June are numerous and varied. If there are no established traditions, you can create them without any problems. For example, give happy smiles to children on June 1, and try to do as many good things as possible on this day, or dedicate it to your parents, who often perform real feats for you.

When do we light it?

You can light up almost every day in June. On June 2, don’t forget to congratulate the blooming cactus on its Birthday, and on June 3, the koala. The next day, show gratitude for your driver's license. June 6 is a sin not to drink, on International Alcohol Day. On the 7th, you can drink draft beer with your colleagues, and not make excuses to your wife - it’s a holiday, after all! Spend June 13 relaxing carefree on the beach. If you are an eternal bachelor, your day is June 17, and you can continue on June 18 by spontaneously getting drunk with your employees. On the 30th, party with old friends, on the 31st, commit unplanned madness and get drunk without snacking.

When do we work?

Even if you work all month, this is not a reason to be sad. On the 2nd, come up with a new slogan for your company, and on the 3rd, impress your bosses with your philosophical reflections. Since June 4 is a day of positivity, you can take your favorite toy to work with a clear conscience. On June 5, amaze everyone with your absolute calm and set yourself new tasks and goals. On June 11, it’s better not to slow down at work. If you are an ambulance worker, the 22nd is your holiday.

Matters of the heart

On June 1, congratulate your charming and attractive soulmate, or just a pretty girl, friend or work colleague, if you don’t have one. Also, if you are single, on the 2nd you will definitely win the guy or girl you like thanks to your irresistibility. Saddle up with a compliment to your spouse and admire him on June 7th. 8 – diversify your intimate life with adventures in nature. On June 16, compliment the natural feminine beauty of your partner, or just someone you know. If your other half is happy

June is the first long-awaited month of summer, which is replete with greenery and flowers, as well as holidays. Already on the first day of summer - June 1, 2019, 2 holidays await us at once: International Children's Day, as well as the Day of the Northern Fleet of Russia. The question quite naturally arises - what holidays are there in june they are still waiting for us. On the one side holidays in June in Russia It is sufficient, however, that only one of them is state-owned. So, June pleases us with Russia Day. June 12 is a holiday, which in 2019 falls on Wednesday and carries with it an additional day off.

In addition, it should be noted that June is rich in church - Orthodox holidays And folk holidays, state, international and professional holidays. Many good and unique June holidays We have to meet in the first month of summer, which we should not forget about, and which can become a wonderful reason for a celebration!

Official work schedule and days off for the June holidays 2019

June 10, 11
Monday Tuesday
work days
12 June
day off
June 13, 14
Thursday Friday
work days
June 15, 16
Saturday Sunday

June holidays - 2019 calendar

date Event

Russian Northern Fleet Day


Healthy Eating Day


Reclamation Day


Russian Language Day


Brewer's Day in Russia

Furniture Maker's Day


Light Industry Workers Day


Migration Service Workers Day