November 7 is a memorable day for Russia. Every schoolchild in the Soviet Union remembers: “The seventh of November is the red day of the calendar.” This year marks the 99th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Today, November 7th, is celebrated as “Day of military glory Russia." It was founded in 2005. And the series of November celebrations familiar to Soviet people was postponed to November 4th. Now we celebrate the day national unity and we remember how our people, led by Minin and Pozharsky, repulsed the Polish interventionists.

An armed uprising of workers began. The memorable date went down in history as the beginning of the October Revolution. The rioting workers seized the Winter Palace (the seat of the provisional government) along with the ministers.

On this day, the second congress of Soviet workers' and soldiers' deputies opened in Smolny. The Bolsheviks (RSDLP) and the Socialist Revolutionaries (left-wing socialist-revolutionaries) took part in it. Deputies approved the overthrow of the provisional government. The country changed course: from that moment on, the establishment of the power of the Council of People's Commissars was proclaimed. In fact, Vladimir Lenin stood at the head of the country.

What were they celebrating?

Essentially, the birth of a new state. The date November 7 became the main one in the Soviet calendar. The holiday was established a year later. A solemn military parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. From this passage arose the tradition of accompanying main holiday new state with a military procession.

Why is the October Revolution celebrated in November?

It's simple. According to the old style, the revolution took place on October 25, 1917. However, a year later the new government introduced the Gregorian calendar. The date October 25 was replaced by November 7.

Which parade was the most memorable?

Parade 1941. On November 7, participants in the military procession from Red Square went straight to the front.

Was the holiday celebrated for one day?

At first, yes. However, ten years later, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decided to celebrate the Day of the Great October Revolution on November 7 and 8. The following changes occurred only in 1992: the holiday on November 8 was cancelled.

It didn't happen right away. First, President Boris Yeltsin in 1996 renamed the holiday the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. The holiday remained a non-working day. In 2004, the day off was cancelled. A year later, November 7 was made a memorable date. In the same year, National Unity Day was established on November 4.

Non-working holidays

Non-working holidays V Russian Federation are:

  • January 1-6 and 8 - New Year holidays;
  • January 7 - Orthodox Christmas;
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • March 8 - International Women's Day;
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
  • May 9 - Victory Day;
  • June 12 - Russia Day;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

As a rule, if Saturday or Sunday coincides with a holiday, the day off is transferred to the next working day. For the rational use of weekends and holidays, by special decision of the government, other transfers may occur: for example, if a holiday falls on a Tuesday, then Monday is sometimes made a day off, and the previous Saturday a working Saturday. Also, the day off can be moved to any other day of the year.

On holidays, the offices of most companies and many museums are closed, but large stores are usually open, but on a special schedule.

Other national holidays and memorial dates

Usually widely noted, but not non-working:

  • January 25 - Tatiana's Day (students' day);
  • April 1 - April Fool's Day;
  • April 12 - Cosmonautics Day;
  • May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture;
  • June 1 - International Children's Day;
  • July 8 - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity;
  • August 22 - Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation;
  • 1 September is the day of knowledge;
  • October 5 - Teacher's Day;
  • December 12 is Russian Constitution Day.

June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On this day they remember the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, no entertainment programs are broadcast on television or radio.

In addition, so-called professional holidays are usually celebrated in Russia, dedicated to specialists in various fields of activity. For example, on February 10 they congratulate diplomatic workers, on March 19 - submariners, on April 27 - notaries, etc.

Holidays of Russian regions

Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to proclaim their own holidays and days off.

Thus, in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia and Chechnya - in the regions where a large number of Muslims, non-working holidays are:

  • Kurban Bayram is the holiday of the end of the Hajj to Mecca, celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of Dhul-Hijjah according to the Islamic calendar (the dates shift every year, since, unlike the Gregorian calendar, which calculates the year by the revolution of the Sun around the Earth, the Islamic focused on the phases of the moon);
  • Eid al-Fitr is a holiday in honor of the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, celebrated on the 1st day of the month of Shawwal.

In the Republic of Yakutia, everyone relaxes on the pagan holiday “Ysyakh” - a celebration in honor of summer and the revival of nature (celebrated between June 10 and June 25, the date is set each time by a special decree).

In the republics of Buryatia and Kalmykia, people do not work during the Buddhist holiday Tsagan Sar: the onset of the new year and the beginning of spring are celebrated in January-February on the day of the new moon.

Also in most regions of the Russian Federation non-working holiday is a day dedicated to the formation of each of the republics.

Down with State Duma- a servant of the Entente!

Down with the Provisional Government!

Down with capitalist ministers!

Down with the serf-owners!

Down with bloodsucking bankers!

Land and mineral resources, rivers and reservoirs, plants and factories belong to the People!

All Power to the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies!

Councils at all levels and trade unions are the basis of People's Power!

101 years have passed since the Great October Revolution, when for the first time in the World Power in Russian Empire passed into the hands of the working people, who built the multinational USSR and had an irreversible impact on socio-political and class relations throughout the world.

Much water has passed under the bridge since those revolutionary October days, but the slogans of the proletarian revolution of October 1917 today remain more relevant than ever for Russia, for Russian citizens thrown back as a result of the betrayal of the party elite of the CPSU, at the end of the 19th century, from the majestic USSR to the raw materials colony of Western imperialism.

As a result of the black betrayal and subsequent robbery of the country, the destruction of industry, science and the social system of development and improvement of public relations, our country paid in millions of human victims, poverty, social devastation and political depression of the masses.

Therefore, today, more than ever, we need and are close to the Ideas and Slogans of October 1917, and the experience of our heroic ancestors, who overthrew their eternal bloodsuckers - the landowners and capitalists.

Only by continuing the work of our great and heroic ancestors, creatively perceiving their historical experience, their achievements and mistakes, will we be able to once again raise our People's Socialist Motherland from the ruins!

It is our historical duty to our ancestors and our children to once again become a model and leader as a prosperous “State of the Working People” for the whole World!


Happy Great October Day!

Dear comrades!

The Great October Revolution began the countdown to its second century. A year ago, together with comrades from fraternal parties around the world, we celebrated the anniversary of this major event in world history.

We did everything to bring back the good memory of the revolution, so that for young communists and our supporters it would turn from the pages of history into a real experience. It has become the key to breaking out of the impasse of capitalism, an invaluable practice that will tell us how we can all re-enter the path of progress.

It was more difficult for our great predecessors, led by Lenin and Stalin. They were the first, they walked the road of courage, they built a socialist state. Their successes shocked the entire world and continue to be emulated today. We are obliged to take the best from the Soviet experience and turn it into the basis for building a renewed socialism in Russia, where the main values ​​are free labor and justice, equality and friendship of peoples. And then, following our great predecessors, we will rightfully repeat the words of the “March of Enthusiasts”:

Should we stand still?

We are always right in our daring.

Our work is a matter of honor,

There is a matter of valor and a feat of glory.

I sincerely congratulate you on the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. We are the heirs of the Soviet people, and we will be able to breathe new life into their big and beautiful dream. Russia will be great and socialist!

I wish you good happiness and health, success and good spirits!

G.A. Zyuganov,

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

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Remember, this is how Marshak’s poems began, which almost every Soviet schoolchild knew by heart:

Day of the Seventh of November -
Red calendar day.
Look out your window:
Everything on the street is red!

Flags flutter at the gates,
Blazing with flames.
See, the music is on
Where the trams were.

All the people - both young and old -
Celebrates freedom.
And my red ball flies
Straight to the sky!

More than 25 years have passed since the Soviet Union collapsed and independent states emerged in its place. You can say whatever you want about the USSR, but it was a great country that united 1/6 of the landmass.

Today is November 7, the day of the October Revolution. Professional historians and ordinary people will argue for a long time about what it was for Russia - good or evil. But then this moment arises. After the Revolution there was a Civil War - terrible, fratricidal. The White Army consisted of professional soldiers and officers who had served on the battlefields of the First World War. The Entente was on the side of the White Army, there was money from nobles who were ready to give everything to save the country. But for some reason, the Red Army, consisting of poorly trained soldiers, won. The people who were tired of what had been happening in Russia for centuries won.

Russian philosophy of the early twentieth century anticipated the Revolution. Almost all Russian philosophers wrote about its inevitability and the terrible Russian rebellion. Almost all Russian art of this time is full of a sense of foreboding of an impending catastrophe.

And it happened. Not German money, not evil intent Lenin and the Bolsheviks, and the people themselves chose this path.

It is difficult to say whether Russia had an alternative at that moment. I think not. The First World War hit the country too hard, the people’s hatred of those in power was too strong. And what happened happened. History does not know the subjunctive mood. But I think the October Revolution is one of the greatest events of the twentieth century, which changed the whole world and predetermined its development and modern appearance.

And therefore we cannot remain silent about this day. Just as France does not forget about the French Revolution and celebrates Bastille Day, we should not forget about our history and rewrite it. I think it is wrong that today only the memory of the 1941 Parade on Red Square is celebrated. This Parade would not have happened if there had not been this date - November 7th.

Today is the day of the Revolution. With a capital letter. And whether this day and the events that followed it were good or evil - everyone will answer this question differently. And there cannot be a single assessment here.

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Imagine - every day in Russia another holiday, event, date is celebrated, and as a rule, more than one. Personal experience tells us that it is incredibly difficult to remember all the holidays of the year, but common sense whispers that it is not necessary. And indeed, why remember church holidays, state holidays, professional holidays, and to them it is also worth adding personal dates, such as the birthdays of relatives and a couple of dozen friends, wedding anniversaries, and others. Therefore, the daily calendar created by the SuperTosty website will solve for you the problem of remembering dates and events and will remind you of Orthodox holidays, holidays in Russia, celebrated professional dates and others, no less significant holidays. With events of a personal nature, what can you do, you will have to deal with them yourself; fortunately, it is also enough to write them down in a notebook, or better yet, a mobile phone where you can turn on a reminder - the twenty-first century is after all!
Our calendar reflects all the holidays of winter, spring, summer and autumn. To everyone holiday we have selected congratulations, toasts, Greeting Cards and SMS. Now not a single holiday of the year will pass you by, you will be aware of events in Russia, its dates, you will be able to congratulate colleagues and friends on their workers in time, professional holidays. After all all year round, hundreds of events and dates dedicated to teachers, doctors, and other professions are celebrated every day, church holidays, city days, military glory and other equally interesting holidays.

Holidays, dates and events of the year

Holiday calendar for January

January- (lat. Januarius), according to legend, received his name from the Roman king Numa Pompilius in honor of the Roman god Janus, personifying the beginning of a two-faced god, who looks with one face into the past, with the other into the future. The first day of January was also dedicated to Janus. January was introduced as one of the months in Ancient Rome around 700 BC. e., in 46 BC. e. Julius Caesar established the beginning of the year as January 1.
The Slavic name prosinets - apparently from the increase in daylight, the addition of heavenly blue.
January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle, and spring is the grandfather.
January holidays:

Holiday calendar for February

February- (lat. Februarius), named after the ancient Greek god of the underworld Februus or Febru.
There is another version - in ancient times, February was the last of the year. In ancient Rome, for example, in February they tried to cleanse themselves of all the bad things that had accumulated over the year. Hence, its name - after the name of the rite of cult cleansing from sins, repentance in Dr. Rome - februarius (Latin - cleansing), in those days February was the last month of the year.
In addition to the official one, there are a number of popular names: “snezhen”, “kruten”, “zimobor”, “bokogrey”, “krivodorog”, “kazibrod”, “kazidoroga”.
Slavic names - sechen (cf. Ukrainian sichen - January) (according to the text of the Vologda Gospel), snezhen (according to the text of the Polotsk Gospel). Other Slavic names months: fierce, velcha, candle maker, druinik (that is, the second, candle). Bokogray - the cattle comes out to bask in the sun. It was also called “low water” (the time between winter and spring). In the chronicles it was called a wedding, from winter weddings held from the day of Epiphany to Maslenitsa.

Holiday calendar for March

March- (lat. Martius). In the ancient Roman calendar, the year began with the month on which the vernal equinox fell. It was called primidilis - according to its serial number.
After the reform of this calendar, the first month of the year and spring became Martus (Latin Mars), in honor of the ancient Roman god Mars, the father of Romulus. Mars was the god of war, but, at the same time, and in its more ancient meaning, he was the god of farmers, rural workers.
The modern name for March came to us from Byzantium. And before that, in Ancient Rus' they called it “brezen” - evil for birches, flowing like this month they burned a birch on coals.
In the Russian folk calendar, March is called protalnik. Melt water - "snowflake", according to popular belief, is healing. They washed the floors in the house with it, watered flowers, and washed clothes taken from sick people in it. And the walls of the house were renewed, house plants gained strength, and the sick person was left thin and ill. Other names for this month are also known, associated with natural phenomena: winter forest, kaplyuzhnik, dry (from the winds drying up moisture), berezol or berezozol, prolezhny - from this month spring began, the harbinger of summer. Although March itself is not spring, but the pre-spring.
March holidays:

Holiday calendar for April

April- (lat. Aprilis), named after the goddess Venus, or more precisely, her Greek counterpart Aphrodite. Other options: from Lat. apricus - “warmed by the sun, located in the sun” or aperio - “to open”, i.e. month, when shoots appear, buds open.
The Slavic name berezol, another - pollen, coincides with the Ukrainian. kviten.
Common people Russian name- play the ravines, talks about streams of melting snow.
Other names: snowgon, berezozol, pollen, light the snow.
April holidays:

Floating dates

  • 1st Sunday of April - (Date for 2018 is April 1)
  • Week before Easter - (April 1 is the date for 2018)
  • Thursday before Easter - (April 5 is the date for 2018)
  • 2nd Sunday April - (Date for 2018 - April 8)
  • The first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover - (Celebration date for 2018 is April 8)
  • 1st Sunday after Easter - (April 15 is the date for 2018)
  • 9th day from Easter - (April 17 is the date for 2018)
  • Saturday falling in the time interval from mid-April to mid-May, and closest to the day when the Moon is visible in the first quarter phase - (Date for 2018 is April 21)
  • Wednesday of the last full week of April - (Date for 2018 is April 25)
  • Last Sunday in April - (April 29 is the date for 2018)
  • Holiday calendar for May

    May- (lat. Majus), named after the Roman goddess Maya, the mother of Mercury, who personified blossoming nature and fertility. There is also a version that the name is based on the name not of the Roman, but of the Greek Maya - the goddess of the mountains, which at this time are covered with greenery. The Anglo-Saxons called May "trimilk" - from May, cows began to be milked three times a day. The Danes call it "blumaandom".
    Slavic and Ukrainian name - grass. The Slavs also called it proletny. Other names: herbalist, herbal, light bloomer, pink flower, rose flower, pollen, daylight, bird whistling, nightingale moon, kveten, rose flower, roznyak, great traven, sheva or shwiban, May. There was another name - Yarets (in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila).
    May is popularly considered unlucky. This is a bad month for weddings. “To get married in May is to suffer forever.” “I would be glad to get married, but May doesn’t tell me.”
    Most often, cold weather occurs during the flowering period of bird cherry (from May 4). They say: “When the bird cherry blossoms, there is always cold.” The cold in May is called “cheremkhovaya”.
    May holidays:

    Holiday calendar for June

    June- (lat. Junius), named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of fertility, mistress of rain and guardian of marriage. According to another version, the name of the month goes back to the word “junior”, which means “young”, “younger”.
    June is the month of radiant sun, the most long days and white nights, the brightest month of the year is Milk. And June is also a songful and fertile month, grain-growing and hoarding, grain-bearing, it accumulates harvest for the whole year, enriches our home. June and the blush of the year, and the first grass, and the anthill. The time of tall grasses and hayfields, bright flowers was also called multi-colored, retail, strawberry.
    If the nights are warm in June, there will be an abundance of fruits.
    Like June, so is the hay.
    Heavy dew is a sign of fertility, and frequent fogs promise a mushroom harvest.
    June holidays:

    Holiday calendar for July

    July- (lat. Julius, named after Julius Caesar. Before that - Quintilis). Slavic names - lipets (Ukrainian name - lipen), from the time of flowering of the linden tree; the hay barn (“hay” and “to ripen”) and the hay barn reflected the ripening of hay and its placement in stacks; The Russian name "cherven" comes from the old Russian word "chervleny", i.e. red, beautiful. July is called the beauty of summer, its hope, the middle of color. They call it the green feast of the year, the month of fragrant berries, honey herbs, generous sweet tooth, lush, lush and colorful.
    July is popularly called senostav, zharnik, senozarnik, sickle, pribirikha and sufferer. Due to frequent rain showers and thunderstorms, July was called a month of thunderstorms and thunderstorms. It’s not without reason that people say that July throws lightning and cripples oak trees. July is also mowing and mowing, hay-growing and hay-growing, green suffering and the darling of sudden and fleeting rains. July is the central month of summer, the zenith of heat, radiant beauty. People talked about July: since July came into the yard, it’s time to cram sickles; The harvest is an expensive time, there is no peace for anyone here. With the most intense heat, the harvest began and the first, nightly sheaf was knitted.
    If July is hot, December will be frosty. In July, clouds stretch across the sky in stripes - it will rain. The greenish color of a puddle is a sign of the onset of severe drought. In the morning the fog spreads across the grass - the weather will be good. If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain by night.

    Holiday calendar for August

    August- (lat. Augustus). Named after the Roman Emperor Augustus. Eighth month of the year. The name is not Russian; it came to our fathers from Byzantium. The indigenous, Slavic names of this month were different.
    Other names: serpen (from the word “sickle”, harvest time), dawn (from the radiance of lightning), gustar (they eat everything abundantly, thickly), zhench, zhneyska, prashnik, velikserpen, osemnik (eighth), mistress, velikomesnyak, kimovets, kolovets, morning watcher.
    Depending on the customs, many different rituals are held on Zarev (including all three Spas - apple, honey, nut).
    Proverbs and sayings about August: August does not tell you to walk. In August, the sickles are warm and the water is cold. Look at oats and flax in August, earlier they are unreliable. A peasant has three worries in August: mowing, plowing, and sowing. August destroys, but then amuses. August is hard labor, but after that there will be a riot. August cabbage, and March sturgeon. For women, there is a holiday in August, the harvest, and from September it is Indian summer. August of the gathering or supply.
    August holidays:

    Holiday calendar for September

    September(lat. September) - the first month of autumn. Leaf grower. Pensive. Howler. Fieldfare. Veresen. Zorevnik. Khmuren. Centemary. Ruen. Ruin. End of summer.
    The name of the month reflects the autumn season: Revun - it is raining, bad weather; Frowning - fading sunlight, gloomy sky; Ruen - yellow color of autumn; Ryuin - roar of deer.
    It is customary to finish field work in September, and it is no coincidence that it was once the first month of the year: old year ended and the new harvest year began. In September, in the 2nd half, the color of the leaves of maple, linden, oak, and birch changes. From the end of the first ten days, linden, elm, and warty birch leaves fall; The crowns of hawthorn, maple, bird cherry, aspen, ash, red elderberry, and oak are thinning. Linden and poplar begin to fall leaves from below; elm, hazel and ash - on top.
    Signs of September: Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn. Until the leaves fall from the cherries, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk,” it will be a good autumn. The web spreads over the plants - to warmth.
    September holidays:

    Holiday calendar for October

    October- (lat. October). The ancient Russian name for the month October, October. Muddy. Leaf fall. Podzimnik. Pozimnik. Wedding party. Pazdernik. Zazimye. Freeze. Measured. Praise the month. The names of the month October are mainly borrowed from Central Greek. October is the late period of autumn. The norm of sunshine is 80 hours. The weather is very changeable. The day decreases by 2 hours 10 minutes.
    The eighth month of the old Roman year, which began in March before Caesar's reform. Got its name from Lat. octo - eight. In connection with the transition to winter time is the longest month of the year (745 hours).
    October will cover the earth, sometimes with leaves, sometimes with snow. In October, neither on wheels nor on sleds. It's October for everyone, but the guy has no choice. In October there are seven weather conditions: sowing, blowing, twisting, stirring, roaring, pouring from above, sweeping from below. Late leaf fall means a difficult year.
    October holidays:

    Holiday calendar for November

    November- English November - from lat. novem "nine", which is what the Romans considered it to be;
    The Old Russian name is gruden, from “gruda” - frozen earth in piles, not covered with snow, in Old Russian, for example. Nestor the chronicler generally has a winter road. Ukrainian name for leaf fall. Other names for November: Leaves. Leafy. Leafy. Breast. Ice cream. Freezing over. Half-winter road. Zapka winter. Gate of winter. Wedding party. The last month of autumn.
    The most foggy month of the year. November is the gate of winter. November - September's grandson, October's son, winter's dear father. November is the twilight of the year. In November, winter fights with autumn. In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh. November nights are dark before the snow. In November there will be snow - bread will arrive. Everything in November is en masse - on the table, on the land, and on the water. November also gives generously, like autumn. But the road is full of potholes, and there is confusion between the villages. Don't pass, don't pass.
    November holidays:

    Holiday calendar for December

    December(Latin: December) - the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. The tenth month of the Old Roman year, which began in March before Caesar's reform. Got its name from Lat. decem - ten. After shifting the beginning of the year to January, it became the twelfth and last month of the year.
    The ancient Russian name is winter road, studen, stuzhaylo, studenny. Ukrainian name for breast. December is popularly called the gates of winter. It’s time to protect the peasant’s goods from severe frosts, from scarcity, to see that the nourishing spirit in the grain bottoms does not run out, the grain does not dry out, or freeze. In December they said: “warmth flows from the eyes,” i.e. the frost breaks through to tears.
    Folk signs: If December is dry, spring and summer will be dry. If this month is cold, snowy, with frost and winds, there will be a harvest.
    December holidays: