All newlyweds have different requirements for wedding decor, and the price of decorator services will always be an important factor. In our catalog you can view a portfolio of salons and studios. The cost of decorating a wedding hall is usually influenced by 3 main factors:

  1. Complexity of decor or compositions.
  2. Cost of materials.
  3. The work experience of the designers and their reputation (the services of well-known well-known salons always cost an order of magnitude more).

Here you will find all the necessary contact information, view different photos wedding decor. You can contact several studios or designers and then choose the option that suits you best. All presented designers have extensive experience and know all the intricacies and nuances of their business. With such helpers decoration wedding hall will be remembered as a pleasant creative process, and you will remember original photos from your wedding.

What materials are used to decorate wedding halls?

All newlyweds want their wedding decoration to be not only beautiful, but also original. To achieve this result, florists and designers must discuss their preferences with the newlyweds, taking into account the color palette, textures, shapes and even hobbies. Wedding decorations may include different variations of several materials, the main groups include:

  • inflatable balls;
  • flower arrangements;
  • ribbons, lace and shiny fabrics;
  • designer tableware;
  • candles and cards;
  • themed stands, arches, etc.

Decorating a wedding hall recently also includes the use of press walls, collages and photographs. How this or that combination of materials and structures will look can be clearly seen in the photo. Just click on the name of the company or salon and you will be taken to the specified page with the decorator’s full portfolio.

No one will remain indifferent to carefully thought-out wedding decor, because modern trends in 2019 surprise with original ideas using even the most unexpected items. In the presented section on the portal, we want to offer you not just wedding design ideas, but also help you get inspired by thematic photographs.

Our team will prove that even the usual floral decorations in the hands of skilled decorators they can look unusual and attractive, and familiar objects can add a unique twist to the holiday. More ▾

Wedding decor trends 2019

In 2019, wedding planners offer:

  1. Avoid floristry. Namely, from cut flowers. Instead, decorators advise using flower plants, live garlands of lush greenery, branches, candles, and glass florariums. This idea will look especially good outdoors or at a loft-style celebration;
  2. Paper decor. Original decor made from paper is gaining more and more popularity. After all, paper allows you to bring any idea to life: huge flowers, airplanes, garlands, lanterns... Paper will help make your wedding bright, colorful and... economical;
  3. Create a multidimensional space. Using mother-of-pearl and light, you can fill your holiday with the mysterious twinkling of stars. Space theme, underwater world will look especially good in the decor if you choose the appropriate fashionable wedding color 2019.

But, most importantly, use your own imagination and go for it!

Wedding decorations

Don't know what to start with when designing a beautiful wedding? Our materials with photographs will definitely help you.

The portal site hastens to offer:

  • Original ideas for wedding decoration using flowers;
  • Compositions in the form of terrariums;
  • Vegetables as decoration. Especially if you plan to decorate your wedding in autumn style;
  • Using familiar objects in an unusual role: jars, books, birdcages, vintage candlesticks, etc.

Interesting? Then find out more in the “Wedding Decor” section.

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One of the mandatory attributes of a memorable and vibrant celebration is the decor of the room in which it takes place. Most main holiday, symbolizing birth new family- This is, of course, a wedding.

Wedding decor allows you to emphasize the originality of each wedding; it must be thoughtful and fully consistent with the style of the bride, groom and their future family.

Thus, the design of each individual wedding is a special type of art that carries a special touching atmosphere.

Wedding decor is a whole space for impressive and cosmically beautiful decorations and ideas, it is an opportunity to make an exclusive reality for your special happy day.

Preparing a truly memorable and beautiful wedding event is not a simple or one-day affair, since you need to prepare the theme of the celebration, choose a style and color scheme, as well as approve the necessary decor.

Wedding decor 2017

2017 wedding decor includes new fashion trends, and new current color solutions.

The design of a wedding ceremony often begins with the choice of colors for decorations and decor.

Often the tone is set by the place where the event is held, but this does not mean that if the holiday takes place, for example, on the seashore, then the color scheme will necessarily be blue.

For successful design, it is better to focus on 3-5 colors. Relevant and interesting color solutions this year steel combinations of various colors: lime and mint, blue and turquoise, delicate peach, purple, burgundy, and marsala.

The main color can be very effectively played up with other shades, playing on contrast, or, on the contrary, you can combine colors that are next to each other in the color palette.

Blooming garden

Fresh flowers are an essential decor for any wedding. They refresh the interior, relax, make the holiday lively and bright, so you can organize such decor in all parts of the holiday hall.

Small flowerpots with flowers on the banquet table will serve as decoration for cards with the names of guests.

Large flowers can be used in a photo zone, as well as in an arch for newlyweds, and of course, plants that bloom in pots will serve beautiful decoration at any outdoor ceremony, and a guest tent decorated with flowers will delight the guests.

The table for the bride and groom can be decorated with different colors than on other tables. Flowers can also be used to decorate wedding glasses. A neat flower on the stem of the newlyweds' glasses, tied with a ribbon, will look elegant and tasteful.

Depending on the time of year in which the wedding takes place, you can use a wide variety of floral decorations.

In autumn, if white, lilac or purple colors predominate in the wedding decor, you can use violas (pansies), which will also look very advantageous on boutonnieres and on headbands in girls’ hair.

Autumn colorful leaves in the decor and yellow gerberas on the tables carry the traditions of golden autumn.

Spring and summer weddings are rich in a variety of the most delightful types of flowers. For a wedding in soft, light and bed colors, you can use snowdrops, and bright peonies in the summer will create a stunning aroma.

Wedding in winter period It can look very advantageous if you use fresh cones, spruce branches and pine needles in the decor of the banquet table.

Of these immutable attributes For a winter celebration, you can make wedding decor with your own hands, for example, make holders for guest cards, boutonnieres, or a bride’s wedding bouquet from coniferous fruits, thereby bringing the smell of the winter forest directly into the festive hall.

flickering light

Wedding under open air attracts many newlyweds. Evening twilight, when the lights turn on, takes on a sepia and mysterious tone.

If the time of year involves holding a wedding indoors, the effect of night charm can be achieved with the help of candles and lamps, which will highlight the guests’ outfits and jewelry and give them even greater elegance.

To make the wedding decor photos look “cozy,” you can use a variety of garlands to decorate the walls of the room.

Garlands of small neon bulbs can be a good decoration wedding arch, and figured garlands can be hung at the entrance to the hall.

Candles in tall glass glasses or vases framed with flowers and crystals are an excellent attribute for festive table. The stunning flickering of candles is created by mirror surfaces, so stands of this type will enhance the effect.


In addition to flowers and candles, it is also important to choose fabrics and ribbons when decorating a wedding. The tablecloth should be selected to match the overall color scheme of the wedding decor and flowers.

A two-layer tablecloth, consisting of two fabrics of different colors, will look advantageous on the table. In this case, the tone of the lower tablecloth should be darker than the upper one, and the napkins can be chosen in any suitable shade.

If the choice fell on a draped tablecloth, then it can be supplemented with various fabric attributes. Satin ribbons, lace, guipure fabrics will look advantageous in the decor of the wedding table.

Chairs for guests are also necessarily decorated with fabric. Color-matched covers are a must, especially if the chairs are not new or not all look the same. On the backs of the chairs you can tie colored ribbons, bows, drape them with lace, or add flowers.

You can also attach cards for seating guests on chairs if there is no decoration on the table for this. Covers made from specially cut fabric can also be used to decorate wedding bottles.

Airy mood

In addition to decorating the photo zone with flowers, you can use a stand of balloons. A bunch of balls on a stand is a convenient, portable form of decoration that can be placed anywhere if desired.

If the wedding does not include an arch of flowers, you can make one from balloons of different sizes. Such decoration can be placed at the table for the newlyweds, or the entrance to the banquet hall can be decorated in this way.

Helium balloons will look very beautiful under the ceiling. For such purposes it is better to use balls blue color, if the color scheme allows it, otherwise you can use white balls. Such decoration will not “put pressure” on the guests, but will impart airiness and a good mood.

If there are children at the wedding, they will also enjoy this kind of entertainment. Balloons can also be wrapped in light fabric such as chintz, tied with ribbon and decorated with flowers. Such a composition can serve good decoration stairs, and free spaces in the hall.

Foil balloons are less often used in wedding decor, as they have a somewhat heavy appearance, but you can also find them good use, for example, highlight a stand with gifts from guests.

Photos of wedding decor

To emphasize the atmosphere in which the most unforgettable holiday in the life of the newlyweds will take place, it is worth taking a particularly responsible approach to the issue of decorating the banquet hall. In this matter, not only aesthetics are important, but also budget, thematic focus, and organizational conditions. Many take the path of decorating a party on their own, avoiding generally accepted clichés and requests from modern designers. Use our tips to create a unique wedding hall decor with your own hands.

Decorating the hall is an important stage in planning a celebration. In order for the techniques used to look harmonious in the ensemble of the entire holiday, it is worth considering them in the context of the wedding theme. There is no need to buy sets ready-made jewelry, because everyone can make unique decor. You just need to show your imagination and get inspired by interesting ideas.

Creating a design requires preliminary selection of a suitable room. In this regard, take into account the number of guests, the convenience of transportation, as well as the available budget. As you know, in the West, a wedding party is held even in the school gym. You can decorate the holiday in an open space. An example of this outdoor ceremonies on sea ​​coast or in the forest. By the way, such options are now in fashion.

Looking for interesting ideas, which lead away from wedding standards, young people use maximum creativity. If you carefully think through the decor of the chosen place, then it does not matter at all under what conditions the holiday will be organized. At the same time, lack of taste and the pursuit of ostentatious luxury will turn even a cozy banquet hall into a booth. The main principle of decorating a wedding venue is a sense of proportion. You can make decorations with your own hands, and at the same time the room will look luxurious. In your work you can use:

Table frill, tablecloths, curtains, draperies, arches

Silk ribbons

Bows, trains, bandages for bouquets

Garlands made of paper and with multi-colored light bulbs

Walls and lighting for individual decorative elements that you want to highlight

Natural flowers

Flower arrangements, bouquets, garlands

Table setting, invitations, greeting inscriptions


Mounts for small parts in the manufacture of jewelry and supports for decorative elements


Different sizes, shapes and colors for creating garlands and compositions

Confetti and other small details

Used as holiday tinsel

Wedding hall decoration

The basis of a wedding is the triumph of love, tenderness and romance. It will be possible to emphasize these aspects during the holiday thanks to cute little things. Balloons and flowing fabrics are the best solution for romantics. Proper lighting will help create an intimate atmosphere. Place small vessels filled with water with drops of glycerin mixed with flower petals on the guests' tables. Leave a floating candle in the flask on the surface of the vessel.

Important! Do not overload the table with an abundance of flower garlands, with the exception of the newlyweds’ table. Leave room for exquisite dishes, decorated by chefs and pastry chefs for the benefit of the guests.

To prevent bouquets and balloon arrangements from overloading chairs and tables, fill them with helium and let them float in the room under the ceiling or above the tables, creating fabulous pictures. Ordinary balls can be replaced with original models sold in special stores. With such a simple replacement, your room will sparkle with new colors. Instead of ball pendants, it is important to use street lanterns with candles burning inside. Decorate them with butterflies to make the composition resemble a fairytale forest. You can complement the picture with fresh flowers suspended on a translucent fishing line.

An analogue made from improvised materials allows you to make the decor budget-friendly. For example, for a flashlight, instead of a ready-made version, use a regular tin can, painted acrylic paint, with star-shaped holes. Instead of fresh flowers on a fishing line, make volumetric figures in origami style or round papier-mâché balls.

Wedding hall in chic design

Balloons in the decoration of a wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration idea

A fresh and current look is created by details made from fresh flowers. They emphasize high status, give aroma and do not leave even a skeptic indifferent. Use this simple technique to make your wedding original and noble. Don't forget about pleasant little things in the form of souvenirs and small gifts for guests. They will serve as a reminder of the holiday and an eye-catching decoration. The best present is designer confectionery and hand-made souvenirs.

Zone the space of the room so that all invitees clearly understand where they feel more comfortable communicating, where they can go out and clean up, and where it is appropriate to invite partners to dance. Decorating a hall for a wedding with your own hands is often spoiled by the presence of stretched wires, poor-quality sound, and incorrectly arranged lighting. Pay attention to these little things, and your eye won't get caught up in annoying details.

Rain of rose petals

Flowers are considered a universal decoration for any decoration option. A boring wall or floor can be decorated with an original composition including rose petals. They give a feeling of romance, solemnity and naturalness. To make decor, stock up on thin transparent fishing line. On each thread you need to place mother-of-pearl beads and rose petals in turn. Choose flowers that in their shade will not resonate with other decor.

The thread with the finished garland is secured on top with pins or paper clips. When fixing the line at the bottom, do not tighten it too much. This will allow the composition to be light and airy. The swaying of the garland in the wind will provoke the effect of fluttering butterflies. You can string the petals onto a garland with light bulbs. In addition, the remainder of the flower preparation is perfect for decorating the floor. The path to the table, strewn with petals, looks unobtrusive and luxurious.

Option for a decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

Modern decoration of a wedding hall with your own hands

Decorating a banquet hall for a wedding according to the latest trends is all about ideas. First of all, you need to build on the general style of the celebration. Some people prefer vintage, while others gravitate towards modern. The decor can take into account the preferences of guests and newlyweds. When creating a modern holiday, it is important to use artificial lighting, fresh flowers, and a minimal amount of various tinsel. Everything should be beautiful, restrained and aristocratic. At the same time, it is beneficial to use elaborate decorations in the culinary arts, because the main attention of the guests will be focused on the table. Delight every guest with culinary masterpieces that not only taste good, but also look the part.

Important! Everyone present should feel comfortable. If a decorative item creates inconvenience, then it is better to remove it. For example, it is better to replace chairs that are too massive with an uncomfortable back, even if they are visually advantageous.

The drapery of a wedding hall in a modern version often combines white, golden, and silver shades. The contrast of white and red colors is also in fashion. Basic white or champagne color can be diluted with a bright accent of blue, purple, turquoise or lilac. Originality is created by details: an eye-catching vase, statue, garland, flower arrangement, furniture, etc. Doing something with your own hands is fashionable. The uniqueness of each item creates its own value. Modern hall decorated not only in the refreshments area. Don’t forget about the stairs, stage, photo zone and other corners of the room.

Wedding hall in chic design

Balloons in the decoration of a wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration idea

Unusual and beautiful decoration of the wedding hall

Decorating a hall requires a certain amount of imagination. The simplest way to add charm to a room is to saturate it with compositions. To help you Balloons, fresh flowers and seasonal natural materials(for autumn - yellowed leaves, for winter - flowers powdered with imitation snow).

Note! Regarding the balls, it is worth considering interesting options: combine matte, glossy products, as well as balls different shapes. Choose shades that are in harmony with the overall ensemble.

Use ready-made solutions as a starting point. Yes, in the store wedding decorations You can purchase the necessary set of accessories. Then you can decorate them at home with your own hands. This way things will look original, beautiful and more interesting. Use bouquets as the centerpiece of the table. Drape the vases with decorations and the table will look laconic.

The main attention of the audience during the celebration will be focused on the table for the newlyweds. In addition to basic decor, use original compositions. Pay attention to the tablecloth and frill design. The garland along the table can be illuminated from the inside with small light bulbs. Remember that you should use no more than three colors in the overall picture.

Option for a decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

Wedding trifles, decorations and DIY decor

Creating a tasteful banquet hall requires sticking to one style. When creating decorations for the hall with your own hands, do not skimp on consumables. If the budget is not enough, then the number of things you make yourself should be limited. Small things like bows, headbands, ribbons, beads and appliques are never superfluous. With their help you can easily add solemnity to any wedding hall. Make a list of the little things you need so you don’t forget about them in the midst of preparation.

DIY wedding invitations

Not only will wedding invitations get your guests to the right place, but they will also help you avoid any messy lists when organizing a large wedding. To simplify the task, most people buy prepared cards with basic inscriptions. You only need to enter the name, date and location of the holiday. To prevent such a card from looking like a postcard, you can decorate it yourself. For this you will need:

  • bows;
  • beads;
  • ribbons;
  • glue (hot glue gun).

As a blank, it is better to buy a card with a laconic design. By adding a homemade bow in the form of an intertwined ribbon with a pearl, you can transform a simple card into a personalized invitation. Fill out the invitation with calligraphic handwriting and beautiful ink. Such a souvenir will become an admission ticket and a memorable gift for your guest.

Wedding hall in chic design

Balloons in the decoration of a wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration idea

Decoration of wedding glasses

Drinking drinks is a ritual event at any wedding. Raising their glasses, guests greet the couple and express their wishes. At the same time, guests use sets of standard tableware without any special frills, and newlyweds must stand out from the crowd, so their glasses need to be decorated. The symbolism that can be used is rings. With the help of ribbons, beads and spraying, glasses can be transformed into a real work of art. Inscriptions, drawings and applications are applied to them. You can order images from an artist or dream up your own.

Option for a decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

  1. Decoration of the hall in modern style includes flower arrangements with non-standard plant species. To prevent flowers from looking too simple, combine them into cascading bouquets.
  2. Volumetric garlands and lamps made of paper are more suitable for a tent-shaped room. They will create romance and will not look cheap compared to other items.
  3. Keep track of the size of the bouquets and flower arrangements on the tables. Their optimal height is no higher than 30 cm.
  4. If you don’t want to highlight specific colors, you can install specific lighting in the room.
  5. Before decorating the room, make sketches. This is especially beneficial if you do not use the help of designers. An untrained eye may miss some points.

Decorating the hall with balloons

You can get away from traditional balloon sets by creating original crafts. Don't buy cheap balls from your local office supply store. Take advantage of interesting combinations of products to create a figure or composition. Look at the photos on the Internet. It is best to fill the balloons with helium so that they keep their shape and remain airy. When choosing colors, focus on pastel colors, connecting balls made in a single palette.

Wedding hall in chic design

Wedding hall decoration idea

Balloons in the decoration of a wedding hall

Decorating a banquet hall with fabric

The easiest way to decorate a room yourself is with fabric. The shimmer and shine of the draperies will add its own charm and will look minimalist. In fabric, give preference to satin for wedding table decoration. It is better to decorate walls and arches with organza or alternative airy fabrics. To hide the borders of the fabric, you can use bows or ribbons.

Guest tables

Decorating the hall requires a more reverent attitude towards guest tables. The quality of the banquet and the attitude towards visitors will be judged by their appearance. Avoid confusion and unpleasant proximity in big company Properly organized planting will help. Place numbers on each table and take the time to make guest lists. Children should be seated separately from adults because they have separate menus and common interests.

Option for a decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

In general, there should be nothing unnecessary on the guest tables of the wedding hall. Round form table promotes open communication. Elongated rectangular tables with benches are inferior in this regard and resemble a rustic version. The design of a wedding hall is based on the correct setting of the dinner area and the beautiful presentation of cutlery. Keep the tablecloths tidy and the utensils used clean.

Every girl has imagined her dream wedding since childhood. Decorating a room with your own hands is a great opportunity to show your creativity and make your dreams come true.

There are many traditions and rituals associated with a wedding. For example, there is a tradition of attaching a lock to the railing of a pedestrian bridge so that the family is strong and the newlyweds never separate.

Now this tradition is gaining more and more popularity, so it is worth preparing for it in advance.

Garlands can be great wedding decor items. They beautifully fill the space, create the right atmosphere and perfectly decorate the room.

Garlands can be chosen to suit any wedding style: the choice of materials, colors and textures is limitless!

Origami is a great inexpensive way to decorate your wedding. All you need for this is paper, scissors and a lot of patience.

You can make a lot of decorations from paper, these can be cranes, flowers, figurines and even a bridal bouquet.

DIY wedding decor ideas

In this section we will tell you how to decorate your wedding in an original way with your own hands. And you will see that it is not only not difficult, but even very exciting!

DIY wedding decor makes it cozy and homey. After all, you put your soul into your jewelry! And then, all items will turn out to be unique, in a single copy. Your wedding will be unique!

Our DIY wedding decoration ideas are simple and unusual. You will definitely find something to your liking here. Do you want to decorate your wedding yourself? Be sure to read this section and you will succeed.