When preparing for a wedding, newlyweds have to decide a lot important issues. Wedding hall decoration takes pride of place on the list. Properly selected decor will help create a unique, solemn and bright atmosphere. If you don’t have the opportunity to contact a professional decorator, don’t be upset. You can decorate the hall yourself..

Decorating a room is a pleasant task that will give you many wonderful memories and give you the opportunity to show your imagination.

Where to start decorating a wedding banquet

When choosing a wedding hall for a banquet, make sure it is the right size. Indeed, in addition to banquet tables, the hall should have a dance area and an area for placing musical equipment. If you decide to invite artists, then you should make sure that there is enough space for their performance and nothing will interfere with them, including wedding decorations.

If there will be a lot of children at your wedding, then you can allocate play area. Decorations for the children's area should not only be beautiful, but also safe.

The decoration of the hall should create a complete picture. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to a single color palette and ideological orientation. If you decide to refuse the services of professional florists and decorators, then original ideas for registration wedding hall can be gleaned from photos and videos on the Internet. But before you start decorating, you need to think through everything carefully.

You should remember that decorating a wedding hall is a complex, time-consuming and responsible process. After all, the mistakes made will affect both the overall festive atmosphere and your mood.

  • Decide on a general concept, style and color palette.
  • Decide on the type of decor. This directly depends on the chosen topic. For example, you can rely on the time of year. So, for a summer wedding you can use a large number of floral decor, and for the autumn celebration yellow and red leaves, rowan tassels, and checkered textiles will be useful.
  • Buy and prepare decorations in advance.
  • Choose suitable option arrangement of tables. These can be either long traditional tables or free-standing tables. Particular attention should be paid to the placement and decoration of the bride and groom's table.
  • Create a cost estimate.

Hall decoration - popular styles

In addition to classic decor, the following wedding hall design options are popular:

Wedding hall decor: basic materials

Wedding decorators advise combining 2-3 types of basic materials to decorate a banquet. The same applies to the color scheme. Try to stick to the golden mean and not oversaturate the room with bright colors and decorations.

Flowers and greenery

Flowers are an indispensable attribute of any celebration, including weddings. When choosing flower arrangements, make sure that they match the style and color of the celebration. If you are planning to decorate your tables yourself, then small bouquets of fresh flowers will be an excellent solution. Vertical wedding decor in the form of hanging flower garlands is popular.


Don't underestimate this material. You can make various pom-poms, unusual garlands and original signs from paper. Also in trend are large paper flowers that you can easily make with your own hands.


You can't just hang it up air balloons around the hall, but also to create beautiful garlands. You can find many ideas for a wedding arch or columns. Attach miniature baskets to the balls and you will get an original designer decoration for the wedding hall, as in the photo.


Textile decor and fabric drapery can radically change the interior, and they also go well with other types of decor. Banquet decoration is not complete without the use of fabric. These are tablecloths and skirts for tables, covers for chairs, and also an excellent basis for decorating the background on which the newlyweds’ table will be located.

Having chosen the room in which the wedding banquet will take place, the newlyweds decide in what style and color it should be decorated. Decorating walls, columns, and ceilings must be approached with great responsibility. To create a festive atmosphere with your own hands, it is best to use hanging structures based on garlands and pompoms, attach balloons, flowers, and paper figures to the walls.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting the hall, using not only the main light sources (chandeliers), but also decorative lamps or LED lamps. Decorating a wedding hall with your own hands is a responsible task, where every little detail is important detail holiday.

The most popular decoration for any holiday, especially weddings, are flowers.

Vases with bouquets are placed on the floor and on tables, but you can use compositions of fresh or artificial flowers to decorate the walls and ceiling of the banquet hall.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers are in demand because it is precisely such compositions that retain their original attractiveness throughout the holiday and can be made from elements of the most different sizes and colors.

Not only the walls and ceiling of the hall are decorated with artificial flowers - placed above the newlyweds’ heads, they look great in quality, as in the photo.

To fix flowers made from paper or fabric, you can use nylon thread or thin fishing line.

It is stretched under the ceiling or along the walls around the entire perimeter of the room. You can use thin fabric as the base on which paper flowers are attached, and to decorate the arch above the podium, it is better to choose a vine made of plastic.

Chandeliers are decorated with artificial plants and made from them, which are hung from the ceiling and mounted on the walls of the hall.

Natural flowers

When choosing fresh flowers to decorate a wedding hall, you should give preference to those varieties and types that retain freshness and attractiveness for as long as possible.

If plants collected in bouquets to decorate tables are constantly in water, then those collected in garlands and suspended from the ceiling or on the walls of the room lack moisture.

The following can withstand such a test:

  • roses;
  • feces;
  • carnations;
  • dahlias;
  • asters.

Flowers are chosen depending on the time of year in which such a significant event in the lives of young people occurs.

It is important that the plants hung under the arches of the hall or fixed in the form of bouquets and garlands on its walls are correctly combined with those that became the decoration of the tables.

Beautiful and original hanging decor for a wedding hall with balloons

You can create a unique decor for a banquet hall with the help of them, which are suspended from the ceiling or allow them to rise up, filled with helium composition. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to use balls of various shapes, giving them the desired size using a certain amount of gas.

Showing their imagination, young people create unique decorations in the form of racks and columns made exclusively from balloons, most of these design elements are on the walls and above the heads of guests.

Balloons can be not only inflatable, but also made from corrugated paper on a wire frame.

Decorating a banquet hall for a wedding with garlands and butterflies

The most common and popular element of decorating a banquet hall for a wedding are garlands made from a wide variety of materials:

  • fresh and artificial flowers;
  • paper figures;
  • balls and small pompoms.

Most often, garlands are used to decorate the bridal arch, staircase railings, and doorways at the entrance to the banquet hall. However, you can create a unique decoration on the walls of the room and under its arches with the help of garlands.

The butterfly has long become a touching symbol of love and tenderness. Moth figurines made from paper are used to decorate the wedding hall, either attached to fabric or assembled in the form of a garland. These decorations are placed on the edge of glasses, on the backs of chairs, on walls and columns.

Ideas for decorating a wedding hall with pompoms

You can make the decoration of your wedding hall unique by using pompoms made of thin textiles or corrugated paper for decoration.

Large models are suspended from the ceiling, mounted on walls and columns, and smaller elements are collected into garlands. It's important to remember color scheme, because all decorative elements should emphasize the style of the celebration: for example, if the wedding is in or, then the decorations should match in color.

Light airy pompoms are used to create a unique decor for the bridal arch: fluffy balls are attached to the backs of chairs and on the walls of the hall, collected into garlands and beautifully.

Beautiful wedding decoration with fabric

It is impossible to imagine the design of a wedding hall without the use of textiles. The most different types fabrics serve as decoration for chairs and tables, but textiles look very impressive, which became the basis for the decor of the ceiling and walls of a banquet hall or. Using light fabric, you can build a dome and create the right atmosphere at a themed wedding by decorating the walls with fabric.

Textiles are necessary to create a unified style for a festive banquet. In most cases, it is used to emphasize the idea of ​​decorating a wedding held in one color.

The combination of fabrics of different colors not only complements the design of the room - it sets the tone for the celebration.

How to decorate columns and walls for a wedding

Often, in the chosen banquet hall, it is necessary to decorate not only the tables and chairs placed here for receiving guests. Festive decoration necessary for the walls, ceilings and columns of the wedding hall.

Walls and columns are completely covered with textiles, emphasizing the style of the celebration, for example, in or in. You can attach balloons and garlands to them, decorate them with paper figures, posters, and garlands of light bulbs.

The design looks great when created by combining fabric and balls, garlands and pom-poms, and using lighting from multi-colored lights.

Creative lighting design for a banquet hall for a wedding

The lighting of the hall in which the wedding banquet is held requires special attention and careful preparation.

The main task is to create a style, attract attention to the table of the young and create an atmosphere not just of a holiday, but also of comfort and warmth.

You can achieve your goal using:

  • garlands of lights;
  • individual light bulbs hung at different heights;
  • a combination of electric lamps and candles;
  • LED bulbs;
  • spot lighting.

When choosing one or another method of decorating the hall with lights, it is important not to disturb the overall style of the holiday.

How to decorate a wedding hall with your own hands: simple step-by-step instructions

Having chosen the option of decorating a wedding hall, many people think about how to do it themselves: not only in order to save money, but also trying to put a piece of their soul into the decor. This is the only way to achieve a unique celebration. Before you start decorating the room, you must:

  1. Choose a holiday style, according to which fresh or artificial flowers, textiles, and garlands are selected for decoration.
  2. Check the number of guests in order to arrange the tables accordingly and free up the area for dancing, games and competitions.
  3. Solve the issue with lighting features in order to have easy access to sockets and hide cables.

Having received answers to all the questions asked, you can begin decorating the room.

This creative process begins with lighting and table placement.

Having distributed the wires and cables, they are decorated so that they do not interfere with guests and do not attract attention. Next, you should think about decorating the ceiling, walls and columns.

In this video you will learn what basic points you need to know in order to decorate the room yourself:

Most of the ceiling and walls are covered with textiles, and flowers, balls, and garlands are placed in the remaining free space.

If pompoms are chosen as the main decorative element, then it is important to accurately select and mark their attachment points on the ceiling and walls.

First of all, decorate the ceiling by fixing fabric on its surface and main element- multi-colored pom-poms.

Next, they begin to decorate the walls and columns of the hall. If the walls are covered with fabric, then textiles must be attached to the columns to emphasize the style of the holiday. Pompoms of different sizes and colors are attached to the fabric.

Paper or fabric pompoms go well with fresh flowers, and this combination can be used when decorating a podium.

Pom poms are used to collect bouquets and place improvised vases on tables.

The final touch is decorating the entrance to the hall with pom-poms: fastening decorative elements around the doorway and multi-colored balls carelessly laid out on the floor.

Choosing the elements from which a unique one will be created original design wedding hall, it is important to remember that all of them should not only create the mood, but also correspond to the style of the celebration. Attention should be paid to both color and size. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of composition, using several decorative elements.

Another condition that will have to be met is concern for the convenience of the heroes of the occasion and their guests.

Low-hanging balls or garlands hanging over tables will become a hindrance to the communication of guests. Decorative columns and arches cannot be placed in the area of ​​dances and competitions.

When decorating a banquet hall, you need to make sure that elements of different colors and sizes are used for its design. This will help create the mood and emphasize the special style of the holiday.

A wedding is an important and exciting day in the life of a couple in love. On this day, everything should be perfect: the newlyweds’ outfit, a beautiful wedding ceremony, the best restaurant and room decoration. When preparations for the ceremony are in full swing and all the main issues have been resolved, the dilemma remains about decorating the venue for the celebration. To decide on this, we recommend looking at the design of the wedding hall in the photo.

Wedding hall design options

The best venue for a wedding feast are cafes and restaurants, where the atmosphere, panorama, interior and service are already conducive to a pleasant pastime. But the everyday furnishings of the hall are unlikely to be suitable for such an important event, so such rooms are decorated with additional accessories to make it more elegant.

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of options for decorating premises for celebrations. For decorations, flowers are used (live, but sometimes artificial ones are also used), balloons, drapery with light fabrics and various luminous garlands. Posters and unique hand-made decorations are often used. Before starting the hall, you need to decide what materials you want to use, what the theme of the event is, what color scheme everything will be done in and who will do it: you or specialists in this industry. To decide, you need to specifically study and view the design options for the wedding hall photo.

You can see popular design options in the video below:

Decoration of the wedding hall with balloons

Balloons are a universal way to decorate a room for the holiday. A wedding is no exception. Balloons for decorating a wedding hall can be used in different ways:

  • A large number of balls flying freely under the ceiling will create a weightless effect throughout the entire hall.
  • Balls tied to guests' chairs or to small weights and standing on the table will give festive mood to everyone present in the hall.
  • An arch of balloons or intertwined hearts will look great at the newlyweds’ table (the main thing is that they keep their shape).
  • Beautiful figures made using balls will make the hall unique and memorable.

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Decorating the wedding hall with flowers

Recently, the use of flowers to decorate the hall in which the wedding banquet will be held has become increasingly popular. Usually, when decorating, compositions from fresh flowers are used; decorations using artificial flowers are less common. A common decoration option is a composition of flowers on the newlyweds’ table. You can see an example of this design in the photo below.

A design option could be small bouquets on guests’ tables (for example, as in the photo).

Flower staircases and arches are often decorated. This decor looks chic and rich.

Decorating a wedding hall with fabric

More recently, decorating wedding halls using fabrics has become fashionable. As a rule, for such purposes, light, airy fabrics are used that flow freely (for example, chiffon, silk, organza) or denser fabrics (velvet, taffeta, satin), but which look rich. Using fabrics, a kind of canopy is created over the hall or a veil is made near the table of the newlyweds. You can see examples in the following photos.

Often there are options with a combination of fabrics and colors or garlands (it looks especially chic in dim lighting). This decoration looks elegant and will appeal to all guests.

DIY wedding hall decoration

If you have a good imagination, then you can come up with a beautiful and original decoration for the wedding hall yourself. To begin with, you should look at examples on the Internet and decide what you want to use to decorate the room, understand what is needed for this and possibly get down to business.

You can decorate the room yourself using the following options:

  • The most in a simple way design are balloons that are placed throughout the room. How to do this and where best to place the balls is up to you and it all depends on your imagination. You can also make a heart out of balloons yourself, and watching the presented master class will help you with this:
  • It is possible to decorate the premises using artistic posters on the walls, ribbons, or paper pompoms, which you can make by watching the following video:
  • Making fabric decor is also very simple without the help of specialists. You need to select and purchase light air fabric, the color in which your wedding celebration will take place and, having chosen the option of fastening the fabrics, simply attach them in the right places, collecting them beautifully if necessary.
  • It is possible to make both decorations and flowers yourself, if you have at least the slightest idea about floristry and have a well-developed sense of beauty.

As you can see, decorating a room yourself is not so difficult, and most importantly, everything will be as you wish, and you will also save a little on the help of a designer.

Table decoration for young people

The principles of decorating a table for young people echo the main theme of the room. Fabrics, flowers or balloons can be used for this. In spring and summer, compositions of fresh flowers are often used on the table of newlyweds. For example, as shown in the photo.

Can also be used in compositions of fabrics and flowers. For example, as in the photo.

In autumn and winter, decorations made of balls and fabrics are mainly used, since decorating with flowers out of season is very expensive.

Decoration of guest tables

Tables for guests should be decorated in the same style as the entire holiday: the same materials, the same colors (or their shades). In this case, the wedding hall looks harmonious and beautiful. Setting the table and having beautiful tablecloths, fresh flowers or balloons on them will add some zest to the overall look of the room and create a festive atmosphere. You can see examples of the design of guest tables in the following photos.

Decorating chairs for guests

Often, chairs in cafes and restaurants do not look quite presentable. Or they don’t quite match the overall style of the room. In such cases, chairs are also decorated with fabrics, linens and bows made of satin ribbons or small flower arrangements. You can see popular decor options for chairs in the photos below.

In preparation for wedding celebration there are no small things. That is why decorating a banquet hall correctly, choosing original, bright decorations is one of the most important tasks. Fresh ideas to inspire designers and ready-made do-it-yourself room decor options are in this article.

Properly decorating a banquet hall by choosing original, bright decorations is one of the most important tasks

Contrary to popular belief, you can decorate a wedding hall with your own hands. The main thing is to have enough time, inspiration and take into account several basic design rules, which are discussed in detail below.

Room size

This is one of the main parameters, because the size, features of decorations, choice of lighting and color design have a lot to do with how large the banquet hall is. In this regard, you need to take into account several design tricks:

  1. If the room is small, white, light shades, as well as the contrast of different decorative elements - for example, table decorations against a background of white tablecloths - will help to visually enlarge it.
  2. If the hall, on the contrary, is large enough, you should select several approximately identical zones and fill the space so that there are no large empty corners left.
  3. Please note that large tables, bouquets and other elements are allowed in large halls– they will look out of place in a small area.
  4. Finally, large and small spaces can be perfectly organized with the help of lighting, which will outline several zones.

The size of the hall, the features of decorations, the choice of lighting and color design have a lot to do with how large the banquet hall is

Wedding theme

The theme of the celebration is the main idea, which largely determines the decor style. First of all, all styles can be divided into 2 large groups, which depend on the venue:

  1. Indoors, choose classic options.
  2. In nature, you can choose appropriate themes - autumn wedding, Provence, retro, etc.

On the other side, You can outline several large groups of topics, between which you usually need to make a choice:

  • classical;
  • in national motifs (Slavic, Italian, French, Czech style, etc.);
  • rustic (style based on independent decoration of the hall);
  • fairy tales (for example, Sleeping Beauty);
  • historical (Gatsby style) and many others.

How to decorate a wedding table (video)

Color selection

Traditional dominance white at a wedding - an appropriate design move that allows you not only to add solemnity, but also serves as a good basis for the skillful combination of other shades. Nevertheless, You can choose several color options to highlight the originality of the interior:

  1. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the time of year. For example, spring shades of orange, green, and peach are best used in the warm season.
  2. The atmosphere of the celebration depends on the theme and scenario of the event. For example, if you can style the room in silver (beige, pale blue, light gray tones), which is especially important in winter.
  3. It is important to connect the meaning of color to the nature of the celebration - the language of flowers will help here (more details in the table).

lightness, unity, sincerity

unity of opposites, common sense



leadership, dynamics, excellence

femininity, friendliness

dexterity, intelligence, fun


strength, love of life

progress, stability, responsibility

spiritual strength, ideals


sensuality, ideals

Finally, it is very important to take into account practical nuances. For example, the predominance of dark shades in a small room will make it visually even smaller. Whereas an abundance of white in a large room can destroy the cozy atmosphere.

Along with the main design moves (color, table decoration and lighting), you should also pay attention to specific accessories that can not only complement the interior in an original way, but also amuse guests

Wedding hall decor elements

Along with the main design moves (color, table design and lighting), you should also pay attention to specific accessories that can not only complement the interior in an original way, but and amuse the guests, becoming a kind of highlight:

  • fresh flowers, located both on the tables themselves and as an additional decoration - for example, in the form of a gallery of flower arches;
  • balloons and figures made from them perfectly fill the space and create a real cheerful atmosphere;
  • books, especially those stylized as antique ones, can become original stands for flowers; You can also consider the option of creating entire arches from books;
  • elements of nature - for example, an artificial tree or entire thickets;
  • finally, it is very important to pay attention to small accessories at first glance - menus, place cards, napkin rings, flower stands, etc.; it is advisable to register them in uniform style so that all elements are in harmony with each other.

The atmosphere of the celebration depends on the theme and scenario of the event

Children's play area

Of course, some guests will come with children, and a separate area should be organized for the youngest guests. There are 2 main considerations:

  1. Children should feel as comfortable as possible in it.
  2. From the outside, this area should fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

Here are some design options:

  • candy bar;
  • table with balloons, placed on both sides;
  • area for playing mini golf (if the wedding is held outdoors in the summer);
  • indoors you can use a green carpet, stylized as an artificial lawn, which can be fenced off with artificial trees or palm trees in barrels.


If there are a lot of children (7-8 or more), it is better to invite an animator for them. Otherwise, the kids will quickly get tired and bored.

How to make a wedding sign (video)

The rules for accommodating guests can be adapted to suit your own ideas. But in general, it is better to adhere to accepted wedding etiquette:

  1. The guests closest to the newlyweds are their parents, who sit on the appropriate side of the table (closer to their son/daughter).
  2. If only one long table is supposed to be placed, then the guests alternate: a man, a woman. The order of placing guests is in order of their proximity to the newlyweds in real life.
  3. Age principle - it is better to sit mature people next to mature people, young people - with young people.
  4. The principle of psychological comfort for guests - work colleagues together, friends - together.


It would be right if every guest could clearly see the newlyweds. Therefore, it is preferable not to seat everyone at one long table - this will make the guests uncomfortable.

The rules for accommodating guests can be adapted to suit your own ideas.

Features of table design for newlyweds

The newlyweds' table should become the center of attraction of the entire celebration, because this is where the newlyweds and their loved ones are located. To create a real festive atmosphere, it is important to pay attention to several interesting nuances.

Posting rules

First of all, it is important to decide whether a presidium will be created for the newlyweds or not. There are two opposing points of view on this matter, so it seems reasonable to proceed from the opinion of the spouses themselves - how comfortable they will be sitting at a separate table. On the other hand, in small halls the presidium will look less successful: it will take up additional space, and guests may feel that the area is cluttered.

As for the rules for placing the table, you can proceed from the following options:

  1. The main principle is to make the table stand out and clearly distinguish itself from all the others.
  2. It should be possible to clearly see the newlyweds from all points in the hall so that all guests feel comfortable.
  3. If there are few guests and there is only one table, the newlyweds sit at the beginning of it. If there are a lot of tables, you need to place it in the very center near the wall opposite the entrance.
  4. It is unacceptable to place the table in the center of the room - this is inconvenient for both the guests and the spouses themselves.
  5. Finally, it is important to take care of the convenience of the newlyweds themselves. For example, a table can be placed on a small elevation and beautifully illuminated to create a cozy atmosphere.

The newlyweds' table should become the center of attraction of the entire celebration, because this is where the newlyweds and their loved ones are located

Drapery of the newlyweds table

Table decoration can be created based on the following ideas:

  • sea ​​wave;
  • a wide strip of fabric spread across the floor (flowers, fruit baskets and other decorations are placed on it);
  • draping with contrasting fabrics (for example, golden patterns against a white tablecloth);
  • complex composition (waves of different sizes, alternating with different colors and textures).

Flower arrangement on the table of the bride and groom

flower composition For newlyweds, it should always be composed only of fresh flowers. This is a fundamental requirement, since it is fresh flowers that symbolize the beginning of a new life, spring and good changes. It is also important to take into account several design features:

  • flowers must match both the theme and the general color background of the wedding hall;
  • it is important that the flowers match the tone of the table textiles;
  • after placing the composition on the table there should be enough space for dishes, cutlery and drinks;
  • in no case should the composition noticeably cover the newlyweds;
  • Flowers should be used exclusively fresh so that they do not fall off during the day.

The newlyweds' flower arrangement should always consist only of fresh flowers.


From the point of view of resistance to wilting, it is worth paying attention to roses, lilies, daisies, freesias and orchids - they stay in shape longer than others.

Decorating the area at the newlyweds' table

If you don’t make sure that the area behind the newlyweds’ table looks just as beautiful, it may turn out that the space will be frankly empty. Therefore, the harmonious design of the table and the space behind it are tasks of equal importance.

Here are some interesting design moves that will allow you to revive this area and focus additional attention on the main characters of the holiday:

  1. First of all, it is important to eliminate the emptiness of space. Bare walls and windows are not acceptable.
  2. It should also be borne in mind that all attention should be directed to the newlyweds, so too bright design or original decorative elements are also undesirable.
  3. It is better to choose a curtain with a light, pastel shade (it is important to consider that wedding dress didn’t blend in against this background).
  4. An original step is to hang family photos on the curtain, flowers, branches of greenery to enliven the space.

Gallery: wedding hall decor (101 photos)

The best ideas for decorating a wedding hall with your own hands

Before choosing one design option or another, it is important to consider that the overall design style is:

  • unified and harmonious;
  • corresponded to a specific topic, if any;
  • symbolic, i.e. reflected not only the general nature of the celebration, but also, if possible, the individual characteristics of the spouses.

Options for unusual wedding hall design

Along with traditional options, you can also pay attention to original design ideas that They will allow you to add your own twist and make the wedding truly unforgettable:

  • in the style of a tent with diverging garlands coming from the center (under the very ceiling);
  • in the style of a dollhouse (background - toy houses on a corresponding large scale);
  • fairy forest - artificial trees, bushes, illuminated paths;
  • compositions different figures from balloons;
  • Garden of Eden - behind the newlyweds there is a wicker, patterned mesh, artificial trees and a central path in the hall.

A small room is not a problem, but an advantage

How to beautifully decorate a small banquet hall for a wedding

A small room is not a problem, but an advantage. After all, just such a room can be turned into a real cozy corner in which you can feel the homely atmosphere. Here are some ideas that will help with this:

  1. Dark tones will perfectly fill the space along the walls, which will visually move away, making the room seem less small.
  2. The predominant color scheme is light and pastel.
  3. You need to decorate the corners beautifully - if you create compositions of balloons against the background of dark draperies, this will increase the space.
  4. Finally, highlighting key areas is another good design move.

Elegant do-it-yourself hall decoration for a winter wedding

Winter is a great source of inspiration. This is a rich creative idea, which can be emphasized if you use some design tricks:

  • predominant blue or turquoise tone;
  • contrast of blue and white;
  • artificial trees with frosted branches and lighting;
  • shiny snowflakes (based on crafts from shiny paper or with glitter);
  • ice house stylization.

A themed wedding is always a very unusual plot, so specific recommendations will be different in each case.

Hall decoration for a themed wedding

A themed wedding is always a very unusual plot, so specific recommendations will be different in each case. Here are just a few decoration options:

  • tangerine tango;
  • knight's wedding;
  • gangster wedding;
  • in Spanish style;
  • Venice Carnival;
  • Brazilian Carnival;
  • sea ​​lagoon;
  • cabaret;
  • Margarita.

Garden of Eden

This is a very interesting version of a themed wedding, which is based on the design of a virgin forest, a territory without sin. The decorative elements will be:

  • cages with birds (if they are alive - even more original);
  • trees of paradise;
  • path for newlyweds with approach to their table;
  • fountains;
  • figures with antique elements.

Chair decor (video)

Thus, if we take the considered ideas as a basis and speculate on them, adapting them to a specific situation, we can make even the most ordinary elements of decoration original version festive decoration. Independent decoration becomes especially relevant in cases where there is a themed, fun wedding, or when you want to show your creative imagination, bringing pleasure to the newlyweds and guests.

Attention, TODAY only!

Every couple wants their day to be unique and original, original design will be for a wedding in a great way stand out. Find out about all the methods and choose the one that suits you. Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Important Design Strategies

A wedding ceremony is an exciting, important moment, when you especially want this day to become unforgettable not only for the heroes of the occasion, but also for the invited guests. An unusual wedding design, complete stylization, accents placed using details will help make the holiday original, unlike others.

What it will be depends on the preferences of the young. There are three main methods of decoration, complete stylization is used quite rarely, as it requires a lot of effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

A more common decoration strategy is partial stylization, here everything is played out through placed accents, this can be the color that decorates the main elements of the hall and is present in the costumes of the bride and groom and guests as an accessory.

You can use any decorative item as a wedding symbol, from flowers to pumpkins, the main thing is to use them correctly. For adherents of traditions, there is a classic design style. This style is quite universal, it is suitable for any celebration venue. But you can also add your own twist to this decoration.

Fully styled wedding

By choosing this method wedding decoration, you need to be prepared for the fact that this will require a lot of costs, financial and physical, it is almost impossible to prepare on your own here, it will take a lot of time and nerves, which are already at their limit. It is better to seek help from a specialist who, as a rule, has his own professional team who knows their business.

The couple will only have to set the theme for the upcoming party. The style of such a wedding can be very different; it can be an event organized based on a favorite movie, the culture of a particular nation, or a romantic nautical design. You can also choose a certain time period as a basis and hold a celebration filled with the spirit of the chosen time.

In a word, there will be no problems with choosing a style; every couple can find something they like just for themselves. Such a design will be especially impressive if you do not limit yourself only to interior design, but work on the venue, entertainment, images of the main heroes of the occasion and their guests. As an example, you can consider the design of a wedding - a winter fairy tale.

Winter's Tale

A wedding in winter is always a particularly fabulous event, especially if it is held outside the city, where there are snowdrifts, snow-covered conifers, and a cozy atmosphere by the fireplace. All this in itself creates a special holiday atmosphere.

As a rule, in a winter interior, decorative elements are used that themselves are winter symbols and fill the soul pleasant warmth and comfort. Here we use wood, spruce branches, cones, flower bouquets supplemented with cotton and all kinds of winter berries.

Winter wedding elements

Each item used in the interior sets a special mood for the wedding. Everything should be clearly selected and in harmony with each other. It is also important not to overload the overall decoration with unnecessary details.

The cake can also be decorated “winter style”

With these items you can create the effect of immersing yourself in winter magic:

  • As has already been said, cones, coniferous branches, are exactly that winter symbol that is impossible to do without to create the necessary atmosphere. Such bouquets can be used to decorate a table, as well as a wedding cake.
  • Glitter. Such a seemingly insignificant element can perfectly set accents. You can shower the newlyweds with them instead of petals, or use them to decorate invitations for guests.
  • Wood is perhaps the most cozy material. A massive wooden table and chairs, decorated with natural fabrics, will fit perfectly into the overall interior, setting the mood and comfort. Wooden saw cuts will be an excellent addition as all kinds of signs and stands.
  • What is comfort without candles? They are simply irreplaceable, they decorate the table, wedding arch, suspended from the ceiling on special candlesticks. And if you decorate the candles with pine needles or cinnamon sticks, the air in the room will be filled with an indescribable aroma.
  • Velvet and knitted elements will add not only comfort to the wedding, but also environmental friendliness. Velvet can be used to decorate chairs, skeins of wool can be placed, for example, by the fireplace, and knitted products can be presented to guests as souvenirs.
  • Cotton will add lightness and tenderness to the celebration, it can be placed either as a decoration for the table or the entire room, in bouquets or simply by arranging baskets with inflorescences, it can be hung from the ceiling, in any variation, it will look unusual.

Partial styling

A more popular style in wedding decoration, unlike the first, here the design is not fully thought through, and the overall concept is set by color or some image that places accents both in the interior and in the images of the newlyweds and guests.

Most often, the couple’s choice falls on some color, but lately fruity or sweet weddings have been very popular. Thus, a certain fruit, flower, or any other symbol acts as a symbol, and the entire design is based on it. Let's take a closer look at an example of wedding decoration in mint color.

Mint wedding

The so-called mint color is suitable for those who want to add notes of youth, lightness and freshness to their holiday; just the name of the color already exudes that same freshness and inspiration. The optimal time of year for such a theme is spring or summer.

This color carries an association with new life, with the onset of change, so it’s impossible would be better suited specifically for a wedding celebration. This shade is good to combine with light, delicate tones, but if you want to add more color shades, you can add gold.

Decorating a wedding in mint tones should be approached step by step.

Wedding dresses of the bride and groom

In the bride's image, you can use shoes, hair decorations or a belt of the chosen color. The dress, as a rule, remains traditionally white. But you can also add a mischievous note by wearing a soft mint-colored dress.

The groom's suit also plays with details; a tie or bow tie, cufflinks, socks, or boutonniere can be mint. Thus, by placing accents, the couple will look very harmonious.

Friends of the groom and bridesmaids

You can suggest that the bridesmaids wear dresses and the groom's friends dress in shirts of the same color. Or, if the couple does not want to insist on the form of clothing, you can prepare the same boutonnieres for everyone, which will also make close friends stand out from the crowd.

Invitations for guests

This color will make the invitations gentle and light; mint will look good with pastel colors. You can play up the envelopes in an original way by tying them with a ribbon of the appropriate color, or any other auxiliary elements, for example, confetti, decorative clothespins and whatever your imagination suggests.

Celebration decor gives a lot of space for ideas

The mint color scheme will look especially good in the warm season, when you especially want a little coolness. This color itself will set the right mood. Mint color looks great with gold and silver.

Such elegant colors simply guarantee a bright, unforgettable celebration. Decorative elements can be ribbons, light flying fabrics, like tulle; they will look especially good outdoors, fluttering in the wind. The table can be decorated with an unusual tablecloth and matching plates.

The main treat of the table is a wedding cake, you can also decorate with the tone of the entire wedding, which will become a real pearl of the entire celebration.

We create timeless decor

Not surprisingly, the style may be universal, but it is by no means identical in its execution. The classic style is laconic, there are no random objects, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. But first things first.

Bride's image

Usually fragile, delicate, flying, the girl looks like a porcelain doll, her makeup and hairstyle are flawless. You can add sophistication by highlighting your lips with lipstick, a rich color that will remind you of the passion and sensuality of your beloved. And chic, well-chosen jewelry will highlight the girl’s beauty.

It is better for the groom to wear a suit of rich dark colors, decorated with a boutonniere of flowers that were used to create the bride’s bouquet.