“Why is it forbidden to die in India?” It almost sounds like a rhetorical question, but it has a real basis in Indian law. Although it is not general in nature, it has two conditions. I'll try to explain to you what's what, just don't forget - Indians are very religious people. For them, rituals and ceremonies have a sacred meaning and are almost obligatory.

You can't die with a policeman in your mouth

The first restriction on death concerns the prohibition of dying “with a policeman in the mouth.” Judging by global practice, such laws appear for a reason. But only because of an event in which someone learns something. After which everyone is prohibited from doing such absurd things. Let's say in one of the states of America there is a ban on “throwing a moose out of a flying helicopter.” This seems stupid, but one American did this and he could not be punished by law. Although this caused great protest among the “greens” and humanists. That's why the Americans adopted a law that looked stupid, but they needed it.

You can't die without washing the dishes

The second ban on dying for Indian citizens is to treat those “who haven’t washed the dishes.” I find it difficult to say why it was accepted, I can only put forward versions:

1) – considering that the two main religions of India are Hinduism and Buddhism, which profess the reincarnation of a person after death. I can guess about people's reluctance to leave a robot unfinished. So that the dead man is not cursed later, since this can worsen his karma, and he will be reincarnated after reincarnation into a worm or a festering fly. It sounds stupid, but Indians believe it and are afraid of it

2) – maybe in some family a husband or wife killed their spouse (or the whole family) through unwashed dishes. Anything can happen…

3) – borders on China, therefore many, in addition to the main religions, also honor the teachings of Tao. This is an ancient Chinese sage who created a set of ethical rules. Which free a person’s mind from thinking about how to behave in a given situation.

Stupidity is the path to glory

Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that in India it is forbidden to die. How and why are just details. Which did not greatly influence the formation of all sorts of jokes and “MEMEs” regarding why it is forbidden to die in India.

India is a very hot country. And ice cream is not only one of the favorite delicacies of any resident of the state, but also a means of helping to better endure the sweltering heat.

However, it turns out that in this country there is one strange law regarding the rules for using this product. There is a ban on eating ice cream by mouth. And although it is adopted at the legislative level, Hindus often violate it. Children, parents and even monks sometimes eat a tasty delicacy without using any improvised means. The local police, seeing this, do not make any comments. In fact, the police simply do not know what sanctions they can impose on violators. Should I take away the ice cream?

It is worth noting that Indian laws are sometimes striking in their eccentricity. For example, you can't talk to the asphalt. You cannot die suddenly if there are dirty dishes in the house. And all because leaving dishes unwashed is considered a very unfavorable factor.

In general, a number of laws have been adopted regarding death in India. For example, you cannot sing songs in a coffin. It is also forbidden to die while it is raining. Therefore, if you really want to die, and it’s raining outside, it’s better to choose a sunny day for this. And here it is also forbidden to get sick until you reach adulthood.

If Hindus want to talk to someone about politics, they must remember that it should not be an elephant or a woman. It is forbidden to talk to them about these topics. You can't have babies in May. You can't marry a dog and kiss flies. Despite all their absurdity, these laws are in law. Of course, they are not respected.

So the law regarding eating ice cream with your mouth is not the only strange law.

How and why was the law banning eating ice cream by mouth passed?

Versions of the origin of the law:

  1. Perhaps once upon a time this process seemed to Hindus to be in bad taste.
  2. Dislike of fast food and any fast food.

Perhaps ice cream in the form in which it is sold now has been classified as fast food. And any fast food in a state where there are special traditions regarding food intake once seemed unacceptable to conservative India.

In addition, in ancient times, ice cream was considered a luxury item. It was prepared according to an old recipe and was called “kulfi”. It was not available to everyone, and therefore it was supposed to be eaten slowly, enjoying the process.

Key points why eating ice cream by mouth is prohibited in India:

  1. The influence of the British Empire on Indian traditions.

There is a version that the roots of the law should be sought in the influence of Britain. Having been a colony for many years, India has acquired a certain stiffness inherent in the colonialists. In the last century it would have been impossible to even imagine an Englishman eating ice cream on the street. There was no factory product then, and cooks prepared ice cream for noble lords with their own hands. Of course, noble and wealthy Hindu families sought to adopt the traditions and customs of European culture. They adopted the way the British behaved at the table, how they set the table and served food, including the ice-cold delicacy. It was considered prestigious to imitate eminent Europeans. It was believed that this way they became closer to the caste of white people, and even strong conquerors.

  1. Too sexy a treat.

We must pay tribute when young beautiful girl slowly eating an ice cream on a stick - it can look very seductive. And the hot blood of Indian guys adds a very definite reaction to everything that even remotely resembles sex. Their associations are very ambiguous, but at the same time, Indian tradition orders to honor chastity before marriage. Respected members of society fully support this law for this very reason. So that a woman does not arouse rude lust in men, you should not eat ice cream with your mouth on the street - this is what many people think.

  1. Traditional ice cream is eaten with a spoon.

Traditional Indian ice cream "kulfi" is made from almond or cow's milk, with spices (for example, saffron), rice flour, nuts, and mango. This mixture was boiled and then frozen using Himalayan ice. Despite the fact that this delicacy is very different from the store-bought product, many residents associate modern factory-made ice cream with “kulfi.” And that’s why you need to eat it too. “Kulfi” is simply impossible to eat without a spoon, because it always turns out to be somewhat watery.

  1. Inaccurate translation.

Traditional Indian language is a very multifaceted language with many shades and nuances. Inaccuracies in translation can radically change the original meaning. It can be assumed that a similar inaccuracy was also made when translating this law. And therefore the phrase “in India you cannot eat ice cream with your mouth” was translated without taking into account the linguistic features of Hindi. Too literal. Perhaps the original meaning of the law was that when eating ice cream it is highly advisable to use cutlery and not eat it on the street.

  1. Violation of sanitary standards.

On the other hand, given how hot the Indian summer can be, you can imagine that the ice cream will begin to melt and run down your hands in just a few seconds. Getting your ice cream down quickly before it melts during the heat of the day can be challenging. And sticky palms, heat, dust, a lot of insects and general unsanitary conditions that reign on Indian streets - all these facts are not in favor of eating this dessert in the middle of the street.

But kids from poor neighborhoods, accustomed to the terrible traffic around, to the unpleasant smells and dust, eat ice cream the way they want.

Tourists try to eat ice cream in places that are more acceptable - where there is no unpleasant odor, where it is cleaner and more cultural.

Until now, there has not been an episode when a guardian of the law, seeing a person who has violated the law of eating dessert, made him at least a reprimand. After all, not only children, but also adults, respected and honorable Hindus, would be caught violating this law. This violation is tacitly forgiven.

India is truly a fabulous country. A sea of ​​impressions awaits all those tourists who have chosen India for their trip. No one will regret an unforgettable vacation spent in this amazingly fabulous country. It is distinguished by the friendliness and welcoming attitude of local residents towards tourists. Before visiting any country, you need to study its traditions. They must always be treated with respect. This will save you from awkward situations, and sometimes even from the indignation of local residents. So let's look at what prohibited in India.


If you are in a resort area, then everyone there wears light clothes, and no one will pay much attention to a girl in shorts. But this only applies to resort areas. The further you are from them, the more you need to cover your body.

Women should not wear revealing clothing. It is better to hide various T-shirts and skirts above the knees for a while. The same goes for tight-fitting clothing. It is better for men not to wear shorts, but to wear trousers.

To the owners long hair You need to remember that in this country you are not supposed to walk the streets with your hair down. They need to be pinned, braided or hidden under a headdress. Under no circumstances should you enter temples with your head uncovered.

What do you need to know when communicating with locals?

In India, it is not customary to shake hands when communicating. To greet each other, the palms are folded, as if for prayer, and pressed to the chin. When communicating, you should not mention the person’s last name, it has no meaning, they are addressed only by their first name. You need to pay attention to where the sole of your shoe is pointing. If it is directed at your interlocutor, it means that you are showing him your disrespect.

It is not customary to say “thank you” here. You can’t thank someone, you can just praise them for the service provided.

You can't touch people. They will consider it an insult if someone touches them with their left hand. Especially if you touch an Indian woman.

India is not known for its high prices, but still, you need to know what budget to plan, for more details:.

It is not customary to pat children on the head and it is especially forbidden to look them in the eyes. Such a gesture will be taken as damage to the child.

You are not supposed to hold out money in your left hand or give a gift with your left hand. The purpose of the left hand is personal hygiene.

It is not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in public places here. This may result in a fine of $120. Could be jailed for three months. Women are not allowed to enter stores selling alcoholic beverages. In India this is a very indecent act.

You cannot take photographs of passers-by without consent.

You need to talk to local residents in a very calm tone. There is no need to express your emotions too violently. Otherwise, they simply won’t listen to you. After all, in India it is forbidden to talk. It is indecent to point a finger at something.

You should try not to conflict with local residents. The police will fine you and will be on the side of the local resident.

It is advisable not to give money to little beggars, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of them. If you meet wandering monks, you need to give them at least a small amount. Now let this prohibition amuse me a little: It is illegal to eat ice cream in India. How do you like this?

Attitude towards animals

The attitude towards animals in India is special. Obviously, everyone knows that a cow is considered a holy animal. It can lie quietly in the middle of the road, and cars will wait a long time for it to rise. Therefore, you can often see traffic jams here. You have no right to even shout at an animal, let alone hit it. Previously, the punishment for such an act was to go through ritual purification. It involved eating five foods that cows produce. These are: milk, butter, yogurt, urine and manure. Today, if you offend a cow, you will be fined. And for murder - prison.

You cannot take leather items with you to the temple. Who knows, what if they were made from the skin of a divine animal? Then your leather handbag will be perceived as disrespect and an insult to the Indian people.

Visiting temples in India

You should never enter temples in India wearing shoes. It must be left in front of the temple. In order to avoid catching some kind of infection, it is better to put on special shoe covers on your feet. They will protect against skin infections.

Religious buildings should only be walked around on the left side. There must be a headdress on the head. If there is a sign on the temple that states that the temple is intended only for Hindus, then you are strictly forbidden to enter it. Everyone should understand that smoking is not allowed in front of churches.

On the sea coast

Many accidents occur at the resorts of Goa due to people’s ignorance of the features of the beach. What do you need to know to avoid unpleasant moments?

· You can’t swim far, there is a strong tidal wave here. This is observed at any time of the year. In the evening, having fun like this is even more dangerous.

· Between June and September, it is undesirable to move far from the coast. You may be covered by a large wave or carried away by a strong current. For those who are weak swimmers, it is better to avoid swimming altogether. No need to take risks.

· If any problem arises while swimming, the Indians will not provide help, because even many of the fishermen simply do not know how to swim.

· Swimming near rocks is prohibited in India. And children should always be kept in your sight.

· Here you can find jellyfish, sea snakes or poisonous fish. Their bite is not fatal, but can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better not to touch them. If you see a wound, it must be treated immediately.

· You are not allowed to dive without goggles.

· India is a tropical country. Don’t be surprised if you come across poisonous insects, snakes or toads on the beach area. You need to carefully look at what is under your feet.

· Often there may be cows, stray dogs or other animals walking along the beach. You should not touch them with your hands, they can be rabid and the result of contact with them can be disastrous. If one of the animals licked you, you must immediately rinse the area in the ocean and treat it with alcohol.

If you are visiting

Suddenly it happened that someone invited you to visit them. You can bring a gift for the hosts. It could be some kind of Russian souvenir or just flowers. If flowers were chosen as a gift, they should not be white. In India you are not supposed to give white flowers. They are intended for funerals only.

It is better to choose the color of the paper in which you will wrap the gift: yellow, red or green. These colors are believed to bring happiness to the home. And don’t give something made of genuine leather.

It is impolite to accept a gift from the owner with your left hand (remember that it is only for personal hygiene).

Like us, you need to take off your shoes in the house.

You will have to eat with your hands. Although residents of big cities use forks and spoons. Can not use left hand to pick up food (even if you are left-handed).

Residents of India belong to the category of curious people. Don't be surprised that they will ask you about everything. They will be very pleased if you show your interest in their life.

Don't finish your food. This will show the owners that you are hungry.

Funny laws of India

India, like any other country, has its own funny laws. They are filled with humor and serve to lift your spirits. After all, these are cheerful people. Some of them have been mentioned before. Want to meet them? This is quite real, laugh at them too.

In India you can't die without washing the dishes. When is it okay to have dirty dishes? Never! Wash it first, and then you can die. In India, it is illegal to eat ice cream with your mouth. Then what is it? Or some other funny laws: It's illegal to talk in India with elephants about politics or die with a policeman in your mouth. But here is the correct law: here it is forbidden to get sick until you reach adulthood. It would be better not to get sick at all. Let these laws lift your spirits and your desire to see this extraordinary country.

Hindus will be surprised at some actions of European people and will not understand them. But they will never respond with ignorance, because they treat visitors very warmly. But everyone who wants to get acquainted with this unusual country needs to know the laws of the people living here, so that they will not be ashamed later in front of the wonderful Indian people.

History of India, video:


Homemade ice cream originates from India. Of all the many cooking options, mango kulfi is considered the most delicious.

3 cups cream
1 glass of milk
0.25 cups sugar
0.5 cup mango pulp

1. Mix cream and milk, bring to a boil, stirring. Then reduce the heat and keep it slightly simmering (more like simmering) for about an hour. Or until the mixture reduces by about a third and thickens slightly. Stir occasionally.
2. Add the prepared mango pulp (or mango chopped in a blender), sugar to the cream and bring almost to a boil, remove from heat and strain. Let cool
3. Pour into molds and place in the freezer until completely hardened.
4. Before serving, take it out in advance to make it a little softer.

Because the cream is boiled down, the ice cream tastes like baked milk. Some people simplify the process - they immediately take baked milk and cook for about half an hour.

Fried ice cream

- Creamy ice cream – 950 grams
- Corn flakes – 120 g
- Cinnamon – 1 tablespoon
- Eggs – 2 pcs.
- Milk – 1 tablespoon
- Honey – 8 tablespoon

- Coconut flakes – 120 g


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Fried ice cream Ingredients: - Creamy ice cream – 950 grams
- Corn flakes – 120 g
- Cinnamon – 1 tablespoon
- Eggs – 2 pcs.
- Milk – 1 tablespoon
- Honey – 8 tablespoon
- Vegetable oil– 350 ml
- Coconut flakes – 120 g


Place scoops of ice cream in an even row on wax paper. Turn corn flakes into crumbs.

For this you can use plastic bag and a rolling pin. Add coconut flakes. Cinnamon.

Mix together with the cereal and place in a separate shallow bowl.

Beat the eggs with a whisk. Gently roll each scoop of ice cream in crumbs, then in the egg and again in crumbs. To prevent the balls from melting, they can be placed in the freezer for 3 hours.

In a small heavy saucepan, heat the oil well. Deep fry each ball separately over high heat for 20-25 seconds.

Place on waxed paper to drain excess fat. Decorate with fresh berries.

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Italian dessert: ice cream with parsley. Parsley in unusual dishes should certainly delight lovers of everything new. How do you like, for example, homemade ice cream with parsley? To enjoy this delicious dessert, we will need the following ingredients:

500 ml plain yoghurt

20 ml cream with a fat content of more than 30%

One bunch of parsley

Before the ceremony begins, parsley should be thoroughly washed. The more parsley is used in preparing a dish, the richer its color and taste will be. Grind the parsley in a blender, adding a little yogurt. Next, the resulting mixture can be rubbed through a sieve to make it more uniform. Pour the cream and the rest of the yogurt into the mixture, mix well. Pour the mixture into a special container suitable for storage in the freezer. Leave the mixture in the freezer until we get the ice cream consistency we need.

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Make homemade ice cream in 10 minutes.

To prepare this delicious dessert you need:
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
1 cup of low (10.5-12%) or medium (16-29%) fat cream,
? teaspoons vanilla extract,
? cups of coarse salt,
Ziploc bags with a volume of 4 l and 0.5 l.

Mix sugar, cream and vanilla extract, pour the mixture into a small bag and seal.
Fill a large bag halfway with ice, add salt, place a small bag in it and zip it up.
Shake it for 5 minutes (8 if the cream is heavy). Open the large bag and check if the ice cream is frozen.
If not, keep shaking.
When the ice cream is ready, rinse the small bag under cold water to wash off the salt.
Get your spoon ready and bon appetit!

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Fruit dessert


Pear - 1 piece
tangerine - 1 piece
apple - 1 pc.
banana - 1 piece
Ice cream “Ordinary” - 1 piece
“Jubilee” cookies - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
condensed milk - 1 tbsp. spoon


- ice cream apple.
- banana, ice cream.
- pear, ice cream.
- tangerine.


Pear - 1 piece
tangerine - 1 piece
apple - 1 pc.
banana - 1 piece
Ice cream “Ordinary” - 1 piece
“Jubilee” cookies - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
condensed milk - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Finely chop the fruit. Mash the ice cream and mix with the cookies, which we previously broke into small pieces.
Mix sour cream and condensed milk.

2. Then put it in glasses in layers:
- ice cream apple.
- banana, ice cream.
- pear, ice cream.
- tangerine.

3. Then fill the contents of the glass with a mixture of sour cream and condensed milk.
Place everything in the freezer for 20 minutes. Dessert “Fruit” is ready!

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Fruit dessert


Pear - 1 piece
tangerine - 1 piece
apple - 1 pc.
banana - 1 piece
Ice cream “Ordinary” - 1 piece
“Jubilee” cookies - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon
condensed milk - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Finely chop the fruit. Mash the ice cream and mix with the cookies, which we previously broke into small pieces.
Mix sour cream and condensed milk.

2. Then put it in glasses in layers:
- ice cream apple.
- banana, ice cream.
- pear, ice cream.
- tangerine.

3. Then fill the contents of the glass with a mixture of sour cream and condensed milk.
Place everything in the freezer for 20 minutes.

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Raw lemon ice cream

Prepares in just 15 minutes, freezes in 4 hours
The combination of avocado and lemon flavors will be extraordinary, no one will be able to determine what you made this magic out of!

2 cups chopped avocado pulp
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
2/3 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
A pinch of salt

Mix everything in a food processor. Since the aroma and delicate taste of the mixture will be very tempting, do not hesitate to set aside a little for yourself to try, it will already be a little weaker in ice cream!
If you think the taste should be more lemony, add more lemon zest (not juice).
Now freeze - place everything in an airtight container (preferably glass), put it in the freezer. Depending on the temperature, it will take from 2 to 4 hours. You can take out and stir the ice cream a couple of times.

Now you can enjoy! (With the original quantity you can treat 3 more friends!)

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Ice cream balls covered in chocolate.

Make a lot of these little balls, freeze them - and you will always have something to please yourself, your family and friends.

Preparation time: 30 minutes + 1 hour freezing
Servings: 8
You will need:

700 ml vanilla ice cream
200 g dark chocolate
25 g milk chocolate

How to cook:

1. Line a large baking sheet with foil. Make small balls of vanilla ice cream with a special spoon, place them on a sheet and freeze.

2. Melt the chocolate in separate bowls over pans of simmering water. Once melted, set aside to cool slightly.

3. Transfer ice cream from baking sheet to wire rack. First pour dark chocolate over each ball and let it harden a little.

4. Decorate each ball with a small amount of milk chocolate. Freeze before serving.

Until recently, this ice cream was made only by kulfi wallahs, professional kulfi makers. However, now with the advent of refrigerators, anyone can make this ice cream at home. Kulfi is an ice cream for devotees (regular ice cream usually contains eggs). This ice cream is firmer than regular ice cream, so remove it from the freezer and refrigerate it 2-3 hours before serving to soften it a bit.

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Freezing time: 2 hours


2 tbsp. l. rice flour
10 cups (2.3 L) milk
2/3 cup (125 g) sugar
4 tbsp. l. crushed pistachios
1 tbsp. l. rose water
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
Mix rice flour and 4 tbsp. l. milk in a bowl. Boil the rest of the milk and keep on fire for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until its volume has reduced by one third. Pour the rice dough into it, add crushed pistachios and sugar. Cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat.

Add rose water and cardamom powder to the kulfi. Cool to room temperature, then pour the kulfi into molds and place in the freezer. Stir every 20-30 minutes to break up any crystals that form. When the ice cream has completely thickened, leave it to freeze. Serve in individual portions on small chilled plates.

You can add chicory, vanilla, berry puree, crushed hazelnuts or cashews to kulfi.

The ice cream we are used to in the West can be made even more in a simple way. Mix 1.4 liters of well-chilled liquid cream, 200 g of sugar and flavorings in a mixer. Whisk for a few minutes until the mixture thickens. Transfer mixture to cups and freeze. (If you don't have a mixer, you can beat the mixture with a whisk.)

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Homemade ice cream


Cream (33%) - 210 ml,
- egg yolks - 3 pcs,
- milk - 210 ml,
- sugar - 160-170 g,
- vanilla sugar - 1-2 teaspoons


Pour the milk into a small saucepan, bring it to a boil, remove all the foam that appears during the process and let it cool to room temperature.

In a separate bowl, add sugar and vanilla sugar to the yolks and beat until smooth. Then, pour milk into the resulting mass in a thin stream. Then put the resulting mixture on low heat and stir with a wooden spoon, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.

To determine whether the cream is ready or not, use back side swipe the spoon with your finger and if there is a trace of your finger there, then there is an empty strip. then the cream is ready.

Let the finished cream cool, the best way to do this is to place the bowl in a sink with cold water.

Now in a separate bowl, beat the cream until peaks form. Then add this cream to the cooled cream and mix.

Transfer the resulting mixture into a small container in which you are going to make ice cream, put it in the container, cover with a lid and freeze for three hours.

After three hours, take out the ice cream and transfer it to another bowl and quickly beat with a mixer or grind with a fork, do everything quickly so that the ice cream does not start to melt.

Place the whipped mixture back into the container, cover with a lid and place in the freezer for three hours. Then we do the same operation, beat it, put it in the freezer for three hours, that is, a total of nine hours!

After nine hours, we take the ice cream out of the freezer and put it in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes. Then we take it out and use a special ice cream spoon to make balls and sprinkle them with whatever you want, for example, chocolate or nuts, or any jam.

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It would be extreme cruelty in such a sultry country as India to prohibit the consumption of ice cream altogether. But the legislator was lenient and therefore forbade eating ice cream with his mouth - that’s all!

And this is not the most ridiculous law in force in the country. By the way, it is violated at every step by both children and adults, and even this - in front of the police, who, most likely, themselves have no idea what measures to take to punish the violators: take away their ice dessert, or something ?

It’s even curious what the law enforcement officers could do if they noticed that a person was being frank with asphalt or with socks (and is such a person even in his right mind?), or someone died suddenly, without washing the dishes before his death and without warning his relatives, or married dog...

Yes... all of the above are very serious laws written in the criminal or civil codes of India. So the law prohibiting eating ice cream with your mouth is not the most absurd, if you think about it.

Versions of the origin of the law

So why is it illegal to eat ice cream with your mouth in India? Perhaps the process of eating itself (more precisely, biting the dessert with wooden stick) did not conform to Hindu views on good manners.

There is another option: Indians classed the modern delicacy in a pack and on a stick as fast food, and in India, which honors the traditions of a leisurely family feast, snacking on the street has never been welcomed. And which has been known in the country for a long time, called “kulfi” and prepared, thanks to the proximity of the Himalayas and the possibility of delivering mountain snow and ice, it has always been a luxury item. Therefore, according to tradition, it is necessary to eat it slowly and enjoy it.

And some “ice cream experts” argue that the British trace is clearly visible in the ban: after all, India was under British colonial rule for many years and adopted a certain stiffness in behavior.

It's very tempting!

Hot Hindu men, they say, get turned on with a half-turn, as soon as they see something even from a distance reminiscent of some spicy passage from the Kama Sutra.

And then look: a woman eats ice cream so deliciously! The associations can blow men's minds.

Well, the Hindu elders consider the law very appropriate and correct, since, according to all conservatives, the way a woman eats ice cream with her mouth looks very vulgar and vulgar.

Echoes of the colonial regime

It would have been very strange in the 19th century to see an Englishman gobbling up ice cream in the middle of the street, hastily freeing it from its packaging... And there was no factory stuff back then: everything was made only from own kitchen lords.

Looking at the manners of the colonialists, rich Hindu houses immediately adopted the habits of European table settings and European demeanor. This was prestigious and, according to Hindus, made them closer to the caste of white people.

Because of the desire to conform " strong of the world this,” and in the understanding of the Indians, the strong one is the one who managed to conquer entire countries, and now in India it is forbidden to eat ice cream with your mouth.

More about kulfi: you can’t eat it without a spoon

The traditional Hindu cool dessert was prepared either whole or with the addition of aromatic herbs, particularly saffron, sugar, pistachio nuts and mango. All this was boiled, then cooled with Himalayan ice.

The food is not cheap, so it is not surprising that the majority of Indians still perceive any ice cream, even the most budget-friendly and accessible to all segments of the population, as kulfi, and support any relic associated with the rules for eating desserts, in particular the fact that in India It is forbidden to eat ice cream with your mouth.

In fact, it is impossible to eat kulfi without a spoon: despite the length of time the ingredients were boiled and the time they were cooled, the ice cream always turned out runny.

Use instruments, or Inaccuracy of the translator

Hindi is a very melodic language. This could not help but be noticed by those who were once fond of Indian cinema and sang excerpts from incomprehensibly romantic hits born in Bollywood: “Jimmy, Jimmy, acha, acha!” There was no time to clarify what this “acha” was about.

Approximately the same story could happen in legislation. And the phrase “in India it is forbidden to eat ice cream with your mouth” was translated too literally, word for word, losing its true meaning: it is forbidden to bite or gnaw, it is advisable to use cutlery.

Children and tourists are allowed…

However, knowing to what point the mercury column rises in the Indian summer, one should not be surprised that a similar law still exists in the country: eating ice cream from a pack is extremely inconvenient, since after a few minutes it begins to melt - and not flow, but literally pour down the hands.

Sticky hands, plus heat, plus dust and possible insects... It’s unlikely that such a logical chain can add to the desire to print ice cream right on the street.

Although the law is not written for Indian children living in poor neighborhoods: well, it is forbidden to eat ice cream with their mouths, but they do. And even the smell of wet skin or the smell of a funeral pyre, which constantly hangs in the air in some urban areas, cannot spoil their appetite or mood.

Visitors handle ice cream a little more carefully: they unwrap and eat cool briquettes only in places that are as clean, cultured, and without a specific amber.

And there has never been a case where an Indian policeman, having noticed a violator eating ice cream with his mouth, applied some kind of sanctions to him. But “illegal” eating of dessert is often practiced not only by children, but also by fairly respected local adults.

This is how alcohol is punished in India: you can be fined for an unopened and undrinkable bottle of gin. Just because you are carrying it unpacked. And ice cream is forgiven.