Everyone should treat personal hygiene as nothing less than an essential science. Why? Yes, because thanks to the observance of the rules of cleanliness, humanity got rid of many diseases and increased life expectancy. The term hygiene comes from Greek and means “bringer of health.” Therefore, in order to be healthy, you must follow the rules of hygiene and teach them to your children almost from birth. Failure to comply with personal hygiene standards has a bad effect not only on the offender himself, but sometimes on his family and even an entire team.

Why is personal hygiene important?

The human body protects the body from influences environment using skin. Keeping it clean is important because it performs a number of functions:

- Thermostatic;
- Secretory;
- Respiratory;
- Exchange;
- Respiratory.

Personal hygiene rules


In order not to violate the protective properties of the skin, it is necessary to regularly wash off harmful secretions. Otherwise, they are created on the skin ideal conditions for life and reproduction of fungi, pathogens and other microorganisms. To maintain cleanliness, it is enough to wash every day with warm water. The temperature should be approximately 37 degrees. You need to use a washcloth a couple of times a week.

It enters the body through the skin on the hands. a large number of microbes A disease such as dysentery is popularly called “the disease of dirty hands.” Almost from infancy, a child must be taught to wash his hands as often as possible. Mandatory after contact with animals, even if it is domestic, before and after the toilet, before eating, after coming home from the street. Explain to your child that many germs enter the mouth through the hands.

It is important to ensure that the child does not bite his nails or suck his fingers, because a large amount of dirt accumulates under the nails... Therefore, it is important to trim the nails often and regularly, and try to do it short. Half an hour before the procedure, you can lubricate your hands with cream. This action can avoid unnecessary burrs. It's best to get your hair cut once a week.

Hair and body

They also need to be kept clean. Proper care will allow:

Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
- Improves blood circulation;
- Stabilizes metabolic processes.

The head should be washed as it gets dirty. It is difficult to say exactly how often to do this, since everyone different length and hair types. In winter, the head needs more frequent care, since hats do not allow the head to breathe, which makes it dirty faster than usual.

Hot water helps shampoos better wash away the oil that accumulates on the hair, cleans the pores and activates the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hair with warm water, the temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature. It is better for your hair to air dry; a hair dryer significantly dries your hair. You must remember to comb your hair regularly, several times a day. It is better to use a soft comb in different directions.

The oral cavity also needs proper care. Healthy teeth promote healthy internal organs.

It is correct to brush your teeth every day, morning and evening;
- A toothbrush should be individual for each person;
- It is advisable to try to rinse the oral cavity after each meal;
- You should visit the dentist once every six months (for an examination). If there are signs of dental disease, you should immediately contact the dentist.


Cleanliness of clothing plays an important role in personal hygiene. It protects our skin from excess pollution, chemical damage, cooling and overheating. After each hygienic shower or bath, linens must be changed. This especially applies to underwear. To be healthy, clothes and shoes should be chosen depending on climatic conditions. Give preference to products made from natural materials. It is not recommended to wear someone else's shoes and clothes. She can be a carrier of viruses.

Sleeping place

The sleeping area also needs hygiene. Each family member must have a personal towel and their own bed. It is important to change bed linen frequently - about once a week. It is not hygienic to allow pets into your bed, even if they are clean. Everyone should have their own place.


Hygiene is an important science that everyone should know and put into practice. It is this that allows you to monitor your health from birth, improve your immunity and begin to prepare your child for adult life. Therefore, it is important to explain to him that hygiene items are all individual. Repeating these to the baby simple rules over and over again will help him remember all the rules better. They will also become role models if their parents show everything by their example.

It is no secret that a child’s personal hygiene is the key to good health and immunity. By teaching your baby the simplest basics of caring for his own body, you will protect him from pathogenic germs and viruses. However, be prepared for the fact that instilling in your child the habit of washing hands and bathing without “under pressure” can be quite difficult. It is recommended to develop personal hygiene skills in children in a playful way, attracting the attention of little fidgets with fairy tales about Moidodyr, delicious-smelling cosmetics and your own example.

Teaching your child personal hygiene: 5 common mistakes

It is necessary to introduce children to the rules of self-care from an early age. Every new day of a newborn should begin with the mother’s words: “ Good morning, let’s do stretches and wash our face.” It is very important that this ritual is repeated regularly. Already at the age of 1.5-3 years, children are willing to learn and grasp everything on the fly, so what you invest in your child now will serve as the foundation for self-organization in adulthood.

At the same time, parents often make serious mistakes, which not only slow down the process of teaching their child personal hygiene, but can also lead to completely the opposite result. Let's look at what you shouldn't do if you don't want your baby to grow up dirty:

  1. Parents often do everything instead of their children: wash their face, wipe their face, squeeze it onto a brush. toothpaste etc. It is easy to guess that in this case the little one will not learn anything - he simply will not have such an opportunity;
  2. It is not advisable to leave your child unattended during hygiene procedures until you are confident that he can perform all the actions independently. At best, a toothbrush will serve as a brush for a little artist, and a tile will become a worthy replacement for an easel; at worst, the strawberry shampoo taster may require medical attention. Help your baby, do everything together with him to clearly show how to wash his face, brush his teeth, etc.;
  3. Don't rush your children - the desire to get things done in record time can cause negligence and carelessness in the future. For adults, personal hygiene is a daily habit, but for toddlers it is an exciting ritual. Over time, it will become mechanical, but attempts to achieve this artificially can completely discourage the child’s natural interest in personal hygiene;
  4. If you want to instill hygienic habits in your child, you should not intimidate him with caries, dangerous bacteria and other horror stories. This method is not effective because in most cases children have no idea what it is about and why they should be afraid of it;
  5. If something does not work out for a child, he does not allow himself to cut his nails or wash his hair, there is no need to be nervous and continue the unpleasant procedure, despite stubborn resistance. Remember: no violence! This will only worsen the situation - personal hygiene will begin to cause negative emotions in the baby, which will definitely not lead to anything good.

Basic rules of personal hygiene for children

By the age of 6, the child must fully master all hygiene procedures and perform them without help or reminders from elders. Let's look at the basic rules of personal hygiene for children:

  • Oral care

The child should brush his teeth in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed using children's toothpaste and his own brush, which should be changed monthly. To minimize the risk of caries, teach your child to rinse his mouth with boiled water after each meal.

  • Hygiene of the face, ears, nose, neck and feet

Your baby should wash his face and neck twice a day (morning and evening), and as needed. Before going to bed, he should wash his feet if he has not previously taken a bath or shower. The little one is able to cope with all this on his own; The parents' task is to control. The nasal passages should be cleaned as needed, and the ears should be cleaned once a week using ear sticks with restrictors. Toenails are cut every 3-4 weeks. These personal hygiene procedures for a child are quite complex, so they should be performed under the supervision of elders.

  • Hair care

Preschool children are able to learn to comb their hair without assistance. Give your child his own comb and explain how to use it. If a girl has long hair, it is advisable that her mother help her do her hair. Parents of boys are recommended to visit the hairdresser's office with their son once every two months. It is equally important to wash your hair on time. This should be done 1-3 times a week (depending on hair type) using baby shampoo.

  • Hand and nail hygiene

Already in preschool age The child must clearly understand that it is necessary to wash hands with soap before eating, after visiting the toilet and walking outside. Once a week, mom should trim his fingernails.

  • Genital hygiene

Teach your baby to wash himself 1-2 times a day with warm water and soap. For intimate personal hygiene purposes, the child should have a separate towel.

  • Body care

It is recommended that preschool children take a bath once a week and take a shower every evening. Of course, if your baby really loves water procedures, and this is not burdensome for you, you can allow him to splash more often - 2-3 times a week. During the hot season, encourage your child to shower not only before bed, but also in the morning. 4.9 out of 5 (25 votes)



Children must be kept clean and in a neat appearance. Medical personnel, in the absence of one of the parents caring for the child, are obliged to wash, comb the children’s hair, cut their nails, and, if necessary, help them get dressed. The nurse makes sure that preschool children who are on a general regime wash themselves every day in the morning and evening, brush their teeth, wash their necks, ears, if necessary, etc. After washing, dry your face and hands with a dry towel. In some preschool and often school-age children, the skin turns red from washing and poor drying, becomes dry, and becomes covered with cracks and abrasions. To avoid this, you need to teach children the rules of hygiene; for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with baby cream at night, for example, “Alice”, “Bepanten”, “Drapolen”, “Cheburashka”, etc.

If necessary, you need to help your child choose the right children's toothpaste and explain how to use a toothbrush correctly, following a certain sequence of actions.

(Fig. 8).

Rice. 8.Teeth brushing technique

From 6 months, that is, from the moment the first tooth appears, the child should brush his teeth with a toothbrush. The paste is chosen without a lot of foam so that it does not cause a gag reflex. You can use gel. Use children's toothpastes (Parexil, etc.).

It is better to use modern toothbrushes with movable heads and bodies such as “Aquafresh”, “Rich Interdental”, etc. Oral B toothbrushes, Stages lines take into account age-related characteristics

ness of the child. Thus, Stage-1 with a comfortable handle is designed for an adult’s hand, has special soft oval-shaped bristles for cleaning teeth and massaging delicate gums, is equipped with an alert system for bristle wear, and is used for children from 4 months to 2 years. Stage-2 has a handle that is comfortable to hold in a child's small hand. The narrow shape of the toothbrush head fits easily into a child’s mouth, and a special protrusion allows you to reach the farthest teeth; applicable from 2 to 4 years. Stage-3 is designed for children from 5 to

7 years old when baby teeth fall out. Innovation - bowl-shaped bristles surround and allow you to thoroughly clean each tooth. Stage-4 - toothbrush for children over 8 years old. Its bristles are located at an angle to each other, which allows you to remove plaque between the teeth, and the elongated bristles at the edges “work” with the child’s changing teeth.

Nurses should help patients of early and preschool age. For example, girls should comb their long hair with an individual comb, wash the external genitalia every morning and evening with warm boiled water from front to back, towards the anus. Once a week it is necessary to check the condition of the nails, once every 7-10 days - organize a hygienic bath.

On the same day, bed linen, underwear and clothes are changed.

Hygienic bed maintenance. The bed should be nickel plated to make it easier to disinfect and wet clean. The use of wooden beds is allowed, but with the condition that their sizes correspond to the age of the children. The bed is placed in the room in such a way that it is convenient to approach it from any side, with the head end to the wall. The distance between adjacent beds should not be less than 1.5 m. The mesh on the bed should be well stretched, with a flat surface; a mattress should be placed on it and covered with a sheet, the edges of which are tucked under the mattress so that it does not curl or gather in folds. If the patient eats in bed, then the bed must be remade to remove crumbs and food debris from the sheets, and to straighten folds. Place clean pillowcases on pillows made of feather or cotton wool (bottom) and down (top). The blanket should be a flannelette since it is well ventilated and disinfected. In the summer, patients can use fabric blankets. Duvet covers are placed on fabric and flannel blankets. Children should not be allowed to sit on other people's beds, much less visitors should be allowed to do so. Parents must sit on chairs.

For a certain category of patients, for example, with diseases of the spine, joints, or with pathological mobility of internal organs (for example, a wandering kidney), the mesh in the bed is replaced with a wooden shield, on top of which a mattress is placed.

For seriously ill patients, special functional beds are needed that allow them to provide the required position (for example, semi-sitting, etc.). The functional bed consists of a frame with panels, two backrests, two side bars, an overbed table and a basket. The bed panel is made up of three movable sections: head, hip and foot (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9.Functional bed

The side bars of the functional bed are removable and can be used to ensure the safety of young children or as auxiliary devices with which bandages can be used to secure the patient’s arms and legs during long-term intravenous infusions, etc. The over-bed table consists of a tray and two legs and is installed directly above the bed in front of the patient's face if the latter is in a semi-sitting position. There is a basket for the potty.

A bedside table is placed near each bed, where the child’s personal hygiene items, his linen, toys, and books are placed. Monitors the condition of bedside tables for personal items nurse.

Change of bed linen and underwear carried out in the department, as already mentioned, once every 7-10 days after a hygienic bath, but if necessary, the linen is changed more often. Older children who are in satisfactory condition change clothes on their own, and younger patients are helped by nurses or auxiliary nurses.

When changing the underwear of a seriously ill patient who is on strict bed rest, the nurse grabs the edges of the shirt, removes it over his head and then frees his hands. Clean underwear is put on in reverse order. If the patient’s arm is injured, first remove the sleeve from the healthy arm, and then from the sick one. They put shirts on the sick person first and then on the healthy one.


Usually, at the same time as changing underwear, bed linen is changed. If the patient can sit, then the nurse transfers him from the bed to a chair and remakes the bed. Changing linen for bedridden patients is carried out in two ways:

1) the dirty sheet is rolled up from the side of the head and legs and then removed. A clean sheet, rolled up on both sides like a bandage, is placed under the patient’s sacrum and straightened along the length of the bed;

2) the sick child is moved to the edge of the bed, then the dirty sheet is rolled up lengthwise, a clean sheet is straightened out in the free space, onto which the patient is transferred, and on the other side the dirty sheet is removed and the clean one is straightened.

Dirty linen - separately bedding and underwear - is collected in plastic bins with lids or oilcloth bags and taken out of the ward to a special room. The hostess sister, putting on a spare robe and an oilcloth apron, sorts the linen and transfers it to the central linen room of the hospital, from where it is sent to the laundry. After changing linen, the floor and surrounding objects in the room are wiped with a rag soaked in a 1% solution of calcium hypochloride.

The department contains a supply of linen for a day. Do not dry laundry on central heating radiators or reuse them.

Untimely and improper change of linen, mainly bed linen, contributes to the development of bedsores.

Help with natural needs. A child who is on strict bed rest is placed on a bedpan (enamel or rubber) or given a urine bag (enamel-

wrought or glass). A patient who is allowed to get up must use a potty, which is placed under the bed. The potty is numbered, its number corresponds to the bed number. Labeling is necessary to ensure that the child only uses his own potty. The bedpan, urinal or potty is washed daily with hot water and laundry soap and then treated with a 1% chloramine solution or a 0.5% bleach solution. To eliminate the smell of urine, dishes after use are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Prevention of bedsores. Skin care is especially important for children who are on strict bed rest for a long time and do not have the opportunity to take hygienic baths. The skin is wiped with a towel or clean soft cloth (gauze) moistened with one of the disinfectants (semi-alcohol solution, cologne, table vinegar, camphor alcohol, etc.). One end of the towel is moistened, lightly wrung out and wiped behind the ears, neck, back, buttock area, front of the chest, armpit and groin folds, folds on the arms and legs. Then use the dry end of the towel to wipe the skin dry in the same order.

Bedsore- necrosis of soft tissues (skin with subcutaneous fatty tissue). More often, bedsores occur in weakened children in the area of ​​the sacrum, shoulder blades, greater trochanter, elbows, heels, where soft fabrics are compressed between the surface of the bed and the underlying bony protrusion (Fig. 10).

The main reasons for the formation of bedsores are impaired local blood circulation in the skin and underlying tissues and insufficient mobility of the patient.

The formation of bedsores is promoted by poor skin care, an uncomfortable bed, and infrequent changing of the bed. First, paleness of the skin appears, which is subsequently replaced by redness, swelling and peeling of the epidermis. The occurrence of blisters and necrosis of the skin indicates more pronounced disorders and a clear underestimation by medical personnel of the initial symptoms of bedsores. In severe cases, not only soft tissues, but even the periosteum and superficial layers of bone tissue undergo necrosis. Rapid infection leads to sepsis.

Rice. 10.Places where bedsores form when the child is lying on his back (a), on his stomach (b), on his side (c)

Preventive measures aimed at preventing bedsores include turning a sick child on his side (if his condition allows), shaking off crumbs repeatedly every day, eliminating wrinkles in underwear and bedding, and wiping the skin with disinfectant solutions. Seriously ill people who have been in bed for a long time should place a rubber (inflatable) circle wrapped in film, as well as water pillows and foam pads under the most vulnerable places. Recently, for the prevention of bedsores, with extensive burns

industrially produced inflatable mattresses or so-called airpads with a corrugated surface and air supply through special holes are used (Fig. 11).

Rice. eleven. Aerofall

Measures for the treatment of pressure ulcers are similar to measures for their prevention, with the difference that treatment involves wound care. Prerequisite successful treatment - eliminating continuous pressure on the affected area, treating the underlying disease, providing careful care for the patient. If skin hyperemia appears, the area is carefully wiped with a dry towel to improve local blood circulation. Ultraviolet irradiation is used. The skin in areas of maceration is washed cold water with baby soap and wipe with a 5 or 10% alcohol solution of iodine or a 1% solution of brilliant green, and then powder with talcum powder or simple powder, or cover the bedsore area with a dry aseptic bandage. Until the dead tissue is rejected, ointment and wet dressings are unacceptable.

When necrosis is limited, the doctor removes dead tissue and closes the wound with a sterile cloth moistened with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Subsequently, the nurse changes the bandage 2-3 times a day and informs the doctor about the condition of the wound. As the wound surface is cleansed, they begin to use ointments for their healing - solcoseryl, iruksol, kamadol, Vishnevsky ointment

etc. Ointments are applied to the wound surface in a thin layer, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until complete healing.

The appearance of bedsores in children is evidence of poor care, low medical culture of the department staff, and an irresponsible attitude towards their direct responsibilities.

Oral care. In the morning and evening, a sick child should brush his teeth using children's toothpaste. It is advisable that children rinse their mouths with warm water, preferably lightly salted (a quarter of a teaspoon) after each meal. table salt per glass of water) or soda water (3-5 g of sodium bicarbonate per glass of water). If necessary, a number of additional oral care products are used: threads, elixirs, rinses. The nurse monitors the correct use of these hygiene products. So, a chlorhexidine-based mouthwash should be used 2 times a day, but not more than 14 days.

Today, many children seek specialized orthodontic care for medical or aesthetic reasons. Recommendations for wearing braces:

1) use therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste and mouthwash, preferably from the same manufacturer (for example, Sinkvel Active toothpaste and Sinkvel Sensitive mouthwash or others);

2) use a special brush for braces;

3) exclude viscous, hard and hard foods from the diet, as well as chewing gum and toffees.

Great importance is currently attached to the prevention of caries. In this regard, it is recommended to use special sanitary napkins (Spiffies) from 4 months or with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, that is, until the appearance of the first tooth. A napkin is wrapped around index finger and, squeezing her thumb, wipe the child’s teeth, gums, inner surface of the cheeks and tongue. The wipe is used when a toothbrush is not available, to reduce teething pain, and after each breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

Eye care. No special eye care is required. The child washes his eyes during the morning and evening toilet. However, if there is discharge that sticks the eyelashes together, the eyes are washed with a sterile gauze swab moistened with warm, strong tea.

For eye diseases, drops are instilled or ointments are rubbed in as prescribed by a doctor. Before the procedure, the nurse thoroughly washes her hands with soap and a brush, and wipes them with alcohol. The pipette for instilling drops and the spatula for putting in the ointment are boiled before use.

To instill drops into the eyes, the medicine is drawn into a pipette. Using your index finger, slightly pull back the lower eyelid, and with the other hand, slowly release one drop from the pipette (closer to the nose). The patient should look in the opposite direction. After some time, a second drop is instilled and the child is asked to close his eyes. After use, the eye dropper is washed with warm water and placed in a special case.

The eye ointment is applied using a glass spatula. To do this, the lower eyelid is pulled back and ointment is placed on the conjunctiva, the eyes are asked to be closed, and the ointment is rubbed over the eyelid with careful movements of the fingers.

Ear care. During the daily morning toilet, when the child washes himself, he should also wash his ears. If a wax plug is detected in the external auditory canal, it is removed. To do this, drop a few drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or sterile petroleum jelly into the ear, and remove the plug using a cotton swab using a rotational motion (Fig. 12). When instilling drops into the left ear, the patient's head is tilted towards the right shoulder. With the left hand they pull back the earlobe, right hand Place a few drops into the ear canal. After this, a small cotton swab is placed in the ear for a few minutes or a scarf is tied around the head.

Nasal cavity care. If the child cannot clear his nose on his own, then a nurse will assist him and remove the crusts that have formed. To do this, a cotton swab moistened with petroleum jelly (preferably sterile), glycerin or other oil is alternately inserted into the nasal passages.

Rice. 12.Toilet external auditory canal

solution. In this case, the child’s head is tilted back and after 2-3 minutes, the crusts are removed with rotational movements. Caring for your nose requires some skill and patience.

Nail cutting. To do this, use small scissors with rounded jaws so as not to injure the skin. After finishing cutting, the scissors must be wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol or a 0.5% chloramine solution.

Hair care. It consists of washing your hair, combing your hair, braiding your hair, etc. Only individual combs are used to comb hair. Comb short hair In boys it is usually not difficult. Long hair For girls, you need to divide it into separate strands, comb each one separately, and if necessary, braid it. If there is excessive dandruff or dirty hair, use a thick comb dipped in a solution of table vinegar. Wash your hair with baby soap or shampoo.

Vision hygiene at school age children. In school-age children, serious attention must be paid to the prevention of visual disorders. Reading and writing guidelines should be followed:

1) the book must be held below chin level at a distance of no closer than 50 cm;

3) while reading, you need to blink more often, preferably at the end of each line;

4) carry out exercises to train the eyeballs (turn up, down, left and right, focus your gaze on any distant object and move your eyes to a nearby object; repeat exercises up to 10-50 times);

5) do not watch TV for a long time or at close range;

6) do not play with the computer for more than 30 minutes a day.


1.Name the elements of a sick child’s morning toilet.

2.What are the requirements for the design of the bed and its hygienic maintenance?

3.How to use the functional bed?

4.What is the technique for changing bed and underwear for children?

5.What are the rules for storing clean and dirty linen?

6.What does it consist of? daily care for the skin?

7.What is the prevention of bedsores?

8.How are bedsores treated?

9.How to properly place the rubber backing circle?

10.What are the rules for caring for the patient’s ears, eyes, oral cavity, and hair?

General child care: Zaprudnov A. M., Grigoriev K. I. textbook. allowance. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M. 2009. - 416 p. : ill.

An important condition for maintaining health and a proper standard of living is compliance with the rules of hygiene. She studies the influence of environmental factors on a person and sets the goal not just to preserve, but to improve health. It includes a whole range of procedures.

The peculiarity of hygiene for children and adolescents is that their body is at the stage of growth. Everything that is formed now has consequences in later life. This age category is considered separately.

The need for self-care lies in the fact that we live in society. It is easier to make new contacts with people and build communication if a person looks pleasant and attractive.

Personal hygiene of a child provides the basics of education. He gains skills good manners begins to realize what behavior is acceptable and what is not. Forms ideas about the outside world and the structure of society. Such basic knowledge will carry over into adulthood.

Hygiene for children and adolescents is divided into:

  • nursery;
  • preschool;
  • school;
  • teenage.

Children repeat adult behavior patterns. It's no use trying to teach something if you behave in the exact opposite way. With the right example, the child will do everything himself, and with positive reinforcement, habits will be clearly deposited in the subconscious and will remain for life.

Hygiene of children under 3 years of age

Until the child begins to walk and talk, responsibility for his cleanliness and health lies with the parents.

Bathing should be done daily, preferably in the evening. This is due to the fact that children's skin does not yet have a protective barrier and is susceptible to bacteria. It needs to be cleaned constantly. If you don't do this, they may start allergic reactions, and overall there will be weaker immunity. The water temperature and duration of swimming are important. You can’t raise it to 38 degrees - it’s too hot, it will cause fever and pain in the child, and the heartbeat and breathing will increase.

You should wash your baby after every trip to the toilet. It is safer and more economical to do this under running water rather than with napkins. It is wrong to hold a child over the sink with one hand, as is customary. The fact is that the child is positioned with the anus facing up, and the water from the tap falls first on him, and only then flows down to the genitals. In this situation, there is a risk of infection in the genitals. We will look at the proper washing of boys and girls below.

Caring for your eyes, sinuses and ears

The eyes are gently wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. You don't need to rub them too hard, go over one place several times: 1-2 movements will be enough to clean the eyelid. Also, you should not wipe your eyes with any solutions. Any liquid other than water can cause suppuration of the mucous membrane and swelling.

The nose requires special care, since the sinuses are still small, they become clogged very easily and quickly. You shouldn't go there cotton swab: You may damage the passages. It would be more rational to do this with a special suction, which will painlessly and quickly remove unnecessary things from your child’s nose. It is advisable to use it every other day or every day. If the nose is not cleaned properly, the child will not be able to breathe normally, and this is very dangerous.

But you can clean your ears with an ear stick, but be careful, you don’t need to go deep and press hard: just remove the accumulated wax and dust from the outside.

It is better to trim your nails once a week with special nail scissors. Frequent procedures will be painful, and with less frequent trimming, the nails have time to grow, which becomes dangerous for the child: he can injure himself.

The role of oxygen in children's hygiene

Separately, we can highlight the importance of fresh air. The room where the child is located should be ventilated several times a day. Oxygen circulation reduces the risk of the virus entering the apartment, increases immunity and nourishes the body with the necessary substances for proper development.

You need to go outside with your child once a day. If he is tightly wrapped, he may sweat and catch a cold. Walking in the fresh air acts as a light hardening and has a positive effect on the baby’s nervous system. Walks should be on foot; the child can either be in a stroller or walk alongside, depending on age. You shouldn’t make them very long: this can overcool the child. Walking outside should be useful: at these moments the baby learns the world, increases your knowledge about colors, shapes, animals and plants.

Hygiene of children from 3 to 5 years old

When a child begins to become aware of himself and the world around him, it makes sense to explain to him what the rules of self-care are. Children's hygiene begins with conversation. The baby needs to be told about the importance of daily hygiene procedures.

The child must be able to brush his teeth. There are special children's toothbrushes. They are softer and specially adapted for children's small hands and mouth. This will ensure that the baby will not get hurt. Do not allow your child to use adult toothpaste: it may irritate the mucous membranes too much. It is better to buy a special paste for children, there is a huge selection of them now. They are safe to swallow and have a high calcium content to promote healthy teeth. You need to show your child the correct sequence for brushing their teeth. Teach him to do this carefully, but without fanaticism, so as not to injure his gums. You can show a cartoon on this topic so that he can better remember how to do it. It is advisable to brush your teeth together for several days in a row, for clarity and to help in case he has questions.

It is important to provide a separate brush, towel, and comb for the child. Explain that these are his personal belongings and no one should use them. Likewise, prohibit taking other people’s belongings.

The child needs to wash his face in the mornings and evenings. No special products are needed: regular warm water is enough. After this, you need to pat your face dry with a clean towel intended only for the face. You don't need to rub it hard, just apply it and it will absorb all the excess liquid.

Proper hand washing

Demonstrate clearly how to wash your hands correctly. It will be good if you print out and hang a picture instruction near the sink, which describes step by step the correct lathering technique. Even adults now rarely pay due attention to this process. You need to wash your hands for 20–30 seconds, Special attention pay attention to the area near the nails. You can massage your hands well - this will have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole, and especially the gastrointestinal tract. The child must understand why it is necessary to wash his hands before eating, after going outside, going to the toilet, and after contact with pets.

If there are several children in a family, the situation with instilling healthy habits becomes much simpler, because youngest child personally sees how hygiene is maintained by older brothers and sisters, who, together with their parents, remind them of the importance of these procedures.

Intimate hygiene rules for girls

IN early age parents show how to properly care for the genitals. By the age of 5 years, the child is quite capable of performing these procedures himself, sometimes under supervision. In this regard, the actions of girls and boys differ.

The main thing when washing girls is to follow the direction of movement. The correct movements are from front to back. This minimizes the risk of bacteria from the anus getting into the mucous membrane and causing inflammation.

Do not use soap or special intimate gels: they disrupt the acid-base balance, which can lead to various rashes, itching, and vaginitis. Ordinary running water is best suited, as it will cope with delicate cleansing. Explain to the girl that she must wash herself at least once a day, as well as change her underwear. From time to time, you can lubricate the skin with oil, but this must be done carefully, and under no circumstances touch the inner lining of the vagina.

You should buy children's panties from natural fabrics, such as cotton. The underwear should not interfere with movement, and air flow should be ensured to the skin. A separate towel is provided for intimate purposes; no one else is allowed to use it.

After each visit to the toilet, you need to blot your genitals with paper. Before puberty, the mucous membrane in this area is especially sensitive, and the secretions remaining on it can cause inflammation.

Intimate hygiene rules for boys

When washing a boy, there is no need to observe the direction of movements. You should not retract the foreskin: this leads to microtraumas. The head will open on its own by age five. After opening it, you need to regularly and thoroughly wash the areas under it to remove excess smegma. If this is not done, it accumulates in excess and begins to become inflamed, swollen and even fester.

No need to use special means, plain water will do. If your child understands the importance of such procedures, he will not forget about them, and you will not have to supervise him. After urinating, boys should soak up excess moisture with paper to avoid inflammation.

Hygiene of children from 5 to 7 years old

In preschool age, the child’s daily routine is regulated. It is important to instill in the future schoolchild the correct hours of sleep and wakefulness, so that in the future it will be easier for him to wake up early. It is worth making it a rule to go to bed early and get up the same way.

At this age, you can offer your child hardening. This benefits the immune system, the central nervous system, regulates the proper functioning of hormones and disciplines. Do not immediately pour ice water over your child; it is better to finish the procedure with cooler water after taking a bath or shower, gradually lowering the temperature. Or offer your child a rubdown with a cold towel - this is a softer and more gentle option for hardening.

It is important to ensure that your child has enough physical activity during the day. Thanks to this, he will not experience overstimulation in the evening. His musculoskeletal system will be able to develop correctly, and overall the level of strength and endurance will increase.

You can try to enroll your child in a special section, of which there are many now. Girls are most likely to be interested in dancing or gymnastics, and boys are likely to be interested in football, hockey or karate.

School period hygiene

As school begins, take special care of your teenager's vision. It is better to show in practice how to do eye gymnastics - this will prevent eye fatigue during classes at school and at home, and reduce the risk of dry eyes, myopia and farsightedness. Explain after what time you need to take breaks from work.

Do not forget about correct posture at your workplace - the spine is straight to avoid scoliosis. Incorrect back position leads to serious problems: in the future there will be an asymmetrical figure, girls will not be able to develop correctly beautiful breasts, young men will not develop muscle mass properly. With age, pain in the lower back and neck will begin, and you will have to wear a leveling corset, which is quite inconvenient. Therefore, it is better to prevent a disease than to get rid of it later.

The correct position at the table is to have your legs at a 90-degree angle, and you can easily place your fist between your stomach and the edge of the table. Avoid leaning your head too far towards notebooks or textbooks. Rocking on a chair, sitting cross-legged, or tucking your legs under you are also unacceptable: this pinches the blood vessels, blood does not circulate properly, the limbs may become numb, and various types of numbness and swelling may begin. When writing, the tip of the pen should point toward your shoulder, which allows your hand to get less tired and at the same time creates beautiful handwriting.

By the time you send your child to first grade, he should clearly know that he needs to independently take care of himself and his appearance, have an idea of ​​what neat clothes should look like. A child at this age already understands that it is impossible to walk around with a dirty head or not take a shower for a long time.

It is important to teach him to keep his nails clean and tidy. In this matter, he will most likely need your help, but he himself can assess the condition of his hands. It is under the nails that microbes and worm eggs collect, which cannot be gotten rid of with regular washing, since they are hidden behind the nail plate.

Features of teenage hygiene

IN adolescence hygiene becomes more difficult due to physiological changes. There is a restructuring of hormones, so daily procedures cannot be avoided.

Together with your child, choose the right, safe deodorant, as teenagers often experience increased sweating. It must be remembered that all deodorants clog the glands, which prevents the complete release of waste fluids; this can cause lymphatic inflammation and even cancer. It is better if you choose a gentle environmental deodorant that will simply eliminate the smell of sweat.

Beginning of pubic hair growth armpits does not improve the situation: bacteria multiply on them even more, and the smell is almost constantly present. If necessary, inform your child about methods for removing unwanted hair; you can give a small guide on depilation. It is better if the teenager does this himself, and if problems arise, he turns to you for advice. Inform about skin care before and after depilation, and the features of this procedure.

A teenager needs to eat properly and maintain food and drink hygiene. Wash vegetables and fruits, drink only purified water. With a balanced diet, energy, activity and mood increase. It is important to provide the body with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You need to avoid fast food completely; it does not contain any macro and micronutrients. Also, excess sugar and salt are not good for health. It is better to replace store-bought sodas and packaged juices with freshly squeezed ones. It is important to take a course of vitamins from time to time: this will help avoid vitamin deficiency and spring-autumn blues.

Alcohol and tobacco

The presence of toxic drugs such as alcohol and tobacco in the life of a growing organism is unacceptable. They cause oxygen starvation, death of brain cells, and disrupt the functioning of hormones and the nervous system. Alcohol causes total harm in the female body: it dissolves the shell of the eggs given at birth. Subsequently, they are not restored and new ones are not synthesized. The more alcohol there was in life, the greater the likelihood of fertilization in the future of a damaged egg, which leads to the development of mutations, deformities and simply physically weak offspring.

Sleep and rest

It is important to monitor your sleep and rest patterns. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day: this will allow the body to restore strength and ensure proper functioning. internal organs. You need to sleep in a well-ventilated area. It is better to cover yourself warmer with a blanket, but open the window in cold weather, than to stay overnight in a stuffy room.

To prevent physical inactivity, you need to walk at least 10 kilometers every day: this feeds the cells with oxygen and gives the muscles the opportunity to develop properly.

It is important to leave time for relaxation and hobbies in your daily routine: you cannot completely overload yourself with studies and additional activities, which leads to overload, increased stress levels and, in the future, chronic fatigue syndrome. Even between lessons you need to take breaks. It’s better if you walk a little and chat with your family and friends. A bad option would be playing computer games and watching TV.

Acne is a common occurrence in childhood. Proper facial skin care and careful attention to changes occurring in the body can reduce the risk of developing acne.

If a teenager observes the rules of personal hygiene, but he develops rashes, it means that the activity of sex hormones has begun. Proper nutrition and care will help improve the situation. problem skin. You can purchase a cleanser at a pharmacy or specialty store to combat excess sebum production. An antibacterial lotion will help. It is applied twice a day: morning and evening. This dries out rashes, evens out skin color, and helps regulate skin processes.

When rashes appear quickly and in large quantities, you should visit a dermatologist. He will take scrapings, check them for allergies, skin mites: this is common cause unexpected rashes. You may be referred for a hormone test to check if your thyroid is working properly. In severe cases, hormonal tablets, antibiotics or ointments based on them are prescribed.

Visit to the gynecologist

The girl needs to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will be able to check whether development is proceeding correctly. Take a smear for microflora analysis. A pediatric gynecologist will check the maturation and growth of the breasts, talk about menstruation, and help you understand the choice of hygiene products. During your critical days, remember that it is better to refrain from swimming in the pool due to the risk of infection, from taking a bath, or going to the sauna, as an increase in temperature will cause increased bleeding.

Tampons and pads are changed regularly: they accumulate pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation. In ordinary life, it is not recommended to use even panty liners: they are also breeding grounds for infection. It's all about a humid environment, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of this type of bacteria, and in its absence they die without starting to multiply.

If your period is too painful, your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever, but simply limiting your activity, eating right, and getting plenty of sleep usually helps. If you have abdominal pain, lie down and apply a warm heating pad.

The intimate hygiene of teenage girls is no different from that of women, only with the onset of menstruation the girl should increase the number of daily washes and make sure that her discharge is not heavy or prolonged: in such cases it is better to see a specialist.

Such a thing as thongs is undesirable: they compress the genitals and spread infection from the anus to the genitals, cause irritation, itching and redness, and also squeeze the lymphatic channels, which can provoke an attack.

The intimate hygiene of teenage boys is similar to the hygiene of girls, only their hair also begins to grow on their face. It is important that dad shows how to shave properly using a special cream and apply lotion. You should warn your teenager about things like nocturnal emissions, telling them that this is normal. It is better if he turns out to be informationally prepared for the first erection, so that what he sees does not frighten him. In general, the rules remain the same: daily shower, change of linen, mandatory morning and evening rituals.

Sex education

It would be right if parents covered this topic at home. The most important thing a boy or girl needs to be informed about is protection. Before having sex, teenagers should learn about sexually transmitted diseases and ways to prevent infections. The boy needs to be told about using condoms, and the girl may want to consult with a gynecologist about starting to take hormonal contraceptives.

Playing, studying, learning about the world around us are the most important tasks of children. They often forget about these concerns - and we have to remind them of the rules of personal hygiene for children. Kids need to learn these rules in order to grow up confident, healthy and easier to find a common language with others. But observing the rules of personal hygiene should not be a burden to either you or your children. A child should be proud of his cleanliness and neatness. This will make him feel independent and increase self-esteem.

Why is it so important to maintain good personal hygiene?

“You must, you must wash your face in the mornings and evenings!” - Probably everyone remembers these lines from Chukovsky’s children’s poem “Moidodyr”. And many people know that it can be difficult to teach children to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. Your child will learn the rules of personal hygiene most quickly if you present them as a game and show them by example. In order for your child to enjoy following these rules, you must first tell him why, in fact, it is so important to follow them.

Sit down with your child and tell him why good personal hygiene is important for children. Key points in your explanation could be phrases like the following:

  • Maintaining good personal hygiene will prevent harmful germs from infecting you with disease.
  • You will be strong, healthy and confident.
  • Other children and adults will be more willing to play and communicate with you.

Keep a list of personal hygiene requirements for your family. You can hang it in the nursery and ask the little ones to color it with markers.

So what should be on such a list? Let's look at 6 basic rules of personal hygiene for children.

Your child will learn the rules of personal hygiene most quickly if you yourself give him good example. For example, why don't you brush your teeth with your children?

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

To begin with, let your children love brushing their teeth - turn this boring procedure into fun game. “Squeak like a mouse when you brush your front teeth,” or “roar like a lion when you brush your back teeth.” Explain to your child that teeth need to be brushed to keep them healthy, for example, in this manner: “How will you bite your favorite nuts and cookies?”

2. Personal hygiene rules for children: wash your hands before eating

Children may find washing their hands a boring chore until they understand the importance of this personal hygiene practice.

Teach children that germs are small, invisible bugs that can make you sick. Top it off with a game of glitter. Rub glitter on your child's hands and show how germs are transmitted: glitter will stick to everything he touches. Then ask your child to wash their hands so that the “invisible shine” no longer spreads to surrounding objects and people. Remember to say that it is especially important to wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.

3. Use napkins

While children have not yet learned the rules of personal hygiene, they wipe their dirty hands on everything and wipe their snotty noses with their sleeves. The habit of always having on hand a package of soft and durable paper tissues - such as Zewa Deluxe - will help you cope with this. Explain to your child that it is much more pleasant to wipe his nose with soft handkerchiefs. It will be very useful for schoolchildren to learn this rule of personal hygiene. Make it a habit for your child to always carry a pack of Zewa Deluxe tissues in his school bag.

Zewa Deluxe paper handkerchiefs are soft and so delicate, as if they were specially created for small noses. Explain to your child that wiping his nose and sneezing into a disposable paper tissue will help him avoid infecting his friends, beloved parents, and brothers and sisters.

4. Change your underwear every day

It’s so natural for any adult to change their underwear every day. Our parents taught us this. Explain to your children how important it is to observe this rule of personal hygiene. Show your child the difference between the pleasant aroma of just washed clothes and the smell of already worn clothes. Explain that he, too, will smell fresh and clean if he changes his underwear every day.

 Let your child choose his own underwear. It's easier to take care of things you like. Teach your child to place his worn T-shirts and panties in the dirty laundry basket. It is important if your child helps you with the laundry - this will allow him to better understand the rules of personal hygiene.

5. Take baths and showers regularly

Show your child that taking a bath and showering is not only important rule Personal hygiene is also pleasant and fun! Turn bath time into a fun game by letting your child take a bath with his favorite water toys. Add bubble bath with his favorite scent to the water, show how fun he can play by foaming soapy water and letting bubble. Let swimming turn into a holiday every evening!

6. Trim your nails regularly

Young children often put their fingers in their mouths and bite their nails. But many harmful bacteria accumulate under the nails. This is why it is so important to trim your nails regularly. If your child doesn't like cutting his nails and is fussy, try distracting him. Sing a song, turn on a cartoon, or turn this unpleasant procedure into a game while bathing. This will help him relax and enjoy cutting his nails.

Let observing the rules of personal hygiene become a ritual for the whole family. The example of adults will inspire children, help them quickly learn the rules of personal hygiene, and over time they will become a habit for the child.

*According to the results of a study by Eurofins Evic (Eurofins Evic), France, April 2018.