Bow decorations are used everywhere: clothing, gifts, decor, accessories. That’s why the topic of how to make a bow from ribbon is so relevant. Today we will learn how to tie the main types of bows, and also try to create original accessories in the form of hats, wedding decorations, and costume jewelry.

How to make a bow from ribbon? Learning to tie in basic techniques

So, an accessory in the form of a bow can be the perfect finishing touch to complete an ensemble in clothing, gift wrapping, jewelry making, etc. It can easily be located in any part of the product: on the side, back, above or below. Such a touch will attract attention and make the product more impressive.
As you know, bows are tied in different ways, so before we consider how to make a bow from ribbons to create a decoration, we will learn how to tie them using the most common techniques.

  1. Classics of the genre or tying using the classical technique.

  1. A bow made in several layers (multi-layered).

  1. Strict. It features discreet lines and a minimum of decor.

  1. From two tapes of different widths. It is also called bicolor.

  1. A complicated version of a strict bow or better known as Dior.

  1. Volumetric flower.

How to make a ribbon bow for hair decorations?

It's quite easy to create a hair accessory with a few pieces of ribbon. Products are made from satin stripes different forms, sizes. Step by step instructions, given below, will help you cope with this task quickly and without difficulty.

How to make a ribbon bow for a regular hairpin?

Initially prepare the ribbons:

  • three of the same size;
  • one longer for elongated ends;
  • one shorter for turning in the center.

You will also need a hairpin, a singe candle, and transparent glue.

  1. From three identical ribbons we make a blank using the technique of making a strict bow.
  2. Roll two of the blanks, as shown in the photo, and fasten them together.
  3. Pull the third piece in the center.
  4. From the longest cut, roll the structure using the classic technique, but instead of tying, tie it in the center with thread.
  5. From the smallest piece, make a wrapped part to wrap the middle. Squeeze the edges of the workpiece (the photo shows the manufacturing principle) and scorch it.
  6. Assemble the hairpin:
  • a workpiece pulled together in the center;
  • two-piece workpiece;
  • bow based on the classical technique.
  1. Wrap the center and secure the decor to a hairpin.

How to make a flower bow from ribbon for a hairpin?

To decorate hairpins this way, you must have:

  • two ribbons of the same color, 5 cm and 2.5 cm wide;
  • metallized ribbon in silver or gold color;
  • needle and thread;
  • a candle or lighter for burning the edges;
  • glue (transparent);
  • scissors.
  1. Cut six pieces of the widest tape. They should be 14–16 cm. Heat the edges with fire and sew them with a flower, as in the photo.
  2. Perform the same actions with the second ribbon of the main color, the only difference is the length of the cuts should be 10–12 cm.
  3. From metallized, cut into six strips of 15–17 cm and 8–10 cm. Roll them like petals, solder them with fire.
  4. Assemble the flower by gluing it with transparent glue:
  • largest base flower;
  • large metallic petals;
  • second flower;
  • small metallic petals.
  1. Decorate the inside; you can use a bead or decorative pebble for this purpose.
  2. After the flower is attached, the elastic band or hair clip (clip) is ready. You can use this flower to decorate elastic bands or headbands.

Rose decoration with a bow for your hair bun?

To work you need:

  • 5 cm satin stripe;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • candle.

The work is done like this:

  1. Fold the cut in half and bend the corner down, as in the photo below. This is done so that the edge does not stick out from the flower.
  2. Using tweezers, twist the beginning of the rose.
  3. We fasten the bud with threads. When folding, form the edges and sew each branch with thread.
  4. Scorch the back of the resulting rose.
  5. Twist five flower blanks in this way.
  6. Glue them onto the base, and tie an original bow at the bottom, doing it in a classic style.

Video tutorial: a special tie with bows for weaving into a braid?

Photo: designs of all kinds of hair accessories with satin bows stripes

How to make a ribbon bow for wedding paraphernalia?

Recently, more and more often, hand-made paraphernalia is used at weddings, and this is not only decoration of the hall. Ribbons are actively used to make bracelets for bridesmaids, boutonnieres for decorating guests, and they are even used to make a garter for the bride.

Bow bracelet for bridesmaids, how to tie?

To tie a similar bracelet, your bridesmaids will need:

  • two ribbons of the same color, their width should be 5 cm and 1.2 cm;
  • matches, candle or lighter;
  • decorative elements;
  • transparent glue.

A bracelet for bridesmaids is made like this:

  1. Cut a piece of wide satin strip and singe the edges.
  2. Tie the ribbon using the classic technique, but do not tighten the central knot too much.
  3. Pass a narrow tie through it, with the help of which the decoration will be attached to your hand.
  4. Tighten the knot tightly and decorate the top.

How to make a boutonniere from ribbons?

You should prepare:

  • two ribbons of different colors, 5 cm and 1.2 cm wide (in our version, these are red and white);
  • scissors;
  • transparent glue;
  • pin;
  • candle or lighter;
  • decor in the form of a flower, stone or bead.

The boutonniere is made as follows:

  1. Tie two classic bows from ribbons.
  2. Glue them one to one, as in the photo.
  3. Carefully trim the edges and singe them.
  4. Decorate the middle with a flower. It can be glued or secured with wire.
  5. Attach a pin and you're done!

How to make a garter made of ribbon with a decor in the form of a bow?

In order to make one of the most important attributes of a wedding - a garter, you need to stock up not only with patience, we prepare:

  • under the base: satin ribbon, at least 5 cm wide;
  • for decoration: ribbons from 1.2 cm to 2.5 cm.
  • wide elastic band;
  • pin;
  • decor;
  • thread with a needle.

Making a garter is quite simple, for this:

  1. Make a “bag” from a satin strip under the base. Sew the edges. Don't skimp on the cut, because a large number of folds only decorate the final version of the product.
  2. Using a pin, pull a wide elastic band into the resulting workpiece.
  3. Sew the ends of the elastic and garter together.
  4. Make bows in a classic design from thinner ribbons, as in the photo.
  5. Sew them to the garter.
  6. Decorate with decor. You can use beads, rhinestones, sequins, all kinds of flowers, etc.

Video lesson: how to make elegant glasses for newlyweds?

Photo: design options for wedding paraphernalia

How to make a ribbon bow for jewelry?

Ribbon is a universal material from which you can create anything. Many people do not believe this statement, so I would like to prove the opposite and demonstrate how bows from ribbons turn into real exquisite jewelry for all occasions.

Step-by-step execution of an exclusive brooch

We make an exclusive brooch. To create it you need to acquire:

  • ribbons made of satin, rapeseed and other materials. They should be of different colors, sizes, widths;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • for scorching the edges, with a candle or lighter;
  • brooch pin;
  • transparent glue;
  • decorative elements.

Now let's talk about the stages of work:

How to create a necklace with a bow?

To work you need to prepare:

  • a ribbon, the type of necklace depends on its width;
  • large beads 8–16 pieces.

The work is as follows:

  1. Tie a knot on the cut.
  2. Put on the bead.
  3. Next, another knot, a bead, and so on until the beads run out.
  4. Tie the ribbon with a classic bow, as in the photo below.

DIY jabot making master class

For this decoration you need to have:

  • two satin stripes of the same width: one with a pattern - 5 cm, the second white rapeseed - 2.5 cm;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • decorative element - pebble or bead.

The work is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Cut three 18 cm strips of rapeseed ribbon, fold them as in the photo, and glue them together.
  2. Cut 6 colored pieces of 8 cm each.
  3. Wrap them into loops and fold them into a base bow.
  4. On top of the colored loops, glue two white ones. How this was done is shown in the photo below.
  5. Now let's get down to making the lower part. The basis is rapeseed cut. It should be 22 cm.
  6. Starting from the bottom, glue two rapeseed loops onto it at an angle.
  7. Glue a colored loop on top and repeat 4 times. The photo shows how it should look.
  8. The last thing to glue is the white rapeseed loop.
  9. Glue the lower and upper (which was made in advance) parts.
  10. Glue the decor on top. For fastening, you can use a pin or a ribbon tie.

Video master class on making bow earrings

Photo: DIY jewelry options

Now you are convinced that knowing how to make a bow from a ribbon, you can make a lot of unique, beautiful accessories and other embellishments. Experiment and surprise others with exclusive products.

Bow - he is always with us in life. When discharged from the maternity hospital, the baby is tied with a ribbon with a beautiful bow. As time goes by, bows decorate the clothes and head of the now grown-up princess. Mom has to master the art of making hairpins, ties, and gift decorations in the form of bows. And the first trips to friends’ birthdays, because what is a gift without exquisite design and the same paraphernalia in the form of a bow? Therefore, every mother simply must know how to make a bow from a ribbon, no matter how wide it is.

We pick up the child from the maternity hospital - we arrange decorations for discharge

The birth of a child is not only a long-awaited, but also a solemn moment. Happy mom, a joyful husband who has not yet fully realized that he has become a dad. Relatives are euphoric because the long-awaited child has been born. Diapers, rompers, pacifiers, bottles have been purchased, the room is waiting for its new owner. Have you forgotten about the elegant bow for discharge from the maternity hospital? In addition to decorating, you can also prepare an envelope, as it is described in the article:.

How to make a bow from a ribbon for a boy to be discharged from the maternity hospital?

To make your own decoration for a boy’s discharge from the maternity hospital, you need to buy the following materials and the following ribbons:

  • from satin, which will become the basis. It could be: blue, cyan, green, purple, it all depends on the preferences of the young parents. A width of 2.5 cm is perfect;
  • satin white for decoration. It should be the same width as the main one;
  • a candle, lighter or wood burner is necessary for scorching the edges;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tweezers;
  • transparent glue;
  • decorations in the form of rhinestones, beads, stones.

Now let's get to work:

1. Initially, you need to assemble the main decor, since it will serve as the main decoration. The bow looks like flower petals placed on a base. To make it you need to cut eight centimeter strips of blue and white. Using tweezers, fold the petal and burn the edge.

2. On a round base, glue the resulting petals in several layers with transparent glue. Decorate the center with a bead or rhinestone. Use a piece of ribbon to make a loop at the back of the bow (as in the photo) so that the bow can move along the base.

3. The main ribbon can be about 1.5–1.8 m long. To make the ribbon for discharge from the maternity hospital look original, you need to decorate its ends. To do this, you need to make small bows, retreating a few centimeters from the edge. Using the principle described above, make petals and attach them, as shown in the photo below.

It turns out to be such an interesting, original accessory for discharge from the maternity hospital.

Video master class: how to make a ribbon bow for a boy to be discharged from the maternity hospital

Photo options for ribbon bows for a boy being discharged from the maternity hospital

How to make a ribbon bow for a girl leaving the maternity hospital?

A lady should always look good, even if she was born just a few days ago. We suggest doing exclusive decoration for a girl to be discharged from the maternity hospital. For it you will need materials and the following tapes:

  • main satin, 2.5 cm wide, pink. It can be any color, as the young parents decide;
  • white from satin, it should be about half the size of the main one;
  • pink nylon (narrow);
  • silver metallized;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • sewing threads;
  • needle;
  • transparent glue;
  • tweezers;
  • a candle, lighter, or wood burner is needed to scorch the edge;
  • beads for decoration.

Making a bow for the little lady:

1. Initially, you need to cut 6 pieces of each type of tape, including metallized. Scorch the edges with them. Collect petals from the widest one using a needle and thread for flower sewing, and make petals from all other ribbons.

2. Glue all the resulting petals to the large flower. Prepare 27 small petals from the main ribbon, as they are made as described in the master class on a bow for a boy on discharge. On the base, it can be cardboard, felt, thick fabric, glue small petals, and decorate the top with a bead.

3. Assemble the two parts of the flower, attach a ribbon to the back and the bow is ready for the girl’s graduation.

Video master class on how to make jewelry for a girl to be discharged from the maternity hospital

Photo options for ribbon bows for girls being discharged from the maternity hospital

Narrow, wide or thin ribbon, how to make a bow out of it?

Every mom can create a beautiful decoration in the form of a bow from a ribbon, no matter how narrow, wide or thin it is. This craft will easily decorate:

  • any outfit, from a light sundress to an evening dress;
  • gift set, packaging;
  • Hair on one's head;
  • home interior;
  • table setting and much more.

Well, we will teach you how to make a bow from a ribbon.

1. Classic style.

2. Flower.

3. Two-tone decoration.

4. BantDior.

5. Tiered bow.

6. Strict bow.

7. Gift option No.1.

8. Gift option No2.

How to make exclusive bow hair clips for a little princess?

Our mothers, when getting us ready for school, wove bows into our hair, but today everything is much simpler, since you can make various hair decorations with your own hands. Young parents can create an exclusive decoration with an elastic band or hairpin for their princess and change them daily.

Hairpin "Motley flower"

To work you will need:

  • four pieces of thick tape of different colors;
  • four pieces of ribbon with a pattern;
  • thin ribbons for decorating hairpins;
  • hair clip;
  • lighter for burning edges;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • rhinestone for decoration.

How to make a hairpin:
1. Trim the edges of the ribbons into a triangle.
2. Sear the edges.
3. Use a needle to collect all the ribbons in the center.
4. Glue a pocket from a thin ribbon and secure a hairpin in it.
5. Glue the hairpin and bow together. Decorate the top with a thin ribbon.
6. Glue a rhinestone in the center.

Bright butterfly

You need to prepare:

  • colored ribbons of different widths;
  • hairpin;
  • needle and thread.

How to make a hairpin:
1. Make a bow from the widest ribbon as in the photo.
2. Perform the same actions with a ribbon of a different color and width.
3. Attach the hairpin as described in the master class above.
4. Decorate with a bright narrow ribbon.

Ears Minnie Mouse

We prepare the material:

  • pink ribbon 2.5 cm wide;
  • a small piece of black tulle;
  • thin black ribbon (to hide hairpins);
  • two hairpins;
  • scissors;
  • transparent glue.

How to make original ears:
1. Wrap tulle around your palm, as shown in the photo.
2. Bandage the resulting utricle.
3. Cut the edges and fluff them up.
4. Decorate the hairpin and glue it to the resulting fluffy tulle. Glue it on the side as shown in the photo.
5. A bow is made from pink ribbon.
6. Fold it into a loop, and wrap the folded piece around the center.
7. Glue the bow to the tulle and one ear is ready. Do the procedure again.

Fun bat

For this accessory you will need:

  • ribbons of two colors, one must be black, the second is your choice;
  • hoop;
  • transparent glue;
  • decor for a bat.

Stages of work:
1. Make two circles of different sizes from black ribbons, as in the photo.
2. Glue together ribbons of different colors and make two loops.
3. Squeeze one of the loops into a bow and do the same with the second.
4. Connect them together and fix them.
5. Cover the hoop with tape.
6. Insert the resulting bow into a circle of larger diameter.
7. Attach a smaller circle on top and decorate the bat.

Dragonfly clip

You need to prepare:

  • thin ribbons of different colors;
  • hairpin;
  • transparent glue.

How to make a hairpin: 1. Cut colored strips of different sizes as shown in the photo. Make a base from green ribbon (the hairpin will be hidden in it), and antennae from black.
2. Place the cut pieces of ribbon one on top, roll and glue.
3. After collecting them into wings, wrap them with a green main ribbon.
4. Glue the antennae.
5. “Hide” the pin and stick on the wings.

Elegant bow

To work you will need:

  • ribbons of different colors;
  • thin ribbon to hide the hairpin;
  • barrette;
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • transparent glue.

How to make a hairpin:
1. Make squares from ribbon.
2. According to the steps indicated in the photographs, use tweezers and a lighter to make a petal.
3. Repeat with a ribbon of a different color.
4. Insert the petals one into the other.
5. Decorate the hairpin.
6. Glue the petals to the hairpin, tie thin ribbons with a knot and wrap them around the joint.
7. Glue the hairpin.

Azure bow

Prepare the following materials:

  • thin ribbons, regular with a pattern, nylon;
  • scissors;
  • transparent glue;
  • hairpin;
  • rhinestone for decoration

How to make a hairpin: 1. Cut three strips of the same color, different sizes.
2. Make figure eights out of them and glue them with transparent glue.
3. Make six-leaved flowers from eights.
4. Connect them together.
5. Attach the flower to the decorated hairpin.
6. Finish the work by attaching a rhinestone in the center of the flower.

How to tie a bow decoration for a gift box?

Gift wrapping is the first thing a gift is evaluated for, so the question of how to wrap it should be approached responsibly. The top presentation of a gift in the form of packaging ignites the imagination, intensifies the desire, making the heart tremble, to quickly see the surprise itself, which is hidden inside. Well, what is a gift without a beautiful bow?

Packaging Basics

A ribbon, which you can find at home or pre-purchase in a store, will help you wrap the box beautifully. The box must be placed in the middle of the ribbon, which should be located along the middle line of the box being packed, draw the edges of the ribbon around and tie at the top without a knot. Flatten the resulting structure, if necessary, straighten the edges with scissors, singe the ends and you can present the gift. The larger the structure on top of the box, the more attention it will attract to itself. Take note, you will definitely need them.

Gift wrapping options

1. Decoration from a nylon cut.

2. A small bow for decorating a gift.

3. Volumetric option.

4. Unusual decor.

5. For any occasion.

6. Original and tasteful.

In this article you learned how to make a ribbon bow for all occasions, now bring your ideas to life and make your loved ones happy beautiful gifts, original hairpins, unusual decor.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev 

In our lives, almost every day is a holiday. Before you have time to celebrate the New Year, Valentine’s Day is already approaching, and after it is March 8, and even friends are celebrating their name days. All these dates have something in common - gifts. Choosing the perfect gift is only half the battle, but packaging it is a whole art. It is important not only to find suitable paper and ribbon, but also to wrap the box beautifully with them. Let's figure it out

Preparatory work

We use bows not only during the holidays, but also in everyday life. They can be used to decorate the house (for example, hang on curtains), decorate hairpins, clothes, or use in handicrafts. There are a lot of options for their use, as well as ways to do it. First, you need to choose the most suitable material for your craft.

Selecting a feed

First of all, you must clearly decide what you are going to make the bow for and approximately what color it should be. If you are packing a gift, the width of the ribbon must be chosen depending on the size of the box: wide ones are better for large gifts, and narrow ones are better for small ones. Although, if you decide to go against the rules and tie a huge wide bow on a small package, it can look very good.

Remember the golden rules

If you are planning to make a beautiful ribbon bow for a dress, pay attention to
its texture. It should go well with the fabric from which the clothes are made.

To determine the length of the ribbon for a gift box, you can use the following method: wrap the gift twice and add about 60 cm to the resulting length for the bow itself.

Most often, satin fabric is used to tie a beautiful ribbon bow. But if you do not have experience in this matter, this material may seem too slippery and inconvenient for creativity. In this case, it is better to objectively assess your abilities and give preference to rougher material.

A very convenient option for bows for gifts and bouquets is a ribbon with a thin wire attached to the edges. It allows you to give the product any shape and preserve it for a long time.

Always remember the most important rule when choosing ribbon: if you can tie it into a tight knot that doesn't fall apart, then it's perfect for your creation.

Collecting the rest of the materials

To make a bow you will also need:

  • glue (test it in advance for its ability to fix the fabric);
  • sharp scissors that will clearly cut the tape and not chew its edges;
  • floral wire (this material is not always necessary, but when making some models you can’t do without it);
  • additional decorative elements - beads, flowers, stars and any other trinkets with which you want to decorate your product.

So, we selected the materials to make a ribbon bow. A master class on how to create one can be mastered by anyone, regardless of their experience in needlework.

Classics of the genre

First, let's try to make a very ordinary bow, without extra layers and details. But do not think that if it is simple in execution, it will look less advantageous than its curvy counterparts.

So, how to tie a beautiful ribbon bow? You must follow these steps:

  1. Measure the required length and cut the desired piece. It is better to take extra material so that there is certainly enough of it, and the tails of the bow are long and graceful, and not microscopic and sticking out in different directions.
  2. Remove everything unnecessary from the table and lay the tape on it (you can do this on the floor or bed - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you have a flat surface in front of you, not cluttered with foreign objects).
  3. Straighten it out and lay it out in front of you. If necessary, iron it with an iron.
  4. Cross the ends of the ribbon in the center to properly tie the satin ribbon bow. If you did this correctly, you should have two even teardrop loops of the same size. These will be the ears.
  5. Before taking the next step, carefully check the dimensions of the parts so that one half does not end up larger than the other. Take the same measurements with the tails - they should also be perfectly the same (unless, of course, you have conceived the concept of a bow with ends different lengths).
  6. Now we cross the droplets, placing them on top of each other.
  7. Wrap the left ear around the right one and pass it through the loop that appears in the central part.

Tighten the resulting knot tightly so that it does not come undone at the most inopportune moment. Correct every part of it - and that’s it, our decoration is ready!

Fork to the rescue!

If you want to make a small beautiful bow from a thin ribbon, it is very convenient to use auxiliary objects when creating it. Since tying it by hand is quite difficult, you will need a very ordinary fork for this purpose.

This cutlery, which is in any home, will help you make even the smallest beautiful ribbon bow. You can independently adjust the size of the future product by increasing the width of the teeth with cardboard. To make a beautiful bow using a fork, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Straighten the tape and wrap it around the device.
  2. Twist one end and pull it under the ribbon between the middle tines of the fork.
  3. Lift this end from the opposite side. This way you will wrap the entire fork.
  4. Pass the same part of the ribbon in the upper zone, stretch it to the front of the cutlery.
  5. On one side you have a loop that you don’t need to touch yet.
  6. Continue working with the same tip. Wrap it around the right side and insert it through the bottom into the loop.

Now tighten the resulting composition, carefully remove it from the fork - and that’s it, the miniature bow is ready.

Wire won't hurt either

Another useful assistant when creating bows is floral wire. With its help you can make both classic single-tier and lush crafts.

For gifts, bouquets, hair decorations, clothing and interior decor - you can use this ribbon bow anywhere. The master class on how to create it is extremely simple:

  1. Cut the length of ribbon you need.
  2. Lay it out on a flat surface and smooth it out.
  3. Bend the material on both sides and cross the ends in the central part. Place them on top of each other. This way you will form the ears of the future bow. Don't forget that their ends should hang freely in the form of ponytails.
  4. Hold the resulting composition in the central part so that all its elements remain in place.
  5. In the middle, tightly wrap the workpiece with wire.
  6. Cover the junction with a piece of tape of the same color or one that goes well with the main one. Secure with glue or sew with thread.
  7. Tidy up the ears and tails by straightening them and arranging them symmetrically.

This is how we make a beautiful ribbon bow. You can safely use it for any decorative purposes.

Two in one

If you want to make a simple bow, but not with two ears, but with four, folded in two layers, you do not need to cut out each element separately. To create this craft, as in the case of a regular bow, you also need one complete ribbon.

This decoration is perfect for decorating gifts, as well as for decorating hairstyles and any other type of decor. So let's get down to business.

  1. Cut a large piece of tape and lay it out in front of you.
  2. Bend the first loop, then the second. Do not let go of the central part so that the composition does not fall apart. If you have difficulty holding the tape and working with it at the same time, have someone help you until you can do it yourself. When you get the hang of working with ribbon, you can make multi-level decorations this way, but for now it’s better to limit yourself to a two-layer craft.
  3. Cut off the excess parts of the ribbon, and pull the remaining part in the center with wire or sew with thread.
  4. Wrap a ribbon of a matching color around the central part so that the fixation point is not visible. Secure it with glue or sew it too.

You've made a beautiful two-layer bow. Now you can hook it wherever your heart desires!

Making a curvy bow

To make a beautiful bow from a wide ribbon, it is best to use a material with wire stretched along the edges. In this case, it will be much more convenient for you to give the decoration shape and volume. This craft is perfect for gift boxes.

For a medium-sized gift you will need the following materials:

  • approximately 2 meters of tape;
  • glue gun;
  • double sided tape.

So, your steps to make a beautiful ribbon bow:

  1. Wrap the box in gift paper;
  2. Cut the required amount of ribbon and wrap it around the gift.
  3. Secure the future bow to the box with glue. In this case, you cannot cut the ends of the tape, since you will need them for further creativity.
  4. Bend one end of the material to make a loop. Glue the resulting droplet to the box in the central part.
  5. Fold the loop several times to create pleats. Each of them is a separate ear of the future bow.
  6. Fasten the loops together and glue them to the package.
  7. In the same way, you can make even more of these droplets and fix them on the box.
  8. Follow the same steps to create the second half of the bow.
  9. Use scissors to tidy up the drooping ponytails.

To hide the place where all the elements are fixed in the center of the craft, cover it with a separate piece of fabric.

We refine the ends of the ribbon

When creating any bow, each element plays a very important role. Not only the ears of the craft, but also its tails should look neat and symmetrical.

When we tie a bow from satin ribbon(or any other), you need to ensure that its hanging ends are as long as possible. You can shorten them at any time, but increasing them without untying the loops is extremely difficult and virtually impossible.

To make the bow look neat, you need to trim the ends of the ribbon correctly. Thanks to this, the material will not fray, you will remove excess threads sticking out from the edges, and the entire appearance of the product will become much more presentable.

For best results, use sharp scissors that won't chew on the fabric. To trim the ends, you can choose one of the two most common methods:

  1. Diagonally: run scissors across the tape at any angle you like.
  2. V-shape: Find a point in the center of the ribbon near its end, mark it with a pencil or pen, cut two lines towards it from the corners of the ponytail. If the triangle you cut does not separate from the fabric on its own, carefully separate it from the area where it is still attached.

Choosing additional decorations

Finishing the ends may be the last step in tying a beautiful ribbon bow, unless you want to decorate it with additional baubles. Depending on the occasion, your tastes and the content of the gift, these can be a variety of elements.

For example, a bow for a New Year's gift can be decorated with a small decorative snowflake, a bell, or Santa Claus. Rhinestones, beads, flowers, stars, hearts, etc. are suitable for making a hairpin or clothing.

Decorate wisely!

In any craft store you can find a lot of suitable parts. They can be attached not only to the ribbon itself, but also to the wrapper next to it, if we are talking about gifts.

When choosing additional elements for the bow, it is very important not to overdo it. It’s better to just tie a pretty bow from a ribbon and decorate it with one cute trinket than to cover it with a bunch of all kinds of decorations, which together will look cheap and tasteless. Create with intelligence and inspiration. And you will definitely succeed!

Here's a photo showing a variety of techniques for creating simple handmade ribbon bows.

How to make a simple bow?

You can make the simplest bow yourself as follows:

  • Before starting work, prepare two ribbons (wide and narrow) of different colors. The length and width of the light tape is 20x5cm, dark - 40x5cm, respectively.
  • Next, fold the wide ribbon into a loop and secure the edges with glue.
  • Repeat the same with a narrow ribbon. To do this, you need to put it on top of the wide one, and fasten the ends of both with glue to each other.
  • Take the remaining piece of narrow ribbon and tie it loosely in the middle of the resulting product.
  • Free edges allow you to attach a bow to a gift or clothing

How to make a lush bow from ribbon

There are many variations on this theme. Here is one simple way to make a satin bow at home:

  • Purchase a ribbon of the required length and width from the store. The longer it is, the more magnificent the product will be.
  • Fold the ribbon like an accordion and tie the part in the middle with thread.
  • To make a large satin ribbon bow, use several of these elements connected to each other.

Lovely bow in kindergarten or for September 1st, it’s easy for first-graders to create using a two-meter white ribbon.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Prepare several segments of equal length (15cm).
  • Place them right side inward.
  • Glue is applied at a distance of 2cm from the bend.
  • The gluing area is pressed with tweezers for strength.
  • After the glue has dried, the bows can be turned outward.
  • The edges are fastened with thread and sewn to the base (felt, cloth).
  • Rhinestones and beads are suitable as additional decoration.

Wide ribbon bows

Often, when choosing a bow tie, difficulties arise, since the store does not always have the model in the desired color.

A worthy solution to this problem would be to make such a tie from scrap materials. Here's a quick guide:

  • Prepare 2 pieces of tape of different lengths and widths: the first – 20x5, the second – 18x3
  • Fold each one in half, securing the ends with glue.
  • For strong bonding, it is recommended to use a needle
  • Connect both parts using stitches
  • Pull the thread and fasten

“Roses” are considered the original decoration - beautiful bows with your own hands.

Creation proceeds according to the following scheme:

  • Wrap the ribbon around your hand and make a knot
  • Spread the “petals”, bending them inward
  • Repeat the action with each “petal”

Narrow satin ribbon bow

The Dior decorative element will add sophistication and charm to your clothes. Making a kind of bow is not difficult:

  • Cut elements of varying lengths from tape
  • Make figure-eight turns out of them.
  • Place them on top of each other from largest to smallest
  • To fasten the bow - to do this you need to thread a small piece of ribbon of the same shade into the last turn

The finished product will fit any packing box, will be especially stylish combined with round and oval shapes.

The following video will clearly present a master class on how to make many small bows from a narrow ribbon using a dinner fork.

Hair ornaments

Handmade hair bows are a great way to stand out. To do this, adhere to the following points:

  • Take 2 pieces of tape (5x25) and a thin tape
  • Fold the corner at one edge of the wide ribbon
  • Combine the end of the second corner with the first
  • Connect the resulting corners with a needle to form a loop.
  • Then do the same next to the corners. Turning the product over, make another corner (perform these steps until a triangle of tape remains)
  • Bend the resulting “diamond” in half twice
  • Fold the free end to form a triangle
  • Carefully hold it in the center so that the structure does not fall apart
  • Remove the needles and bend the inner triangle to create a petal.
  • Sew the element in the middle

After this, you should prepare another such part and connect both using a narrow ribbon. To attach the products to your hair, you will need a clip or elastic band.

How to make a chic bow from nylon ribbon

To ensure that the homemade process is not too labor-intensive, it is enough to follow the step-by-step steps:

  • You will need 2 ribbons of the same size (150x8)
  • Bend each one in half and try to thread it on a needle and thread.
  • After finishing the work, pull the thread so that the remaining piece of tape is 30-40cm
  • Make a knot and straighten the resulting product
  • Take thick felt and prepare a circle (diameter 8cm)
  • Make two holes in it and thread a thin ribbon through them
  • Glue the first tape to the base in a spiral, then the second.
  • Cut off the rest of the tape and trim the ends

Photos of DIY ribbon bows



Good mood to all readers of the site. Summer is in full swing and it's time to think about suitable accessories and jewelry. Today we will create beautiful lush, I would even say fluffy, bows from ribbons with our own hands. This means that this article will be especially interesting to mothers of girls.

But even if you have a son, then know: if suddenly... someday... you need to surprise and please the neighbor’s girl or niece with something, then why not try to sew such small bows from nylon ribbons?

Moreover, they are sewn very quickly and simply. And they look very cute and perky. For example, we have already managed to conquer not only the neighboring boys with our bows, but also the girls!

In order to get such fluffy bows, you need to prepare:

nylon tape of the desired shade 8-10 cm wide - 3 meters
small pieces of felt or any other non-woven material of sufficient density.

The main thing is that the material should not crumble and preferably should not stretch. From this point of view, fleece will not be very convenient to work with. It doesn't crumble, but it stretches, and that's not good. But if nothing else is at hand, then you can use it. You can also try using a thin soft skin. Or a piece of felt. Or, at worst, glue ordinary PVA glue cotton fabric In general, there are a lot of options - choose.

I’ll explain why it’s thin later. But if you don't read to the end, you can find out for yourself. Especially if, without listening to the advice, you take not the needle that I recommend, but the one that has long taken root in your sewing accessories box.

We will also need hot glue, a lighter, a couple of beads to match the ribbon (preferably with a wider hole so that the elastic can fit in) and the hat elastic itself, approximately 30-40 cm long. Also matching the ribbon. All. Let's start our master class.

DIY fluffy ribbon bows. Master Class

The first thing to do is to prepare the nylon tape for further work. Iron it at a very, very low temperature setting with a heated iron to eliminate possible wrinkles, folds and other disgraces. The ribbon should be perfectly ironed. I do not recommend using steam, as some ribbons may become very wavy or even stained by moisture as a result of steaming. Therefore - only dry ironing. For fans of steaming, I advise you to try it first on a small area from the edge of the tape.

Next, we singe the sections of tape inserted between the pages of a thick book with a lighter. If you have a special soldering iron or burner, you can process the sections with them. And the good thing about the book method is that when special devices and tools are not available, you can melt the sections without fear or reproach, or rather risk, and not be afraid that the edge will be even worse than before processing. Thick sheets of the book will not allow the flame to spread beyond the required level, and the cut line will be smooth and neat.

Now let's start the sewing process. We bend the tape in half and sew small stitches approximately 0.3-0.5 cm long along the fold line at a distance of 0.3 cm from it. It's possible to do less, but it's not very convenient. But it’s very beautiful.

I tried to sew at a distance of 0.1 cm. However, it was a little awkward to assemble later. In general, okay. Section by section, folding the tape in half, we lay a stitch with a “needle forward” seam.

Secret No. 1 It is better and easier to assemble the tape initially on a double thread. So, thread it through the needle, bring both ends together and tie a knot

Well, without going far, secret number 2. Pull the thread together, gathering the tape each time, sewing a small area with straight stitches. Don't wait until you reach the end of the tape. This way you will avoid the possibility of thread breaking when pulling a long strip of tape, and you won’t have to take the length of the thread too long. All these little tricks will help make your ribbon bows even and neat.

Now is the most crucial moment. And labor intensive. In principle, nothing complicated, but it will require effort. And... tact. You need to pull the thread tightly, but at the same time be tactful so as not to break it. Otherwise... Uuuuu... it’s scary to even talk about it.

Your thread will break, and not only will you have to start all over again, including ironing the tape, by the way. So, in addition to everything, you will get a lot of puffs, hooks and holes that can’t be removed with anything, but you can sew and tighten them again... Well, in general, of course, you won’t have anything else left, but these are the qualities of bows , of course, it won’t add. In general, we work extremely carefully. Without too much enthusiasm.

So here it is. I got distracted. After the entire ribbon has been assembled, we secure the thread with a few stitches and begin, nice and slowly, twisting the assembled ribbon in a spiral (starting from the end on which we just finished working), stitching the edge assembled into an accordion. It’s a little problematic to show this in the photo, but it seems like you can see something.

At the same time... Attention!!! ...we help with our fingers, pulling down the free edge of the tape so that only the stitched edge gets into the spiral. Well... if possible, of course.

So, let's flash it. In a spiral, turn by turn. Try not to create a mound or something when you pull it together. appearance resembling a cone, but the result was a flat base. If it doesn’t work out, then in principle it’s not scary. But it’s still better if it works out. Therefore, connect the turns as if “superficially”. In the sense that the stitches should be of high quality, but lie on the surface, and not turn into a point when tightened. In other words, they must be visible.

If you do everything correctly, then the result should be a not very fluffy and not quite round, and also not at all fluffy, but absolutely crumpled ribbon bow. And so, this is what the output should be.

This is of course not as ideal as I described and advised you here for half an hour, but something like that. We fasten the thread. Let's cut it off. We string (in my case, somehow twist) the beads onto a rubber cord.

What are beads even for? The fact is that their presence on the elastic greatly simplifies the task of securing this same elastic to ponytails and braids. This wonderful and, more importantly, useful know-how has long been used with great success in the manufacture of all kinds of hair ties. Well... actually, why am I worse? I also now hang beads on all rubber bands. Whoa! And by the way, I advise you!

In general, we string beads, then tie a cord into a knot, get a closed ring with a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm and cut off the excess elastic, leaving free ends no more than 0.5 cm long. We melt the braided threads with a lighter.

Sew the elastic to the assembled ribbon. At the same time, make sure that the stitches are located on top of the rubber cord, otherwise you will injure it and render it unusable. We sew, naturally, from the side of the knot. At this moment, the bead dangles freely below.

We work, again, with a double thread. 4-6 stitches. 2-3 stitches on each side of the knot. Try not to grab the tape itself, but work only with the assembly area. Thanks to this, the lower tier of the frills will not become shorter and the finished nylon ball, or rather the bow, will be evenly fluffy.

Ready! Finally. All that remains is to put a pre-prepared felt circle with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm with a longitudinal cut for a bead in the center of this circle onto the elastic band. The length of the cut is equal to the diameter of the bead or slightly less (1 mm). From a technological point of view, the second option is even more correct than the first. I am telling this to you as to my beloved readers.

Once you have threaded the bead and placed the circle where the rubber cord meets the bow, you can glue it on. This can be done with ordinary transparent glue Moment Crystal, but I prefer a silicone glue gun. A couple of small drops at the base of the gum and thin line along the entire perimeter of the felt circle.

We fluff (or fluff? Whoever answers, well done!) our nylon ball and get a wonderful fluffy, bright ribbon bow!!! Beauty! You like? Yes, for me.

As you can see, sewing ribbon bows with your own hands is not at all difficult and, most importantly, it doesn’t take long. 30-40 minutes and two handsome Bantau boys are ready for fitting and new hairstyles on your baby’s head!

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I wish you creative success and a great mood!
