I am a fan of shoes made of suede and nubuck, and several summer models made of fabric appeared that year... Let's just say, not the most practical option, also in our area. So, of course, the question very quickly became how to clean suede shoes from dirt, without getting them wet - that is, clean them without water.

That's how I found out about the cleaning product. suede shoes in the form of foam - it turns out that such wonders exist, people have been using them for years, and I didn’t even know... and I suffer, contrive, clean different ways. But it turns out that there are tools that do all the work for us... and there is no need to suffer and waste time.

So I chose cleaning foam from Salton, as one of the most affordable and most versatile - suitable for many types of surfaces.

Metal pressure cylinder in yellow, like all shoe products of this brand.

Volume- only 150 ml. It's not much for cleaning shoes. Consumption ( if you want a good cleanse) not economical.

A country: Czech

The sprayer surprised me, to be honest... when you read that it is “foam”, you imagine a pump with a wide neck from which this foam will come out freely.

And here...just a narrow hole, like, for example, in regular varnish for hair or antiperspirant in the form of a spray. A thin, small hole. I also thought “somehow the foam will fly out of there?!”

Price: 76-78 UAH. ( up to 200 rub.)

I can’t call this cost budget, considering the consumption ( more about this below) But the same foam from TM Salamander ( shoe care which I love), even more expensive.

Here I decided to save a little without losing quality. I charged for 76 UAH with free shipping

Quality of cleaning with Salton foam for suede:

Delicate cleansing

Cleansing is truly delicate.

1. Because foam is more gentle on suede than... water

2. Because it is very sensitive to more complex contaminants....))

The manufacturer advises to first test the effect of the cleaning foam on an inconspicuous area of ​​suede ( In principle, well-painted shoes should not be damaged, but anything can happen...)

I processed it right away all surface Without fear that something will discolor or change its properties.

How to use cleaning foam for suede?

Everything here is extremely simple, that’s why I chose this type of cleansing.

I simply shook the bottle intensively until the liquid stopped gurgling inside.

And, without tilting the bottle ( holding vertically) started spraying on shoes.

And...this is where I was surprised.

First, to the fact that NOT FOAM came out of the bottle,

It's just a trickle of liquid. I thought that was it, the product had gone bad... I even decided to immediately check the expiration date. But I didn’t even have time to remove the balloon from my shoes and bring it closer to my eyes to look at the production date when the metamorphosis began.

On the treated area of ​​suede, where I began to spray the product, foam began to GROW. That is, the foam did not fly out of the container, but already appeared on the area of ​​suede where the product was sprayed.

That's the turn

Boots of Santa Claus or Bigfoot

I foamed, in general, all the shoes, and began to wait.

As quickly as the foam appeared, it began just as quickly. disappear....just melt before our eyes. More precisely, on shoes.

Then I simply took a clean foam sponge and removed the foam along with the CONTAMINATIONS,

There is no need to wash off anything (!)

Water is not involved here.

But the quality of cleaning on the two types of shoes was different...

Here is the algorithm for cleaning suede shoes I found on the manufacturer’s official website:

Remove outdoor dirt from the soles with the SALTON Shoe Cleaning Sponge. To initially clean the shoe surface, use the SALTON Triple Brush, remove remaining dirt with SALTON Cleaning Foam and treat the leather with SALTON Suede Leather Paint. The SALTON suede and nubuck sponge will restore the velvety surface of the leather.

That is, 5 means and your shoes will shine... well, of all these products, in fact, you only need a foam cleaner and a brush or sponge to stir up the pile after treatment.

Well, a spray to restore color - only as needed, if indeed the shoes are not only dirty, but have also lost color.

One important rule:

Use the aerosol only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

I used foam on the street.

The smell is pungent...

How does foam clean shoes? (TWO EXAMPLES: dark and light shoes):

Example No. 1.

Black suede.

Cleansing is perfect, you can almost immediately put on your shoes and run errands.

The color became more saturated, black.

Example No. 2.

Light nubuck is my favorite sneakers, comfortable, like slippers, which I have worn well, but don’t want to part with them

Nubuck absorbs foam very well.

The cleansing is weaker, but it is definitely there.

Fabric lacing cleaned with a bang

The shoes remain wet for 12 hours.

After drying, be sure to lift the pile with a brush for suede and nubuck.

The light Snickers darkened after the foam, but after drying and brushing they returned their color.


**don’t let the darkened nubuck scare you


I haven’t used it on smooth skin - it’s easier for me to just wash the isitons.

And this is all a miracle of foam emerging from the bottle.

It’s amazing what kind of component this is that works such miracles....

Composition of cleaning foam for shoes made of suede and nubuck Salton:

Water, antibacterial component, solvents, fragrance, propane, butane.

By the way, you can also clean your boots and shoes with this shoe cleaning foam. inside.

Foam is also suitable for these purposes.

But it’s better to use shoe insoles to protect the inside - it will protect the inner fabric and also provide increased shock absorption for the feet

By the way, the cleansing foam does not leave streaks.

Even if shoes treated with this foam get wet after a couple of days in the rain.

It is worth treating shoes with this foam for further care - applying a tinting spray or water-repellent impregnation.

But, here it is important to comply with the condition - let the shoes dry completely after treatment with foam (!)

It’s better to even do all these manipulations not in one day.

As for consumption - for two pairs of shoes, according to feelings ( the bottle is not transparent) it took me three bottles.

Of course, if you are not sure that you can handle the cleaning, and it seems that the fabric is too delicate and can be damaged, then it is better to contact a dry cleaner.

Nubuck is a natural material, a special type of leather. The leather is treated with tannins and polished with abrasives.

The result is a finely piled material that is velvety to the touch. The biggest advantage of nubuck is its breathability.

Shoes made from this material have appeared in stores relatively recently, but have already gained enormous popularity, displacing leather and suede.

How is nubuck different from suede? These materials are made from different types skin. Nubuck is made from the hides of cattle, and suede is made from small cattle, sometimes from the skin of deer and elk.

Nubuck looks similar to suede, but the pile of suede is longer. Suede is a more wear-resistant material. Although more capricious, it is much simpler.

It is treated with fat impregnation, in this case the material is already called nubuck oil. It is most often used to make sports shoes. It differs favorably from the usual one due to its water-repellent properties.

But at the same time it looks rougher. Nubuck oil can be distinguished externally: it is darker and smoother. It is much easier to care for such material, because it can be wetted. Regular nubuck gets damaged by water, so you need to be careful when cleaning it.

When purchasing shoes made from this material, there should also be a care instructions in the shoe box.

If for some reason you don’t have one, the following tips will tell you how to properly clean and care for nubuck shoes:

  1. These shoes need to be cleaned daily, morning and evening.
  2. For cleaning, use only special brushes, aerosols, etc. Leather cleaners are not suitable.
  3. Before cleaning, shoes should be thoroughly dried. Drying should be natural. No electric heaters!
  4. First, use a special brush to remove dry dirt and dust.
  5. If there are white stains on the shoes, remove them with a damp cloth.
  6. Apply a special cream of a suitable shade.

Finish cleaning your shoes by spraying with a water-repellent spray.

Both of these materials get a second life after steam treatment.

  • Hold the shoes over the boiling kettle for a while.
  • Dry.
  • Go over the pile with a rubber brush.
  • Apply a special cream.
  • Treat with water-repellent spray.

Some models of modern vacuum cleaners are capable of compressing dust in order to make it more convenient to throw it away later. can work much longer without cleaning.

New mops come in a wide variety of designs. Read in what is the best mop for cleaning the floor.

Do you still have old coins? Return them to their previous appearance, read how to clean commemorative coins.

If home cleaning is not successful, use dry cleaning services and take your nubuck shoes to professionals.

Dry cleaning of nubuck shoes consists of several stages:

  • The entire surface of the shoe is cleaned.
  • Salt stains, stubborn stains, and dull color are eliminated.
  • If necessary, shoes are tinted.
  • Shoes are impregnated with water-repellent agents.

The difficult care of nubuck shoes is completely worth it because such shoes, with proper care, are beautiful and natural.

This is a natural material that can allow moisture to pass through and “breathe” - it does not harm health. And nubuck oil is suitable for people leading an active lifestyle

If you need to quickly get rid of stains on your suede, then we can help. good advice. Be sure to use them at home, and your suede item will be clean and new again. A particular nuisance is the grease that can accidentally drip onto a suede product.

Suede is a very delicate material, and therefore requires careful and special care. And if you prefer suede bags or boots, then you have to constantly monitor them. But it’s not always possible to notice unpleasant spots in time. , shoes and other things made of suede, we will tell you in this article how to remove dirt and stains from this material.

If the stain is greasy and fresh, then take a towel or napkin and blot the stain thoroughly with it. This will help remove excess fat, regardless of whether it gets on a bag or other suede item. Now you need to take a brush and shake off the dust from the product.

Now let’s proceed directly to the operation to remove grease stains.

  1. Flour. Housewives often use flour to remove, for example, suede bags. After all, this crumbly ingredient can always be found in the kitchen. Sprinkle the area on the material that has succumbed to the effects of fat with flour, and, most importantly, do not spare it. You can also replace flour with chalk, which must first be crushed. Press with your finger so that the flour or chalk is well absorbed into the suede bag, boots or other products. After 60 minutes, shake the flour off the material well and cover the stain with this product again. Use flour as many times as necessary until the stain is removed. Tip: You can also use baby powder or potato starch.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. You can remove an oil stain from a suede product using a dishwasher. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of this product with a glass of water, beat it with a spoon or, if available, wooden stick. Use the foam that has formed on top to treat the contaminated area of ​​a bag or other suede product. Now you need to wait and then remove this foam along with the dirt with dry material. The product can then be processed special means, which protects suede from water stains.
  3. Ammonia and soap. Ammonia and liquid soap will help rid the suede product of grease. Take a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of soap and 2 teaspoons of alcohol. Mix the resulting mixture well with a spoon. Moisten a sponge, tampon or just a clean cloth with this solution and treat grease stain on a suede surface. Then heat the water in a saucepan, when steam appears, hold the problem area over it for several minutes. This procedure is also suitable if the stains on the suede are already old.
  4. Milk. Using milk you can remove not only grease stains, but also any dirt. To do this, take one glass of warm milk and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it with the addition of a couple of drops of ammonia. Soak a clean napkin or cloth in a solution of milk and soda and treat the greasy stain with it.

Now you know how to easily and easily remove fat from suede. There are other ways you can remove dirty stains from this material at home.

How to remove glue stains from suede?

If possible, then first you need to sharp blade try to remove excess glue, regardless of whether it is fresh or already hardened. This will make your task somewhat easier. Next, to remove the glue, you can use any of the methods below.

  • Refined gasoline will help remove this product. In order to remove such stains on suede, simply treat the dirt with a rag soaked in gasoline. This method is suitable when the glue has not yet fully hardened.
  • If glue gets on suede, then both solvent and acetone can help you. The first remedy is more powerful, and the second is more delicate. In both the first and second cases, in order to remove the glue, you need to moisten a rag in the chosen product and treat the contaminated area of ​​suede.
  • The glue can also be removed using a product that women use to remove nail polish. You can use this liquid as described above. It will help you clean your product quickly and easily.

Removing stains from suede shoes

Many women and girls love suede shoes. Of course, it looks rich and elegant, but it also has one drawback: it needs to be well looked after. And even if a drop of fat accidentally gets on such shoes or boots, they will no longer look so beautiful.

But you shouldn’t be upset, because the products that are in every apartment will help you quickly remove any contamination.

  1. For any dirty stains on your suede, simple ingredients like ammonia and soap can help remove them. Just dissolve ammonia and soap in warm water. Soak a soft, clean rag in this product and wipe the shoes, only very carefully and carefully.
  2. Now your suede shoes should dry, after which they need to be held over hot steam. Then you need to clean it with a rag or polish it with a special brush.
  3. To remove dirt, cover it with regular pharmaceutical talcum powder. Leave it for several hours (about three) so that the talc can absorb all the dirt. When the time is up, just shake the product, and then you need to clean it with a special brush.

If this method does not help you, and you cannot clean the stain on suede shoes, you should use another product.

Advice! Try cleaning your shoes with gasoline. Dampen a clean and preferably soft cloth in this product and wipe the stains. Also, in order to clean any dirt from the same suede boots, you can use the above-described products.

A few final words

Now your suede shoes will always shine clean and delight you with their beauty and elegance, because you know how to clean them from various contaminants. Just choose a method that suits you that will help restore your suede products to their original appearance. This is not difficult to do.

Suede shoes always look very attractive and elegant; as a rule, they are chosen by people with a subtle sense of taste and style. Boots or ankle boots made from it look very feminine and sexy on the fairer sex. However, this material is quite capricious and delicate to care for. In order for suede products to serve you for a long time while maintaining their sophisticated appearance, you need to use various dirt and water-repellent impregnations.

Suede is quite intolerant of water procedures and influences detergents, if not properly cared for, may lose its beautiful view Once and for all. It is absolutely unacceptable to use washing machine or soaking in water when cleaning shoes made of such material. From excess water and improper care, your expensive suede boots (sneakers, boots) can simply shrink and become rough. There are several effective means and ways to wash suede shoes at home, as well as how to dry them correctly, we will look at them in more detail.

Soapy water and ammonia

It should be remembered that you should not try to wash fresh dirt from the suede surface, it is better to let it dry. We make a foam solution from liquid or simple laundry soap, add a few drops of ammonia to it. Using the resulting mixture, carefully treat boots or other types of footwear, paying special attention to Special attention areas with high pollution.

If the surface of the suede is very dirty, you can gently clean it with a fine-grained sandpaper, then treat with a weak solution of table or apple cider vinegar. This method is also effective in combating white spots from dampness.

Minor stains can be removed by cleaning with a brush with rubberized bristles, but if you don’t have one, you can use a regular eraser.

If a greasy stain appears on the surface of boots, sneakers or other suede shoes, or the shoes begin to shine, you need to thoroughly sprinkle the shiny areas with body talcum powder or baby powder. After that, the shoes should stand for several hours; after this period of time, you need to clean them with a stiff wire brush. In addition, you will need to treat the boots with soap foam to avoid the appearance of white spots. After this cleaning process, suede products must be dried for at least 12 hours.

In a great way restore attractive appearance products made from suede is ordinary water vapor. This method is effective if the boots have not been used for a long time after the summer season, and the pile on them has become damaged. To do this, you just need to hold them over a pan of boiling water for several minutes, and then give the suede the desired direction with a brush.

Toilet soap

In order to clean light-colored suede shoes, you can use dry toilet soap; unlike laundry soap, it does not leave an atypical tint. Light-colored shoes can also be tidied up using a careful rubber band.

Stain remover for suede

Modern market household chemicals replete with a variety of ready-made care products for suede shoes. One of them, the simplest and most effective, is a stain remover. It has a foam-like structure that can be applied to stains using a tissue. After drying, boots (sneakers, shoes) can simply be wiped with a cloth. This shoe care product allows you to wash even stubborn dirt at home.

How to dry suede shoes

It is important to remember that no matter what method of cleaning or washing suede you choose, products made from it must be properly dried by natural air circulation. In an attempt to speed up the process, do not resort to using a hair dryer, heaters or the sun, otherwise you risk deforming the shape of your favorite boots or sneakers, and their surface may become rough and rough. It is correct to dry such products for about 20 hours, periodically changing the position of the shoes. If moisture gets inside, you can dry your shoes using old newspapers; to do this, you need to place them inside and, as the paper gets wet, change it until it dries completely.

If you are the proud owner of one or more pairs of shoes made of artificial or natural suede, then in order to maintain its good exterior you will need:

  • Flannel napkin (you can also use soft knitwear);
  • Brush with rubber bristles;
  • Rubber band (eraser);
  • Spray paint desired color;
  • Means for protection against dirt and moisture;
  • Soap (you may need both laundry and toilet soap).

Leather cleansers are special liquids, which remove various contaminants (dust, grease stains, reagents) from the structure of the material. Buy quality cleaners for daily care and intensive dry cleaning you can do in our online store “Magic of Shoe Shoe” at an affordable price.

Types of cleaners

On sale are products for everyday cleaning (lotions for smooth, oily and rough skins, as well as textile materials). Erasers and creams perfectly clean pores leather materials from dust and give the material elasticity.

Cleaners for intensive cleaning are presented on our website with various chemical-based solutions and powders that remove grease and other stubborn stains. Before using such products, it is recommended to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

Cleaners before painting allow you to give your favorite suede or leather item an attractive look, even if it has served you for several years.

The online store "Magic Shoe Shoe" presents only high-quality certified cleaners, which are distinguished by their safe composition and ability to remove even old stains. Each solution, soap or powder comes with instructions for use.

To order these products, call us and indicate which cleaner you are interested in.