Slush, dust, frost, rain, chemicals - all these factors quickly render our shoes and boots unusable, but even the most impractical shoes can retain their external novelty with proper care. A proper care– these are, first of all, special products for shoes, on which you cannot save. According to experts, such funds should spend at least 10 percent of the cost of the shoes themselves. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice.

What shoe care products are available on the domestic market today, and what brands do consumers choose?


All shoe polishes are divided into...

  • Thick creams based on organic solvents

Advantage: Optimal effect in bad weather. Ingredients: solvents, wax and coloring agent, animal fat. Suitable for thick shoes genuine leather.

  • Liquid creams, emulsion

Most effective in the warm season. The composition contains fewer solvents (they are replaced with water). Ideal choice for elegant expensive shoes made of thin skin. The level of protection is lower compared to a thick thick cream, but the shine is very durable.

  1. Salamander.
  2. Kiwi.
  3. Sapphire.

Water repellent spray

This product is a real salvation for shoes, both suede/nubuck and leather. A well-chosen spray will not only protect your boots from the effects of slush, snow and reagents, but will also ease the “shoe torment”.

Treating shoes with a spray is an easier, more convenient and cleaner process than treating them with a cream. Water-repellent spray keeps white boots white, color intensity on colored shoes, protects suede from getting wet, and leather from deformation.

The only drawback of the product is its very strong smell.

  1. Niki Line Anti Rain. German product for shoes made of any material, including fur and textiles.
  2. Salamander Universal SMS. Significantly extends the life of shoes.
  3. Ecco. Protects against moisture without interfering with the air exchange of shoes. Economical and efficient.
  4. Collonil Nanopro. A universal remedy. Used for both shoes and clothing. Created on the basis of nano-technology. Economical, fantastically effective and... very expensive.
  5. Kiwi Aqua Stop. Dries quickly, works effectively, is convenient for a woman's handbag, and has an affordable price.


A product that protects shoes from penetration of water and dirt into the depth of the material. Impregnation keeps shoes in good condition for a long time and protects feet from dampness.

When choosing this product, they are guided by the type of material and the weather - only shoes, for shoes and clothing, for winter weather and reagents, or for rainy weather, etc.

Silicone impregnations are considered the most effective, thanks to which water simply drains from the shoe, and the protective film is evenly distributed over the surface of the shoe without blocking the air exchange. The effective action of the product begins after 8-9 hours, so treatment is usually carried out in the evening, in accordance with the type of impregnation (spray, emulsion, etc.).

  • For suede, it is better to choose a fluorocarbon resin impregnation for better protection.
  • For smooth skin - wax and silicone impregnations.
  • For daily use– paint-balm in the form of a spray.
  • For all types of shoe materials - fluorine-containing impregnations.
  1. Salton.
  2. Salamander Professional.
  3. Saphir.
  4. Tarrago.
  5. Hatch.
  6. Nikwax (for suede/nubuck).

Restorative paint

Using this product, you can restore shoes that have suffered from the effects of bad weather, restore scratches, abrasions, broken toes/heels, and disguise almost any defects. In addition to its restoration and camouflage properties, the restorer will protect shoes from dirt and moisture, prevent the appearance of stains, and restore the color intensity and velvety of nubuck.

The main advantages of a high-quality restorer are the durability of the paint - it will not stain your clothes and will not wash off after drying. The reducing agent should be left on the shoes until it dries completely, after which the effect should be secured with a protective agent.

The restorer contains silicone and stabilizers, pigments, wax with natural oils, etc. The product lies on the surface of the shoe like a second skin and easily hides even cuts, seams and traces of gluing on the shoes.

  1. Salamander.
  2. Erdal.
  3. Collonil.
  4. Sitil.
  5. Saphir.
  6. Kiwi.
  7. Silver.


These products appeared on our market not so long ago and immediately successfully replaced all “grandmother’s methods.” If the purchased (donated) shoes fell a little short on your feet, simply did not wear in or shrunk due to frequent getting wet/drying, then a stretcher will solve this problem - it softens the skin and ensures its easy stretching to the desired size (within reason, of course).

The best stretchers:

  1. Salamander.
  2. Salton.
  3. Kiwi.

Sprays Anticolor

Removed new shoes, and white socks turned black? And the boots were probably expensive? Don't despair and don't rush to throw them in the trash. Now we can solve this problem too. Unfortunately, expensive shoes also suffer from dyeing socks and tights. Your magic wand is Anticolor, which protects socks from staining and fixes the pigment layer of the inside of your shoes by creating a protective film.

This product can be used for completely various materials, and the spray form will make the task much easier.

The best Anticolor sprays:

  1. Salamander.
  2. Collonil.
  3. Saphir.


One of the main assistants in any weather, always present, both in a woman’s handbag and on a shelf at home (or in the office, in the dressing room). An irreplaceable item: a couple of swings - and the shoes shine again, like new. Of course, you can’t compare a sponge with impregnation or cream in terms of effectiveness, but sometimes you just can’t do without it.

Disadvantages of the sponge: a maximum of 30-50 shoe cleanings (then it simply dries out and loses its quality), the glycerin impregnation of the sponge dissolves in water (that is, the shoes do not protect against moisture), and the foam rubber breaks very quickly.

The most durable sponges are made of dense foam rubber, with a polystyrene body, with a dispenser and based on silicone oils. Well, it’s also worth remembering that the purpose of a sponge is to add shine, and not to protect shoes from moisture.

  1. Salamander (contains dye, silicone impregnation).
  2. Salton professional (double sponge, gel dispenser).
  3. Smart (Contains dye, silicone oils. Dust-repellent effect).
  4. Silver (Contains perfume and silicone oil, dye).
  5. Vilo (contains silicone oil, dye).

Polishes for patent leather shoes

Thin patent leather requires special care. The best remedy– a special polish to protect against cracks, to maintain the elasticity of the leather, and for shine. Suitable for patent leather, synthetic and natural look. When used correctly, it significantly extends the life of shoes.

Contains special oils.

  1. Collonil.
  2. Saphir.
  3. Lack Polish Niki Line.
  4. Lack Care Salamander.


One of the most necessary “tools” for shoe care is, of course, a shoe brush.

The best one is with natural bristles, and with a certain distance between the rows of this bristles (for easy removal of cream from the brush after cleaning shoes).

The body of the instrument must have a protective varnish coating or be made of plastic.

  1. Salamander (double-sided brush).
  2. Twist Casual Style Mini.
  3. Salton (triple brush, ideal for suede/nubuck).


If you have suede shoes and the color is original (neither white nor black), then the ideal cleaning option is dry. That is, using a special eraser. This product will help maintain the structure of suede and remove dirt without damaging the surface.

  1. Complex Care Salton Professional. For suede, velor, nubuck.
  2. Solitaire. For removing stains from velor.
  3. Saphir. For suede, velor.
  4. Collonil Nubuk Box. For velor, nubuck.

Textile shoe products

For shoes/boots made of membrane/textile materials, you should choose special products. They are usually labeled as Gore-tex care.

And shoes need special attention and care. If in the summer people put on something light, then with the onset of cold weather they have to put on something warm. Things made from natural materials require special care.

Skin care

At the time of buying leather shoes or clothing, be prepared for the fact that you will have to carefully care for it. Stock up on everything right away necessary means: cleaning foams, paint, brushes. A mandatory care product should be a water-repellent spray. Always clean the product well after outdoor use. If necessary, use cream and apply a water-repellent spray to the product before leaving the house.

How to choose a good product?

Nowadays, you can find water-repellent spray on the shelves of many stores. There are different brands under which this product is produced. It’s worth saying right away that the more popular the manufacturer, the more expensive the water-repellent spray will be. That is why it is necessary to pay attention not only to the popularity of the brand, but also to the composition. Sometimes you can find products that are similar in composition but differ significantly in price. The price of the product must correspond to its quality. Therefore, before purchasing, please review the information provided on back side tubes.

If the product contains natural oils, and other useful components, then this will be a definite plus. For such a product you can pay a slightly higher amount than for a regular water-repellent spray for clothes or shoes. Also, before purchasing a product, you need to decide what you need it for. There are universal caring sprays that are suitable for both smooth leather and suede products. It will be better if you purchase a separate product for both. The principle of operation of these sprays is somewhat different. Therefore, if you want to get reliable moisture protection for your things, give preference to a suitable sprayer. Otherwise, by saving now, you will spend much more money on buying a new item next season.

How to use the purchased product?

Once you have chosen a water repellent spray for your shoes or clothing, you can start using it. First, you will have to clean the product. To do this, wash it with plain water. This treatment method is only suitable for smooth skin. If you have a suede product, then it must be cleaned using special foam and a brush. It is advisable to use all care products from only one manufacturer. In this case, they will perfectly complement each other.

After cleaning the product, let it dry thoroughly. Remember that you cannot dry such things near the radiator. It's best to leave clothes or shoes indoors at room temperature overnight. The next morning you can begin the actual processing.

Pick up a water-repellent spray for shoes or clothing and carefully read the instructions. It must be followed in order to achieve maximum effect from the product used. Water repellent spray may have an unpleasant, strong odor. Therefore, it is better to process things in the fresh air, and not in a living room.

Shake the spray bottle. Hold the product in your hand at a distance of about twenty centimeters from the product. Press down on the plunger and work the entire surface of the clothing with quick movements from side to side. Remember that you need to apply the product at least two hours before leaving home. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired effect.

Water-repellent spray: user reviews

This product has only positive reviews. It perfectly protects jackets, sheepskin coats, boots and bags made from natural materials from moisture. Even if drops get on clothes, they are not absorbed and do not dry out. As a result, there are no dirty spots or streaks left on the product. Water-repellent spray for clothes forms a protective film, thanks to which droplets of liquid simply roll off the product.

Once you try to apply the product on your clothes, you will use it always. Thanks to its fine spray, the water-repellent spray does not damage the product and is easily washed off with a special cleanser or soap.


Choose good protection for your clothes and shoes. In this case, the product will last more than one season. You may have to make several different purchases for this clothing protection product before you find the right one. Always use a moisture protection spray. Apply it before each time you leave the house, as the weather can change dramatically in winter and fall. Let your clothes always be under reliable protection!

Caring for your own clothes is a delicate matter, especially if your living conditions are characterized by high levels of humidity or dampness. Specialized compounds can come to the rescue - popular products that penetrate into the product. Their specific characteristics, unlike other water-repellent products, are the most durable protection against negative natural influences - puddles, temperature changes, slush, precipitation, and so on. Since the market is literally replete with various products, this article contains a rating of the best water-repellent impregnations for shoes and clothing in 2020.

Impregnations for things are usually called solutions that are used to treat shoes or clothing. Its action is determined by the following:

  1. The water-repellent composition is applied immediately after purchasing clothes or shoes, before the first dirt or other defects (scuffs, scratches) appear on the coating of the products. A sufficient amount of impregnation is applied to the item, and the solution will evaporate in literally a matter of minutes. The fact is that the impregnation molecules do not evaporate anywhere, but qualitatively protect the coating of the product from various sources of negative influence.
  2. The preservative composition will not only be on the coating, but also inside the fibers. They will be equipped with the least hygroscopicity. The coating will begin to repel water, causing drops to stop collecting on it.

Pros and cons of using

What is the best impregnation to buy? – the choice is individual, but it is worth knowing about the advantages of using such funds:

  • The material will be resistant to various weather conditions, dirt and moisture;
  • Has virtually no effect on airtightness;
  • Absolutely safe for human skin;
  • After application, the material will become more flexible, dry out less and maintain its original appearance for a long time;
  • After using impregnation, textiles do not become heavier;
  • The material extends the life of shoes and preserves color.

There is only one drawback to using such products - you will have to allocate a little time for the processing procedure. But the result is worth the effort and time.

How to choose and what types there are

Most manufacturers produce water-repellent impregnations. Each of them has its own specifics. Exist the following types impregnation

  1. Creams. Creams are divided into two types: liquid and saturated. First, a good solution for leather goods. The structure contains animal fat, dyes (there is also colorless), and wax. Liquid products are an ideal solution on clear days as they contain a minimal amount of solvents. It is worth noting that creams add incredible shine to products.
  2. Water repellent spray. Such impregnations are considered to be multi-purpose. They are used for materials of any type. The product can be easily applied with or without a brush; you just need to spray the solution on clothes or shoes. It is important to remember that the processing process does not need to be carried out in a closed room. Unlike cream, water-repellent sprays are more durable.
  3. Water-repellent impregnation. Such compositions are radically different from sprays and creams, since they are able to penetrate deep into the product. This ensures long-lasting protection against all kinds of phenomena.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a water-repellent agent for shoes and clothing, most experts recommend being guided by the following parameters:

  • Type of material. Depending on what specific product you plan to use the composition for, you need to choose narrowly targeted products. The intended use must be indicated on the packaging, for example: “for suede.” But there are a huge number of universal products on the market that are suitable at the same time for completely different materials. Experts note that if the choice is between products with a wide or narrow range of application, it is better to opt for narrowly targeted impregnations.
  • Structure. For suede items, impregnations containing fluorocarbon resins are in great demand, because with their help an epoxy coating is formed on the surface of the product. For shoes and clothes made of smooth leather, experts recommend impregnations that contain silicones. For other things, fluorine-containing water repellents are an excellent option.
  • Manufacturer. The best manufacturers water-repellent impregnations for shoes and clothing - DryCare, Salamander, Grangers, Collonil, Nikwax and Twist.

Rating of the best water-repellent impregnations

The best water-repellent impregnations for shoes

It is not recommended to wear shoes that are impregnated with a water-repellent composition during the first day. The fact is that just after a day, the substances contained in the impregnation will begin to show their own practical characteristics and will be able to effectively protect shoes from external influences.

Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof Spray

Water-repellent impregnation Nikvax (Britain) is an ideal option for preserving the exquisite design of shoes made of fabric and leather, including products with a membrane. Nikwax is great for boots, sandals and sneakers. The content ensures that the shoes are waterproof. With this impregnation, puddles and snowdrifts cease to be a problem. Taking care of your products using this product becomes very easy. In addition, the manufacturer offers the buyer a choice of spraying or applying the shielding structure using a sponge.

Numerous customer reviews prove excellent results and highlight that systematic application actually helps maintain appearance and product integrity. A 125 ml bottle is enough for almost a whole season, which makes it possible to note the cost-effectiveness of this product.

The average price is 500 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Nikwax Fabric & Leather Proof Spray


  • Ease of application;
  • Economical;
  • Long lasting effect.


  • If you use the impregnation too much, your shoes may darken a couple of shades.

In the “inexpensive” category, the Russian-made “Twist” aerosol impregnation boldly boasts of low cost. This is a multifunctional product suitable for any type of shoe: nubuck, leather, suede, textile and so on. But the composition has earned the greatest demand in the matter of protecting leather products from natural factors (dirt, moisture). Impregnation can be purchased in a 250 ml bottle.

The impregnation uses golden amber resin. After application, a water-repellent pleating appears on the shoe covering, protecting the product from various weather factors and deformation, which simply cannot be avoided if you do not take care of your shoes in winter and autumn. The effective components of the products not only carefully protect leather shoes, but also help the material to recover. Therefore, it’s too early to write off old boots; Twist impregnation will help refresh them.

The average price is 200 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Twist


  • Suitable for skin;
  • Budget cost;
  • Convenient method of application.


  • Many buyers complain about the smell.

Collonil Carbon Pro

Premium impregnation Collonil is the best protection for products from dirt and moisture, as evidenced by many positive reviews from customers. The aerosol product is sold in 400 ml bottles and shows good dirt- and moisture-repellent properties. The specificity of the water-repellent agent is a technology carefully created by the manufacturer, with the help of which the impregnation is able to protect shoes of any type based on the spray membrane. Consequently, a protective structure invisible to the human eye appears on the coating of the product, which prevents possible fading of the shade and the occurrence of salt stains.

This impregnation is rightfully innovative - polymer fibers are fixed on the surface, and over a long period of time they play the role of a barrier for the most different types pollution and perform despite all weather factors. This remedy is the most expensive of all those described. Experts recommend this impregnation for purchase, highlighting the fact that the price-to-quality ratio is quite justified.

The average price is 1400 rubles.

water-repellent impregnation Collonil Carbon Pro


  • Premium quality;
  • Masking scratches;
  • Cumulative effect.


  • Not detected.

The best water-repellent impregnations for clothing

The specificity of using water-repellent impregnations for clothing is that the composition must be supplemented with water, after which dry and clean clothes must be immersed in it. Experts point out that to maintain excellent results, it is better to wash by hand with a pre-applied detergent.

The leader in the “budget and quality” category is DryCare impregnation. The Russian brand provides an effective and affordable composition for protecting clothing made from any materials. This impregnation is an excellent choice for accessories, clothing and even shoes made of fabrics, suede, smooth leather and velor. According to numerous surveys, the manufacturer is very popular, and experts speak well of Drycare.

For effective protection from dirt and moisture, it is recommended to apply the composition systematically, following the instructions. Do not forget that clothes must be dry and clean before starting the procedure. The specificity of the composition is the absence of any silicone components.

The average price is 500 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Drycare


  • Price quality;
  • No silicone;
  • Economical.


  • Not detected.

Salamander Universal Sms

The most popular water-repellent impregnation for shoes and clothing. The manufacturer has been operating for a long period of time Russian market and during this time was able to gain enormous popularity among buyers. The multi-purpose composition is in demand due to its reasonable price, practical bottle capacity (300 ml) and excellent results. Numerous reviews praise the impregnation and the ability of the composition to prevent the appearance of water, salt and snow stains on the coating of outerwear.

The product is an excellent solution for any type of clothing: suede, smooth leather, fabrics, and so on. The exception is items made of patent leather. Impregnation "Salamander" is an absolute protection against moisture, which helps maintain the impressiveness of clothes, and is also convenient to apply.

The average price is 250 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Salamander Universal Sms


  • Versatility;
  • Practical cost;
  • Dirt sticks less.


  • Not detected.

Grangers Clothing Repel

The water-repellent composition from the Grangers brand is a high-cost impregnation that will bring excellent results. In this regard, despite the high price, it is in great demand among people who need truly high-quality care for their outerwear. It's no secret that after a while jackets, sheepskin coats and coats become shabby and unpresentable. Various types of pollution, temperature changes and moisture have a bad effect on their condition. Eventually upper layer, which implies protection from moisture, is gradually crumbling. To get rid of this problem, you need to use this tool.

Its peculiarity lies in a specially created formula that ensures the revitalization of the protective layer of outerwear. Impregnation will be an excellent solution for membrane textiles. Application of the product ensures that the material repels dirt and water. The protective layer will increase wear resistance while maintaining a nice appearance.

The average price is 950 rubles.

water-repellent impregnations Grangers Clothing Repel


  • 100% effect;
  • Original formula;
  • With tinting effect.


  • Not detected.

All of the above impregnations are the most effective today, and the principle of their action is almost identical. The main thing to remember is that systematic processing is guaranteed to help preserve clothes and shoes for a very long time.

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All shoes deteriorate from frost, moisture, and snow. Due to these factors, it quickly loses its original appearance. But it can be preserved if you care for it properly. This requires water-repellent impregnation for shoes. Reviews indicate that this product really extends the life of products. You just need to use it correctly.


Water-repellent impregnation is considered an emulsion or solution. It is used to treat boots or boots. The action is as follows:

  1. According to reviews, water-repellent impregnation for shoes should be used immediately after purchasing a pair, while there are no dirt or abrasions on the surface of the item. The product is applied liberally to shoes, the solvent evaporates within a few minutes. A thin water-repellent layer appears on the surface. Its molecules do not disappear anywhere, but reliably protect the surface of the shoe from moisture.
  2. will be not only on the surface, but also inside the fibers. They will have minimal hygroscopicity. The surface repels moisture, so it does not accumulate in the form of drops.


What is the best water-repellent impregnation for shoes? Reviews indicate that there are several such funds. The advantages of using them are as follows:

  1. The material becomes resistant to water and aggressive substances - salt, reagents, pollution.
  2. Its breathability is almost not affected.
  3. No danger to human skin.
  4. After processing, the material becomes elastic, it dries less and retains its attractive appearance for a long time.
  5. Impregnation does not make the fabric heavier.
  6. The material is protected from rapid fading.

The only disadvantage we can highlight is the need to spend time on processing. But the effect is worth it.


Many manufacturers produce water-repellent products. Each of them has its own properties. There are also water-repellent impregnations for shoes. Reviews about them confirm excellent results. The products are available in different forms:

  1. Creams. They are divided into 2 types: thick and liquid. The former are ideal for leather shoes. They are also used on bags and gloves. The composition contains solvent, wax, animal fat, and dyes. Liquid creams are suitable for warm weather. They contain few solvents, and often contain water instead. Such products do little to protect shoes, but they make them shiny.
  2. Spray. The product is considered universal. It is used for various materials, including clothing. The spray is easy to apply and does not require special brushes or tools. It is sprayed on shoes, bags, clothes. Just do not perform the procedure indoors. The spray has a longer shelf life compared to the cream.
  3. Water-repellent impregnations for shoes. Customer reviews indicate that such products differ from creams and sprays. They penetrate deeply into the material. This ensures long-term protection from external influences. To choose the best water-repellent impregnation for shoes, reviews advise selecting it for each specific product. So, for nubuck, a material with fibers, a product with fluorocarbon resin is required. If the shoes are suede, then silicone impregnation is suitable. For other materials, compositions of water repellents will be required.

For leather and suede

Do not confuse such water-repellent agents that are used only for shoes. The consequences may be different. When answering the question about which impregnation is better, you should consider:

  1. Aerosol is suitable for use, but it will not work on suede. It is processed using universal products consisting of fluorocarbon resins. Wax and fat can stick fibers together and damage suede and nubuck products.
  2. For leather products the opposite is true. It is important that the product contains more wax and fat. It is advisable that the composition include seal or goose fat, since they have high penetrating ability.

Silicone impregnations have long been considered the best. Since water flows off the surface after treatment, it is therefore not absorbed. With the help of a protective silicone film, the surface is softly enveloped, but the air exchange will not be worse. The effective effect occurs after 8-9 hours, so treatment is performed in the evenings. The procedure has its own subtleties:

  1. Fluorocarbon resins are being replaced by silicone by many manufacturers. Then the effect of impregnation will be completely different. An invisible film appears on the surface, which, on the one hand, repels water, and on the other, prevents the shoes from “breathing.”
  2. Fluorocarbon resin works differently: its components are distributed between the fibers. If moisture gets on the product, it will be in the form of drops that can be easily removed.

Before purchasing the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. Honest manufacturers always indicate the exact names of the components. According to customer reviews, you should choose only proven products.

Other materials

  1. It is useless to protect fabric shoes from moisture. It is advisable not to wear it in the rain.
  2. It is also useless to extend the life of leatherette shoes. No for this material special means, since it is not able to absorb any substances. A repair shop can improve these shoes.
  3. Membrane shoes need no less attention. Conventional impregnations that are used in the care of natural leather are suitable for it.

What to choose from?

What is the best water-repellent treatment for shoes? Reviews confirm that the most reliable means are:

  1. Woly Sport. This impregnation is presented in the form of an aerosol. It is created on the basis of nanotechnology. Its price is about 400 rubles. Area of ​​use: any fabric, but most suitable for sports shoes.
  2. Olvist. This water-repellent product costs about 250 rubles. It is considered universal, as it is used in the processing of textiles, smooth and fleecy leather.
  3. Water-repellent impregnation for shoes "Salton". According to reviews, it is one of the best in terms of impact. The surface of the product does not deteriorate from moisture.
  4. Textile Protech. Impregnation differs from others in that it is produced not in an aerosol can, but in a bottle with a spray bottle. Almost everything is processed with it - from shoes to covers and awnings. It costs about 1,700 rubles.
  5. Nikwax. The price of this aerosol is about 250 rubles. The manufacturer produces this product for different materials.
  6. Water-repellent impregnation for Futon shoes. According to reviews, it reliably protects the product from moisture. It is enough to apply it according to the instructions so that the material always looks neat.

These remedies are considered the most effective. Their operating principle is approximately the same. Regular treatments will preserve your shoes for many years.

Today, almost every person in our country has things made of genuine leather such as shoes, bags, backpacks, briefcases, outerwear etc.

Since the climate in most of Russia is quite harsh and changeable, and leather products are not cheap, it makes sense to carefully care for them and protect them from various precipitation (snow, rain) and moisture (puddles, dirt).

In this test, we will consider the most popular water-repellent agents (impregnations), sold in well-known retail chains, and affordable.

For the experiment, we chose the most “unprotected” natural leather for water - “crust” drum dyeing. With this type of dyeing, the skins are placed in a special drum, which rotates to ensure uniform penetration of the dye. Additionally, the surface of the skin is not processed or painted.

Basically, in the production of leather products, top-dyed leather is used. It is carried out additionally after drum dyeing, which allows you to give the coating any color, and also additionally protects the surface of the leather from various damages and chemical exposure.

For the test, we selected 11 types of water-repellent agents:

1) "Vito protector" -250 ml. - chain of construction stores "Vimos". Price: 181 rubles.

2) "KIWI Aquastop" -200 ml. - Auchan hypermarket chain. Price: 139 rubles.

3) Water repellent spray"Every day" - 250 ml. - "Auchan" hypermarket chain. Price: 80 rubles.

4) “Dividik” for shoes - 250 ml. - chain store household chemicals and home goods “Rainbow Smile”. Price: 184 rubles.

5) "Silver Premium" - 250 ml. - chain of stores of household chemicals and household goods "Rainbow Smile". Price: 224 rubles.

6) Universal impregnation “Water proof” - 230 ml. - chain of stores of household chemicals and household goods “Ulybka Raduga”. Price: 79 rubles.

7) "Salton Expert" - 250 ml. - Perekrestok supermarket chain. Price: 239 rubles.

8) "Salton Zashchita" - 300 ml. - supermarket chain "Perekrestok". Price: 154 rubles.

9) "Salamander Universal SMS" - 300 ml. - Perekrestok supermarket chain. Price: 279 rubles.

10) "Vister Universal SMS" - 300 ml. - chain of stores of household chemicals and household goods "Rainbow Smile" - 159 rubles.

11) “Shtrikh” - 300 ml. - supermarket chain “O.Kay”. Price: 189 rubles.

12 square pieces of leather were cut.

Eleven were treated with water-repellent agents according to the instructions and one was not treated with anything (serial number “0”). All of them were laid out on the table and numbered, as given above in the text. The samples were treated from a regular spray bottle with plain water.

Number “0” got wet immediately.

By the 10th minute, small specks of wet skin appeared at numbers “1”, “2”, “3” and “9”. Number “6” began to get wet, and “10” got wet all over.

By 20 minutes:

“0” absorbed all the moisture and was almost dry.

“6” - absorbed and also began to dry.

“7” and “8” did not absorb moisture.

“1”, “4”, “5” - small rare spots appeared.

“11” - one small spot appeared.

“2” and “3” - small stains and wet edges.

“10” - moisture has permeated the entire surface of the sample.

By 30 minutes:

“7” and “8” showed excellent results, i.e. they did not get wet at all.

“1”, “4” and “5” - good result - small spots.

“11” - rating “good with a minus”.

“2”, “3” and “9” - the results are satisfactory - quite large spots.

“6” and “10” - fell through - the entire surface got wet.

Sample “0” (an untreated piece of leather) acted as a “moisture absorber” without resisting it at all.

Kiwi Aquastop", "Every Day", "Salamander Universal" and "Stroke" performed mediocre.

LLC "TD Rosgalant"