When a little miracle is born, parents try to look after it and give it their love. Young mothers, among other things, try to dress their child beautifully and comfortably.

The baby does not need a lot of things, since the baby grows quickly and he will not have time to take them all down. A newborn will need baby vests, rompers, blouses and caps. All these things are sold in children's clothing stores. You can also sew them yourself. Let us consider further in detail how to sew a cap with your own hands.

How to sew a cap for a newborn: the advantages of a hand-sewn headdress, creating a pattern

Any mother who cares about her child can sew a cap on her own. Of course, it’s not difficult to buy such a thing in a store. But a handmade hat will suit the child better.

After all, such a thing has a number of advantages.:

  • If you sew the cap yourself, you will save on the purchase. The material for the product is cheaper, and you will not need much fabric at all.
  • Sewing a cap is easy, because there are many examples of pattern patterns online. You can choose any one and make your own changes to make the product perfect.
  • To make the cap unique, you can decorate it with ribbons, guipure, etc.
  • Things created by mother's hands will bring positive energy to the baby. Because mom puts her good strength and soul into the process. The child will be protected from negative impact from the outside thanks to such things.
  • If mom likes this business, then the hobby can develop into a method of earning money. You can make good money by sewing children's clothing.
  • Sewing things yourself is beneficial if the baby was born with a low weight or, on the contrary, with a large body weight. And finding the necessary clothes is problematic, then a headdress adjusted to size will be very useful for a child.

Creating a pattern for the product

In order for the cap to be the right size, you need to measure the volume of your head. This measurement is determined along the circle line in the area of ​​the baby’s forehead, above the ears, and the back of the head. Most often, the size of a baby's head is 35-38 centimeters. To construct a diagram, a measurement is used - the half-circumference of the head volume. For example, LOG = 20 centimeters.

Let's build a pattern. To do this, draw a rectangle ABCD, where:

AB = POG: 4 + 1.5 = 20: 4 + 1.5 = 6.5 centimeters

AC = POG: 2 + 3 = 20: 2 + 3 = 13 centimeters (in the image below the value is 12 centimeters).

The bonnet will consist of three parts (the first two parts and one middle part). To design the two side parts, you will need to set aside a two-centimeter segment on the bisector of the angle ∠AVD. Then, on the line SD, also set aside a segment of two centimeters and on the DA line - 0.5 centimeters. Then connect all these dots and you will get the side part of the children's cap.

Now let's start building the middle part of the cap, which will be on the back of the head and crown. To do this, measure the length of the resulting arc AC1 with a centimeter tape; it will be equal to 17 centimeters (16 cm in the image).

Construct a rectangle ABCD with AD=17 centimeters and DC=8 centimeters. On the segment DS to the left and to the right, set aside 1 centimeter, put points D1 and C1. From point C1 up, set aside another 1 centimeter. Then draw a quadrilateral. The entire baby cap pattern is ready.

How to sew a cap for a newborn: instructions

Before starting the process, prepare your tools and materials. You don't need a lot of fabric for a bonnet. You can even use parts of the material from other clothes.

IMPORTANT: For the bonnet, only materials made from natural fibers should be used. These include chintz, cambric, flannel, children's knitted fabrics, etc. They should be good quality, painted with safe dyes.

The process will also require:

  1. Material, sewing machine
  2. Pattern diagram, threads, suitable color, scissors
  3. Tailor's needles, overlock.

Instructions for sewing the product:

  1. It is advisable to iron it before transferring the pattern to the fabric; it is good if you iron it with steam. This way, the fabric will not shrink after sewing the product.
  2. Now transfer the parts of the cap to the fabric. To do this, lay them out sparingly, outline them with chalk and leave seam allowances. And then cut out the details of the cap.
  3. Baste the side pieces to the middle of the product. To prevent the stitches from putting pressure on the child’s delicate scalp in the future, it is better to do them from the outside.
  4. Sew them with a regular stitch, and then sew them with an overlocker. Then remove the basting.
  5. All that remains is to sew the strings onto the cap and make a edging at the top and bottom of the cap. To do this, cut out the bias tapes.
  6. Then iron these trims with an iron so that they have the desired shape.
  7. Baste the trim to the bonnet and iron it. The product is ready.

The caps can be decorated as you wish. For babies, you can use beautiful lace in the form of ruffles, ribbons and other accessories that are sold in fabric stores as decorations.

Cap for girl for discharge

Beginning needlewomen will find the following tips from experienced craftswomen useful when sewing children's clothes.

  • Use durable material for the cap, because constant washing and ironing will wear out the fabric and then you will have to sew more caps. Try not to choose low-grade materials for children's clothing.
  • It’s important not to choose complex patterns for sewing children’s clothes, and there’s also no need for excessively sticky decoration elements for caps. As mentioned above, hats for newborns will be subject to frequent washing and ironing, and bows and flowers may not withstand such a load. Thanks to these unnecessary details, a child may feel uncomfortable wearing such a hat.
  • Little children grow quickly, so experienced mothers do not recommend sewing too many clothes for their little ones. For a normal existence, it is enough to have three or four caps. After all, after a few months, the item may not suit the child, and it will remain lying on the shelf in the wardrobe, not worn at all.

If you have become happy mom, aunt or godmother, then a pattern for a cap for a newborn will come in handy for you. And you will learn how to make such beauty from our material.

A cap is the baby's first clothing along with baby vests. It is necessary to maintain optimal body temperature, since the fontanel on the head is a vulnerable place, especially to drafts and temperature changes. In addition, this wardrobe item can become a child’s first piece of jewelry.

The cap can be sewn or knitted with your own hands. This could be a great baby shower gift.

The most important thing is the materials from which the cap is made.

These are usually soft, hypoallergenic fabrics; cotton and jersey work well. They allow air to pass through, quickly evaporate moisture and do not chafe the skin. If you choose yarn, then special yarn for knitting children's clothing or cotton threads will do.

We sew in two versions

Master Classtailoring includes two cap options:

  1. Three-piece cap;
  2. The cap is of two parts.

First, you need to take measurements of the child’s head, regardless of the type of cap. You need to know two measurements: the half-circumference of the head and the length from the forehead to the hollow on the back of the head (this is the length of the cap).

Head circumference is measured by the protruding parts of the forehead and back of the head. This value is divided into two - half-circumference of the head.

To work you will need:

  • textile;
  • pattern;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • pencil or piece of soap;
  • sewing machine;
  • lace and trim.

Pattern for a cap made of three parts:

You can print the pattern on a printer or carefully redraw it from the monitor by placing a sheet of paper on it.

The width of the semicircular part is equal to the half-circumference of the head. The length of the second part should match the length of the curved edge of the first part. The second part is the insert between the two halves of the cap.


  1. Cut out the parts from the fabric. To do this, transfer the pattern details to the wrong side of the fabric with a pencil or soap. It should be noted that when sewing a cap, seam allowances are not taken into account: the parts are cut out exactly along the contours.

  1. We sew the side parts from the middle one, making the seams outward, that is, on the front side. This way they won't rub the baby's head. Then they can be decorated with lace. The seams can also be overlaid and folded to make them look neat.

  1. We process the side edges with a strip of fabric. To do this, we wrap the edge of the cap in a fairly wide strip of fabric, fold the edges of the strip and sew everything together.

  1. We also process the bottom edge and continue the strip in two directions as ties.

  1. We sew the ends of the ties several times and cut them close to the seam.

Pattern for a cap made of two parts:


  1. We cut out the parts taking into account the fold line. You should end up with two parts.

  1. Sew the lace to the back of the head. We try to make the seam small.

  1. We combine the seam of the back part with the middle of the side part.

  1. We baste the parts to each other in a circle, and then stitch them on a typewriter.

  1. We slightly tuck the front edges, stitch so that the product fits well and keeps its shape, and sew on a strip of lace.

  1. We sew the inner seam with tape so that it does not rub against the baby’s head.

  1. We sew the ties along the bottom edge in the same way as we did for the three-piece cap. You can use satin ribbon.

It turns out to be a very elegant cap.

Knitted pattern

The cap can also be knitted from soft yarn or cotton threads. Knit cap better crochet, so it will turn out thinner and more delicate. You can knit it both warm and “summer”, from thin threads.

Even a novice needlewoman can cope. The simplest cap is knitted from the back of the head in the round.

Note! You need Iris yarn and a 2-2.5 mm hook.

Circular pattern of a knitted cap:

To begin with, knit a chain of 15 air loops, which is closed into a ring by a connecting post. Next, double crochets are knitted in the circle with additions in each row according to pattern No. 2. As a result, there should be 96 loops in the outermost row.

If you don’t like this type of trim or want the edges to be fuller, you can find and download free lace patterns, you can come up with patterns and make the patterns yourself.

For example, the edges of a cap can be knitted according to the following patterns:

The last final stage is to thread the tape into the first row of trim.

A beautiful and elegant cap is obtained if you knit it with “fans”.

For such a cap you need to take cotton threads (“ Baby cotton") and a 2.5 mm hook. Knitting also begins in the circle, that is, from the back of the cap. We collect a chain of 10-15 air loops and close it into a ring. Next, it is knitted according to the pattern with single crochets and single crochets. The lower edge, i.e. the neck line, is not knitted with rapport.

While the baby is preparing for birth, his mother, as a rule, is creating a wardrobe for the baby. Sewing clothes for a baby will not only in a great way pass the time, but also an opportunity to save money by preparing things with your own hands. Thanks to patterns for newborns, even a novice seamstress can handle sewing miniature caps and baby vests.

Since babies grow very quickly, a new mother should not prepare dozens of things of the same size. In the first month of life, a baby will need 3-4 baby vests, the same number of rompers and two or three baby caps. Bodysuits, scratchies and, of course, diapers will also come in handy.

It’s not difficult to sew all this at home with your own hands. It is enough to arm yourself with sewing patterns for newborns and creative inspiration.

When choosing fabric for a tiny wardrobe, it is important to consider what season the baby plans to be born. Suitable for summer clothes cotton fabric, chintz, calico. Warm outfits can be sewn from flannel and flannel.

When creating a pattern, it is optimal to take measurements directly from the “model”, however, for sewing in future, universal drawings were created. To determine the parameters of the necessary clothing, you can use the table of clothing sizes for a newborn baby.

Construction of a vest pattern

To sew a baby vest for a newborn, you can use a ready-made drawing. However, it is much more interesting to approach the creation of a baby blouse from a creative side. To do this, you will need to create a life-size baby vest pattern.

To create a drawing for a shirt, standard measurements are taken. To find out the width of the future blouse, divide the chest circumference by two and add 8 cm to the resulting number. The length of the product is equal to the distance from the baby’s shoulder to the hips.

Product back drawing

To get a neckline, measure 5 cm down from point A and mark mark E1. To the right of point A, mark F. These two points are connected by a curved line. The resulting feature is the neck line.

To determine the depth of the cutout on the back half, measure 3 cm down from the same point A and put a mark E. It is connected to mark F with the same curved line. Next, draw the armhole of the sleeve. To do this, the chest circumference number is divided by three. The resulting number is measured down from point B. The point is marked as C1.

The length of the sleeve is obtained by laying a straight line from mark B to the right, continuing the segment A B and equal in length to it. The resulting label is B1. From this place downwards the depth of the armhole is measured and B2 is obtained.

At a distance of 4 cm from mark C1, place two points to the right and down and draw a rounded line between them, getting an angle under the sleeve. This is how they draw the back of a baby's vest.

Front and scratches

To draw the front part of the vest, half the CD value is set aside from point D to the left. Mark D1 at the resulting location. A straight line is drawn upward from it, parallel to the side of the rectangle AD, with a length of AD-3cm. The result should be label D2.

Next, draw a new rectangle, the vertices of which will be the marks D, D1, D2 and E. The two corners in the figure (upper right and lower right) are smoothly rounded. This is how a pattern for a baby's vest is created. You can print it on a printer or simply draw it by hand.

The proposed drawing does not take into account scratches, so they should be sewn separately from the vest. To do this, use a simple scheme.

After cutting out the pattern, the details are transferred to the fabric. The element should be sewn by laying the seams on the front side so that they do not cause discomfort to the baby. The parts are fastened using an overlocker, while simultaneously overcasting the craft.

DIY slider diagram

A caring mother can sew not only a vest with her own hands. Patterns for life-size newborns will help you build one like this. important detail wardrobe, like rompers.

You can make a drawing yourself using a universal diagram. The figure shows an example of pants for a baby with a waist circumference of 52 cm. If desired, the dimensions of the product can be adjusted.

Step-by-step instruction:

One-piece baby cap

In the first months of life, the baby will need not only rompers and shirts, but also a hat. A headdress for a baby can be sewn in just an hour. A life-size cap pattern for a newborn will help even a novice needlewoman cope with the task.

To draw a diagram of the cap, you will need to take some measurements from the baby. A tape is applied from the forehead to the back of the head and determine the depth of the future product. Also, the circumference is measured on the most protruding parts of the head.

Draw a diagram based on the main measurement - head circumference. Step-by-step construction of a pattern:

The sides of the bottom square are sewn to the left and right sides of the rectangle. The front part of the product is placed 1 cm and stitched. A ribbon is sewn along the bottom of the cap. When preparing hats for future use, a table of sizes for infants will be useful.

It’s not difficult to sew things for babies with your own hands. To do this you will need basic knowledge of cutting and simple circuits. Thanks to patterns for beginners, Any mother will have the opportunity to dress up her baby in unique clothes.

A cap or bonnet is a cap-shaped cap for a baby. Until recently, every child wore such a headdress. Modern fashion quite evasive. With the advent of new fabrics, the options for hats, scarves, and headbands diversified. But even now, caps are unique, and there is always a suitable one for different situations. For discharge from the maternity hospital - elegant, for wearing at home - simple, for christenings they wear a special one.

In our article we will tell you how to sew a regular cap for a newborn baby. Caps for boys or girls are made according to the same pattern; they differ only in color and the amount of lace in the trim. Using the presented patterns, you can easily sew caps for newborns with your own hands. For all models, the length of the ties is twelve centimeters.

Patterns of caps for babies (excluding allowances):

  • Pattern 1

Sew c two sides of the segment C, D,E . Sew lace along line AB if desired. We cut out the ties from the fabric or cut the ties from the braid. Part E.F. collecting for assembly.

  • Pattern 2

A diagram of the pattern drawing is given (a, b) with explanations (c, d ). A cap for a baby can look like this: we sew finishing lace between the parts, inserting it along line AB.

  • Pattern 3

On the sides, our cap for a newborn can be decorated with embroidery or trimmed with a flower or a boat. The applique will look great.

What we need to sew a cap for a newborn:

1. pattern (draw according to the proposed diagram),

2. fabric (small piece measuring 30 by 30 centimeters),

3. braid or lace for decoration,

4. threads in color.

Choosing fabric

It is better to choose fabric that is not dense or heavy. Chintz and soft calico will work well. You can also use knitwear, but then you need to reduce the pattern.

We can sew such pretty caps with our own hands easily and simply.

Clothes for a newly born baby should be special. Pattern of a cap for a newbornwill help you sew a much-needed piece of your little one’s wardrobe with your own hands.

Caps and caps for a tiny head

The body of a newborn baby is special; it is just beginning to adapt to living conditions outside the mother’s body. And he needs to be helped to develop and grow stronger. A baby born recently needs constant care from adults. The baby needs to be fed on time, cared for and kept hygienic, and dressed in comfortable clothes. For example, bonnets and hats for babies have their own characteristics. They are sewn and knitted from hypoallergenic materials - cotton, linen, viscose or acrylic. To prevent hats from slipping off a child’s head, most often they have ties that allow the cap or cap to be held on the baby’s head.

Pattern of a cap for a newborn should match the size of the head as accurately as possible so that unnecessary folds do not form on the product, which could damage the delicate skin of the baby. By the way, it is for this same reason that all the things that a child wears and that are in direct contact with his body are sewn on the front side with the seams facing out. A cap knitted with knitting needles may not have seams at all, since knitting allows you to obtain the required configuration of the product without them by decreasing and adding loops, as well as knitting several loops into one.

Traditional bonnet

Patterns for children's caps can be different, but a traditional cap is sewn from four parts:

  • occipital part;
  • front stripe;
  • two ties.

You can measure your child's head using a tailor's meter. To build the back of the head, you need to measure the distance from ear to ear and the height of the head from the crown to the beginning of the neck. Using these dimensions, a pattern should be drawn on a sheet of paper, rounding the upper corners so that the cap lies on the head. The front strip is measured from the baby's neck on the head to the neck on the other side. You should also measure the distance from the crown to the forehead. Based on these dimensions, a pattern for the front strip of the cap is constructed, but to fit along the front line, small bevels are made on both sides. Pattern of a cap for a newbornlooks just like the picture.

In this picture:

  • a - half of the rear part;
  • b - half of the front strip with indication of undercuts;
  • c - this is what the back part looks like when unfolded;
  • d - this is what the front strip looks like when expanded.

This pattern can be easily modified by adjusting the individual dimensions of the newborn.

Beauty and comfort

It would seem that a newborn baby does not understand anything about beauty; the most important thing is that he is well-fed, warm, and comfortable. But adults know that it is necessary to teach a child good things from the first days of life. Small things also help with this. The pattern of a traditional cap can be supplemented with sewing - cotton lace. It is sewn, shirring, along the seam connecting the main two parts. Although sewing along the edge of the cap will also look very cute. You can hide the connecting front seam under a satin bias tape, which is used to turn the edge of the product and make ties.

Variations on the theme of a cap

A cap pattern for a newborn does not necessarily mean a cap with ties that fits close to the head. Many parents prefer to dress up their baby in knitted hats and caps. Cotton knitwear is suitable for such hats.

The pattern of such caps for babies is the simplest. You can build it like this:

  • measure the circumference of the baby's head;
  • measure the distance from the eyebrows through the crown to the neck;
  • Divide the circumference of the head in half - this will be the width of the pattern;
  • Divide the second size in half as well - this will be the height of the pattern;
  • based on the data obtained, construct a rectangle, adding 1.5-2 centimeters for the freedom of fit;
  • round the corners to fit the hat on the head;
  • add 5-7 centimeters in length - for a hem that will help adjust

This cap is made from two layers of knitwear for softness. If the hat is two-layer, then the seams are hidden between the layers, and if it is single-layer, then if the baby is very tiny, then it is better to make the seams outward. And if the child already holds his head confidently enough, and his skin is already less delicate, then you can sew the hat according to all the rules - make the seams from the inside out. The pattern should be positioned so that the product stretches in width.

For a cap that will look cute on a baby, after starting to round the corners of the pattern, add an elongated tail. It allows you to adjust the size of the cap if you tie it in a knot without tightening it too much.

The cap pattern looks like this.

Line A-B shows the beginning of the straight section of the cap. When sewing a pattern, do not forget about the hem measuring 5-7 centimeters.

Don't sew it, just knit it

Many mothers and grandmothers, with the birth of their baby, wonder how to sew a cap. But the baby’s first hats don’t necessarily have to be only sewn, they can also be knitted. A cap knitted with knitting needles can be thin and delicate, or maybe a little thicker for cool days. Babies most likely need a cap with a so-called penguin cut. It consists of three parts. The middle toe of the cap protrudes onto the forehead, and the other two cover the ears, protecting the baby from drafts. The knitting pattern for such a hat is unique; it can be easily transformed in size and can be used to create hats for a child of any age.


  • children's yarn (a skein of 50 grams should contain 216 meters of thread);
  • knitting needles No. 2.

Cast on 109 stitches. Knit 1 row facial loops. Then knit as desired - in knit or purl stitch, stockinette or garter stitch - it doesn't matter. But each even row should be knitted like this: 1 edge loop, add 1 crossed from the broach, * 16 loops in the main knitting, 3 loops together with one double broach, 16 loops in the main knitting, 1 add crossed from the broach, 1 loop in the main knitting, 1 added crossed from the broach*, from * to * should be repeated once more, then knit 16 stitches in the main knitting, decrease 3, 16 main stitches, add 1 twisted from the broach. Close all loops at the same time 15 centimeters from the knitting edge. Sew the back seam, then gather all the seams together, like flower petals. From the side toes you can cast on loops, for example, 3 and 3 and knit 14 centimeter long ties using the principle of knitting a cap.

Such a cap can be knitted from colored yarn - you get stripes.

Sewing and knitting things for a newborn baby is fun, because tiny babies are so cute, and in elegant suits created by with loving hands, they look amazing!