Reading speed is tested not only in elementary school. Many speed reading students also ask this question. There are special programs that can help you check your reading speed.

Reading speed can be checked using special programs that can be downloaded on the Internet. A person can test his reading speed at any age.

In this article we will talk about how to check your reading speed.

Most people read between 200 and 250 words per minute. Speed ​​reading is effective speed reading without reducing the perception of the text. The essence of the method is to abandon articulation, that is, the internal pronunciation of the words read.

If you are looking for information on how to test your reading speed, you may be interested in the following information:

Speed ​​reading is a set of text manipulations that can significantly increase the reader’s reading speed without significant loss of understanding of the article read. By the way, it should be borne in mind that there is no clear division between “normal” and “fast” methods of perceiving information for the reason that many readers use reading techniques that are suitable for them.

Basic speed reading tricks

  • Field of view extensions. Special trainings are used (for example, the Schulte table) aimed at increasing the coverage of two or three words or a paragraph with a glance. Thanks to this skill, a reader can cover more information in one fixation of gaze than an untrained one.
  • Formation of the skill of highlighting the main idea of ​​a text, filtering junk information and perceiving only effective and useful information.
  • Elimination of stops, regression, recurrent eye movements. At classical way reading, re-reading is common, and this significantly slows down the speed of reading and reduces the rate of assimilation of information.
  • Suppressing spoken text- development of a new strategy for perceiving the text: . The average reader has the necessary skills for such reading. For example, logos are immediately perceived ("Ford", "Nike", "GM" "Pepsi",). Many familiar words are perceived without audio decoding. At the same time, you should know that little-familiar words need to be read by decoding them into sound images, that is, to articulate the text.
  • Scanning reading. Scanning without focusing on text with low information load.
There are many courses, schools, and methodologies that teach speed reading skills. Most of them are based on the speed reading techniques described above.

Reading speed can be calculated using the formula:


Where V- reading speed (signs/min);

Q- number of characters in the text (volume);

T - time spent reading text, min;

TO - understanding coefficient.

Throughout the entire course of study, when mastering speed reading on your own, you will have to determine your reading speed using this formula. We advise you to register the results of measuring the speed of reading test texts in each lesson in your rough plan on mastering speed reading techniques.

How to determine the amount of text to read

How to determine the amount of text being read? As you already know, we define the volume of text in characters, which means each letter, number, punctuation mark, and each space. between words. The test texts that we will offer you in the book are always accompanied by data on their volume. But you must be able to determine the volume of any text yourself. It's very easy to do. Let's give examples.

How to determine the volume of a book or magazine page? The easiest way is the following. At the end of the book, the so-called output data contains information about its volume in the accounting and publishing sheets. Each registration and publishing sheet contains approximately 40,000 characters. Thus, knowing the volume of the book and the number of pages, you can always count the number of characters on one page.

For example, let's take the textbook Tsvetkov L.A. Inorganic chemistry. – M., 1983. Its volume is 13.1 publishing sheets, number of pages – 206. Volume of one page:

(13.1x40000) /206=2544 characters.

The volume of text in magazines is calculated in a similar way. The number of characters in a newspaper article is calculated as follows. You need to determine the number of characters in one to three lines and take the arithmetic average, then count the number of lines and sum up the total. For example, in the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” there are usually 25 characters in one line. Knowing the number of characters, you can calculate the volume of text:

text volume = 25 x number of lines.

Not enough these days have information approximately and partially. Requirement modern peace - a tenacious mind, good memory, the ability to quickly absorb and process new information.

Expanding the angle of view

Secrets of speed reading

Information not passed through internal filters is an empty phrase. Think about what is important in what you read. How will you remember information when you forget it. For example, I know for sure that I will forget the schedule of official institutions, banks, post offices. Therefore, I made a rule of photographing the institution’s schedule and putting the photos in the computer. Now the remembering process takes place in a couple of clicks.

More emotions while reading! This helps you remember information!

Try to connect the information you read with what you already know. The more you read, the better reader you become. Feed your mind with books.

Reflect the text you read in your mind. Pass the text through internal filters. Form your own opinion. Speak out and get punches and carrots. If you are a shy person, then you can veil your opinion with the words “Oh, they think so.” "And I read that." If they answer you that this is not the correct opinion, then you can laugh together at the “third” from whom you heard the opinion.

In the middle of the long range of the Appalachian Mountains, in southeastern Kentucky, lies a small town called Harlan.

It is located on the Cumberland Plateau, in a wild region where mountain ranges intersperse narrow stripes valleys The width of some of them is such that only a small river and a one-lane road fit there. When the first settlers came to the Cumberland Plateau, the mountain slopes and valleys were covered with impenetrable virgin forests. Giant tulip trees reached 50 meters in height and about two meters in girth. They were surrounded by massive white oaks, beeches, maples, hickory, sycamores, birches, willows, cedars, pines and hemlocks, entangled with wild grape vines. Bears, cougars and rattlesnakes lived in the forests, squirrels frolicked in the treetops, and under top layer The soil was layer after layer of coal. Harlan was founded in 1819 by settlers from the northern regions of the British Isles. In the 18th century they settled in Virginia, and then, in search of new lands, moved west towards the Appalachians.

The county has never been rich. During the first hundred years of its existence, the population rarely exceeded 10,000 people. The first settlers kept pigs on their small farms, grazed sheep on the hillsides, and struggled to make ends meet. We drank whiskey in the backyard. They felled trees and in the spring, when the waters rose, they floated them down the Cumberland River. Up to the 20th century. the nearest train station was a two-day cart ride away. And the road to the neighboring town of Pine Mountain, nine miles north of Harlan, kept becoming impassable.

Sherlock Holmes, in one of his stories, gave the following characterization of memory: “I believe that the human brain is a small empty attic, and you must furnish it with the furniture you choose. They mistakenly think that the room has elastic walls. It determines how soon the time will come to forget what you knew before, with each new arrival of information.” A person's individual experience can be called his memory. Your friends remember one thing, but you remember something completely different. Every memory is different. It’s not for nothing that they say that memory is a distortion of reality, and not its reflection.

With the help of memory we perceive and understand the world around us, we navigate in space, retain and use certain knowledge and skills. A person's loss of memory has always been tantamount to madness.

Memory reaches its highest level of development in humans. No other creature in the world has such mnemonic capabilities as he possesses. Pre-human organisms have only two types of memory: genetic and mechanical. With the help of genetic memory, vital qualities are passed on from generation to generation, and mechanical memory contributes to the acquisition of experience and practical skills. If the organism passes away, life experience disappears with it. Social progress makes it possible to improve the process of memorization in all civilized people, to improve it in the course of familiarization with the achievements of mankind. Scientist P. P. Blonsky proved that motor, affective, figurative, logical types of memory appeared one after another - as humanity developed. Memory is the basis of human mental activity, the basis of development and learning. It plays the role of a link between the past of humanity, its present and future. Without it, it is impossible to understand the basics of the formation of behavior, thinking, consciousness, and subconsciousness.

Richard Feynman, the double drum-playing Nobel Prize winner in physics, was a cheerful man. But one day, during a period that was both difficult and happy, his optimism was seriously tested.

In the early 1940s. Feynman's beloved wife, Arlene, was in the hospital, terminally ill with tuberculosis. The clinic was far away, and Feynman could visit his wife only occasionally, since he was working in the closed city of Los Alamos (New Mexico) on one of the most important programs of World War II - the secret Manhattan Project. At that time, Feynman was not yet famous; he was not entitled to any special privileges. To keep his mind occupied after a day of work and to distract himself from anxiety and boredom, Feynman began to focus on penetrating the deepest and darkest secrets: he began to figure out how to open safes.

Becoming a successful safe opener is not easy. Feynman developed intuition, comprehended the internal structure of locks, trained his hands like a pianist, so that the fingers themselves did what they needed to do in the final stages, when the first numbers of the combination had already been figured out.

Feynman later learned that Los Alamos had hired a professional locksmith - a true expert who could open any safe in seconds. Master right in Los Alamos! Feynman realized that if he managed to make friends with this man, then all the secrets of the safe locks would immediately become known to him. While Feynman was improving his safe-opening skills, he became friends with a professional locksmith. Time passed, one conversation followed another, little by little Feynman moved from routine polite phrases to a discussion of professional issues, trying to penetrate deeper into the secrets of the skill that seemed perfect to him. Finally, late one night, the most valuable detail of secret knowledge became clear to him. The secret was that the master knew the default lock codes set by the manufacturers.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends! I am with you again, Yuri Okunev.

Today we will look in detail at how to count words when testing your reading technique. This is important for those who want to test a child's reading technique or develop their own reading ability. Knowing the reading speed, we can judge the degree of effectiveness of training.

When choosing a text for a speed test, I advise you to first take into account the degree to which this text corresponds to the level of training of the person being tested.

Imagine what would happen if we forced a first-grader to read the Great Soviet Encyclopedia or a fragment of Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” at speed? A brain explosion is guaranteed.

The text should not be too primitive if we are testing a high school student, and it should not be difficult when testing the reading technique of the youngest.

Criteria for choosing a text for students in grades 1-2:

  • First of all, the content must be new and unfamiliar;
  • Legible font, large enough;
  • Simple short sentences, no adverbial phrases;
  • Lack of dialogues;
  • Avoid long adjectives and rarely used words;
  • No drawings;
  • The content must be understandable to the child.

If there is no desire to experiment with the selection of texts, for primary school you can take it Olga Alexandrova's manual, which contains test texts, comprehension questions, and a reading speed test.

Have a stopwatch or hourglass ready.

Reading technique testing session

Here you go. We sat the student down and gave him the text in his hands. We briefly explain that you need to read quickly.

The command “Start!” sounds. The child gathers his thoughts and begins to read (some are quicker, some slower). We note the time as soon as we hear the first word. If we make a mistake, we don’t say it out loud, we write it down. Then we count the number of incorrectly read words. If your child is a student junior classes, it will be useful for him to follow the text, moving his finger or pointer.

Counting words

Let’s quickly count the number of words read, taking into account the following:

  • We also count prepositions and conjunctions;
  • Words that were transferred are considered 2 words;
  • Words with a hyphen are also taken as 2 words.

From the resulting number, subtract the number of incorrectly read words.

There is no need to panic if today your reading speed is 50 words, and tomorrow only 20. This is normal. This indicator can be influenced by both the child’s bad mood, fatigue, and the quality of the text. Check the child again, allowing him to rest for at least a day.

Norms of reading technique in primary grades

First of all, parents are interested in whether their child’s reading technique meets generally accepted standards. To answer the question, I provide a table.

Don't take these numbers too literally - everyone develops at their own pace. Fanaticism is unnecessary here.

I guess that's all. In conclusion, I will add that it is better to teach a child to read and write with the help of Primer by Nadezhda Zhukova, as well as the methods of Olga and Sergei Fedin "How to teach a child to read". The child will learn everything with pleasure, and you will save time.

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And I say goodbye. See you soon. Yours, Yuri Okunev.


The leopard is a species of predatory mammal of the cat family. In ancient times, there was an opinion that the leopard was nothing more than a hybrid of a panther and a lion. It was this assumption that resulted in the name of the animal, combining two Greek words: “leon” (which means “lion”) and “pardos” (which means “panther”).

The leopard is a large cat, but is inferior in size to the tiger and lion. The body of the animal is elongated and muscular. The length of a leopard's tail exceeds half the length of its body. A leopard's legs are strong but short. The paws are wide and massive, but the head is no different large sizes and has a round shape. The leopard has small eyes with round pupils. The leopard has no mane; the whiskers are black or white and reach 110 mm in length. As for the leopard’s body weight and its size, these indicators are related to its geographic area of ​​habitat. Animals living in forests are smaller in size and body weight than their counterparts inhabiting open areas of land.

The fur of an adult leopard is short and fluffy (even in winter period), evenly distributed along the entire length of his body. The coat is quite thick and short. Black and yellow hair on the body of a leopard have different lengths and thickness.

Each leopard has a unique pattern of spots on its body. This feature is very convenient to use for identifying specific animals. This quality can be compared to the uniqueness of fingerprints on human hands. Researchers often take advantage of this feature of leopards to identify individual individuals of the species they are observing in the wild. Leopards themselves use this unique feature as camouflage when hunting.

Black panthers, also known as melanistic leopards, are found in Southeast Asia. However, the color of the panther's skin is not completely black - spots always appear on it. Thanks to the black color of their fur, such animals are successfully camouflaged in forests. Most often, such species are found on the island of Java.

Among leopards there are hybrids - such as leopon. Leopon is a hybrid resulting from crossing a male leopard with a female lion. The existence of the leopon was first officially confirmed in Kolhapur in India at the beginning of the 20th century. Appearance Leopona is also quite interesting. Its head is shaped more like a lion's. All other parts of the hybrid's body are more similar to the body of a leopard.

The leopard is a solitary animal, leading a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. These animals can easily adapt to any living conditions. They can live in forests and mountains, as well as in deserts. The areas of their individual habitat can vary from 8 to more than 400 km2 - it all depends on the terrain and the availability of food for the animal. The modest size of the leopard does not prevent it from successfully hunting large prey - their victims can sometimes weigh up to 900 kilograms.

On Sunday afternoon on Primorskaya Square, Papa Carlo, as always, began to twist the handle of an old organ-organ. The sounds of a song flowed, known to both big and small: I was a log, I became a boy, I got a smart book. This is very good, even very good! Malvina sold tickets, Pierrot and Artemon helped the audience find their seats. This was the same Molniya theater that Pinocchio and his friends discovered when they opened the secret door with a golden key and went down the steep stone stairs. Now the theater stood on Primorskaya Square, and a long line of boys and girls stretched to the box office, wanting to watch a funny comedy about how a wooden man managed to outwit the evil Karabas Barabas.
The old puppet theater of Signor Karabas Barabas was located in the same square. It also opened, but the hall was empty, only three people bought tickets, and even then they were visitors.
After all the puppet performers fled to Papa Carlo's theater, Karabas Barabas recruited a new troupe. Fox Alice became a cashier. The leech seller Duremar performed on stage with trained frogs and a choir of toads called the Quactet. Basilio the cat was originally a white mouse tamer. But for some reason, all the artists quietly (one after another) disappeared. Now he was paired with a very famous person - the rat Shushara. Once Artemon almost strangled her, but Shushara recovered and became even angrier, so the tamer was even afraid of her.
However, there were plenty of mice and rats, toads and frogs in the city of Tarabarsk. And residents preferred to go to Papa Carlo's theater. Karabas and his friend Duremar once tried to destroy the hated Molniya theater. By a lucky mistake, the bomb exploded next to the theater, and except for a few small holes in the canvas tent, it was not damaged.
There will be no second explosion.
Late in the evening of the same Sunday, a gloomy Karabas sat behind the scenes of his theater in front of a cold fireplace. Soon Alice the fox and Basilio the cat came to the kitchen. Behind them, trying to stay in the shadows, is Duremar, the culprit of the unsuccessful explosion. Karabas Barabas looked at them angrily and barked:
- A thousand devils! We must look for a way out. Otherwise we will die of hunger!
“Exactly,” confirmed the cat Basilio.
And then Alice the fox suggested:
- What if we try to take away the theater from Carlo, so to speak, legally? A new judge has now been appointed to the city. Let's turn to him. He will consider the complaint and, of course, will take the theater away from some organ grinder without a diploma and give it to you - the respected doctor of puppet science, holder of the highest orders, the closest friend of the Tarabar King - Signor Karabas Barabas!
- And what?! This is a thought. We must try,” the director perked up. That's what they decided on.
Where can I get gold coins?
A few days later, the postman brought Papa Carlo a summons - a summons to appear in court. The old man was very surprised, but carefully cleaned his suit and went to the indicated address.
In the spacious courtroom, on a special dais, sat the judge, very important and strict. On his head was a black velvet cap with a tassel, a robe hung from his shoulders, and a heavy bronze chain glittered around his neck. It was immediately clear that it was impossible to argue with such a gentleman. In front of the judge, on a long bench, sat Karabas Barabas with his company. Poor dad Carlo immediately felt uneasy.
The meeting began immediately. The judge asked the organ grinder the first question:
- Tell me, my dear, how you became the owner of the Molniya Theater. Did you build it yourself or buy it? Was it given to you or bequeathed to you? And do you have a stamped paper confirming the fact of construction, purchase, donation or will?
Papa Carlo was confused.
“No,” he answered, “I don’t have such paper, your honor.” We found our theater in the basement...
“So the Molniya Theater doesn’t belong to you,” the judge snapped.
- He's mine, he's mine! - Karabas Barabas, who jumped up from his seat, screamed triumphantly. - I am a doctor of puppet sciences...
But the judge interrupted him:
- Do you, my dear, have such a paper?
“No,” Karabas was dumbfounded.
“Everything is clear,” the judge concluded. - The Molniya Theater does not belong to any of you. He is the king's property. But in the coming days you can buy it back for a thousand gold coins. The one who brings them first will receive ownership of the theater.
The judge stood up to indicate that the meeting was over.